HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-10-26; City Council; 3789; SOUTH COAST ASPHALT PLANT COMPLAINTe CITY OF CAKLSBAD e + v. f , * L Initial: Dept . Hd. C. Atty.U AGENDA BILL NO. 3789 DATE : October 26, 1976 DEPARTMENT: PLkNNING C. Mgr. Sub j ec"t:- - SOUTH COAST ASPHALT PLANT COMPLAINT Statement of the Xatter The City has received a letter and petition alleging that the South ( Asphalt Plan creates excessive noise and dust and causes structural ( age to nearby dwellimgs. The Conditional Use Permit allowing the plant (CUP-9, C.C. Res. f737 issued in 1961. There is no expiration date for the CUP, nor does tl mit regulate hours of operation or noise levels. Exhibits Petition from 35 residents in the Costa Serena area of Oceanside Letter from Mr. C. Techmeyer C.C. Resolution #737 - Recommendation If the City Council determines that reevaluation of the Conditional I is warranted, the staff should be directed to initiate public hearin( the Planning Commission at the earliest practicable date. Council action 10-26-76 Due to the fact the Asphalt Plant is located in Carlsbad anc Oceanside, the staff was instructed to meet with representat from Oceanside concerning this ma.tter, and then the mat er Y to the Planning Commission for public hearing in order/ f &evz the Conditional Use Permit., .. realized that e and no doubt acen% to this 4 flQ PETIOR :;"" c The mdersigned are by their signature, requesting the. City ComciS of the Oity of Carlsbad to take Agpropiate action to stop the mise made by the South Coasf Asphalt -?roducts, and Bock Qiiarry, particnlarly st nigh$, i i - I __---- Hm 333x T&Lcy /.&& &, GF4CUbCQ - &dd9 d# D&,,LCz s 3 3 2, ,4,,,, c. -_^ 1 /il; <fl &? ;."1. p-y-&2 +1 ,' 2' L?, ?L yf- "i /i.-.i/A> %%~..(K~#~&~ 3 7 9% 7h4k &ALA!& (7 /gFdz \\ 1 ' ~,/z/ck4/4 '%z44/@/>u/J \e ' 7 ii? 762 3&/z- d/ '-?7 37kz &&-- /4zc,, ( 3/L 6 /!5-+-jy--b/u ,Q. L/ c,T y f.? a2)&*4/Ly /J -/ / ii- I /c+ c [,A/ -t ,/-*- 3 vi/ )2-. &q/L 07/G&L &fQ&/, 39 %& U>L?? .LE-- //&?. 9 Fhis list re3-j; out I hOUT'S ?;IoTk 82& rg>;lres- 8 ~~~wo;<j.l~lat e, iy , z tot~,?- number 93: hon~;es, -- piore nmiea can be 2;~ 'GO ~hfs Xist if 70~- desire fn-j-heY =I/- . - -. :$TO 0 =' -_ - ("" e* n* -. Gm. Building and bad kbrzagernent hclosed itre three sheets of names concerning the petetron went out the nextdayafeeshe obtained the other list; for about ~yf hour. She says every house is willing and is shost wsziversal and thszt she eonl& probably getZ5QO incXuded with the other one. or where it will do the most; good for our cause. - .I---I ~ .--I I_- --I_____ for relief Srom the noise 02 the rock crusher, 13-y wife , I lf s$3xLb&-. -- 03-4.- +- I--- 7i.qf. -..Y iQ bo SXgB ... .tine aebire ---to~ni~~3*- Sine e re ly FFR -- REGEWE ___ ____ __-- ______ ----ccug197-E;-------- - nq-y --A- Buifding Department , - -- -___ -__ - ____ .. .. *i . -. > 2ETIOP.T -- The tzndersigned %tYe by their sigaature, requesting the C%ty ComciJL of the C-ity oB3arhbd-,---%&k~c c~mqrbzb- action to ~to) the noise made by the Soixth CoasU- 2roducts ad 3ock ELmwry, particularly at night, , ,. R 1- L' -- _- - - _------------ -~I_--- AfqY2i.V- 347522-A deb ___ ~____- ~_-__ I' -- 4 ~--- ~ *" , .' __-____- _--- __- _____ ____ ____ -__ - ,. it ______ - - - __ __ ____- ___-- -I ~-_____- -* _- -- - _,- I -- ._ * d2-hLQ~,cMA/& &L /.&4%ew-w & Lx- ---E?&- ~Jc-722-7~- /. * UJU @>dA&* +ZT&? JL LZ292- &AZe 'ZfAiV&/GLe4d f; a&- pq&?7 rhzd, *& A??/ f5 -&i/LWA&&L 7 4-4J JL/+&&JLp%75 LLLd&dd &y 2x5 flf 4%..4f+F2y -47 77d4 lc5L&&k .A l& .& /h,dau %dAf4i ) &?/?7 4&4/-4- &&?&,4YQ+ddN~ , J.224 LA duA&e/4A--cz Ldfi.3 i: Yk&fi&dAh+AAdk 3Yz2Da &>?d/m&f&v &&I & 3 d.&&2d-yi Ad dL= *L /L"Lc-i/v ;I=& %&+d.f. ,n6Jfbqd "e;Y&Z 7. 2 -Z7!L3 dzzy/ ufziL,dd&&m&&g 7 & &?lwJ& &-494.d z& +?$i!&d J dU4.C-7 &d&W, &fl&*'&& &iLT/IR &542-&&k .h cf?&3.2?&/&4* dW&d&/ -<dl zb;-Jm y&?/ 72- < &2- 0 --d - e ‘A e 8 -. ,. en d\ &&?A &d &/975&&?--f4& &d !2?k4&& &%&&wL Y2L/fd&& ~-a%?