HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-09-14; City Council; 3767; Gift of property to City of Carlsbad- w 3 1. -1 i-1;. -;. .I_ ; >. :: : c ~ /q.L .: ’, 7 t..< LlT;:e 1 ._.. ._ . . .r)I.: r *.~. J.) ,. j - 2 ir’d - .-.-.- _._._ ~.. ~;j;:;rli-; : .---- -t * - .----.. ..,.____ .-I_. -. --. __ _s eE%eEbe-e- _14,1_9.7 6 , ..-,.-, . ___ -__-_ .r* ...*._ .-- 117 . City Manaqer -~ -_-_. ~ ___ .-~. . . ____ ._ - __ ..._ . . __- .- - - -. . . , - , . . ,.. .- .. I r -.-_I--. .-_-.--..----“-..-1 ---.-.-.-.--... ..-I.- --.. - --.-~.I.... l.”___.,____,-__--I-._..__ l___l_._____,__ ._...._I____ -‘ GIFT OF PROPERTY TO CITY OF CARLSBAD (W. D. Cannon) --“--.I..-. -- -...- -.--..-- .- -... I ,..- -.- -------- .--- --I- _- -...,-. _-I^__ “._I” .I_..__ _I- _,_. ____ __- - .____ _.__ ..-. __ ___ Mr. pnd Mrs. W. D. Cannon have offered to the City of Carlsbad, 6.7 - acres, located on Cannon Road, for exclusive public purposc The property is subject to current taxes and assessments. The property has a small lake on it and adjoins the homes frontir on El Arbol Drive and. extends from Cannon Road, approximately 600 feet southerly. The width varies from around 50 feet to the area where the run-off water enters, which would be 3 to 4 feet in width. An oral report will he given by the City Engineer concerning the drainage area. Exhibit Letter to Council dated 8-5-76 from Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Cannon Report to City Manager from Assistant City Manager, 9-3-76 Quitclaim Deed Map of Property Recommendation If Council wishes to accept the property, the matter should be referred to the Planning Commission for a General Plan consistenc report and to the Cit.y Attorney for preparation of the the necess documents. Counci 1 kti on : 9-7-76 Pi ~iotion was Rade to accept the stcff recomendation to refer this matte the p1 ann jng Comnjssi on for a Fenera1 P7 an consistency renort 158 North Melrose Drive Vista, California 92083 August 3, 1976 City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, California 92003 Dear Mayor and Members of the City of Council: We hereby offer to the City of Carlsbad, California, for exclusively public purposes, the 6.7 + or - acres located on Cannon Road and described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, subject only to current taxes and assess- ments. Sincerely, W. D. CANNON MARIA~~TERESA CANNON rN««c ADDRESS CITY ftBTATCI NAME ADDREBS CITY &STATE [ WORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO J J • SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Documentary transfer tax $ —D— f~l Computed on full value of property conveyed, or [] Computed on full value less liens & encumbrances remaining thereon at time of sale. Signature of declarant or agent determining tax - firm name Q Unincorporated area D City of....Carlsbad Quitclaim Deed 210/090/17 FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION1, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, MARIA W. D. CANNON and/TERESA CANNON do -hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim to City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation the following described real property in the state of California: AS PER ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" county of gan Diego Dated_August li ,1976 _> ss.STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY nr SAN DIEGO On August ,1976 before me, the under- signed, a Notary Public in and for said County and Stale, personally fpp..r>H W. PT CANNON MARIA .TERESA CANNeN- , . MARIA TERESA CANNON . , known to me to be the penon_S_whose nameJEk__cUC&ubscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged th«t 'thQV *T£C"tfd the same. Signature of Notary Title Order No-. Escrow FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP OFFICIAL SEAL MILO E. SHAO'E NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA SAN D!ECO COUMTYMy tor.ini. espirc: D.'C 12, 1979 • P. O. Box 657, ViMQ, CA 92083 L-H-A (GSHRev. 5-67) (8 pt.)MAIL. TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE EXHIBIT "A1 All that portion of Lot "H" of the Rancho Aqua Hedionda, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Partition Map thereof No. 823, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, November 16, 1896 described as follows: Beginning at the most Northerly corner of Lot 163 of Terramar Unit No. 5, according to Map thereof No. 3371 filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said County; thence along the Easterly prolongation of the Northerly boundary of said Terramar Unit No. 5 North 59°21'10" East 2.