HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-11-02; City Council; 3793; ELM AVENUE : PROPOSED RENAMING0 -* - CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 / -+ c f, L* La AGENDA BILL ~0.3773 Initial : Dept . Hd. C. Atty.UF/ DATE : C. Mgr. DEPARTMENT : Subj ect : NOVEMBER 2, 1976 PLANNING -I ELM AVENUE : PROPOSED RENAMING - Statement of the Matter The Planning Commission on 0-ctober 13, 1976, considered a request by tl: Chamber Committee on Tourism to rename Elm Avenue to Carls-bad-to-the-Sc or Carlsbad Village .Drive, or equivalent. By staff report of October 13, 1976, the staff suggested that if the Planning Commission felt the request had merit, the matter should be referred -to the City Council with a recommendation to set tne matter -for Public Hearing. recommendation. The staff would suggest that.in an effort to retain local identity for the downtown. for the community from the freeway, and to initiate down- town revitalization, a proposed street name change should be set to Public Hearing. The Commission, by 5-1 vote, approved staff”s . Exhibits Letter to Secretary of Planning Commission from Tony Howard-Jones dated September 9, 1976 , Staff.report of October 13., 1976 . Recommendation: If-the Council concurs with the Planning Commission recommendation, the matter.should be returned to staff for proper reports,and set to public hearing at the earliest practical. date. .. Council action 11-2-76 The matter was returned to s.taff for‘proper reports and -- . to have se.t to pub1 ic hearing. . * .. : ... . . . ... . . i. .. . .. - ’ .. ).f. ... .. I . e- - 0”- -b 5-- -.- POST OFFICE BOX 597 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 32008 (7 Sept. 9, 3.976 Mr. Don Agatep Planning Director City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Ave. Carlsbad, Ca 92008 Dear Mr. Agatep: The Tourism Committee of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, at a meeting on Aug. 31, suggested two name changes to replace “Elm Ave ‘I which the committee feels is insufficient1 escriptive of our major east-west arterial. The suggestions are: *- Carlsbad to-the-Sea Carlsgad Village Drive . We hope that the Secretary of the Planning Coin- mission will place the matter on the first conven- ient Planninq Commission Agenda, together with a report from the Planning Department. Thank you for your consideration. I Sincerely yours, -1- &>@&&k:/?Zs9, ,/ 7 A - (6 J 4 Tony Howard-Jones Chairman, Tourism Commitf /cd &LE XJ$CEXTJEIl copy to: Stephen L’Eeureux SE? 14 1976 CITY OF CARtSBAD \ p:snning D2pErlm”nt i ^.-I E-%,’ ;.:‘;JE 47 c-3 s;+,-F, :c_ =:>a- _- " . t 0 , 0 a: t .' ' Y <, I4 EM 0 R A N D U M October 13, 7976 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLAMN I NG D E PART14 E NT SUBJECT: ELM AVENUE STREET RENP,MING In a letter dated September 9, 1976, Tony Howard-Jones, Chair- man' of the Chamber of Commerce Tourism Cornnittee, reques-ted that tiie Planning Commission consider changing the name Elm Avenue to Carisbad-to-the-Sea or Carlsbad Village Drive. !!is letter is attached. It has been the City's policy not to take action on s~ch re- . quests, where no name conflict exists. Since this particular request may have broader community support that the typical name change request, staff is bringing it to the Commission's attention. The renaming of Elm Avenue to either of the riames proposed has potential problems. These problems include conflict with the name Carlsbad i3lvci., and names that exceed the number of letters (17) that can be ;accommodated on a street name sign. If the Commission feels that the City should consider the re- quest, it shoul-d recommend to Cour;cil by Minute Motion that the Council initiate the Public Hearing proce;.;. . . ',? .I -.. I , +I , .& p.0. BOX 1262, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 11/2/75 ':arli;bad city COixnC-;,l 3w-t 1 eaen : In a recent poll of The Village XesrchanLs Association executive boa it was unanimouslygreed uioo to eandorse tke naxe chazge of 313 Ave to Carlsbad Tillage Drive. The zest obvious benefit of this c'nangs vould be to direct freeway traffic unquestionably to the Village business center. in additio we feel the name change vrould add to the clra~' of the established business district. '(Te feel that the ainimal cost i-nvoived xould be offset in future yeass by the improved iEage that would be Fresente to the public. The Ellage Merchants Assosiation respectfully requests your agreesr In this natter, TharJ.; you \&QL4J &A Xel Priest-Pres. ?ne Vi llage Xercbant s Ss 1Q:NP : t e p I - -- r b OCf 79’ &? i: 3 r Is 3088 PI0 PIC0 DRIVE P 0. BOX248 o CARLSBAD, CA92008 729 2345 /s Oct, 21, 1976 ‘$3 p-;;*>.. Wwe&3 <+, Pad: forwarding to you ideas from the conmunftv concerqlw ttle renaming of Elm Avenue. no name change, one saying that the problems with Downtom me merchants’ attitudes. Of the suggestions for renaming Elm, one vritey+ urged Warlsbad Avenue or Boulevard,” and chanptng the present; Carlsbad Boulevard toWcean or Pacific Rvermue!? suggested nState Reach Drive9’ or WCarlsbad Parks Drive?? for Elm, then added “Oceanview Drive?? or