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1976-12-21; City Council; 4032; Pipe Line Licenses with the Santa Fe Railway Co Public Works Employment Act od 1976-Grant Application
'CITY OF CARLSBAD e� AGENDA BILL NO.�� Initial: Dept.Hd.9V DATE:_ December 21, 1976 C. Atty. DEPARTMENT:_ Engineering �-.- C. Mgr. Subject: PIPE LINE LICENSHS WITH THE SANTA FE RAILWAY CO. PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOYMENT ACT OF 1976 - GRANT APPLICATIONS Statement of the Matter Granh A lication No. 1030 - Water System Improvements in Sunnxhill Drive, MacArt�ur Avenue, Clearview Drive, Hillside Drive, Highland Drive, Date Avenue, Olive -Avenue, and the Atchison,,,Topeka:and Santa Fe Railway.Co., Righk' of Way. GrantApplication lication No. 1037 - Storm Drain Improvements in the Atchison, 'rope a an Santa Fe Railway Co., Right of Way. Provisions of subject Public Works Employment Act of 1976 require that the recipient of federal funds construct their project on property owned in fee, easement, or long-term lease. The granting of a license by the Santa Fe for the above submitted grant applications fulfills the federal requirement for interest in the project site by the applicant. Execution of the licenses by the City will be necessary for construction and maintenance of our storm drain project and for a portion of our water sy6Wfn improvement project. The water system improvement project and the Santa Fe storm drain project are included in the Cite of Carlsbad's 1976-77 Capital Improvement Program. However, no funds have been committed for either project., EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No.I&O authorizing and directing execution of a pipe line license with the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Co. for water pipe line improvements. 2 Resolution No:, authorizing and directing execution of a pipe line licenso with the Atcti on, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway ^o., for storm drain improvements. 3. Pipe Line License (Waterline Improvements) 4. Pipe Line License (Storm Drain imp.rovenants) RECOMMENDATIONS; 1. Adopt Resolution No. Aauthorizing and directing execution of a ripe line licenSE-OMFthe AT&SP Railway Co. for water pipe line improvements. 2. Adopt Resolution No. authorizing and directing execution of a pipe line liL.vns w th the AT&SF Railway Co. for storm drain improvements. Council action 12-21-76 Resolutions No, 4063 and 4064 were adopted, authoriFN and directing execution of pipe line licenses with the AT6§V-- Railway Co. for water pipe line and storm drain improvements. RESOLUTION NO. 4063 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITYCOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AUTHORIZING AND DIRFCTING EXECUTION ON BEHAL: OF THE 3 <V CITY OF A LICENSE WITH THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE Ru uny COMPANY FOR WATER PIPE LINE II-TROVEMENTS . t 4 5 6 The City Council of the City of Carlcbad does hereby resolve 7 as follows: 8 -The Maynr of �_he City of,_Carlsbad is hereby authorized and 9l directed on behalf of the City, to execate that certain license 1.0 with the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company for watt.. 11 pipe line improvements in the westarly railroad ,right of way from 12 Chinquapin Avenue to Olive Avenue, approximate mile post 230 f 13 1121. 14 PASSED, APkROXPZD, AND ADOPTED at a meeting of the City 15 Council of the City of Cerlsbad,, California, hald December 21, 16, 1976 by the following vote,, %.o wit: 17AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Packard and Skotnicki 18 NOES: done 19 ABSENT: Councilwoma,l Caster C 20 _ ROBE.RT C. FRAZEE 21 + yor 22 ATTEST: 23 24 D R AI2 � E. AllAMS, _S,tyClerk 25{. 26 ! 