HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-11-02; City Council; 3795; Northwest Jefferson School Tamarack and Jefferson Robert HirschInitial : Dept . IXd . November 2, 1976 I -- C. Mgr. 6, PLANNING - c -/ (b CITY OF' CARLSBAD -LIP- AGE:MDA BILL NO. 37 7-r - C. Atty. '<+ ;-/> DATE : *- .__ . DEPRRTMEITL' : cw- Subject: Case Nos.: SP-l36(A) and CT 76-11 Location: Northwesterly of Jefferson Schoo fronting on Tamarack and Jeffers Appl icant: ROBERT HIRSCH - Statcinent of the t4atter The Planning Commission recommends approval of SP-l36(A] and CT 76-11 as per Planning Commission Resolutions 1284 and 1285. The requests are for 80 detached single-family dwellings in a 6 lot subdiv-ision. property owners asSociation-to provide for maintenance of common landscaped areas, Recreational Vehicle parking and a private street. Though the development may apuear to be substandard single-family development rela- tive to the R-1 zone, it is in compliance with the RDM zone and RYH land use category. The minimum lot area is over 4,000 sq. ft., which is relatively typical in beach areas The Planning Commission was concerned about the additional vehicle and pedestrian traffic on Tamarack generated by this development. this problem'shOuld be solved prior to approval of additional projects in tbe area. Exhibits Memorandum of City Manager dated 10/22/76 Staff Report dated October 13, 1976 Recommendation If the City Council concurs with the findings and recommendations of Planning Commiss Resolutions 1284 and 1285, the Council should instruct the City Attorney to prepare tl necessary documents. The units are to be sold as townhouses with a The Plannina Commission believes - Resolutions 1284 and 1285 0.) < - '1 .. *. . (1 O/18/76) * Cshfici:-&-c<ion . .* If-?-7G The Council affir~ec! the action of fbe ~7anning ~carjssi~~ 2 czn-lained in R~sc:u?~o~s ":231" and ,"I215 and approved the . redesiqr; as pro?oseci in *qeq~ran:~um dated octo~eip 22, 1976 fr the Plannifi~i Director ai.id s~.sin:n on the t-ev-jse.: txhjbit x9 bt an arnendzen't to (Conditi.on' :i:: of ~eso~~-tjo~ PJ~;? to include "adjoinin'q p-oQe-t-iesf' tn -:'.e ~/gjSe ~t~~~;~,, End j-h, city ,?etc was in~,tr~1cted to ?rep?:re the viece~~;iry r',oculeEts. t ,< * JI). * M E M 0 R A N D U M October 22, 1976 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: SP-136A RECREATIONAL VEHICLE STORAGE The Specific Plan exhibit submitted to the Planning Commis- sion and City Council indicates Recreational Vehicle stor- age areas at the entrance of the project from Tamarack. The design of these areas were unacceptable to staff and the Planning Commission because they required direct backup onto a public street. Also, storage areas, being generally un- attractive, would have a negative aesthetic impact on the neighborhood in this highly visable location. In the approval of the Specific Plan, the Planning Cmission through Condition 6, requires that the applicant redesign or relocate the areas to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. The applicant has submitted a modification that appears acceptable in part. The proposal is to transfer the recreational vehicle area to the lot at the northwest corner along the AT&SF RR right-of-way. The proposed Unit C is to be moved to the originally proposed recreational vehicle are adjacent to the school. This is acceptable to staff provide the remainder of the area is adequately landscaped and head- light glare is shielded from the unit, thru fencing and land scapi ng . However, the redesigned recreational vehicle area at Tamarac and extended to Hibiscus Court is unacceptable because it wi require difficult parking and automobile movements onto a public street near an intersection, and it will be an unattr tive entrance to the development. Staff will not support st age in this area and recommends the area be landscaped. It is recommended the City Council affirm the action of the Planning Commission and approve the redesign as proposed in this memorandum and shown on the revised exhibit (Exhibit A dated October 22, 7976). DAA/BP:mbs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 $3 * *, *I PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1284 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOM- MENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO SPECIFIC PLAN 136 TO ALLOW THE DEVELOP- MENT OF 80 DETACHED SINGLE-FAMILY DWELL- INGS ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF TAMARACK AVENUE BETWEEN JEFFERSON STREET AND THE AT&SF RAILROAD TRACKS. APPLICANT: ROBERT HIRSCH CASE NO.: SP-136 (A) * < WHEREAS, a verified application for a certain property, shown on the attached map has been filed with the City of Ca and referred to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a reques as'provided by Title 21 of the "Carlsbad Municipal Code"; an( WHEREAS, the public hearing was held at the time and in the place specified in said notice on October 13, 1976; and WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and consi the testimony and arguments, if any, of all perons who desir be heard, said Commission considered all facts relating to t Specific Plan found the following facts and reasons to exist 1) The proposed project has complied with the requirements the City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance 1972 because: a) An Environmental Impact Assessment of the project .