HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-02-01; City Council; 4058; General Plan amendment to Land Use ElementCITY OF CARLSBAD * ~*9O £<£AGENDA BILL NO. DATE: ___ FFRRllARY 1 , 1Q77 Initial:. CO Dept. Hd~.fV/-l-? DEPARTMENT: PLANNING City At ty City Mgr. SUBJLCT GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT INVOLVING CHANGE FROM PI (PLANNED' INDUSTRIAL) TO TS (TRAVEL SERVICES COMMERCIAL) DESIGNATION - GPA-40 STATEMENT OF THE MATTER On January 12, 1977, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider an amendment to the Land Use Element of the General Plan (GPA-40 - Applicant: Peggy Hadley). At the conclusion of the hearing, the Commission recommended the following: Change the designation from PI (Planned Industrial) to TS (Travel Services) on approximately six (6) acres of land on the west side of Paseo del Norte, between Palomar Airport Road and Altamira residential development. Exhibits : Planning Commission Resolution No. 1312 Exhibit A, GPA-40, Memo from Planning Memo from Planning Letter from Banche Recommendation: 1/18/77 Department to PI anning 'Commission Department to Planning Commission. to Planning Department, 12/22/76. 1/12/77. 11/22/76 If the City Council concurs with the recommendation of the Planning Commission, instruct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary documents for approval as per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1312. Council action '2-1-77 Following the public hearing the City Attorney was instructed to prepare documents necessary for approval in accordance with Planning Commission Resolution #1312. FORM PLANNING 73 1 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1312 2 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF v THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, 0 RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION A OF GPA-40, A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT FROM 4 PLANNED INDUSTRIAL TO TRAVEL SERVICES R DESIGNATION ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED D ON THE WEST SIDE OF LOWDER LANE BETWEEN fi PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND THE ALTA MIRA RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT „ CASE NO.: GPA-40 I APPLICANT: PEGGY HADLEY Q WHEREAS, a verified application for a certain property, g as shown on the attached map, has been filed with the City of Carlsbad and referred to the Planning Commission; and 11 WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request 12 as provided by Title 21 of the "Carlsbad Municipal Code;" and 13 WHEREAS, the public hearing was held at the time and in 14 the place specified in the public notice on January 12, 1977; and 15 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and consider- -i /» ing the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who 17 desired to be heard, said Commission considered all factors 18 relating to the General Plan Amendment and found the following 19 facts and reasons to exist: 20 1) Paseo del Norte will be able to accommodate the expected on increase of traffic generated by the "TS" designation. 2) There is the possibility of eliminating most or all of the expected problems that might arise from uses permitted by the "TS" designation with future zone overlays requiring site development plan approval. 24 3) Retaining the "PI" designation on the east side of Paseo del Norte maintains the viability of planned indust- rial development in that area. The "TS" designation on the west side of Paseo del Norte would not significantly interfere with the potential. 2r NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission 28 of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 'l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 "I A14 15 16 17 18 19•i- ** 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A) That the above recitations are true and correct. B) That the recommendation is made to the City Council to adopt a General Plan Amendment to change the Planned Industrial on property designation to Travel Services designation generally located on the west side of Paseo del Norte between Palomar Airport Road and the Alta Mira residential development. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of Carlsbad by the following AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: • • ATTEST: 06 / ^iLtsyji^L V X&/** RALPH S. PLENDER - , Planning Commission held on January 12, 1977 vote, to wit: Commissioners Larson, Nelson, Jose, Watson and L'Heureux. None. Commissioners Rombotis and Fikes. None. s, /] & " ^-r \ r ^^BRIC LARSON, CHAIRMAN JL , SECRETARY -2- -J PALOMAR AIRPORT RD P \ r EXHIBIT A GPA-40 1-18-77 MEMORANDUM January 12, 1977 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT CASE NO: GPA-40 (SUPPLEMENT #1) REQUEST: APPROVAL OF A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (LAND USE ELEMENT) FROM PI (PLANNED INDUSTRIAL) TO RRE (EXTENSIVE REGIONAL RETAIL). APPLICANT: PEGGY R. HADLEY BACKGROUND: On November 22, 1976, the Planning Commission considered a request almost identical to this one (Staff Report Attached). It was apparent that the majority of the Planning Commission would have supported some form of Commercial Land Use at that time but they could not agree on the actual designation nor the area. Because of the limitation on the number of General Plan Amendments per- mitted each year,, the applicant's agent requested a denial so he could appeal to the Council before the end of the year. Because of additional timing problems with appeals, the applicant decided to amend the request and asked the Planning Commission to reconsider the item. That amended request i.s now before you. