HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-12-07; City Council; 2295-2; Calavera Lake/County Regional ParkCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO, 2295 Supplement NO. 2 DATE : December 7, 1976. DEPARTMENT: City Manager Initial: Dept. Hd - bvGR C. Atty.dF& C. Mgr. 4 CALAVERA LAKE/COUNTY REGIONAL PARK Statement of the - Matter 5 On November 12, 1976 the City received a letter from the Director of the Parks and. Recreation Department of San Diego County, referring to a draft of a memo from the Parks and Recreation Department to the Board of Supervisors relative to "Calavera Lake Regional Park Acquisition Proposals" and dated June 14, 1976. It also made reference to a letter from the State Dire- of Parks and Recreation to the County Director of Parks and Recreation relative to withdrawal of Land and Water Conservation Fund Projects which affected Cala,wera Lake. The draft memo was never filed with or acted upon by the Board of Supervisors. as a response to the letter from the City Manager dated May 14, 1976 to the Chief Administrative Officer of the County. Before the necessary clearances were obtained to file the memo with the Board of Supervisors, the local matching money for the Land and Water Conservation Grant was deleted from the 1976/77 budget. In the November 12, 1976 letter from the County Parks and Recreation Director, he stated, "In my opinion, the only way we might see a revival of the project .is for the City of Carlsbad to reconsider a 1ess.than fee conveyance of the Calavera Lake property at little if any cost to ,the County." It had been intended 4 , The matter now rests with the City Council as to their wish and/or direction regarding the matter. Letter from County of San Diego to City Manager dated November 12, 1976. Draft,memo from County Parks and Recreation Director to Board of Letter from State Parks and Recreation Director to County Parks and Recreation Director (undated) but received by them October 7, 1976. Report from Assistant City Manager to City Manager dated November 30, 197t ' Supervisors dated June 14, 1976. Recommendation AGENDA BILL NO. 2295 - Supplement No. 2 December 7, 1976 12-21-76 Staff was instructed to notify the Board of Supervisors the City does not wish to donate the property but is willing to continue negotiations. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JACK WALSH DICK BROWN FIRST DISTRICT C 0 U N TY 0 F 25 AN DI EGO L:;;::,yRicT THIRD DISTRICT PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 0 TELEPHONE 299-2267 JIM BATES 2454 HERITAGE PARK ROW SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92110 LEr~~~~L~~RICT rinn DISTRICT cnicr ADMINISTRATIVE OFFlCLR DIRECTOR D. K. SPEER November 12, 1976 LLOYD T. LOWREY Mr. Paul D. Bussey City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Paul: Subject : Calavera Lake Property This will confirm Jim Tennant's discussion with Assistant City Manager, Bill Baldwin, in his office on October 28, 1976, relative to subject. At that time he left with Bill for your information, the following items: 1. 2. Our draft Draft of a memo from this department to the Board of Supervisors relative to "Calavera Lake Regional Park Acquisition Proposals" under date of June 14, 1976, and A letter from Herbert Rhodes, State Director of Parks and Recreation to Lloyd T. Lowrey, County Director of Parks and Recreation, relative to withdrawal of Land and Water Conservation Fund Project No. 06-00449. memo (above mentioned) was never filed with or acted upon by the Board of Supervisors. to D. K. Speer, Chief Administrative Officer, which resulted from our meetings. After discussing your letter with you and your staff but before we could obtain clearances to file our memo, the local matching money for the Land and Water Conservation Grant had been deleted from the 1976/77 budget. We interpreted that deletion as a signal for us not to press the project. Our interpretation apparently has been supported by Supervisor Taylor's office. It was intended as a response to your letter of May 14, 1976, Although the project appears to beina state of indefinite suspension, I am enclosing for your possible use another copy of our draft memo of June 14, 1976, to the Board of Supervisors. vival of the project is for the City of Carlsbad to reconsider a less than fee In m-nion, the only way we might see a re- L Mr. Paul D. Bussey -2- November 12, 1976 conveyance ofzavera Lake property at cost to the County. If you are interested in pursuing &;"matter further, please contact me or Jim Tennant of my staff at 299-2272. Sincerely, Paiks and Recreateion Department LTL:JOT:vt Attachments (2) cc: Supervisor Taylor A500, CAO A6, Asst. CAO-CSA A249, Park Develop. Div. 0314 CJ.. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT (714) 565-5567 5555 OVERLAND AVENUE SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92123 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JACK WALSH DICK BROWN LOU CONOB JIM BATES LEE TAYLOR FIRST DISTRICT SECOND DISTRICT THIRD DLSTRICT FOURTH DISTRICT FIFTH DISTRIC'I LLOYD T. LOWREY Dl R ECTO R CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER xx-m- D, K. Speer June 14, 1976 TO : Board of Supervisors A45 FROM: Director, Parks and Recreation Department P29 'SUBJECT: Lake Calavera Regional Park Acquisition Proposals (Supervisorial District V) During Board Conference on April 7,-1976 (35) your Board accepted the final draft of the Lake Calavera Regional Park Master Plan and Report. time your Board also instructed the Community Services Agency to meet with representatives of the City of Carlsbad. meetings had the following purposes: At that As directed by your Board, the 1. To prepare for consideration by your Board and the City of Carlsbad of a possible joint venture for land acquisition for the Lake Calavera Regional Park with the City of Carlsbad providing certain acreage owned by them with the County acquiring the remaining acreage needed; 2. To formulate an overall commitment for the deve.lopment of the proposed park; and 3. To develop cost information and possible alternatives for land acquisition. Discussions with Carlsbad City staff resulted in a letter dated May 14, 1976 from Paul D. Bussey, City Manager, to the Chief Administrative Officer (copy attached), offering to sell the 252 acres owned 3y the City of Carlsbad, including the 34 acre lake, for the $1.9 million appraised value of January 15, 1974. Mr. Bussey further offers the possibility of a multi-year payment agreement. He states the City is unable to offer the land as an outright or partial contribution because it is an asset of the Water Department, is part of the security for the department's bonded indebtedness, and the City is unable to replace the value of the land if it were released at less than its value. 3. .' - June 14, 1976 I - . ...I Board of Supervisors !-"&/' i & \ ~ County staff has researched some acquisition alternatives and has reviewed the existing funding sources reflected in the Regional Parks Six Year Program. Staff has found several new State bills offering park funds for acquisition. SB174, signed into law by Governor Brown last month, seem to afford the County a block grant of $2 million each year for 3 years, provided $500,000 non-State matching funds are made available each year. Fund grants program is a possible matching fund source for acquisition of private property as are other possible federal grants, gifts of land, etc. The exact terms and amounts of the grant funds from SB174 are scheduled to be released by the State in November 1976. The Land and Water Conservation Although completing the acquisitions at Sweetwater Regional Park may require much of the first year's SB174 block grant in addition to currently available funds, there should be enough left to proceed with purchase of vital privately owned and endangered lands at Calavera Lake. Land and Water Conservation grant funds and General Funds referred to in Recom- mendation 2 above can be used to match up to $750,000 of SB174 funds for a total resciurce of $1,000,000 for land acquisition for Calavera Lake Regional Park as proposed, even if other funds are not available for a year. Staff believes the current budgeted There have been preceding actions relative to this park by your Board. On April 19, 1972 (1,2,3) your Board accepted the Regional Parks Implementation Study for planning and budgeting purposes. Included in this study was the recommendation that the proposed area called "Lake Calavera Regional Park" be included as part of the Regional Parks System. On February 10, 1976 (14) your Board accepted for planning and budgeting purposes the Regional Parks Six Year Program for fiscal years 1976-77 through 1981-82. cated Lake Calavera Regional Park as next in park acquisition priority after Sweetwater, Los Penasquitos, San Elijo, and Batiquitos Regional Parks. Then, as referred to above, on April 7, 1976 (35), your Board accepted the Lake Calavera Regional Park Plan and Report and instructed staff to prepare alternatives for planning and budgeting purposes. This program indi- Approved: Concurrence: R. J. PFLIMLIN Dept. of Real Property G. B. WILSON Asst. Chief Administrative Officer-Community Services (Acting) CITIZEN