HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-07-06; City Council; 3310-4; Vista Carlsbad sewer transmission systemAGENDA BILL NO. *33/d ~ Jlju^L/L/O^tj2^L^3/ Initial: Dept.Hd DATE: July 6, 1976 DEPARTMENT: Engineering Subject: VISTA-CARLSBAD SEWAGE TRANSMISSION SYSTEM - CONSTRUCTION OF THE AGUA HEDIONDA PUMPING STATION - PHASE I IMPROVEMENTS _ AND THE BUENA VISTA PUMPING STATION STANDBY POWER SYSTEM. Statement of the Matter Plans and specifications for construction of the Agua Hedionda Pumping Station - Phase I Improvements and the Buena Vista Pumping Station Standby Power System have been completed by Brown and Cald- well Consulting Engineers in accordance with Agreement No. VSD-108, the second supplemental agreement between the Vista Sanitation Dis- trict and the City of Carlsbad, dated September 3, 1975. Said agree- ment approved September 2, 1975 by City Council Resolution No. 3740. A detailed description and cost estimate for subject improvements are set forth in attached Exhibit "A" . The Engineering Department has reviewed and approved the plans and specifications. Carlsbad's estimated share of the cost of the improvements is in the amount of $148,500. Also, upon commencement of construction the Vista Sanitation District shall pay the City of Carlsbad $3,000 for capacity rights fqr the Agua Hedionda Pumping Station. The City of Carlsbad will pay the Vista Sanitation District a prorated portion of $23,000 for capacity rights for the Buena Vista Pumping Station, said prorated amount being approximately $8,00.0. Funds are available in the City's Joint Sewer Construction Funds for this project. Exhibit A. Letter dated June 22, 1976, from the County of San Diego, De- partment of Sanitation and Flood Control (Project Manager for sub- ject improvement) . B. Resolution No. 3f 7*} / approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Vista Sanitation District to advertise' for bids and award a contract . C. Plans and Specifications (available at the Council Meeting) . Recommendation Adopt Resolution No. J , approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Vista Sanitation District to invite bids for construc- tion of the Agua Hedionda Pumping Station - Phase I Improvements and the Buena Vista Pumping Station Standby Power System. . Council action 7-6-76 Resolution #3949 was adopted, approving Plans and Specifications and authorizing Vista Sanitation District to invite bids. COUNTY 09 S.4N DIEGO COMMUNITY SERVICES AGENCY "-:±3> C. J. HOUSON Department of Sanitation & Flood Control Director County Opefatlqns Center, 555S Overland Avenu«, San Di«go, California 92123 ..... Telephone: 565-5325 2 2 JUN 1976 REF: SFC4/7703 Board of Directors Vista Sanitation District Box 188 Vista, California 92083 . SUBJECT: Agua Hedionda Pumping Station - Phase I Improvements & Buena Vista Pumping Station Standby Power System: Projects No. YR0076 C- YR0077 As project manager for the subject improvements, it is our pleasure to inform you that it is now appropriate to advertise for construction bids for the proposed work. By agreenent between your District and the City of Carlsbad, Vista was designated as lead agency to see that the needed sewerage construc- tion is accomplished. The drawings and specifications have been reviewed and approved by ourselves, Carlsbad and your staff. The contract documents have been reviewed and approved' as to form by the attorney for your district. It is my • RECOMMENDATION: That your Board 1. Approve the enclosedplans, specifications and contract documents for this project. 2. - Authorize the Clerk of the Board to advertise for construction bids. 3. Establish 2:00 P.M. Thursday, August 12, 1976 at the Board Room of the Vista Sanitation District as the time, date and place of opening the construction bids. Discussion: By agreement dated 7 June, 1973 between the City of Carlsbad and the Vista Sanitation District, the two agencies agreed to make certain improvements and enlargements to the following jointly owned wastewater pumping and transmission facilities: 1. Buena Vista Pumping Station 2. Buena Vista Force Main (Parallel Line) 5. Agua Hedionda Pumping Station Board of Directors Vista Sanitation District Page 2 2 2 JUH 1976 Subsequently, the firm of Brown § Caldwell was employed to do the engineering design and the San Diego County Department of Sanitation 5 Flood Control was authorized to administer the proposed work on behalf of your Board. The Buena Vista Force Main has been paralleled thus increasing the capacity of the Buena Vista Pumping Station (BVPS) from approximately 6 to 9 mgd