HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-06-15; City Council; 3682; CASE NO. MP-149 A - LA COSTA MASTER PLAN LA COSTA LAND COMPANY AND CITY OF CARLSBADb e CITY OF CARLSDAD * Initial:- Dept. €Id - @ AGELDA BILL ~0.36 fL '3 OC* C. AttyE Mgr. DATE : June 15, 1976 DEPARTMENT: PLANNING Sub j ect : APPLICANTS: 9 CASE NO. MP-l49(A) - LA COSTA MASTER PLAN LA COSTA LAND COMPANY AND CIfY OF CARLSBAD Statement of the Matter La Costa Land Company has requested approval of an amendment to thei Master Plan (MP-149) on 3600 acres in southeast Carlsbad. The Ci'ty acting as applicant on an additional 400 acres zoned Planned Communi in La Costa, which have approved subdivision maps. The Planning Commission heard the matter on May 19, 1976, and is i-ec mending approval of the Master Plan Amendment (Planning Commission R lution No. 1253 attached). During its deliberations, the Commission was informed by staff of th relatiqnship between the Master Plan and the new Planned Community ( .zone given preljminary approval by the City Council on May 18, 19'76. particular, the Commission was informed that the Master Plan's treat of Public Facilities was not as complete as required by the new P-C It was the Commission's feeling that more complete coverage of Publi Facilities can be best handled after the City has developed guidelin for imp7ementing the Public Facilities reporting requirements of the new P-C zone. The Commission felt that Condition #2 of its Resoluti quirement, gives the City sufficient control of the situation until guidelines are developed. Exhibits: Planning Commission Resolution No. 1253 Master P1 an Text Staff Report of May12 , 1976 City Manager's memo of June 11, 1976 Recommendation: See City Manager's memo dated 6-11-76. No. ~1253, combined with the 'annual 'and triannual Master Plan review t _- . - Council. action 6-15-76 The matter was referred back to the Planning Commission w' request that it be reconsidered and a report returned on 1 approval of a partial amendment to the existing La Costa ! Plan to allow selected developments to continue processinc current with revision of the proposed Master Plan to canfl with the new Planned Community Zone Ordinance. - . 2 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. li53 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION 31 41 OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, RECOMMENDING TO PLAN AMENDMENT FOR 4026 ACRES LOCATED ON i THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION OF THE MASTER SAME PROPERTY AS APPROVED BY ORDINA!!<ES 9322 AND 9376 AND CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 3183. CASE NO.: MP-l49(A} 10 l1 WHEREAS, a verified application for a certain propcrtj shown on the attached map has been filed with the City of C l2 1 bad and referred to the Planning Commission; and 14/ 15 j provided by Title 21 of the "Carlsbad Municipal Code"; and WHEREAS, the public hearing was held at the time and - 'GI l7 " " ** *' 22 23 24 25 26 I place specified in said notice on May 19, 1976; and WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and con: ing the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons whc *sired to be heard, &aid Commission considered all facts re1 to the Master Plan found the following facts and reasons tc I) The proposed Master Plan amendment is consistent with I General Plan because: a) Residential densities and locations, and the locz of commercial, park and open space uses are consi with those of the Land Use Element; b) The Circulation System proposed conforms in local and design with the Circulation Element; I 27 c) Other programs and policies have been included ir proposed Master Plan which implement the other e' of the General Plan and policies conta.ined there' These i ncl ude: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 " e e I I) Sign program; 2) A Parks Program and Parks Improvement F 3) Phasing Program; 4) Geotechnical Safety Program. 2) The proposed Master Plan Amendment has complied with 1 quirements of the Carlsbad Environmental Protection Or because: a) An Environmental Impact Report, EIR-307, has beer fied by the City Council in connection with a Ger Plan Amendment for the project area on April 27, b) The project entails no new environmental impacts considered in that EIR; c) The project does not significantly differ from th sidered in that EIK; and d) The mitigation measures for Environmental Impacts fied by EIR-307 have been incorporated as conditi the amended Master Plan. The prcposed Mastzr PI;; ,?zcr;d~~~t coafcrcs with thc! C Public Facilities Policy because: ' 'j I 14 7 4 16 17 I' 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a) All public facility service agencies have indicai their ability to provide services concurrent with needs generated by the Master Plan. b) The phasing plan of the project will allow the ci program capital improvements to provide pub1 ic fa ties as needed to serve the anticipated service d The proposed Master Plan Amendment is not a static doc and will be reviewed and amended during the life of th Master Plan toGensure that development of the La Costa munity occurs in conformance with the City's policies a) The Master Plan document includes provisions for annl;al information status report on the progress the Master Plan's programs and a formal review of document every three years. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commiss 3' 4) ' the City of Carlshad as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. B) That a Master Plan Amendment is approved for 4026 acre of the City limits, and the deletion of existing Haste located on the east side of El Camino Real, north and I ,I -7.. 