HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-12-07; City Council; 4017; Certain Signatures for Federal Financial Aid- .CI i e 'CITY OF CARLSBAD -e AGENDA BILL NO. 40 /7 BATE : December 7, 1976 Initial: Dept . Hd. . ,. C, Atty.4 _I ,,; ,. ?.. DEPARTMENT : City Manager C. Mgr. 5 I Subject : COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CERTAIN SIGNATURES FOR FEDERAL FINANCIAL AID .Statement of the Matter A letter has been received from Unified San Diego County Emergency Services Organization requesting the adoption of a resolution updat the list of individuals designated to sign civil def.ense documents the City of Carlsbad. The resolution authorizes the City Manager as Director of Ernergencj Services and the Personnel Director as Deputy Director to sign appl and documents for purposes of obtaining financial assistance under Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950. Specifically, this pertains to matching funds. In that,the Council is the sole authority in budgc approval, the Council does have control over these expenditures. q authority to sign merely provides an expedient to administrative pr of applications for matching funds. This resolution and copies of them will be on file at the County, State and Federal offices of Civil Defense. Its enactment will fac emergency 2lanning and emergency services implementation. Exh'ibit 1. Letter from Unified San Djlego County Emergency Services Organi: dated November 8,- 1976. 2. Resolution No. 4d53 Recommendation: Adoption of Resolution ~o.yHS-3 . 'I. Council action 12-7-76 Resolution ik4.053 was adopted, authorizing certain indivia to execute applications and documents for the. purpose ob ing finan.cia1 assistance under the Fed'eFal Civil Defense sf 1950. I . .( t / -+ - .I 7 e e CHULA CARLSE Unified San Diego County Emergency Services 0,rganization CORONi COUNT' DEL MA EL CAJ ESCONL IMPERI LA MES 7939 JOHN TOWERS AVENUE 0 SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 448461 1 NATlOh OCEAN OFFICE .._. - -._ .-~-., 1.. . . OF EMERGENCY SERVICES ,I I .. , ' "", .. SAN Dl1 . I ._I SAN MA ,. . . ' , '+. .\ I\ VISTA . . . ... . .. ., ' .. 3, . I. .. . , ,-. . -:i ., ..j I November 8, 1976 .. .'. ,I .. .. ..*> j; 'X . -, .:_1 -. /I I\ , .,:- .. . ;.,. . ., " .,. 8; ' '. 'J ;;/' _- ~ Ta .-;I ",';,:' . ..- . . Mr. Paul D. Bussey City Manager 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. Bussey: A revtew of our records reflects that there have been several changes in city representatives designated to sign project applications €or financial assistance. For that reason we are requesting that you . check the below named individuals who are designated to sign civil defense documents for your city and replace or correct as necessary. David M. Dunne Lewis L. Chase Glenn E. McComas Robert C. Frazee To assist you in accomplishing the above, a sample resolution for adoption by YOUK city council is attached. Expeditious handling is requested to preclude any possible delays in processing applications and for receiving aid from Federal or State sources €or your city. If you have any questlons, please contact Mr. Mario Palomino of th.is office - phone: 448-4611. * Sincerely, / Donald w& - Hamilton, Mana.ger Office of Emergency Services Enclosure DTB ; ms \* 0 0 / i 1 RESOLUTION NO. 4053 . 2: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 " BE IT RESOLVED BY City Council of (Governing Body) City of Carlsbad f that the following named indiT (Public Entity) are hereby authorized to execute for and in behalf of The City of Carlsbad f a public entity established undc the laws of the State of California, applications and documc ended, (P.ublic Law 920, 81s. 1 assistance under the Fedc , PAUL D. BUSSEY, City Manage. (Typed name and title) , JEROME N. PIETI, Personnel (Typed name and title) "J 12 /I PASSED AND APPROVED -THIS 7 th DAY OF December I l3 14 -. ROBERT C. 'FRAZEE, Mayor , RONALD C. PACKARD, Councilma Ar ANTHONY J. SKOTNICKI, Counci (Name and title) (Name and title) l5 (Name and title) (Name and title) 16 17 18 19 NARY H. CASLER, Councilwoman , (Name and title) . /I CERTIFI """- (Name and title) CATION """ 20 iIf MARGARET E. ADAMS f duly elected E (Name) .. 21 City Clerk of City of Carlsbad 22 (Title) (Public Entity) do hereby certify that.the above is a true and correct cop; . 23 Resolution passed and approved by the City Council ' 24 (Governing Body) of City of Carlsbad, California 25 (Public Entity) 7th day of 'December f 1976 . 26 . 27 DATE: f / Mid 28 (Official Position SE.!!,iJ- 137- 1 SE3SP- 138- 1 @ a (9-75 j STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION STATE EDUCATIONAL AGENCi FOR SUULUS PROPERTY 721 Capitol Mall Sacramento, California 95814 Amendment No. f to Resolution The recipient agency agrees to pay service and handling charges due the State Agency on receipt: of invoice. Past due accounts will be subject to a 20% adciitionai charge on the unpaid balance due thirty days after a 90 day statement is mailed to recipient agency, I. ., City Manager x 4442"A Title Chief Surplus Property 1 September '12, 1975 < Date t Date J I 4 e" __I - " - . . . - - . . " . - -. ". . 4 . , . . - " - I - - . . . . . . - . . , . '7 : (:.<- . . - ." . - . . . . .. l.IlS~, u .* . UUAL*' .._ " r, - ,. - .- ,. r. RZS3GTTICX 1 76 9 COJBINATION OF ST:?PTS F30P3TY O'VER AN3 UN3m $2500 'dHEREAS9 by Pcbllc Lax 655, 8bth Congress (70th Stat. '1.93), the Federal Government has authorized the domtior, of su-qlus Federal property for civil defense purposes ; azd- '. TIJH%RE,:S, certaincorxlitions are imposed by the Cfflce of Civil De- forniaEisasterOffice, andthe State~~l;cztionalilgency for Surplus Property, in conriection with the acqulsitior, of such proprty; and ?ense, Region 7, the I)epzr-iumt 01 fealth Edwtion and Welfare, the Cali- W;E&~AS, the city p$x$& ol" CarPshad Calin; rr desires to establish its eligibility for such propert?; - ." IT IS 9 THZ?.3FORS, certi3ied that: I. It is a civil defense orgar,ization designated pwsuant to State law, within the rr,ear;ing of tke Federal Property and Adn2nistrative Services Act of 1949, as ame~ded, and the regulations of the Department of Sealth, Education and Welfare. 11. Property reqcested by ttis document is usable and necessary in tile State for civil defense ~WFOSZS, including research for any such purpose; is required for its own use to fill an existing need; arid is not, 'being acquired for any other 23s or pmpose, for use outside the State, or $01. sale. 111.. Funds are available to pay the costs of care and handling incident to donatiac,ir,cludingpac'kir.g, preparation far shLpping, logding, and Lransporting such property. THE ZOhiE HEXBY I?.G233S TO TX3 FOLiOWIEG TWZ'i AED CONDITIOXS: Io TERNS AND CONDITIOX5 APPTLICABiE TO ALL PROPERTY 9 REGARD-LESS OF ACQ-UISI- TION COST, COYAT32 Foil SIVIL DZT3XSE PURPOSES: A, Proyerty acquired by the dozee shall be an an "as W",' %-hers is'p basis, without warranty of any kind b Bo There W;,PI also be applicable such 0th~~' terms and ccrnditior,~ as are contained in the regulations of the Office of Civil Defense, Office of the Secretary of the Army, Part 1802 of Chapter NiII of Title 32 of the Code of Federal Repla-Lions, 11, ABDITIOXAL TERNS AND CCXDITPONS APPXCBE TO PROPERTY UvING A sI!