with three pumps operating. By'observing the number of hours the pumps operate at the two major pumping stations it was observed the Agua Hedionda pumps were operating considerably more hours than at the Buena Vista facility. It was therefore determined it was most urgent to increase the capacity and reliability of the Agua Hedionda Pump Station (AMPS) before the BVPS pump additions are undertaken. The parallel force main provides interim relief to the capacity problem for the BVPS. There is urgent need for the additional Agua Hedionda pumping capacity due to growth in Vista and Carlsbad. Also, the increased capacity of the BVPS must be handled by the downstream AHPS. Furthermore, the AHPS is located at the south shore of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon which has many' aquatic recreational uses. It is essential the 'pumping facility is adequate in capacity and will function in case of an interruption of power. You will recall that Carlsbad authorised Vista to purchase standby power genera- tion sets for each of the pumping facilities. The units purchased were consider to be uniquely suited to the need and were being phased out of production by Solar. Since the turbine generators are purchased and needed at both pump stati this contract includes their installation at the BVPS and the AHPS. This project is the second of the three steps outlined in the study with the exception the standby power improvement for the BVPS is included. The work at the AHPS consists of: adding a fourth pump which will increase the capacity from 10.6 mgd to 15 mgd; considerable piping and electrical work primarily associated with the new pump; new adequate ventilation systems for the wet and dry well areas; installation of the previously purchased turbine generator set capable of operating all the pumps in case of electrical power failure; and miscellaneous paving, structural, fencing and rehabilitation work. At the BVPS just the installation of the two standby turbine generator sets and associated work will be done at this time. These units will power all the pumps this station. At present just one of the pumps at each station are operable in case of a power interruption. c Board of Directors Vista Sanitation. District Pige 5 2 2 JUN 1976 The estimated total cost of the entire project is 5435,000 with cost sharing, according to ownership, allocating $286,500 to Vista and 5148,500 to Carlsbad. Unclosed is a final cost estimate sheet that shows the development of project costs and the allocation between each agency. Funds for this work have been budgeted by Carlsbad and your District and are available. On 6 July, 1976 Carlsbad approved the project plans and specifications which, in accordance with Section 5 of Vista Sanitation District Agreement No. 108, authorizes your District to advertise for bids upon approving plans and specifications. It is recommended that Vista request Carlsbad to deposit sufficient funds with Vista at an appropriate time so all contract payments can be met. Your attention is also directed to Section 4 of Agreement No. 108 which requires each party to pay the stipulated costs associated with the reallocation of capacity rights (ownership) for each unit. Upon commencement of construction Vista is to pay Carlsbad $3,000 for AHPS and Carlsbad is to pay Vista a prorated portion of $25',000 for the BVPS. See Table II in the Agreement. We recommend the District award an acceptable construction bid as soon as possible since the contract time'is 455 days. This is due to the long delivery time of the pump and special driving equipment. We would like to point out the contractor is required to install the turbine generator equipment during the early phases of construction at each station. A proposed project schedule is enclosed. The Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was accepted and certified by the City of Carlsbad on 4 March, 1975. Your Board has previously approved the EIR and authorized preparation of plans and specifications. A permit for the work was issued by the San Diego Coast Regional Commission on 2 May, 1975. CBO:jc Enclosures:1. Plans and Specifications 2. Final Cost Estimate 3. Proposed Project Schedule cc - City of Carlsbad: Attn: Mr. Ronald Beckman Brown § Caldwell: Attn: Mr. Mike Hoover Controller Branch Office: Attn: Jack Mori en M.S. 0306 FINAL COST ESTIMATE AGUA HEDIONDA PUMPING STATION PHASE I IMPROVEMENTS AND BUENA VISTA PUMP STATION STANDBY POWER SYSTEM Costs: Bid Item No. 1 - Agua Hedionda Pumping Station Phase I Improvements (1) $322,000 Bid Item No. 2 Buena Vista Pumping