HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-06-15; City Council; 3688; Proposed Changes to Classification and Salary Plani / ^ITx 01", CARLSLAB AGENDA BILL NO. Initial: Dept.Hd. DATE: June 15, 1976 C. Atty.•� ` DEPARTMENT: PERSONNEL C. Mgr. Subject: PROPOSED CFtANGES'TO THE CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY PLAN Statement'of the Matter During February, 1976, the City of Carlsbad had five (5) classifications analyzed by a team from the Job Analysis Assistance Project, the result of a grant obtained by the Personnel Directors.of San Diego County. The positions analyzed were those of CLERK TYPIST, CLERK STENOGRAPHER, SENIOR CLERK STENOGRAPHER, SECRETARY, SECRETARY TO THE CITY ATTORNEY,- SECRETARY TO THE CITY MANAGER AND -SECRETARY TO THE CHIEF OF POLICE AND WATER LEADMAN.. It"was the opinion of the City Manager that these were the most critical job descriptions in terms'of existing validity in the•City classification plan. As-a•result of this very detailed and competent analysis conducted by the team several recommendations were made and are concurred in•by the Personnel Director. These recommendations are the basis for the proposed change to existing classification plan. They are as follows. 1. The establishment of a secretarial level position above that -of a normal departmental secretary for the•Plannirig Department. "The title chosen is SECRETARY TO THE PLANNING.DIRECTOR and to be on'a salary range comparable to that of the SECRETARY TO-THE'CITY ATTORNEY. 2. -The•upgrading in the existing salary schedule of the position DEPUTY CITY CLERK. It would be recommended that this position be upgraded to Salary Range 23, comparable to that of the SECRETARY TO THE CITY ATTORNEY.• 3. It is recommended that the position title SECRETARY TO THE CHIEF OF POLICE be deleted from the classification and salary plan and that the position be xedesignated as that of SECRETARY, Salary Range 21. 4. A recommendation was,made after a very detailed analysis that the position of WATER LEADMAN should be upgraded'. It is recommended that the title and position description be changed. The recommended title change is to METER UOR FOREMAN.. with a new salary range of 37. Exhibits 1. Resolution No: adopting changes.to the classification plan adding the position SECRETARY -TO THE PLANNING DIRECTOR, upgYading in -the salary plan the position DEPUTY TO THE CITY CLERK, deleting the,position'SECRETARY TO THE CHIEF OF POLICE,•changing•the title WATER LE.ADMAN td METER SHOP FOREMAN, upgrading the salary from ranee from 27 to 37. Page 2 Agenda Bill No. Date: June 15,_1976 Subject: Proposed.Changes to the Classification and Salary Plan 4 Recommendation + :l I f Council concurs, adopt Resolution No..� effecting t changes to the City's Classification and Salary Range Schedule. Council action i 6-15-76 Resolution #3935 was adopted, amending Resolution #3878, establishing the classification and salary range schedule to add and delete certain positions. Z t # 4 . F i f 4 � t i k i 5 .,�Ww �^ .i SECRETARY TO THE PLANNING DIRECTOR Definition This is an advanced level secretarial class in the clerical series with duties involving the performance of services for the Planning Director, and doing related work as required. Duties are performed under direction. Examples 1. Performs a variety of complex secretarial duties of Duties including dictation, screening visitors, screen- ing telephone calls, and mail directed to the Planning Director. 2. Furnishes the public available information and directs requests to the appropriate department or responsible individual. 3. Prepares and assembles appropriate information and material for Planning Commission agendas. y 4. Attends meetings, takes minutes, transcribes and distributes minutes of the Planning Commission meetings. 5. Makes appointments for the Planning Director. 6. Develops and maintains files as directed by the Planning Director. 7. Takes and transcribes dictation, composes routine correspondence, and prepares assigned reports. 8. Types correspondence, reports and statements, and handles office details as directed by the Planning Director. 9. Requisitions office supplies and maintains records of budget expenditures. Emolovment Any combination of training and experience equivalent Standards to graduation from high school and iuita years respon- sible secretarial experience involving public contact. Special requirements: Ability to type 60 words per minute_ and take standard shorthand at a speed of 100 words per minute and accurately transcribe same. 6/3/76 ds CITY OF CARLSBAD Department of Personnel MEMORANDUM DATE June 4, 1976 TO The City Manager FROM The Personnel Director SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATIONS RESULTING FROM JOB ANALYSIS ASSISTANCE PROJECT The Job Analysis Assistance Project was completed on February 19, 1976. The team reviewed and has done a task analysis on the positions of CLERK TYPIST, CLERK STENOGRAPHER, SENIOR CLERK STENOGRAPHER, SECRETARY, SECRETARY TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, SECRETARY TO THE CITY MANAGER, SECRETARY TO THE CHIEF OF POLICE and WATER LEADMAN. The significant recommendations as they relate to changes to existing classifications and the salary plan are included below. The first recommendation was that a classification separate and above that of the regular departmental secretary, salary range 21, be added to the City's classification plan. This was particularly addressed to the problem of the secretarial position in the Planning Department. The intent of the change aas to describe that particular position reflecting the expanded functions of