27 _ 28 I M DD-70064 Sruttr, Fe ,U,iiGival ttaat':ryod b% �f,nn+ol SaCwl,or) TRIS LICENSE, 4Sa;le this lst—&y of Januar_Ny a _^.elaware .,_,_cozporation (heze:nafter called "Veensoi"), party of the first ,part, and CITY OF CAPLSPAD (hereinafter, whether one or mere, called"licensee"), part; of tre second part'? WITNESSETii, 'rhat.the parties hereto for the consideratioms liereiaaficr c xl reined cgree as follcvrs: - t, Su; *,tto the terms sad eondi'dons htreirafter set forth, licensor Iic nses Lip. a to wrLtru�.t and sari intain One- —-- ( l ) pipe six t6)__—inches in diameter (hereinafter, whether one or mote pipe lines, called th,. "71PE LINE'), across or Along the right of nay of Licensor at or near the station of-_ San Di egc Count�ty' California the exact -location of the PIPE LINE being more particularly sho��r -rid ecle it upon the print hereto attzched, dated._____.__ - 0_- obei 29, . 197 6 _ _ ��_, marked "Erltibit /t" And made a port he-mof. 2. Liconqe shall use the PIPE LINE solely for carrying__. water and enall not ure it to carry ary other eommoCv or for any other purpose uhutsotver. S. Licence shall pay Licensor as compensation for this -license the sum of_-___. rifty and ,\To/100 Dollars ($50000) per Pnnum parable annually_.in adv_.4itceo d. Licensee shall, at its vwm cost and subject to tho supervision and cuAitrol of chief f,n- g41cer, locate, construct and maintain the PIPE LINE. in such a manner and of sc h mat�r:nl that it Ni ill not at any time Le a svurce of dauber to or intMercnee with the present or, Iuture traJ s, r- adl A and property of Licensor, or the safe operation of ite railroad. In cases where the Li"msee is pern Wed aL- cer paragiaplt 2 hereof to use the PIPE LINE for oil, gas, petrolc m prodwts, ur utter r flamrr .blc or high;y volatile sul,s.,nces under pressure, the PIPEE INE shall be _olistrucfed, i£,:ial ed and t icr� afar mainia,ned in cunforrwity nitnith the plans.and specifications sho,vn un print Hereto 4,t1,'1ALri in r � -h cases, mari.ed Exhibit B And made a part bereof. If at any time Licensee sl,all in the ju';ai ,rt of Ili ceusur, fail to perf+.rm pr perly its obligNtions under this paragraph, Liccassvr pray, at i:s opticn, ptrfor£n such worl. as it reins necessary for the safe operation of its•railro,'d, ar,d lr. such c. eat Lice lece agrees to pay, M lun fiftc�:n (15) days after bill shall -have been rendered tbc.efor, the cost so ;ncur-r2d by Licensor, but failure on the part of Licensor to -perform the obligations of Licensee shall got reletse Licensee front liability liereunder for loss or damage occasioned thereby. 5. Liconsee shall reimburse Licensor lornny expense incurred by I.iu.nsvr for :a'se work to sup- port Licensor's tracts and for flagman to,nrottct its traffic daa;5g installation of the Pin LINE and for any and all other expense incurred by Liconsor on account of the PIPE LINE. 6. IScensee shall at all times indemnify and save harmless Lkc:nsor against and pay in full till V s, damage or expense that Licensor may ustain, incur or become liable for, resulting in ant rr,oter from the cnastruction, maiuronauce, use, state. or, repair, Pr ppresenee-of the PIPE LINE, includirg auy such toss, (Emage or erxpens4 arising out of (a) joss or or damage to properly, (b) injury to or d alb of li-r- eons, (c) mixhanics' or other liens of any character, or (d) taxes or assessments of any kind, 7. If ntany time Llconsee shall fall or retase to comply with or carry out any of the covenanis bcrc in contained Licensor may nt Its election forthwith reyoko this license. J six months' 8. '11ils I.it,Lj�sL +a by Licensor and a.-;tptedl bVUcenzee upon thu t.prc&s cc,ndition that the. -.,we rraw Le ,r.rn ac,..ted ut aaiy tirue by either party ulaoh nonce to vaitin to be s.4ed upur, tbg other p,ut.v. , L-LLg t erun the date that such bcrmination shall take place, and that upon the tccmanat,oa u€ th,s l,c eu: c m Lhia or any other manner heron pruvlJed, Liccn..ve, upon drmF nd of tSa,.n- sur, bhall abauduu th,: two of tLe PIFF4 LINE curd remove the same and.rc,tc:c tl,e riiht oi' way and tr.ecks of 1.icr� +-zvrt0 the same Condition:a v,hich they wereprior t.othe 11,41ag of the rirr, LINE there- kow.