HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-11-02; City Council; 3799; Ord amend - truck parking residential areas. CITY OF CARLSBAD November 2, 1976 DATE : DEPARTMENT : City Manager Initial: Dept. Hd. d C. Mgr. REQUEST FOR ORDINANCE AMENDMENT/TRUCK PARKING RESIDENTIAL AREAS Subject: Statement of the Matter A letter has been received from the R. E. Laubscher family on Janis Way in Carlsbad requesting Council consideration of an amendment to the City Code to preclude the parking of trucks on residential streets unless loading or unloading. At the present time the Code permits parking for a three hour period. The complainants would like to see this time limit eliminated except as stated. City police have made efforts to correct this problem but if the vehicle moves periodically, it then can park another three hours. Additionally, the truck owner may work on the vehicle for any time length. Exhibit Letter to City Manager from Robert E. Laubscher family dated September 28, 1976. Letter to Mayor and City Council from Robert E. Laubscher family dated October 13, 1976. Recommendat ion If Council concurs that parking of vehicles of a certain type and size should be prohibited from parking on residential streets except for the express purpose of conducting business, the matter should be referred to the staff for review and report. Council action 11-2-76 The matter was referred to staff for further review'and report - i .e. ordinance establishing truck route. 2071’ Janis Way Carlsbad, California 92008 Octo1,er 13, 1976 Mayor and City Council 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 9200tl Sirs : I have recently written a letter to Paul PUssey, City Manager of Lrlsbad, in reference to sn dlied Van freouentlg parked in our resedential area, and causinp IIC; mi.ich friistration. Mr. 3iissey has looked into the rttter and has referred me to you. Flense ask hiln for a Cory of TV vrevioiis letter bo Flim for Tore details. kt the nresent tiTe, the van i? on 8 cross-coimtry rim, but when it returns, harassment i.ii.11 beffin arain. ?%e lqst ti,ie the driver left it was nlidnipht ard hc raced 5is Totor as loiid os be coiild for f’ifteen riniites or so, blew his air horn three tfTes an-? woke 71s all oiit of a de&d sleep. 07ir bedroom w;?dows are located on thLt side of the street, so we not only net the noise and vibra- tions, 1713t also the rollution. we feel that this is hazurdo11s to oiir hcalth and :tete of .nind. The vsrty is incoi.nlrnicable and seeks revenw hecEiire ire t1:rnecl ‘?ir iqto tbe -olice. de do not feel thzt a veh€cle of this natlire shoiild be parked in a xsedential 8rea except for direct -1iEiness with a ciistoiner or home-owner. T”?is rarty lives there and is using that area for hi- convenience and o’ir inconvenience, de are askinp that you arlend the City Code that states a vehicle of this native nay even park for three hours unless condiictinfr biisiness in a resedential area. Flease consider this matter very c;refiillg for &’?e benefit of our health, ,<elfare and qeace of mind! Thank you for yoiir tine and effort! Nost Si-ncerel-y, The Lrauhscher family 2071 Janis Way Carlsbad, California 920W Septenber 28,1976 City Council Kanager Faul D. Wssey 1510 Sunrise Circle Carlsbsd, California 92008 Dear Mr. Bussey (Faul): This is a follow-up letter to help emphasize the need for action in the Carlsbad city area to ban movinp vans from residential areas, unless hired for the convenience of res- idents. I4r. Wade, owner of the Allied Van, at 31482 Donna Drive, Is adjacent to oiir nroperty on Janis Nay. 'de have &een con- tinumlly annored now for over two years at all hours, as his rip is so heavy and noisy when villinff in and oilt. Further- more, he does maintenance at all hours, and soaetimes up to five and six hours at a time, -The ve'?icle code reads that he -qay park it for tbree hours at a ti-ne, enahelinr- hia to drive it around the block and start all over azain it? his annoyances. If, however, he is workinp on it or rnovinp thinps in and out of it, there is absolutely no time limit on it. The Carlsbad Folice Deparhent has been most cooperative and coTsiderate in tr-Tinp to help us in this matter, but their hands are tied iinless we pet help from you. They have advised us to contact you, hopinp that you coiild help dissolve this problem for 11s and for them, I'm sure. Oiir neiLFhborhood has been a qiiiet one excent for this problem For t'?e sake of my family's health and peace of Tind, will ;you please consider this problem an uryent one? Eow would anyone like to have a two-ton triick practically parked in their back yard periodically? I neglected to say anything aboiit the pollution problern the truck causes us. It is indecd a health hazard, as our bedroom windows are rieht next to his rig when he narks it.