HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-01-04; City Council; 3527-4; CASE NO: SP 171A APPLICANT: GREEN VALLEY KNOLLS, LA COSTA LAND CO.P I -m ab CITY OF CARLSBAD - 7' I= 4 li *I I i Dept-Hd. - Initial : AGENDA BILL NO. C. Atty.11 DATE : January 4, 1977 DEPARTMENT: P L'A N N I N G C. Mgr. - ' Subject: CASE NO: SP 171 A 352 7-u * E-h APPLICANT: Green Valley Knolls, La Costa Land Co. Statement of the Matter Orignially SP 171 was approved as a development containing both sin family low-density and a multi-family high-density residential area approval (Ordinance 9447) contains a condition that required the Si Family Residential area to be developed to the R-1 zone standards a Multi-family Residential area to the RD-M zone standards. Subsequently, the City Council approved a partial M-a-sJ-er Plan Amend a resubdivision for Single Family Residential development -% the PO originally approved for Multi-family Residential. Therefore, SP 17 consistent with the Master Plan or Tract Map. This requegt is to resolve the inconsistency by modifying two condi of the approving Ordinance (9447). Exhibits : Planning Commission Resolution No. 1302 Ordinance (9447) Staff Report dated December 8, 1976. Recommendation: If City Council concurs, direct City Attorney to prepare dochments Specific Plti., 171 A, as per Planning Commission Resolution No. 130 - Council action 1-4-77 The City Attorney was directed to prepare the documents ne for approval of SpeciCic Plan 171-A in accordance with Pla Co-mrn i s s i on Re so 1 ut i on #1302. .- t . .P '. .. J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11- lo /. 12 331 m -am PLANNIiGG COMNISSION RESOLUTION ___.-_- NO. 1302 RESOLUTiOb! OF THE PLANNING COMMISSlON OF __-____~.^-.I- THE CITY OF CAKLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, CONCE.RN- ING A14ENDi4ENIS TO ORDII'!/iNCE NO. 9447 GF THE SPECIFIC PLAN (SP-171) FOR THE GREEN VALLEY KNOLLS DEVELOPMENT, TO PROVIDE FOR PROPEii'TY BORDERED BY EL CA!4I!,lC REAL ON 18 m-rs ON APPROXIMATELY 7 ACRES ON THE WEST, LEVANTE S'TREET Oil TEE SOUTH AND MENT OR THE EAST. CASE NO.: SP-171 (A) APPLICANT: LA COSTA LAND COMPANY ,A SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC POWER EASE- -- WHEREAS, a verified application for a certain propert shown on the attached map has been filed with the C-ity 04: I I I and referred to the Planning Commission; and ' 1 Wli EREAS y sa i d ver i f i ed a pp 1 i c a ti G i? cons -1; i t~i te s ii. 1- c: q 1 rov-ided by Title 21 of the "Car;isbc:d Mi,;nic1'pa? Cede"; ani -' .X6 ,I?- place specified -in sa-id ~otl'ce on December 8; 1976; 8,nd IdWEREAS 9 at said Pub? .i c Hear5 ng ). upon hezrf ng and coi 15 I 18 19 20 21- _. 22 I> 23 24 25 26 2 7 28 , the testimony and argumentss -If any, 8-f a17 persons who dl I I to be heard, sajd Commission considc!.?ed all facts relati\?! the Specific P?an fmendment, found the fol f o'w.ing -facts 3.n to exist: 1 1 I 9 ) The proposed ~peci fic ~7an Ir\n;endmeiit -i s consi st the General Plan because:, ' . .. .' a) The Land Use Plan Map of the General PlSn the subject prcjpci-ty as Residential Mediurc Density (10-20 dwell-ing units per acre). Specific Plan Amei?dment would prov-r'de 2.5 units per acre. ' 2) The propcsed Specific P1 an Arfiendinent is cons< st A La Costa Master Plan partial amendment \ by City Council Ordinance 9469 (Nov. 2, I! the adopted Master Plan because: a):. -.. accommodate the szlbje'ct proposal, . .. ._ .. ~ '( .. . ..I ' I" 2 3 4 5 6 's 8, 9 3- 0 2.1. /. 