*L,AJz~T72-7~ G5L&f, 3. ,d”..x.eLf &2zKALf- /h e€!? Avd&-A L-&&Lf-?g d .;j4: &d/dAAA/+ +?y+ 4M LZpZly dL 1 b PddL+ Q e - 4" . ._ 3 RESOLUTION NO. d'7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO~CfE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ANNOUNCING AND DECLARING FINDINGS, AND DENTING AB APPEAL FRQM THE CONDITIQNAL USE PERMIT GRANTED BY TBE PLAkWING CGMMISSION TO SOUTH COAST ASPHALT PRODUCTS co., mc. W XEREAS, on the 1 Ith day of April, 1961, Carlsbad City Plmn CQmraaission adopted Resolution No, 204, which is herewith referred 1 and made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein; and WSEREAS, on May 2, 1961, a duly advertised public hearing wi held as prescribed by lzw to consider allowing a conditional use perm granted to the South Coast Asphalt Products Co. , Inc. €or quarry ope and controlled blasting on the property described as follows, to wit: A portion of Lot "K" uld a portion of unnumbered lot north of Lot "Jtl, Rancho Agua Hedionda, according to Map No. 823 in the City of Carlsbad and being the most easterly 75.64 acres of Tax Assessor's Parcel No. 4, Book 7ORA, Page 13 of the Assessor's Map of San Diego County; and WKERE4S, the City Costncil received the recommendations, ob tions, protests and comments of all individuals and parties who desir to be heard; and WHEREAS, thereafter the said City Council considered each an every recornmendation, objection, protest and comment raised by q party at said public hearing 2s well as the report of the Carlsbad Cit~ Planning Commission; and W BEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended that certain conditions he attached to the granting of tfiis conditional use permit; and WHEREAS, the city Council recommends tirat certzin conditio1 attached to the granting of this conditional use permif; NOW, TWEREFOitE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council < City of Carlsbad, and it w2s so found by said City CBunca, that the following facts and reasons require that the conditional use pesdt az granted by the Planning Commission subject to eonciitions mentioned hereafter be sustGned for the following reasons: f 1) That this particular use is not unreasonably incompatible P the type of uses permitted in the surrounding area and in considerati other existing and potential uses in the general area. - * 0. 2 i" -. . --. c (2) That the conditions hereinafter set forth reasombly assure 1 the basic purposes of Ordinance No. 9060 s!iall be served. (3) That the factors of noise, smoke, dust, vibration and other hazards would not be detrimental to the surrounding properties, . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said conditional use permit 1 be issued for the subject property subject to the €olls;ving conditions: (a) That the access road to the site be oiled, paved or otherwisi dust-proofed. (b) That water spray bars be provided at the primary and secon crushers, and at screens to control dust emissions from these source (c) That dust control be provided by wet methods at conveyor transfer points znd at such other points as may be required by the Air Pollution Control Officer to 1imAt dust emissions during transportatior materials, (dl That an adequate supply of water be prokided to e€€ect the ak dust cbntrol methods, If the water used for dust control is taken fron Buena Vista Creek, it shall be chlorinated SO that it has a content of 0 ppm of chlorine after a thirty minute contact period. (e) That an zpproved potable water supply and sanitary method sewage disposal be provided in accordance with State and local laws. (f) That the South Coast Asphalt Products Co. , inc. furnish liat insurance in the sum of $50,000 to cover my daxage to the City of Carlsbad's public utilities and roadways, and that a certificate of said insurance be filed with the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad. (g) That the South Cozst Asphalt Products Co., comply with the Fire Pr,evention Code of the City of Carlsbad, Article 11, as adopted t City Ordinance No. 2020, and the recommendations of the City of Car Engineering Depzrtmerrt. (h) That no quarry operations be below existing creek level. (i) That notice be given to the Administrator of the Tri-City Hc prior to controlled blasting operatl ions. (j) That upon termination of quarry operation, all pmperty whi has been worked be leveled in a workmanlike manner, -2- r- e a Yi k*’ -” * -..’ Y ~ P BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that for the aforernentfoned reas the appeal is hereby denied. BE IT FUdTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk, be, and he hereby directed to cause a certified copy of this resolution tu be mail( the appellants, and a COPY of this resolution to be attached to the Plan Cornmission file and returned to the Planning Commission for permar filing. PASSED, APPROVED AND A.DOPTED at a regular meeting of City Council of the City of Carkbad held on the 6th day of June, 1961, the following vote, to wit: e AYES: Councilmen Guevara, Bierce, La. Roche and Sonneman. NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman McPheirson. -p;A-m..-a-E ---- WILLIAM J. J MaJ of the City of Carlsbad, Carlsbad, California ATTEST: -~-~-p-~-~-~- __ _‘~ -- - .. E, City Clerk (SEAL) . . . .I. IYr-m .xv4..J--,&*.7-.~ , .x- STATE OF CALIFURi”LTIA ) COUNTY OF SAN DlEGO ) SS CITY OF ‘CARLSBAD 1 - Tf-7- 1, T. €3. PK~-E, city CJerk of rhe City of Car!sbad, California, do hereby -cert.iy LL.*&& the ~oqoi4&-&2-JLL-2-~7-.-- is a true exrraa cop)‘ of &e original oi such document on file in he office oi the Ciry Clerk, which ir.srrurnenr was 647 pssed and adopted by the Ciry Council of the City oi Carisbad on d1e--4--~--d2): of ________ _I * -==. - - __ - - - - ------7 m!sL. Da re*-z3-2-f41-* r, - __ __ 13 ______ ______ --b--e--L ____ ----- _-_ _---_---- ~ ----- ----------------- -------- h * pIVCE, City Clerk of &e Cicy of Carlsbad, calif. f SEAL) a .I SOUTH COAST ASPHALT PRODUCTS CO., IN ASPHALTIC PRODUCTS AND MIXTURES MINERAL AGGREGATES RIP RAF P. 0 BOX 218 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 714 757-2010 (ESCONDIDO 714 745-4262) October 26, 1976 City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Reference: Agenda Item No. 3789 Gentlepersons: We are advised that you have received complaints from residents living in the development known as Costa Serena, located in the City of Oceanside. We under- stand that these complaints allege excessive noise, dust, and damage to the dwellings in this development. This letter is €or informational purposes and 1 briefly explain South Coast Asphalt Products Company's posture in this very sei matter. South Coast Asphalt Products Company is constantly striving to be a gc neighbor and we are very sorry about these present complaints. We recognize tk necessity of mitigating the "objectionable" features of our operation as quick1 as technology and economics permit. We also recognize that this necessity in- creases directly with the increase in residences in our immediate vicinity. TI company has been in business in its present location since 1960, the character and volume of the operation has not changed materially in the past six years. We are engaged in the quarrying and crushing of rock, and from this we manufact basic building materials for roads, streets, highways, concrete aggregates and asphalt concrete for paving and other construction uses. Our products are sold to federal agencies, state, cities, local agencies, contractors, and the public In fact, a fair amount of our crushed rock has been used for landscaping in the Costa Serena development. Specifically, we have utilized the following methods and equipment to comply wi various agencies such as, but not limited to the following: San Diego County A Pollution Control District, (A.P.C.D.) , California Occupational Safety and Heal Act. (Cal. O.S.H.A.), the Federal Bureau of Mines, the Regional Water Quality C' trol Board, the State Fire Marshal, San Diego County Sheriff, the Conditionalt U Permit granted by the City of