HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-11-02; City Council; 3797; Green Valley Knolls OS maintenance districtCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. 3 7 J 7 '. DATE: ___ November 2. 1976 DEPARTMENT: Engineering ____ C. Mgr Subject: OPEN SPACE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT PETITION LA COSTA LAND COMPANY (GREEN VALLEY KNOLLS) Statement of the Matter Exhibit "F" is a petition submitted by La Costa Land Company, in accordance with Section 50590 of the Government Code, requesting the City to form an OPEN SPACE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT. Prior to considering the petition, the law requires that a "PRELIMINARY REPORT" be prepared (see Exhibit "A") and that the Planning Commission review the Preliminary Report and make a recommendation to City Council. The Planning Commission reviewed the Preliminary Report on October 13, 1976 (see Planning Commission Resolution No. 1278, Exhibit "G"). EXHIBITS: A. Preliminary Report dated October 8, 1976 B. Open Space Parcels and Assessed Valuations C. Wall map (Final Map Indexjjgjjfj^fexisting open space easements) D. Wall map (Open Space MaintenanceDistrict Boundary Map) E. Wall map (Proposed Open Space Maintenance Areas Map) F. Petition from La Costa Land Company dated July 7, 1976 G. Planning Commission Resolution No. 1278 RECOMMENDATION: 4 If the Council wishes to proceed with the formation of the District, they should direct the City Attorney to prepare an "Ordinance of Intention to Form an Open Space District" in accordance with Section 50593 of the Government Code. Council acTtion 11-2-76 The matter was continued for addiditonal staff information, . i.e. review of assessed valuation of property within the proposed district and cost if City were to subsidize the district for a period of time and level of maintenance. Councilwoman Casler requested the City Manager to report on the impact of other open space areas within the City. MEMORANDUM - October 8, 1976 TO: Planning Commission FROM: City Engineer SUBJECT: OPEN SPACE MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS - LA COSTA PRELIMINARY REPORT On July 7, 1976 the La Costa Land Company submitted two petitions signed by La Costa Land Company and approved by the recorded owners, "The Trustees of Central States Southeast and Southwest Areas Pension Fund," requesting that the City form two (2) open space maintenance districts in the La Costa area, in accordance with California Government Code, Section 50590. The property owners who signed the petition are on land whose assessed value exceeds (25%) twenty-five percent of the total assessed value of the assessable land in the District, as required by Section 50590 of the Government Code. The subject area includes approximately 628 acres, shown on the latest assessor's rolls in 15 separate parcels. Subsequent to the petition being submitted, Parcels 216-122-07, 27, and 28, 255-010-017, and 216-131-04 have been subdivided into 227 parcels (known as Carlsbad Tract 75-7, Green Valley Knolls) as shown on Exhibit "C". The total assessed valuation within the proposed district is currently $1,381,825. It is conservatively estimated that, upon completion of the subdivision shown in CT 75-7, the assessed valuation in the proposed maintenance district would be a minimum of $2,105,200. The proposed open space area to be maintained by the District consists of approximately 17.04 acres of existing dedicated open space (see Lot 224 and portions of Lot 225 and 227 - Exhibit "C"), plus approximately 7 acres of graded slopes which face and directly abut public streets. These additional slopes are anticipated to be dedicated as open space easements prior to the final formation of the District and are shown shaded in yellow on Exhibit "E". In order to provide the required maintenance and administrative services for the District, it is estimated that $17,500 will need to be generated annually from the Open Space Maintenance District. Section 50613 of the Government Code provides for a maximum ad valorem tax levy of $0.50 per $100 of assessed valuation. The earliest that a tax rate could be levied is next fiscal year (1977-78) and funds would not be available to the District until early 1978. EXHIBIT "A Planning Commission -2- October 8, 1976 The following chart may be useful in analyzing the time of, and the setting of the tax rate: Estimated Revenues Assessed Required - Assume 8% Funds would be Tax Rate Fiscal Year Valuation Annual Inflation available by Required 1976-77 $1,381,825 $17,500 Feb. 1978 $1.26 1977-78 2,105,200 (est.) 18,900 Feb. 1979 0.90 1978-79 3,335,964 (est.) 20,412 Feb. 1980 0.61 1979-80 4,408,800 (est.) 