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDED REQUEST: The applicant's representative has requested deletion of that property on the east side of Paseo del Norte that was included in the original request. The agent also has asked that the possibility of a "TS" (Travel Service) designation be considered as a viable alternative to the request of "RRE" (Extensive Regional Retail) (Letter Attached). The applicant is suggesting the "TS" alternative because there is presently no zone available to implement the "RRE" designation.' The City is processing a new zone that would implement the "TS" designation Just about all of the possible uses the applicant desires are expected to be permitted in this new zone. RECOMMENDATION: Staff still recommends DENIAL of the "RRE"'designation for the reasons outlined on the attached Staff Report. -1 - ALTERNATIVE: Staff roconunen cl 5 _A_P_EJU) V AL. of the "TS" design a t Ion for t.he f o 11 owi n g reasons: 1) Pas e o del N o r t. e w ill be able to a c c o mm o rl a t e t. h e e x p e c t e d i n c r e a s e o f t. r a f fie g e n e r a t e ci b y t h e " T S" d c s i g n a t i o n . f 2) There 'is the possibility of eliminating most or all of the ex- • pected problems that might arise from uses permitted by the "TS" designation with future zone overlays requiring site development pi an approval. 3) Retaining the "PI" designation on the east side of Paseo del Norte maintains the viability of planned industrial development in that area. The "TS" designation on the west side of Paseo del Norte would not significantly interfere with that potential. MZ:ar (1/11/77) MEMORANDUM .November 22, 1976 TO:' PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT CASE NO'.: GPA-40 REQUEST: APPROVAL OF A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT FROM P-I (PLANNED INDUSTRIAL TO RRE (EXTENSIVE REGIONAL RETAIL) APPLICANT: PEGGY R. HADLEY SECTION I: RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends GPA-40 be DENIED because of the following findings: (1) The increase of traffic due to the potential, intense commercial uses permitted by the RRE designation would create an adverse impact to the surrounding residential and industrial properties, both existing and potential. (2) The elimination of the Planned Industrial designation on this property would decrease the viability of planned industrial development on the remaining, surrounding properties. (3) Some of the desired commercial uses are already permitted under the existing Specific Plan with approval of a Condi- tional Use Perm it. - SECTION II; STAFF BACKGROUND REPORT Location 'and Description of Property: . The subject property is located on the east and west side of Paseo del Norte, between Palomar Airport Road and the Altamira development, The 9.04 acres of property are irregular in shape with approximately 1,490 feet of frontage along Paseo del Norte. Rough grading has taken place on the property. A drainage channel lies along the southerly end of the westerly parcel. The Encina Water' Pol 1 ution Co'ntrol Facility lies to the southwest, on the west side of Interstate 5. This facility periodically omits odors that would affect this- propferty. E'xi sting Zo'11 ng : Subject Parcel: M with Specific Plan North: M East: P-M and M with Specific Plan South: P-C (Commercial) West: P-M and P-U SurrounjJjjng_Land Use : Subject Parcel: Vacant North: Hadley Orchards/Cal-Mi 1 Plastics East: Vacant (McReynolds) South: Vacant (Altarm'ra) '. West: I-5/EWPCF/Avenida Encinas industrial area Past History and Related Cases: The parcel on the east side of Paseo del Norte was split in 1975 (MS #266). A Conditional Use Permit (CUP-109) was approved on the one (1) acre portion for a restaurant. All of the property in this application is zoned "M" (Industrial). In 1972, a Specific Plan (SP-23A) was approved for the area that applied all of the performance standards.(except for setbacks) and use restrictions contained in the "P-M" (Planned Industrie!) zone. the easterly parcel. reel Environmental Impact Information^ An Environmental Impact Assessment has been filed and a Negative Declaration issued for the following reason: (1) The lots are graded and adjacent to existing development, therefore, impacts on the natural environment will be minimal. General PI an Infor mat i on: In addition to this property, the two parcels already mentioned to the north and a larger parcel to the east are also designated as "PI" (Planned Industrial) on the Land Use Plan (See attached exhibit). • Public Fact! ities : The project location falls within the water and sewer service boundaries of the City. Regardless of what project eventually goes in this area, major improvements to the water system will ultimately have to be im- proved. - 2 - Any new development requiring more than 2100 gpm fire flow would require at least one of the following improvements: (1) Installation of a metering vault and pressure regulator to connect the City's system to the CMWD system. The cost of this improvement is estimated at $25,000 to $50,000. The potential for reimbursement funds would not be as great for this improvement as for alternative No. (2). (2) Connect the Paseo del Norte line with the Avenida Encinas line by looping the system under the freeway. The cost of this improvement is estimated at $50,000 to $80,000. Major Planning Considerations: (1) Are there potential uses permitted under the RRE designation that would be significantly more intense than uses permitted by the PI designation? (2) Would the elimination of this property from the area's PI desig- nation decrease the viability of development of the remaining properties? SECTION III: DISCUSSION The descriptions of the existing (PI) and proposed (RRE) designa- tions in