12 m 0 3) The pyoposed Speej-f-i c P1 an P,meiidme:-it i s consj ste the City of Car1,sbad Envi I-orrmentaf Protect< on Or' of 1972 becazse: a) An ETR and supp1 e%iicr;tz.l i nformat-ion hti\ie be previ ous'ly subr!ii tied and accepted. ' b) 'The PI a.nn i ng Df rector has determi ned that L Envfronmenta? Protectjon Ordi nancc has been by Fri 0:" Corn!:? j ai:ce -.- (Section 19.04 a 153). 4) The proposed Specific Plan Amendi;:en% conforms to appl i cab1 e Ci ty pol ic-i es and ord-i nances dea.1 .ing public fac-ilitics because: a) . Cond-itiorrs of prev.ious, approvals ensure the NON, THEREFORE ., 9 BE IT IiESOLVED by the Planning C0mm-i s above e of the C-ity of Carlsbad as foflo\hisr A> ~i?at tf.1~ above *recit.ations are true a.:ld col-rect. Th3.t a:? ~:fip~~~fi1~r1.~ ,to Sp-171 (p,) be ?.!j~r:3~ed 2nd that Ordf riance p{aG 91:.77 be aync;?dc4j as fo1 7 0~;'s : JL?: 1; 15 16 1 '7 3.9 lt3 .. 2o 2 1 _. 22 .23 24 26 27 .'' 28 .25 i' 1) Cond$tjoil 2 of City Cou.nci1 'Ord-inar.;cc No, IiY4-Y5 January 6, 1976, is hercby arnznded 'to read: a ) 1 fi -1 j Cl E: \/ c 7 Q p x 2 YI i; c (3 :: i! i t i o I-! s o .I" t, 11 e R .- 1 z il Yi c apply .ks all area:; ~!;!c.~m;,a~sec.\ by this Sp~c P i a !I e 2) ~orl(jj-~-~~~; 3 of City Couj:cj1 Oi~dj~~~~i?c.e No, 94-47, 111 e e 'i; i i3 9 0 -f Jaiiuary 6 4 1376 D is hereby del ctcd e 1 I P[\SSZD, i"ippRO\ii;f) p,;ijD /i,C[-[)-/-ED 8,'i 2 :-egg' , 1, !r- i I i City of Carl shad Plan:i.iiiii; Co!i;miss-icn iield OE Dezin?~~ei- 8, 9 1 by the f0110w-ing \vote to wit: . A '1' E s : Conmlssioners L'i?eureux, Idatssari, Fi-kes, Ne: ' Larson 9 Romboti s I and Jose r NOES: N 0 I? e 1 ABSENT: None. ABSTAl N : None e ST E F' 14 E i\! M , L "Ii E U K E if X , C HI I A TEST. -9% /? [.$LJli __l_____l_ ' _. . 8 BUDP L EN DE R 9 s E c RE TA R Y ._ ~< . rn .- \, \ "G\ , c;;. . SPECIFIC PLAI'.li I7 i(,4 ) i COhfiP'lL-Er) BY CfT'i' OF Ci\f?LSBfi.D PI-ANNl&G DEPT FROPiA DA.7-A .SFiO:j"Y'iV iiLf SA3 DIEGO cL COUNTT\' ASSESSO[; Bf?cji< 255 fD/\GE 01 iiJ PARCELS 15 AND 17 AND wPLI(;An!-r . .. L.A COSTA LAPJO' CO ,' r. .~ .. ._ '.-, s I ..( -* s 3- r\ /? F r-i E D 0 F: -i- - .__.--. " I! rn . I c ,77 .--. . ~, .Dece;.$ker 8, 5.?76 TO: P i A PI N I N I.; C 0 iqi'j I S S I 0 1\1 FRniq: P t [\ [{ 14 I f,! r; !) E p [\ R T 75 E !\l T CASE NO: SP 171 A APPLICAM-: L A C 0 S T P, L P, N 3 C 0 14 P R N \f REQUEST: Specific Plan Amendixen-t to provide for 18 1 ots OD aoprosirnatefy 7 acres. SECTION I : RF:COM~~END~~T'I:OF:! -__.._---_-~-I__- Staaff recoifii:iie~id~ --______ APPRnVAL. of the S~ecl' fi c PI an Amcnc.!ment .