HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-05-18; City Council; 3660; Federal Aid Urban (FAU) Program-Modification of FAU Selection ProcessCLTY OF_CARLSBAD (�•/ AGENDA BILL NO. SL4,9 Initial - DATE: May 18, 1976 Dept.Hd,—f,,, C. Atty. . DEPARTMENT: Public Works Administrator C. Mgr. Subject: FEDERAL AID URBAN (FAU) PROGRAM - MODIFICATION OF FAU v SELECTION PROCESS Statement of the Matter County Department of Transportation and CalTrans request we support a modification of the membership in the Thoroughfare Advisory Committee (THAC) by including -as voting members, thdt'North County -Transit District (NCTD).and the Metropoli- tan Transit Development Board (MTDB). CalTrans also asks that we support a modification of the approval process by eliminating the step requiring fipal program approval, of the Board of Supervisors. Exhibit 1. Staff Report Recommendation The City Council by minute motion approve and instruct the City representative to THAC to support: A. The inclusion of NCTD and MTDB as voting members of THAC and; B. That the approval process be modified to approve the project list prior to transmittal to CPO. Council action 5-18-76 The Council approved and instructed.the`City's representative to THAC to support the inclusion of'NCTD and MTDB as voting members of THAC and that the appro'val process be modified to approve the peoJect list prior to transmittal to CPO. MEMORANDUM May 4, 1§76 TO: City Manager FROM: Public Works Administrator SUBJECT: Federal Aid Urban (FAU) Attached are two letters, one from the County Department of Transportation (Exhibit A) and one from CalTrans (Exhibit B). Both ietters ask that. we support a modification of the member- ship in the Thoroughfare Advisory Committee (THAC) by includ- ing as voting iembers,.the North County Transit District _.,JNCTD) established by SB=802 and, the Metropolitan Transit FDevelopment Boara(MTDB) established bjf SB-101. The CalTrans letter goes on to suggest that we support a modification of the approval process by eliminating the step requiring final program approval of the Board of Supervisors. The present FAU process (Exhibit C) does not provide for membership of the two new transit agencies. It does provide for the County to approve of the project list twice, One, as a local government agency participating in the FAU process and a second time as a review board approving the actions of all the other local agencies. This in effect gives the Board of Supervisors veto power. CalTrans points out that there is nothing requiring Board of Supervisors approval other than our own procedures. They further suggest that we eliminate this second approval step as a means of minimizing "red tape". I concur in that recommendation. Exhibit "D" shows the process as proposed by CalTrans. Exhibit "E" sets forth the basic FAU process. Section IV of Exhibit "E" outlines the project selection procedure. It does contain the requirement that Transit agencies hq,,- _ representation. It does not contain the requirement -that the Board of Supervisors Five project list approval other than as a participating local government. Concurrence with the wishes of the majority are insured by the process described in Section IV of Exhibit "E". Specifi- cally, the program must be apprc•,ed by the cities with popu- lations exceeding 200,000, by cities representing a majority of the population and by a majority of the cities within the area. City Manager May 4, 1976 Page Two Recommendation: it is my recommendation that .the City Council approve and instruct the City representative to TFi4C to support: a. The inclusion of NCTD and MTDB as voting members of THAC £ind; b. That the, approval