HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-10-26; City Council; 3721-2; Freestanding Signs in C-2 Zone & Identity SignsAGENDA BILL NO. 372J.^S_U£pJLement_2. Initial: Dept.Hd. DATE: October 2ff , 1976 c ^^,r DEPARTMENT: City Attorney C,, Mgr, __-._,_-,__ Subject; (ZCA-79) Additional Freestanding Signs in the C-2 Zone and Community Identity Signs Stateinent of^ the Matter The City Council at your meeting of October 5, 1976 directed the City Attorney to prepare the necessary documents approv- ing zone code amendment (ZCA-79) to revise the regulations regarding freestanding signs in commercial zones and to permit community identity signs. The ordinance adopting zone code amendment (ZCA-79) and a memorandum discussing maximum sign area are attached. Exhibits Ordinance Ho . Q Memorandum to City Council from Citv Attorney dated October 6, 1976. Recommendation If the Council desires to approve zone code amendment (ZCA-79), your action is to introduce Ordinance No. Council action 10-26-76 Ordinance #8070 was introduced for a first reading, as corrected on Page 2, limitation #8 to reflect 55 square feet rather than 40 sq. feet. 11-2-76 Ordinance #8070 was given a second reading and adopted. /"****' § zc 5* m"*<£-8! 3 z"j 8 ouj z CN «f u <£ "~ toz P v> o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Efell 16 %m 17 18 19 20 21 22 2^ 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 take effect immediately. SECTION 3; The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 20th day of August , 1974, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 20th day of August , 1974, by the follow- ing vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Chase, McComas, Lewis and Skotnicki. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ROBERT C. FRAZEE, Mafor ATTEST:^ '. ,/, MAR^AREtf' E^.(ADAMS, •)Cityj ^V^-v(SEAL) \N ••;••• ,..•/ '••... // i \ ... Clerk J I JLC OAK AVE. QTY WATER OEPT. FURNITURE PROCDCTWI* SUPPLY STORAGE, AREA, i SFDii A>». AUTO WRECNNG SFO- { .—_.—11SRU SIGNAL, STRAZA INDUSTRIES SFO SFO sau SFO SFO SFO 3TDJ v,fitC:- -..;•: :•• '- UMTtO mfXXL SCBW TRUCK UOT sro {SFO SFO AUTO-»ir-ING SFO SFO VU ACRKLLTURE { SFD I V.C.SFD SFD SFD SFO CHESTNUT AVE. i r EXHIBI (O O (O V1.. v>. srp sni SISJ iFD S.-D SRU SFO SRU SFD SRU SRU SFD »J». 1 | . .._•J*U | 51 !*i i 6 UNITS ! SFD SKI SRC1 • SRU ', SFD 4. UNITS! TTO FAAMNG, SFO SFO SFO SFD SFD S'KNIS OF TFD SFO' TFO SFO SFD SFO ' >H,AS££M 'GCO SFD * f 'SRU SFO I SFO 4 UNITS TFD SFO SFO SFO SFD SFD SFD SRU SRU SRU I I EXHIBIT" ?A1 INFORMATION ONLY •' EXHIBIT! to Resolution No mmm - ItI 3t t » . - 4 1 i f-t-H tt~H~ '• i »i rn •I3 I t-rir i •u it-. HIM nr MEMORANDUM October 6, 1975 TO: PLANNING DIRECTOR FROM: ASSOCIATE PLANNER SUBJECT: ROOSEVELT STREET COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR HISTORY: CITIZEN CONCERNS: During the General Plan Land Use hearing of 1973-1974, the Citizen's Committee, Planning Commission and City Council were concerned over treatment of the area known as the "Roosevelt Street Commercial Area". The property owners in the area requested that: (1) The area be designated on the proposed Land Use Plan as Neighborhood Commercial; (2) The existing Zoning be changed from C-2 to C-l; and (3) Specific Plan (or Site Plan) approval be required prior to development. The property owners expressed concern over the possibility of adverse im- pacts of introducing more multiple family units into the neighborhood and the loss of potential economic gain. Staff, the Commission, and the Land Use Committee recommended to Council that this request for the property owners be accepted with the encouragement of residential uses utilized above the ground floor of commercial and office structures. To accomplish this, it was recommended the area be designated in the Land Use Element as the combination district "0/N" (Professional and Related Commercial/ Neighborhood Commercial). HISTORY: COUNCIL CONCERNS: The Council generally concurred with the recommendation of the property owners, but expressed concern with the tim- ing of the implementation of such a program. Specifically, the Council was concerned with: (1) whether it would be more practical to maintain the status quo by designating the area as straight commercial category on the proposed land use element and then wait for the adoption of a Specific Plan of the area to implement the property owner's request; or (2) whether the area should be designated as "medium-high density" residential and potential commercial uses considered when the Specific Plan was adopted. This action would require the rezoning of the existing C-2 parcels to achieve General Plan-Zoning consistency. c HISTORY: INTERIM SOLUTION: As an interim solution to this matter, the Council adopted the "CBD" Land Use designation for the corridor. They also adopted Ordinance No. 9403 on August 20, 1974, an urgency measure prohibiting commercial development in the Roosevelt Street Study area. This ordinance, in effect, created a moritori urn on commercial development in the Study area, which expired on August 20, 1975. Due to the completion of higher priority items, the Specific Plan for the downtown area was not completed by the Staff prior to the expiration of the Urgency Ordinance. On August 19, 1975, Staff recommended that the Council apply the "Q" Zone to the study area as an interim solution. Application of the "Q" Zone would allow for review of the site plan for development pro- posed in the area. Council rejected the Staff's recommendation and instead instructed Staff to prepare a zone that would implement the intent of the General Plan for the Study area. PROPOSAL: DOWNTOWN-LIMITED RESIDENTIAL (D-LR): To implement the intent of the General Plan for the Study area, Staff recommends the adoption and application of a Downtown-Limited Residential Zone (draft attached). The basic premise of this Zone is to allow compatible residential uses in the downtown area upon approval of a conditional use permit. While this zone can be used in other areas, it is particularly applicable to the Roose- velt Commercial area. This area, zoned C-2, is surrounded by three residential zones - R-3, R-P, and RD-M. The uses from these zones which are compatible with the downtown are listed as permitted upon approval of a Conditional Use Permit in the attached draft ordinance. Any use in this list could be consid- ered for the Roosevelt Street Commercial area. Other areas abutting the downtown might be subject to another set of compatible uses culled from the adjacent zones in that area. MZ/vb