1 2 3 .4 5 6 7 81 1 i I Plans for the same property as approved by Ordinances No. 9322 and 9376 and City Counc-il Resolution No. 3183 and is subject to the following conditions: 1) The approval is granted for the land described in application and any attachments thereto. ,Develop within said land shall occur in conformance with exhibits, plans, cbjectives and policies included 81 the Master Plan document submitted labeled Exhibi dated May 15, 1976. I 2) Following final adoption by the City Council of a vised P1 anned Communi ty Zone (ZCA-80), no subdi vi map, site development plan, or other application the amended Master Plan area shall be accepted bj Secretary of the Planning Commission until it car l2 revised P-C Zone. 1 13 /I I 14 15 16 1’ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I quired with ~ppl i c;ti;ons fcjr zny de-JelopmzKt ;:?ti the project area. These supplements shall conta- the following: - Detailed soil and geologic i’nvestigations: - Detailed archeological investigations; - Detailed biological surveys; - Mitigation measures and alternatives for all ir pacts which may affect significant resources; - Discussions of impacts attributable ‘to the devt which have not been adequated addressed in EIR- 4) The original Master Plan for La Costa (Ordinance 9322 and 9376) and the Kratter Master Plan (MP-1: City Council Resolution No. 3183) shall become v( concurrent with the effective date of the Master Amendment. ’ 5) Approval of this Master Plan Amendment indicates acceptance by the City Council of a general scher development for the property. It does not guara that individual developments within the Master P will be evaluated in accord with Munic.ipa1 Ordin and Policies in force at the time of plan submit Approval and construction of an individual devel boundary wi 11 be -approved. Individual developme 26 27 28 under this Master Plan will not vest any develop rights in the balance of the Master Plan area,, I I I -3- ,I -. 1 3 3 4 e e 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular-meeting of t City of Carlsbad Planning Commission held on May 19, 1976, the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Watson, Jose, Fikes, L'Heureux and Larson. zi 7 8 9 NOES : None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioners Nelson and Dominguez. 10 I 11 l2 Stephen M. L'Heureux, Chairma ATTEST: ?3 I' 14 l5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 & ff? Donald A. Agatep, Secrkry 1 ', 4 I 28 I -4- I I 0 0 @I 4 -_ 0 '7 -6 SCA L MAP DRAWN BY CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPT FROM DATA PROVIDED BY RECON OF 5620 FRIARS RD. SAN DIEGO FOa THE LA COSTA MND COA 'e ,e I M E 14 0 R A N D U M - May 19, 1976 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: .. LA COSTA. MASTER PLAN AMENDI'IENT ' - The La Costa Master Flan docurnent/s.taff'report is a fairly complex package. Staff suggests that-in reviewing the pack- age, the Commission may ilish to start by leafing through the document and -- then reading the staff report. The document can then be studied in detail for its content. AM: cpl * .. -_ *_ a. . *- 8. .. * *e 0: _. / r L c CITY OF CARLS-BAD P LAN N I N G D E P A RTM E N T STAFF REPORT .. May 12; 1976. . TO: .P LAN N 1 N G C 0 MM I S S I 0 N. FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT . CASE. : MP-149 (A) APPLICANT: LA COSTA LAND CO. CITY OF CASLSBAD (ESTATES NORTH AND VALE AKEA Approval of a Master Plan for Various Land Uses on REQUEST: 402G acres in Southeast Carlsbad. -____ RECOMMENDATTON: because of the follclwing f-indings and subject to tile following .conditions; Staff recommends that MP-174 be .APPROVED 3 . FINDINGS: -_ . 1) General Plan Consistency: The proposed Maste.r Plan *_ amendment is consistent with the General Plan because: a) Residential densities and locations, and, the locatfons of commercial, park.and open space uses are consis tent with those of the Land Use Element; b) The Circuaation System proposed conforms in c) Other pr0grani.s and policies have been included in the proposed Master Plan which implement the other elenien of the General Plan and policies contained therein. These i ne1 ude: ' .location and design with the Circulation Element; .. 1) Sign program; 2) A Parks Prcgrain and Parks Improvement Program; 3) Phasing Program; * 4) Geotechnical Safety Program. ,. .. -a (r!- 2) Environmental Protection: The proposed Master Plan Amendment has cornpl icd with th2Tquirements of the Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance. because: a) An Environmental Impact Report, EIR-307, ha? be certified by the City Council in connection with a General P Amendment for the project area on April 27, 1976; b) The project entails no new environmental impacts not considered in that EIR; c) The project does not significantly differ from d) The mitigation measures for Environmental Impact identified by ETR-307 have been incorporated as conditions o the amended Master Plan. 3) - Public Facilities: The proposed Master 21an Amendm conforms with the City's Public Facilities Policy because: ' considered in that EIR, and a) All public facility service agencies have indica their ability to provide services concurrent with needs generated by the Master Plan. b) The phzsing p1.n of the project wii1 aliow the C to program capital imcrovements to provide public facilities as needed to serve the anticipated service demands. CONDITIONS: 1) The approval is granted for the land described in t application and any attachments thereto. Development wi thir said land shall occur in conformance with the exhibits, plar objectives and policies included in the Master Plan document submitted labeled Exhibit A, dated klhy 15, 1g7tj. 2) Following final adoption by the City Council of a revised Planned Community Zone (ZCA-80), n-o subdivision map. site development plan, or other application within the amen( Master Plan area shall be accePted by the Secretary of the Planning Commission until it can be determined that the app' cation is consistent with the provisions of the Planned Community Ordinance. If appropriate, the applicant shall a] for an amendment and the City will hold necessary hearings on an' Amendment to the Master Plan to insure conformance wi. the revised P-C Zone. -. -2- . i. 0 0.. '. r - 3) The submit'tal of supplements to EIR-307 shal.1 be required with applications- for any development within the project area. These supplements shall contain the following: - Detail soil and geologic 'investigations; - Detailed archeological investigations; - Detailed biological surveys; -Mitigation measures and alternatives for all impacts wh may affect significant resources; ., - Discussions of impacts attributable to the developmen. which have not been adequately addressed in EIR-307. 