HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-11-16; City Council; 3795-1; Amended Specific Plan Northwest Jefferson School Tamarack and Jefferson Robert HIrschas e " 4 s e CITY - OF CAR~ISBTJ) -..._- Initial: Dept . Hd. C, Mgr. -b AG3N9W %TLL NO. XS-SW~~ L DA!iiE : ---- November 16, 1976 I c. Atty e X. I' L2 -$-- pa IxLl--- _I- _- -T-- City Attorney 11- DEPARTM&NT : Subject t I --- ----- Case Nos.: SP-l36(A) and CT 76-11 Location: Northwesterly of Jeff Applicant: Robert Hirsch School fronting 02 Tanarack & J -- _---_I----- Statement. of the Hatter The City Council at your meeting of November 2, 1976, directed the City Attorney to prepare the necessary documents to adopt an amended Specific Plan (SP-l36(A)) and to approve Tentative Nap (CT 76-11). The ordinance adopting the amended Specific Plz and the resolution approving the Tentative Map are attached. Exhibits Ordinance No. ydy% -. Resolution No. ## 40 . Recommendation If the Council concurs, your action is to introduce Ordinance No. TYTa, and adopt Resolution No. ++$~&h . Council action 11-16-76 Ordinance h19472 was introduced for a first reading adoptin an amended Speci fi c P1 an (SP-136A). Resolution #4040 was adopted, approving with conditions tentative map for Carlsbad Tract 76-11. 12-7-76 Ordinance 89472 was given a second reading and adopted. P / @ * -1- a 1/ 3 4 5 GI 7 8 @I?DII<A?,ICE NO 9 3 4 7 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY CC)';:'NCIJL 0x7 TI-iE CITY OF cARimxr1 i ~IALIFOJ.WJ:A, ADOPTJ:I\TG DEVELOP~:NT OF 8 o DETACIII:II S:~NGL.T-FAMIL,Y AN IVZP2I>:<I3 SPI2CI:FIC PLAN (SJ.'--13621) . FOX I)~JELIJI~?GS ON PIIOPl<ilTY GEP?ERPdLLY LOCk'i'l3D ON TEE NOXTH SI DE OF 'i'P~r~?AJ?PiCI< AVlZl.<LlI< BETTmEiq JZFF:rRSON STREET .&;\;" i]:iHE ,&T&SF RAIJJllOAlj TIUi@J<S .. APPLICAN''i' : ROBERT NTRSCI! D I_-.___..____ I__ I ---. The City Council of the Ci.t.y of Carl-sbad I California. I ordzin as follows: 10 9l 1% 12 . 2 g 13 dlL F 5 :t.4$1 n Q m ri 5 5 0, PO$$ $>yo - n- t- < 5: 1.5 v 5 -2 i I ;c 2-6 LCZhQ VZ-CQ ZP 3 - > c cIL J-7 Q< > Cf - c 28 19 20 21 2% 23 24 25 26 27 28 UJ v x i- ?- LJ 8 n' 0 SECTION 1.: An mended Specii'i.~ Plan (SP-136R) is hert !I adopted fcr the deVclopriien.2 of 80 detached single-Sar:ily dwe: I general.ly located on the north side of Tzrnarack venue betwe< /j J-effersorr Street md the AT&SF Eaiiroacl. traclcs, more particu.: ~ descx<-bed on nap n,cij:ked SP-,136Af Ex.hibi-k "E" I attached hei:e'~( inade a part hereof, and said plan -'io consist of a plot plan 1' I 1 jj atl;3.ch:-fip;:-ks ~;-l fi:le j.1; -~]-is o.fjTj-,, of j-hc c~.-*J.- 1 E><hihi.t "A" I cii~ii.e:;' Sep I I her 29, 1976, and a!> appj-j.cation wj.i <-.~t-y P1.aiini.rig Dcpc?r-; rejzce h.e:cej.:l , sij.13-j cz.:~ to all- term:; ax' ! ! and incorpox-ated by ).-e. 1 cond~.'c~.ons of this crrd.inance r i SECTION 2: That the findings of the Planning Comissi I corliained 5-12 riesoluti.on NO ~ 3.28 4 I constitu t:e t.he ~~.I~G~IICJS of I 1 ~!