HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-07-20; City Council; 3360-1; Federal Aid Urban FAU Program Selection ProcessCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. 3360 - Supplement #1 Initial: DATE: July 20, 1976 Dept. Hd. C. Atty.V DEPARTMENT: Public Works Administrator C. Mgr. 4--_ S ubj ect: FEDERAL AID URBAN (FAU) PROGRAM - MODIFICATION OF FAU SELECTION PROCESS Statement of the Matter The City Council by minute motion on May 18, 1976 (Agenda Bill #3360) approved in concept a modification of the FAU organization and selection process. On the basis of their agency's instructions, the FAU members met several times in an effort to document the proposed changes. The process is described more fully in the attached staff memo. The recommended modified organization and selection process is set forth in the draft forwarded by the County. Exhibits 1. Staff Report 2. County transmittal and draft. Recommendation The City Council by minute motion: u A. Approve the revised organization and selection process. B. Re -Confirm the appointment of the Public Works Administrator as the City's representative to the FAU Project's Advisory Committee. Council action 7-20-76 The Council approved the revised organization and selection process and reconfirmed the appointment of the Public Works Administrator as the City's representative to the FAU Project's Advisory Committee. MEMORANDUM Jury 12, 1976 TO: City Manager FROM: Public Works Administrator SUBJECT: Federal Aid Urban (FAU) Program - Modification of FAU Selection Process City Council on May 18, 1976 (Agenda Bill #3660) approved in concept and autho- rized the city representative (Public Works Administrator) to the FAU committee to support a modification of the organization including as members Metropolitan Transit Development Board and the North County Transit Development Board. They also approved a streamlining of the process by eliminating the step wherein the Board of Supervisors had veto power over the program. Following direction by their respective boards, the members of the FAU committee met and approved a revised process flow chart which incorporated the approved changes. They further moved to appoint a subcommittee to prepare a draft of the process shown on the flow chart. Such a process was formulated, reviewed by the full committee and approved for distribution to member agencies for their approval. In preparing the written process, the subcommittee also attempted to address problems that had arisen in the past regarding allocation of funds to highway versus transit assist projects, inclusion of rolling stock in transit assist projects, regional versus local, FAU projects, agency equity, etc. The new process should guarantee Carlsbad to certain amognt of `'ands each year equivalent to our percentage of `he total county population times that portion of FAU funds allocated to local projects (25% minimum). Projects previously submit- ted will be re -rated using the revised guidelines, therefore the possibility of project funding that might have existed for us will be dependent of the position of those projects as a result of the new system. Regional highway projects and transit assist projects will continue to be ranked on a priority basis county wide. We normally rate low in this area because of our low traffic counts and the generally good conditions of our roadway systems. The revised process is perhaps the best compromise distribution of FAU funds in a manner which address the need for improving regionally significant routes, transit programs and the needs faced by local agencies -to improve and maintain their non regional significant FAU system. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve the revised FAU organizational and procedural guidelines. Ronald A. Beckman Public Works Administrator cc: City Engineer RAB/wv of ran �,-„'5•:>-^�� R J MASSMAN Director Offices of County Engineer & Road Commissionei County Surveyor County Airports June 28, 3.976 CG JNTY OF SAN D1 L_�O DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION'San 2. o.C Overland Ave. San Diego, California 92123 COMMUNITY SERVICES AGENCY Telephone: (714( 565.5177 TO: City Managers North County Transit Development Board Metropolitan Transit Development Board CALTRANS FROM: Thoroughfare Advisory Committee SUBJECT: Request for Member Agency Approval of Revised Procedures for Cooperative Development of Federal Aid Urban Programs The Federal Aid Highway Acts of 1973 and 1976 provide funding for road projects on the Federal Aid Urban System and/or for transit. The Federal Act requires the states to develop procedures for local implemen- tation of the Act. California procedures issued by CALTRANS in 1974 were followed locally to establish the procedure which has been used in San Diego County and which was approved by the State Highway Commission. State guidelines require that the cooperative process and program must be acceptable to: Cities over 200,000 Cities representing a majority of eligible population Majority of cities eligible for programs 1975 state legislation created the ?worth County Transit Development Board (NCTDB) and the Metropolitan Transit Development Board (MTDB) effective January 1, 1976. The law creating the MTDB (SB 101) states: "The Board, in cooperation with the cities under its jurisdiction and the California Department of Transportation shall establish the priority for the financing of such projects in the area under its jurisdiction." Both the ".:TDB and the MTDB now become potential applicants for FAU funds. -2-. The State Department of Transportation has issued instructions