4) The original Master Plan for La Costa (Ordinance 932 and the Kratter Master Plan (14P-128; CC Resolution 3183) shal become void concurrent with the effective date of the.Naster Pl an. 5) Approval of this Master Plan indicates acc,ept,ance by the City Council of a general scheme of development for tt property. It does not guarantee that individual deve1opmen.t: within the Master Plan boundary will be approved. Individual dzti27 cpm2nts 1;;i 1 ? be e\:al ua ted' i I! accord n7: th MLIr!i ci c31 . Ordinances and Policies in force at the time of plan submitt; Approval and construct'ion of an individual development under this.Master Plan will.not ve.st any development rights in the balance of the Master Plan area. Existing Zoning: Subject Property: p--c North: P-C and A-3'(8) (County) South: Eas-t:. PRD, R-I, 11, LC & E-I-A (county) ~-1(8), LC (County); P-c (City) P-C, R;1-7500 and C;-1 (C1ty.j Westh A-1-8, E-1-A, C (County); f, q\&) Existing Land Use: Subject Property: Vacant, with some abandoned dry--fdr.mi and marginal grazing North: . Vacant and agriculture South: Vacant and agriculture East: Vacant, agriculture and Minimal urban uses Nest: Batiquitos Lagoon, vacant and agricui .. -3- '. . '. Q' I PAST HISTORY -__ AND RELATED _^-_ CASES: The Rancho La Costa area began devclopincj withiri San Diego County's jurisdiction in 1 Approx.imate1y 4100 acres of La Costa's properties .were annex to the City of Carlsbad on May 2, 1972 (Annexation E-212; City Council Resolution 1997). The property was zoned P-C and a l4aster Plan approved concurrent with the annexation (Ordinance No. 9322). The Master Plan. map was subsequently revised and adopted as a Plaster Plan" amendment January 15, 1974 (Ordinance No. 9376). Three sub'sequent annexations to the City added land which is included within the proposed Master Plan Amendment: -El Camino Glens Annexation; E-2.15, Augus: 8, 1973 - 436 a.cres north of Olivenhain Road, by Council Resolution 3185; August 7, 1973 - 717 acres between Alga goad and Palomar Airport Road, by Council Resolution 3184. (Also known as the Kratter Property.) 1974 - 182 acres west of Rancho Santa Fe Road, by Ordinance 1167. - Bressi Ranch (portion) - Annexation, E-2.15, - La Costa Northeast Annexation, E-219, March 19, The El Camino Glens and La Costa Northeast annexations had. mi received pt-ev'ious ?laster ?Ian approvals. .& ~oriion oc the Bressi Ranch annexation was granted b1aste.r Plan approval . at the time of annexation (MP-728, the "Kratter Property"; Council .Resolution 31.83). : .- Environmental Impact Information: An Environmental Impact Repor(TTR-307) was prepared for both the Master Plan Amend ment and the General 'Plan Amendment. The City Council certi fied the EIR April 27, 1976, in connection with the General Plan Amendment. Mitigation Measures: ' EIR-307 recommended that the following measures be included +in approving the Master Plan to mitigat All construct.ion.in the project area shall occur dL identified environmental impac.ts: -c normal daytime working hours; 2) To reduce the .impacts of grading, groundwater poll^ Lion and siltation of the San Marcos Canyon-Batiquitos Lagoc Watercourse, the following development practices shall be observed: a) Grading shall be limited t'o the minimum areas 1) ' necessary to accomplish the development permitted by the . sive for the intensity of development planned/permitted, Master P1 an. Where grading irnpacts are found to be exce: alternative project designs or less intensive uses shall be considered.. -4- '0 a _' , I I b) Vegetation-clearing operations shall be made no c) No grading shall occur during the months of more than two weeks in advance of grading. . November through Ma.rch, except when special mea.sures can be taken to control siltation. This shall he met .. to the satis- faction of the City Engineer. weeks in advance of grading. d) Drainage facilities shall be made no more than tb e) All graded srrrfaces sh-all be watered and rolled ' to form a compacted cap of soil of optimum density. f) Surfaces sha'll be graded to direct runoff toward planned drainages and, wherever possible, away from cut-and- fill slopes. g) Ground cover -shall. be'planted on all slopes upon completion of any grading activities. This ground cover sha be irrigated to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and Parks and Recreat.ion Director I h Durina construction. Citv Buildinz and Enaineeri i ns~eitors shai i a-iteiiip t to eiisure that 21 1 i;:astc cheni czl r, (especially paints, fuels and lubricants) are properly contained and transpopted off-site where they can be recycle or destroyed. 3) All utilities, including provisions for cable tele- 4) all riparian habitat areas as identified in the EIR within the Master Plan, shall remain in a natura1,state as open space. In recognition of the San Marcos Canyon Agreeme between the City and La Costa Land Company, the developer sh submit a plan for protection of the natural environment in the Canyon prior to Cpproval of i ndivi dual developments ad ja cent to San 1S!arcos Canyon. ' This plan shall includ?, where necessary,' provisions for limiting access to the Canyon and .. shall be subject to the review and approval of the P1a.nning Director and Parks and Recreation Director. 5). Native landscaping shall be used wherever possible in the project area. 6) All major cultural, commercial and recreational facilities shall accommodate public bus systems in their .. 'vision shall be placed underground. * design, -5-. . '9 0. I .. 7) All future developments within the Master Pian area shall utilize wherever possible the following energy-saving techniques, such as: a) Architectural design which reduces.window and dol openings, and takes advantage of winter sun and summer shade b) Insul-a'tion for all structures according to State C) Solar heating for both spate and water heating; d) Landscaping using deciduous trees (to shade in .. standards j summer and allow sunlight in winter) and windbreaks. 8) Prior to approval of specific developments within t project area, the applicant shall submit EIR supplements for Planning Commission and City Council .. review. These supplement shall contain the following: . a) Detailed soil and geologic investigations; b) Detailed archeological i.nvestigations; c) Detaileci biological surveys; d) MitigatioE measures and .alternatives for all are e) A discussion of impacts attributable to the which have significant resources; individual developments which have not been adequately asses in the Master Plan EIR. 9) Future developments within the Master Plan area sha maximize open areas. based on the following criteria: a) All ripaTian habitats as defined in the EIR shal be preserved. - b) All areas with significant numbers of rare pla c) All archaeological or historic areas which canno _. .. species shall be preserved. be satisfactorily salvaged shall be covere'd or preserved as open space. unstable soil conditions (as identified in detailed soil and d) A1 1 areas with -excessive slopes and extremely . * geologic investigati.ons) shall be preserved as open space.. -6.. ' '0 , @ I -: Prior Compl-iance: Section 19.04.130 of the Environmental Protection Ordzance provides that a pro'ject may comp,ly with the ,Ordinance's requirements if'an earlier EIR has been cert - There are no new environmental impacts involved. - There are no substantial changes in the project itsel -The EIR is considered by the approving authority for . fied, provided that: consideration prior to action on the project. Since the EIR was actually prepared for the Master Plan Phendment as well as the -General Plan Amendment, and since t mitigatirjn measures recommeqded have been incorporated into the Master Plan, the Planning Director has determined the re quiremerits sf the Environmental Protection Ordinance have be( satisfied through prior cornpl iance. General Plan Information: The City Counci 1 approved GPA-33 May 4, 1976. This General Plan Arcendment a.mended both the Land use and Circulation Elements for the La Costa area. Th proposed Master Plan Amendment complies with these elements as they have been amended. In addition, the Master Plan in- cludes objectives and policies implementing the objectives and policies of the Geologic and Seismic Safety, Noise, Park and Recrest+on, Open Space/Conservation E7 eriren-ts. Public Facilities: to supply-them. All service districts have notified the Cit . .that the demands the Master Plan projects for their services Incidental Information: A small portion of the existing La Costa Community betweeil Alga Road and La Costa,Avenue is within the Coastal Permit Zone. Ma.jor. P1 driniiig Consid$r.ations: Th? Master Plan includes a section pro- jecting Public ?:;cility demands, and ncting the service dist .. .. are within their projected capabilities. - Is the amended Master Plan an acceptable extens-ion of the exi s ti ng La Co'sta Coinmuni.ty? P1 an'? : -Does the amended Master Plan implement the General -Does the amended Master Plan conform to the planning process expected of the revised P-C Zone? .. -7- .. '0 0.. ,. .. . I DISCUSSION: e* Development of the Amended Master Plan: Amendment of the La Costa Master Plan was caused by three factors: the adoption of the City's new General Pl.3~; changes in the marke ing plans of the applicant; and the a'pplicant's acquisition of additional land. Because of the large area of land involved, and its potential for tr2nd-setting throughout the City, The City Planning Staff worked closely for a period of 10 months with the applicant on brganizing i: Master Plan which would': - Provide programs and policies which directly implement -Define the responsibilities of all parties in areas - Present these programs,-. policies-and responsibilities ~ accessible __ and comprehensive manner. the General Plan as development occurs; where there has been confusion in the past; and the applicant's development proposal - in a readily Organization of the Amended Master Plan: The amended Master Plan does not apply to the existing resort community, which i not. within the existip9 P-C Zone. ___- the amended biaster --- Fian -lies only to the lands zoned Planned Community. The applicant originally e'xcluded the Vale and Estates North . Subdivisions from the proposal. Yo retain continuity in the City/La Costa planning effort, the City Staff has 'included the two areas in the amended Master Plan. The amended Master Plan has been written as a text, divided - into the following sections: Conceptualized Communities: Introduces La Costa's p;tans for three new communi ties. Design Concepts: Describes the design pragrams proposed for a1 1 communi ties. Land Use: Describes in detail the housing, commercial, ' institutional and recreation land uses proposed and their phasi ng. Geologic and Seismic Safety, Noise: Contains policies imple- menting the two General Plan Elements for.La Costa. . Circulation: Describes the circulation program proposed for the area, and contains policies implementing the General Plar Element for La Costa. _. .. -8- -1 ' *e ,- Parks .and .Open .Soace: .- Describes the Parks L Oyer, Space pro- gram proposed for the area, and. contains policies implementin the General Plan elements for- La Costa. Includes the major -- Public Facilities: Includes projections of demand by phase, usable in the Ci ty's capital improvements program. The amended Master Plan has been developed as a Speci'fic Plat (State definition). As such, its content may be changed in the course of receiving approval .(as opposed to conditioning: Staff recommends, as discussed in the text's introduction, that an annual informal review be-conducted by City Staff of the Master Plan's progress, and that. a formal , public review be conducted every three years. This should ensure that fy1P-174 does not become out-of-date and an exercise - but a viable, working planning document. As the Master Plan is amended, individual pages and sections can then be changed and inserted =in the text, keeping the document up-to-date. - Relationship of the Amended Master Plan to the Existing La Costa Community: Ideally, a development proposal should be evaluated for its relationship to surrounding development and for the reldtiQrisii<p of uses and systcris :.:ithZn jt. The City evaluated the relationship of the applicant's proposal to neighboring' areas in approving the General Plan amendment It should now evaiuate.how well the three communities pro- posed 'work' with each other and with the existing La Costa Community. As' outlined in the text, La Costa Land Co. proposes to broac its housing markets by developing housing appealing to a broader range of socio-economic groups. While La. Costa Nor1 will essentially serve as an 'extensi+on of the existing high value resort community, the Northeast and Far South will ser in'ore diverse socio-economic markets. The Northeast and Far South areas will incfude rural-type deve1opments, moderate- living. The Far South will also include a community core 01 well-integrated commercial, professional and public support services. The chart. on page 19 of the text compares the ultimate deve' opment of these three comniunities with the ultimate developr of the existing community. For the Commission's informatiol the 1975 Special Census contained the following information on La Cos.ta as it existed in April of that year: . . provisions of a proposed Pa.rks agreement. _. .. -. . priced neighborhoods and neighborhoods designed for family a. .. -9- -r.A"I..8.U ""'\", L,, "V . e t .. .. Total "True' .. Total Vacant ____ Units t VaCantUni ts ' .. ,i -- r&nT'# of. ;nits Kemai rider Kernail Carl sbad La Costa of Csrlsbad ta ~ostaofcarl . Housino TIvbc . . .La Costa R-e m ci Td-67 -cf - .. -- .-11L----- Si ngf e-Fanii Iy 5+ units 278 (23"/ob 4001 (51 %.) 