~t:y ~ou.nci~- * Said ~ecolution is on ~LIC i.;i tile PLaxling Deli 11~e17t amd is incorporated by ref'erencc f-~.c:r-ein o SECTION 3 : Development Conditions u The amended ~pi2cj. Plan (SP-136A) is approved subject to the foll.ov~iny condition and restrictions, and the development of the property, as described in Section I hereof, shall be subject to all such conditions and restrictions which are in addition to all requirements, limitations and restrictions of all municipal I 1 aJ 3 a: 5 6 7 8 9 lo x1 12 0 0 e ordinances and state and federal laws now in force or which hereafter be in force: 1. The approval is granted for GO dwe:t1.ing units on land. cie s c r i. b 2 d in the app 1 i ca ti on and. a t t. a.c hmen -t s thcireto, arld as shown 012 the Flot Plan submitted. F I.abel.ed Exhihit. "A" I dated Sept.emher 29, 1.976 e T J.oC:iti.oil cf all buiId.j-ngs, rcads F parking areas, %andscaping shall. he located as indica'ccd on Exhi "A" r except as c.thcrwise ind-i.cakcd hc:rei..n L 2, Prior to rccordation of any final mc?p for the sul: property a s-'cv.dy of -the noise levels of the pro j E site and nearby *j>rox>erties :;ha.LI. be ~,ade by an E:.C cal engineer experienced in noise attenuation I S stu.dy shall de*Lerxi.r;e if attenuation measures are necessary to bring nci.sc 1~cvc~ls within 65 dl3 (11) c and. 4 5 d.9 (A) i.ndoors ', Said study shall recorn-riene attenua.tion measures as deenricd necessary and cppx by the? Plii:~.ni~(~ Director. Said rnea.su.rcs shaI.1 b~ incorpora-ted in the site design a.nd buj.ld.ing p1a.r said lots as a. conditi.on of the Specific Plan or ! ' I Q. 2.. "< : 00 kc? _I g 3-3 0 LL 5; ; 1,4< $cy0 m;3 <tL: 3-5 u: I?< Luo i ij g ci 1-6 zp 2 > t- rr 1'1 lo 19 .E '0 - J orz2'21; QQ > c' t u ; ~~~ 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 as ccridit.io:is to the T'en-iiative Map approval e '1 3. Prj-or to the issu.zicc u? buj.7.d.fnq permits, a I.n!ic and irriqction plan for the prcjec:t which sha1.1. include: I ! (a) The pedestrrLai? wr:l~kvJa.yS ; ('n) ~il. recreaticn ve1.iicl.e pa.r?;iilg zrc2a.s ; (c) pxer-;s R and P, 05 12xhibit "A" I dated Septe~br I 1976; and (d) Street trees; sh&ll he submitted to the Parks and Recrea-Lion 13: I 1 for approval. * 4 ~ A six fcst. h:igh rnasonrl7 \.;ra1..5_ ::;ha.I.l be constr~~.cL.c:( -Lhose p:i:fi]2cj:'iy lines indi.cakcd. on Exhribit "A" , d; September 29, 1976, prior to the issuance of OZCI permits. If the subdivision is fi-nallcd in phast the construction of the wall. may be phased in acc ance thereto. The constructi.on of the wall shal: of a type which will meet.noisc attenuation leve 5. The recreation vehj-cle parking shown in areas A l of Exhibi-t ''A", dated September 29 , 1976, shall : redesignated as shown on supplemental- Exhibit "A dated October 22, 1976, to the satisfaction of t' Planning Director. All landscaping and storage 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JO a1 X.2 0 2 2 g 131 .cT r\! e< 0 cilL q 2 24 gt- ~OY-l Clt: 1-5 LI ’ :$ go 3 > k- rl :Ir? 44 >. CJ 319 I-s t 21 2o 22 23 24 25 0 90: -- z>;g $Zk< eL$6 %.G! 0 CL -’ c; E 0 26 27 28 . 9 0. to be maintained. by the Homeownerr s Association. 6. The wid’ch of the prhate street is not approved. a on l2xlzihi.t A, da-ted Septcmbcr 29, 1976, Thc tridt the stree-t shall. he a minimum. of 32 fcct curb-to- wi.th sj..deiwal.k 011 one s:i.de of the strree’c c 7* The prj.virtze s.trect shall. he signed for one-way tr north to south in a. mannci: approved 1317 the City C Phase 2 CT 3, prior f-0 +)IC: isqi.i-..* L J.LIlicc of ’ihe occu.p;:ncy pexini.ts fo 8 o The 1ocatj.o:is of bu.il.2.i.ng :1--6 F as shown on Exhihi da.ted. Sepixmber 29 , 2-97 6 r arc .