%I,8 ITEX ACQUXSIT103 COST OF $2,500 6R NORg EQNATED FCB CIVIL DZFEXSE PURPOSES : A, All such property shaU be dls%sf'u&ed and, d-~rir~g %ne perlod of restriction, be groperlymintainedin good operationai coriditior m~CLOSmE I .* , . ."_. .. . I) - - . . . . " - - - - - - ._" .. k.,,,,', VU 4s. - ._- d., .. " . . . . . .. ' .I k:J 2. I and stored, or installed or utilized only as necessary to achieve a state of oper;tiocai readiness as reqGired by the civil defense mission assigned to the doneeiKaccordance with the civil defense operational plzns or" the State acd, where ?pplicable, local govern- ment (which are in cocsonance with national civil defense objec- tives, as now or hersafter amended), B. Except as otherwise expressly provided hereinbelow and unless and until expressly waived iE >citing by the Regional Director or" the Office of Civil Defense (OCD), on a case basis, "Le period of restriction for all items ofproperty donated having a single item acquisition cost to t'ce Federal Government of $2,500 OF more shall be four years from date of donation. The specific exceptions are as follows: I. Hotor Vehlcles, Federal Supply Classification (FSC) Group 23 -- for which a lxo-year period of restriction shall apply, 2. Itens of property ,donated having a unit fair value of $25.00 or nore but less than $2,500, fcr x%& :: cze yzzr ~erSnlr! c.f State restrictior? shall apply. 3. Aircraft (FSC Group 15), for which the special terms and con- ditions provided in the DESA Conditional Transfer Docuaec-k (Aircraft) covering the transfer shall apply, C. During the period of restriction, the property shall not be sold, traded, leased, loamd, bailed, encumbered, or otherwise disposed I of without the specific, prior, written approval of the Regional Director of OQ or the California Disaster Office- D. If, during the period of'restriction, property is no longer su.it- able, usable, orfurther needed forthepwpose for xhich acquired, the donee shall prorzptly notify t'ne OCD through the California Disaster Office and shall, as directed by the OCD, either: (1) re- transfer the property to such department or agency of the Ucited States of America or such other donee as may be designated, or (2) sell the property at a public sale. E. Ir, the event aEy of the terms and conditions set forth in this section are breached, all right, title and interest in the pro- perty involved, at the option of the Regional Director of OC3, shall revert to the United States or" America. In addition, where there has been an mauthorized disposal 01" improper use of any kind, the donee, at the option of the Regional Director of OCD, shall be liable to the United States for a11 damages, Where the property is not returned to t'ne UnLted States Government or where United States for any proceeds from tiis disposal or imprope- A use or for the fair market value or'rental value of the property at the time of such disposal, or improper use, at the option of and as determined by the Regional Director of CCD. property is improperly used, the donee shall be liable to the XKCT..OSTTRR T .. .. -. 0 " ~- "." . L,II.JX ,,,,*',' -.... e '' ' " .- 0 3. NUX, THE3EF02E9 IT IS RXSCLVE3 by -the City Council @@iXdterSrmp~- TXW~XZ) of ' said City (&xc,XF) tiat : Jack B. Arnold. Citv Manaaer and RajDh H. laughjjn. chief (Name ( s) and Off iciai Title ( s) ) ;-\ 9 (3, - yd fl143-4 +??..&d LJ, $!2&>.Li!i! (Sigmture ( s) ) P .(j shall be andishereby aut'norizedasthe representative of said City (j?gqp&x) to sign for and accept surplus Federaipro?erty, regardless of acquisitior, cost, in accordance with the conditiom imposed by the above agencies: and IT IS FUKEdZX RZSOLYZD ikat this resolution of authorization shall remain in full force arid effect until superseded or rescinded by resolution of this Council (Board) transmitted in duplicate to the California Disaster Off ice ; and IT IS FURTHE3 RESOiVFD that the Clerk or' this Coilncil @?X%%@ is hereby authorized 2nd directed to ser,d two (2) certified copies or" this resolution to the California Disaster Gffice, for fj-ling uith sa5.d Disaster Office and with the State Department of 3ducation. PASSED AND ACOFTE3 TXIS 4th day Qf Au 4 us t , 19m9 by the City Council (&y,~&~f~g~&gm> of tLe City (@mkx> of Car 1 s bad State of California, by t'ne following vote: AYES: Mayor Dunne, Cmn. Jardine, McComas, Castro ar NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ATTEST : .%&%?&-&& 2 City Clerk Margaret E. Adams 4mwr) @-%kwRx&B&%*%&2%q David PI- Dunne I, Margaret E, Adams 9 City kW@~k$) Clerk of the City (g%yj& going 1s a u ; true, and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the said '' ,Of.'cqrls a 8f!L , California, do hereby certify the fore- Council @&gx&) at a rpn 11 7 a p meeting thereof held. at its regular place of meeting at the the and by the vote above state$, which resolution is on file in the office of the said Council kx&). ,. City ,\ - ..,+-..55,1;", e":!?&; 3. 3$:cy.c.s;:~: r r" &NTY OF SAN DLGO @ INTER-DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE -_ - .. DATE March 14, I9 To: . Members of the Board of Supervisors ,? FROM: Office of Emergency Services .. Information Item re: LIFE Broadcasting System .. . The attached is sent for your information. The system was devised by OES Deputy Director Jack H. Duncan working with San Diego County's broadcast industry. Because of the concern over the lag in information to the pub13 in ihe 1970 Laguna Fire, the 1971 San Fernando Earthquake; and the €iosevil Train Explosion in 1973, and sparked by the On-Site Assistance program, Duncan sought an answer. 8is effectiveness in coordinating this mique, simple,. and no-cost-to-the. County system was reflected in his being the only deputy director of a lot civil preparedness organization to receive a Certificate of Commendation from the Defense Civil Preparedness Agency, The LIFE system is right now capable of operating in a limited way, It ir anticipated that it will be fully functional by late summer, LIFE can be activated within five to fifteen minutes. It gives our County the capabi: of having one voice speaking from our EOC over every radio and TV station the region. In the event that the Emergency Broadcast System were to fai: during a nuclear threat or national emergency, =will be used to keep I Diego County res5dents informed, Incoming information could be obtained 1 the State OES radio system, National Warning System landlines, Navy MAES, one of several other alternative communications systems in our EOC. You are each invited and urged to schedule a visit to the Unified San Die: County Emergency Operations Center. ..-+ _- . Ray &%f& E. PP ,Chief gputy Director YD "\1 PC.\,. \ . -,'L M. aON, Administrator Speci 1 Public Services Agency q. J REP :%yg CC: Chief Administrative Officer (Acting) Agency Administrators & Coordinators Members, Unified Disaster Council City Managers ... ppy%? P s3 MAR I975 s? L %/o/ 6% .. .. '1 ,. .. r. ..,.:. ' ' ':' . . .. m .* .. .- 4 \ .. 9 & e- m . m% tns 80 e. -0 om .=g 3 2 f? 3 *. 8 ' .* ' <_ .. .. . .)