106 (38%)' 303 (8%) 56 (20%) 77 153 (41 60 (8%) 387 (20 2-4 units 224 (18%) 1176 (14%) 195 (87%) 199. (18%) 39 (17%) 126 (11 .. 725 (59%) 1891 (24%) 653 (N%] 488 (26%) - -- ..-- . Other 1-1 764 (10%) -..- C".. .. - --_- 7772 . 954 ,(?Ox) 990 (13%) 155 (13%) 666 (92 . Total 1227 . a)"True" vacancies are defined as units for sale or rent b) Percentages of the Total 8. of Units, c) Percentages of the Total 8 of Units of that type. d) I'crccntages of the Total /,! of Units of that type. . I , Table lb Existi.19 Core La Costa Housing Prices 'I Eemiinder, . City of Carlsbad La Costa Cost Catego3 1% of Total) (% of Total) - 54 (20% 1194. (18% 44 ('16%) i;45 {17E 85 ( 1%) . Rent, $126-200 1210 (181) 512 ( 81) a No Response Oiiier iirranyenierii: . . 219 ( 3%) . .. . .. .. Rent, less than $70 . ', . .:.__ gent, $71-125 ' . : .. . Rent, $201+ . 23 ( 9%) Rent, Subtotal . . 23- ( 9%) 2126 (31Y f .. Mortgate, less thao $150 4 ( 1%) 298 ( 4%) Mor tga te , $1 5 1 - 200. .4 ( 1%) 407 (0 G%O '552 ( 8%) . '8 639 ( 9%) Kortyage, $201 -300 15 ( Mortgage, $3013. 107 (40%)' ' Mortgage, Subtotal ' 130 (48%) 1896 (285 19 ( 7%) . 535 ( 8? 0 - Re j deed -.: ,270 ' . 6796 !. To tal aIncludes homes with mortgages paid off and live-in help. Staff feels that the location of land uses in the Master Plan has been accomplished by recogriizing the topogl-aphy and soils the area. Open space buffers'and circulation systems have a15 . been used to give definition to individual neighborhoods. Thc city will, of course, have to carefu1.l.y review individual devc opments as they are proposed to ensure that the general guid- amce of the Master Plan is carried out. -90- 0 9. The Council and the Commission should also recognize that adoption of the proposed Master Plan wi1.I vo'id the approved La Costa Master Plan (CC Ordinance 9322) and the Kratter Master Plan (MP-128; CC Resolution 3183). MP-128 'included tht -same basic arrangement of residences surrounding an extension of the golf course. Adoption of 'the La Costa Master Plan wil' ensure a continuity of programs and policies between that are; and the remainder of La Costa. Master Plan Relationship to the Parks Agreement: The Parks discussion in the amended Master Plan summarizes the permaneni parks .agreement between the applicant and the City of Carlsbac The new parks agreement deletes fo,ur parks shown in the origi ,revised Master Plan and relocates the El Camino Giens Parksitc The four parks deleted are replaced by the La Costa North, Canyon, FuerteS Alga Hills, and Stage Coach Parks shown on the Exhibit on page 35 of the text. Vale Park is retained in its present location. Master Plan Implementation of General Plan: Apart from con-- formity of La Costa's development propo.sa1 with the Land Use dressing General Plan policies: 'and Circulation maps, the Master Plan includes programs ad- - -- Sign Program (pg. 9), addresses the general and qua1i.t) of site design guidelines of the Land Use Element (pages 33-34, 40). addresses the podicies .of the Parks and-RTcreation ' Element (pages 15-17). - Phasing Program (pag.es 19-22; 39-40), addresses the - Geotechnical Safety Policy (pg . 26) - addresses the policies of the Geologic and Seismic Safety Element - Parks Program L! Barks Improvement Program (pg. 34) - .. policies of the' Public Facilities Element. (page 10). These programs have been carried to dif.fering levels of speci- ficity, depending on how we71 the problems they. attenipt to solve can be foreseen at this time. . The Commission and Council should evaluate the need for existing programs which can be improved at this stage, and whc be addr-essed at this time, The proposed programs and other policies are included to clar- the responsibilities of all parties in areas where there may 'have been problems in the past: These areas include park . . dedication, open space maintenance, private recreation amenit- any additional General Plan policies or programs can or shoulc . -11- 0 *. , and pedestrianlbi keway paths. The Council' and Commission should evaluate how the blaster Plan deals with these issues in terms of the City's experience with- past La. Costa develop- ment programs. P-C Zone was initiated by Council action in the'middle of St2 work on the La Costa Master Plan amendment. Staff has atttemp ' ted to make the Master Plan text conform with the requirement of the new P-C Zone as it has been drafted to date. Staff strongly recommends that ilpproval of the Master Plan be condi tioned to include a potential .amendment.follotiing adoption conformance with the provisions of the new P-C Zcne. Staff suggests that the Commission and Council look at the proposed Master Plan amendment text as a prototype for the new P-C Zone -- Does it say and do the things the City wants it to? .. .The Master Plan and the P-C Zone Revision: Revi'sion of the -_. . of the new P-C Zone, to bring the Master Plan into complete AM': CP I (4/30/76 1 ATTACHMENTS : a Master Plan Document, Exhibit A, dtd. 5/15/76 Appendix A to Master Plan, dtd. 5/15/76 f. .. -1 2- * '0 . e. *. . ,. . APPENDIX A , TO e THE RANCHO LA COSTA MASTER PLAN MAY. 15, 1976 I '. __ -. .. Q c .. (Reprinted from La Costa Master Development -- Plan - Text, prepared by RECON, August 20, 1975.) .' '. '. . ,' -@ e- .J, -. "'3 - $\ CRITERIA USED FOR STATISTICAL PROJECTIONS. ' Utilities and community-service ?&quirc5mcnts were - F. -9 J projected using thc:following factors and criteria: I, Residential -- . 3 - ",jT i! A 3 . a, 17nits. Housing-unit quantities. were pro- i jected by rnultipFKj-the gross acreage by the maximum -_ q 64 density shown on the La Costa Master Deve1oprgen.t Plan. b. Population, This was based c;n 3.0 persons per single-family -lr awelliny-and 2.2 persons per multi-family dwell.ing. Figures derived from the December, 1973 Nastcr P1 for San Dicguito Area School Districts were used. That master plan took into account many parameters of future 9 . area: housing prices, location, numhei-' of bedrooms, and -3 -.,3 population growth and student generation for the San Dieguit -? ->% single- or multi-family type were all separate consideratior of that study, Future population mix and yields for housinc types were derived from a compilation of various data in- cluding: census information on age groupings and. persons -J -3 3s7<2 d -*uy dnr * LcII- =nii fi~s~re7nnn7- -kt iVCIL ecfim;r+hS, LIC-AI..dCL ppblic school repQr6sF 2nd actual statistical sampling of recently occupied buildings. 