that the San Diego process be modified to take into account the addition of the two new members and the required position of the MTDB. The State Department of Trans- portation has further indicated that no program for funds from the 1976 Federal Aid Highway Act will be approved until the process is revised and accepted by CALTR.ANS. The MTDB approved a flow chart in principle which it transmitted for member agencies to review. Based on that flow chart, the Thorcughfare Advisory Committee prepared the attached draft procedures. This draft modifies the existing procedures which were accepted by the cities under 200,000, the cities representing the majority of the eligible population, and the majority of the cities eligible for the program. The principle new elements in the procedure relate to t.I.e two new Boards. However, there are several procedural details which can be explained in detail by your representative tothe Committee. On June 17, 1976 the Committee reviewed the draft which had been prepared by a subcommittee and voted to have it distributed to member agencies for review with a request that the procedures be approved. ACTION REQUESTED: 1. Formal action by your Council/Board to approve the new FAU procedures. 2. Formal action by your Council/Board to appoint one Committee member and one alternate to the Federal Aid Urban Advisory Committee as set forth in the new procedures, or to confirm the continuation of your existing appointments. We would appreciate your response prior to September 1, 1976 to allow the Committee to implement the 1976 FAU program in a timely manner. THOROUGHFARE ADVISORY COMMITTEE YJ.RASSMAN Chairman RJM:prm Attachment JUN 2 3 SAN DIEGO URBANIZED AREA FEDERAL AID URBAN PROGRAM PROCEDURES June 1976 '. PURPOSE � The purpose of these procedures is to define the cooperative process used in the San Diego County urbanized area for the selection of projects and the development of programs for the expenditure of Federal Aid Urban Funds, as authorized and appropriated by the Federal Highway Acts of 1973, et. seq. as further implemented by State regulation. PROCESS The attached flow chart labeled Exhibit "A" and dated June 17, 1976 is hereby included in these procedures. The following narrative refers to the steps as enumerated on the chart. Step 1. AGENCIES SUBMIT PROJECT PROPOSALS The following agencies shall be the only eligible project applicants for Federal Aid Urban funding: City of Carlsbad City of Imperial Beach City of Vista City of Chula Vista City of La Mesa CALTRANS, District 11 City of Coronado City of National City San Diego Metropolitan City of Del Mar City of Oceanside Transit Development Board City of E1 Cajon City of San Diego North San Diego County City of Escondido City of San Marcos Transit Development Board County of San Diego la. Agencies wishing to sponsor a Federal Aid Urban project shall be responsible for submitting a project proposal to the FAU Advisory Committee. Project proposals shall be submitted in a form prescribed by the committee and information submitted r shall include at least: type of project, location, cost, status, and other pertinent details required for evaluation. -2- Project proposals or revisions shall be approved by the legisla- tive body of the respective sponsoring agencies. lb. CALTRANS' project proposals shall be approved by the District Director and shall be submitted in advance to permit review prior to local agency submittals. 2. A deadline for project submittals for each Federal Aid Program shall be established by the committee. 3. Applications will not be changed unless changes are approved by the committee. 4. To be considered for FAU priorities, highway projects shall: a. Conform to local agency general plan. b. Appear on the approved FAU System map on file with the County Department of Transportation as of the project submittal deadline date. 5. Transit projects will be considered which can show advantage to FAU System. Step 2. FEDERAL AID URBAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECEIVES AND EVALUATES PROPOSALS The FAU (Federal Aid Urban) Advisory Committee is hereby constituted. This committee shall consist of individual representatives of the cities, county, ■ CALTRANS, and transit agencies within the San Diego urbanized area who are familiar with the transportation needs of the region. -3- A. COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP 1. Committee membership will. consist of one member nominated by the legislative bodies of each of the cities, the County, NCTDB, and SDMTDB, and for CALTRANS a member appointed by the District Director. Each member organization shall provide an alternate to serve in the absence of the regular committee member. 2. Each member agency will have one vote on committee matters with the majority of votes ruling. 3. The Comprehensive Planning Organization will provide an ex-officio member of the committee. 4. The San Diego Transit Corporation will provide an ex-officio member of the committee. 5. The Chairman of the committee shall be chosen from the members of the committee. 