( ii City Couv;cil Qi-dir?ance, 9447) 3 because 0-y the foilowing fin and subject to the fol3 owi fiq amentinent of exi st-inq c(.jiidi ti o 1) The propcjsed Speci fic PI an Arnr;ndrr;e\it .i s consistent w-i th General PI an bccazse: a) 'rhe Land Usc Plan Map of the Gerici-a'i Plan S~ONS the p r (j r; e r .ty ds Rps-jdent,ial I.4cdj1~/?1-.tij(?ki Densji;y ~~~-2~ ci 2.5 a]~. ~er-zc~e. ufif -ts pe~ a.cre, The Srjec.ific Plan limci;dment wou?d 2) The proposcd Sp~ci-fic ?fan ,4mendiri~~n-i; ?:s 'cons-ic;tent w-it11 -, a d o p 'i; e d !JI :?. s t e r P 7 a 11 b e c i: ii s .e : a j A La. Costa "~stei- Plan p2~ti~l aificridinent was adoptc City CoL!rrciI Ord-inancc: 9469 (Nov. 2, 1976) to acco!;i the subject pr~posal . 3) The pi-opos~d Speci-Sic P'iay~ /'imei?dm2r!t -r: s coilsistail'i ~5r.iti-1 C i .!- L,y 07 Cni*vi sb~cj En\~<yonmen.kat Pt+oeec.,-ti orl 3rcl-i nzi?ce of because: a) An EIR ai:d su;?pl cn?:!ritaf -j nfoi-r;j,atior! haire bezc przv-i -submi ttcd and zccejited li b) The Planning Girectoor has determis7J lied "that the- Envir Protecti on (3rd-i nance has been met by Pr-ior Cornpl i an 4) The proposed Specific ?Ian Amendment conforms to appl <c City policies and ordinances dealina viith public facili because: a) C0nd.i tions of previ ous apprcval s i iisure' the above e (sectl'on, 19.04.153). 1. .. .- .' -1- 'rn m , .i - ', <) f -1 Amendi!.ieil-ts to Coildf i-j oris lll.-ll---l-llI__ 1) Condition 2 of City Council Ordinance No, 9447, ddced Jai 6, 1476 is hereby tiinended to read: a) All development conditiocs of the R-l zoiie sha.11 app' a71 arcas encom~~ss~d by this Specfl'ic Plan. 2) Cond-i t.ion 3 of City Ct>u!icl '1 O!-d-inai~c;i:. No. 94.47, dated Jar 6, 1976 -is tiereby delt?led, SECTIUN I1 . DACKCRniiNU __.-.--_- ~.___ __-- - tocati'on and Description -__-I-.--. cf Pronerty: -The 7 acre site is bo\-ciei-ec! !IJ/ El Cainino Real oil til,? !$!est., LI Street on the South ai?d a Sari Eizqo Gas- and E-lectric p ow e r e t Oil the East. The pro.ject site has been ~oucjh (jra6t.d in conn! with pre!i{ot!s approval s. Ex i s t -i n cy 7_ G 17 .i ii ci - ~-.--- --_- ___ .. ., -_I.-- ----L' Subject Pi-oDerty I PC NOYtll: c-2 South: p ,.. c East: 1'-C bj e s t : c ( c: 0 u 1') ty ) ExisP-ing Land -- IJser --.-I.- SI! 5 j c c t: Prop c ;- ty : N 0 r t I1 : L'a c a 11 -t v a c a ii t East: Vacant \L)est: SoL!th: '$ %, c 2 li i: co r; r c i i: -1 E 1.; i f d i i? q s .A Past H'is~~GYj~ Zl',d Ftel 2ted C2.5eS Z The ~~o~oscC~ p~oj ect i s a. 1" e r; ti b c! *; \j 1 s -1 0 17 0 f .t i; c ~jj u 1 t i 12 7 ,z f 3 M j p0r-L.; 0~ of I;reei? \ja,i 1 ey i(:io? 7 s D -[ha.t. S t: 1) Ci f it .i :; 5 o 1.1 ri C 7- 7 5 ._ 7 i; I SF.' - 171 W~S anpj-~~~l by the C$t!: Cou\?c.il OE J~F;L,~~TY G9 1975 38(19 and Ordi n.snce 944.7) ,. _. A partial a.mencinien'c tc: the La Costa ?$aster Plan was z._dopteed I Ci ty Courici 7 (C-i ty CoGnc-i 1 Ordi ;lance 9 946g s November 2 4 '1976 . accommodate a lo\j>Jei*'ii;g of land use denisty for the sub.ject pl and others I:n the La Costa area. The City Corincil approved CT 76-10 to allow scbdfvision of tl sub,ject property for the sub,ject reqGest (CC liesolut-ion No. 4 --------II_- ---_I__ ~ __-__-__.-_ i i 1. . dated Octob2r 26, 1976. : ;. ' ._ 5' -2- 'b . *a " . * .* j " ~ f .- aa. E.r,vir3ii:,ni?ii.;a-l Imrj-pt Tfif~~~~a-iifii~: ___.I-._ __-.-..---I .-.Al-:x: ___.