- ._' (Q .. .. .. .. .. .. ., Rn 3 . " * 55' *, 3 0 3 " -4- 0 ". .3 1 .: .. .. (D a) 0 3 a" d' cn F B 0 D) n A 2 .O e. a C' . .. cn '< 03 3 3 " 1 m - rn u -* \ .. _. - LIFE In :an Diego County 0 LIFE is a new concept in natural disaster warning and information t tried by the Unified San Diego County Office of. Emergency Services. It ut IZO R~U equipment, drawing on existing facilities for its mission. - .' Its acronym is taken from &if esaving Lnformation For Emergencies. is a brief non-technical description of LIFE, which uses the Emergency Brc System (EBS) transmitter as ik heart. ' San Diego County's EBS is located in the region*s underground emerl operations center in the Fletcher Hills section of suburban Santee. From during a natural disaster, a professional broadcast industry announcing tl sends the latest LIFE information over the EBS transmitter to special rec OR Mt . Sai Miguel and Mt . Soledad, Using tonal. coding, this receiver ac or captures, the Subsidiary Conmrunication Allocations (sub-carrier) frequ of KFSD-FM, KPBS-M, and KECR, whose transmitters are on the mountains. is a public broadcast station with studios at San Diego State University. operates on the assigned frequency of 89.5.mHz, while KECR is a non-come religious station on 93.3 mHz with studios in El Cajon. KFSD-M is a cla music station on 94.1 mffz, Their sub-carrier frequencies are dedicated t Office of Xmqgency Services during disasters, n;e LIFE messages of current public information can be received at broadcast stations on pre-tuned 'EM receivers. These receivers are de-mut tOMf coding and will be patched into the control room boards of all. part pating stations within the County and neighboring Baja California, Mexicc .station has +-he option of broadcasting directly, taping, or editing insta official information direct fram the EOC. -. - To provide as many back-up systems as possible, the FM stations w: auxiliary generators at their studios with diesel generators at their tri Four participating stations contribute to an announcerhiter poo: pool scheduling is coordinated by radio stations KCBQ and KSDO with trai: - LIFE procedures the responsibility of the Deputy Director for Public Edu and Training of the San Diego County Office of Emergency Services, - LIFE. The members of the pool are listed as Emergency Service volunteer The format includes Spanish langcage updates for the Spanish spea' citizenry of the region as well as those in adjacent Baja California, 0 due to legalities, the liaison with Mexico is cvmpletely uaofficial. .% . The system has received wide recognition already through a write- . the National Association of Broadcasters "A Broadcaster's Guide to Natur Disaster Planning." The Pentagon's Defense Civil Preparedness Agency IE expressed a great deal of interest in LIFE. California State OES is cor ushg it as a model for the rest of the state. The LIFE system can be activated during fire, flood, earthquake, ' other hazards of lesser potential frequency to the area- Those bvolvei will never be used. -. . 1. I .. \. .. .. .. , . \ !l&-uQ/q&~~L,L. -. c- (I ;.J ,e ,’,. ’* 1.1 p ’i 1 Unified Sam Emergency Senrig: 7939 JOHN TOWERS AVENUE 6 SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES 4aa 46 I I CARLSi CHULA CORON, COUNT DEL MP EL CAJ ESCON1 IMPERI LA ME5 NATIOb OCEAN SAN DII SAN MA VISTA November 7, 1974 TO : Designated Disaster Information Officers (DIO) FROM: Jack Duncan, Deputy Director Attached is a list of those designated to act as intermediaries uith the press shouZd a disaster strike their comunity. A copy has been sent to all electronic media news directors in our area. You vilZ receive shortly c1 questionnaire concerning your desires for the next aZi-&y Disaster Information Officer seminar scheduled for February 13, 1975. %nks for your continued interest and assZstance. Sincerely, w Jack Ti. Duncan Deputy Director &.J-i: l., ” !I U/q$ *. 0 TFR INFORMATION SOURCFS * Mr. Jack Duncan, Deputy Director Office of Emergency Services 7939 John Towers Avenue Santee, CA 92071 Home: 443-6336 , Business: 448-4611 or 448-2648 CARLSBAD Ms. Nora K. Gardiner 1200 Elm Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Business: 729-1181 CHUM VISTA Mr. Lawrence Wittenburg 276 Fourth Ave. Chula Vista, CA 92010 Business: 427-3300 CORONADO Chief Robert Shanahan Fire Dept. Coronado, CA 92118 ’. Business: 435-3318 Home : 435-9328 DEL MAR Ms. Nancy McAvoy Allen 201 15th Street Del Mar, CA 92014 Business: 755-9313 Home: 755-5555 EL CAJON Ms. Mildred Hensley 210 N. Highland Ave. El Cajon, CA 92020 Business: 442-4441 Home: 444-9712 1001 Sixth St, Captain Paul Graves El Cajon Fire Dept . 210 Highland ‘Ave . El Cajon, CA 92020 Business: 442-9403 ESCONDIDO Ms. Lina Hill 100 Valley Blvd. Escondido, CA 92025 Business : 745-2200 LA MESA Mr. Michael Huse, PI0 8130 Allison Ave. La Mesa, CA 92041 Business ! 463-6611 Home: 287-4191 NATIONAL CITY Assistant Fire Chief Richard Harrold 333 East 16th St. National City, CA 92050 Business: 477-1187 Home: 264-8828 OCEANSIDE Mr. Loren C. Whitney P.O. Box 776 Oceanside, CA 92054 Business: 722-8271 Home: 433-1629 SAN DIEGO Mr. George Story Ms. Jane E. Donley City Administration Bldg. Community Concourse San Diego, CA 92101 Business: 236-5554 SAN MARCOS Mrs. Sheila Kennedy 105 W. Richmar Ave. San Marcos, CA 92069 L Business : 744-4020 VISTA Ms. Jean Brooks 200 West Broadway Vista, CA 92083 Business : 726-1340 STATE OF CALIFORNIA Ms. Stephanie Bradfield California Office of Emerg P.O. Box 9577 Sacramento, CA 95823 Business: (916) 421-4990 s IMPERIAL BEACH Mr. George Ramos 825 Coronado Avenue Imperial Beach, CA 92032 R119inP44. L31-8’3nn * $+ 0 ALPINE Mr. Jack W. Close P.O. Box 548 Alpine , CA 92001 Business: 445-2646 Home: 286-4897 BORREGO SPRINGS Mr. John P. Prieskorn 3445 Country Club Lane P.O. Box 36 Borrego Springs, CA 92004 Business: 767-5335 Home: 767-3268 CAMPO Mr. Dwight R. Griswold Rancho Del Campo Campo, CA 92006 Business: 442-9991 Home: 449-4578 €REST Mrs. Charlotte Garrow 2141 Crest Drive El Cajon, CA 92020 Home : 444-4094 COAST Mr. Kenneth R. Boyer 750 Solana Circle Solana Beach, CA 92075 Home : 755-1388 FALLBROOK Mr. Robert G. Murphy P.O. Box 698 Fallbrook, CA 92028 Business: 728-1131 Home: 728-7245 JACUMBA Mr. William W. Ketchum Highway 80 Jacumba, CA 92034 Home: 766-4556 JULIAN Mr. A.B. Nida Julian Water District Office Julian, CA 92036 Home: 765-0120 LAKESIDE Dr. Robert Muscio P.O. Box 578 Lakeside, CA 92040 u-". /I 9 * nr, Q LEMON GROVE Mr. Hibbard C. Stubbs 6800 Mallard St. San Diego, CA 92114 Home : 264-107 6 PINE VALLEY Chief Fred Cox Pine Valley Fire Prot. District P.O. Box 308 Pine Valley, CA 92062 Business: 473-8445 Home: 473-8740 POWAY Mr. James Rose 13754 Vian Dr. Poway, CA 92064 Home : 748-3568 RAMONA Mr. Don B. Conklin P.O. Box 338 Ramona, CA 92065 Home: 789-1986 RANCHO SANTA FE Mr. David B. Dewey P.O. Box 845 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 SANTEE Mr. C.E. Pewtress 8108 Arlette St. Santee, CA 92071 Business: 448-2448 SPRING VALLEY Mr. H.E. Horton 8841 Valencia Dr. Spring Valley, CA 92077 Home: 469-4214 VALLEY CENTER Mr. Paul J. Lahr 13946 Woods Valley Rd. Valley Center, CA 92082 Home: 747-1809 r e a / Wnified San Diego County Emergency Services Organization 7939 JOHN TOWERS AVENUE e SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES 448 46 1 1 CARLSBl CHULA \r CORONA1 COUNTY DEL MAF EL CAJO ESCONDI IMPERIA LA MESP NATION) OCEANS' SAN DIE SAN MAF. VISTA San Diego County Trying New Alert System, It all started in December 1973 at the conclusion of