Carlsbad, and our neighbors. We invite you to in of the many agencies to which we are subject as to our conformance with their m regulations. In June 1975 we installed on our asphalt plants, sound suppressio devices costing in excess of $60,000. Prior to that in 1973 and 1974 we instal dry fabric dust collecting systems on our plants, replacing the water spray ~iys that then met, and still meet current A.P.C.D. regulations concerning particula emissions. These dust collecting systems cost in excess of $500,000. The equil ment mentioned above exceed present and proposed future A.P.C.D. and Cal. 0.9.H PLANT LOCATED 3.1 MILES EAST OF 1-5 SOUTH SIDE OF HIGHWAY 78 (VISTA WAY) CARLSBAD e -2- m regulations. We have paved our main access roads and use water trucks daily t control dust in our plant areas. We own and operate a road sweeper on our roa and also on Haymar Road which is the sole city owned access road to our locati In accordance with our permit we maintain and operate water sprays at our rock crushing plant to control dust during the crushing and transfer of material. All of our equipment is operated with sound suppression devices in accordance current Cal. O.S.H.A. regulations. In order to assure ourselves that we meet regulations we monitor our sound and also ground vibration from the blasting t is necessary in our quarry operation, The most recent readings of sound level were taken as recently as 7:30 a.m. this morning from locations on our propert line and also across Highway 78 adjacent to Costa Serena. These readings indi to us that the noise level, although somewhat constant during the day, does no exceed that of ordinary traffic noise on Highway 78. Attached are abstracts o several vibration and noise tests conducted during the time a blast has taken place in our quarry, the complete test results are available at your request. Although our permit does not set hours of operation we normally operate our ro plant and asphalt plants from 7:OO a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday. Our industry is cyclic and subject to shutdown during inclement weather. In antic pation of wet weather our customer orders often peak in the late fall and earl: winter. During these peak demand periods we may operate our plants between thl hours of 6:OO a.m. and 6:OO p.m., and revert to our normal hours as soon as co ditions permit. cases of emergency and then only for a few days as is necessary. A copy of a. letter is attached showing the type of emergency activity to which we may rsspl We do have maintenance men who work evenings doing necessary repair to our pla. equipment and trucks. The repair activity does not constitute running any of I major equipment, except for the occasional activation of an empty material bel for test purposes. Finally, we at South Coast Asphalt are somewhat puzzled as to why the complain did not first make us aware of their complaints. This company is locally owne and operated, the employees are all local, indeed several connected with the c( pany live in the Costa Serena area. We, as local residents, are sensitive to 1 criticisms of our livelyhood and make every attempt to respond to this criticis in a positive way. We would be happy to meet with representatives of the comp: ants, so that they may better understand our operations and the problems attenc thereto and so that we can understand the specifics of their dissatisfaction a respond to them. Sincerely, We have exceeded the self-imposed 6:OO p.m. shutdown only in Do M. Hicke r F- ecutive Vice President DMH/CW Enclosures/3 e. - $! & i&+5'<&g*miCk L:lsc,I:;k &-R!?bC, +NLS GnlULC%iCAI, .I636 E. Edingct Avc., Suirc D *%ma ha, Calif0 Tefcpboae (714 ?day 21, 1976 CAEIr:02:fJIii DRILLING 6 BLASTING COMPANY, INC. SI34 K. :$rden Uriwe F4 klonte, California 91731 Our Job 76-65 rt.itt - PCt : Seismographic Results South Coast Asphalt Products Company, Inc. Quarry Blast May 20, 1976 Two seismographic recordings were made of the primary qua;*ry blast at South Coast Asphalt Products Company, Inc., F 1976, at 5:JQ PM at the Carlsbad quarry. 