-- ~ .-.--.-I -- EIK $1.67 was prepared fcr the\ criginal subdivision of the p'i Spanish V-i 11 age (1 973) y and cert-i Pied by the Ci ty CouncS 1 ai 0.f apprcival Q The app'i f cant. prepared a supni cment to th3.t E: or-ig-ina'i Grc~n Val ley Knolls Subdivision, The FIsrti?i rig Director has detei-mi ned .::hat the requi rei:ieiits ( C 8. i^ 1 s h 3. C! 1-i i; v e b e E i: ill e t t f ---.I- Prior I Comi.~'! _I_.. I .._. I- iartce ---__ (~cet-ion 19.04.153) ,, si~ce the ;:~c>;iec-t enti i~pacts ii~t addr~s~ed i n the ti:!^ cn\~?i-~n~~e~?"i.l dociimellts on .. E \I v i i" o 9 m e 12 t. i;. ! P 1" o t e I: 'C i (j KI 3 Y d i n 5. ~i c e Gei7era.1 1'1 an I:nforinz:tis!?: The ta~d Use Plan Val; designates ~~ie prr~.jcct sitc for Resid: Mediu:ri-k\jgh Dekisi'cy, 19-20 c!we17ii?cj ~11:i-t~ per acre. The pior would provjcie a de,i?sity of 2,6 cic:!eSiin~ units per acre. St; that, thjs dci~s?-ty is consistent because of the sinaf1 size 0' project f Pub1 i c FG ci 1 i .t.i es : --_I-_-_--___ ---- -_- *I ., - _l__-_l__ J-lle pj-ojec-?, s<.~c ftj.7 -1s \5fj-Lfi{r\ tile bounda\~jes o.f,'the 01 jvcl~t.; '. r\lunj cj pal \Jfa,i:,e\- 95 s.tyjc (\5~z,.tpy) ; Leucad-ia Coi~n't>/ !Jate:- Dist (sewer); ai? Dinpv-ito 2nd. Eric-initas SC~OGI ~i~tr-icts. he a 0 -i 'I f 'CY 0 ;-- t I"! 2 s e .c I ac1 -. . - I1 * .i:-i 2s has !3.:?en assiii-ed i';i!r.oI!gh prcvi c appy'ol,tl-; 5. hqajcy p'j ?;i;n; lit! Cons j dpy3.t-i ~~~~~ T -I-_ --- -I--. - .---._-.-- ---___cI .__.._._I--. _.-__ _,..-_.- Is I;hp ;-cqiuest c~ri~'i~te;;t \,;.itjl .the $i:!;i??)*a1 Pfc;n ;;fld exjsf;fg Pi ai? D SEC-rTO;\: :r 1 I D ni SCUSSiON ___,----_----..-I _._I___._--..__ Stzff bel j eves I;hz.{;. 'f.f:f s }A jest Sf?gIJ:d e)p crJI';r;.;d'-'ye< 3,f-I (= of adn!ii?1's-i;r..a.E;.ikt7. clec.,;y-up, A Tcn.it~Cj\te Trirct R2.p has !j.peit t.ypj-o\ic<j for si;'.. x> i. . (c"; 7 6 t ti e T p 3, c -t i4 tj p ( I\? i~ - 1. 4. 9 (BHC ,4 klaster I-'? 21.i barti 5.1 afi;endi.~e~~-~ i-jas be90 ap~ro~,!ed to accum;n The proposed de" i!..-, r * .kjt of d@v~-l op:;~ei-,-i; does' not ~:xi::.,ccj t@~ ;).-! f c(ert~l:''iy ui;deiq the (;cno:-a? Plan. T 1-i / A R ., T . .. .. .- -3- '. . L- a, I* 1 2 3 rn -m .. .. ORDTNANCE NO, 9447 AM ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING A SPECIFIC PLAPJ (ST-171) FOR A SUBDIVISION 4 CONSISTIEG OF 220 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS, 5 CONDOMINIUM LOTS AT:D 2 OPEN SPACE LOTS ON 106 .ACRES LOCATED EAST OF EL CXlINO 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 RGAL AND SOUTH OF LA COSTA AVENUE. APPLLCANT: LA COSTA LAND COMPANY. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Californi does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: Specific Plan (SP-119) adopted by City Council October 16, 1973, Resolution No. 3250, is rescind1 SECTION 2: F- Specific Plan (SP-171) is hereby ado l2 l3 0 a l4 15 %(. ggsf 16 -I 17 u: * 5< “0:s $&86 18 .$ : E2 o) %$E gpL1- 55 5 19 wo zo v, V c Ei . 