-r. In c ssu1Zcrasee shall fail to rcA/,re Mceasor's gran; us as afo;cw,id ,vrti,an tcu (10) duye cJter the ufft t,tls,. izt:,., f rtr Licrneur may proceed-witlz such work at the exf ,,Re of UceLec- No t4rnainatiun aercV, Licensee from orgy liul:ility or obligation hz-eunJ,r, ,0,ether of it '. a,- u.ty or othsrn&o, reaJtlag fru,u any acts, omissions or-Lv nts.lrapi4ninz prior to tLc dutc tha PIPE i,llrE iB ,emuvcd and the ritbt of way and tiack of Licensor re,tomd as alrove prusiJ 9. In the cwF, of the ev ctioa of Licensee by anyone owning or ob"Ining title W the prv:mi.,vs on v,hich the PIPE LII\E is located, or the sale or at•nndoument by Licensor of sa,d 1 z c. .., Licensor ::,all nut Le Lable to l,ixa�ee for any dwivige of'any nuture whaLloLwPr ur to rc. rnd r,n, t-yza,iA r"1,, by Lk.ns�xs to Licerm6 ,r hereunder, e.--cept the propirtionee part of any recu,zlDg rce.,I Lbarge viho-l. ,ay have been paid kereunder in advance. lU. Auy not:::° hereunder io bn s;iverr by Licensor to I3r:ensee ahail be da.:a.ed � tc proaLrly ,.�r�ai if it bkdoposlted in tha Uru'ted States Mail, postage prepaid, -addressed to Ian arsee at__ 1200 Elm Avenues Carlsbad. California 92008. Any notice to Le biven bereuuder by Licensoe to Licensor shall be deemed to ba Ia,,,,-.rly serve ? if the same be deposited in the uuite-d Statue Icfail, postage prepaid, addressed to Licensor's-- _ general );onager ar 121 cast irth $trget _ Los Ana;eles, Californiai90014 11. In the event that two or more parties execute. this instrument r8 Liceas, -, all th c v ecan's uod 2,g,-,:Lments of Uceneee in 'his Iic,:nse shall be the joint and several cuver:ants and r ,n,ic:ut+ of :U •h parties. 12. All the covenan}s rnd provisions of this instrument shall be binding upon i n.,t e to tvr;, t fat of the successors, loyal repre! entativesc and assigns of the parties to the aame txie-t and c-,M� ct a i}e same are Linlvrg ulnm and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, but no as.ignwF,-A L�r•caf by I-L-n- ."e, pis successors, l.zal representatives or assigns, or an*' subsequent assignee, shall b, biiding , r,m Licensor without the written consent o€`Licansor in eac v instance. ,ittached hereto and made a part hereof is Rider "A" identified by the sigAature of. Jo H. Schwartz. 1N WIT.4FSS WHERLOV, The parties have executed this agreement in daplic-te the day a I oar first above written. THE ATCHISO& TOPERA AND SAI\rrA FE RATLWAY COMPANY (Li —,rr) Approved as to Description: BY �ief xugineer. r CITY OF CARLSEAD _ t\ f\dl',Wt�M AS TO FORA Y �� L Assistant Goner 1 Atty ney_ J Its , (Licensoo) r�- A. I D t RIDER 10 VC04::,S�E :� .-'t:, _...�. January 1 ,_. i4 77 ,_ Pf•.EI•. CITY Or GMSBAD _-wr1J, 11 Cass +Serf Is t±stt Is IA—t (:.'ar ;artyr Y•+ 2 cr.tt to us• tee PIF. 1t4 ^'.t ! 9 qn^^ti 1C ' .� '•!N. • _ _ _ PIPE LINE stall tr co`strwttc. u_s:t,$cd t•: in.rttr-er rainta,rf, 1. te,fC•rrity rite }lit•• 4,4 spe£tf,rttrO+s set w.�, :nrriun Ptiluay ingir.rerirpc ,i+:cit;l;n. Sm ffer:'on fof Pipo t+•t Gosams c er, safr.rY ira.k for rvt.f a's--•. ' 1, 1c ,• , fenced fs%. or SI•etiflm C: fir tt PYace.<nt o. t:nc•t:r ruin,; Pipe, oeristd Ito, .+,sirs r •„ +,;1Y 14. lay ,.ors Ptrfar-<d e, tittnscr•s riq•: C. Va/ ty li-e'ate or :ictrs^t's te,%,awr SOO bt do,, :r + ti,ser•I ry svr.ranlikt lamer and ir, Kc:rct it ^i;n P'a-1 end £:"MCAti0n1 Afprt"d by LicerSor, irt4eUI; ,.IYns lortr,n4 4•• itls� q oraCtntr erit.11 that ray bt rtitsitry t: »t Oror, t.atr tr ad,tett% to Lfitraor's tract, and a w4 Oall-Lv ie uta pl ars I'd sp. f 00cns'tit tttn lo:n.td by ti(r or. 15. Uctrste or Liwl"'s eoetrtaor sncl;'aot ce ptrrfatd to cv-ptt work on Lict,sor•s r,ght of—, h1Yn.9 first rttefitd written rctifisatien frm Lica-str's (Itition S.Ptrtn:todtnt o(; missftn to prected r' ` F U. JAY contractor cr ssp:stract:^ p"Itrinq work ^on or to eo'.nection WSJ, 0C PIP: S: S sialt fo, lht ..,r .t Gf tas tyrte: ants and farlicvitriy fir rt v^np:sts :f Stcatn G of this aq ek-110t, pa,tcnclosively ,tt•td to to th. , ,t!' a• - a v, cr LteHnsee actmy on :•ahAt And ..V.ir. ;ae Sent of sr:n tcntraetors or supearv-ranors' t6glcya(nt for L It, -Ste r 17. tictriet tyrt(S It fur"Sh an: kttP 11 tor(t or ar'argt to tare fvrnfsted erd Wo in tar,.0 inl-1-C Or all l,rts nd c-oints SPt011e6 btlo, Gr. #p :ht VJtit' ttrr Of tooltrvetio5 of 1ht PIPE LIU and du605 4ry S.Isc;.