'he seismograph located in front'of the residence at 3661 Er;cS_ar,ade Street, Oceanside, recorded a peak particle arefocity of 0.14 inch per second. This vibration level is well percepfibic to most people inside of a wood frame residence. recorded; a peak particle velocity of 0.04 inch per second. vibration level is barely perceptible to most people. md are available to you. Reproductions of each seismogram are ai- taihed s The seismograph located at Tri-City.Hospital in Oceansidt This The original seismograms have been placed in our files These seismographic results are well within the safe blasting limit of 2.0 inches per second recommended by the United States Rureau of Mines. Very truly yours, EVANS, GOFFMAN 4 McCORMICK ez!! John J. McCormick Civil Engineer 16211 Ge ophys i c i s t 1 3 8 Geologist 2185 GYM: 2311 Attachment Twa copies submitted D ROCK ENCII%ERWC FOUFif'rATiON ENGXNEfiRI"G * ENGiNBEAlNG GEOLOGY e ENCINEERDNG SEWLOGY ~l GLig e e 01,o wL :$;I Our Job 76-65 Page 5 INSTRUMENT LOCATIONS The locations of the instrumentation during this in- vestigation are identified as follows: Location . Description I On asphalt paving, adjacent to curb gutter, opposite the southwest corner of the residence at 3661 Esplanade Street, Oceanside. Shipping-Receiving dock area, Tri City Hospital, Oceanside. west corner of Seven-Eleven convenience store, 3704 College Boulevard. 4 On concrete patio, adjacent to rear entrance of residence at 3741 Gail Drive, Oceanside. Air blast vibration instrumentation was positioned at Location 4, opposite from the open quarry bench containing the blast. 2 On asphalt paving, at entrance to 3 On asphalt paving, adjacent to south- INSTRUMENTATION RESULTS Seismographic results are tabulated as follows: Seismograph Particle Velocity Blast Location (inch per second) May 20 1 0.14 May 20 2 0.04 October 6 3 0.08 Maximum . October 6 4 0.02 0 0 (JG Q- 27 @-c +?. -;J. - INTRODLJCT I ON lb Earthborne vibration emanating from primary blasting in I the South Coast Asphalt Products Company, Streuter Quarry, Carlsb California, was seismographically recorded on May 20 and October 1976. Air blast vibrations were also recorded on October 6. This investigation was performed in order to quantita- tively evaluate ground and air blast vibrations in terms of their capability to damage neighboring residential structures and other I improvements in the area. 1 This study was performed at the request of California i Drilling G Blasting Company which conducted the drilling and blasl ing operations. BLAST DATA Both quarry blasts were located in the northerly portion 1 of the third quarry bench counted from the highest elevation in the quarry. Essential blast data are tabulated as follows: Blast Date May 20, 1976 October 6, 1976 Time 5:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M. No. of Blast Holes 125 97 Hole diameter, inches 3 3 Hole depth, feet 44 44 . Total Explosives, pounds 15,200 10,825 Milliseconds Delay Periods 1-14 4-11 Maximum Explosives per Delay Period, pounds * 1,100 450 e 0 7, (TJ~ 0 9' Our Job 76-65 Page 6 @T@ & -&J" -- The peak sound pressure level recorded, Location 4, was 128 decibels. This blast overpressure, 0.0074 pounds per square inch, corresponds to a wind gust velocity of approximately 16 miles per hour. HUMAN RESPONSE TO VIBRATION The human body is sensitive to all forms of vibration. It is not reliable, however, as a quantitative measuring device. Personal evaluation of ground or building vibration depends on the displacement, the frequency, the direction of the vibration, and the activity and the temperament of the individual. In order to illustrate the relative magnitudes of vibration in their gen- eral perspective as related to human response, the following scale is included for vertical vibration when the subject is standing: Perceptible to some 4 units Perceptible to most 7 units Well noticeable 15 units Unpleasant 30 units Disturbing 50 units Objectionable 60 units Plaster cracks (contributory) 100 units The evaluation of vibration is influenced by what a person hears. Ground vibration accompanied by blast noise is generally judged to be more intense than ground vibration not accompanied by noise. 