- . av conducted and a negative declaration issued for th following reasons: 1) The natural environment of the project site h been compromised by surrounding urbanized lan uses; traffic, air or groundwater pollution beyond levels currently experienced in 0.. the community The viability of agricultural productio'n on the site is limited by surrounding urbanized land uses. 1; . .. \. t, r \: K' \ * 2) The nroject will not signif'ihahtly increase . and L 1 3) 3. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1'7 18 19 20 21 22 . 23 24 25 26 27 20 '!I * 0, ,I 2) The design and improvement of the proposed project are c sistent with the City's General Plan because: a) The land use and density of the project (8.2 dwelli per acre) are consistent with those of the Land USE Element (10-20 dwellingslacre). b) Circulation and noise attenuation have been provide for in a manner consistent with applicable element: of the General Plan. 3) The proposed project conforms with the requirements of 1 City of Carlsbad Public Facilities Policy because: a) The Carfsbad Unified School' District has guiranteec the availability of school facilities concurrent I, need; and b) Water and sewer services will be available concurrl with need. NOW, THEREFORE,- BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commissii the City of Carlsbad as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. 8) That an Amendment to Specific Plan 136 is approved to a the development of 80 detached single-family dwellings six lots on property located on the north side of Tarnar Avenue between Jefferson Street and the AT&SF railroad tracks, and is subject to the following conditions: 1) The approv'al is granted for 80 dwelling units on t land described in the application and attachments thereto, and as shown on the Plot Plan submitted, labeled Exhibit A, dated September 29, 1976. The location of all buildings, roads, parking areas, a landscaping shall be located as, indicated on Exhib A, except as other indicated herein. 2) SP-136 as adopted by City Council Resolution No. 3 shall be rescinded. 3) Prior to the issuance of building permits, a study the noise levels of the project site shall be made an acoustical engineer experienced in noise attenu Said study shall determine if attenuation measures necessary-to bring\noise ;levels within 65 dB(A) ou and 45 dB(A) indoors. Said study s'ha11 recommend attenuation measures as deemed necessary and appro by the Planning Director. Said measures shall be corporated in the site design and buil'ding plans f said lots. .- ~ -. 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 €3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a, 5\ * , 4) Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Park: and Recreation Director shall approve a landscape ar irrigation plan for the project which shall include: a) The pedestrian walkways; b) All recreation vehicle parking areas: c) Areas A and B of Exhibit A, dated September 29 1976; and d) Street trees. 5) A six foot high masonry wall shall be constructed o those property lines indicated on Exhibit A, dated September 29, 1976, prior to the issuance of occupa permits. Construction of the wall may be phased ac ing to Exhibit A. 6) The recreation vehicle parking shown in areas A anc of Exhibit A, dated September 29, 1976, shall be re designated or relocated to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. All landscaping and storage arc to be maintained by the Homeowner's Association. 7) The width of the private street is not approved as on Exhibit A, dated September 29, 1976. The width street shall be a minimum of 32 feet curb-to-curb, sidewalk on one side of the street. 8) The private street shall be signed for one-way tra north to south in a manner approved by the City En1 prior to the issuance of the occupancy permits for Phase 2 or 3. 9) The locations of building 1-6, as shown on Exhibit dated September 29, 1976, are not approved. Said ings shall maintain a minimum distance of 5-feet f the property lines created by CT 76-11. The locat the pedestrian walkways may be inodified to allow f the relocation of those buildings as approved-by t Planning Director. . 10) The development of the project shall adhere to thc development standards of the RD-M zone, ex'cept as otherwise provided herein. 11) A minimum distance of 20 feet shall be maintained tween the,garage face qf reach dwelling and the bac sidewalk or curb face if sidewaLks 4are not propost 12) House plans "B" and 'IC" may be used in place of hi plans "A", and house plan ''C" may be used in plac house plan 'IB", with approval of the Planning Dir ' 17 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 $l * 8, ai 13) Prior to the issuance of Building Permits, the Plar Director shall approve a final Specific Plan confoi with Condition 4a-d inclusive. 