INPUT: The Calavera Lake Regional Park Master Plan and Report was approved by Carlsbad's City Planning Commission, Park and Recreation Commission and City Council. -- Board of Supervisors June 14, 1976 FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT: Program: Capital Program-Project No. DE2731 RECOMMENDED PROPOSAL Direct Cost Indirect Cost 1975-76 19 76-7 7 Inc/Dec % $190,000 $190,000 $ -0- - 5,000 - 0- -5,000 -1007: TOTAL COST $195,000 $190,000 $ -5,000 -2.5% Earned Revenue $195,000 $190,000 $ -5,000 -2.5% NET COUNTY COST -0- - 0- -0- -0- Man-Y e ar s Amount Budgeted for Source of Added This Proposal $250,000 County Funds Included in Budget for Total Program July 1st $250,000 Approved During the Year for: This Proposal $ -a- This Program $ -0- (cumulative) REMARKS: If your Board approves Recommendation No. 1, Lake Calavera and the adjacent property belonging to the City of Carlsbad will be acquired over a 10-year period at a cost of $190,000 per year. It is proposed to pay this amount for the first three years from the County's block grant allocation from SB174 if the law permits. and after that time, other sources of funding will be necessary. Otherwise, initial acquisition of "endangered lands" (Recommendation No. 2) can be financed in part from a $125,000 Land and Water Conservation Fund grant and equal matching County funds budgeted in FY1975-76. Contingency Reserve by the CAO, but can be returned to the project with your Board' s approval. Staff proposes to seek additional Land.and Water Conservation Fund grants for this project in FY1976-77, and grants from that and other sources will be sought in future years in anticipation that such grants can be used to match State grants. That process was used successfully in Guajome and Sweetwater Regional Parkland acquisitions and it was approved originally for Penasquitos Park acquisition by both State and Federal authorities. The County share has been transferred to LTL: J0T:gb cc: Chief Administrative Officer A6; Asst. CAO-CSA A249/0300; Real Property Director 0200; Park Development Director 0314; Auditor-Controller A5; Controller Branch Office 0306 .*' - Board of Supervisors June 14, 1976 Your Board is advised that the $1.9 million dollar appraised value has been an acceptable figure for planning and discussion purposes. been no need to expend additional resources to prepare an opinion of value. If your Board chooses to proceed to acquire the City-owned property based upon appraised value, the County Real Property Department will be requested to verify the value. Until now, there has In view of Mr. Bussey's letter, staff seeks further direction from your Board before expending extensive amounts of staff time in pursuing the project, It is, theref ore RECOMMENDED: that your Board 1. Approve in principle the purchase of l/lOth undivided interest of the City of Carlsbad's 252 acres which includes Calavera Lake each year for ten years at $190,00O/year without interest, with lease rights on the remainder of the City-owned land at no additional cost; 2. Approve in principle the use of SB174, other possible grants, and currently budgeted funds ($125,000 Land and Water Conservation Grant Funds and $125,000 General Fund) for purchase of "endangered lands", 3. Abandon the entire Lake Calavera Park project. Discussion: Staff and your Board's consultants believe that the 35 acre Calavera Lake plays a strategic role in the viability of the proposed regional park and that its acquisition along with the rest of the City land is of the highest priority. Without the City's land there appears to be no justification for acquisition of adjacent private property. The City Manager's proposal to sell the City's property to the County on the basis of an appraisal made almost two and one-half years ago over a period of ten years with no interest, represents a significant contribution to the project estimated at about $600,000. The table below shows the present value (P.V.) of ten annual installments discounted at various interest rates and the corresponding actual value of the contribution at each interest rate: PERCENT 6 7 8 9 10 EQUIVALENT CITY P.V. of 10 x $190,000 CONTRIBUTION $1,398,417 $1,334,480 $1,274,916 $1,219,355 $1,167,468 $501,583 $565,520 $625,085 $680,645 $732,532 STATE OF CALIFOXNIA-THE RESOURCES AGENCY ___~ -- - DEPARTMENT OF PARKS P.O. 60X 2390 SACRAMENTO 95811 (91 6) 4h5-2358 Mr. Lloyd T. Lowry, Director Parks E; Recreation Department County of $an Diego 5555 Overland Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 Dear Mr. Lowty: J I have read yoilr letter to Mr. J. Warren Gardnet informing us of tha County's inability to go forward with the Calavera Lake Regional Park Acquisition, Land and Mater Conservation Fund Project Number 06-00449. In your letter you have asked that the County not be required to execute the project agreement until matching funds are available or until July 1, 1977. .. . *.