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing along said Easterly prolongation of said Northerly boundary of Terramar Unit No. 5 North 59°21'10" East 226.92 feet to a point on the Westerly Right of Way of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company as said right of Way was established on September 22, 1948; thence along said Right of Way North 23°06'00" West 937.82 feet to a point; thence South 66°54' 10" West 103.11 feet to the beginning of a tangent 3042 foot radius curve concave Northerly; thence Westerly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 5°32'30" a distance of 2g4.22 feet, a radial from said point bears North 17°33'20" West; thence South 37035'34" East 95.63 feet; thence South 30°38'50" East 535.00 feet; thence South 38°33'38" East 218.10 feet; thence South 30°38'50" East 150.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. DATE: 'SEPTEMBER 3, 1976 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: GIFT OF PROPERTY TO CITY OF CARLSBAD (W. D. Cannon) The total amount still due on the 6.7 acres, including the interest, is $15,963.92. Annual payments amount to $2,210.38, plus the interest of $491.26, making a total payment due in December, 1976 of $2,701.64. This is the street bond assessment for the improvement of Cannon Road. The sewer bonds on the property have been paid in full. The 1975-76 taxes assessed valuation was $17,500.00 which is approximately $2,000.00 per year in taxes on the property. WILLIAM C. BALDWIN Assistant City Manager WCB:ldg V § DETAILS NO SCALE DETAI-L "C SCA'L£ 1972. 1913 ACT CITY OF DIAGRAM fbr STf?E£T from3,000 ,n FILE NQ Harle,/ F. «/ EXHIBIT "A1 All that portion of Lot "H" of the Rancho Aqua Hedionda, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Partition Map thereof No. 823, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, November 16, 1896 described as follows: '.}, Beginning at the most Northerly corner of Lot 163 of Terramar Unit No. 5, according to Map thereof No. 3371 filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said County; thence along the Easterly prolongation of the Northerly boundary of said Terramar Unit No. 5 North 59°21'10" East 2.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing along said Easterly prolongation of said Northerly boundary of Terramar Unit No. 5 North 59°21'10" East 226.92 feet to a point on the Westerly Right of Way of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company as said right of Way was established on September 22, 1948; thence along said Right of Way North 23°06'00" West 937.82 feet to a point; thence South 66°54' 10" West 103.11 feet to the beginning of a tangent 3042 foot radius curve concave Northerly; thence Westerly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 5°32'30" a distance of 294.22 feet, a radial from said point bears North 17°33'20" West; thence South 37°35'34" East 95.63 feet; thence South 30°38'50" East 535.00 feet; thence South 38°33'38" East 218.10 feet; thence South 30°38'50" East 150.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. I' i ~ ~~ ___. ~. __ - - 'm ~:w- - .-.- _- -- .L-... , - .. . . - .. - __ - --- SCALE / I SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC TO BEACH TERRAMAR RESIDENTIAL' COMMUNITY (I) - * 1230 FLM AVENUE TELEi CkQLS54D, CALIFO?’<’A 92008 (714) 7 Office of the IIIYu3yor b rictober 4, 1976 Yr. W. D. Cannon P. 0. &x 532 Carlsbad, California 92008 gear Kr. Cannon: ‘;hank you for your letter of concern over the misinfornatio Road. It is unfortunare that the newspper made the state- ment but I \.;ant you ‘LO be assured that the Coxncil and myself are fully axare &at PO tax lien exists against t5e property. 13y law the City is r’equired to 90 through several steps prior to formal acceztacce of the property, but the Council has already indicated i-cs irLtent to accept =he offer. Gn behalf of the Council, let me say that it has been vlexec as an extrezely :enercis qift on your part and we greatly zppreciate your thocq5.t~ in giving this property to the community. Sincerely, I\ i’ ir? .. Ehe newspaper regarding t?,e dedication of land on Cannon 4 : ,.F p . :, -/‘ _-> /J F t -w--+~c/+r, /d XOBERT C. FIIAZEE’ Mayor RZF: ldy i / c\ I