HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-12-07; City Council; 3299-4; Spinnaker Hill Final Map Public Street Acceptance0 CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 f --t. AGENDA BILL NO. 32 7% w *+ Initial: DATE : December 7, 1976 Pr I Dept . Hd -2 C. Atty!, ' L DEPARTMENT: Enqineering C. Ngr. - Subject: A. CT 73-39 (SPINNAKER HILL) UNIT NO, 3- FINAL MAP B. ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC STREET APPLICANT: STANDARD PACIFIC OF SAN DIEGO Statement of the Matter A. Engineering Staff has completed checking the Final Map of Carlsbad Tract 73-39 (Spinnaker Hill) Unit No. 3 for con- local ordinances of the City of Carlsbad. The Final Map conforms substantially with the conditions of the Tentative Map approved by City Council on March 4, 1975 by Resolutior No. 3604 and with the conditions of the approval of Tentat: Map time extension by Resolution No. 3841. formance with the State Subdivision Map Act and applicable B. Portion of Lot 17 designated "Portion of Lot 17 reserved fc future street" Carlsbad Tract 73-39, Unit No. 1 (Spinnaker Hill) Flap No. 8404, recorded November 5, 1976. Portions 0. Lots 92, 94, 95, 97 and 108, designated "Portions of Lots 92, 94, 95, 97 and 108 reserved for future street'' Carlsba Tract 73-39, Unit No. 2 (Spinnaker Hill) Map No. 8405, recorded Novembe'r 5, 1976, were offered for dedication but were rejected and never accepted by the City. Accentance of these reserved future streets is now in order. This will complete the street desiqn requirement for CT 73-39, Unit No. 3 (Spinnaker Hill) EXHIBITS: A. Final Map B. Resolutions No. 4846 and yDey C. Easement Plat D. Location Man RECOWINDATIONS : A. Adopt a motion approving the Final Flap of Carlsbad Tract B. Approve Resolutions No. & 1: and @dL/Tregardinq acceptan for future street of Carlsbad Tract 73-39, Unit NO. 1 and 73-39, Unit No. 3 (Spinnaker Hill). of the Dortions of Lots P- 7, 92, 94, 95, 97 and 108 reserv Carlsbad Tract 73-39, Unit No. 2. Getir, ei + - ae+i en 12-7-76 Resolution #4046 was adopted, accepting certain previou rejected easements. Resol uti on #4047 was adopted, accepting certain previ ou rejected easements. __-- 5 . 5 *r it a 0 I I ~SOI,U~I'ION KO. CiWG ~- 9 1-0 21 !' 13 l2 14 15 16 17 18 19 26 21 z2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 of Carlshad, Count;7 of San Dieyo, State of Cali-fornia., particu.Lar1y described as porkions of Lots 92, 94, 95, 97 and I designatcti "poktio~is of Lots 92, 94, 95, 97 and 103 reserved future sticeet'l according to 1.iz.p thereof No. 8405, recorcicci XoveFber 5 I 1976, which was previovsly re jec'ced by the City C ' of the City of Carlsbad for public street pu.q>oscs, is now he I I accep-ilcd for public street purposes D 1 2. The City Clerk of the City of Carl.sbad shc;ll. caus i certj-fj.cd copy of this Resolution to be recorded in the Offic the County Recorder of S3.n .Diego County and to cause a copy t to be forwarded tcl the County Assessor of the County o? San D 1 State of