+yP *e: *- Your project was selected over other competing projects for the' Land and Water Conservation Funds with the understanding that it wquld move forward. Because it is not fair to hold funds in abeyance that could otherwise be utilized immediately for projects that do have matching funds, I have no alternative but to revert the Calavera Lake Funds to other Land and Water Conservation Fund projects. I am agreeable to waiting until Octoberz8, 1976 to receive an executed agreement, otherwise the project wi 11 be withdrawn. D i rector DATE : November 30, 1976 TO : CITY MANAGER FROM : Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: CALAVERA LAKE PROPERTY UPDATE Continuing negotiations between City staff and County Park Division staff have taken place since July, 1973. At one time the County Board of Supervisors proposed that the City participate in the purchase of approximately 2500 acres, adjacent to the City Water Division property, commonly known as Lake Calavera. At that time, August, 1973, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Citizens' Advisory Committee unanimously opposed the Board of Supervisors' proposal that the City participate in the purchase of the adjacent property. They did, however, recommend that the County enter into a lease purchase agreement with payments of no less than $185,000.00 per year with combined principal and interest in order to meet the outstanding waterworks bond issues. In July, 1974, the City received a letter from Chief Administrative Officer, Frank Aleshire, indicating that the County anticipated the acquisition of Lake Calavera for regional park purposes in 1976. From 1974 to 1976 the County planned to continue working on its Master Plan for parks which included Lake Calavera. In 1975, prior to the receipt of this letter, the combined staffs had agreed, upon consent of City Council, to have the 252 acres (25 acre lake) Lake Calavera property appraised. This was done by Robert Dodd, MA1 appraiser. He found that the fair market value was $1,900,000.00. From the summer of 1974 to the present time, the City staff and the County Park Development staff have held numerous meetings in order to find some way for the City to sell Lake Calavera to the County as we were instructed by the City Council. The last meeting with the County Board of Supervisors was in April, 1976. This was a conference arranged by the County Parks Department for the City Manager, Parks and Recreation Director, and the Assistant City Manager. After dis- cussion and a presentation by a County consultant, Supervisor Jack Walsh made a motion that the City of Carlsbad give the Lake Calavera property to the County. There are several reasons why the City feels they are unable to make an outright donation of the property. Lake Calavera is an asset of the Water Department and along with all other Water Department assets, is part of the security for the department's bonded indebtedness. If the property is disposed of for less than its value, the difference will have to be replaced from the City's General Fund. Carlsbad would not have the resources to do that. Additionally, the City Council has felt that the most effective way to spread the cost of park acquisition and development to those who will eventually use the facility, is through the County since they are the only agency that represents the entire region. Within the per- imeters previously set by the City Council, we would like to cooperate i Page 2 Calavera Lake Property Update November 30, 1976 with the County to facilitate the County's acquisition. Although the appraisal is now several years old, it still might be used as a valid figure. Supervisor Walsh subsequently moved that County staff continue to meet with Carlsbad City staff regarding the possibility of working out the manner in which Lake Calavera could be conveyed to the County of San Diego for regional park purposes. Meetings between City and County staff members continued and on May 14, 1976 in a letter directed to the Chief Administrative Officer of San Diego County from the City Manager, indication was given that the City agreed that it would make the property available to the County for development as a regional park for the appraised price of 1.9 million dollars. WILLIAM C. BALDWIN Assistant City Manager WCB:vm