Station Standby Power System (2) 75,000 Estimated Construction Cost $597,000 Resident Engineering 21,000 Project Administration, Printing, Advertising, legal, miscellaneous 7,000 Contingency 10,000 $435,000 (1) Includes $12,000 construction contingency (2) Includes $ 3,000 construction contingency Cost Sharing Vista Carlsbad Buena Vista Puira Station (Ownership) * (84.5%) (15.5%) Construction $65,400 $11,600 Resident Engineering 5,400 600 Miscellaneous 1,100 200 Contingency 1,600 500 Sub-Total $69,500 $12,700 c Cost Sharing (Cont'd)Vista Carlsbad Agua Hedionda Pump Station (Ownership) Construction Resident Engineer Miscellaneous (61.5%) 10,500 5,500 (38.5%) $198,000 $124,000 6,500 2,200 Contingency 5,000 3,100 Sub-Total: Total: $217,000 $286,500 $135,800 $148,500 w PROPOSED PROJECT SCHEDULE AGUA HEDIONDA PUMP STATION - PHASE I IMPROVEMENTS AND BUENA VISTA PUMP STATION - STANDBY POWER SYSTEM Sten Date Plans and Specifications approved by Carlsbad July 6, 1976 Vista approves plans and specifications and authorizes bids July 7, 1976 Bids Opened Contract Awarded Construction Starts Construction Completed Aug.12, 1976 Sept.l, 1976 Oct. 1, 1976 Jan. 1, 1978 BROWN AND CALDWELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS J T NORGAAHD. PE Vtc» Pt j C LUTMIN. PE Vic. P<s c BAIM PE v«.pr L B DUIXLAP. PE Vice Pi TV LUTGE. PE Viet Pr OP NO^RtS PE Vic* Pr J L STURGEON S«c-Tf J L HAR1FOBO CM JONES. T K LOVEJOf. M L VVMtTT. April 29, 1976 Mr. C. B. Oidsen EncinaW. P.O. Facility 6200Avenida Encinas Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: Plans and Cost Estimate for AHPS.-Phase 1 Improvements and Standby Power System at BVPS i Dear Mr. Oidsen: S-396D For our meeting today, please find three (3) complete sets of plans for the subject project. Project specifications are presently being reviewed for typing and should be available to you next week. Our cost estimate for this project is as follows with details attached. Bid Item 1 (AHPS) = $322,000 Bit Item 2 (BVPS) = 75,000 Total $397,000 Please contact us if you have any questions. Yours very truly, BROWN AND CALDWELL Michael G. Hoover Project Engineer MGH/bb encl. BROWN AND CALDWELL ISO SOUTH ARROYO PARKWAY BIN 83 ABROYO ANNEX PASADENA. CA 91109 (213)577-1020 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING WALNUT CREEK PASADENA EUGENE SEATTLE COST ESTIMATE (1) Agua Hedionda Pumping Station - Phase I Improvements Item Amount Sitework - $ 11,000 Structural 20,000 Mechanical equipment 169,000 Piping 39,000 Electrical 57,000 Instrumentation 26,000 Total $ 322,000 (2) Buena Vista Pumping Station - Standby Power System Item Amount Sitework - $ 10,000 Structural 9,000 Mechanical equipment 13,000 Piping 3,000 Electrical 39,000 Instrumentation 1, OOP Total $ 75,000 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 3949 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFI- CATIONS AND AUTHORIZING THE VISTA SANITATION DIS- TRICT TO INVITE BIDS FOR: CONSTRUCTION OF THE AGUA HEDIONDA PUMPING STATION - PHASE I IMPROVEMENTS AND THE BUENA VISTA PUMPING STATION STANDBY POWER SYSTEM. WHEREAS, on September 3, 1975, the City of Carlsbad and the Vista Sanitation District entered into a Second Supplemental Agree- ment for the enlargement and addition to those Joint Facilities known as the Buena Vista Pumping Station, the Buena Vista Force Main and the Agua Hedionda Pumping Station; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said agreement plans and specifications have been prepared and filed in the Engineering Department of the City of Carlsbad for construction of the Agua Hedionda Pumping Station - Phase I Improvements and the Buena Vista Pumping Station Standby Power System and are incorporated by reference herein; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That those certain drawings and specifications for con- struction of the Agua Hedionda Pumping Station - Phase I Improve- ments and the Buena Vista Pumping Station Standby Power System, dated June, 1976, are hereby approved and the Vista Sanitation District is authorized to advertise for bids thereon, award and enter into a contract in response to the bids received as agent of and on behalf of the Vista Sanitation District and the City of Carlsbad to accomplish the construction set forth in said Plans and Specifications. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad at a regular meeting held the 6th day of July , 1976, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Packard, Skotnicki and CounciIwoman CaslerNOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: • ROBERT C. FRAZEE, May,