14) The area between the noise attenuation wall on the railroad right-of-way and the wall on the property line shall be maintained . PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of th of Carlsbad Planning Commission held on October 13, 1976, by following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Rombotis, L'Heureux, Fikes an NOES: Commissioners Nelson and Larson. ABSENT: Commissioner Natson. ABSTAIN : None. + ! Stephen M. L'Heureux, Cha ATTEST: Donald A. Agatep, Secretary ,* u. 1, -. \: 9' 7 .(: r 4 . , > *, *r .. . c. L i. 1 .. : 1 -4- '9 0 a\ *.i #. - - ._ .. -. . .. , I, . SPECIFIC PLAN. I36 (A) -COMPILED BY CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEFT FROM DATA - SHOWN 1N SAN DIEGO .COUNT? ASSESSOR BOOK 204 PbGE 28 ~ PARCELS 9-11 ,i2,13; 24 , 25 - AND APPLICANT ROBERT HIRSCH ,, . ' .-CONTAINED IN RECORDS ON FILE i~ PLANNING DEPT. ,* k -- \ .. 5- ,f .'.",.- 8 , t +' !, .\: F,' 1 .. 4 ' 4 ,. . ., .. <., * _c , J, .. , .. ; \. A' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 l8 21 22 23 24 25 .26 27 28 . 'I 0 04 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1285 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF MENDING APPROVAL OF THE TENTATIVE MAP MINIUM PROJECT ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF TAMARACK AVENUE BETWEEN JEFFERSON STREET AND THE AT&SF RAILROAD TRACKS. APPLICANT: ROBERT HIRSCH THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOM- REQUEST FOR A SIX LOT, 80 UNIT, CONDO- CASE NO.: CT 76-11 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisi,ons of the Municjpal Cod the Planning Commission did on October 13, 1976 hold a duly noticed public hearing to consider a request by Robert Hirscf WHEREAS, a verified application for certain property, tc A portion of Tr-act 231 of Thum Lands, in the City of Carlsbad, in the County of San Diego, State of Cali- fornia, according to map thereof No. 1681 filed in the office of County Recorder of San Diego County on December 9, 1915 has been filed with the City of Carlsbad and referred to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said application constitutes a request as prov by the "Carlsbad Municipal Code"; and WHEREAS, the applicant has complied with the Public Fac 2olPolicy of the City of Carlsbad and has provided the necessar I .' formation which ensures Public Facilities will b: available current with need; and % WHEREAS, the proposed map meets or performs the require or conditions of the "Carlsbad Municipal Code" or the Subdiv Map Act; and b: \' \ .. , \. tr c WHEREAS, at said hearing, a staff rep'okt' was presented all persons desiring to speak.of the subject request were hea the conclusion of said hearing, after considering all .the ev -. . '7 a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JO 3.1 12 13 14 15 16 17 E8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a, ?I\ ,I 0 a presented, the Planning Commission made certain findings and a decision on the request as hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commissi the City of Carlsbad as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. B) That the Planning Commission makes the following findin fact: 1) The proposed project has complied with the require of the City of Carlsbad Enuironmental Protection 0 of 1972 because: a) An Environmental Impact Assessment of the pro was conducted and a negative declaration issu for the following reasons: 1) The natural environment of the project s has been compromised by surrounding urba land uses; 2) The project will not significantly incre traffic, air or groundwater pollution be levels currently experienced in the cornr and 3) The viability of agricultural production the site is limited by surrounding urban land uses. 2) The design and improvement of the proposed project consistent with the City's General Plan because: 'a) The land use and density of the project (8.2 per acre) are consistent with those of the La Element (10-20 dwell ingslacre) ; and b) Circulation and noise attenuation have be-en F for in a manner consistent with applicable el of the General Plan. 3) The proposed project conforms with the requirement the City of Carlsbad because: a) The Carlsbad Unified School District has guar the availability of school f,acilities concurr Water and sewer services will be available cc I- 1 at ;. Y a with"need; and -' ' .c r 4 b) current with need. e. * .: ., I 1 -2- r X 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 96 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a' "'\ 'I e - C) That in view of the findings heretofore made and consid the applicable law, the decision of the Planning Commis is to approve CT 76-11 subject to the following conditi 1) The approval is granted for an 80 dwelling unit, 6 subdivision on land described in the application a attachements thereto, and as shown on the revised Plan submitted labeled Exhibit C, dated October 6, The final map shall be subrnitted for approval with months from the date of final action by the City C on the Tentative Subdivision Map. The Final Map s be in substantial conformance with Exhibit C, date October 6, 1976. In order to provide for rea,sonable fire protection ing the construction period, the applicant shall m tain passable vehicular access to all buildings an shall install fire hydrants with required fire flo and stand pipes if needed prior to framing constru 3) Park-in-lieu fees shall be granted prior to the Ci Council approval of the Final Map. . 