<nt ter irq W,f; rairtec.r(t it ;t. %-A$ er tit P)-S LINE. - I� (a) Ut Ltctr,30 sr.lf, r.fa rtS t:: to ,^t c;era-ion St yerfvrr-1 u:on pirtath ar ad•acr,t Lc t ^abr's r M of uty tnd/or track, ftmisn it t-rtr;t -o'Pe ! rrished (1) rto. tr (cr,tra(tors' Pob)ic L+.bil;ty lua,'x'Lt . IN 1' 1LS ,t �r ,. less then fill Ymdttd Iteasu: allta.Y_) !:- all SS(pllit/ trising tvt of DOdify inw•is to or e.a,h of- ssL:ret to that ifntt for txc' -•reel, C-t Y"Ite• ::tiart (51,4;.,:v9) fir all 111:i)tty ana,r^ co, ,,, bod, is ,r _ to :r c of -to Cr role rtrsOns in are uric:r, or c:t.rrt,tt and (11) re;. Jr zntr"Ws' froWty a,;^.ct tuts 11Y I `w --,' ,.n 1 , of rot Im -tan O(ere Hilsicn G�;ItK 's i,D'a ,'.'I) i:e wh cew(t 6, aI Itt"'Illy trtarP ^ : e-. t of dsLr . t on of pr(pCrty. Litonso( ara all ilia (C•:•a!:;r£ I'd 10contra•=Crs !nail •t nc.-c6 Srsoraci ti,rtr +I e s r,�(. ., cr --•t e w-pMr, c!tn Act rtCui rr2+:( of t-it sl.-aaSre:^ !t) ar 1a it:i•ttt 11CfLs rxia;slrtG C.'- 4 "Ch It, ,.11 r -t ^., ve.lcr svicortrac;or! stall ;t•fcrr Yy w• -era.^-2r. /rat fast cy or ;c IIt its irsofire II.-,IIr I,A'1 . g'. L If abii sty in fawr-of Lietoior wici•ed Sr :e: a,ra;- C cf trt Pd-:td 9n,,$siess at this U.-te• I. (0) lit tictrsee wall, res;I:: -0 tie o:erttims it or any of Its tontrac-ors cr s0w;r4cto-s .r r,n iW. it ,.eath or .d;a,"t to tfcusor's ris.- C, ay ir.;,'pr -rick, h(ntsn or m&65C to bath furn11n.4 to L,cersor's fare, 'I pa " or eos salts of iesu. arts latissxc::ry t; Lictns:• unit" shais,pro-Cot trot, or atafnat itabMiy, IO• iner.es to or eve Lf te's,t or persori. 11Maj%S L1 'S% S tTr„PEES.:-eztfvtd by rt Mvl;irq, In 4hi It or fn.par:, frC'+ -'•„ A,ar(.,o,5 o ".t ucu-et or AV of Its 51SW trttto". oa or (:^tty.:.t :o 11:tr10r t pr(ptr;y fe.Ctc. ilApcltlu G.! so?v?,• N si'("Sor'� •a4 St-!, Bests Of not ites vor, flee r::rtd :ollars ISE1,4.%0) for all 04,mts aristtq e,1 w Lc- y ir,iric} r ,r Ct4th of prnor And "c ct to such IWIAtie•. Nt "'torn t:llirs ($1,C'�i,B`p} (Or all d.•+gt; Yrs ir: n•t rat tO.,ly t':.' ea to or dexrn of rip er tuft ptrsoId In .rd tat atoi.'vt% t`-cevr•f^C0; And (ifl pokily or policies of 1,svr,-tt +..,si('tor, =- ."S, w111 protect Lictraor tptri• Iidvi;,e !or m ql :,, or less or fts;futtiCn of ;•O;trty. 'ra,d,r'r .Itc,4 0 t .t-S n till, .unto'-, t, Ltnteoi. 0cws"'. -' :r rt soli!•+, in w,ple er in part, fr4u 'tit Opirrtio?s of ''it _ 1rrate. Its cc-. WnirtttOrS (tattpt liability Cap solely to .,t(C$C S regiiytrCt) with lialts Of tot ,ell I+•1', ''e i?1r On Cc?iar; 1', ,i �0•��I for tech octwmt. 18. etcenw agrees -o farr-sh Q. arrangt to have (v„dlntd to OWSOr ter-ificttts rtfil't inq the f silence to vrracC or tenifted cepf of insurance ;alias If ..;,tspte :y ticenspr, is m,.Ifte ty sv-parayriph ta) C. ;w fvi;h 17 ne're r end to f.,rish, tr trr4gSt to have Surss-ht;, tee C-1rel :ollty rtiuxt: by av:;tragrAPh (b) of parayw;h 17 C.rtifirr'-i 1 Cc 11', tnc coicra;e retui It ty sv-;art cra;' (a) stII un;tLlifitdly rtgstrt Adays writ ttn ro:ict to Uctmor of cAatol It',On or nd llcttior. of the fnsurtoco referred it in Sv:•. tt tifictits. 19. ticratt shall t;; be ;err I%*,td to tweist tfR picnic etd Perelssion grantto 11CF1 1tt ,roll) rl"Mtc bs Or lice"pe tat Srsaranet fuml:rcd PrriwAet :; ttrtyra pA 1• hereof is satisfactory., 20. This license supersedes and cancels licenses dated March 19, 1926, October 141 1949 and march 16, 1970 desigilated in the files of Licensor az cbntract, Secretary's Nos. 26671, 53919 and 137769 respectively. 1' :2 1 RESOLUTION NO. 4064 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING EXECUTION ON BEHALF OF T11E 3CITY OF A LICENSE WITH 'TIM ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE ` RAILWAY COMPANY FOR STORM DRAIN IMPROVELMNTS. 