20 for construction of a subdivision consisting of 220 sing1 family lots, 5 condominium lots and 2 open space lots on acre site generally located east of El Camino Real and so of. La Costa Avenue, more particularly described as: Portion of Section 35 and 36, Township 1.2 South, R West, and Portion of Section 2, Township 13 South, Range 4 West, S%R, in the City of Carlsbad, said Plan to consist of a plot plan marked Exhibit €3, to SP-171, dated October 24, 1975, and an application with i 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 rnents on file in the office of the City Planning Departmt and incorporated by reference herein, subject to all ten conditions of this ordinance. SECTION 3: Findings. The approval of Specific P (SP-171) is justified by the following findings: . 1. The proposed Specific Plan is consistent the General Plan because: A, The Land Use and density of the project I /- 3- 2 3 4 II, -m dwellings per acre overall) conform to General designations (medium-high residential density, dwellings per acre). B. Open space, parks, circulation and noise atten are provided for in a manner consistent with a elements of the General Plan. * 2. The proposed Specific Plan conforms to applicable 51 6 7 8 9 20 in 12 l3 0 14 %.. -I :: 15 &% g -Yw5 X6.z ' 16 Z>fE gt <LL u: 0 I 56 -I I--.> wv zo v) 4 -I 2 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4. 17 Zw80' 18' sgcs c 0 G policies and ordinances dealing with public facilities be A. Provisions of Public Facilities has been assur meeting minimum City standards, concurrent wit SECTIOX 4: Development Conditions. The Specific Plan (SP-171) is approved subject to the following conditions , restrictions, and the development of the property, as des1 in Section 2 hereof, shall be subject to all such conditi( I and restrictions which are in addition to ail requireaezt limitations and restrictions of all municipal ordinances state and federal laws in force or which may hereafter be force : i 1, The approval is granted for the land described in application and any attachments thereto, and as shown Plot Plan submitted labeled I3xhibi.t B, dated October 2 The Pocakj-on of all roadwaysI parking areas, landscapi and other facilities or features shall be located subs as shown on the plot plan labeled Exhibit B, except or indicated otherwise herein. 2. All development conditions of the R-1 Zone shall All development conditions of'the RD-M Zone shall ---to lots 3 - 225 except as otherwise noted herein. 3. to lots 221-225 except as otherwise notcd herein. 4. To allow for proper maintenance of slope areas, n shall be constrvcted across the slopcs with toe-of-slo adjacent to public streets as shown in Exhibit E, date October 24, 1975. 5. Concurrent with final map recordation, an open sp 2. (* 1 2 3 4 5 6 P rn easement shall be granted to the City of Carlsbad over 226 and a portion of lots 223 and 227 as shown in Exhil dated October 24, 1975. At the same time 20 foot open easements over portions of lots 16, 34, 172 and 186 sht granted to the City of Carlsbad as shown in said Exhib or shall be included in lots 226 and 227 if approved b: Planning Director. 