4) Street trees shall be installed by the applicant a expense. Trees shall be of a type approved by the Parks and Recreation Director and shall be install to the City's specifications. 5) Street names shall be submitted by the applicant i conformance with the City's street naming policy, shall be approved by the Planning Department prior City Council approval of the Final Map. 6) The CC&Rs for this subdivision shall be submitted the Planning Director for his review and approval prior to City Council approval of the Final Map. 7) Prior to review of the Final Map and improvement p for Unit 1, an amended tentative map shall be subm to the Planning Director and Ci,ty Engipeer and app by the City Engineer as to street sections, locati and type of public facilities, and approved by the ning Director as to conformance with Specific Plan 8) Ornamental street lighting shall be provided for a required by Municipal Ordinance. The developer sh deposit cash in the amount necessary to energize s street lights for an eighteen month period after c struction;. to permit the 4ncorpoP$tion-of the subd 9) All land and/or easements required shall be grantel the. City of Carlsbad without cost to';the City, and 2) - (SP-136A). * into a mcintenance district. si < ., '- -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 .26 27 28 al I*'' 0 of all liens and encumbrances. No easements shall recorded prior to the recordation of the Final Map unless approved by the City Engineer. The applicai shall secure the quitclaim of that portion of the easement for road purposes which will be within thl proposed street and shall make every reasonable ef to secure the remainder of that easement within thl subdivision. 10) Phase I conditions: a) Jefferson Street shall be improved on the bas of a 30 foot half-street section along the su division frontage, according to City of Carls Standards. b) An all-weather temporary turn-around shall be vided at the end of the proposed residential c) The applicant shall enter into an agreement w the City providing for contribution by the de1 toward the cost of a fully actuated traffic s at thee intersection of Tamarack and Jefferson Streets in an amount to be determined by the 1 Engineer pursuant to such traffic signal polij as the City Council may adopt. d) The offsite sanitary sewer shall have an aligi which conforms with the proposed public or pr streets in Phases II and 111. Easements for offsite sanitary sewer shall be dedicated by separate instrument prior to or concurrent wi the Final Map of Phase I. 4 < I 11) Phase I1 conditions: I a) The remainder of the proposed residential strc shall be dedicated and improved according to ( of Carlsbad standards. b) The storm drain system shall be tied into.the existing storm drain in the AT&SF right-of-wa: Easements for the offsite storm drain shall bc dedicated by separate instrument prior to or ,- -. concurrent with the Final Map of Phase 11. c) The water line shall be installed to complete looped system from Jefferson Street to Tamara( Avenue. Easements for offsite water lines sh( be dedicated by separate instrument prior to ( d) An a1 1-weather temporary turn-around shall be . stalled on the private street at;-'the phase bo1 concurrent with the Final M<ap bf Phase 11. .* 2 -4- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0, 'I 'I a n ' e) Tamarack Avenue shall be dedicated as require( by the City Engineer based on an alignment to approved by the City Council, and half-street improvements shall be installed along the sub( frontage according to City of Carlsbad standai Direct access from abutting lots to Tamarack I be waived. 12) The existing palm trees in Tamarack Avenue shall bc located to the property line, along the subdivisioi frontage. 13) Improvement plans for the private streets shall be proved by the City Engineer, and private street cot struction shall be inspecte+d and approved by the C. Standard plan checking and inspection fees shall bt paid. Standard commercial drive-way approaches shi be installed at the intersection of private street: the proposed residential street. The width of the private street is not approved as shown on Exhibit C dated October 6, 1976. The wid1 of the street shall be a minimum of 32 feet curb-tc curb, with a sidewalk on one side of the street. 14) PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting held ( the 13th day of October, 1976, by the Carlsbad Planning Comm- by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Rombotis, L'Heureux, Fikes and I NOES: Commissioners Nelson and Larson. ABSENT: Commissioner Watson. ABSTAIN: None. ,- 4 -1 Stephen M. L'Heureux, Cha- . ATTEST: .I , .a C, r ,< F' 7 c .I: ) 4 Donald A. Agatep, Secretary r- * -," .I '. -5- I. ,. I .. // ' :r 1) /. ..-..-.._ I I. --.. .. -_ ', , - # -_ ': :.a a8~.: ~~: ;-' -.,,;# ' 1 8.9 ' '. 