5 6 The city Council of the City of Carlsbad does hereby resolve 7 as'follows: 8 The Mayor of the City of.Carlsbad is hereby authorized and 9 directad on'kiehalf of the" dity, to eZecute that certain license 10 with the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fc Railway Company for storm 11 drain improvements in the easterly railroad right of way from 12 Oak Avenue to Juniper_ Avenue, approximate mile post 229 + 2091 13 to 230 + 2321, 14 PASSED, APPROVED, MW ADOPTED at a meetina of the City 15 Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held December 21, 16 1976 by the following voto, to wit: 17 AYES: COUncilmen Frazee, Lewis, Packard and Skotnicki 18 NOES: gone 19 ABSENT: Councilwoman Casler 20 c 21 ROBERT• C. Flu 3E, Major ?2 ATTEST: 23 24 WMARjAE. ADAbiS, (ij t 25 26 27 28 1 SrUta Fc Orifairial AN-17003 ` fwm-'6658 Sioncord (Approved by Canerol Sordtor) PIPE LME UCENISlE TH&LICENSE,1liade this... _ st- . - day of...,.. November � �_- _-, 19_76 , THE ATCHISON TOPu1:A A14D SANTA Ph RAILWAY COMPANY between..,._............_.._.:�................�........._..,....._........_....__.._._._...-_._.___..._.__--_--- —, corporation (her6na£+er called "Licensor"), party of the first part, and -- CITY OF CARLSBAD (hereinafter, whether one or more, called• "licensee"), party of the second part WITNESSETH, That the parties hereto for the considerations hereinafter i.npresscvl cr�,,wa,vt and agree as foliovs: I. -Subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter setforth; Licensor licenses Licensee to construct five-__.- -- ------------ and- --- ---------'c--------------•------------------ mainta.in...._....r-•-.........._.._...._.....'.;..__.:..:..-......_._......____.,..._.___.--------- - — - ( S ) pipe fne._5 , tuo-i8",_one 2A�,, one�3o'! and une-�9.'»,._.faQ' xtAd. G3_c---------_ --- - .= inches in diameter (hereinafter, whether one or more pipe lines, called the "PIPE LINE"), across or along the right of way of Licensor at or near the station of__ arl , bad, _San i)icSc? County= Califoxnia� „N _tlne, exact location of the PIPE LINE being, more p,u-ticu!arly shown l-irl-aeloriz upon the print hereto attached, No._ 601-3451, --, dated __ - - - - - -_October 15, 1976^ marked "Exhibit A" and n>~de a part hereof. storm drain iiater 2. Licensee shall use the PIPE LINE solely for carrying, w ._ ---- - - - - and shall not use it to•carry any other commodity or for any other purpose whatsoover, 3. Licensee shall pay Licensor As compensation for this license the sum ofT.__ -- 4. Licensee shall, at its own cost ar,d subject to the supervision and control of Licengnr's chief engineer, locate, construct and maintain the PIPE LINE in such a manner and of such iri.lterinl that it will not at any time be a source of danger to or interference with the pre3ent or future tracks, roadbed and property of Licensor, or the safe operation of its railroad. In cases where the Licensee is permitted under paragraph 2 hereof to use the PIPE LINE for oil, gas, petroleum produ, ts,-or other flammable or highly volatile substances under pressure, the P t`, 71^ PE LINE shall be con{iW. installed -.ad thereafter maintained in conformity wi h the pans and specifications sho«m 1,11 print hereto attached in such cases,.marked Exhibit B and -made a part hereof. If at any `ime License , shall, in tine judgment of Licensor, fail to perform properly its ouligatio7 under this paragraph, Li censor may, at its option, itself perform such worlt as it deems nceessary for the cafe operatron of its railroad, and in such event Licensee agrees to pay, within fifteen (15) days after bill shall have been rendered tnerefor, the cost so incurred by Licensor, but failure on the part of Licensor to xer- form the obligations of Licensee shall not release Licensee from liability hereunder for loss or damage occasioned thereby. 