process be mol'itied to eliminate the need -'for the Board of Supervisors to approve the project list'prior to -transmittal to CPO. Eo-nald A. Beckman Public Works Administrator RAB/wv Attachment - _ COUNTY OF SAN [OGO - :'' a 1 MASS""A D=t. DEPARTMENT OF TIZANSPORTATION Oltice,of COMMUNITY SERVICES AGENCY County Ergineet& RoadCommi„ioner County 3utveyor Covnlr Crporb April 21, 1976 TO: All Member Agencies, Thoroughfare Advisory Conxlittee Attention: City Manager FROM; Chairman, Thoroughfare Advisoiy-Committee LUBACT: Added Membership on Thoroughfare Advisory Committee lldq 2. 3333 Overland Ave, sin Diego, cohlwno 92123 Telephone; 1714), 3e3-3171 Preparation of the San Diego Federal Aid Urban Program is a regional process. Procedures in this CG.nrv.y;,rd prepared subject to state guidelines which designated the County as lead agency in developing a cooperative process. Passage of Senate Bills 602 and 1.01 created two now transit agencies which legitimately should impact the process, Senate Bill 802 created the North County Transit Development Board, which is now in the process of assuming operation of the Oceanside bus system, Senate Frill 101 created the San Diego Metropolitan Transit Development Board and gave it direct assignment relative to the process. On April 1, 1976 CALTRANS•tranamitted a request to the Thoroughfare Committee suggesting that the Board of Supervisors invite the two new agencies to become members of the Thoroughfare Advisory Comittee. On April 15, 1976 the Thoroughfare Advisory Committee approved the concept and requested that action be taken to implement these additions. The eticting approved procedures allow fur tileic modification by the Board of Supervisors on request of the Thoroughfare Advisory Comm teo or a member agency thereof. Following local. approval of any modifications, the County would submit them to the State Director of Transportation for approvals at the state level. It is the recommendation of the Thoroughfare Advisory Committee that the San. Diego Metropolitan Transit Development Board and the North County Transit Develop- ment Board be invited to become members of the Thoroughfare Advisory Committee. The Federal Aid to Highways Act of 1976 is expected to be signed by the President, possibly by the time you can act on the letter. 1t is timely to continue the Federal A1d,Urban rating project without lost motion. The committee therefore requested that a similar message be sent to all other member agencies simul- taneously in order to expedite the processing of this modification. >;jimTA 1 of 2 Member Agencies Thoroughfare Advisory Committee --2- .April 21, 1976 It now appears reasonable to expect that final revisions in Federal Aid Urban prioritizing processes will continue to use the modified Thoroughfare Committee as a prioritizing group. Please present this request to your Council for review and notify the Thoroughfare: Committee of its action. The "a.:.d of Supervisors has been notified of the request of the Thoroughfare Committee to transit this request to.all members simultaneously in order to expedite .processing. S'his ctialc hasbeeninitiated as a direct result of action by -the Thoroughfare Advisory Committee. J. DIASSMAN airaan, Thoroughfare Advisory Committee RJM:RDT:mh:prm cc. Thoroughfare Advisory Committee Representatives Mr. J. Gzkema, CALTRANS, Attn: Ed Xubichek Chief Administrative Officer Assistant CAO-Community Services Agency San Diego Metropolitan Transit Development Board North County Transit Development Board San Diego Transit Corporation nX1161T A 2of 2• STATE or CAEIrORNIA.-EUSINESS'AN0 +RANSOTATION AGENCY LDMUND G BROWN JR.,r Cov:rnor .9arc¢ra.�aa--..