* not approved * Sai d build2ngs sha1.1 mc?.i.ntain a rn~-.~r!nurn d_i.stc?nce of 5 from the pi:opej:ty lines cy -ked b! CY 76-11- The location of the pedesti-ia.:, waI.k\;says ~ay he modi.fi al2.o.c.i for the rel.oca<:ion of those hui.ldinc;s as a~ j by the Plaxmiily Director- I 1 9. The development G-F the project shall adhere to tl- development s-2a.ndard.s of the RD-M zone I except an otherwise provided herein n 10, A mj.ni.murn d.istmce of 20 feet sha.l.1- he maintainec tween ‘&e garzqe face of ec?..cl-i dwe13.i.ng and the bc siaewn!!’ or c:url> f;~ce .if sidewalks are not propos 11, fiousc p:!;;ns ‘‘B’‘ s.1-d l‘c” ma.y he used in place of 3- ”A“, and hsuse plari “C” may be used j-1.1 p1.a.c I I l j I 1 ... plan house ~:!.i-3.1-1 “B ’’ I ~ritfn appro~il!. of ‘C~C Piallliincj DiI prriojr. to the ~.SSU~YIC:C’~ of E~j.iId2~~ P~L^T.I;.~z; a fixla: I I% o I .I ! j ~pecl?~.~ P1.m co~~forminy ~:i.t1: the condiitior:~ of < for approva.1. ordil>ance sli3.l-l be sl>.b;ii.i.tted. to tliz I?l~l?~l:’i~lg Dire 1 SECTlOnT 4 : Administration and Enforcement e The Bu: I El epartm cy] 2 s h 2.3- 3. il ot a~>prc>~c any hu j.ldij1g f03: cc:cripi~a~cy 13-11. p 1- 2 ~~~~i ?; y ;I 5.. re c-\<o:r h~. :; c e 1:-t i fi j. e d. th ~3.t a 1 I t.11~: cofi5.ri.t 3-02:;, i.; ~f ordina1-ie-e have beeil sa;ti.sficd. * ~ SECTECN 5: Specifj.c Plan (SI?-136) as ndopted by Cik: I Council Resol-ukion No. 3243 is rescinded. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall. be ef fec-Live t days after its adoption, and the City Clerk, shall cer’cj-fy adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at once in the Carlsbad Journal wit.hin fifteen days after its 3. = *' , 1 2 3 4 5/ 6 0 e I* 1. a.d.oy>tioi-1 e fNTR3EUCED AND YiRST READ at 2 reg-cla-r meeting of the Carlshcid City Council. held on the -.__ 76th Gay of November , j and therea-fter I D AUOP'TEI) at a regul.ar meeting of said Counc __- _-.- -_I-.___ __I- I , he1.d. u:rt tiie 7th day of Deccmhcr f 1976, by the :Eoll.o.r,,ing I 12 al /! .- -,-A /:'T 7':) yp e" j,'., pc<; ..r' t4 A 9 s E N 'I? E Counci ? mc7.n Lewi s /L. _.. ,A-.-.? 1 i 8 .___ KlBEilZ' C, FTIRZEE, Nas6r I 21 22 23 24, 25 26 27 28 I I 4. ., 'e 1 .- .. .. .- , .. - -. . - . - _. - _. . .. - .. .. - . - . . . . - . . i . . . . . . -- . . ' -. .. I i ' - SPECtFIC PLAN. I36 (A) .. ,. . ' . SHOWN .tN .. SAN DIEGO.COUNT.? .. -- CONTAINED IN RECORDS ON FlLE IN PLANNING DEPT. ,- . COMPILED BY CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPT. FROM D"n7-A - PARCELS 9-11 ,E ,13; 24 t 25 - AND APPLICANT ROBERT HIRSCW ASSESSOR BOOK 204 PAGE 28' 't .c -\ . .i -. . . .. . .. 1- I' .. -. --.-. .. .. i. * EXHIBPT "B" TO O_~DI~JANCE NO. __ B - ' Y k *r tt , a?,\b \ .. *I 1 i \ ,. I . . ,' ' q.., . ,. :, ~ _*.*, 8 , -j; ,- ' * .. .' .. .. .. I .. i. ,, .I '.I . ,. ** 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0. RESOLUTION NO. 4040 e -____ A RESOLUTIOIJ OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIAI APPROVING P71'TK CONDI'I'ICZilS TENTATIVE MAP (CT 7 6-11.) FOR A SIX LOT, 80 UNIT, CONDOMIWIUPl PROJECT SIDE OF TNfiAI?ACK AVENUE BETWEEN JEFFERSON STREET AND THE AT&SF PAILROAD TRACKS. ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTII APPLICANT: ROBERT HLRSCH. --- WHEREAS, on October 13, 1976, the Carlsbad City Plann Ccitmission adop-ked Resolutj-on No. 1285 recommending to the Council t,hat Tentative Map (CT 76-11) he conditionally appr 21 12 ' m 13 0 I i FirHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, on 1 November 2, 1976, considered the recommendaticn of the Plan ~ Conunission; an6 5s m "i?>-J +>wo p; 141 >>O OF ck 15 ti I J4 z g g 6 16 WL&< OE'm Q< 5g >,-. f: a: 1.7 (> Is 19 g 0 WHEREAS, ' saj.d. Tentative Map has been declared to have , nonsignificant impact on the environment and a n'egati-ve Dec ! has been prepared and filed in compl-i.ance with t?-ie requirero 1 the City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of ~ EOW, THE€EFORE, BE IT RES@LVED by the City Council of 1 i I City of Carlsbad as follows: -. 1 2 3 4 5 .7 GI 8 9 I-o a]. l2 0 2 f: g 531 e2 8 002“ Zt”K \o 2‘5~. 151 xwa l*I “is _J u. 3< SEO 3.61 ““26 wv v= N gp Ls >t- 2 17 3.1 Q g 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 4. 25 26 27 28 0 @ 0 subject to a11 applicable requirements of the Carlshad Munic Code and to the satisfaction of the following conditions: 1. The approval is qranted for an 80 d.well.ing un.it, I Subdivision on land described in the application i attachments thereto, and as shown on the revised 1 Plan submitted labeled Exhibit C, dated October 6 The final map shall be submitted for approval wit1 months fro9 the date of final action by the City ( on the Tentative Subdivision Map. The Final Map I be in substantial conformance with Exhibit C, datc October 6, 1976. 2, In order to provi.de for reasona.ble fire protectio: the construction period, the appl2cant shall main. passable vehicular access to 21-1 buildings and sh, install fire hydrants wi-th .requj_red fire fl.ows ant stand pipes if needed prior to framing constructi 3. Park-in-lieu fees sha.l.1 be Granted prior to the C I 1 Council approval of the Final b”ip. 4. Stree-t trees shall be i.nstallcd by the applicant expense. Trees shall be of a. type approved by thl Parks and Recreation Direc’cor and shall be instal to the City’s specifications a I I i . 5, Street names shall be submitted by the appl-icant i coj?forn1,ance with the Ci’cy ’ s street naming pol-icy , shall be approved by the Planning Department pi:io City Council approval of the Final Map. I i 1 1 6. The CC&Rs for thj.s subdivision slial.1 be submitted 1 the Planning Director for his review arid approval ~ to City. Council approval of the Final Map- 7. Prior to review of the Final Map a.nd improvment for Unit I., ail amended tentative map shall be sub: to the Plannj-ng Dircctor and City Engineer and ap’ by the City E:ngineer as to street sections, locat and type of pub:Lic facilities p and approved by th Planning 1:ircctor as to con-foi:rnznce with Specific (SP-13GA) o 8. Ornamental street lighting shall be provided for required by Iciunicipal Ordinance L The developer s deposit cash in the anount necessary to energize street lights for an eighteen month period after struction, to pcrmit the incorporation of -the sub into a maintenance district. 