HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-11-02; City Council; 3794; GEORGE BILLINGSr % a CITY OF CARLSBAD e , AGENDA BILL NO, 37yf Initial Dept. Hd . C. Atty DEPARTMENT: PLA"ING - C, Mgr. - DATE : November 2, 1976 CASE NO.: PUD-1 o Subject: APPLICANT: GEORGE BILLINGS Statement of the Matter The request is for an 171 unit apartment complex in the Larwi Development. The PUD is required per the P-C zone. The Planning Commission recommends denial for the following r 1) The development does not meet the design criteria requir a PUD in that it is not compatible or in architectural h with existing developments. that arenot within reasonable walking distance to the dw served. Guest parking on Marron Road would significant1 below pad elevation of the development and therefore par would not be functional. 3) The project is premature in that traffic problems have n 2) A portion of the required parking is provided on public been adequately solved on Marron Road and El Camino Real The Planning Commission noted the difficulty in determining a harmony, especially along the proposed El Camino Real preserv They, therefore, suggest that the City Council consider the c design review standards in the Hispanic Corridor prior to adc developments being processed by the staff. Exhibits Planning Commission Resolution' No. 1286 Staff Report dated October 13, 1976 Recommendation It is recommended that PUD-1 be denied as stated in Planning Resolution No. 1286. In addition, it is recommended that tht direct staff to prepare various alternatives to develop arch- standards for improving the Hispanic Corridor. ., Council action 11-2-75 Following the public hearing and considerable discussior the Council, the matter was returned to the Plannina COK for consideration of a redesign of the project. t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I$ l5 16 l7 18 ’’1 2o 21 22 .23 24 z5 .26 27 ’)\ @ 0, .> PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTI’ON NO. 1286 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIF’ORNIA, DENYING A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR 171 APARTMENT UNITS ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF MARRON ROAD AND AVENIDA CASE NO, : PUD-1 DE ANITA. APPLICANT: GEORGE BILLINGS WHEREAS, a verified application for a certain proper 4 < wit: That portion of Lot IIJ” of Agua Hedionda, according to the Map thereof No. -823, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County,,November 16, 1886 AND of Lots 3, 4 and 5 in Section 32, Town- ship 11 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, accopding to United States Government surv all being in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Die State of California has been filed with the City of Carlsbad and referred to Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a rec provided by Title 21 of the “Carlsbad Municipal Code”; ar NHEREAS, the public hearing was held at the time an( the place specified in said notice on September 22, 1976 continued to October 13, 1976; and #* * WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearihg and-w the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who ( be heard, said Commission considered all factors relatin Planned Unit Development Permit and found the following reasons to exist: 1) ,: SL 7 ,a *I r *. Th6 development d0e.s note meet the das’idn criteria by a PUD in that it is not compatible or in archite harmony with existing developments. .. c -L 28x x x x x‘ .* L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ' !o * . a# CI 2) A portion of the required parking' is provided on pub streets that are not within reasonable walking distal to the dwellings served. Guest parking on Marron Ro ment and therefore parking would not be functional. 3) The project is premature in that traffic problems ha yet been adequately solved on Marron Road and El Cam NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commi would significantly be below pad-elevation of the dei the City of Carlsbad as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. B) That a Planned Unit Development'Permit is denied'to 171 apartment units on property located on the south corner of Marron Road and Avenida de Anita. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of City of Carlsbad Planning Commission held on October 13, the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Ne1 son, L 1 Heureux , Larson ar NOES : Commissioner Fikes. ABSENT: Commissioner Watson. ABSTAIN: Commissioner Rombotis. Stephen M. L I Heureux, .' 4 -- . ATTEST : Donald A. Agatep, Secretary .. . ,, .i, r ,< :.I > . .i ' 4 .- .. -? ., -2- ';\ * ; 0, .I .I STAFF REPORT October 13, 1976 e TO : PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT CASE NO. : PUD-1 4 z APPLICANT: GEORGE BILLINGS REQUEST: Approval of a Planned Unit Develoment Permit for 171 apart- ment units (a portion of the Larwin Master Plan). RE C r)YV E N D AT I 0 N Staff tecommends that PUD-1 be apDroved because of the following findin: and subject to the following conditions. FINDINGS (1) The proposed use at the proposed location is necessary and de- sirable in providing a facility which will contribute to the general we1 being of the neighborhood and community because: (a) The project will provide multiple-family housinq in clost (b) The design of the project will contribute to the Hispanic (2) The use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or gey welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity because: . (a) The residential uses proposed are compatible with neighbc ing existing residential uses and permitted uses; (b) The design of the project is compatible with neiqhboring existing projects; congestion on neighboring streets. proximity to recreation and commercial service centers; motif of the El Camino Real corridor. 11 r /. i' 7 (c) Sufficient in-site parking is provideddo avoid parking .* * -f ., I 0, ')' '1 0 ' (3) The project has complied with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad Environmental Ordinance of 1972 by Prior Compliance (Section 19.04.153) because: on the site; (a) An EIR was certified in connection with a previous projec ' (b) Supplemental Impact information has been submitted; There are no substantial chances proposed by the project or existing on-site not adequately addressed by the original EIF? or its supplement. I < The design criteria set forth in Section 21.45.110 and all minimum development standards set forth in Section 21.45.120 of the Muni (a) The plan is conprehensive in integrating buildings, adeqi (b) The internal circulation system will allow for efficient (c) The number of units proposed (171) is consistent with thc (c) (4) pal Code are met in the proposal because: ,- open areas, recreation areas and parkinq areas; circulation and emergency vehicle response; number of units allowed in the aporoved Master Plan (225); (d) (e) The yards, coverage and building height proposed meet thc requirements of the PUD ordinance; Covered spaces and visitor parking are provided on-site and on adjacent streets at a ratio meeting the requirements of the PUD ordinance; The use of Yarron Place and Avenida de Anita for parking# meeting the project's requirements, does not reduce the parking require( for the adjoining townhouse portions of the Larwin Master Plan; The screening of on-site parking areas and the landscapii of open areas in a manner meeting the requirements of the PUD ordinance have been made conditions of approval; Refuse areas and storaqe sDace have been provided meetin1 the requirements of the PUD ordinance; recreational areas and parking areas are Provided in a manner meeting ti (f) ,- & (9) (h) (i) Pedestrian walkways connectinq all building entrances, *, , . F' , . requirements*of the PUD ordinance; ' :I J < ,- 1 .. . L - 2- , 1 ’!\ 0 0, ,b ) (j) The provision of adequate lighting meeting the requiremenl of the PUD ordinance has been made a condition of approval. CONDITIONS (1) The approval is granted for the land described in the applicati and attachments hereto, and as shown on the revised plot plan labeled PUD Exhibit B, dated Auqust 27, 1976. The location of all structures, parkin areas, landscaping, and other facilities shall be located substantially a shown on PUD Exhibit €3, except as otherwise indicated herein. The develo ment of the project shall meet the minimum standards of the PUD Ordinance where higher standards are not snecified herein. from final City action on the PUD application. elevation plans labeled Exhibit D, dated September 10, 1976. . (2) (3) Construction of the project shall be commenced within 18 months All buildings and