the position. The duties usually extend beyond the department and involve considerable liaison within the City administration and with either a commission, committee or board of the City or other governmental agencies. You will find a proposed job description with necessary changes attached. The next significant item addressed was the position of DEPUTY CITY CLERK. Presently this position is in the salary plan at range 21, comparable to that of a regular departmental secretary. It is my opinion that this position should be on the same range and is at the same level as that of SECRETARY TO THE CITY ATTORNEY. It is recom- mended that the title remain the same, the job description remain the same, but that the location within the salary plan be adjusted to salary range 23. The team recommended that the title of SECRETARY TO THE POLICE CHIEF be deleted. The secretary within the Police Department is a standard departmental secretary level position. Therefore, it is recommended the title be deleted from the City's Classification and Salary Schedule. The team recommended that a new classification PERSONNEL AIDE be considered for the Personnel Department. This specific recommendation is different from that concerning the secretary position in the Planning Department, In creating a position of PERSONNEL AIDE, essentially, we are creating an entry level professional class in personnel or administration. Though it would certainly be desirable to have addi- tional personnel of that caliber and background in the Personnel 2. Department, my opinion that such a change to the classification plan at this time would be premature. Therefore, I do not recommend an addition to the classification plan of the position of PERSONNEL AIDE. The team recommends that the title of WATER LEADMAN be changed to be more descriptive of the job and its duties. Therefore, I recommend that the title be changed to METER SHOP FOREMAN and that the salary range be changed from 27 to 37. The team further recommended that the position occupied in the Utilities -Maintenance Department by a SENIOR CLERK STENOGRAPHER be changed to that of SECRETARY. I would concur with this recommenda- tion and it will be accomplished by administrative action separately.. The team further recommended that the second clerical position in the Planning Department, currently CLERK STENOGRAPHER, be established as that of SECRETARY. I would recommend that this be discussed further by the City Manager, Planning Director aid with the Personnel Director before a decision is made to recruit for that position. Other recommendations made by the team were minor ones calling for some modifications to existing job descriptions. All the actions recommended in this memorandum will be,forwarded'to an appropriate agenda bill, resolution and job description. EROME N. PIETI Z_�Jap/vs 1 RESOLUTION NO. 3935 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AMENDING 3 RESOLUTION NO. 3878 ESTABLISHING THE CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE SCHEDULE 4 TO ADD AND DELETE CERTAIN POSITIONS. 5 WHEREAS the City Manager recommends and the City Council 6 concurs that the addition of the position of SECRETARY TO THE 7 PLANNING DIRECTOR, Salary Range 23, to the-City's Classification 8 and Salary Range Schedule: is necessary for the more efficient 9 functioning of the City administration; and 10WHEREAS the City Manager recommends and the City Council 11 concurs that a change in the salary range for the position of 12 DEPUTY CITY CLERK, from Salary Range 21 to Salary Range 23, is 13 necessary for the more efficient functioning of the City adminis- 14 trdtion; and 15 WHEREAS the City Manager recommends and the City Council .1611concurs that deletion of the position tiLle SECRVRARY TO THE 17 CHIEF OF POLICE, Salary Range 23, from the City's Classification 18�and Salary Range Schedule is necessary for the more efficient 19.functioning of the City administration; and 20 WHEREAS the City Manager recommends and the City Council 21 concurs that the change of title from WATER LEADMAN to METER SHOP 22 FOREMAN and a subsequent change in the City's Classification and 23 Salary Range Schedule from Salary Range 27 to that of Salary Range 24 37 is necessary for the more efficient functioning of the City 25 administration; 26 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the 27 City of Carlsbad as follows: 28 1. That the above facts are true and correct. 29 2. That the City Council. authorizes and directs the addition of 30 the position title SECRETARY TO THE. PLANNING DIRECTOR, Salary 31 Range 23, as described in the attached position description, to 32I the City's Classification and Salary Range Schedule. _-A r ' 4 3 3. That the City Council authorizes and directs a change of 2 salary range for the position titled DEPUTY CITY CLERK from Salary 3 Range 21 to Salary Range 23. 4 9. That the City Council authorizes and directs the deletion of t 5 title SECRETARY TO THE CIIIEF OF POLICE, Salary Range 23, from the 6 City's Classification and Salary Range Schedule. 7 5. That the City Council authorizes and directs the change of 8 the position title of WATER LEADMAN, Salary Range 27, to that 9 of METER SHOP FOREMAN, Salary Range 37. 10 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 11 Carlsbad City Council held on the 15th day of June 12 1976, by the following vote, to wit: 13 AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Packard, Skotnicki and 14 Councilwoman Casler NOES: None 15 ABSENT: None 16 17 ROBERT C. FRAZEE, Mayo 18 ATTEST,: 19 20 21 MAR A L. ADAMS, City C .er 22 (SEAL 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 2. P 0