6. Licensee shall reimburse Licensor foman r any expense incurred by Licensor for .also wort. to ansupport for any and all other expense ifor ncurred byoLicensor ontraffic a account of thelPIPE LINE.PIP1; f INE 6. Licensee shall at all times Indemnify and save harmless Licensor against and pay in full all loss, damage or expense that Licensor may sustain, incur or become lint+la for, rr alting in any man - nor from the construction, maintenance, use, Ante or repair, or presence of the PIPE LINE, including any such loss, damage or expense arising -out of (a) loss of or damage to property, (b) injury to or death of persons, (c) mechanics' or other liens of and character, or (d) taxes or assessments of m,y kind. 7. If at anytime Licensee shall fail or refuse to comply with or carry out any of the covenants herein contained Licensor may at its election forthwith revoke this'license. s 0 S. THIS LIUENSE is given by Licensor and arc toted by Licensee upon the expresf, condition that the same may bo tfrminated at any time by either I-Av upon ten (10) dnNs notice in writing to to served upuu the other party, stating therein the date thA such tcrinh,ation shall take. place, and that upon the termination of this license in this or any other ataimcr herein pro,lded, Licensee, upon de maid of Licensor, shall abandon the use of the PIPE ME and remove the sen.e and rc. toi a the right of utty and tr��jcs of Licensor to the same condition in iahicli they were prio to Lf,e p!ating of the PII'L LINL thereunder. In case•Licensft, shall fail to restore Li�cn..or's 1nera, as efoics,,id H°thi.i ten (1O) days after the cifective date of termination, Licensor may proceed with . ucL t+orl, at the expense of Lic nsee. No termination hereof'shall raleaFe Licence frum any IA.,L:Iity yr ubl1e'A;vr. l—, t under, -whether—of -indemnity or otherwise, resulti,.p from any act,% umis,:oris or etuits prior to tiie dote the PIPE LINT; is removed and the right of way and truch of Licw,�or , cstvr, d as above provided. 9. In the case of the: eviction of Liconseo by anyone owning or obtaining tit�c to tLc pr.m;oe'l un wlilch the PIPE LINE is located, or the sale or abandonment by Licensor of said prctviota, Li,cusvr shall nut be liable to Licensee for any damage of any nature Mia'svev!..r or to refu+,d .ii,, 1"ol1wril nutdu bR Licensee to L,ctn.or hereunder, except the propottiunate part of anj rcuuring rci_t-1 cl,mrtL which may have been paid hereunder- in advance. Y 14:EAny notice hereunder to be given by -Licensor to Licensee •Ball be dwa,ed to Le i t,g,erl> served if it be deposited it the United States Mail, postage prepaid, add: cased to Licensee et _ 1200, i:1m Avenue,, Carlstta . Calii`orn a Any node,: to be given Lerewider by Licensee to I'.icensor shall ba deemed to Lt. In(jpt.rl.\ ied if the same be dcposited in the United States Ifni), postage prepaid, addressed to Liceasor's Gast Sixth Street Los, Angplos,,_ California 90014 — — -- 11. 111 the event that tNvo or more parties execute this instrument as Licensee, all tl,t cute*,alit and agrcwweuts of Licensee in this license shall he the joint and seicral -otcn.nt mud ligrttruci1'd u° such parties. 12. All the covenants and provisions of this instrument shall be binding upon Land ;.wt( to tli benefit of the successors, legal representatives and assigns of the parties to thy, s.,)!,c extc of ill d , ff- ,' as the saim are binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, but no ,c igr,,,,< iA to rttf by Licensct•, its successors, legal representatives or assigns, or any .ubs.que„t assfir,ec, 0 III iL, Lire? ing upon Licensor Nvithuut the written consent of Licensor in each instance, Attached hereto and made a part hereof is Rider ideutified by the signature of 11. E. Tyson. IN UITNESS WHEREOF, The parties have ei,ecuted this agreement in W,F 1WA: the da and year first above written.' THE ATCHISO,1, Tr1PG! /�,AAU SANTA _i G� FAI_{ 11A1, C0 tpAyy__,____... (Licensor) Approved as to Description; .:�� Its.__......,....._......_..,.»...,,....._».._.....»_...._....._._._.�,... ��%Chief Engineer. _CITY, OF CARLSdAD ..... Its ROM T011M7."i'. IMIDUM IIAM November 1 .._.-, 1976 Lk7VW . SDi A:Ca19Ct1, 1 ATA AM4A T4 rr p: WAT C4irult and CITY OF CARLSBAD 13. In otter ."rare Llcsosa It psraitted vndsl-pararnph 2 beseof to sae tLe, PITZ L40t for Aon•f2arAI4 svletwnoto« flat ilre, L= aAall be ooartracteds lartallod act tberoafter calntAinsd in owreralt7 with plAna And noeifleetlens set forth to t e . lstrioan F 12%D7 Lcrbaerixg Arwoiatioa, k"IfioAtion for plop Lies Croaaln6A Hader 1a11ve7 Trdok for aNaflAa1b10 V42'.t *'a, Errletd 194, or Spiolfiontlaa for the, plaosaont of 0cacr44 Cn1ra.