0 (* .. ., .. ' . '8 STAFF REPORT ' * .. October 13, I976 .' TO: P LAIW I 14 G ~01414 I s s I o N FROM: PLAMNII\IG DEPARTMENT CASE NO. : SP-l3G(A) 6 .' 4 CT 76-17 (TAMARACK SHORES) .f" APPLICANT: ROBERT HIRSCH ,* -L-L-.L-- Pearr~st- * The applicant requests approval of an amendment to an existing Specific Plan to allo~ the development of 80 detached. single-family dwellings, and approval of a G- lot c6,kdon;inium tenative subdivision map. . .. *. . .. .. RECOMMENDATION - SPECIFIC PLAN Staff recommends the SP-l3G(A) be APPROVED because of the follovring Findings--a.nd subject to the fol1ow.ing Conditions: ' J e-* c ,.. . -FINDINGS .. .. .- ' I) The propdscd project has complied with the requirenlent of the City of Car'lsbad Environmental Protection Ordinj'hce 'of 1972 because: was conducted 3114 a negative declaration -issued for the fo7'10w- i ng reasons: a). An -Envi ronmental Impact Assessrneht of the praject .. . .. (I) The natural environrncnt of the pi-0jec.t site (2) The project will not'significantly increase . traffic, air or groundwater pollution beyond levels currently * has' been compromised by surrounding urbanized land uses; '.< , \' T experienced in the community; and \Tl .r ,k r 4 . 4. ., e. * . .L .. * 7 4.: -. \. ,\ ,. *\ ''. .a '. / '!\ ,, e .. L .< L' ,. ,. '1 '1 (3) The viability of ag.ridultura1 production on the site is limited by surrounding urbanized land uses. are consistent with the City's General Plan because: a) The land use and density of the p.roject (8.2 dweIli'ngs/acre) are consi,stent with those of the Land Use . b) Circulation and 'noise attenuatio-n have been 2) The design and improvement of the proposed project I El.ement (10-20 dwell ings/acre). .. provided for in -a manner consistent with applicable elements of the General Plan. 3) The proposed project conforms with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad Public Facilities Policy,because: a) The Carlsbad Unified School District has guar- anteed the availability- of school facilities concurrent with need; and current with ne.ed. .. b) Water and sewer services will be .available con- .. CONDITIONS .* -..,,.._. - ........ -.- .. .- I) The appro.val is granted for the land described in A the application and attachrnen'ts thereto, and as shown on the Plot Plan submitted, labeled Exhibit A, dated September 29. 1976. The location of all buildings, roads, parking areas, . and landscaping shall be located as indicated on Exhibit A, except as otherwise indicated herein. :*. 2) Prior to the issuance of 'building permits,.a study of the noise levels of the project site shall- be ma,de by an acoustica.1 engineer experienced in noise attenuation. Sald a study shall determine if attenuation measures are necessary to bring noise levels within 65 dB(A) outdoors and 45 dB(A) indoors. Said study shall recommend such attenuation mea- . sures. as deemed necessary and approved by the Planning.Di- rector. Said measures shall be incorporated in the site de- sign and building plans for said lots. 3) Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Parks . and Recreation Directok' shall' approGe'a 1and:scape and irri- gation plan for the project which shall include: ,* e. * -r .. .. * -2- 1 .. I / 'ii 0, - ' 0 ,'. : , .i I. \I *. . a) ' The pedestrian walkways; i b) All recreation 'vehicle pakking areas; ; .. c) d) Street trees. Areas A and'B of Exhibit A,' dated September 29, .. 1976; I . *. 4) A six-foot high masonry wall shall be constructed on those 'property lines indicated on Exhibit A, dated September 29, 1376, prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. Con- struction of the wall may be phased according to Exhibit A. B of Exhibit A,'dated September 29, 1976, shall not be allowed. Areas A and B shall be landscaped as specified in condition 3 and maintained by the Homeowner's Association. - 5) The recreation vehicle parkingfshown- in areas A and ., .. 6) The width of the private street is not approved as shown on Exhibit A, dated September 29, 1976. The width of the street shall be a minimum of 32 feet curb-to-curb, with sidewalk on one side of the street. 7) The private street shall be signed for one-way traffic north to south in a manner approved by the City Engi- eer pr.ior to the issuance of the occupancy permits,for phase 9 2 or 3. .8) The locations of buildings 1-6, as shown on Exhibit .A, dated September 23,..1976, is not approved. Said buildings shall maintain a minimum distance of 5-feet from the property lines created by CT 76-11. The 1ocation.of the pedestrian walkways nay be modified to allow for the relocation of those buildings as approved by the Planning Director. development standards of the RD-M zone, except as otherwise provided herein. 10) 'A minimuin distance of 20 feet shall be maintai.ned 9) The development of the project shall adhere to the : between the garage face of each dwelling and the back of side- walk or curb face if sidewalks are not proposed. plan 'A', and house plan IC' may be .used in p!pce of house ,ll) House plans IB' and IC' may be used in place of house . plan IB', w,ith the apptoval of the Pla'nning qfrictor. 