an On-Site .Assi tance survey by California State Office of Emergency Services and Defense Civil Preparedness Agency--Region 7 personnel. The Unified San Diego County Office of Emergency Services (OES), thc disaster preparedness unit for that County and all of its 13 cities, was believed to be somewhat deficient in public infom'tion capabilities duri natural or man-made disasters. The OES deputy director responsible for public education and trainin answered the comment with a Disaster Information Officer Seminar held on February 14. Using Federal and State Public Information Officers and new media personnel as instructors, the seminar brought the problem home to designated Disaster Information Officers from 10 of the cities and four outlying Disaster Service Centers. Appearing,in order to bolster the im- portance of the subject,were DCPA--Region 7 Director Frances K. Kias and California OES Director Herbert R. Temple. With chat training cycle begun for staff personnel who normally Serm a different function, the next step was to do something about informing tl public directly. The County of San Diego is recognized for having an out- standing local government communications network with five mountaintop repeaters, coordinated fire, coordinated police, and coordinated "other government" frequencies. Its back-up control center, along with the Emer- gency Broadcast System, Station E, is located in the Emergency Operations Center(EOC), an unmanned, underground facility located some 15 miles east 0 a -2- of San Diego, In the event of a regional emergency, the EOC is activated by a trai staff of County employees plus radio amateurs, called RACES. It then ser as the data collection, disaster analysis, and intelligence center for th entire 4,200 square mile region. A meeting on April 3, 1974, called by the OES deputy director, broug the broadcast industry together at the EOC so they could see for themselv this vast news gathering tool, The OES staff posed the question, "What w we do with this official information? How can we use this information to save lives, prevent rumors, and conserve property?" Two FM stations, KECR in El Cajon and KPBS at San Diego State Univer volunteered the availability of their sub-carrier frequencies. These sta Subsidiary Communications Allocation transmitters, both located a few mil away on 2,600 ft. Mount San Miguel, could reach the two sub-carriers. In turn, these two (providing complete redundancy) would put that signal out anyone wishing to receive it on these special frequencies. The plan, as it is now envisioned, will be to use an encoderldecoder activate the subcarriers and the various pre-tuned receivers. In other K a receiver may set there year after year completely mute until "told" by coded tone to start providing disaster information. These receivers, pri pally for the use of all electronic news media to rebroadcast, edit, or o wise use at their own discretion, may also be installed in city managers' offices, mayors' autos, or by anyone else needing this information, inclu hospital administrators. The system can be used to directly inform not only the public, but a interested parties and uses existing equipment with minor modifications. The EBS broadcast booths, under the new plan, will be manned upon ac vation by an announcer and two writers assigned from one of the 20 statio 0 (I -3 - in the county on a rotating basis. Radio amateur (RACES) mobile units wi be dispatched to the two studios to provide two-way communications with t EOC. Auxiliary power for the studios will be obtained from surplus 5-KW generators. A single 37.5 KW surplus generator is being requested to pow both transmitters simultaniously. Back-up power may be obtained in the future from KCST-TV'S planned generator on the remote mountaintop. A tin delay automatic starter will be installed on the surplus generator. OES Deputy Director Jack Duncan, who is coordinating the project, es mated the total cost to the County at less than $1,000 exclusive of insta tion and wiring costs. As far as can be determined, this is a first-of-its-kind program for the dissemination of official and instant information directly to the pub using FM sub-carrier frequencies and electronic multi-media. The next planning session is scheduled for May 8. Progress reports, formats, rotational "duty" lists, and an industry coordinator will be amc the items on the docket, One name being considered for the system is LIF for Lifesaving Information For Emergencies. Another is NDBS for Natural - Disaster Broadcasting System. On-Site Assistance can lead down many paths bringing forth unknown vistas. a I/ # # ,. f+ w w i~ I j CARLSBAD OES DISASTER DRILL PLACE OF DRILL: Carlsbad ,High School Football Field DATE: Apri 1 25, 1974 TIME; 1O:OO A.M. The primary point for all participants to remember during this exercist is to repeat throughout communications that "THIS IS A DRILL", wheneve1 they think it is necessary during communications with various agencies PARTICIPANTS will include approximately 42 drama students to enact casualties with moulages provided by Camp Pendleton. Approximately be sure all victims have been acknowledged. PARTICIPATING AGENCIES: CARLSBAD Fire and Police Departments CARLSBAD OES Officer Jerry Pieti and Assistant biora Gardiner, as Press Relations Officer at Command Post. ENCINITAS Fire Department STATION "X" (Echo I) 24. p. E. students - 12 as stretcherebearers and 12 to skim the area to SAN DIEGO COUNTY OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SEPVICES - Jack Duncan - Public Relations for this exercise. COAST GUARC (He1 icopter) SHERIFF I S DEPARTMENT (He1 i copter) CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL CORONER'S OFFICE OCEANSIDE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL PALOESAR HOSPITAL SCRIPPS HOSPITAL CHALET AMBULANCE SERVICE OCEANSIDE FIRE DEPARTMENT (Ambulance) CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTYENT (Ambulances) SAN DIEGUITO FIRE DEPARTMENT (Ambulances) AMBULANCES AND HELICOPTERS Chalet Ambulance Service will provide two (2) ambulances; Carlsbad wil provide two (2) ambulances I San Dieaui to will provide two (2) ambulant and Oceanside Will Provide one (1 ) ambulance. Total of seven (7) ambulances in service. It was agreed that a maximum of three (3) victims be transported in ea( ambulance to insure first aid en route, per ambulance run. The Vista Fire Department has offered a back-uP unit which can transpol one (1) victim. This would only be dispatched' upon request. The Coast Guard helicopter will be used for transporting victims. The Sheriff's helicopter will not transport victims but will be used for transporting necessary medical supplies. ETA from Gillispie Field - 15 to 20 minutes. TRI-CITY HOSPITAL , - .,..>."'. .. "" "_. .-. -.. DRILL April 25, 1974 Page 2 w W TRANSPORTATION AND DESTINATION Tri-City Hospital - Ambulance - Twelve (12) victims - 4 anlbulances or 2 ambulances & 1 Oceanside Community - Ambulance - Twelve (12) victims- 4 ambulances or Hospital 2 ambulances & . Palomar Hospital - Ambulance - Six (6) victims - 2 ambulances Scripps Hospital - Coast Guard Helicopter - Six (6) critical victims - Carlsbad Station Wagon - Nine (9) ambulatory victil Red 1 ights and sirens are not too be used in this exercise and ambul an' traffic comunication en route to the hospital should be minimized. THE SCENE AND MECHANICS OF THE DRILL The scene of the drill takes place at the Carl sbad High School where a1 airplane crash will occur at a designated point on the Football Field. 