3 ~- -2 These factor were analfzed by computer, and eight different ~ c.q . dwelling-types were designated for twenty sub-areas within .9 the San Dieguito area. Within the La Costa sub-area, four different housing types were represented: three single- family types, with people-per-household generation factors of 3.5, 3,O and 2.5; and one multi-family type, with a popu- lation generation factor 02 2.2 people per household, For the purpose of this La Costa Master'Plan, the average figure of 3.0 people per ho.usehold was chosen to project populatior generation for single-family homes, and the 2.2 figure was used for multi-family,units, Both population-generation housing types have accompanying student-generation figures, per household of census tracts, county and city. in'formation, =;&? '7 3 -- "s7 % &? 3 which are discussed below. -e above master plah; factors were 0-16 kindergarten through -SA sixth-grade students per single-family home, 0.04 kinder- gartcn through sixth-grade students per multi-family dwel- ? ling; 0-08 seventh- through ninth-grade students per single- -*ig family homes, and 0.03 seventh- through ninth-grade students Per multi-farnily home. High-school student generation was calculated using the same factors as for junior-high student '5rs ce Student Generation, This was based on the 3 '--ex .. 3% A I -30- "1 1. -T '$ 0 _' .I -3 .-a .- -L : .I *I) -= , -_ J d. Numher of Privately Owned Vehicles. 'A vchic: generation factor of 1.7 vehicles per residenceswas utilizc This factor is based on census tract.data applicable to res: dences in the price range anticipated fior La Costa. ~ tions were based on a factor of 4,540 cubic feet per month per dwellirig units. sumption was based on 5'78 kilowatt hours per month per hous hold. Both gas and elcctricity consumption rates were pro- jected using data compiled by SDG&E, g. Water Demands. A factor of 150 gallons per resident per day was used-e same factor is used by OMWD for projections. 4 -?I -e I' e. Naturaf Gas, Natural gas consumption projei .J .. .-,. ---.q - .& f . Electri-city Consumption, Electricity con- 23 '"'1 --+y -?q '6 .Ad -- h. Sewage Generation: Sewage generation was based on eighty-five gallons per resident per day, a factor 'suggested by LCWD studies, -'".c;, .I 3 i. Solid Waste Generation. A factor of, 5.65 pounds per resident per day, a figure compiled from data 9a e;-c3 -L.. uy eorz,,crcizl dis;=zszl scrc~iccs ir, tha Ssn I)ielr;c "rea utilized. For conversion to cubic yards, divided by 1,OSO. 2. Commercial, Commercial and educational utility requirements were projected using the following factors and c;riteri,a: I .. a. Ratio of Square Feet of Building to Acres ' Neighborhood Shopping Centers: 9,570 square feet per acre Cormnunity Shopping Centers: 11,990 sfa Office Facilities: 13,725 s5a Travel Services: . 3. service station per B (1 acre) 9,570 sfa for associated c Elementary School: 32,000 sf'per 10-acre site High School: 166,000 sf per 75-acre site (600 students) (2,000 students) . +J .. -31- e? .) 'e ,e. - ', f I h. Electricity. and Gas 0 3.15 Kilowatt Ilours (kwh) PC I- ! Neighborhood and Community , Shopping Centers: month per square foot Office Facilities 1,58 kwh per month per syuai Travel Services: 7,000 kwh per month per stat (14-hour operation) 0.7 kwh pei month per squa . Elementary and kigh Schools: .5 Gas consumption is not projected here. The efficiency of electricity for heating'vast commercial and educational extensive use of natural gas by such buildings in future La Costa. I structures (e.g. heat pumps) is likely to preclude the i f c. V?at.er s All commercial : 2,500 gallons per acre per day (gad) plus irrigation demands . Irrigation demands are based on 3 4 . ., T the assL:ption that 15 percent I of the developed acreage is land- scaped. (15% x ac x 4ft/yr x lo6 .qr>d = . 1120 LqF *. ? -_ i -3 -v High School: plus irrigation demands. +_ Elementary and I. 75 .gallons per student per day fgsd) d, Sewer * . ' .- f . All Comme!scial; 2,500 gad average flow 2 3 4 7i, 500 gad peak flow c 9 Elementary and 75. gsd average flow . High Schools: 120 gsd peak flow, L+ e, Solid Waste. All Cormnercial: 1 cubic yarci per 233 squar'e feet pel Elementary and 1 cubic yard per 300 square feet pel High Schools: 1 Y... -! 3 .. 5: Brown'and Caldwell Consulting Engineers, - Encina Regional Sewerage .Survey, November 19'91. L 3 .B P; -32- @A M E H 0 RAN DUM ' 0 May 19, 1976 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: ADDITION TO PAGE 16 OF THE LA COSTA MASTER PLAN ' RfCREATlGM COMMERCIAL: The Master Plan proposes expansion of the Hotel/Sm and Tennis Club area in the area bounded by El Camino Real, the existing Shopping Plaza, the Golf Course and Costa del iiar Road. Use of this area may include additional tennis facilities, horse stables and similar commercial/recreational uses. Because this area will be iniearated with surrounding recrea- development plan for this area will be submitted to the City for approval prior to development. tion facilities and is located in the floodplain, a site RCi : LP 1 (5/19/76) c . " .. 0' 3. n -3 '57 -7 -- .+ /gb b L .$$I x$- E j-j Rich44ar Uni'on SClIOCl Disr-rig __-.- ----_I__---_ __ _______-_-___ --- --__ -- 274 pic0 uvenue Q, son mums, coliiarnio 92069 Q phone (714) 744-1400 MAY 19 1976 I' cI';I"Y OF CARLSBAD P!arnnErrg Deprtmen t Tiay 18, 1976 City of C3rlsYt.ac. I'lzri~ i r,~ 32s artaent 1299 Fkl tvecue CsrlsSe.d, Cz1iConii.z 92038 G 2:; t, 1 eze2 : -_ ~l.~i~,~ be ac';vised -CEzt ,, -,,;e .,.,-:>;,= Dzy-~sz& the Lr Cosd;,s I"ister sc:2_lu?c.l 5:rt.: ci; ,, sJ:c.r $LC;. .I, L - F~F,:: .L-xe~-Lyey;t ZFJ~ _f<c2 thet it is cazsetible with oi;~ . e. ';,'e eye ~2:e~yi::~ s~zciiic~lly to the elementaq slte loczte: 2~2~ -~he ir2terspctioz 05 -LL:z L :~ad. 226 z~e .?l-o?>c~.?d I<llr~s$ iAvelirje. -LISC! ~ tbe clz.r-,.c-n$~~.y school/?zrk site located 03 E> Fueite. It 5s ~ossij;~: t;kzi 2 jir_r_~>cr. r?_lzh school site jqill -~e reqciree. !?Lis 1.,,+11 be 2 s:~:jzftct of 5.isc~j.s;sio~ vitl the representatives of La C'voc4,-a. ir;_ t;kie ;lery CCZT future. .- .. .. Yours tm:i -" v 5 yd ,-?/.""-"?/" /la e- 8. ).%/&&&&!b? c 4 Gearse E. KcCleliarid 9 i st; r i ct S-d? er 5 pi; e zden'c =;iick?.-Mzr Unior, School District . G%/Ld pes. Effec:;ix;e July 1, 197% the szid sites iqill >e U3jer -/-he j~?