6. A detailed landscape and automated irrigation pla be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Director forh approval prior to issuance of grading permits. Said p shall include all slopes with toe-of-slopes adjacent t 7 8 9 3.0 11 12 13 0 14 &% 5 8 g 15' 16 0022 gcQ ms4i 17 u: I3< gEq 20 v) La ;: lu5 wo 4'86 18 55 i2 19 3 5 20 > X public rights-of-way, and lots 226 and 227. 7. Prior to the acceptance of subdivision improvemen by the City, all landscaping and irrigation facilities included in the landscape and irrigation facilities pl described in the above condition shall be installed. applicant shall maintain said landscaping until such t permanent maintenance is established. 8. Prior to any occupancy of any portion of the Spec Plan area the applicant shall file with the Clerk or' t of Carlsbad a petition for the formation of an Opeii Sp Maintenance District as provided for in Section 50590 California State Government Code. The applicant shall tain all landscaping installed in conformance with thi until such time as an Open Space Maintenance District established and accepts maintenance responsibilities a prescribed in the Open Space Maintenance Act, or until maintenance responsibility is accepted by another enti acceptable to the City. Should the City Council not a such a Maintenance District, the applicant shall form Homeowner's Association. The CCslR's €or the Associati shall contain provisions guaranteeing maintenance of s landscaping and shall be reviewed by the Planning Dire 9. Adopted City policies and ordinances pertaining t creation and improvement of panhandle lots shall be ad I . 21 22 23 24. 25 26 27 28 to 0 10. Prior to the issuance of building permits on lots 224, 225, a study of the noise levels on said lots sha made by an acoustical engineer experienccd in noise at ation, Said study shall determine if attenuation mea: are necessary to bring noise levels with 65 dB(A) outd and 45 dB@) indoors. Said study shall recommend suck Planning Director, Said measures shall be incorporatc the site design and building plans for said lots. -. * attenuation measures' as deemed necessary and approved 3. * . 4 ' .a ,b Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 a: I 11. DweLl.ings located on lots 5 through 26 and 42 th of Exhibit B, dated October 21, 1975, shall be built fire retardant roofs approved by the fire marshall. 12. Lot 221 shal.1 be reserve? for potential use as a park site, SECTION 5: Administration an2 Enforcement. The Buil - Department shall not approve any building for occupancy 7 8 9 10 the Planning Director has certified that all. the conditi this ordinance have been satisfied. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective th days after its adoption, and 'the City Cle'rk shall certif adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published 12 XI 13 0 14 fn 2 -J g 15 E$ o) 16 du. ws C302g or- 590 4% *v II 17 ul. 5q WCJ $586 18 -= N once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after i aCaptio.. i INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the December Carlsbad City Council held on the -- 16tkday of and thereafter PASSED AXD ADOPTED a.t a regular meeting of said Couns on the6th day of January , 1976, by the following vote, 5Eq 20 v1 55 5 19 0 AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Chase, Lewis, Skotnicki a NOES None Colrnci 1 woman Cas1 er -ir: Ei . 