12) Prior to the issuance of Building Permits, the Plan- ning Director shall approve a fSna1 Specific P1an;:conforming with conditions 3 inclusive, , .7, .. * .. \. 1- ~. 3 ?>\ 0 . '. ,' 9 R E C 0 M M E N D AT I 0 N I. , Staff recommends that CT 76-11 be APPROVED as a 6 lot sub- division and an 80 unit condominium map because of the fol- lowing Findings and subject to the following Conditions: Fl ND I NGS . 1) The proposed project has complied with the require- ments of the City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordi- nance of 1972 because: .- was conducted and a negative declaration issued for the follow- ing reasons: (1) The natural environment of the project site has been compromised by surrounding urbanized land uses; (2) The project will not significantly increase traffic, air or groundwdter pollution beyond levels currently experienced in the community; and (3) The viability of agricultural production on the site is limited by surrounding urbanized land uses. .. 4 z a) An Environmental Impact Assessment of the project , 2) The design and improvement of the proposed project. . are consistent with the City',s General Plan because: .*:a) The land use and density of the project (8.2 dwellings/acre) are consistent with those of the Land Use Element (10-20 dwellings/acre). vided for in a manner consitent with applicable elements of the General Plan. the City of Carlsbad because: teed the availability of school facilities concurrent with need; and ',a. b) Circulation and noise attenuation have been pro- ,- & .- 3)' The proposed project conforms with the requirements of -- a) The Carlsbad Unified School District has guaran- .. . \. -3 q ,< 4' 7 * .( ' 4 (. *<. , -4- , .I /, %* ,, .. ., .* 0 ;* ,.I * ... .. .. , . . '. '* .. '. i. .. .. ' 5 b) Water and sewer services wj,ll be available con- I _. ~, current with need. . ,' .. CONDITIONS .- . .. .. - . 1) The approval is. granted for ihe land described in'the ' application and attachments thereto, and as shown on the re- - vised Plot Plan submitted labeled Exhibit'B, dated September ,13, 1976. The final map shall be submit+ted for..approval,with- in 18 months from the date of final action by the City Council on the Tentative Subdivision Map. The Final Map shall be in substantial conformance with Exhibit B, dated':September 13, 1976. In order to provi.de for reasonable fire protection ,* 2) . during the construction period, the applicant shall maintain passable vehicular access to all buildings and shall install fire hydrants with required fire flows and stand pipes prior - to framing construction. s : . .. . .3)- Park-in-lieu fees shall'be granted to the City Council 4) Street treks shall be installed by the applicant at. .I .. approval of the Final Map. .. .- . his expense. Trees shall be .of a type approved by the Parks and Recre.ation Director and shall be installed to City specifi- cations ..',e . .. . 5) Street names shall be submitted by the applicant in . conformance with the City's street naming policy, and sliall be approved by the Planning Department prior to City Council approval of the .. Final Map. .. ,- ~. . .. .. 6) The CC&Rs for tilis subdivision shall be sudmitted-to the Planning Director for his review and approval prior to Prior to review of the Final Map and improvement plans for Unit 1, an amended tentative map shall be submitted to the Planning Director and City Engineer and approved by the City Engineer as to street sectians, location and type of public facilities, and approved by the Plann.ing Director as to conformance- with Specif Plan SP-136(A),':ix,r't - City Council appraval of the Final Map. .. 7.) * ,_ .. 1' r.., :. ' ..' -j. I. t ,+. :. ' ,. .. * 2; .. \* x. . .. %? - . /' 42 L. . I., 8. *, I .. ,. .. I 8) Ornamental street lighting shail be .provided for as required by Municipal Ordinance. The developer shall deposit cash in t.he amount necessary to.energize said street lights for an eighteen month period after construction, to permit the incorporation of the subdivision into a mainten- ance district. to the City of Carlsbad without cost to the' City, and free of all liens and encumbrances. No easements shall be re- corded prior to the recordation of the Final Map unless approvc by the City Eng.ineer. The applicant shlall secure the quit- claim of that portion of the easement for roa'd pruposes which will be within the proposed street and shall make every reason- able effort to secure the remainder of that easement within the subdivision. ,* 9) All land and/or, easements required shall be granted IO) Phase I conditions: . a) Jefferson Street shall' be improved on the basis of a- 30 foot half-street section along the subdivision front- age, according to City of Carlsbad Standards.. provided at the end of the proposed residential street. the City providing for contribution by the -developer toward determin-ed by the City Engineer pursuant to such traffic sig- na.1 policy as the City Council may adopt. ment which conforms with the proposed .public or private streets in Phases I1 and 111. Easements for-the o!fsite sani- tary sewer shall be dedicated by separate instrument prior- b) An all-weather temporary turn-around shall be c) The applicant shall enter into an agreement with .. . A the cost of a fully actuated'traffic signal at the inter- . section of Tamrack and Jefferson Streets in an a.mount to be !I * d) The' offsite sanitary sewer shall have an align- to or concurrent with the Fianl Map of Phase I. '. 