HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-12-07; City Council; 4013; Flow meter analysis for Encina Joint PowersC CITY OF CARLSBAD 3 9 A 0 AGENDA BILL NO. DATE: December 7, 1976 DEPARTMENT: JOINT SEWER ADVISORY COMMITTEE Initial: Dept.Hd. C. Mgr. Subject: FLOW METER ANALYSIS FOR ENCINA JOINT POWERS Statement of the Matter Over the last several years there has been considerable discussion concerning the accuracy of the several meters used to moniter waste water from the outlying member agencies. The Joint Advisory Committee has authorized and staff has negotiated with the firm of Hirsch and Koptionak a proposal to perform the necessary flow measurements at all meter stations both at the facility and throughout the system. City Council is being requested on behalf of the Joint Advisory Committee to authorize the preparation of a purchase order in the amount of $6,500 to the firm of Hirsch and Koptionak. Funds are available in the Joint Powers Budget. EXHIBITS A. Staff memo dated November. 29, 1976 B. County letter dated October 8, 1976 C. Consultant letter" dated November 12, 1976 RECOMMENDATION City Council approve and authorize City Manager to sign a purchase order in the amount of $6,500 to the firm of Hirsch and Koptionak for joint system metering analysis. Council action 12-7-76 The City Manager was authorized to sign a purchase order in the amount of $6,500 to the firm of Hirsch and Koptionak for joint system metering analysis. November 29, 1976 MEMORANDUM TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: LES EVANS SUBJECT: FLOW METER ANALYSIS FOR ENCINA JOINT POWERS For the past several years the members of the Joint Advisory Committee have been concerned over the accuracy of the flow meters monitering waste discharge from the various agencies and from the plant itself. Obviously the accuracy of the meter readings is of significant im- portance because costs of operations and maintenance, as well as capacity rights, are based on the readings from these meters. In October the Joint Advisory Committee determined that a study performed by an outside consultant firm was desirable in order to insure the accuracy of the meters. The firm of Hirsch and Koptionak of San Diego, which has proven experience in similar studies, was invited to present a proposal for performing a meter accuracy survey for the joint agencies. At a meeting on October 13, 1976, a technical advisory committee met with Mr. Bill Koptionak 'to discuss the needs of the flow survey. Based on that meeting and a follow-up meeting on November 5, 1976, Hirsch and Koptionak submitted a detailed proposal for the testing of all flow meters within the system and at the Encina plant. At their November 24, 1976 meeting, the Joint Advisory Committee re- viewed the Hirsch and Koptionak proposal, which had been previously reviewed and recommended by staff, and directed the administrator to make the necessary arrangements to obtain the services described in the proposal. The cost of the meter study will be $6,500 which is within the funds allocated for outside consulting in the administra- tive portion of the approved Joint Powers budget. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that a purchase order be issued in the amount of $6,500 to the firm of Hirsch and Koptionak for flow meter analysis. C-:£-^t Les Evans, General Manager Encina Water Pollution Control Facility LE/wv COUNTY OFfMN DIEGO COMMUNITY SERVICES AGENCY Department of Sanitation & Flood Control C. J. KOUSON J Counly Operations Center, 5555 Overland Avenue, San Diego, California 92123 ..... Telephone: 565-5325 OCT 1>9/° REF: SFC. 7790 Hirsch § Koptionak 7850 Mission Center Court San Diego, California Attention: Bill Koptionak SUBJECT: Flow Survey for Encina Joint Powers Over the past months the owners of the joint Encina WPCF and Ocean Outfall Facilities have become increasingly aware of the need to be assured that all reported wastewater flow measurements are correct. Reliable data is important because each agency pays for 0 § M costs based on actual flow measurements, use of capacity rights or ownership of the facilities relates to flow and the sizing of the proposed Phase III Upgrading and Enlargement project is planned using present day flows as a base. The agencies are therefore considering the employment of an outside consulting sanitary engineering firm to make a flow survey. A preliminary scope of work for the survey should cover but not be limited to the following items: 1. Field check the installation, adjustment, performance, record of maintenance and method of reporting and recording flows for each meter. A) Vista - Palmer - Bowlus Meter Station B) Buena - Magnetic type meter at pumping station C) San Marcos 1. Sonic type meter at Pump Station No. 1 2. Magnetic type meter at Pump Station No. 2 3. " " " " " No. 3 4. Review special situation relative to the San Marcos Training Center Plant Hirsch !j Koptionak Page 2 D) Encinitas - Magnetic type meter at Moonlight Beach Pump Station E) Leucadia - " " " " Batiquitos Pump Station F) F.ncina WPCF 1. Propeller type meter measuring effluent quantity 2. Buena cutthroat flume type meter measuring Buena, San Marcos, and portion of Carlsbad flow 2. Independently verify flows being recorded and reported by above meters where feasible and significant. Methods to be used would include use of wet wells, installation of weirs with head recording device, and other innovative approaches. 3. Review and determine whether each agency is reporting equivalent dwelling units (EDU) in a standardized way. 4. Review and determine adequacy of each agency's record and reporting of EDU's relative to industrial, commercial, institutional and other unique wastewater contributors. 5. Develop a flow per EDU for each agency, based on a standard method of counting and comment as to the results obtained. 6. Recommend changes in method of flow measurement, if deemed necessary, including estimated cost. 1. Meet as required with staff of each agency and the County as the Operator of the Joint Facilities. 