~-i~~icJ~~o~ of ZZ;~ ~~i:~~-~c;os. Zii-fj.ed School I)istriC ,7nc L~ c0:;t2 v.lill ->e $;oy:;l.ng i,,:i2;h the new 6ist;rict ir, EscorLdieo Ur!ion h'igh School District will -0% be -jnvolvec with the Easter >Inn after July 1, 1976//< P ,r 1. all p,:.l;?,sps of +;,le '-''-iSie'- L;, c. - $LSr.. L4 LHYtil b 91 cma CENTRAL ~DUGLAS J HOL LOWAY 189 UNION STREET OCEAN KNOI CLERK 910 lJLl E PACIFIC VIE\ 185 UNION 0 a t ANNH LLAKKE PPFS8DtNT '. ~IiEiIIitRS' ~~8iIbn :$f$O'at Bigtrict D~NIEI.G MUNOZ,PH o * VICE PrESiDEYI MARY LOU SCHULTZ E NCI N I TAS, CALIF OR Ni A 92024 605THlRD LORETTA M SMITH TELEPHONE 753 1152 PARK DALE L! RCSERT ! BRICKMAN, f'H D S,P;RlLlEldDEhl b EOAHD SCCRElhPY 2050 PARK 0 May 3, 1976 Mr. Donald Agatep Planning Director City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. Agatep: We have reviewed the proposed Rancho La Costa Naster Plan, particularly as it applies to our school district. lie make the following comiients: 1. The ndinber of school sites within the boundaries of our district is three the tentative locations of two are being reviewed; one has been deeded us (on Le Vante Street). The developer cooperates with our district in locating such siLes. 2. The developer has made appropriate arrangements with this district for the provision of three school sites, 3. At this time, the developer is working with the district in placlng a second school site northeast of the apex of Olivehain and Rancho Santa Fc Roads; the third site will continue to "float." 4. We remain satisfied that Rancho La Costa will meet its stated commitment and deliver to us the remaining two sites graded to our architect's specifications. Since the Rancho La Costa Maseer Plan calls for development in three phases corrxitnents as to the placement of school sites for the area. We are not in opposition to adoption of this Master Plan by the City of Carlsbad. Sincerely, covering a 15 to 25-year period, it is impossible at this time to make speci 3 &s& e-n, R. I,. Brickman, Ph. D. Super in tendcnt RLB: jm cc Fred Ilorey -- mal PLANNtNC PREPARED BY: RICK II e e c- -- - -- - -- _- - I e e DATE : JUNE 11, 1976 TO : CITY COUNCIL FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: LA COSTA MASTER PLAN The La Costa Master Plan has been forwarded to the Council with , recommendation of approval. I believe it is fair to say that the Planning Commission made their recommendation recognizing that some shortcomings still exist in the Plan. The history of the processing of the Master Plan is of value in understanding some of these deficiencies. begun under the old Planned Community Zone. the legal need to address a number of issues now required by the new Planned Community Zone, did not exist. After the Council ordered the preparation of the new Planned Community Zone, work continued on the La Costa Master Plan Amendment,with full recognition that some conflicts could develol between the two, but also on the assumption that such conflicts could be resolved at the appropriate time. In addition, the Planning Commission realized that some of the remedial action required on the Plan would need a fuller discussi by the City Council of policy alternatives and their proper appli cation to the Plan. This is particularly true as it relates to t Public Facilities Section of the Plan. The Planning Commission, therefore, specifically recommended the following language which appears in the Plan. The development of the Plan was Under that zone, "The City of Carlsbad and La Costa Land Company both reserve the right to initiate amendments to this document. To ensure that it is kept up to date, City staff shall prepare an annual informal status report on the progress of the Master Plan's programs. The City shall conduct a formal review of the document every three years . " The attached exhibit indicates the Master Plan requirements found in the Planned Community Zone, contrasted with the coverage of th requirements in the La Costa Master Plan. A detailed report on e item of the exhibit beyond what appears in the original Planning Staff Report has not been prepared at this time. However, the ma areas of deficiency include the lack of an Economic Feasibility R and the Public Facilities Element. I. 0 0 June 11, 1976 Page 2 Subject: La Costa Master Plan Several alternatives are available to the Council in handling the La Costa Master Plan. 1. Approve the Plan as forwarded, finding that it adequately addresses the issues. If this approach is taken, the Council should continue the adoption of the Planned Community Zone since it has several requirements not covered in the La Costa Master Plan. 2. The Council could deny the Plan, requiring the applicant to reapply and bring the Plan into conformity with the new Planned Community Zone. During the period the Plan was being revised, the applicant could only pro- cess developments which are consistent with the existing Master Plan, and only under the Planned Unit Develop- ment Ordinance. A third alternative is to approve only a partial amendment of the existing La Costa Master Plan which allows selected developments to continue processing. This would be significantly different from the Planning Commission recommendation and would have to be referred back to the Commission for a report. attached map shows those developments which La Costa anticipates processing during the next six months. All but a small portion of the "Rancheros" is in the existing Master Plan. 3. The The staff is not opposed to proceeding with the third alternativ if the Council finds that it has merit. It should be pointed ou however, that the proposal is not without its complexities and that it will temporarily avoid some of the important policy issu It would have to be made clear, therefore, that applications for additional development beyond the partial amendment could not be made prior to an approval by the City Council of a total Master Plan Amendment. PDB: ldg Attachments V b *' COSTA MASTER PLAN REQUIR TS - . Planned Community Coverage of New Requiremen Master Plan in La Costa Master Plan Requirements Amendment Graphics Content (21.38.060) 1. Graphics, including: a. Map & legal description. Covered completely. b. Location of land use by Land uses are indicated by Gen zone designation & over- Plan classification but not lay zones. by zone. least 15% of total Master Plan program. provisions (PUD/CUP, etc.). need expanded treatment. quasi-public facilities. located. lation facilities. arterials. and sewage treatment. located. c. Open space program of at Covered completely. d. Specific development One CUP indicated, no PUD's; a e. Location of public and Schools located; all others no f. Location of major circu- Covered completely through sec g. Facilities for water supply Covered except trunk lines not h. Phasing. 5 year phases included but re1 ship to provisions of public facilities needs revision. Map has been supplied with req i. Top0 contours with natural j. Areas of substantial Not covered at all. features. information. grading. 