11) Phase I1 conditions: .. a) The remainder of the proposed residential street shall be dedicated and improved.according to City of Carlsbad standards. .. . , I tl :t y FL 5 .I I i 4. .. .' r.., .f .. .. .I -6- .. I .. . \. .. , e' -. : ?, ,' 1.' '. .a I. + + ~ *' .I I. i .. . ,. .... b) The storm drain syst'em shall be tied into the . . ;existing storm drain in the AT&SF rightlof-way. Easements' :for the offsite storm dra'in shall be dedicated by separate jinstrument.prior to or concurrent with the Final Map of :Phase 11. I c) The water line shall be installed to complete . .. , ._ .. a looped system from Jefferson Street to Tamarack Avenue. separate instrument pri'or to or concurrent .with the Final Map of Phase 11. . Easements for offsite water lines shall be dedicated by 1 jinstalled on the private street at the at the- phase boundary. ! 1 e) Tamarach Avenue shall be dedicated as required jby the City Engineer based on an alignment to.be approved by fthe City Council, and half-street improvements shall be in- jstalled along the subdivision frontage according to City of iCarlsbad standards. .Direct access from abutting lots to Tama-' ;rack shall be waived. i 72)' The existing palm trees' in.Tarnarack Avenue shall be 'relocated to the property line, along the su,bdivision front- i 13) Improvement plans for the private streets shall be iapplloved by the City Engineer, and provate street construc- Ition shall be inspected and approved by the-City. Standard - :plan checking and inspection 'fees shall be paid. Standard :cornmcrcipl drive-way approaches shall be installed at. the , interscc.tion .of- private streets with the proposed resi.denlia1 d) An a1 1 -weather temporary turi-around sha.11 be .. c j.agel. I .. street. 14) The width of the private street is not approved as * shown on Exhibit B dated September 13, 1976. The width of the street shall be a minimum of 32 feet curb-to-curb, with a side- walk on one side of the street. ,- .. I - '. .... ...- .. I. L- -+- .. A- .. ......... ... . .-: ,'.*,. .' ... k. . :. .... .. -. .. ... ...... .. . . .I .. ...... *.. .. .. .. e. I. .. .. *: :OliCKGROUND REPORT . *.. . ... .. ^'. .. .. -- . I .. - ~. . '. . .*. .. .. .. , *. .>. :, . . z --. > ... ... .. -. *. " . Location and Description of Property.: e. .. - - .. I. . .. ,'? * .. -- a. T/I~ 10.6 acre (4.29 ~la) site is locite4 on tile nort~i".side of Tamarack 'Avcn&c, between Hcffcrson Stkeet arid{ tihe AT&SF rai Iro; The .s-i$e 'surrounds Jefferson School, and slopes gent]) . tiphi'I1 to the west, *, @l-acks. ,. * ... .. - .. -. .. , .* i. , .. ' . ,. 'I . .. j: .. 7 e, &':I . e *. I. .. ,. .. ,. I. .* . .. *. Existing Zoning: -. .. . .. Subject Property: RD-M *. North:. R-7 and R-3 ... 0. '. .. .. . .. South: 0-S and R-l * .. * . .. East:, R-2 I .. .. .. West: R-9 and R-3 . .* . ... . .. , ., '- ' : .-. , f-. '. '. .. . ., _.a ix-isting Land Use: . .- .- North.: Single and multiple fanily units . -. : . .e South: Single fanily residences -1 Subject' Property: Agricuf tural p'roduction .. .. I. * - East: ' Dupf exes and el ementary' school e. . .. *. . .. .. .I .. . .'. :-- kfest: Railroad tracks .. .. .. .. . ., P . -- .. . ., . ,* Past History and Related Cases: The proposed project is a resubdivision. o? the oriyina? Carlsbad 317 condoinonirrm un-its. -Council approbed the project .October 16, 3973 '(.Resotution<3243 and 3242 res,pectively), .* - - Gardens subdiyision. That project, SP-136 and CT 73-38, involved . -: .--. * - Environmental Impact Information: ,The appt i cant has submitted Environmental ,Impact Assessnient infor- Based on the information submitted and a site inspection, the Planning Director has determined that theqrojkct has a non- significant environmental iinpact (Section 19.011',13Q) for the fol'lc ing reasons: .The natural cnviron,ment of the project site has - mation. . .. .. . .. ~. . .. - .- .. : .. a) - .-. .. . . .. been coiqxomised by surrounding urbanized land uses; . .. experieti.ced in the community; and . I. .. .: . . _, . -_ , .. , . . ... .... .. . _.- . , _. . . . ... .. ... . I) -The project will not signiftcantly 'increase traffic, : air or* groundwater pol lution beyond l,wel s currently .. . .. .. 1.. - .. . .. .8.. .. .. _*. -- :. .;I.. . . . .. .'