0 I, 1 0 i Q;c Our Job 76-65 Page 7 QiG pi/ I -?,’,+- --- -+-- CONCLUSION Ground and air blast vibrations measured during this investigation were well within safe limits as concerns the well- being of all improvements in the area surrounding the Streuter Quarry. Plates 1 through 4 are attached and complete this report. Respectfully submitted, EVANS, GOFFMAN 6 McCORNICK F/7&&J ohn J. McCormick Civil Engineer 16211 Geophysicist 138 Geologist 2185 JJM: cm .& r. ST;;; 0- C4~tFC2hlA 0 0 EDMUND G BflOiI: __--- - _______ ___ ---____ __--- ------ OFFICE OF ARCHIIECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION 107 S. Eioadway, S,n X76 LOS Aii9eles. CA 9'5012 April 21, 1.975 W-0. PS13 229 Nr. ?xu1 Eir?bSs laul F&bs Cmstruction Co. 140 '$est Valley Boulevard iiialto, California 92376 De= Mr. Hubbs: I wish to sincerely thank you for your extraordinary efforts last Pridw and over the weekend in helping us to success- fully cope with our emergency to save the comfort station at Carlsbad State Beach. It was only through your prompt action and expertise along with y~ur knowledge of the local source of rip rap coupled Csn Iiickethier of South Coast Asphalt Products, Inc. in 1 arrzging for the necessary equipment that made it possible to place tha rock in time. This prevented extensive damage or loss of our building to high tide that occurred Friday night , Words are inadequate to truly express our gratitude for the I with the bel? of your friends Mr. Thomas Streuter and Mr.1 services you rendered us on this occasion. -A Yours truly, ! 1.- A' pm2: A<- J B, Stocking illstrict 4 Com uction Supervisor FZCXi: (213) 620-4w F3S : L : 332 I cc: f"r, C. T. Troop Pi=. J. F., Sacco Pk. JiD Idhite _I PIT. T~OTU~~ Streuter w*" k % e 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT COMPLAINT AND/OR REQUEST FORM Complaint and/or Request: PcweSzr w 5+0v Sq,;rc; AA Da2s c)M bpr o(q7,Lr~ a4ee ''Ma SUF&& &&, /P.n &o h-nd x- Pw * I &% Rd- //t/S/^rttCW /+r ESS L $/ -0 OF p& ffre7C. Sm,L AT 4ALk 4e&%s 7;u khc.44 Af c7&wa f&g 8 /t t* tt r, f I 5247 c NAME : c , A/ ADDRESS: 24~9 U- 37- c TELEPHONE NO. : zq- 2-77 DATE RECEIVED: Ldr7 c . / 9, G RECEIVED BY: /P&T&H4 AJZ REFERRED TO: 53,L.C B&&Ld,+ ACTION TAKEN: h ,yL@-/,/?,( 0 g/cl-.jp_/cufl d fd f2-9 .I?&// & 1 .a- A. &A-T ,"r m /At "a 7 1 - S IGNED : NATURE AND DATE OF NOTIFICATION OF ACTION TO COMPLAINANT OR PETITIONER: y, w J:f-- r/d fl n L- \ AX w,p.fl -?LA .J, ,&&/ hk h d h 4Q, - // I 1 SIGNED: 4- . x. 62, m*\luJ/vL Please return this copy to the City Engineer's Office with notation a: action taken. LOCAT ION : FILED DATE : WBER: - @ 4- a c ' CITY OF CARLSBAD 8 Initial: Dept . Hd. AGENDA BILL NO, 36 7# June 1, 1976 C. Atty!df:fi DATE : DEPARTMENT : City Manaqer C, Mgr. Subject : NOISE ABATEMENT ORDINANCE (Request by Citizen to be heard) Statement of the Matter A request has been received from Mr. John P. McGill to address the City Council relative to a Noise Abatement Ordinance. Exhibit Letter dated May 24, 1976 from John P. McGill Recommendation Council action 6-1-76 Mr. McGill addressed the Council concerning the need for a noise ordinance. Later in the meeting the Council ,instructed staff to prepare an up-dated report for the Council's conside /%,kb-p+/ [Y c 0 0 L Gz (&LLvkV( /.rd (&4/tqd77( YA Lc 2,) f L-2 /&&A p*-r/fl+ / ,flL pu-7 //@+&??Jf!fPJ/2-&+&~-< , 1 /@-x &d -_c_ J -.i;.-$-/-&h/cx*. G c/ -P !' /" &$&2?