40 to 42 bodies will be scattered in the vicinity of the plane crash. Carlsbad Police will be at the scene and police representative, Rossal will dispatch calls to the Carlsbad Fire Department and request the Sheriff's Helicopter, through the Encinitas Fire Department who will call Station "X", and medical supplies. When the Carlsbad Fire Depart1 arrives at the scene, they will request the Coast Guard Helicopter, Ca fornia Highway Patrol, Sheriff's Department for assistance in crowd control , a-fter which a Command Post .wi 11 be .estab1 ished. Through the Encinitas Fire Department, who will communicate to Station "X", hospit will be put on alert. Station "X" wi 11 contact Tri-Ci ty Hospital , Oce side Hospital , Palomar Hospital and Scripps Hospital to alert them tha emergency victims wi 17 be taken to each of the hospitals. Other hospi which may be needed will be alerted and reauested to stand-by. The Na Hospital at Camp Pendleton or Fallbrook Hospital could be used in the event one of the other four hospitals can not participate in the event a real emergency. Station "X" operates 24 hours a day. The victims W be checked for nature of insjuries and will be taken to a designated ce point of departure and wi 11 be evacuated accordina to seriousness of injuries. After each victim has been checked, a banner will be placed beside the body indicating the seriousness of injury prior to their being moved to "central point" for transportation to the hospital. St from the P.E. class at the high school, who will be wearing yym shorts will be utilized. as stretcher-bearers and others from the P.E. class w skim the accident scene to reassure that all victims have been acknowl There will be approximately 6 deaths involved in this drill. Station I' through the Enonitas Fire Departmentwill call Coroner'at request of C Each hospital will do its own evaluation of performance during the dri as wi 11 each Agency involved. It was understood that if a real emerge occurred which required communication by Station "X", this exercise wo be temporari1.y suspended. The indication that a disaster has struck will be a smoke pot of oil, ’. CARLSBAD OES DISASTER W DRILL April 25, 1974 Page 3 w POINTS OF CONCERN It was pointed out by a nurse from Palomar Hospital that there are NO NUEROSURGEONS IN THE TRI-CITY AREA - Head injuries should go directly to Scripps Hospital. ALSO, NO BURN UNIT IN THIS AREA. Victims could received first aid in No. County and then be transported to a hospital where there is a Burn-Uni t. University Hospital in San Diego has a Burn-Unit but there appeared to be some question regarding a helicopter landing pad being near the hospital. Descre- tion would have to be used as to the degree of the burn to determi ne whether first-aid should be provided in the Tri-City area or the victim transported directly to a Burn-Unit. FOR INFORMATION ONLY It was reported that Senator Alan Cranston’s personal physician will be observing the drill at the high school. He is a staunch supporter of the OES and drills of this nature. VISUAL AID . - . ”_... ...... ,__ -.... .”... ...... vi? FAX y sr& EE 7- ... .... \/” I, Police for .’ p.. crowd control , SliP.E,IS:L’ &S‘> & direct ambulances j &+pq; Qj i 5, =” \ i q, ... . I” j \. i : \--/”, XAmbulance staging area ai h., 2; XXCen tral Poi n t 4:‘ ., * ’. ~ f 4;. 5. +“- t! ,K {Kf . ?? . ._ . :. ,,x i - \! 3, c>--.. , , & i ,:?+fi 4 $> ;! g &/ffg.:r ., , i H E’ -I :at% c cg??&. j ;-- ” .. . .~, $\ -./’ LEGEND “p Central Point - Banner - Dri 11 Participants - Jackets Command Post - Banner - Victims - Dead - Banner - Victims - Critical - Banner Victims - Seriously injured - Banner Victims - Ambulatory - Banner qhtlb“ttec‘ ’Iv- “\‘Clan Y 1 - LI w w 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. - 8. 9. -10. Il. I?ho will give the initial call. ..end to ~hm? . Principal's Office, Carlsbad High School to Carlsbad Fire Departme] Bo~r will the area of the fire be indicated? By a smoke pot. WTO will call statlon ":if'? Carlsbad Fire Department - -2 .(-J*& /L G3-J .- " z4p e&J&&s '. l<E~o will direct traffic/? Also croxd ccntrol? Carlsbad Police Deparmznt, aided by Sheriff and CHP- Wno will establish cm.zEd post? Kiqere? XO:J nariced? &&&x& Carlsbad Fire Department. Near the scene. With a flag, Who should appoint the Triege yea? How many cn teax? Carlsbad Fire Ghlef. Tnree, st least. AOG7 much first aid should triage ?eo?le zdE.,inister? Just enough to enable the patient to live through ths anbulance IGkt color tEgs will be used by triage tean to izdicate degree 04 2 Xmediate - Delayed - 5iinim-m Red y &u-e id 71- i..+tZ , -. I.Tfiat color tzg to io6icate. dead body? ., @?a= & .,: FTno will .,xotify the? Corqn&rls office? . Station X St%o will direct z.a.'oulazces into the scer.e erez? - Carlsbad Fireman-appointed to do so. 12 ;. $&ere will the a~.btllance stagirg 2rea be? ~ Near the scene.' .. 13; Kho wilf call Coast G-ard?. How? Station X, Qitder direction of t5e sceoe ccmaader. 357 radio, 14-. Llil1 ++Tents be gsthered z? a cextrzl poinc before golng to.a hosp rL Pes 15 * ?Ti0 57iI.L direct zzuulances 2s to ;.;?a~ hospitzl they take patients c Fireman ap?ointed to do SO. 15. \cqo wiI.1 call for tte Sheriff's k~liccpter? ,&,' ~&&4a'&f& - j25e . . Sserigf on sceni, - ,&e&p i7: fiiI.1 8 r;lanpGwer pool be gst~bli~?4? :\Z~ZT.G? Yes ~ -At: cmLand post. - && 4- .u C-4C@@Ad .. 13 - T,;hO ?.Ji11 C.211 hoSpit2lS? - .. =ation X TJjLll alert. A3bulSnc-s on tF2e<r ~;ay ~i'if call, -A b 19. 74 t.:"no will notir'y the Carlsbad Sit.; 32113 chief Anear -- * & ,'@ - 2 0. How will anbtlla-ces replzcc their firsf aid su>p-." f irS? CZS vi11 buy $/d* @ + cWn.A.dU+L 21. Have Serkesnt Saitl-r info'hed th5t ihb, drama' s'tudent.~ are urged to tv'~ old clothes, which nay be torn a bit during the exercise, ... - .. .' v EL will. inform him. .. .. 22. Who is going to pick up the victims and bring then, back to CarfsSad .. ;' a* - &.&CJ.?.- Each hospital staff.- ohc~-"- 23, Will th2 hospitals please feed eb2 victim lunch? &+ -e. . -1 24, Ask the'victins to be sure 2nd return nouLages to Carfsbad E:S, Sergeant Smith should, do this, : v ... ... .. .. . ....... , ;. i-; .> ...... ....... .. J ..z. 4 -L ,' "'. ;.". .> - .. '' .. I. J . f. .J, . < 25 .. Who will provide evaluatiort at. th2 scenZ,? "-.... &&'p +#A - \d /zAcu!%& I Cdr. G.;Faas~,'kamp Pendleton Medical Cer,ter ,'- 2.6; t;ko will. provide ptlblic relations for the exercise.? -c .F Jack Duncan,', County OES , : ..I.._ \. .. t. = ..~ . .. .. .. 27. .C&o will be appointed Press Relations Officez at the Cmmznd Post? 1. *y % F~ a The firman in the checkered helmet.- .. L .. 2 .. .* ,. .. ., . .... .. .. ... I ..* ... , .... .. .. a. , .. 4' , , J J ... .... .. ...... .. ~ .. .. . _. . ,. . .I .> . .. .. .. .. .. ,. .. .?,. ' , - . I. .,, . . ,_ .JJ ._I '. ,_ ., J. . .. ,, ....... _L '. ' .. . /. . -. . , J, . I ., , _I .4 . 7 . .__ , .. .. , I, ~. .. ... >. ... ... j ... ._ ,_l ' J , . a . .. .. d .. -. . .: i . -- ... 1 '. '. , ,. ,.i. 