HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-08-17; City Council; 3743; Request for Funding Senior Citizen AssociationV
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AGENDA BILL NO.__ %JI s Initial-
DATE: � _ August _17,_ 1976 Dept. Hd. tw_ '
C. Atty.V/7--!j
DEPARTMENT: City ManagerC. Mgr.
Subject: —
,Statement of the Matter
The president of the Carlsbad Senior Citizen's Association has
addressed a letter to the City Councii stating that the One -Time -Only
Fdnding.under which the program was operating might allow the con-
tinuation of our nutrition program. Part of this program was handled
by donations from local citizens. The County accountants have
told them that the donations must be applied to reduce the amount of
federal funds. The Senior Citizen Association had to rebate $1196.89,
thereby depleting their funds as of July 1, 1976 for the program.
Since that time there have'been donations from La Jolla Federal
Savings and Loan and Central Federal Savings and ,Loan Co. in the
amount of $130:00. Application was made to Country Friends and
their committee is making $1;00o.00 available to the program in late
August or early Septeiuucr.
There is -some indication that federal funding through the County may
be received by next January, 1977. Consequently, the Senior Citizen
'A-.sociatiom is asking .the Council for $2,g00.00 to continue the pro-
gram till the end of 19716, Iffunds "should become available through,
Title IIY, the Association would refund any unused portion of the
$2,000.00 to the City.
The programs�prra§ently serving around 20 - 25 persons per day. With
the advent of Movirig to the new Pine Avenue Food Center -in the fall,
as -many as 50 persons per" day will be using the program. The program
has been very swell received by the senior citizens and there is no
,question that it iS worthwhile and should be continued.
Letter from -Carlsbad Senior Citizen's Association dated August 3, 1976.
da�°csCommittee on Senior Citizen's •Affairs dated August 11, 1976.
If Council agrees, instruct staff to make funds available from
.the contingency fund, account number 1-139-2450.
.Council action
8-17-76 Staff was instructed to make funds available From the contingency
fund, account No. 1-139-2450 to Carlsbad Senior Citizen's
Association for the Nutrition Program.
Iruorporated in the State of California, June 25, 1975 Corporate number 738726
A Non -Profit Corporation
August 3, 1976 2945 Harding Street
Carisoad, CYW&nia-92008
Phone (714) 729.0484
To: City Ccancil, City of Carlsbad, Cal- through the City 2kanage>q.
Subject: Request for Funding to continue the Nutrition Pragrasn.
Lr:dy and Gentlemen of the Council:
At the time the annual budget for Senior Citizen Affairs was discuaaed
by both the Advisory Committee and the Senior Citizenst Assodiation
It was felt that there would be funds available from other sources
than the City to maintain and ccnt3xsue the Nutrition Program (Fellow -
chip Luncheon). There was some assurance from the County.of San, Diego
t2.at the One -Time -Only Funding under which the program was operating
weight permit retention of the donations received from the perticipants.
However, at the final reporting of the Fund, the County Accountants
referred to the Contract, which stated that the donations must be ap-
plied"to reduce the amount of the Federal fun d¢; sd it'w13� necessary
to rebate to San Diego CoUntg tin ammount of 41196.89. This left the
Frogram entirely without ,funds on July 1st, except for donations from
LaTolla Federal Savings and Loan Co., and Central Federal Savings and
Lca.n.Co. in the amounts of 1100.00 and $30.00 respectively. In add�:tion
application was shade to Country Friends and their committee is making
�$1000.00 a vailable to the Program in late August or early September:
Other applications are in process and there is somre indication that
there may be some Federal funding through the County by next Januarys
However, at present the Nutrition Program its in neid of funds to con-
tinue operating. The cost of subsidizing some 46% of the meals fer
those unable to pay and for part-time compf)hsation for the supervisor
of the Program would amount to $2000.00 in addition to the donations
already received to euppblljr the Program to the and of 1976. If at
any time funds should become available through Title III, the Asso-
ciation would refund to the City of Carlsbad any unused portion of the
A brief summary of the Program*: follows; (February through Jun6,1976)
No.of Days No -of Meals Total Receipta Total Cost Av-Donation. Av.No-Persons
pe;: meal per, meal
103 1477 41196.89 $1846.25 81g 14.3
For the month of July, 1976:
21 382 294.57 477.50 7V 18
The attendance at the Program is gradually increasing and is in the
20ts most of the time now, and these are the elderly who really need
and profit from the Program.
Incorporated in the State of Ctii::r,ta. Jun. 25, 1975 Corporate number 738726
A NCn•ProHt Corporation
2945 Harding Street
Carlsbad, California 92008
Phone (714) 729,0484
As we get more publicity, and when the luncheon is moved to the new
Pine Ave. Food Center latein the fall, it is anticipated that many
persons will be able to walk there and the numbers will be close to
There is music, singing and general good fellowship prevailing at
the luncheons. Also there are lectures are items of interest to
senior citiiens. The menus are excellent and the cafeteria workers
provide little extra touches to make the meals more attractive.
There -are three volurte(Le6 who assist the supervisor at each meal:.
The satisfaction and pleasure of the participants are expressed cow-
tinually by such comments as:. ":Ct?s like eating out"; "the fellnwsh'ip
and opportunity to meet new friends and talk while sfe eat is yonder=
ful";. "the food is so good"; "we can get our main meal of the d"
here. -and need not cook again at night"; "it is so much better than
eating alone.."
There is no question that the Program ie worthwhile and should be
�. Ram nd C. Ede President
Carlsbad Senior Citizenst Association
• 1 '
August 1 1 , 076
To: ;.ity Council, City of Carlsbad
Subject: Assoc•iationis Request fc�•r Fund-ing of the Nuteirion
Because of circumstances as out'iined in the lettei'to ):slur ,
Nonor5b•i.e Bvuy. fre^ th- r:arlsbad Senior 'Ci-tizens Assocl,at. \dn,
the fund i n3 that was going to be used to cont'i nue the Nutr l-t.i on
Program, (Fellowship Luncheon) had to be returned to the County,,
the Association will approach the City for additional f+aods to
conti.nu.e this very impprtant program.,
The Committee on Senior Citizens•A'ffairs, unanimously ay5ree,s
that the afore ,rent -Toned Program, is f•uIf-i l ll,n9 a vl•tal need for
our 'Carlsbad Senior Citizens; therefore -,'the Committee,. respect-
fulrly recomends to the City Council of the. C-Vty of Caris'¢ad that,
if ,poss-ib"le., the amount requ.s-Led by the Carls,f,ad- Senior C-i,tizens
Association, be grantod so that the Nutr`itju^ Program can continue
in operat'i.on.
Manuel N. Castorena, 'Chairman
Committee on Senior Citizens Affairs
..7 i