22,044 Feb. 1981 0.50 1980-81 5,008,551 (est.) 23,807 Feb. 1982 0.48 It appears that the District would not be self-supportive until February 1981, when the maximum tax rate of $0.50 would generate sufficient funds to support the maintenance of the District. This does not preclude the formation of the District since there are several policy options that may be considered as follows: 1. The level of maintenance could be reduced to an absolute minimum until the assessed valuation generates sufficient funds to adequately maintain a higher level of landscaping. This option may require a delay to the installation of permanent landscaping until sufficient funds were available to provide adequate maintenance. 2. The petitioners could install and maintain the landscaping until the assessed valuation was high enough to support District mainte- nance . 3. The petitioners could supplement the revenues from the maximum tax rate, until the assessed valuation was high enough to support the District. 4. The City could use general fund or other revenues to supplement the District until it was self-sufficient. 5. The petitioners and the City could share the cost of "subsidizing" the District until it was self-sufficient. 6. The proceedings for the formation of the District could be terminated by the City Council. EXHIBIT "A w Planning Commission -3- October 8, 1976 Each year it would be necessary to update the District due to new subdivisions within the District,, new open space areas, changes in level of service, parcel changes, etc. The La Costa Land Company has requested that no action be taken at this time on Open Space Maintenance District No, 2 since they are considering enlarging this District. Attached as part of this report is a memorandum dated September 30, 1976 from the Director of Parks and Recreation outlining open space maintenance district cost analysis. RECOMMENDATION; Approve Resolution No. I^ClS approving the Preliminary Report on Open Space Maintenance District No. 1 and recommending the establish- ment of a Maintenance District for Open Space, Tim Flanagan City Engineer TCF:ms EXHIBIT MEMORANDUM TO : Bill Baldwin, Assistant City Manager FROM : Ed Johnson, Director of Parks and Recreation DATE : September 30, 1976 SUBJECT: GREEN VALLEY KNOLLS CT 75-7 OPEN SPACE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT COST ANALYSIS The data compiled for the cost study came from private and public agencies. In both of the public agencies contacted within San Diego County, that have open space maintenance districts, maintenance services are contracted to private firms. The City of San Diego has been contracting the maintenance for over three years, and feel that by cutting the costs of administrative overhead, supervision, equipment acquisi- tion, maintenance and employee benefits, the savings benefit the people who are assessed. The success of this program is attributed to: 1. Specifications which are written tightly to incorporate all the aspects of maintenance, including labor, equip- ment, materials, scheduling, payment, etc. 2. Inspectors checking the work being done, making sure the specifications are being followed. 3. Having control over the initial installation of the landscape and irrigation, from conception of plan, to completion of maintenance period. The city would recom- mend the type of landscape and irrigation to be incor- porated into a landscaped type of open space, keeping in mind long term maintenance costs and aesthetic aspects derived from the landscape. 4. Having the ability to change the level of maintenance on the request of the majority of residents within a district, either higher for a more refined and manicured look or lower to keep within a specified assessment figure. EXHIBIT "A" — - 2 - If the city was to .maintain the open spaces in a like manner, as that of contractual maintenance, items 1 and 2 would be eliminated and the factors of hiring personnel to maintain the open space, acquisition of vehicles, equipment, and mate- rials to maintain the slopes; backup repairs and maintenance of vehicles and equipment; and organizing and administration of the program would be incurred. The first maintenance district to be considered is La Costa Land Company's Green Valley Knolls CT 75-7 Tract which has 3 different kinds of maintenance within its boundaries. Natural Open Space - which are those areas that lay undeveloped in their natural state, with native vege- tation, usually composed of heavy underbrush. Annual maintenance in this area would include periodic checks for litter and erosion control, fire and safety access. The majority of the cost within the natural open space would be labor and