'd ., , I) .. .. .. ..... .. ..... ... ..I .. I : ... . , .. ., . 0 -. -.. - ... .. .... 0 unifie dr san diego county from: OFFICE of EMERGENCY SERl 7939 John Towers Ave., Santee, CA 92071 RELE*qE: Tmmediately Contact: Jack Duncan, Deputy Director 448-4611 Home: 443-6336 personnel from other jurisdictions, the exercise is extremely valuable," --more-- e w -2-2-2-2-2-2-2 .. said Robert Lacy, OES deputy director. He explained that only by actually moving through the steps of a majc disaster can this type training assure effectiveness in the event of a real disaster. Units from San Dieguito, Solano Beach, Encinitas, Carlsbad, Oceansid Del Mar, and Vista participated in the exercise with fire, resuce, ambulanc and police, men and equipment. The California Highway 'Patrol and the San Diego County Sheriff's Office participated with traffic and crowd control under the coordination of Carlsbad Police Captain W. D. Rossall. Medical triage evaluation was under Commander C. Maas of the Camp Pendleton Naval Hospital. -30- w w Unified San Diego County Emergency Services 0,rganization 7939 JOHN TOWERS AVENUE 0 SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES 448461 1 CARLSBA CHULA VI CORONAL COUNTY ( DEL MAR EL CAJOP ESCONDIL IMPERIAL LA MESA NAT\ONA' OCEANS11 SAN DlEG SAN MAR1 VISTA May 24, 1974 FROM: Jack H. Duncan, Deputy Director Public Education and Training To: Nora K. Gardiner Designated Disaster Information Officer City of Carlsbad We .feel that the first DIO Seminar held at our Emergency Operations Center was very successful. In fact, it has received nation-wide recognition through an article pub- lished in "Foresight", the official magazine of the Penta- gon's Defense Civil Preparedness Agency. In order to continue what is believed to be a good thing, a second seminar has been scheduled for August 21, 1974, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at our EOC. This will include some input from professionals in the public information field, some input from you DIO's, and lunch on us, We'll be sending you some materials pertinent to disaster information in the near future. Feel free to contact me if I can be of service. 2' e.9 , ,i' x?c. r': 'L- Enclosure i.' i 1 I i 1 I I ! E=m I ! i i At both State and iocal levels, efforts are being made in California to bridge the gap between the news media and the government so that both can work more closely together in getting accurate information to the people in a disaster. The California Office of Emergency Services is spearheading a Governor’s Earthquake Council Task Force on Public Information and Education. And at the local level, the Unified San Diego County Office of Emergency Services has conducted the first Disaster Information Seminar ever held by local government in the State. j I 1 i 1 1 i I ; I 1 I I I Aim Is To Help the People I The efforts of these two groups will result in the 1 development of an Emergency Information Annex to the 1 California Emergency Plan, and provide guidance ‘for both 1 accurate, authentic, and timely information to the public in i the crucial early hours following a disaster. STATE ACTION - The Governor’s Earthquake Council I Task Force on Public Information and Education is chaired ! by Leo McElroy, a prominent Los Angeles broadcaster who is serving his second consecutive term as Chairman of the i I California Associzted Press Television and Xadio j Association. The Task Force includes key news direcrors from the Caiifornia broadcast industry and representatives j from Federal and State agencies. Hzrbert R. Temple, Jr., Sirector of the Ca!ifmnia Office : of Emergency Services, said the objective of the Task Force j is. to develop an emergency public information and j education program which will be coordinated with the j broadcast media. This includes a continuing effort to have j public service earthquake emergency spot announcements i broadcast on all California radio and television-stations. I government and the news media to use in disseminating 1 !. Procedures To 3e Established i The Task Force will recommend the best methods to : disseminate accurate emergency information and : instructions, such as where survivors should go for first aid and medical attention, for mass feeding, clothing and ~ housing, location of shelters, evacuation routes, schooi i information, weather and river Forecasts, how relatives can . I be relocated, availability of utility services, and how food and water can be-decontaminated. ! w . .. By VERNE PAULE I DCPA Region Seven The State Task Force has discussed the need f Information Center in the event of a disasre certain government buildings have been des Disaster Field Offices where newsmen could Federal and State officials in gathering accurate information for the pu:tAic. The Task Force has held two meetings to datt to have definitive State guidance developed by t for use by governmental agencies and the news IT LOCAL ACTION - In February, the San Dit Office of Emergency Services conducted the government-sponsored Disaster Information Sr in California. Representatives of 10 local jurisc four supporting services participated along with and State and Federal government people. William 8. Marty, Director of San Diego OE Duncan, his Deputy Directdr for Public Educatil the dialogue among locally designated Disaster ! Officers, news media representatives, and Feder government information officers. Follow-Up Txaining Planned The local Disaster Inforrnation Officers are who have had no previous professional experience. They include assistant city cierks, administrators, and representatives of city PO departments. Follow-up training sessions are these local Disaster Information Officers. The San Diego seminar included presentatior Information Needs and Functions in a Dis, Importance of the Emergency Public Informa “Day-To-Day Tips on Public Information, Public Information Roles of State 5 Governments in a Disaster.” News media rt describsd how they operate in a disaster when station news director put it, “We must I decisions.” Director Marty pointed out that .the Dis: was the direct result of an OnSite Assistance ! Diego, invoiving the Region Seven P Preparedness Agency and the Cdiforni Emergency Services. OnSite Assistance is effort of Federal, State, and local oftkid improve a local disaster preparedness program OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES 0 0 7 El 0 td N VI fl 1 M *PI * s 'E m Q) 0 4 h 0 El Q) & k ii 8 6 w i? 0 cs 0, 4 A El aa m a Q, ccr .rl 'i3 5 u \% i w NORTH COAST EXERCISE EMERGENCY SERVICE' (714) 4484611 THURSDAY, APRiL 25, 1974 - fi m 0, d, z U 0 LL -I a V - w' W c @ Dr. Lynn L. Davies, Principal, Carlsbad High School Mr. Jerry Pieti, Deputy City Manager, Carlsbad Mr. Cliff Shaw, Building Inspector, Oceanside Capt. Roy Williams, Sheriff's Department Capt. John Putman, California Highway Patrol Mr. Robert R. Hively, County Communications Department Mr. Dewey Baggett, Executive Vice President, Hospital Council Chief Girard W. Anear, Carlsbad Fire Department Chief,Carlsbad Police Department Chief James A. Fox, Rancho Santa Fey Solana Beach Fire Protection Di Dr. Sylvia Micik, Emergency Medical Services Department Chief Richard P, Shand, Encinitas, Leucadia, Cardiff Fire Protection Chief William E. Tripp, Del Mar Fire Department Chief Jack