9.. All land and/or easements required shall be grant the City of Carlsbad without cos-l; to the City, an of all liens anZ encumbrances. No easements shal 2. *. J 2 3 $4 5 6 .7 8 10 9( :fi a1 D G m yE .E g 55 0 du. 1115 14 eo=$ z>:o GI-<'; m- v _I 15i d. 3G wv 0 e recorded prj-or to the recordation of the Final MaF unless approved by the City Engineer. The applica shall secure the quitclaim of that portion of the easement for road purposes which will be within th proposed street and shall make every reasonable ef to secure the remainder of that easement within th subdivision. 10. This Map may be finalled in phases as shown on Exh subject to the conditions for each phase. Phase 1: conditions : (a) Jefferson Street shall be hproved on the has a 30 foot half-street section along the subdi frontacje, according to City of Carlsbad Stand (b) An all weather temporary turn-around shall be provided at the end of'the proposed residenti street. (c) The applicant shall enter into an agreement IQ the City providing for contribution by the dz er- toward the cost of a fully actuated traffi signal at the intersection of Tamarack and Je Streets in an amount to be determined by the .Engineer pursuant to such traffic signal poli as the City Council may adopt, I . ~ 1 I (a) The offsite sani-tnry sewer shall have an aiig which conforms with the proposed public or pr 5cg6 WLN< 16:, zp 2 >+'E 1-71 u OI ..- * Q< >o l8 19 20 2 1. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 t- 0 - streets j.11 Phases 11 and 111, Easements for off site sanitary sewer shall be dedicated. by separate instrument prior to or coI.currerit wi the Final Ikp of Phase I. I I 1 I Phase I1 cond.itions: I (a) The remainder of the proposed. residential str shall be dedicated and- improved according to of Carlsbad standards. I (b) The storm drain system shall be 'ited into the existing storm drain in the A'J!&SF right-of-wa Easemen-ts for the offsite storm cir-ain shall. b dedicated by separate instrument prior to or concurrent with the Fj.na1 Map of Phase 11. 1 I -. . (c)' The watzr line shall be instclled. to complete looped system from Jefferso'iz Street to Taxara Avenue. ?Iasenients for off site water lines sh be dedicated by separate instrument prior to corxrrent with the Final Map of Phase 11, (d) An all weather temporary turn-around shall be 1 installed on the private street at the phase 1 3. * -1 *, 3, 2 3 $4 5 6 7 8 91 PO 0 e I. boundary. Tamarack Avenue shall be dedicated as requi.re by the City Engineer based on an alignment tc approved by the City Council, and half-street improvements shall he installed along the sut ,division frontage according to City of Carlsl: stand.arc%s. Direct access from abutting- lots Tanaraclc shall he waived. Phase 111 7 no special conditions. 11. The existing- palm trees in Tamarack Avenue shall 1 relocated to the property line, along th.e suhdivi: frontage e 12. Improvement plbs foi: the p,rivate streets sha1.l bc I approved by the Ci.ty Engineer, and private stiree'c I s.truction shall be inspectec? and apprcvec? bl7 the ( Standard. plan checking and inspection fees shall. I paid. Standard com!mercial driveway approaches shi (e) 4: g 0 13, 0 2 .[r N c Q o', I- I 13. The ~idth of the prj-vatc strcet is nct approved a shown on Exhibit C dated. October 6, 1976. The wL 19 I AYES: Counci liiien Frazees Lewis, Packard, Skotriickr I C o u y1 c i 1 \;io ma n C a s 1 e in I NOES : None 21 22 23 24 25 26 29 28 i : ! i 1 ATTEST: ( SEAL) 4.