structures shall be of the design shown on tht (4) The location of refuse pickup areas is not approved as shown in the plot plan Exhibit B, dated August 27, 1976. Their location shall be approved by the Planning Director and included in the Final PUD Plan prior to the issuance of building permits. located in the recreation areas shall be approved by the Planning Director and included in the Final PUD Plan prior to the issuance of building permi (5) The precise location and types of recreational facilities to be (6) Precise landscape and irrigation plans for all open areas shall be approved by the Parks and Recreation Department and included in the Final PUD Plan prior to the issuance of building permits. include the following: (a) Real shall be effectively screened from view by a 36 in’ch high wall, or.-.- a landscaped area at least 20 feet in depth; Said plans shal‘ Parking areas visible from abutting streets and/or El Caminc (b) All man-made slopes in excess of 5 feet in height and all natural slopes shall be landscaped with drouqht-resistant, erOsiOn-COntr0~ vegetation. irrigation plan. (C) Area ‘B’ shall be included in the landscape and ,I *‘ r 1: \; q4 (dl ,Street trees’: *i \ .. . -i’ -3- .I 1. f /e I ? ,e (7) ~11 landscaping and irrigation shall be insta1'ed in accordance wjth the approved Landscape and Irrigation plan prior to occupancy. munjty identity sign shown in Exhibit E dated September 10, 1976- The community identification sign shall be located generally beth the two driveway entrances to the project. The exact location st- be shown on the Final PUD Plan. (9) All pedestrian walkways within the project boundaries 5 be constructed of concrete with an unobstructed width of four fec (10) A lighting plan for the project shall be approved by t Planning Director and included in the Finaj'PUD Plan pr-ior''(o ih issuance of building permits. The plan shall space light stand- ards at the maximum effective distances and utilize the lowest effective wattage. (11) Individual dwelling unit television antennas shall no1 permitted above the roof line of structures. (12) .Prior to the apm-oval of the Final PUD Plan, that 4.2~ portion of the MP-5 Park site labeled I'P-2" on Exhibit A dated ! ust 11, 1976, shall be dedicated to the City of Carlsbad for Pal purposes, (13) Prior to the approval of the Final PUD Plan, the app' cant shall record an open space easement over those slope area! as shown on Exhibit B, dated August 27, 1976. (14) Prior to the issuance of occupancy permits, the appl cant shall record an open space easement over Area B as shown Exhibit By dated August 27, 1976. This requirement shall be waived if Area B has been sold to the adjoining property owner (15) Prior'to the issuance of building permits, the appli cant hall submit a Final Planned Unit Development plan to be approved by the Planning Director. The plan shall meet the re quirements of Section 21.45.180 of the PUD ordinance and the c ditions of this approval. -. . (16) Prior to the issuance of occupancy permits, all cond tions of this approval shall be met, except that individual bu ings may be released for occupancy if the applicant submits bc agreements for the performance of those conditions not met at time initial occupancy is requested. If bonded agreements art milted, they shall be approved as to form by the City Attorne; to the issuance of occupancy permits. (8) NO signs shall be permitted on the site other than the * .I tc .% . ,( ' c (17) Elm Avenue right-of-way as shown in Exhibit E, dated June 19, 1s together with ConStrUCtiOn slope easements, shall be offered for dedicatic Prior to approval of the Final PUD Plan. - ., 0, ':? 0 *> (18) A real;qned per~endicular intersection shall be const at ~~~i~~ \.lay and ApPian LlaY riqht-of-way and 'lo" n,ents shal1 be offered for dedication in the Same manner descri for El,,, fivenUe in condition NO. 15 above, based on a 6' foot f' width within the Master Plan boundary. Elm Avenue. (q4 The southerly half of Marron Road shall be dedicated and improvt to extend to the southeasterly property line on the basis of a 42 foot half street section, according to City of Carlsbad Standards, prior to issuance of a building permit. On-site fire hydrants shall be provided as required by the Fire Marshal. They shall be served by public water line extensions having an alignment and capacity aproved by the Fire Plarshil and City Enqineer. 