-t Pipe, firrined 1%6, %tdaovor =7 apply. • 14. day vork purfornal oa 140c000r'e right et gay 1w LSovases or Lteegreo'a omtraetor ttall be Pone in a tatittactm7 vo?Ix alike tanner And in ato3rdenot with plane end epeeSficatioat aiprored by Lloeoocr, inel. —I g plan,, o — wg fay fatga•.r4 leto:,rg or trlbblag that nsy Le zoos+vary to net prat, under or Adjacent to Liceneor'a trod, and no wrk -U bt prtvlttad wail tald plAns tad rTeoifleetlms bete, beeq-Alpmod by l4ecosor. 15. Winton or LSccaro's oontrootor null not be, rornitted to comn^tone vtck cc Licsasor'a right of way viV=t Lstlpg tirat rocsivoi vrltttn notification frov Llciaverls DSriaion baporinto.iMot of ParrSsaioq to p.-oasad. 16. Any owtrootor or sob,a:treetvr psrtorminr;vvek on or In connection with the PD% I.= mall for the perp4'108 of ;this apr+c- bt, and larticularly fortis purpaeee, or raotina 6 of this arrir=net, lnA cmelr:aSro17 dotes4 to bo the e,-raat and tgtnt of Monett acting ca tobalf And within the cope of cooh contreotors'�ot subcoatraetwa' ftVag wont for Liooatcv, 17. Lictoese stroot to ferith end keop in fora or arrwra to Moe frrniabed and k6tp in Woo IatdlrAAae, of All W.%40 gal ammult epsalfled tolov &,Lriar the Initial torn of ocattruotica a the PIPS Ln;L Aral dortnt awr eu?'esgveat tars or terns Crr` lot vbloh ralatcanace is perforvod oa the M LM (A) Tht tdcenres AMU, vith r0ert*t to the.operatloos %Mob it portorm upon, lnatatb or adjacent to Lieeatrx's r' h4 , r %a7 and/or tract, trrralsb or amago to hare, f.:MINcd (1) rerslAr Contractor*' rutlio LtsMllty lnearAoce vitb lfai"a of Dot 1,et then rite, P.uodrod Tbov And Dollars *00,000) for all 31sbility crib og out of lodi27'03wies to or e"tb of Ong Pb--van. and, trbjoot to tb+t I.Wt for ouch poraoa, (+re hi.Mw lbllars (01,000t000) for all 11nb111ty a1c rlcSnc out of Wily ,nrlss to or d etb of tvo or core porroes in oas acafdeot or oaarrrenaa god (SS) regular Controotaras It, —,arty Daat+ U-bllity Um'atoa .rf'b 1 Alto of not lQns UAn Cne n1131on &l;A.re (i1,M0,000) for each 000urreaco for all ISrbilitr erisint o�n of "'A re t� or I," or dv rtruation of property. Ltceases Ant all its contractors And cubwntraotors w9e)l be ,anal jz;r reds eil:Ar In A BUCte I L" of lr'rarana O=P171zg with the roquirtanat► of this rabpararraph (c) or in selurAte lalitiea naSatained a Jac ewb pa Inds as tract of Aractors and/or cab ontraators .hall Odom any vork herrwder. 7ae, policy or ,olIclos larariag Moontee, aholl temrrs L'a4a- ve0a oontraotrxa liability In favor of Ilctneor coAtalaod In paragraph 6 of the printed provlsioas of We lioeare. (b) the Limits# thall, vita rAalaot th the oomAtloas !t or Any Of Str oantractore or subo ztraet�rs pert, ra w w, ba- t, th or 14,4,ont to Lioonsor's right oZwil snd/cr truok, ft-otr'a or arrsog+ to tsars f ralebAd la ISctnoor'A far r (1) se11:- cr ]. tnlciei of tNrwo tatittactor7 to Llaenoor rttith atrrll protsot 11;enror tr►Snat lS MIIA7 for Injuries tv or catth 4 per..0 or oerwas MUD1.0 LIrL OR's MIA F—Z, ooceriooed of or romitta4 in Jlole or In part, Area tie c, e,-att.Ds of the Llt _vi, or .n7 of Its suboontrac.ors, on or eastirwus to Lioenaorts r,oput37 lexeort liAblllty 4ue tolsly to LSaewr'a sdtz 11, its a tot loos then live thud of 7tausud D013ars ({M.000) for All dx.Auts arlslag out of tallly injuries to ar death of 1 -6 ,.Ar vrq &?A artjact to auLj linitatloa, Coo N3113oa Dollars (01 W0,000) for all d!arFAA arising oat of the 'y 10j;r+As to or d.'b rf w or tare portoas In w,r one accident or oacurrencer cad tit) policy cr poltolle of lnsaregoe ratitfaatu7 to 1.4 a,r uhJ h vil pro•"i LSoentor erainst 11AUIit7 for chaste, to or lose or destruction of property, aDclu'ijug property in LSooswr's cA-a co' .17 or control, ocoariooed t7 or roraltlnts in vlols or in pert, frua the, oporetiots of the 1,1006e0s Its ocrrtre,rtors or rLL contruatcre (Mcopt IiAhUlty due e01617 to Mceeee01, nsClitoaa) vith lWt% of not lets lien We N112100 Dollars (01,0-140W) for oath oo'wrrooce. - 23, ldcoaees Agrees to SuraiAh or arrange to Mre turolehed to Licensor certificates rensoting the Saerrr6060 oorcrsp or oertitIM o6,.y rr Sn mce rolio7, It r6gicAt44 t7 Lteensor, as r+quirtd 17 rulpAragrAph (e) a" paragraph 17 toroof and to ftroi ab, or arrAare to tars ftuaisbed, the or ICU4 Tolley re,uirod 17 ntbparagrsph (Q) of Tar►gr+ph 17. Co.