E. Rosenquist, Oceanside Fire Department Mr. Jack Olpin, Administrator, Tri-City Hospital Mr. Roderick McLeod, Administrator, Palomar Hospital Mr. Martin Berkeley, Administrator, Oceanside Community Hospital Cdr. Frank Olson, U.S. Coast Guard Mr. Jay D. Johnson, Deputy Coroner, San Diego County z a In 6R-Z Exercise Date/Time: Thursday April 25, 1974, 1O:OO AM - Noon Location: Carlsbad.High School, Carlsbad w z > 3 Simulated Event: Small aircraft, forced landing; 30 casualties w Actions for: Law enforcement - direction and control at scene =l Fire Service - fire suppression, first aid, communical z" In K 11 triage" Communications - test of all affected systems Ambulance - transport of casualties Sheriff helicopters - delivery of support medical SUP] personnel 0 I- I m Hospitals - emergency room treatment z ri m Planning Coordination: County Office of Emergency Services (OES) m b Scene Evaluation: County Emergency Medical Services, Health Care A, Your Response: Please approve and arrange for either you or your 1: to participate in an exercise discussion on Thursday, April 4, 1974 at Carlsbad High School (3557 Monroe Street). Background. This is one of a series of training exercises that are several other areas countywide. The purpose is to carry out an ann of local area exercises that pull together the apparent emergency s Obiectives. I 1. Conduct learning and test exercises 2. Find out what response actions may need to be fixed or OVE e e '. 3. Provide multi-jurisdictional coordination for responses in addii 4. Assist hospitals and the ambulance system by generating casualt: to law and fire mutual aid. requiring transport and hospital care. County Office of Emergency Services Liaison Deputy Director: Robert E.' Lac) Proposed Schedule of Events fl April 4, 1974 Thurs. 10-noon #2 April 23, 1974 Tues 10-noon #3 April 25, 1974 Thurs. 10-noon #4 May 2, 1974 Thurs. 10-noon 1st Planning Meeting Carlsbad High School 2nd Planning Meeting Carlsbad High School Exercise event Carlsbad High School Critique Meeting on exercise, Carl.sbad High School K Wm. B. Marty Chief Deputy Director Emergency Services Organization March 25, 1974 ,, " I 0 ~. u 0 """. ..~" C- UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK CORPORATE BANKING CENTER. 1315 THIRD AVENUE * SUITE 310 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 *TEL.714/232-6961 Honorable David M. Dunne March 1, 1974 Mayor of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mayor Dunne: I continue to represent the City of Carlsbad on the O.E.D.P. Committee of San Diego. Enclosed is a communication which solicits possible pro- jects for the Title I program. Please advise if you desire any projects to be submitted. Sincerely, G.S. Browne, Jr. Corporate Banking Officer Encls. e 0 BOARD JACK W FIRST I: DICK 61 SECONL COSWNTP, QF SA D I E G! 0 y::c PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1600 PACIFIC HIGHWAY 'yQ;' 'AN DIEGO* CAL'FORNIA 92101 8 TELEPHONE 1714) 236-2001 LEE Tp ELMER H. KESHKA FIFTH I February 26, 1974 - PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATOR COUNTY FRANK To: Members, OEDP General caarmittee ADVANCE NOTICE OF PmIFJG OEDP - At the time of this writing, a fh date for the caning O~P mhg has IX bee.n Set. It s-d occur in late Mar&. Hcwever, 1 believe it imp-rkat to get sane ideas ad informtion to you ahead of tim. 1, Please notify me if there are any additional projects you wish to have the camnittee consider for its annual uNate of the OEDP &pxt. 2. Review the attached propsed addition to the project listing for Ccxmmity Health Care Center. 3. Election of New (3xkm.n. Bill Diekinson resignd since the last meeting. 4. Discussion of Efr- Conriqce's letter of September 10, 1973 5- m r-es that the Annual' Progress &pE be mttd by March 31, Staff is preparing that report now. If there are any other items you wish to cwer, please contact me (236-2001: MI%HAEL SHONTZ, JR. ' "iistrative Assistant / MS :bpp Attachmnt ? 2. ?&&L COn-rikZTL T&E &TTW(CCd PRaJ=7 Drscgi?Tlbe "+ai;2ecs -R nwfl ?QaJLCT ($y&(c.& YbG uls* '(a 32 IrortuDzo UQ TAC&&Vb 3 N" (-J tC tf rS (63 CoQkm \, s'p\a &I, ?fbJScT-!3 (3 cu "a7 LLST (u.G Q t L(" p& p3crP,Mdr'~CAcL~ ecrs~=aa~a [ &T ll a)<co 69&TtO (a- *NB a 0 OEDP PROJECT 3UMMARY Project Name: Md.ress/hcatian: Applicant Nane: pddress : Project Description and Purpose: h, ~~ ~ "~~ ~~ -~ ~ ~~ ~~ Rxpest€d EDA Grant R.maing: Other Fund Sources: ~~~~ ~~~~ Total EstiTMted Project Cost: Rdocation Costs (of existing occupants) : Estimated Dates for (Xmpletion of: - Preliminary Drawings: Engin" Report: Final Plans & Specifications: Time Span for Irrq?lmmtation : N~TE Principal Financial Institutions in kea (City) : Identify the atstanding Debts of the Applicant (including Revenue Bonds) : Did Applicant ever Efault on Debt Repayment? I dl~~~rojeflrmnar~ 0 0 Page I€m is Local Share to be Finmcd? ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~-~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ Is Interim Funding Available? Describe econcgnic impact of project in tm of benefits to cdty ~loym invesbnent, capital inprmments, social gains, industrial ccmnibnents, locat2 of pockets of unemploymnt, etc. - ~~ ~-~ ~~~ ~~ -~ ~ Describe general nature of econcBnic developat in the area. What efforts ar made by applicant, chmnbers of Ccmnerce, ~conanic &velopent Association, el encourage development? What is ccxmumiw attitude towards gr&? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~- ~ ~ ~~ Has applicant had any previous involvement with EDA? If so, briefly descrik "~-~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ &e there any significant problems forseen in accmplishing this project onc funding is arranged? ~ -~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ canpleted by: Title : Date: a 0 ". .. _- JACK W FIRST I DICK B EQUNTY OF SAN PEG0 y:: SECOHI PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1600 PACIFIC HIGHWAY J'~o,,"R" SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92101 TELEPHONE (714) 236-2001 LEE TP ELMER H. KESHKA PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATOR February 26, 1974 FIFTH I - COUNT' FRANK To: PmiberS, OEDP Genaal cclrrmittee In its meeting of October 9, 1973, the OEDP General Ccarmittee directed staff to inform eacn member who has missed mre than one ccarmittee meeting of the importance of active atterdance at the General conanittee metings. Since this includes all but two members, 1 am sending this generalyzed ratin.de to each of the diverse camnunity interests which OEDP Wttee makers serve sbuld be represented. The role which OEDP General Mttee is to play in the caning mnths of critical econmic activity is not clearly defined. It will never be if attendance is poor. The OEDP correnittee -,has the-potentid. .to be the significant advisory body in San Diego county in the area of its econcsny. What it is to be, actually is up to the mttee members. all canmittee ItEmkers. This caning xE&irlg is iTprbnt and - MICHAEL SHONTZ. JR. ustrative 'Assistant Ms:bpp e \ . J +e . 