12 foot water line easements shall be dedicated and construction shall be guaranteed by bond or cash deposit prior to issuance of building permit-, In Order to provide for reasonable fire protection during the construction period, the applicant shall maintain passable vehicular access to all buildings and shall install fire hydrants and dry-stand pipes prior to framing construction. aPproved by the City Enqineer. of Carlsbad without cost to the City, and free of all liens and encumbrances southwest curb-returns at the intersection of Marron Road and Avenida de Anita. (20) (21) (22) All dead-end drives shall have a maneuvering and turn-around arei (23 J All land and/or easements required shall be granted to the City (24) Standard sidewalk ramps shall be installed in the southeast and (25) Parking spaces No. 202 and 203 shall not be permitted. There shal be 20 feet minimm between the street right-of-way line and any parking. (7~) Buildings 12 and 13 shall be made more accessable for emergencv access bv the relocation of one or more of parkinq spac from spaces No. 138-155. This redesign shall be approved by th.e Planning Director and shown on the Final PUD Plan. (27) Prior to the apDroval of the Final PUD Plan, Parks-in- ___ - lieu fees of $45.00 per dwellinq shall be paid in conformance wit tke amended Master Plan. a \: GI. ' ,k 1 4 ,> *' f BACKGROUND REPORT ,. e Location and Description of Property: . The 10.71 acre (4.33 ha) site is located on the southwest corner of Marron Road and Avenida de Anita. The site has been graded flat except for a , small portion in the south corner. -5- .. I e, "i' .I Existing Zoning: Subject Property: P-C East: P-C West: 'C-22Q 3nd I?-P-Q North: C-2 and R-1-10 South: P-C Existing Land Use: Subject Property I Vacant North: Vacant (Shopping center under construction) 6 South: Vacant East: Townhouses West: Single-family residence and vacant Past History and Realted Cases: The proposed project is a portion of the Larwin Project. Coi approved the Larwin Master Plan on July 5, 1972 (MP-5, Ordint 9315). MP-5 allowed 190 garden apartments on the project si1 for a density of 17.7 dwelling units per acre. Subsequently, Larwin purchased a 5-acre (2.0 ha) parcel on tf southern boundary of the Master Plan. This parcel is known i the "Avendian Parcel 'I. The Flanning Commission approved an amendment to the Master f September 22, 1976, which included the Aveclian parcel in the Master Plan as additional park area. The 35 residential unii allowed on the Avedian parcel were transferred to the apartmc site, making a total of 225 units approved for the site. Thc maximum allowable density on the site was thereby increased 17.7 units per acre to 21 units per acre. The present proposal of 16 dwelling units per acre is lower than either. Environmental Impact Information: City Council certified EIR-57 on December 19, 1972 in connection with thc subdivision map for Larwin's first townhouse phase. supplied supplemental information on the impacts of the apartment projeci This information is attached. The supplement recommends the following mitigation measures: 1 -1 . ,- The applicant has ., ?I i .i -, 1) 2) Screen parking facing Marron Road with a rnas6nby wall or Explore the possibility of heating the swimming pool and solid row of landscaping. saunas with solar panels. P Ot '." 0 .. 3) levels. 4) to prevent heat loss. 5) wattage. Set hot water heater thermostats to the lowest effective Specially insulate hot water lines to individual apartments Judiciously space outdoor lighting and use the lowest effectiv 6) Design the apartment units to take full advantage of winter sun. 7) Specially insulate the apartment units,. 