6. Secretarial and staff services shall be fu-nished by the County Department of Transportation. B. DUTIES OF THE COMMITTEE 1. The committee shall develop programs for the expenditure of Federal Aid Urban funds in accordance with guidelines and require- ments of the State Urban Systems Committee and the State Director of Transportation. ' 2. The committee shall provide maximum coordination with the long-term regional transportation planning program of the San Diego urbanized area when considering a recommended project of regional significance. - t- 3. The committee shall review and evaluate potential Federal Aid Urban projects submitted by sponsoring local agencies and develop a recommended program for the expenditure of Federal Aid Urban funds in the San Diego urbanized area. 4. The committee shall monitor the approved program, review progress reports from CALTRANS and the local agencies, and submit recommended programs' revisions as may become necessary. C. DUT.IES OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS 1. Committee members shall be responsible for notifying appropriate officials within the agency they represent of committee actions and shall request agency decisions where needed. 2. Committee members shall provide project data and status reports to the committee -at -large for projects sponsored by their agencies. 3. Committee members shall be responsible for meeting all deadlines established by the committee. 4. CALTRANS shall provide funding level data, State and Federal dead- lines, and other detailed information necessary for committee decision. S. Ex-officio members shall not hold voting rights at committee meetings. D. EVALUATION 1. Prior to the deadline for project submittals, the committee shall Y develop and approve a procedure to evaluate all project requests. 2. Staff for the FAU Advisory Committee shall evaluate projects. -5- 3. For the purpose of evaluation, projects shall be divided into the following categories: Regional Road Projects, Transit Projects, and Local Road Projects. 4. All projects will be categorized by the major use of funds requested. 5. Before a priority list is established, individual projects will be reviewed by committee staff with the applicant to ensure agreement as to rating evaluation. 6. All disparities between staff and applicant will be resolved by the committee. 7. Distribution by Category From the evaluation of project requests, a priority list will be established and assembled which will show the following approximate distribution percentages of available FAU funds. a. Regional Road Projects - up to 50% Regional projects shall be selected from that set of FAU system roads which have been identified as regionally significant. A map showing the adopted set of regionally significant roads as approved by the committee shall be on file with the County Department of Transportation as of the deadline date for project submittal. The map shall be prepared by CPO. Y One -fifth of regional projects may be traffic signals and road rehabilitation (recap) projects. -6- b. Transit Assist Projects - up to 25% To transit assist projects, such as multi -modal transfer facili- ties, guideways, stations, transit shelters, carpools, vanpools, exclusive bus lanes, bus turnouts, maintenance facilities. No rolling stock will be funded with FAU funds. c. Local Road Projects - minimum 25% To projects on the Federal Aid Urban system of roads as shown on the map on file with the County Department of Transportation as of the deadline date for project submittals. E. SEQUENCE OF PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT The committee shall develop a program utilizing the following sequence of actions: 1. a. Agencies shall submit proposals for regional road projects. b. The committee staff shall evaluate regional road projects according to the evaluation system approved by the committee. c. The committee shall select regional road projects from the resulting priority listing within the formal distribution shown in Section D.7. 2. a. Agencies shall submit proposals for transit assist projects. b. The committee shall select transit assist projects from the resulting priority listing within the formal distribution shown in Section D.7. r -7- 3. a. The committee will assign funds for local road projects within the jurisdictions of member agencies as determined cooperatively by the committee. b. Sponsoring member agencies will identify their respective local road projects and submit confirming data for inclusion in the transportation improvement program. F. SPECIAL ALLOCATION CONTROLS 1. In any event, the total FAU funding for any project or combination of projects submitted by CALTRANS shall not exceed 33-1/3% of the total available FAU funds. 2. In accordance with Title 23, Section 150 of the United States Code, to provide that "fair and equitable treatment shall be accorded incorporated municipalities of 200,000 or more population," i.e. the City of San Diego will be guaranteed a percentage of funds approximately equal to its percentage of population in the urbanized area. Projects submitted by CALTRANS and transit projects within the corporate limits of the City of San Diego, shall be credited to the City for the purpose of determining the percentage of funds. 3. The surplus, if any, which may result from a lower dollar value of regional or transit projects, or from withdrawal of a project or savings in its completion, shall be redistributed to local road T projects. . -8- 4. Amounts allocated may be,partial grants, as may be determined by action of the committee. . 5. Member agencies may, by agreement of their legislative bodies, transfer funds for local road projects among themselves, within the allocations for local road projects, subject to approval by the committee prior to final submission of the program. 6. No changes to the evaluation process shall be made following the deadline for project submittals. x G. PROGRAM LIST 1. The FAU Advisory Committee shall assemble a priority listing of projects within the established categories for transmittal to the local agencies. This list shall be referred to as the recommended FAU Multi -Year Program. 