20' 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 7R - ABSENT: None .. . 4. e a .c NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RE: SPECIFIC PLAN AMEND- - MENT (SP-171A) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thatithe City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a Public Hearing in the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 7:OO P.M. on Tuesday, January 4, 1976, to consider an application for a Specific Plan Amendment to SP-171 to provide for 18 lots on approximately 7 acres on pro- perty bordered by El Camino Real on the West, Levante Street on the South and a San Diego Gas & Electric Power Easement on the East, as shown on the map below. APPLICANT: LA COSTA LAND COMPANY Publish: December 22, 1976 CARLSBAD CITY COUN \L ', d. * \ ."* SPECIFIC PLAN4 171(A) COMPILED BY ClT" OF CARLSEAD PLANNING DEPT FROM DATA SHOWN IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY ASSESSOR BOOK 255 PAGE 010 PARCELS 15 AND 17 AVO APPLICANT LA COSTA LAND CO * 04 fr NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Specific Plan AmellCfdment (SP-179A) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the 0 City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 7:OO P.M., 1 Wednesday, Decetxber 8, 1976, to consider an application for a Specific Plan Amendment to SP-171 to provide for 18 lots on app mately 7 acres on property bordered by El Camino Real on the Ne . Levante Street oi: the South and a San Diego Gas and Electric PO . easement on the East, and as shown on the map below. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially i vited to attend the public hearing. If you have any questions, please call 729-1181 and ask for the Planning Department. APPLICANT: LA COSTA LANE COMPANY PUBLISH: November 27, 1976 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPART &/ * w .(IJROl?EIYI'Y OWNERS LIST e -----LLI---. Owner Parcel- Number Assessor's. Number - 1. Leucadia County Wa 1959 El Camino Rea Encinitas , Califor 2. 216-122-30 La Costa Land Comp 216-122-22 Costa Del Mar Road Carlsbad, Californ 3. 216-310-10 La Costa Land Camp( 216-310-09 Costa Del Mar Road Carlsbad, CaLiforn 4. 216-310-08 Cal Pacific Properi 2014 Caleta Street Rancho La Costa, C; 5. 216-310-07 Helena W. Scaritt 1325 Camino MiraSo: Palm Springs, Calij c I 6. 216-310-06 Evelyn M. Hayden 340 East 64th Strec New York, New York 7. 216-310-05 Chase 4,5 & 6 c/o 216-310-04 BOP. Chase 7053 Estrella Del i Carlsbad, Californj La Costa de Marbell 4924 Rebel Road San Diego, Califor; 9. 216-240-09 Donald V. & filary PE 12648 Collins Strec North Hollywood, Cz Y-d ' 10 216-240-08 W.Ee s: Dorothy S. H 5101 Don Miguel Dri - -. Carlsbad, Californi 11. 216-240-07 Robert E. & Marie C 17312 Eastmall Avenu Santa Ana, Californ 12. * 216-240-06 Sherley Fredudenber 9226 Shelly Field R Downey, California 8. 2 1'6- 2 4 0 - 5 4 I 13. 216~24 0-05 Lucille E. Medoff 146 Willow Drive Woodland Park Mobil Woodland, Californi i .I *. e Property Omers List September 5, 1975 J#6927 Parcel Nurriier - Assessor's Number Owner 14. 