6 8) - Encourage tenants to turn off appliances and lights when not in use and keep thermstats at 68' during colder months. Measures 1 and 5 have been included in the staff report as conditions of approval (Conditions 7 and 10). Measures 2, 4, and 7 are applicable to all develop!nent in the City. Staff therefore believes that if the Coniniission wishes to include them as conditions of approval on PUD-1, it should also reconimend them as amendnients to the Building Code to the City Council e Measures 3 and'8 can be met by requiring the use of thermostats with low maximum temperature settings. ment is also applicable to all development in the City and should be handled in a manner similar to lleasures 2, 4, and 7. To meet Measure 6, it would be necessary for the front of each build- ing to face the south (the area in which the winter sun lies). project has been designed around on-site recreation facilities and an inwardly-oriented community. Consequently, only 4 of the 13 bui ldinys face south. Staff believes that facing all buildings in one direction is undesirably monotonous and detracts from a sense of cominunity. Ttler fore, the design of the project should not be faulted for not? meeting .- Measure 6. Based on the original EIR and the supplemental information provided, ti . ning Director has determined that the project has couplied with the re( ments of the CEPO of 1972 throuqh Prior Compliance (Section 19.04.53) General Plan Information: The pro.ject site is designated for medium-hiqh residential use, 10 to : dwelling units/acre. The Droposed density of 16.0 undts <per acre is w- Staff believes that such a require- The a . this range, .* -7- 0, '." e I. .I -. *. Public Facilities: - The Droject is within service areas of the City of Carlsbad (W and sewerland the Carlsbad Unified School District. As of thi date, the School District has not assured the asailibility af 'facilities concurrent with need. Fla j or P 1 a n n i n g C on s i d e r a t i o n s : - Does the site plan meet the intent of the PUD ordinance? Does the architecture of the project meet the Hispanic charact of the ECR corridor? f 6 DISCUSSION The proposed apartment project- is being processed by PUD permit because it is a part of the Larwin Master Plan. That Master Plan does not conform to requirements of the new Planned Community zone. Therefore, under the re- quirements of the Planned Community zone, the apartment phase can only be developed by PUD permi t . Parking Requirements: The parking requirements of the PUD zone are one and one-half covered spac per unit, plus one visitor space per unit. The applicant has proposed loc ting most of the visitors parking on Avenida de Anita and Marron Road. The PUD zon2 permits such an arrangement provided the street is totally wi the project and a parking lane is permitted. Since both streets have beer dedicated to the public, they are not within the boundary of the project r However, staff feels that the applicant's proposal meets the intent of thc ordinance for the following reasons: (1) The on-site parking is accessable to the site (stairs lare to be provided up the slope from Marron Road); (2) The parking on both streets is of little use for the townhouse i to the east because of the hillside between the townhouse ti Avenida de An. (3) The parking on both streets will not be needed to meet the park. requirements of the undeveloped Phase I townhouses (2.75 spaces/uni t) bec those requirements can be met on other streets in Phase I. .. tf . it , ;i 1 < *. . ,* .e : 8 5, ot ? 0 %* Architectural Elevations: SP-?04( B ) 1 covering the townhouse areas , requires that the townhouses be 1 signed with a Hispanic motif. Since the apartments will be at least as v from El Camino Real, staff has encouraged the applicant to Propose buildi of a Hispanic motif, which are attached for the Commission's review and approval (Condition No. 4). Elm Avenue (t Park Site: Staff has recommended that, as conditions of approval, Elm Av and a portion of the adjacent Park Site be dedicated. These cations are reauirements of Larwins Master Plan as amended. feels that their dedication at this time is desirable since i taken so lonq for Larwin-Southern to move forward on its blast! P1 an. . AREA 'B' .