8. Prepare a report describing the observations, results of independent measurements, explain all data obtained, present conclusions, and make specific recommendations relative to all aspects of the survey/ study made by your firm. Hirsch 'fi Koptionak Page It may be desirable to carry out the proposed survey in two phases. First, a review of all records, field visits to all meter locations, a determination of methods and number of special flow measurements to be made by your firm, and all other background gathering required to adequately plan the remainder of the survey. Upon completion of this phase of the work a letter report would be prepared which would present all findings and outline the work yet to be accomplished, give a time schedule, and propose a cost for the services. Upon authorisation, the second and final phase of the work would proceed in accordance with the letter report and as otherwise directed. You are invited to present your response to this letter at a special Joint Advisory Committee Staff Meeting at 2:00 P.M. Wednesday, October, 13», 1976 in the conference room located at the Encina WPCF.- C. J. HOUSON / Deputy Director CBO:jc cc - Mr. Ronald Beckman City of Carlsbad HMi "'*: CONSULTING ENGINEERS November 12, 1976 NOV1 5 1976 CITY OF CARLSBAD Englnec-rlog Department Mr. Ronald A. Beckman Public Works Administrator City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: Flow Survey for Encina Joint Powers Dear Mr. Beckman: As the result of the meeting on November 5, 1976, between yourself, Mr. Les Evans, and the writer, this letter is intended to expand our letter of October 19, 1976 to the San Diego County Department of Sanitation and Flood Control, and to clarify some of the general factors included in that letter. 1. A field check on the installation, adjustment, performance, record of maintenance and method of reporting and recording flows for each of the following meters shall be made: ME.TER Vista Suena San Marcos San Marcos San Marcos Encinitas Leucadia Encina Encina TYPE AND LOCATION Palmer-Bowl us/Metering Vaul t Magnetic/Pump Station Ultra-Sonic/Pump Station No. 1 Magnetic/Pump Station No gnetic/Pump Station No gnetic/Moonlight Beach Magnetic/Batiquitos Pump Station Cut-Throat/Encina Treatment Plant Propel ler/Encina Treatment Plant a 2* 3 Pump Station * Attention will be given to the special situation existing at the San Marcos Training Center Plant. [-: NGINEERING" SYSTEM^ SUITE 101 « 7850 MISSION CENTER COURT : PLANNING « ECONOMICS SAN (jiEGO, CA a 92103 a 714 a 2-;3-7221 Mr. Ronald A. Beckrnan Page 2 November 12, 1976 At the pump stations, the meters will be tested during low periods of flow, usually during the early morning hours. The testing will include the operation of one or more pumps for a timed volumetric check, for as many times as will be possible to operate during one low flow testing period. The rneter totalizer will be read for each flow check. At least one, and preferably 2, personnel from the particular participant member's Operation and Maintenance Crews will be required to be present during this testing. Schedules for each test date will be worked out at a later date. The meters will have been prepared and calibrated by the Operation and Maintenance Personnel to a situation where the meters are in an optimum condition, prior to the testing. The Operation and Maintenance Personnel assigned to this work will cooperate in all respects with the testing Engineer The installation of the field testing equipment for the Vista meter will be accomplished during low periods of flow, also during the early morning hours of one testing period. The installation will include the cleaning of the stop-gate slots, by-passing the metering flume, cleaning the upstream and downstream channel sections of the flume,, the installation of a weir plate into the upstream stop-gate slot, the checking of the dimensions and elevations of the flume, and the setting of a head measuring device upstream from the weir. At least one, and preferably 2, personnel from the Encina plant will assist in this work, the weir plate will be provided by the Joint Powers in accordance with design sketches by the Engineer, and the head measuring device will also be provided by the Joint Powers. The checking rneter will be left in place for a period not ex- ceeding 43 hours. Both totalizers will be checked simultaneously during this period at various times; the recording charts will also be compared. A testing schedule will be worked out at a 5 HI&I5CH £* KOK*T!OPv!AK a CONSULTING ENGINEERS JUITE 101 ft 7S50 MISSION CENTER COURT a SAN DIEGO, CA a 921C8 a 714 * 299-7221 Mr. Ronald A. Beckinan Page 3 November 12, 1976 later date. The meter maintenance personnel will assure that the meter is in an optimum working condition prior to the test. The personnel assigned to this work will cooperate in all respects with the testing Engineer. 4. The Encina plant cut-throat flume will be checked during a period of low and steady flow, by discharging all of the flow passing through the flume into a known volume for a known period of time during one test period. The meter totalizer will be read during this period. Here too, the meter and tanks will be prepared to optimum conditions prior to testing, by the operating and mainte- nance personnel. Two plant personnel will assist the Engineer and cooperate with him in all respects. A testing schedule will be worked out at a later date. 5. The Encina plant propeller meter will also be checked during a period of low and steady flow through the plant. All other re- quirements pertaining to the cut-throat flurne will also be applicable for this meter. 6. A report will be prepared, describing the observations, presenting and explaining all data obtained, presenting conclusions, and making recommendations, including cost estimates, concerning all of the meters checked. Five copies will be submitted as preliminary copies, and 20 final copies will be provided. It is proposed that this work be provided at a lump sum cost of $6,500, and to be accomplished within one month after being formally advised to proceed. Sincerely yours, Wi 11 iam Koptionak Vice-President WK/pt riECH S KOPTfQMAK a CONSULTING ENGINEERS SUITE" 101 a rtrO MiSSiONI CENTER COURT a SAN DiFGO, CA a 92108 a 714 a 299-7221 "