CaLifornia. . PASSED, APPROVED XGD ADOPTED at a regular meeting of City Co~mcil 0f'th.e City of Carlsbad, CZilifOj:J.li&, held the - 71 day of December , 1976 by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Councilman Frazee, Pac!:ard, Skotnicki acd NOES : None Co u n c i 1 woma il Cas 1 c 1- ABSENT: Counci limn Levis \ RL. A44 \ 076 c- f c 2-G>*c,x9p OBERT C. FRAZEE, Maydr \--- ATTEST: 7q~;,i4 -' 2f Lqi2LL/U MAR ARTIF E. ADAMS, City Clerk (SEAL) A.., + 0 0 I i . -_ ~ ...-.... _-_+ :: I -* [+ &f' {y[l, *- L _.,_,., ___"__ _- __-. -* 8 .------. -------* ' ' .+ $;-,$()f !$[! i.' ~ c'; *. -I \; /j y-- /,f T-p? c f{~,f~~{J~~ i - ---.-_- -- ---...-.__-__-__.______,____ __ -----I--- .--- .- -----. -~ -. __ -_-__ __ L-T 7s --3 9 O/./]-- ,-. 7 : d --.-.-.-- -----. .-_ -._______._ - . ----.---------~__ __-_ * 3 av 2 3 3- 41 61 5 ‘I 8 9 r 0 0, 4047 * ---1 RESOLUT1Ol.J NO. A “j;:SCS~~J‘l.’%ON OF TITE CI’I’Y COU13CLl-t OF THE CITY OF CAR 12 S 12 2’1 J3 f P UKP 0 S E S C E: R‘i’ 1-11 N 1’ :?!XVL 0 US LY- JEJE C?‘ E 1) CAS I.: IJY~J T S KllQUlRED 13i: CARLSl3Ai) TPJlCT 73-39 , UNIT NO. 3 CAT, 1: FO €tT? T A , AC C E 1’ ‘F 1: N G P 0 R P UP, L 1: C S 1’ Ri;: E T I l--l_ (SPINNARI~i? --_---.- I _I---_. SILL) . __I .._- l__-l__l_- ---_ Tlne City Coun.ci.1 of the City of Carlsbad does hereby ii ! resolve as fo3.1.ovs : I. The followi.ng described uea.1. property loca.t.ed in I City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State ~f Cal.ifor-nia, partic:i~l_;lirly described as portion of Lot 1.7 designated. “por i-.i 1 I 30 11- 1 12 I1 l3 ! l4 ! 15 J,6 1‘7 18 1.9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2‘1 28 29 30 31 32 of 1,ot 1.1 reserved. for future street11 accordjLng to ~ap therec No. 04C!4, recordeii !<cvenJ2.-r 5, 197G f shi.ch was previous1.y rclj by the Ci.ty Counclt of the Ci.’ty of Cerlshad for public street purposes F is now hereby accepted for pubI.ic street purposes. 2.c The City Clerk. of tbz Cj:kl7 of Carlslnad shall taus certified copy of thFs Resol.~~trion to be recorded in the Offic the Co.cii2.ty ~ccordex of sari Criego ~ouxt-y and i;o cause a co;-,y i to be forwarded to the Cloxi-ty Assessur of the County of Sa1 i 1 ~kabe of California. PASSED, A?PROVED PCL7 ADOPTED at Zi re~pl..$.r meeting of City Counci.1. of the City of Carlshad!, California, held the 7t -. day of --~-_I Decelnbcr , 1976 by the Ir‘ollowi.ng vote, to wit: A.YES : Counci 1nan Frazec I Packard, Skott7-ick-i and None KOES : AESENT : Coiinci 1 tiian Lewis Counci 7v;oman Casler A, p+fr -/” /#i-fi+-,<- .>//&/A? 42 ._ - ~ROB’RT C. FRAZ&T, Maydr - AT’TES‘Pt im&,/<&Y4 #zlL- 2”‘ fl// , . ,.//A4./ Yr ’ MARGA. -1 E. ADAMS, city Clerk (SEAL) I F -* 1 * 0 I r 1 ,. ' k. .3 1 ~ . -.-~ .. '. -, ; ;.-; *.;t i j . *--. i .i . . . . -. - ..- ---- - pL/q 7- ,4 7-7-A cly,4/[pJ)- ____-----.---.___I.I~----I- __ ---_l_-___-___._l--ll-l - c 7- ?,/3 .I 3 9--L!.g/ 7- ! ?hJ, _. / --_ ____ ._____. - .._ __._ - ------ -__ -- .---L.I_____._____.__ ', L w 6 0, I 1 .> - . -- '\ '. L -1 . ..,- -. - ~ .~ ~- ~