- Area B, the triangular piece of property on the southeast cor of Marror, Road, and Avenida de Anita , is not functionally a I of the Larwin Master Plan, particularly the apartment site. I this reason the applicant has resisted irrigating the area ani being responsible for its maintenance. Staff has recommended that an open space easement be placed on Area B (Condition 14 because it is too small by itself to be properly developed. however, the area is consolidated with the parcel to the east, both the applicant's maintenance problem and the City's develc ment problem would be solved. Staff has worded Condition 14 1 allow for such a consolidation to occur. Attachments! (submitted with previous report) Location Map Exhibit B. Revised Plat Plan, dated August 27, 1976 Exhibit 0, Revised Architectural Elevations, dated September 1976 Exhibit E, Community Ideitification by Sign, dated keptembe'r 1976 Environmental Impact Report Supplement - .i \l 5 .k 1 < .. a \I t' < .. . -r 1 .. I m 0 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD-1) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 7:OO P.M. on Tuesday, November 2, 1976, to consider an application for a Planned Unit Development consisting of 89 two-bedroom and 82 one-bedroom apartment units on 10.71 acres located on the southwest corner of Marron Road and Avenida de Anita, and more particularly described as: That portion of Lot "J" of Agua Hedionda, according to the Map thereof No. 823, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, November 16, 1886 AND of Lots 3, 4, and 5 in Section 32, Township 11 South, Range 4 Nest, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, according to United States Government Surve. all being in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Dieal State of California. APPLICANT: GEORGE F. BILLINGS PUBLISH: October 20, 1976 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD-1) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Department 01 City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Cot Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 7:30 P. on Wednesday, September 22, 1976, to consider an applicatic a Planned Unit Development consisting of 89 two-bedroom an( one-bedroom apartment units on 10.71 acres located on the : west corner of Marron Road and Avenida de Anita, and more i larly described as: That portion of Lot "J" of Agua Hedionda, according tc the Map thereof No. 823, filed in the Office of the Cc Recorder of San Diego County, November 16, 1886 AND 01 3,4, and 5 in Section 32, Township 11 South, Range 4 1. San Bernardino Base and Meridian, according to United Government Survey, all being in the City of Carlsbad, of San Diego, State of California. Those persons wishing to speak on these proposals are cord invited to attend the public hearing. If you have any que please call 729-1181 and ask for the Planning Department. APPLICANT: GEORGE F. BILLINGS PUBLISH: September 11, 1976 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING 8 e I FROPERTY OWKERS LT S -ma 42 Kelly, Carroll R. & Alice L. 6505 Wilshire B1vd.-Suite 1210-Los Angeles, Ca. 90048 35 Same 44 Vznderburg, Otis E. & Christine 2500 El Camino Real-Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 45 Same 39 Beckstrand, Grant 1400 Via Monte Mar St., Palos Verdes Estates, Ca. 90274 _Ltil,s1p. 37 Lrirwin-Southern Calif . , Inc. 6150 Mission Gorge Rd., San Diego, Ca. 92120 1 Jackson, Russell F., Jr. & Susan K. 2518 Via Astuto, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 2 Hall, David A. di Bette L. 2808 Via Cascada, Carlsbad, Ca, 92038 3 Kopcziek, Donald J. 2514 Via Astuto, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 2512 Via Astuto, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 4 Hetzler, Timothy C. & Lisa L., 5 Gollther, Earl P. & Janet M. 18804 Falo'Verde, Apt. A, Cerritos, Ca. 90701 6 Spears, Harry ti Jean 2508 Via Astuto, Carisbad, Ca. 92008 7 Riggs, Larry I). & Linda M. 8 Howard, Merfe L. & Eileen M, 2506 Via Astuto, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 - 2504 Via Astuto, Carlsbad, Ca, 92008 9 Falcon, Xoe C. & Donna W. 2502 Via Astuto, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 2501 Via kstuto, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 10 Rouse, Charles H. & Fatricia H. 11 Smith, William, Jr. & Charlotte A. 2503 Via Astuto, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 - 12 Owens, David B. & Elizabeth J. 2505 Via Astuto, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 e e I. 13 Eonette, Roland E. & Phyllis J, 2507 Via Astuto, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 14 Larwin Sluthern Calif., Znc. 15 Same 16 Mills, Stanley J. & Karen E. 6150 Mission Gorge Rd., San Dtego, Ca. 92120 2513 Via Astueo, Carlsbed, Ca. 92008 34602 Calle Rosita, Capistrano Beach, Ca. 92624 6150 Mission Gorge Rd., San Diego, Ca. 92120 17 CLampett, John G. & Carol L. 18 Larwin Southern Calif., Inc. 19 Same 167-30 1 