HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-09-21; City Council; 3754-1; Proposed subdivision and planned unit developmentCITY OF CAm:.SBM) AGENDA BILL NO. 3754 -Supplement 1 . _ _ Initial: " ~~ Dept.Hd. DATE: September 21, 1976 r ,+, » r•,?.._. ___ — — ^. A-Cty . . •/ 73 DEPARTMENT: City Attorney C. Mgr. Y\ PROPOSED TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION (CT 76-8) AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD- 2) APPLICANT -- ES-BJ&R£gHT— -fo7E STCO ) ----- •S tateinen t of the Matter The City Council at your meeting of September 7, 1976, directed the City Attorney to prepare the documents approving CT-76-8, PUD-2. The necessary resolutions are attached.necessary resolutions are attached. Exhibit Resolution No. Resolution No. Recommendation If the Council wishes to approve CT 76-8, PUD-2, your action is to adopt Resolutions No. ty(7/jL and No. Council Action: 9-21-76 Resolution No. 4012, approving with conditions Tentative Map (CT 76-8), wasadopted. Resolution No. 4013, approving with conditions a Planned Unit Develooment (PUD-2), was adopted. CO „ 3 o • Q- CN£C < <n O u- ^ | 0 O z ^—, t. QC 0> >9 uj O o * UJ ^ CN <j| o ^- *~ OQfl i ^ u o 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 •26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. .4012 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS TENTATIVE MAP (CT 76-8) FOR A 6-LOT SUBDIVISION ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF HIGHLAND DRIVE BETWEEN CHESTNUT AVENUE AND MAGNOLIA AVENUE. APPLICANT: ED EBRIGHT WHEREAS, on August 11, 1976, the Carlsbad City Planning / Commission adopted Resolution No. 1267 recommending to the City Council that Tentative Map (CT 76-8) be conditionally approved; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held a public hearing on September 7, 1976, and considered the recom- mendation of the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said Tentative Map has been declared to have a nonsignificant impact on the environment and a Negative Declara- tion has been prepared and filed in compliance with the require- ments of the City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follov/s: A. That the above recitations are true and correct. B. That said Tentative Map, together with the provisions for its design and improvement and subject to the conditions of this resolution, is consistent with all applicable general and specific plans of the City of Carlsbad. C. That the findings of the Planning Commission, in Resolution No. 1267, constitute the findings of the City Council in this matter. "7 , " D rf\ S> ro o!S 1 ENT F. BIONDO, JINEY - CITY OF C200 ELM AVENUEAD, CALIFORNIA5§ 1 fc "o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 X"" D. That Tentative Map (CT 76-8) is hereby approved subject to all applicable reqxiirements of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and to the satisfaction of the following conditions: 1. The approval is granted for the land described in the application and any attachments thereto and as shown on the Plot Plan submitted labeled Exhibit "B", dated 8/6/76. The location of all roadways, parking areas, landscaping and other facilities or.features shall be located substantially as shown on the plot plan labeled Exhibit "B", except or unless indicated otherwise herein. 2. Final Map shall be completed within 18 months from the date of final City Council action on the Tentative Subdivision Map. Two extensions of one year each may be approved by City Council upon staff review of the original decision. 3. All public improvements shall be made in conformity with the Subdivision Ordinance and other City Standards, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, without cost to the City of Carlsbad and free of all liens and encumbrance; 4. Prior to any construction, the applicant shall submit plans to the appropriate entity providing domestic water to the proposed development, for its approval of the location, type and adequacy of water lines. 5. Prior to any construction, the applicant shall obtain approval from the City Fire Department of the location and size of fire hydrants. 6. Street trees, as required by the City, shall be installed by the applicant at his expense. Trees shall be of a type approved by the Parks & Recreation Dept. and shall be installed to their specifications. If removal of any existing trees is required by the City, said removal shall be at the applicant's expense. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to make all arrangements with the Parks & Recreation Department concerning the requirements of this condition. 7. A detailed grading plan which includes proposed drainage and erosion control landscaping and for other measures such as desilting basins shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to Final Map. 8. Immediately after grading, erosion control landscaping and/or other measures such as desiltxng basins shall be installed. This control may be the final landscaping, if so approved. XX 2. Q CDO5 °°I Of? Occ < g O u- ^ ^i£|em o 2 IJ -;^ gz §§ Z O C/3>g ^ H O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. : 18. - 19. XX XX XX A detailed landscape and sprinkler plan shall be submitted for Planning Director's approval for all graded slopes 5" or greater in height and for those areas to be landscaped in the easement road. v Prior to final building inspection clearance, all land- scaping shall be installed or adequate bonding accepted. Said landscaping shall be maintained in a manner accept- able to the Planning Director and Parks & Recreation' Directori "No Parking" signs will be placed on the northern side of the access easement and on the cul-de-sac turn around to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. The