equipment. Some materials may be used from time to time for weed control around the perimeter of the area. The natural open space areas within the Green Valley Knolls subdivision encompass 16.00 acres, (13.14 acres over lot 226, and 2.86 across lot 223). Landscaped Open Space - include areas which have been graded, exposing raw soil which must be planted mainly for erosion control but also for beauty. Usually these banks or flat areas are irrigated and planted. Annual maintenance consists of watering, fertilizing, irrigation repair, trimming trees and shrubs, weed con- trol, litter and erosion control, and repair of any facilities or structures. Cost incurred for the area will be labor, equipment. The area of landscaped open space within Green Valley Knolls exists on portions of lot 221, 222, 223, which totals 1.19 acres. EXHIBIT - 3 - An alternate area of consideration is the interior slopes within the project which abutt city right-of- ways totaling 5.85 acres. Special Landscaped Areas - these are areas within the open space district which receive a high level of maintenance. In the Green Valley. Knolls sub- division t this area falls in the form of 20 foot wide easements over lots 16, 34, 172 and 186, totaling .27 acres. Annual maintenance would be the same as that for landscaped open space except for the additional maintenance of walkways. The walkways would need periodic sweeping or hosing down. ^ The expense would be mainly manpower. The total cost per acre is extremely high. Data gathered from private firms included cost figures and problems in implementation of the program. Two contractors were contacted that do open space maintenance for the City of San Diego and the City of Chula Vists. One of the firms, Environmental Care, Inc., is doing extensive contracting with the City of San Diego and Chula Vista. Dis- cussions with Howard Meese, Manager in charge of operations, included cost of contracting and problems incurred in the operation. The average cost for areas of 100 acres or more, which could encompass all or portions of all items within a district, are as follows: Cos t/Month/Acre 1. Maintaining Turf Under Automated System $400.00 1A. Maintaining Turf Under Manual System 700.00 2. Maintaining Ground Cover Under Automated System ' 175.00 2A. Maintaining Ground Cover Under Manual System 300.00 3. Hydroseeded Bank Under Automated System - 85.00 EXHIBIT "A" 7 - 4 - - Cost/Month/Acxe 3A. Hydroseeded Bank Under Manual System $140.00 4. Maintaining Natural Open Space 25.00 Another private firm, Consolidated Facilities Services, was contacted to confirm the costs of various forms of maintenance. They were within 10% of Environmental Care, Inc. Both of these firms do approximately 75% of all open space maintenance work for the Cities of San Diego and Chula Vista. The problems•in implementing-the program from the contrac- tors point of view and the cities, are the specifications and the interpretation of both parties involved. Inspec- tors play a big part in this either by being too lenient, or too strict in their enforcement. The figures for maintaining the open space maintenance district for Green Valley Knolls under a contractual system would be: Area Acreage Cost/Month/Acre Year 1. Natural Open Space 16.00 $ 25.00 $ 4,800.00 2. Landscaped Open Space 1.19 85.00 1,213.80 3. 20' Easements .27 300.00 972.00 4. Interior Slopes 5.85 85.00 5,971.07 ANNUAL TOTAL: ?12,956.87 Cost includes labor and material, but does not include cost for administering the program. A figure of 10% for overhead equaling $1,259.69 would bring the total annual figure for maintenance within the district to $14,216.56. EXHIBIT — 5 — Costs of maintaining the district using city staff would be: 1. Personnel - 1 Full Time Park Caretaker 2. Vehicle - 1 Pickup Truck to Haul Equipment and Materials 3. Equipment - Hoses, Brooms, Pruners, Rakes, Shovels, etc. 4. Material - Fertilizer, Insecticides, Weed Killers, etc. 5. Administration - Back-up Staff 10% of Cost ANNUAL TOTAL $ 8,500.00/yr, 6,000.00/yr. .1,000.00/yr. 2,000.00/yr. 1,750.00/yr. $19,250.00 EXHIBIT "A .j- PARCEL NO.. OWNER . ASSESSED VALUE 216-122-07 Trustees of Central States Southeast & $ 85,000.00 Southwest Areas Pension Fund, The SSSO^West Bryn Mawr Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60631 216-122-28 , " 47,500.00 216-122-27 , " 52,500.00 216-131-04 " 25,000.00 216-131-05 " 5,700.00 255-010-17 " 31,125.00 255-010-18 " 62,500.00 255-010-9 " 187,500.00 255-041-14 " 281,250.00 255-021-04 " 12,500.00 255-030-10 " 137,500.00 255-030-11 " 21,250.00 255-030-09 Trustees of Central States Southeast & 95,000.00 Southwest Area Pension Fund, The c/o Comptroller 8550 West Bryn Mawr Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60631 255-031-05 " . 