McDonald, Thomas C. 2614 Via Astuto, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 2612 Via Astuto, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 2 Hoffman, Janeen P. 3 Marquardt, Edward J. & Wendy 2610 Via Astuto,Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 4 Alva, William To & Carol J. 2608 Via Astuto, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 400 Fairview Terrace, Sierra Xadre, Ca. 91024 2504 Via Astuto, Carlsbad, Ca, 92008 5 Driemeyer, Raymond, C.. 6 Leget, Robert L. & Mary L. 7 Larwin Southern Calif., Inc. 6150 Mission Gorge Rd., Ca. 92120 San Diego 2534 Via Astuto, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 2532 Via Astuto, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 2530 Via Astuto, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 6150 Mission Gorge Rd., Ca. 92120 Sari Diego 8 Radakovich, Daniel & Jull M. 9 Fearn, John W. & Anne M. 10 Higgins, Donald G. & Rose M.. 11 Larwin Southern Calif., Inc. 12 Foggi, David V. & Suellen 2526 Via Astuto, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 13 Robinson, Robert B.,Sr. 6 Ethel H, 2524 Via Astuto, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 a -e- @ e 14 Gowney, Earl C. & Fargaret T. 2522 Via Astuto, Carlsbad, Ca, 92008 15 Collier, James L. & Ann Y. 2520 Via Astuto, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 16 Van Duzer, Richard E. & Itala Y. i 17 tarwin Southern Calif., Lnc, 2801 Via Cascada, C rlsbad, Ca. 92008 6150 Mission Gorge Rd., San Diego, Ca.72120 2805 Via Casyada, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 2807 Via Cascada, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 18 Dirkes, Daniel J. & Rart'ha C. 19 Trietze, Korberto & Rafaela C. \ 20 Larwin Southern Calif., Inc. 6150 Mission Gorge Rd., San Diego, Ca, 921210 21 Littlefield, Dillard E. 6L Jeannette 2810 Via Cascada, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 22 Xeveu, Alfred C. & Josephine 0. 2808 Via Cascada, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 23 Clayton, Walter H.,Jr. & Geraldine W. 2806 Via Cascada, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 24 Coleman, Loren M. 2804 Via Caseada, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 25 Sirmans, ELdon L. & 3la:nca D. 26 Mss, Eloise T. 2802 Via Cescada, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 2801 Via Diego, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 27 Sarmnow, Leslie & Ann E. 2803 Via Diego, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 28 Kendezabal, Ganzalo A. &. Elizabeth V. 2805 Via Diego, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 29 RaSe, Gerald D. €X Kargarer A. 2807 Via Diego, Carlsbad, Ca, 92008 2809 Via Diego, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 30 Black, Zach W. & Xary H. 31 Thomson, William H, 2811 Via Diego, Carlsbad, Ca, 92008 32 Averell, Lawrence W. & Lenore A. 2813 Via Diego, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 2803 Via Dtego, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 33 Rud son, John - -c b . .- "I 34, Muth, Louis G. & Christa D, . L IL I- b/,exfard National Corp, 8121 Van Ruys Blvd.,Panorama City, 1 35 Llewellins, Robert C. & Kary J, 2806 Via Diego, Carlsbad, Ca, 92008 36 Kaddox, Juanita 2808 Via Diego, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Shannon, Christle B. & Florgce V. 18239 Crater Lake Court, Fountain Valley, Cia, 92708 37 38 Griffin, Kenneth J. & Anna L. 2812 Via Dieeo, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 6150 Mission Gorge Rd., San Diego, Ca, 92:12!0 39 Larwin Southern Calif. Inc. 40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48 All Larwin Southern Calif, 16 7- 04 23 Vista Way Village, Inc. % John A. STeiger, P.O. Box 628, Oceansicfe,, Ca. 92056 4g Security Pacific h'at'l. Bank,#L3-5-00632-.0 arvey, Clarence A, & Phyllis K, 24 p.0, ljox 60802, Los Angeles, Ca. 90060 167-25 24 Grove Apartments Investment Co. &Bernard Citran, 9713 Santa Monica Blvd., Beverly ill^, c 167-25 * < 22 Grove Apartments Investment CO, Qb ~ernard Citran, 9713 Santa Eonica Blvd,, Beverly Hills, c 167-03 39 Beckstrand, Grant 1400 Via Home Far st., Pales Verdes Estates, a, go274 16 7- 09 13 Beckstrand, Grant K. bc Mildred B, 1090 Atlantic Ave,, Thng Beach, Ca, 90813 37 brwin Southern Calif., Inc, 6150 Xi ssion Gorge Rd. , San Diego, Ca, 92 120