HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-07-20; City Council; 3716; WATER LINE EASEMENT QUITCLAIM - PORTION OF LOTS 2 THROUGH 8, BUENA VISTA GARDENS, MAP 2492 IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD5 (I) CITY OF CARLSBAD e 6;1 AGENDZi RILL NO. 37/b Initial: Dept-Hd. C. Atty.f\+ .- DATE ; I_ July 20, 1976 DEPARTMENT: Enqineerinq C. Mgr. 3 Subject: Water Line Easement Quitclaim - Portion of Lots 2 through I Buena Vista Gardens, Map 2492 in the City of Carlsbad Statement of the Matter The City via the Carlsbad Mutual Water Company has a ten foot (11 the City of Carlsbad. See Exhibit 1. The water line is now located in the City street, Buena Vista Ci and there is no need now or in the future for this easement. water line easement over Lots 2 through 8, Buena Vista Gardens ir EXHIBITS : I 1. Sketch showing easeme.it. 2. Memo from Utilities Yaintenance Department. 3. Copy Of Quitclaim Deed for information. RECOMMENDATION: Approve a motion authorizing the Mayor to execute a Quitclaim Det for a water line easement over a portion of Lots 2 through 8, Buena Vista Gardens, Map 2492, in the City of Carlsbad. Council action 7-20-76 It was moved that tbe Yayor be authorized to execute a Quit Deed for a water lire easement over a portion of Lots 2 thr 8, Buena Vista Garders, "ap 2492, in the City of Carlsbad. . -:_ _- r-._- . . ~Xm3f7- / -------- / b * June 11, 1976 MElYlORANDUM TO : Engineering Department FROM : Sr. Engineering Aide Via Utilities/Maintenance Director SUBJECT: Easement Quitclaim - Buena Vista Circle The existing 10' easement on Bueria Vista Circle can now be quitclaimed. An old Steel line that is in it is no longer maintained. from the system and replaced by a larger transite pipe line taking the street as the new route. It has already been cut off ,I' 7,&&\ /pr9/-\ '- %(I pl I P U E RT 0 L LAN 0 Sri. Engineering Aide RP: jlc #@lvE'n JuNl 4 jqT6 1 c~,~~~~~e~t ab0 C\TY Of,& WQar Eog\oee Ev44m7- 2 5 RECORDING REQUESTED BY ' City kf Carlsbad e d 854 AN0 WHEN RECORDED WAIL TO bity Clerk 1 Nome Street City of Carlsbad tty L Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Address 1200 Elm Avenue State L i r 1 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO Name Owners shown on Streef attached Exhibit "A" Address e 1 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S US , Corporation Quitclaim Deed APN-- ~~- THIS FORM FJRNISHED BY TICOR TITLE INSURERS TO 920 Cl I7 74 The undersigned grantor (s) declare (s) : Documentary transfer tdx is $ NIL . ( ( ( ) Unincorporated area: ( x) City of Carlsbad , and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, 1 computed on full Laluc of propert) conie>ed, or ) computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. The City of Carlsbad, a Municipal Corporation - organized under the laws of the state of hereby REMISES, RELEASES AND QUITCLAJMS to Cal i fornia Owners of record as shown on attached Exhibit"A". assessor parcel numbers) (See exhibit "A" for the following described real property in the County of San Diego , State of California: Ci ty Of Carl sbad, That portion of a water line easement granted to the Carlsbad Mutual Water Company, recorded in the office of the Recorder, San Diego County, California, July 5, 1947, Book 2429, Page 388 of Official Records, that falls within the boundaries of Lots 2,3,4,5,6,7, and 8, Buena Vista Gardens, according to map thereof, No. 2492 filed in the office of the Recorder of San Diego County on August 4, 1948. Carl s bad. Also shown for convenience sake on attachment "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof. Said easement now vested in the interest of the City of In Witness Whereof, said corporation has caused its cor orate name and seal to be affixed hereto and this ii thereunto duly authorized. Dated: ment to be executed bv its Mayor %#&Ut and City Clerk ai 2 )f- J 2 /, /9 76 SS. I STATE OF CALIFORNIA . On XIL/ s/ / 3 76 before me the under signej, a Notary Public in and for said State personall\ appealed ~, known to me to be the A-L ' &M .5 known to nie to he p,f/-/ cy, .k/q &@&&f)6f the Corporatlon that executed the within/Instrument, known to me to be the person< who executed the Hithin Instrument on behalf of the Corporatlon thprrir named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the nithm In-tru nient puruant to its by laws or a resolution of itq hoard of director>. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ,--- ', I J- .9 I COUNTY OF .3fiLl .bye 9 ) ,- K~~A,=.AT e f - P <A2 I-: - mf? 1/ J kd#%kNtX and ,*c&&rr** Bee4 @-&@ * OFFtCtAC SEAL l \ pi<* NOPA K. GFRDIYER 1 :QA' '*-'% NOTARY PUBLIC - CCIUF t $9' PAINCIPAL OFFICE tN j ,- \ k, E-C.@-rC*-*CC.dL-C--.Z.-~ 0 Oij&!b SAF, DIEGO COLNTY &,+E {;&fliF,- / /s HI COMMlSSfON EXPIRES Jhh. 29, 19a0 \ Signature ? 0, dy&J;,A, (Tliii ate& fot ofR(id notarial sedl) 0 0 I 7 il 2, 5 Plii K $5 g g %m zc .( 12 n rn l 0 7 =im r7 B A P& 8 2- ’(3 cz grn 1 In> ‘I% < 12 n m z 73 I- 0s zm E Io) s’c CD -- > $E z 8 z zc :zu Qa 9, 02 $4 I-s r3 02 3 U =a 800 n 0 5 rn --I 0 0 5 I- 7 =im s1 > r! P& 0-1 8 2- 8 zc ?rn P UP m 0s 3 E Io) rnrn I-s 0, ‘1 02 c’c tD -- U =a moo u c3 * ”I2 3 5 n grn 3 z q ea a 2% I-Cn rn a 0 rn 5 n 2, I - 5 B6 H g zc %U K SF m” < 12 a -855 * E XH I B I T "A " Property Owners, Water Line Easement Quitclaim Deed in Buena Vista Gardens, Map 2492 LOT NUMBER -- OWNER ASSESSOR ' S PARCEL NO. 2 Richard A. k Joellen Penman 155-221 -2 POR 3 Ray N. & Esther H. Halsey 155-221 -1 6 POR 3 Francis L. & Blanche E. Norman 155-221 -1 7 4 Gilbert L. & Julia E. Southwell 155-221 -04 5 Vernon D. & Blance A. Overmyer 155-221 -05 6 Kristina M. Rice 155-221 -06 7 Stan B. & Mable A. Pruss 155-221 -07 8 J.C. & Virginia L. Fikes 155-221 -08 FEMMhN F7lCUDQ . -._ --. -- - .~- __.---- _---.- Qu/rcLA/H OC??~?.. W@7&E LIU€ €#S€~E-~T -~ .__~-~~ ~- .~ . - -- 47-79C4W€N7 ‘a ”