HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-10-05; City Council; 3778; Zone to implement T-S categoryCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. >P DATE: October 5, 1976 DEPARTMENT: PLANNING DEPARTMENT Subject: ZONE TO IMPLEMENT THE T-S CATEGORY REF: AB-SGBS zc-176 Statement of the 24atter . On August 17, 1976 the City Council denied a zone change request (ZC- ->176) for a C-2 zone on property north of Palomar Airport Road adjacent to 1-5. The applicant wished to construct an auto dealership at the site. The City Council did not believe the C-2 zone was a proper zone to implement the Travel Service land use category which this site is in. The T-S is a specific commercial category intended to service the travel- ing public, whereas the C-2 zone is general, permitting nearly all com- mercial activities. Upon further discussion, the City Council directed the Planning Commis- sion to hold hearings on the possibi1ity of amending the T-S category (See GPA-42). In addition, the City Council discussed the possibility creating a new zone to implement the T-S category. It was suggested new zone contain provisions for an auto dealership. The matter result of a tied vote. ofthat this died as a Since this is an important matter in developing the General Plan and zoning consistency, Mayor Frazee has requested that this matter be reconsidered by the City Council. The Planning Department prepared a memo to the City Manager on this matter and it is attached for your information. Exhibit Memo, September 16, 1976 to City Manager from Planning Department. •,R.ecommendation If the City Council is satisfied with the suggested alternative of the T-S implementing zone, it is recommended that staff be directed to pre- pare zone code amendment and set the matter to Public Hearing before the Planning Commission. Council action 10-5-76 The staff was instructed to prepare an ordinance to implement the T-S category; the new zone to contain primaary traffic dependent uses by right, secondary traffic dependent uses only if a primary use is existing and provides for certain other related uses by CUP. MEMORANDUM September 28, 1976 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: TRAVEL SERVICE ZONE The General Plan contains a land use category for travel services. However, the zone ordinance does not contain a zone specifically designed for this category. Presently the City is using the C-2 General Commercial, to implement the Traffic Service category. Mayor Frazee has reguested.a review of the alternative methods to implement this land use category. They are as follows: 1. Continue using C-2 zone to implement the T-S category. This is the simplest method since the zone is existing and it permits all of the uses associated with travel service areas. The major problem is that it permits many other uses, some of which are.not related to traffic service areas. Therefore, there is no guarantee that the T-S category would be implemented by us- ing the C-2 zone. 2. Create a new zone to implement the T-S category that per- mits only those primary traffic service uses as indicated in the General Plan. This would insure implementation of the T-S cate- gory. However, the use' of the zone would be limited in its application. 3. Create a new zone to implement the T-S category that per- mits both primary traffic dependent uses and secondary or associ- ated uses. The primary uses would be permitted by right, but secondary uses would be permitted only if a primary use was ex- isting at the site and/or a CUP be approved. This method will im- plement the T-S category, give greater range of uses, and also make it applicable to more properties within the T-S category. Staff recommends that alternative 3 be pursued and that new auto- mobile dealerships be a permitted secondary use by CUP. Staff makes this suggestion because auto dealers do provide a service to the traveling public in providing auto repair and service. Many travelers prefer to have autos serviced by an authorized dealer when traveling in unfamiliar areas. This is especially true if the auto contains a new vehicle guarantee. ; To insure that the dealership will not be detrimental to proper land use relationships with the primary uses, staff suggests auto dealers be required to have CUP and that approval to be based on (1) the dealership is for new autos, (2) contains a repair and auto service department, and, (3) will not cause a detrimental effect on primary traffic dependent uses in the area. Recommendation: It is recommended that staff be directed to prepare a zone to implement the T-S land use category. The new zone to contain primary traffic dependent uses by right, secondary traffic de- pendent uses only if a primary use is existing and provides for certain other related uses by CUP. New automobile dealerships will be included in the uses permitted by CUP section. DAA/BP:s -2-