�*•sr,...�a' -- �+ x-.zsti - - _�.._.._r"'r=as--mat DEPARTMENT Of iRANSPORTA110N - DISTRICT il, RO. EOX E4106, JAN DIEGO 9219E 44, April 1, i976 FAU Program RECEIVED - Mr. Ronald A. Beckman _APR _ 2 1976 Director of Public Works, - City of Carlsbad CITY OF CARLSBAD ,200 Elyd-Avenue. _ _, y En$(neering Department arlsbad, CA 92008 .Dear Mr. Beckman: r SUBJECT: Suggested Changes in Procedures for Administering the Federal -Aid Urban Program. our role in administering the Federal -Aid Urban Program is shown on the attachment. As can be seen, the State must insure that FAU procedures must be in accordance with applicable laws. Since it locks as if a new Federal -Aid Highway -Bill will soon be enacted (quite possibly with required procedural changes), and since there is new state legislation, we must ask the Committee to revise the FAU process. In the revised process, consideration should be given to changes bet:ause of the "Transportation Improvement Program (T.I.P.)," the "Annual Federal -Aid Program" requirements.under Title 23, Section 105, U. S. Code, probable changeover to "Certification Acceptance" under Title 23, Section 117, U. S. Code,'California Senate Bill No. 101 creating the San Diego Metropolitan Transit Development Board, and California Senate Bill No. 802, creating the North San Diego County Transit Development Board., Since your Committee is recognized -as the authorized body to process all Federal -Aid Urban Funds allocated to the Urbanized Area, we would suggest that you request the San Diego County Board of supervisors (as Lead Agency) to invite the S. D. M. T. D. B. and N. C. T. D. B. to become members of the Thoroughfare Advisory Committee. The new members would thus become instrumental in revising the txistinq procedures. We further suggest that the revised committee consider which steps in the existing procedure are absolutely necessary because of Federal and State Law, which steps are desirable from an adminis- trative standpoint, and which steps can we eliminate. This subject I: HIBIT B 1 of 2 . 2 was discussed at the February 27, 1976, meeting of the Statewide Uxban System Advisory. Committee. That Committee suggested that Local Committees review their procedures with the idea of taking positive action to update existing processes to incorporate all existing laws and administrative policies necessary and yet reduce internal steps and thus maintain enough flexibility to oFerate with a minimum of "Red Tape." one possible process is shown on the attached -chart. San Diego has been the Statewide_ leader in matters relating to the F.A.U. Program. Your recent discussions on changes to keep up -with all -the latest legislation indicates --to us that you intend tto continue to Yead in this area. indicates-"to you for this attitude. t Sincerely, Jacob Dekema District � Director of Transportation,' By Owl R. N. Clark Deputy District Director r RNC/FW/mw Attachments cc: EAKubichek Exhibit B 2 of, 2 1 I.W �UUUU 0 VrloUMT PRtaRIT�f . _5o0RCL RATMG AFFRWaL M Wts-r . —-•-.__.._.,-.-_....� a�?t°N' JiPP, RauA�. ..AFRO°aL,• _ . .•�A�,twa:.'.'• RPPaouA[. Existing FAU Process , This process Has prepared in conformance With State guide7.ines ` and approved by CALTMNS and all local agencies, 9 . y, arc t-rtN A 11",90VAc. r n APPR OLr l�l'r �� N,, l:u�►a . tti'lf 5 CITIES ' touts tY CAUNTV- 5-fRTE KuAZY15 AtiVISORY �Mti,►� scr� 'h1o�o0C�Il�!RE nc�15fl2j `STRTE CPo: � cr�L +us PRICg►T`� C'00htltEE, I�wfr NCT4D I n e h1Tt)$ Ohl?D8 ^ x S8 !O1 /�e�d/rts NiTO� f-f - steJG�f4':'A"v�ts �1:i�iAI1�s � ,DUI/�c�i61tO•1 /H CODper�i+on W riff S/aaFi'$ t�cx( /p,�e.1Clea REVISED FAU PROCESS This process would meet .the requirements ot; SB 