Varlsbad Beach DrLveTr in an after%hought , I hope this information might help the cou.nc5.l with i%s decision-making, %Q -\“-a Q 4‘ _- 7 As indicated in a Journal editorial. last weehmfl, we’re Two letters asked that there he . Another twtfcer, noting Carlsbad’s two state beaches, FF Rex Wflson \ A NORTH COAST PUBLISHERS, lp~c NEWSPAPER CORPORATE OFFICES 687 FIRST STREET * ENCIN’TAS*CA - 92024 L 1, * TELEPk CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (714) 725 1200 ELM AVENUE Qritp of Carlsrbab September 20, 1976 Tony Howard-Jones Chairman, Tourism Committee Carlsbad Chamer of Commerce . P. 0. Box 597 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: Elm Avenue Street Renamina The Citv's policy on renamina streets has been to chanae only those streets which are conflictinq and therefore re- strict the efficient response of emerqency vehicles. Staff would therefore not normally take action on a request such as yours, which does not involve a conflict situation. Since your oroposal is of community interest, however, I have placed your proposal on the Plannina Commission 4qenda of October 13, 1976, for their consideration . Please contact Allen Meacham of this office if you have anv questions. Q)$LFiT DO. EP Planning Director DAA:mbs .1 I b e 0 . .8 .I > -r CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (714) POST OFFICE BOX 597 Sept. 9, 1976 fp.* t- ! Mr. Don Agatep Planning Director City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Ave. Carlsbad, Ca 92008 Dear Mr. Agatep: The Tourism Committee of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, at a meeting on Aug. 31, suggested two name changes to replace "Elm Av I' which the committee feels is insufficient escriptive of our major east-west arterial. The suggestions are: Carlsbad to-the-Sea Carlsbad Village Drive We hope that the Secretary of the Planning Com- mission will place the matter on the first conven- ient Planning Commission Agenda, together with a report from the Planning Department. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely yours, 3@&k/#&, d& / To y Howar -Jones Chairman, Tourism Committe /cd RE CE WE D copy to: Stephen L'Heureux SEP 14 3936 CITY OF CARLSBAD Planning Department CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - OFFICES, ELM AVENUE AT OLD SANTA FE DEPOT >- % (I, 6 MEMO RAN DUM October 13, 1976 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANN I NG DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: ELM AVENUE STREET RENAMING In a letter dated September 9, 1976, Tony Howard-Jones, Chair- man of the Chamber of Commerce Tourism Committee, requested that the Planning Commission consider changing the name Elm Avenue to Carlsbad-to-the-Sea or Carlsbad Village Drive. His letter is attached. It has been the City's policy not to take action on such re- quests, where no name conflict exists. Since this particular request may have broader community support that the typical name change request, staff is bringing it to the Commission's attention. The renaming of Elm Avenue to either of the names proposed has potential problems. These problems include conflict with the name Carlsbad Blvd., and names that exceed the number of letters (17) that can be accommodated on a street name sign. If the Commission feels that the City should consider the re- quest, it should recommend to Cour;cil by Minute Motion that the Council initiate the Public Hearing process. NEW BUSINESS Elm Street Renaming - Don-ald Agatep said that the Chamber of Commerce had requested that the City con-- sider.changing the name Elm Avenue to a name that would more adequately reflect the character of Carlsbad, i.e. Carlsbad-to-the Sea or Carlsbad Villa-ge Drive. Tony Howard-Jones, Chairman of the Chamber of Comhlerc? Tourism Committee said that the Committee felt that Elm Avenue had no identity with Carlsbad since there were no large Elm Trees on the street and that the main street should reflect the village atmosphere that they are trying to preserve downtown. A list of comments from downtown merchants was given to each Commissioner. Commissioner Larson stated that we already had a Carlsbad Blvd. and he felt it would be confusing to have another street name with Carlsbad as part of the name. Commissioner Jose was not in favor of a street name change and suggested that the off ramp on 1-5 state Elm Avenue, Downtown Carlsbad. A minute motion was made' to rec*ommend to the City Council that the Council initiate a Public Hearing to consider changing the name of Elm Avenue. Noes Motion Ayes x - Absent X - X X c , ,_c,,.- \/ p i ; /<,.'/J I. ) '-,. , \I r-., ;--.. ,, - ,, * .. r/) ,,/'(,, /.$ I/ , .- _-- e L./' :, ! ./,' - .- ," __ -' I a. .--.. .~ ..-__. ' ..._ -- --..- .+ -. - -------------- --_l_l_ _. _-_ .-.. . . - 7YC4. &, ,* .- . .. 1 1). ~ ,, . DWfdP ;- c'~ , . ,, cs -_ . e,,, %- L.2uodc LA,,# A? --------------------. .-.- ~- .. _.____. __ __...__. . . --. .. . ~ .._.... . . ________ .,., . ~ i.;Ia&rcc.<h. ,,.. ;;-- ..;..:. -I . I /I -. , - ., .- ' .. . .. ~ -. 'r A. - ' .. , .. ,, . 1, I. -- )f- 1 ! 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