CC&Rs will be submitted to the Planning Director for approval prior to Final Map approval. If requested by the City Engineer, an amended Tentative Map shall be submitted for approval by the City Engineer prior to review of the final map to assure compliance to all conditions of approval. In order to provide for reasonable fire protection during the construction period, the subdivider shall maintain passable vehicular access to all buildings and adequate fire hydrants with required fire flows shall be installed as recommended by the Fire Department. Ornamental street lighting on Highland Avenue shall be provided for as required by Municipal Ordinance. Ornamental street lighting on the private access easement shall be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer All land and/or easements required shall be granted to the City of Carlsbad without cost to the City, and free of all liens and encumbrances. No easements shall be recorded prior to recordation of the final map unless approved by the City Engineer. Highland Avenue shall be improved to City of Carlsbad standards on the basis of a 30 foot half street section along the subdivision frontage. All utilities along this section shall be installed underground. A 31 foot public street easement shall be offered for dedication on the final map along the entire southern edge of the subdivision and each proposed residential lot shall front on the offer of dedication. The area offered 3. Q CO «i !d u. y. - Q ° 2 K2! v Lu f-^ s Wo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 '26 27 28 XX for dedication shall not contain trees, shrubs, and other plants which will.either cause root intrusion into under- ground utility systems or obstruction of maintenance and access within underground, utility easements, and permanent anchored structures (excepting fire hydrants and street lights) which will obstruct maintenance and access within underground utility easements. 20. The design of the private street is not specifically approved as shown on the tentative map. It should not have a center swale; a berm and gutter along the property line is recommended. It should also have a vertical curb along the residence side arid a sidewalk where parking is proposed. 'Improvement plans for the private street shall be approved by the City Engineer, and private street construction shall be inspected and approved by the City. Standard plan checking and inspection fees shall be paid. K Standard commercial driveway approach shall be installed at the.intersection of the private street with the Highland Drive improvements. 21. A 12 foot waterline easement shall be dedicated on the final map and a waterline extension shall be installed as approved by the Fire Chief and City Engineer, according to City of Carlsbad standards. The waterline easement shall extend to the west property line to allow future looping of the water system. 22. Prior to approval of the final map, plans for the proposed private storm drain system and, if necessary, hydraulic calculations substantiating the capacity and effectiveness of the system shall be approved by the City Engineer. The private storm drain shall outlet onto Chestnut Avenue • according to City of Carlsbad standards. 23. The proposed lots shall be served by a private sewer constructed according to City of Carlsbad standards to the satisfaction of the City Engineer within a 10 foot wide sewer easement. XX XX XX XX XX XX XX • Q CO S «« §K < 0) O u. !±j — Z . LD — .§t <°O •*; -Jui . 5 < v UJ 0 Z "J o Q"UJ Z CM <<0 rc " mz O w 1-o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 '23 24 25 26 27 28 V.. "^ PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 21st day of September , 1976, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Skotnicki, and Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: Council woman Casler. nr . y fa* 4(/ l^?&ts*C- C^t^ £^ ROBERT C. FRAZEE, Mayor ^" " ATTEST: / L^M^. Sf . =.-^^U^_^L»<^xtX NORA K. GARDINER, Deputy City Clerk (SEAL) ' •• 5. \\ COC/J*id u.0 O 00OOa H> 1- CO _Jcc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 •23 24 25 26 27 28- ' Tlfi RESOLUTION NO. 40.13 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ' WITH CONDITIONS A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD-2) FOR SIX LOTS GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF HIGHLAND DRIVE BETWEEN CHESTNUT AVENUE AND MAGNOLIA AVENUE. APPLICANT: ED EBRIGHT WHEREAS, on August 11, 1976, the Carlsbad Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 1268 recommending to the City Council that Planned Unit Development (PUD-2) be conditionally approved; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on September 7 1976, and considered said recommendation; and WHEREAS, said permit has been declared to have a nonsignifican impact on the environment and a Negative Declaration has been prepared and filed in compliance with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1974; NOW, THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A. That the above recitations are true and correct. B. That the findings of the Planning Commission in Resolution No. 1268 constitute the findings of the City Council in this matter C. That Planned Unit Development (PUD-2) is hereby approved subject to all applicable requirements of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and to the satisfaction of the following conditions: 1. The approval is granted for the land described in the application and any attachments thereto, and as shown on the Plot Plan submitted labeled PUD-2 Exhibit "B", dated 8/6/76. The location of all roadways, parking areas, landscaping and other facilities or features shall be located substantially as shown on Exhibit "B". 