/ r" pr /93 - c/ y&ppAA I 7JY- z3J-Y \ '- 1 L &lay 5,1976 City Cou.nci7 , City of Carlsbad, Carlsbad ,Ca lif . Note: I read with some dismay the enclosed article. Carlbad has an "old world" cbsrm,as of now,that it would lack wbse all the new "ideas" in the article put to work.hlle I realize money is necessary to maintain a city quality,stlll too much progress brings it's negative results too. For some years now it has been our pleasure to visit the city each summer,forvacatlons,and just week-ends. The atmosphere of the crty charmed us .. .with pro?osed initiatives I'm afraid much 0.P the charm will leave. ?irstly,lurfng lots of tourfsts has ruined many a fine city. Another thing you have a lack or deartln of houqes as far as rentals.Ask me,I combed your city for dags looking for a nominal rental.iJhat was available was !!out of this world" pricewfse.1 had to settle for Oceanside. .for a Lpermanent rwtaI. Also in regards to 'Pbigger quarters P%c.etc.that would take money needed for some of ywr Intended imnrovements e Too nnich perPonnel will dig into the fund too,Most business nlaces now-a-days I find have '9to~ many chiefs" around, n3t enough Indians. Ny suggsstion would be also to forget about the 400 ft, stack for the power plant. ..little by little all your so called progress will destroy the beauty of your city, "Keep Cmlsbao' the wav it is".Those who want more and mme progress,slzouZd leave rather +,ban destroy it. No Name,. . .I have spoken nor rnysePf,anc' many of ray friends. One thing 1 wil-1 buy,all the way,the last, sent,ence of last mragraph,,,how to clean up the covnty's air.Do you SUPPoSP 311 the initiativns that are being proposec3 wi7_9_ do it?Amen. -a I -.nr~~~ uistrict ' da certificated employes. (The Fr +.""."I- L-r moo1 district now pays 100 per cent of the prc tal bu ' New - Chamber Cormact c: Proposed In Carlsbad 2 ir ' '1 in By GIL DAVIS To maintain suitable quarters and ir Staff Writer employ competent personnel. to properly c CA~SBAD - Promoting residential. carry on the activities contemplated by e industrial and commercial growth wouuld this agreement. be the job of the Carlsbad Chamber of To Promptly answer all inquires and Commercec under a new contract with the correspondence relative to the business. c City of Carlsbad. industrial and residential advantages and ( Council members will discuss the opportunities in the city. and to a proposed document at their Tuesday night d i S se min a te in f 0 r m a t i 0 n b Y il meeting. correspondence. personal contacts and the Last year, the Carlsbad city council maSS media favorably advertising such r voted to provide the business group with advantages and OPPortUnities. $38.000 towards its budget. Actual TO prepare articles. news stories. and expenditures are xpected to reach $35.000 literature descriptive of the city's by the June 30 end of the fiscal year. said I'eSOUrCeS whereby outside interests and city manager Paul Bussey this morning. individuals may be induced to locate in the He said the chamber presently is paid City. after presenting monthly bills to the city. To aid in promoting tourism and the The new contract would fund the development and use of unoccupied and ehamber for providing basic and special vacant properties. services. The proposed basic services TO interview business and industrial include: executives with the view of urging the establishment of busjness activities in the To promote and invite trade and business meetings. celebrations and conventions whereby outside interests and individuals may become acquainted with advantages and opportunities in the city. Special services. such as tournaments. contests. races. festival, celebrations and award ceremonies. would be provided by the Chamber after submission of a special r final consideration of a proposed 400-foot Y stack for the Encina Power Plant. the possible appointment of Lewis Chase to the 2. Carlsbad Planning Commission. a second ig supplement to the El Camino Real 0 % Shopping Center agreement, Bristol Cove aP situation. and a report on how to clean up r- d- cc :as the county's air 0 H3 0 ).A 0) A?? Or 0 '0 O? m Srn :a J T flp city. ,c . Ct d- P* P. '% ct gg '-5 P* budget some time prior to the activity. &- :a a 0 Z Other items on the 7 p.m. agenda include dv I '3 +"a 5T ?nu C, c2. u P P- Y " 0