-:c)* --. ... . . . ._. . The' vinbi't,i*ty of agricultural productifin OII ttlc site. is limited by surrounding'urbanized land uses. . - ..._. .I .... .. . , ,8 t' .q \: \' 7 ' *k f 4 .. *. * ..a .. .. , ! > ?A il) e, ,I .. i General Plan Information: The Land Use Element designates the project site for Residential Medium-Hiqh density use (10-20 dwelling unitsjacre). The pro- posed project's densitv is 8.2 dwellinq units per acre and the project is consistent with the followinq Land Use Element Resi- dential Guide1 ines, to - Limit medium and higher density residential developments to' those areas where they are compatible with the adja- cent land uses, and where adequate and convenient commer- cial services and public support systems such as streets, parking, park, schools and utilities are, or will be, ade- quate to service them. 4 c ranaes throughout the City. a wide range of housing types, styles and price levels in a variety of locations. - Encourage the provision of low and moderate income dwell- ing units to meet the objectives of the City's Housing El ernent. - Achieve a variety and choice of housing in all economic -- Offer safe, healthful, attractive residential- areas with On the other hand, the design of the project may not be con- sistent with the following Guidelines, to - Encourage a variety of residential accommodations and * amenities in the downtown area so as to increase the ad- vantages of "close in" living and convenient shopping in the commercial core. - Encourage cluster-type housing and other innovative hous- ing design that provides adequate open areas around these developments. the intent of the General Plan, and that the project's density should therefore be considered consistent with the General Plan. - Staff feels that on balance, the project'proposed meets Public Facilities: The project site is within the service boundaries of the City ~ of Carlsbad (water and sewer) and the Carlsbad Unified School Major Planning Consideration: Is the project as proposed an improvement over the..previously approved Carlsbad Garden project? Di strict . .. \i tl r .: '' 5 .c f < 1 .. ? Q b 0 ' DISCUSSION '')\ 0 . VI .. In acting on the applicant's project, the Planning Commission has the following options: Action . Result - 3. . ,. , . (a) Approve new Specific Plan Any development (including , rental units) would have to / conform to the new Specific Plan and Tract Map 0. 4.' -. - (2) Approve new Specific In either case, a sales projec ' Plan, deny new Tract blap could not occur since the sub- -or- division niap and Spec'ific Plar (3) Deny new .Specific Plan, would differ. Rental u-nit5 approve new Tract Map could be constructed -in accorc with the Specific Plan in forc (3) Deny th; new Specific Any development. (including rer Plan and Tract Map units) would have to conform t . . Specific Plan. With expiratic % the old Tract Map, a new one w be needed for a sales program. s in effect, the Planning Commis would be re-establishing the 'I unit development with an unacc able circulation system. The site plan 'for any developrnc would be subject to Planning - .apply 0-zone to the- site Commission approval. The deve ment standards .of the RD-Y zonc would aPDly to any development, - . allowinq density up to 20 dwell (6) Deny new Specific Plan, I_ The development standards-of th RD-M zone would apPly to any development,'allowinq a density up to 20 dwellinqs/ acre * .. 4. -. (5) D-eny new Specif Plan, rescind old Specific Plan, \ acre. .. - -*- - rescind old Specific Plan PRIVATE STREET . * The app1ic';;nt has proposed a private street with a width of 28', curb- to-curb, with sidewalks on both sides of the street. The minimum private street width in the PUD ordinance for tczro-way traffic ~ith two- parking lanes is 36', curb-to-curb, - .. \i *, c <: :.' -. .t 1 < 10 *. * 4 -," . .: C %I 0 .+ 6' *. .. Because of the configuration of dwellings, it would be difficult to provide the full 36' street with sidewalks on both sides. Staff . has therefore recommended in Tract Map Conditjons 14 and 15 that a street width of 32 feet be adopted for on-way traffic, with a sidewalk on one side of the street. .on both sides of the street, which would help prevent parking prob- lems similar to those found in the Larwin townhouses. 32 feet will not, however, allow for a travel lane during an emergency, since emergency vehicles will block the street. For thi-s reason, the Fire Chief believes the full 34' should be required. Tentative Tract Map Status The applicant has not submitted a revised tentative Tract Map to the City Engineer in time for meaningful staff review. Staff is therefor€ unable to fully respond to the Commission's questions of phasing the project with the realignment of Tamarack Avenue. From preliminary information, it appears that the circulation system in the area of thc project is sufficient to absorb traffic from the proposed project prior to realiqnment of Tamarack Avenue. The City Engineer will be available at the public hearing to comment more fully on circulation in the area of project. Staff has reviewed the street sections as they have been shown on the Specic P1an.staff'srecommendation on the private street is noted above. Attachments : Location Map Exhibit B, revised Plot Plan, CT 76-11, dated September 13, 1976 (distributed with last report) Exhibit A, Plot Plan for SP-l36(A), dated September 29, 1976 Letter from the applicant dated September 29, 1976 Exhibit C, Revised Tract Map, CT 76-11dated October 6, 1976 32 feet would permit parking - i ,- .^ . q> .. . ,' t' < ti \' -. . .I 1 4 I. * P ! .. .:, : , .. e - ' : -. ' . ~////,*:fd 4.c JQ ,r, l$~~~L;?/~~ Je'/?Jx - .. ~. ~ - , ~.~ % 1 .. ~ ,# . ..~ I I .~ ~ i .. i I ,. i i 1 %' f' .! - i .. I I i I I .I - - -. -c-