HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-12-07; City Council; 4019; County transfer station future yard siteCITY OF CARLSB~ AGENDA BILL No.-J-f:..!J~/-.1.9:.-..-------- DATE: ____ D_e_c_e_m_b_e_r_7_,_1_9_7_6 ________ _ DEPARTMENT: Public Work subject: COUNTY TRANSFER STATION/FUTURE YARD SITE statement of the Matter Initial: 0 Dept.Hd.JJS-_ C. Atty~ C. Mgr. :::5-- The County of San Diego is studying the potential of locating a refuse transfer/recovery station in the city near the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real. We have also discussed, at staff level, the co-lo~ation of their facilities with a City Service Center. The attached staff report contains more detail on the preli~inary discussion and site location maps. I •• The matter is being brought to council so that council may give staff direction concerning the work to date on either the County project or the City Service Center project. EXHIBITS A. Staff Report dated November 19, 1976 RECOMMENDATION No formal council action is required at ~his time but council reaction to and concurrence with staff action to date would be helpful. Council action . ~ 12-7-76 The Council concurred with staff action to date and instructed staff to continue negotiations. , . November 19, 1976 MEMORANDUM TO: City Manager FROM: Public Works Administrator SUBJECT: County Transfer Station/Future Yard Site The County is actively working to meet planning and design deadlines to qualify for an EDA grant for the construction of a Solid Waste Transfer Station. The proposed location is in the northeast section of the El Camino Real/Palomar Airport Road quadangle -to the north of Carlsbad Municipal Water District and southeast of Beckman Instruments. A location diagram is attached. The purpose of this transfer station is: 1. To serve as a receiver of solid waste from all route trucks and general public in the North County area. 2. Sort and remove the metals from the solid waste stream (a glass separator may be added later). 3. Shred and bale the remainder of the solid waste stream and transfer the bales to large tractor trailers for removal to a landfill site. The transfer st~tion will considerably reduce the travel distances for trucks serving the Carlsbad area resulting in a h1gher level of productivity and stabilization of ~~tusa rates. At the landfill site the bales will require less earth cover and thus prolong the life of the landfill. Staff has been discussing the County plans and encouraging co- location of the transfer station with a future City Service Center facility. This has the following advantages to both entities: r 1, ' i !, I 1 l CITY MANAGER November 19, 1976 Page 2 1. Joint use of an access road off El Camino Real. 2. Provide for joint planning of utilities requirements. 3. Mi:1imize security problems with a continuous perimeter fen~e ~und both facilities. It should be no~cld that the facility would be constructed on County owned land (about 8 acres of a 200+ acre parcel) which is wholly within the Carlsbad city limits. The land use designation of the entire county parcel is open space while that of the land to the west and south of the proposed site is planned industrial. There is considerably more usable land adjacent to the proposed site which could be used as a yard facility. The County has tentatively allocated 13 acres, for planning purposes, for the City Service Center site. This site is directly east of . ---. -------:-,,;;-- Beckman Instruments. The use of this site has several advantages, other than those stated previously, for the City: 1. It is near the geographic center of the City service area. 2. 3. It is publicly requisition of tax rolls) for owned land which wo~ld not require :t--' ';- private land (thus removing-it from the a city facility. The joint project, as proposed would be sited on a mesa with existing industrial use (Beckman Instruments) while providing for retaining as open space the Los Manos Canyon. The County is operating under severe time constraints to meet the EDA grant .requirements and, as a result much of the planning, engineering and right-of-way/real estate requirements are being multi-tracked. As a result many "answers" just haven't been 1 1 I I i, I • --~,-I-~· - CITY MANAGER November 19, 1976 Page 3 ..:x:.- developed yet for the city's participation in the project. It appears there are several alternatives which will be explored for the acquisition of the Service Center site, i.e., long term lease, purchase or a land trade. Utilities required for the transfer station will be similar to the Service Center requirements, but may require oversizing for water and sewerage requirements. Yet to be determined would be a reasonable and equitable manner to fund these oversize requirements (if the EDA grant is approved, the oversizing may be 100% funded under the grant). I will keep you advised as to the County's project status and will submit recommendations for the city's participation for the development of a Yard site as soon as more specific information is available. Planning has been apprised of the County project and is coordinating with them for the sub- mission of EIR's, zone changes and an appropriate c.u.P. \2.._JW_,~Jl____ Ronald A. Beckman Public Works Administrator RAB/RWG/wv Attachment .., __ j 1 LAND PROJECT LOCATION FIGURIC' .... I t I i.r ' y I I z -...~ --~ ¥ ---..: .. _ ---~ ., ? £ t ,, I