HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-12-21; City Council; 4038; Use of Alcoholic Beverages at Harding StreetCITY OF CARLSBAD I- AGENDA BILL NO. DATE : December 21, 1976 C. Attv. DEPARTMENT: PARKS AND RECREATION -3- . C. Mgr. Subject : USE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AT THE.HARDING STREET COMMUNITY CENTER Statement of the Matter ; The City Council desired that the Parks and Recreation Commission study the use of alcoholic beverages in the Harding Street Community Center. The Commission considered all aspects of use and/or sale of beer, wine and/or liquor in the Center. In that the users of the Center are re- quired to submit a Facilities Use form in order to utilize the Center and that the Police Department reviews the request for use, control can be prescribed and enforced. Q EXHIBIT; A. Memorandum to City Manager dated November 18, .1976. B. Facility Use form. RECOMMENDATION : k The Parks and Recreation Commission and the Staff recommend that alcoholic beverages (beer, wine and/or liquor) be allowed in controlled situations for use without sale. COUNCIL ACTION: 12-21-76 It was agreed that the Council take affirmative action in establishing a policy where alcoholic beverages will not be allowed to be brought in or used in the community center, effective January 2, 1977. NEMORANDUM : The City Manager -- ~- - TO FROM : Ed Johnson, Director of Parks and Recreation DATE : November 18, 1976 SUBJECT: USE OF ALCOKOLIC BEVERAGES AT THE HALWING STREET COMIvlUN I TY CEN TE R In response to your memorandum of September 22, 1976, the Parks and Recreation Commission considered all aspects of use and/or sale of alcoholic beverages (beer, wine, ‘and/ or liqyor) in the Harding Street Community Center. The Cornmission recommends that alcoholic beverages be allowed , in controlled situations for use without sale. In that users of the Center are required to submit a Facilities Use Form in order to utilize the Center and that the Police Depar’-Jncnt reviews the request for use, control can be pre- scribe6 and enforced. Thank you, Ed Joksdjon, Director Parks and Recreation ./ EJ:scf . .... i . 4. r" CITY OF CARLSBN) FACILITY 'USE .I NAIW OF' AREA: DATE OF REQUEST: 9 ORGEI1JIZATION: DATE OF EVENT: .......... ... REQUESTOR'S NAME: PHONE : ' .... CITY: .I. ADDRESS : PERSON IN CHARGE OF ACTIVITY: ' ADDRESS : ............ .. PHONE : .. ... TYPE OF ACTIVITY (SOCIAL, COWJRCIAL, ETC) : HOURS : NUMBER OF GUESTS (APPROX.) : TYPE OF BEVE~AGE TO BE SERVED: . SOLWD AMPLIFICATIOI\J? REMARKS : -. 4 ... .. ........ .. .. ............................ - *- - ...... ..... .-. .. *. Requestor, for himself and the above organization and all members thereof, hereby waives any and all rights to make a claim for any loss or damage t'hat may herea-fter accrue against the City of Carls- bad, members of its City Council, its officials, employees and &gents, arising out of the use of City property pursuant to this permit by reason of negligence or otherwise; and further agrees to indemnify and save free and harmless the City and said persons for for bodily injury or property damage arising out of the use of said property pursuant to this permit by reason of negligence or otherwise. . any loss occasioned to City or said persons as a result of liability - .: .... .. SIGNATURE OF REQUESTOR .. .. DIRECTOR, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION - CITY IrIANAGER 4 DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL (3F USE IS COMMERCIAL) .. .... POLICE DEPARTPIENT K-2