216-240-04 Louis & Rebecca Wc 216-240-03 2729 Carmar Drive Los Angeles, Calij 15: 216-240-02 Wendall & Mabel M? 216-240-01 5330 Lindley Avent Encino, Californiz 16. 216-240-30 Meho & Helene Omar 19327 Friar Street Reseda, Californiz 17. 216-240-31 Robert B. & Betty 721 Sandlewood Avc La Habra, Califorr 18. 216-240-32 Thomas E. McNally 747 Nacion Avenue Chula Vista, Calif 19. 216-240-33. Tic0 & Roberta Bor Woodmere, New York 20. ' 216-240-50 Jerome L. & Leah E 15751 Regal Woods Sherman Oaks, Cali \ 216-240-34 970 Browers Point 21. 1216-240-51 Irene L. Boylan 1434 A1 Bahr Drive La Jolla, Califorr 22 * 216-240-52 Richard & Beverly 20701 Beach Boulev Huntington Beach, 23, 216-240-53 Donald & Martha Wi 4021 Mesa Street Torrance, Californ 24. 216-340-0 8 Lester 0. & Martha 960 Sunset Avenue Venice, California 25. 216-340-09 La Costa Land ComF Costa Del Mar Road Carlsbad, Californ 216-340-10 La Costa Land Comp Costa Dei Mar Road Carlsbad, Californ ._ 4 * Property owners ~iso 0 Septeirber 5, 1975 Ji 6927 Parcel Nupher I- Assessor's Number -- Owner 26. 216-340-11 Marvin L, & Merril 10 Forest Lane Berkeley, Californ 27. 216-340-12 La Costa Land Comp 21 6- 3 4 0- 13 Costa Del Mar Road 2 16- 3 4 0- 1.4 Carlsbad, Californ 216-340-15 216-340-16 216-340-17 216-340-18 28. 216-340-19 Peter & Ursula Gav 5838 Ferbcr Street San Diego, Califor 29. 216- 3 4 0- 2 0 Donna G. Webster 3678 Syracuse Aven San Diego, Califor 30. 216-340-21 La Cos'ca Lafid ComF 216-340-22 Costa Del Mar Roac 216-340-23 Carlsbad, Californ 31 D 216-340-24 Jeffrey S, & Virgi 1231 Riverside Dri Fullertonp Califor . 32. . 216-340-25 La Costa Land ComF 216-340-26 Costa Del Mar Roac I 216-340-27 Carbsbad, Cal-iforr 216-353-03 216-353-04 33. . 216-340-31 Thomas Jr. & Seam 325 Arbolada Drive Arcadia l Californi 34. 216-340-33 La Costa Land Corn1 216-340-34 Costa Del Mar Road 216- 3 4 0- 35 Carlsbad, Califorr 216-340-36 216-340-37 216-340-38 ' 216-340-3 9 35. 216-352-19 La Costa Land Corn1 216-352-20 Costa Del Mar Roac 216-352-21 Carlsbad, Califorr 36. 216-353-05 La Costa Land Corn1 Costa Del Mar Roac Carlsbad, Calif on Lis0 (I)/ r+ Proy7erty Owners '. September 5, 1975 J#6927 Parcel Number Assessor's Number Owner 37 0 216-352-22 Tom Id. Scott 2516 Elden Costa Mesa, Califo 38. 216-352-23 La Costa Land Comp 2167352-24 Costa Del Mar Road 216-352-25 Carlsbad, Californ 39. 216- 352- 2 6 Ellwood A, & Yuan 16408 Ballinger St Sepulveda, Califor 40. 216 352-27 Linda, Lin Mei F. 19955 Lanark Stree Canoga Park, Calif 41. 216-352-34 La Costa Land Comp 216-352-35 Costa Del Mar Road 216-352-36 Carlsbad, Californ 42. 216-131-04 La Costa Land Comp 21 6- 13 1- 0 5 Costa Del Mar Road 255-010-10 Carlsbad, Californ 255-101-15 43. 216-122-09 R & W Properties c 1290 Avenue of the Mew York, New York 216-122-10 WeP. Cohen 44. 255iO11-01 Rancho La Costa 216-122-13 Drawer A Huntington Beach, 45, 255-010-11 Ernestine E. Krobl P.O. Box 249 Clairemont, Califc I declare to the best of my knowledge that the foregoing is an list taken from the latest equalized assessment roll on file in Office of the Assessor of San Diego County. &itL/e Robert C. Ladwig RCL : rk