201 and SB 802 and conform with State and Federal tluidelines. I THE ROLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN THE FEDERAL -AID URBAN PROGRAM I. SYSTEM 0 URJANI�E`,AJE�s OV 50,000 POPULATION) MUST HPVE SYSTEM 0 URBAN AREAS (5,000 TO 50,000 POPULATION) MAY HAV SYS;( � PROVIDED'$TATE RECOMMENDS APPROVAL (23 U,S.C, 10 (D)i.L�) E 0 -Bk1O�DNDARfES ARE 1970 -CENSU4 TRACT —BOUNDARIES UNLESS FQRMg LY C%NGED)BY UAL RESOLUTION AND APPROVED I3Y STATE (2 Ct 1, .204 0 ROUTES SHALL BE SELECTED BY Ea(T-R LOCAL.OFFIC_A WITH THE gCONCURR4RENCE OOFF ,STATEUlL , AND,IN URBANIZED AREAS WITH THE KI}'A)AL("l U�S.I., IllXD 11PLANNING ACE, II, APPORTIONMENTS 0 STATERS SHARE j;TERMINED Q�1 TNF SIS OF THE 1970 URBAN POPULATION ( 3 U.S.C. 1U4�BNI APPROPRIATES FAU FUNDS TO STATE HIGHWAY ACCOUNT 0 CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY COMMISSION (CHC) ALLOCATES FEUNDS TO URBAN AREAS IN ACCORDANCR' WITH FOgMUtl,AS APE gQ, BY FHWA (CALIFORNIA �JEO.g!$AN1�85ULATI.ON BASIS) lJ. 25 ?S, S. & H. CODE, AND III. IMPLEMENTATION M " 0 FED RAL POLICY RANSPORTATIOND(2QO�E UfTESSTQ)BE DEVELOPED BY SECRETARY OF 0 �TATE POLICY RANSPORTATJj qNNWITHOGUIDANC,,EURE OBE FROMDTHELQQP��IC�Y-DIRECTOR )RB%SY07 COMMjjj (14 M MBF�RS QPPOINTAI BY THEIIEVCRNOR� ($. 5 � AND 1SSj7 , S. & IL.ODE) EXHIBIT E 1 of 3 IV. PROCESS TO SELECT PROJECTS • IN URBANIZED AREAS, THE SELECTION PROCESS MUST BE PART OF A CONTINUOUS AND COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING EFFORT,AT THE RCTNCOOPERATIVELY LEVEL, BYRESP$I6L�;LOSQ�DQFICIALS �C. �AN� • DETAILED, •WRITTEN PROCESS FOR URBANIZED AREAS MUST BE APPROVED BY: - CITIES OVER 200,000 POOULATION (23 U,S.C. 15O) - CLTI_ES REPRESENTING A-MAJORIT-Y OF THE POPULATION WITHIN THE AREA MAJORITY OF THE CITIES WITHIN THE -AREA BY H�DLATTERVISORY TTCOMMITTEE)REQUIIgEMEATS MADE BY CALTRANS UPON MOTION - REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION PLANNING AGENCY (23 U.S.C. 134) - DIRECTOR OF TRANSPORTATION (23 U.S.C. 105 AND 134) • TRANSIT AGENCIES TO HAVE REPRESENTAjI0 jN THE SELECTION PROCESS (URBANIZED ONLY) (23 U.S.G. 14L) • ECHNICAL ARpVISORY COMMITTEE, IF FORMED, MUST INC UDE ALIFORNIA ll PABBTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (CALTRANS) (CALTRANS P7�+-1/) V. PROGRAM OF PROJECTS • �40�gAANDP@ OQITYREGIONAL ANDLIST OF JIRANSITHPROJECTSCOVER MUSTSBE3-74, LISTED BY /NAM/E, LOC^,+ PROJECTS MAu BE GRQQ P D AND 1 D NOT BE NAMED (CALTRANS P74-17 INTERPRETING l l�.$.C, 1� AND 134) • PROJECT SELECTION SHALL FOLLOW APPROVED "PROCESS"` (CALTRANS P74-].7) • IN U BANIZED REAS, PROGRAM MUST BE APPROVED BY THE RIPS, (23 l�.S.C. 10�) • ALL PROGRAMS TO BE REVIEWED BY THE SI{lI.E Tg6npoRTATION PLOARD(j0 OggRE$COIFHRMCNOCDE)WITH THE STATE TRANSPORTATION • ALL PROGRAMS 0 $ APPROVED BY THE CALIF0U= HIGHWAY Co( IS5H, $. & H ODE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS OF 1 .C. 165) NOTE: tHE ESSENTIALLY HAS VETO POWER ONLY; IT CANNOT ADD PROJECTS OR ALTER PRIORITIES EXCEPT BY ELIMINATION OF PROJECTS. EXHIBIT E 2 of 3 VI, PROCESSING -INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS • SUBMITTAL OF PLANS, SPEC TE ICATIONS AND ESTIMATE TO FEDERAL {jl H�IAS,ADMIN6 TRATION, AWA) TO BE THROUGH STA • IIPIIROJllE11CT AGREEMEN ' ETWEEN FHWA AND ,STATE IS REQUIRED (23 U,S,C. 110 AND'111� • HAS POW R TO SELECT PROJECTS FOR FEDERAL FINANCING -, S, C, 149) 'DOES NOT APPLY TO FAU PROGRA74) • S ;MUST j4RTIEY COMPLIANCE ,WITH FEDERAL EEO REQUIREMENTS • iTATE MUST CSE T FY CApMP IANCE WITH.REAL PROPERTY ACQUISITION P LLICIES _ �, ,C, 1M AND RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (�S U,S,C, 502) r • STATE MUST SUPERVISE CONSTRUCTION (23 U.S.C, 114) = m Exhibit E 3 of 3