2. Text, including: a. Description of each type Covered. of land use. (land use & public facilities impact). regulations. with PUD (above). facilities programs. needs some language revision, b. Economic Feasibility Report Not included . c. Special development Covered but may need to be exp d. Parks, schools, public Parks covered, schools covered facilities covered only genera e. Private lands maintenance Program required but not submi f. Phasing schedule. Covered but needs some languag program. revision relating to public facilities. reorganization. reorganization. 3. Open Area Plan Covered but needs elaboration 4, Sign Plan Covered but needs elaboration 0 0 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Amendment to Master Plan (PIP-149) CORRECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, June 15, 1976, at 7:OO P.M. in the Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California to consider an application for Master Plan for approva El Camino Real, north and west of City Limits, and as shown on the map below, and for the deletion of existing Master Plans for same property as approved by Ordinances 9322, 9376 and City Council Resolution 3183. APPLICANT: La Costa Land Company & City of Carlsbad Case No. Master Plan 149A Publish: June 5, 1976 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL of various land uses on 4026 acres located on the east side of .r I SCALE 0 -_ MAP DRAWN BY CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPT FROM DATA FOR THE LA COSTA LAl\dD coA PRO\/IDED BY RECON OF 5628 FRIARS RD- SAN DlEGO 0 I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Amendment to Master Plan (MP-149) 1s HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of tl 1 hold a public hearing on Tuesday, June I! at 7:OO P.M. in the Counci-1 *Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, 477 ;" -2 .*-' Plan - for approval of variolls land uses of; 4026 * $ City,Limits, and as shown on the map below.+ & .tk California to consider an application for a- located on the east side of El Camin0 Real, north and 1 APPLICANT: La Costa Land Company & Cit Ydi,. of Carlsbad a.d Q: Of CtdJf;- her&- $law &A Jdw- pfdpv\ Cora & M~l;rb & IYQ A Publish: May 29, 1976 CARLSBAD CITY CO CI '<'X Q/ PALOMAR AIRPORT RD \ , \ <.- I <*$ <I'<< k" tT \. -... +. ii )/7 -2 ' - - c-- \ MAP DRAWN BY CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPT DATA PROVIDED BY RECON OF 5620 FRIARS RD-SA FOR THE LA COSTA LAND God , 0 0 I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Amendment to Master Plan (MP-149) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the C Ca’rlsbad will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, June 15, 1 at 7:OO P.M. in the Counci,l -Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Car California to consider an application for a~me-mhwat Plan fl07)4%for approval of variotfs land uses of 4026 acr located on the east side of El Camin0 Real, north and west ,/’ . J mits, and as shown on the map b *“.e- b-2 ELh- Hdi $ ih,-,,, ;bi;O4 ;<p ,.-:,- dr‘ro”??; S4” 36; 5-j 6, 9%;- q zA i, ~. osta .Land C‘ompany 5( Ci of Ca4’l shad rt- CARLSBAD CITY COUNCI PALOMAR AIRPORT RD <‘. f’ - 0 +=== S \ M~P DRAWN BY CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPT FR DATA PROVIDED BY RECON OF 5620 FRIARS RD* SAN D FoR THE LA COSTA LmD co- 0 0 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Amendment to Master Plan (MP-149) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, June 15, 1976, at 7:OO P.M. in the Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California to consider an application for an amendment to Master Plan No. 149 for approval of various land uses of 4026 acres located on the east side of El Camino Real, north and west of City Limits, and as shown on the map below. APPLICANT: La Costa Land Company & City of Carlsbad Publish: May 29, 1976 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL I SCALE 0 - -. I MAP DRAWN BY CITY OF CAHLSBAD PLANNING DEPT FROM DATA ~RO~/IDED BY RECON OF 5620 FRIARS 130. SAN DlEGo FOR 'THE LA COSTA LAE'JD Co. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Amendment to Master Plan (MP-149) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, Californi at 7:30 P.M., on Wednesday, May 19, 1976, to consider an application for an amendment to Master Plan No. 149 for approval of various land uses on 4026 acres located on the east side of El Camino Real, north and west of City Limits, and as shown on the map below. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are co.rdia1 invited to attend the public hearing. If you have any ques tions, please Cali 729-118i and ask for the P:ax:?inn 3 r;\epzrrt men t . APPLICWNT: LA COSTA LAND COMPANY & CITY OF CARLSBAD Pub1 i sh: May 8, 1976 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COF e LU LUbLd LdIlU LU. staxes 3outneas‘c 4v! Costa del Yar Rd. 0 Southrest Areas Pensio . fkirlsbad, CA 92008 Fund (c/o J.A.Donelly) 2525 Fourth 4ve I 223-190-02 ;Sari Diego, C4 e21r13 c J‘ --& L-r- The RrlR Co. David PU Leonora Levi ne c/o Harvey Rieger 7260 Estrella de ?1ar Rd. Central National Bank Carlsbad, C4 92908 Cleveland, 0 44114 I 1 Bldg. i Aviation kervice &-5~+rn C *j &,e** *Uez St,, I b 7 Aviation Service & ’ 1. T. Ladrence 1145 E. Dominguez St., Carlsbad, C4 92008 Carson, CA SO746 Victor & Mary L.J. Darc Janet F. Van flourick Box 404 7264 Estrella de Par Rd. Far Hills, N. J. 07931 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Support Corp. 7264 Estrella de Yar Rd. Ste P1 Ebbe Videriksen AIR < Archi~ect ic Associaies 15438 Ventura Blvd. Shernan Oaks, CA 91493 t \ Frank A. 8 Joan E. Grant ’ 1723 Toledo Ave. Burlinqame, CA 92910 9 I I‘ La Costa Pacific Devel. 9948 Cunlmins Place Carlsbad, CA 92008 Company No. 2 I I I ! Generation Properties 1901 Avenue of the Stars Suite 888 I Los Angeles, CA 90067 The Trustees of Central i 1 I1 , I I ‘ States Southeast 8 .i ! _I 2655 Fourth Ave. Southwest Pension Fund San Diego, Ca 92103 4 i‘’e States q% S > >I t tees of Central us- i ----1 0 0 e .1 ----I --. ..-. ..-. CarJsPad, CA 92008 .t Homer & Ruth Vi 11 iams 5331 Shenandoah Ave, Los Angefes, CA 99056 John E, Bucsek 6603 Kingsdale Blvd. Parma Heights, Ohio 441 30 Carolyn E. Uidmann 9655 E.Center No. 3rd Denver, Colo. 80231 Robin L. & Karen A. 7164 Arqonauta Way Carlsbad, C.4 92008 Jack F. Qusa S. I)augh( ity 3264 BenneQ D. 1 ive L~S rtK32i 2: ,'~ ~168 Kuest 1- " Jack F. 8 Susan S. 3264 Bennett Drive Los Angeles, CA 90068 Da u g h erty I -L t 1 ..