HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-10-26; City Council; 3682-2; CASE NO. MP-149 B - LA COSTA MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT4lb e r, J '+ .. .. 1c f , ?, 77 ;? r jJ ?'.;?,?,.:< c:, u r; I $1, y *- -6 f'ic c . _I 3 682--sup~~~.2 _____- _.____ - ______ I-- -,l.,.,__ L, ,. - - . . .. .___ ___ - _, .- - -__Wl2liL..,---L9_zh_.--- -.- ll_.--. .c ,ty.-A.t*Dr~q -X.- --.---_--- --- --.-_ 3. ._..,. -J -I- ,- I-. _________, " _________..I___l__l -__ ____- ~ ----.--- .. ..---------..- --. - ---.----"---"-'- .'-- -.--,-- *_- .- v L : .. . CASE WO. ,h'IP-149 (E) - LA COSTA XASTER PLAN M!IEND?IEPJT _-_ ., __-,___ ~ ____ .l__l____.. ~ --... _1_------- -.--- _-------------.---.-._.II ---. '3 f .;:)le ?$E. .;: -::: ill' ____^_,_" ,--- _.-._ ----..-- -.--. The city COUnCil at your October 5, 1976 meeting, directed the City Attorney to prepare the necessary docuunents approv- ing an amendment to the La Costa Master Plan. The ordinance amending Ordinance No. 9322,and repealing Ordinance No. 9376, to adopt a revised Master Plan for the La Costa area, is attached. Exhibit Ordinance NO. Recommendation ..- If the Council desires to approve !laster ~Ian Amendment (yp-1 your action is to introduce Ordinance No. Council action 19-26-75 Ordinance #9469 was introduced far a first reading, anendir Ordinance 89322 and repealjng Ordinance #9376 to adopt a revised Yaster Plan for the La Cost2 Area subject to certa. conditions. 11-2-75 Clrdinance 894.59 was given a second reading and adopted. 'I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 '3 g 13 IY? g 7v~S ou. 14 Yo OF4LL mG 4 15 u:, ?,a & 2 g 6 16 ggzs 17 zp '3 c 18 19 20 21 22 D Q m gpg wo =-I- n QQ V 0 - 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e ORDINANCE NO. 9469 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUMCIL OF THE ORDINANCE NO. 9322 AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 9376 TO ADOPT A REVISED MASTER PLAN FOR THE LA COSTA AREA SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS. CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AMENDING The City Council of the City of Csrlsbad, California, ordain as follows: SECTION 1: Ordinance No. 9322 adopting a Master Plan approximately 2,900 acres of land, known as La Costa, is he: amended by the amendment of the first three lines of Sectioi of said ordinance, to read as follows: "The Master Plan marked Exhibit B, Case No. MP-l49(B) La Costa Master Development Plan, dated September 27, 1976 file in the offices of the City Clerk, and incorporated her1 reference, is approved subject to the following limitations conditions. 'I SECTION 2: Ordinance No. 9322, Section 2, is hereby further by the addition of the following conditions: 'IN. Development within the area described in the ame: Master Plan, Exhibit B, dated September 27, 1976, shall occ' accord with said exhibit including, but not limited to, the Circulation Plan, School Site and Park Site Plan and adopto standards of development for the areas identified as Santa I Knolls, Rancheros de La Costa and La Costa Vale Unit No. 2, Green Valley Knolls as indicated thereon.. 0. Approval of this Master Plan Amendment BIP-l49(B) indicates acceptance by the City Council of a general schem development for the subject properties. It does not guaran ., 'I 12 n Y g 13 dLus 14 5 g 8 0) .(r N QOZE eo that individual developments within the Master Plan boundar] be approved. Individual developments will be evaluated in < with municipal ordinances and policies in force at the time plan submittal. Approval and construction of an individual development under this Master Plan will not vest any develo. rights in the balance of the Master Plan area. P. All public facilities including, but not limited water, sewer and roads necessary to serve the proposed deve ment areas shall be provided by the developer concurrent wi the first increment of development in each of the resiaenti; areas shown in Exhibit B, dated September 27, 1976. Q. The submittal of supplements to EIR-307 shall be required with applications for any development within the pi area. These supplements,suggested as mitigating measures 0: '$ mi3 zg -J 15 u:. $5 k> zw~d 16 gzw 20 (13 55 2 17 a E u 18 19 20 21 u I EIR1307, shall contain the following: 1. Detailed soil and geologic investigations; 2. Detailed archaeological investigations; 3. Detailed biological surveys; 4. Mitigation measures and alternatives for all which may affect significant resources; 5. Discussions of impacts attributable to the 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I developnent which have not been adequately addressed in EIR- R. Portions of the park requirements for the subject amendment shall be satisfied as follows: 1. Developer shall dedicate Canyon Park, 11 acre shown on Exhibit B, dated September 27, 1976, concurrent wit the recordation of a final map for Rancheros 'de La Costa; 2. Developer shall dedicate 12 acres of the pro1 2. * 'I '. J, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Y g 13 :: w 9 14 '' -G 2 g 2 15 u: * fQ LLlo kz s: d 16 WZ~Q or m 17 ze y >t- a Qc( >o t 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 D 2 ciz 8 z OOZE u - 0 a. twenty-eight acre Cornunity Park shown on Exhibit B, dated September 27, 1976, concurrent with the recordation of the 4 map for Phase 1 of Santa Fe Knolls. The Park ordinance requirements for Rancheros and Sal Knolls will be satisfied from said dedications. Any park df tion in excess of the subdivision park ordinance requiremen the Rancheros may be made available for future development 1 suant to an agreement between the City and La Costa Land COI in accordance with Section 20.44.110 of the Carlsbad Munici Code. 'I . SECTION 3: Ordinance No. 9376, adopting a revised Master Plan for the La Costa area, is hereby repealed. ' EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective t days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify t adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its adoption, INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of th Cawlsbad City Council held on the 26th and thereafter day of - October PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said Coun held on the 2nd day of November , 1976, by the followi vote, to wit: /// /// /// /// /// 3. I3 a 15 G., 16 a 6LLW- nos$ = wo mG -1 17 i. 54 zp y >o 2: gs a QE 2.. wo $&86 sg:s 18 ’5 a: 6 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I- si -.” - I.* 4.