HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-07-06; City Council; 2091-9; Tentative map extensionCITY OF CARLSBAD .AGENDA BILL NO. 709] r Sunplpmgnt No. 9 DATE: July 6. 1976 DEPARTMENT: Engineering Initial: Dept.Hd C. Atty.U 'C. Mgr. . _ _ _...--- • — . _ - - •- - ..... . , ' -—-q^- ' — Subject: TENTATIVE MAP EXTENSION - CARLSBAD PALISADES ( CT 73-8, UNIT NO. 2) DOUGLASS SOUTHWEST CORPORATION. Statement of the Matter The City Council is in the process of reconsidering the approval of an extension of time on"CT 73-8 because of concerns about the align- ment of future Tamarack Avenue in the vicinity of Skyline Drive and Birch Avenue. A meeting was held with adjoining property owners and a newly revised alignment (see Exhibit A) is proposed.Exhibits A. Memorandum dated June 28, from City Engineer B. Resolution No. 3856. Recommendation That the City Council reaffirm the previous action to grant an extension of time on the Tentative Map for CT 73-8, Carlsbad Pali- sades, subject to the recommendations of Exhibit A and subject to the developer obtaining the necessary dedication of rights of way and/or slope easements and that Resolution No. 3856 (Exhibit B) be adopted. Council action 7-6-76 Resolution #3856 was adopted, amending Resolution #3758, to further revise condition #9 regarding Tamarack Avenue. MEMORANDUM June 28, 1976 TO: City Manager FROM: City Engineer SUBJECT: Tamarack Avenue Alignment (CT 73-8, Unit No. 2, Carlsbad Palisades). BACKGROUND In late 1975, the City Council conditionally approved an extension of time for the Tentative Map Approval on CT 73-8, Carlsbad Palisades located west of El Camino Real at Tamarack Avenue. Condition No. 9 of the original approval was modified to provide for the extension of Tamarack to Skyline Drive as a four lane roadway. Subsequent to the approval of the time extension and at the request of the attorney for Mrs. Brownly of 4120 Skyline Drive, the City Council reconsidered the previous action to extend the tentative map, subject to the modi- fied Condition No. 9. Staff was directed to study the alignment pro- blem in the area abutting Mrs. Brownleys property and to make a recommendation for an alignment that would provide a four lane con- nection while minimizing the right of way that would be required from the Brownley property. A staff report was prepared in February and after several continu- ances, the matter was most recently discussed at the April 27, 1976 Council meeting. At that time, the Council continued the item to a date uncertain, to allow for discussion by all affected property owners and staff in anticipation that some alternate plan could be agreed on by all concerned. On June 8, 1976, a most productive meeting was held with Mrs. Brown- ley, her attorney and engineer, Mr. John Douglass and Mr. Schwab and city staff. As a result of this meeting, a new alignment and typi- cal street section was prepared by the firm of Brown and Vogt (dated June 17, 1976) which meets with the approval of all parties, and is attached as "Exhibit A". RECOMMENDATION That the City Council reaffirm its decision to approve an extension of time on CT 73-8 subject to the original conditions of Resolution No. 3178, and as modified by Resolution No. 3358 and 3758 and by amending Condition No. 9 to read as follows: '9. The developer shall dedicate and improve the remainder of Tamarack Avenue based on an 84 foot right of way width and a 52 foot street section with a separate two-way bike way. MEMORANDUM, City Manager June 28, 1976 Page 2 Tamarack Avenue right of way and improvements shall be se- cured to its intersection with Skyline Drive prior to or con- current with the approval of the final map for Unit No. 2. The right of way width, street section width and general align- ment of Tamarack Avenue in the vicinity of its intersection with Skyline Drive shall be as shown on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof.' Tim Flanagan City Engineer TCF/slw ^cc: Mrs. Brownley Mr. Schwab Douglass-Southwest David Thompson Ron Wooten, Brown & Vogt PWA W'^••* ^r5;»'o^£ | :j -• vK, * i-v * ~.^5 ^ i'i(a vl y "• s Jr:;•& ^•^?^? ^if?*K ,f» .- §. $?S $J><« N^S^^Iterc li ? fc^r^fe-.^ 1fy^j r» vy x x *V Ktu>1' ^xsrt 5t» 5 th\ ^ ^•v^^^ S?^;t. > "4 ',^nfe.U; Mf«^x Q H 1 RESOLUTION NO. 3856 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING 3 RESOLUTION NO. 3758, WHICH APPROVED AN EXTENSION OF TENTATIVE MAP (CT 73-8), 4 TO FURTHER REVISE CONDITION NO. 9 REGARD- ING TAMARACK AVENUE. 5 APPLICANT: DOUGLASS SOUTHWEST CORPORATION 6 WHEREAS, Tentative Map (CT 73-8) as approved by Resolution No. 3178, and modified by Resolution No. 3358, was extended by Resolu- tion No. 3758; and WHEREAS, said Resolution revised Condition No. 9 regarding 10 Tamarack Avenue; and 11 WHEREAS, City Council has reconsidered the matter and desires 12 to further revise the requirements imposed on the subdivider 13 regarding the construction'of Tamarack Avenue; 14 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City 15 of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 17 2. That Section B, 1, of Resolution No. 3758 is amended to 18 read as follows: "1. Condition No. 9 is revised as follows: 20 ' '9. The developer shall dedicate and improve the remainder of Tamarack Avenue based on an 84 21 foot right of way width and a 52 foot street section with a separate two-way bike way. 22 Tamarack Avenue right of way and improvements shall be secured to its intersection with 23 Skyline Drive prior to or concurrent with the approval of the final map for Unit No. 2. 24 The right of way width, street section width and general alignment of Tamarack Avenue in the 25 vicinity of its intersection with Skyline Drive shall be as shown on Exhibit A, attached 26 hereto and made a part hereof.'" 27 3. That the revised condition for Tamarack Avenue is con- 28 sistent with all applicable general and specific plans of the City 29 of Carlsbad. 30 I X 31 x 32 1 z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, ^eld on the 6th day of July , 1976, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Packard, Skotnicki and CounciIwoman Casler NOES: None ABSENT: None ROBERT C. FRAZEE, tfiayor ATTEST: E." ADAMS, <-cIty Clerk (seal)