-titimtee rsfleettng the ooesrat+ roquirod ty rsbpararraph (A) stall trrgvallfiedlp rspulre, 30 days written notice, to ISa>,teor a O"06118tlon or Foil- floatlea of tbs lasuracco rofarroG to la Mh eertStlastee. 19. LScsnsee tbell net to pa,-aitted to rrnroloa t%o lloeae,e And peralealon trentad hsreuader until notified ty tare, Bras that IneDzeaco turaislrsd pureaeat to paragraph 17 hereof is ratlrtaetor>•. 20. This license supersede; and cancels licenses dated April24, 1959, January 16, 1962, May 2, 1966, and June 3, 1966, desienat(d in the records of Licensor as contracts, Secretary's Nos. 63496, 66796, 121696 and 122758, respectively, to- gether with any and all modifications, amendments and supplements thereto. EXHIBIT "A' ATTACHED TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ATCNMON; OPEKA AND SANTA FE RAi AM'Y COMPANY IN n AND CITY OF CARLSBAD m m° LOS ANGELE5, CALIF. � J, C, FRY OG7CN,CC /, l97G A.G.It. EN41NECnjNG _j . eGIN SCALE. S IN. ?0400 FT. I a r na•re.� ao`ac c r (� .zz+o+! • •R'a.c ji .. W3•- SA' ate.R e.w..a..e:.. �� To Ft/GLC-l2TPN ,� �. C�'RT•, is •MSG �• »•an aa.� 17 t:•-cnAlt7lt"c•la:r. Nax> - �`•'RQv ��—_�;�1 "` t5 7�DT.(.2..1 . J I y Ut n 2 WPPNOVED: a to description a p 0 t-As•.GGe-neeral—tJ��nl,+ei+En�r� nnj s= o.s �,"�•.� CO-Z''W19-aas •he Atchlsq,;,Tal' ka and sgilta Fe Railway Company, u • "T"'"i a•a.... o::wi1 � 1 + ' � l I ae, ro. v� •"'�-� ar ,_ -___,.>�.-fir-- ti...�>.,�ti__ a�'7•��:'"..'i,.,`--•��, —r1 �' ...�.•'�..�-r 6 ; yPt+ `^• r n � i !��«� a rr,.;6•� Q � �!. t��►*.�a. r f�i„ wean 'Z'V ..x ^•i421r 7 to ai Y F it /` !?V� a� aa�.:. "a fo 1 1 w !a• rs.! t • ` t ;!. r; Fw n• 1 air•.... a•af"Of'rir 1 1,'A �,,....• �7�11'� 4 �' >• �1. -h '1 alb ► .r.arr l�!!a sr�nry r,�caaN• �Z. Z:T2riT.8rrRPS9l�r.'.12A7," ��SdMi?!F{G Qi 1 (Q DESCRIPTION OF PIPE LINE UNDER TRACK - i V PIPE LINE LOCH rLD AS SHOWN j\) PIPE VASE CF RAIL I CARRIES -PRESSURE SIZE ` KIND 1HICKNESS LENGTH TO TOP OF PIPE �7ba•T trt1✓"rr a6• c.tl• .,..wc Y&O Ns•✓ !•^/4 ♦ wvaaaav,, CARRIER �rznw •^a•. aooe.A s^«w n ronf_"✓ ao' - -- ___� �rt�gcn ` JO•. 4` P�+zpa.a d,i•W{ s ~$4••• N�i1•.'"^ A UYptM'�L�tOUH!} j CNSING " si ` • ` - f; f • a.+e ` at wan + NiA a a a n to_aas✓ Nw of •• « r CARLS8A©� L 'L.P S✓ Al De�60 4.j•wa60 SPT,�JY Z/.1 S"• ✓YDC•+:.4�Y.: GarJNrlY, CLila+ ,gAf1A CE,C.L. DRAWING NO. 601-34SI f • form 1"S Sta"454 + (Approad 41 Costal WctWr1 ' Scur4tary's No. PIPE LINE LICENSE ' �_.......... TO For..... ............_.,._.._....�_,.»..._,.....,•w_ , f __..�._,.._........ ......__.... Station In effect __........... .._.. ,19Y• . Cancullable on ton days' notice. _—_--Div. Supt' No_ w._..._ _• r Chief 13ngineer'3 Man 12 74 at Iq.{ .h M` ! EXHIBIT "N' ATTACHED 'i'O CONTRACT Bi:TWEEN THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANCTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY AND CITY OF CAKL. BAD LOS ANGELES. CALIF. J. G. FRY acres c z9 i, 7- A a I.; - E .ail+t EPiliG SCALE i IN 70! FT t �f * 5r�.� - rF.R a �o fi rt�/•7 APPROVED: as �,�,cicscrip 'on The AlvhiL-n. and sou re Reset v,1,^ 4!;rrony r :rl' I s w 7"ca "'tl44.-A71.m/ X -:!uA! _ 1 L. r �..�,:G :Fr.a!? J�!`�:A'7• �s� M�"ie Nf;xT" _._.._.._...... .L`4I.spT1. T -,.,...�•t* o.+. �. i t' f.arrror r iA` �O�"�r �x r.,I.c t`+.•I?t--T{'aa,.a rG.r C .i^,... 5-�.. e; •J+a�.r t •. ! 1!'lx ra `.t r < j d`y,va f . w . •.a if L ,.'a c a ` c. •�..�„rt', ± , ( a rL<.�aY 1 � fz•�cn � � T� I + �n 11 •• G = 32 ON41—, "bW4L. .;tri'•x :';�.3;.-.T .l � ;4'�QNGtrtr>tN�14, F r• .e.v. i . ' UACK ; ,+4�� DESCRIPTION OF PIPE LdNC UNDER ►� 1 PIPE LINE LMA7ED A% SHOWN PIPE - .OAgt OF RAIL CIRRIES PRESS SIZE ,, KIND THICKNESS WIGM 10 TOP Of WC Ck0" TSP4 !00 P=. G A^CF. . CARRIER NArCx •:oo '^' . ...r� FF CASING Ma,. - t:Z CAX7LtS BAD, 5AN DM--0o CI.t,=oWA - C 04JAI r Y.A .� . `N* C E.C.L. DRAWING NO. 6CI -3G I 45 