200,000.00 255-r031-08 Trustees of Central States Southeast & 137,500.00 Southwest Area Pension Fund, The c/o Burton L. Kramer Costa Del Mar Road Carlsbad, California 92008 TOTAL $ 1,381,825.00 EXHIBIT "B1 LBCOStB July 7, 1976 Mrs. Margaret Adams, Clerk CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Petition for Formation of Open Space Maintenance District Dear Mrs. Adams: Pursuant to California Government Code Section 50590, the undersigned being the owners of the hereinafter described property do hereby petition the City of Carlsbad for the formation of an Open Space Maintenance District, herein "District", as prescribed in Section 50590 et seq of the California Government Code. The general boundaries of said District are shown on the attached plat and include the following assessor's parcels: 216-122-07 255-041-14 216-122-28 255-021-04 216-122-27 255-030-10 216-131-04 255-030-11 216-131-05 255-030-09 255-010-17 255-031-05 255-010-18 255-031-08 255-010-09 The open space to be maintained is generally described as follows: Lot 226, and portions of Lots 223 and 227 of Carlsbad Tract 75-7 according to tentative map thereof; That certain 20 foot easement over Lots 16, 34, 172 and 186 of said Carlsbad Tract 75-7; Those slope areas in said Carlsbad Tract 75-7; and Such other similar open space areas in other portions of the proposed District as the Carlsbad City Council may find appropriate. COSTA DEL MAR ROAD • CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92OO8 • AREA CODE 714 • TELEPHONE 729-9111 EXHIBIT "F" // Mrs. Margaret Adams July 7, 1976 Page Two The maintenance to be done in the above-mentioned open space is generally described as the maintenance of the landscaping on said open spaces and slopes as well as the maintenance of the pedestrian rights of way in the above -mentioned 20 foot easements. Please be so kind as to certify to the City Council of the City of Carlsbad that this petition has been signed by owners of assessable land in the proposed District, owning lands of an assessed value of not less than twenty -five percent (25%) of the total assessed value of all assessable land in the District. Upon your certification, please present this petition and your certificate to the City Council. Very truly yours, LA COSTA LAND COMPANY Burton L. Kramer Vice President APPROVED: TRUSTEES OF CENTRAL STATES, SOUTHEAST AND SOUTHWEST AREAS PENSION FUND By Donald R. Rochambeau, their attorney in fact cc: Vincent Biondo, Esq. Paul Bussey EXHIBIT STATE OF CALIFORNIA: COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO: SS' I, MARGARET E. ADAMS, City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, hereby certify that I have reviewed the Petition for Formation of Open Space Maintenance District dated July 7, 1976 from the La Costa Land Company, and in accordance with Section 50590 of the Government Code of the State of California I have caused it to be checked, I further certify that the petition is signed by not less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the total assessed value of all assessable land in the district as shown by the last equalized County Assessment Roll. Witness my hand and the seal of said City of Carlsbad this 29th day of October, 1976. (SEAL) •*«*.*«.-" ""*. »** I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 1278' A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF" CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, MAKING RECOMMEN- DATIONS ON FORMATION OF PROPOSED OPEN SPACE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 WHEREAS, the Preliminary Report was submitted to the Planning Commission in accordance with Section 50591 of the Government Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the Preliminary Report submitted by the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, the open space of the proposed District was dedicated to the City on Tract Map. No. 8379; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: That the Preliminary Report attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part of this resolution be presented to the City Council of the City of Carlsbad for consideration and further action, in accordance with Section 50592 of the Government Code. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a.regular meeting of the Carlsbad Planning Commission held on the 13th day of October , 1976 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Jose, L'Heureux, Nelson, Larson, and Rombotis. NOES: Commissioner Fikes. ABSENT: Commissioner Watson. ABSTAIN:None juuZ? Stephen M. L'Heureux7 Chairman ATTEST: Donald A. Agatep, Seqretaky EXHIBIT