2. All conditions shall be completed and the project com- menced within 18 months from final City action. Q i oo-i 8 r^ °- CMC < a,VINCENT F. BIONDO, J\TTORNEY - CITY OF C1200 ELM AVENUEVRLSBAD, CALIFORNIA^- **.> o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. All public improvements shall be made in conformity with the City Standards, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, without cost to the City of Carlsbad and free of all liens and encumbrances. 4. Prior to any construction, the applicant shall submit plans to the appropriate entity providing domestic water to the proposed development, for its approval of the location, type and adequacy of water lines. 5. Prior to any construction, the applicant shall obtain approval from the City Fire Department of the location and size of .fire hydrants. 6. Street trees, as required by the City, shall be installed by the applicant at his expense, Trees shall be of a type approved by the Parks Department and shall be installed to their specifications. If removal of any existing trees is required by the City, said removal shall be at the applicant's expense. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to make all arrangements with the Parks Department concerning the requirements of this condition. 7. A detailed grading plan which includes proposed drainage and erosion control landscaping and for other measures such as desilting basins shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to Final Map. 8. Immediately after grading, erosion control landscaping and/or other measures such as desilting basins shall be installed. This control may be the final landscaping, if so approved. 9. A detailed landscape and sprinkler plan shall be submit- ted for Planning Director's approval for all graded slopes 5" or greater in height and any other areas required by the City for those areas to be landscaped in the easement road. 10. Prior to final building inspection clearance, all land- scaping shall be installed or adequate bonding accepted. Said landscaping shall be maintained in a manner accept- able to the Planning Director. 11. "No Parking" signs will be placed on the northern side of the access easement and on the cul~de~sac turn around, to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. 12. The CC&Rs will be submitted to the Planning Director for approval prior to Final Map approval. 13. Prior to Final Map approval the guest parking design on the southern portion of the easement road will be redesigned to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. 2. to „3 §^ °~ CM£E < en . ° < 0 "- D IS° i|Z . in Jio r > p— t < b: ^!§5 <£ ~ QIU Z CNo <£ - It H O 8d CDVJ_Jen 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 /•*" V- 14. If requested by the City Engineer, an amended Tentative Map shall be submitted for approval by the City Engineer prior to review of the final map to assure compliance to all conditions of approval. 15. In order to provide for reasonable fire protection during the construction period, the subdivider shall maintain passable vehicular access to all buildings and adequate fire hydrants with required fire flows shall be installed as recommended by the Fire Department. 16. Ornamental street lighting on Highland Avenue shall be provided for as required by Municipal Ordinance. 17. Ornamental street lighting on the private access ea.se- "ment shall be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 18. All land and/or easements required shall be granted to the City of Carlsbad without cost to the City, and free of all liens and encumbrances. No easements shall be recorded prior to recordation of the final map unless approved by the City Engineer. 19. The design of the private street is not specifically approved as shown on the tentative map. It should not have a center swale; a berm and gutter along the property line is recommended. It should also have a vertical curb along the residence side and a sidewalk where park- ing is proposed. Improvement plans for the private" street shall be approved by the City Engineer, and private street construction shall be inspected and approved by the City. Standard plan checking and in- spection fees shall be paid. A Standard commercial driveway approach shall be installed at the intersection of the private street with the Highland Drive improve- ments. 20. A 12 foot waterline easement shall be dedicated on the final map and a waterline extension shall be installed as approved by the Fire Chief and City Engineer, according to City of Carlsbad standards. The waterline easement shall extend to the west property line to allow future looping of the water system. 21. Prior to approval of the final map, plans for the pro- posed private storm drain system and, if necessary, hydraulic calculations substantiating the capacity and effectiveness of the system shall be approved by the City Engineer. The private storm drain shall outlet onto Chestnut Avenue according to City of Carlsbad standards. 22. All modifications stipulated herein must be shown on the final map. 3. DO,OF6 7 8 9 10 11 12 co -i i8 13 CM O) * 14 NURNI•—v LU ^> ^ «"• • si5 £ & 8 o 16 2 P 17 18 19 20 21 22 .23 24 25 '26 27 28 23. Unless otherwise provided herein, additional devel- opment standards, regarding density, yards, coverage height, parking, placement of buildings and building construction requirements will adhere to those standards of the R-l-7500 zone. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 21st day of September, 1976, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Councilinen Frazee, Lewis, Skotnicki, and Packard. NOES: - None. ABSENT: Council woman Casler. ROBERT C. FRAZEE, Mcfyor ATTEST: ^XJL NORA K. GARDINER, Deputy City Clerk (SEAL) 4.