2. The FAU Multi -Year Program shall include sufficient projects beyond available FAU funds so that in the event of surplus funds, the com- mittee will not have to repeat the approval process in order to utilize these funds. The intent is to allow the committee, in the event of surplus funds, to: (a) provide additional funding to approved projects, or (b) fund additional projects from the estab- lished list. Step 3. RATIFICATION BY LEGISLATIVE COUNCILS/BOARDS A. The committee shall submit the entire FAU Multi -Year Program to all member agencies for review. -9- B. Cities, the County, and NCTDB shall, by resolution, approve or dis- approve the FAU Multi -Year Program recommended by the FAU Advisory Committee. The intent of this step is to provide for regional review of the Federal Aid Urban funding process by elected officials of the member local agencies. C. The resolutions shall be forwarded to the FAU Advisory Committee staff for tabulation. D. If any agency does not respond within 60 days, this shall be interpreted as approving the FAU Multi -Year Program. Step 4. FEDERAL AID URBAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE PROCESSING A. The project listing shall be considered approved if favorable action is indicated by resolutions from local agencies representing: 1. The majority of incorporated cities. 2. Incorporated cities representing the majority of population in the urbanized area. 3. The incorporated city with a population of greater than 200,000. B. If approval of the program, as stated above, does not occur, then the EAU Advisory Committee shall restructure the program in order to resolve the objections. C. When the legislative agencies/boards approve the recommended FAU Program, the Advisory Committee will forward the program to the SDMTDB for its action. ' -10- Step 5. SAN DIEGO METROPOLITAN TRANSIT DEVELOP14ENT BOARD RATIFICATION WITHIN AREA OF JURISDICTION A. SDMTB by resolution will act to approve, dissapprove, or revise project priorities within its area of jurisdiction and returns the program to the FAU Advisory Committee. B. Nu action on the part of SDMTDB shall raduce the amount of program allocations outside of the SDMTDB area. Step 6. EAU ADVISORY COMMITTEE PROCESSING Following ratification by the SDMTDB, or no later than 60 days, the EAU Advisory Committee forwards the program to CPS. If unresolved problems exist within the SDMTDB area of jurisdiction, the committee will forward the remaining program to CPO. Step 7. COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING ORGANIZATION A. CPO will review the EAU program to endorse it for conformance with adopted regional plans, A-95 review, and inclusion in the regional Transportation Improvement Program. B. The CPO will forward the recommended program to CALTRANS, District 11 which will handle all further State processing. Step 8. STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (CALTRANS) CALTRANS reviews the recommended program for conformance with guidelines and requirements of the State Urban Systems Committee and the State T Director of Transportation and forwards to the California Highway Commission, through the Stare Transportation Board, for their approval. -11- SteF 9. CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY COMMISSION The California Highway Commission approves the program and forwards to the Federal Highway Administration. FUNDING 1. CALTRANS shall notify the committee of all FAU appropriations and yearly obligations made to the San Di-�o urbanized area, and shall make periodic reports to the committee concerning status of expenditures. 2. Obligation and expenditure of Federal Aid Urban funds will be governed by appropriations, obligational releases, and administrative requirements of the Federal and State governments. 3. Federal Aid Urban funds are available to both the urbanized area and the urban area (Fallbrook). Urban area funds may be transferred to the urbanized area by agreement o* the legislative bodies representing the t. urban area. 4. CALTRANS will coordinate with the Federal Highway Administration, the State Transportation Board, and the California Highway Commission so that obligations to specific projects will be expeditiously approved. I 5. The committee shall monitor the approved program, review progress reports from CALTRANS and the .local agencies, and submit recommended programs' revisions as may become necessary. MODIFICATION OF THESE PROCEDURES T From time to time the committee may modify these procedures, as may be re- quested by any committee members, any local agency within the San Diego urbanized area, or as necessitated by changed State or Federal requirements. . -12- In any event, these procedures shall be acceptable to: I i 1. The majority of incorporated cities, 2. Incorporated cities representing the majority of population in the urbanized area, 3. The incorporated city with a population of greater than 200,000, and be subject to the same approvals as those by which the procedures were adopted. STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 STEP 7 STEP B STFP 9 APPLICATIONS PROJECTS RATIFICATION PROCESSING APPROVAL OF PROCESSING A-95 REVIEW REVIEW FOR APPROVAL DEVELOPED RANKED BY LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES LEGAL BODIES/BOARDS WITHIN AREA REQUIREMENTS OF JURISDICTION CITIES CITIES COUNTY CALTRANS MTOB NCTDB FAU IPROJECTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 11 rr-AU IPROJECT ADVISORY COMMITTE5j I FAU PROJECTS ADVISORY LCOMMITTEE SAN DIEGO URBANIZED AREA FEDERAL AID URBAN PROGRAM PROCEDURE FLOW CHART EXHIBIT A JUNE 17, 1976