0 CENTRO DE SALUD DE LA COMUNIDAD D SAN YSIDRO .a .. .. w COMMUNITY HEALTH'CARE CENTER 4004 BEYER BLVD. P. 0. BOX 43-H SAN YSIDRO, CALIFORNIA 92073 428-4463 . October 19, 1973 Mr. Michael Shontz, Jr. Office of the Program Development Administrator County of San Diego Program Development Agency 1600 Pacific Highway San Diego, California 92101 Dear Mr. Shontz: Please consider this letter as our application to the San Diego County Overall Economic Development Program Committee for grant funds under Title of the Public Works and Economic Development Act, in the amount of $261,0C for land acquisition and construction of additional building space for the Centro de Salud de la Comunidad de San Ysidro. The Center is a non-profit organization funded in the main by the Departme of Health, Education, and Welfare with the University of California, San I of Community Medicine, School of Medicine, and provides comprehensive heal care services to a registered membership of 7,300 patients. As of 3anuarJ 1974, the Center will separate from the University of California and will become its own grantee. The Center qualifies' under the approved San Diego County Overall Economic Development Program in all its specifications mder the following criteriz as the grantee agency. The Center operates under the auspices of the Dep; A. The Center is located in San Ysidro, California, within the Mode' Cities Area 6 and within the Economic Deveiopment Act designated area of San Diego County. 4, B. San Ysidro has the highest unemployment rate in San Diego County C. The Center employs San Ysidro residents. Presently, out of 65 .A employees, 55% reside within the target area. D. Population of 9,000 in San Usidro is predominantly Mexican-Ameri E. The Center is a labor intensive organization. ' ,* ."""I .page Two. 'a" e F. The Center is legally empowered to undertake programs related to .care as stated in the Articles of Incorporation, under Section A, "(a) The specific and primary purposes of this corporation (i) to provide physical and mental community health services by direct medical assistance at outpatient clinics or by referral to county or community hospitals; (ii) to provide health education (iii) to provide health oriented community activities, and . . (iv) to provide health orientation and training for youth, direc towards employment in health services, all for the underprivilege of the San Ysidro rural area." G. The Center is authorized to disburse federal monies. H. The Center is an Internal. Revenue Code 501-C(3) tax exempt organi and is also exempt by the California. Franchise Tax Board. For the year 1974, the Center proposes to assume responsibility for a lzrg geographical area to include needy residents of neighborhoods contiguous with our present service area. It will represent an increase in registere membership of patients from 7,000 to 10,000. The present building was des to house approximately 7,500 patients and presently operates at maximum cal If awarded the requested funds, the Center will be able to further the objectives of the Economic Act of 1964 under the following: A. Will be able to employ 30 more people from the local area. B. Will provide for educational opportunities and professio'nal advanc C. Will be able to expand in the area of clerical and secretarial, health related, custodial and maintenance work. ' . D. Will create additional long-term employment of members of low incc families. E; Will improve the overall economic stability of the area. F. Will also provide for health care services for a number of people othe-mise would not be able to afford it. We look forward to your favorable consideration of this application. Shod any additional information be required, let us know at once. MI@ r better health, A ministrator * i- riel Arce GA: cos cc: G. Tunison F. Solis Board Members Administrative Staff c* 7. eRAIN CONRIQUE AND ASSOClATe BUSINESS AN0 MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT AND SERVICES 2025 AINSLEY ROAO SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92123 TELEPH6NE: 716-217-3763 September 10, 1975 Mr. Michael Shontz, Jr, Administrative Assistant OEDP General Cormittee Progran Development Agency 1600 Pacific Highway Sa Diego, California 92101 . COUNTY OF SUI DIZGO Dear Eke: I Thank you for the ' information about the designation of San Diego County as a Title I area by EDA and I would like to make the following comments regarding your Septenber 4 memo : 1, I would suggest that a temporary task force of no more than 4 or 5 of the members of the general com- mittee be formed and assigned the task of review- ing the present make-up of the general comittee, analyze the attendance record of the present mem- bers, recommend nembers that should be deleted, and suggest additional raembers to be nominated. should have a chairaan and vice-chairman selected by the sub-cozmittee merabers and that those per- sons, together with the chairman and vice-chairman of the general co-amittee, be constituted as the Executive Codttee of the OZDP. 3. Pending further review for updating of the current OEDP report, I would like to suggest that conside- ration be given to including the progosed refuse processing plant in South Bay, and its site reql~re- ments, inthe group of Srojects proposed to be sup- ported with the original &3OO,OOO increment of EDA funds. Besides being a raodest job generator, if my understanding is correct, this processing plant would promote further establishnent of indus- trial facilities in a presently undeveloped site, dizinish the demands on land-fill refuse sites, and aid in the development of ne3 and clemer techno- logy for the processing, reclairaing and recycling of trash materials. 2. It would seem appropriate that every sub-cormittee EC: eac Yours truly, / ADVANCED PLANNiNG SALES -&?? CON T R 0 L ~:~~~?&= .I pR (I "V7 wm- - --- - ' c. VW" E#lw6y cars ~AiiteF0 bMtb l?fb4A4;6Es a Wiim6r QcRB 1- J laabV&*~ L31, 'W .. . . . . . . . . - - . Bank of America 1974 Forecast (Summary). Long term solutions to energy needs wil require 3-5 years to produce results. Imports of oil from the Middle East will support a GNP growth of $100 billion (8% increase), with 3/4's of this gain due t inflation, and only 1/4 a real increase in goods and services....Consmer spendin will increase by 7%, down from 11% in '73 ....Savings rate will approach 8%, up fr less than 6% in '73 .... Savings rate increase in '74 will result from slower growt in Consumer installment credit that's associated with lower consumer sales. .. . Gasoline shortage could dampen 10.5 million automobile unit sales anticipated for 1974 (down from 11.5 in '73) .... Fewer new housing completions will dampen demand for furniture and appliances....Residential construction spending will be lower in 1974. Housing unit starts in '73 were 2.1 million, but for '74 anticipate . 1.7-1.8 million....Federal spending will be up about 12% in '74 and include anti. cipated defense spending increase of 10% (up from 1% in '73) due higher defense costs and increased equipment .... Private investment spending is expected to incrt almost 10% in '74....State and local government spending will go up, but rate of increase will moderate downward from '73....Educational employment will have slow due reduced enrollment in primary grades. . ..Shortage of energy for industrial pro Over aR extended period would cause a sharp change (downward) for predictions On Both inflation and the energy shortage are complex prpblems. Neither will yield and easy solution.... *