the Land Use Element read as follows: Planned Industrial (PI): The Land Use Map designates those areas currently used for, proposed as, or adjacent to industrial development, including manufacturing, warehousing, storage, research and development, and utility uses. Agricultural and outdoor recreation uses on lots of one acre or more are considered to be a proper interim use for industrially designated areas. Extensive Regional Retail (RRE): These commercial areas include a wide range of establishments dealing in large, low volume, high cost items such as furni- ture, automobiles (new and used), lumber and building materials, boats, mobile homes, farm machinery and garden supplies. Exten- sive shopping establishments are similar in market and popula- tion requirements to intensive shopping establishments, but, because of the cost of the items sold and the infrequency of purchase, customers are willing to travel greater distances to compare price and quality. In response to the wide range of items sold and the varied physical and transportation require- ments involved, these establishments are rarcl'y suited to planned shopping centers (except for household furnishings such as furniture and appliances) and seek locations accessible to a large population because they have a relatively low patron frequency. Intersections of primary streets, or near these intersections along a major arterial, meet their access needs. Tfleir location should be near developments with similar physical characteristics, suitably separated from residential areas. Because of wide variety in their development, extensive storage and display needs, activities, these establishments cannot be -organized into independent functional shopping centers. The general space requirements for extensive shopping needs is one acre per 1000 families. The subject property meets many of the requirements of the RRE designation with one basic exception, i.e., the location should be suitably separated from residential areas. Paseo del Norte serves as the major ingress and egress to the Altamira residential develop- ment. Some of the more intense uses permitted with the RRE desig- nation could create significant traffic congestion and safety pro- blems along Paseo del Norte during their operating hours (e.g. 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M.). Most uses permitted under the existing desig- nation of PI would basically only impact traffic during the peak work-trip periods (e.g. 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M.) An example of an ideal area for the RRE designation would be along Paseo del Norte between Palomar Airport Road and Cannon Road. Excluding the Hadley's and Cal-Mil properties because they are already-developed leaves a total of approximately forty-one (41) acres designated as "PI" with good street frontage accessibility (approximately 1100 feet along each side). the elimination of the subject property from the planned industrial designation would leave only about 700 feet on one side for access and a total of about 32 acres for planned industrial uses. This decrease of usable "PI" property and frontage could substantially affect the viability of the remaining area developing as a cohesive planned industrial area. Evidently the applicant is requesting a General Plan change to provide for commercial retail development. The existing "M" zoning with adopted Specific Plan provides for certain commercial uses by Conditional Use Permit - they are: Restaurants, and other retial uses limited to sales of goods and services required for the convenience of occupants of the subject zone. MZ:TCH:mdp (8/6/76) Attachment: Map showing existing Land Use designations and uses. -4- LAW OFFICES OF DAUBNEY, BANCHE, PATTERSON AND REED WILL.AM H. DAUBNEY . A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION AREA CODE 7.4 NICHOLAS C. BANCHE 70S FOURTH STREET TELEPHONE 722-1861 JOHN E. PATTERSON - POST OFFICE BOX 39O KENNETH E. HEC1D JAMES A. TESTA OCEANBIDn, CALIFORNIA 33054 December 22, 1976 Planning Department City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mike Zander RE: GPA-40 Dear Mr. Zander: Please accept this letter as a request to amend the existing application with regard to the above. The amendment involves the elimination of all land of the applicant lying East of Paseo Del Norte and further, asks that the land use designation include the possibility of a tourist service classification as a viable alternative to the request of extensive regional retail. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, NrCHOLAS C. BANCHE NCB:jp NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RE: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (6PA-40) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, February 1, 1977, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, to consider a General Plan Amendment (Land Use Element) from Planned Industrial (PI) to Travel Services Commercial (TS) designation on property generally located on the West side or Paseo del Norte between Palomar Airport Road and the Alta Mira Residential Development and as shown on the map below: APPLICANT: PEGGY R. HADLEY Publish: January 19, 1977 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL -J PALOMAR AIRPORF RD P \ r NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING GPA-40 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, January 12, 1977, at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, to consider a General Plan Amendment (Land Use Element) from Planned Industrial to Travel Services Commercial designation on property generally located on the West side of Paseo del Norte between Palomar Airport Road and the Alta Mira' Residential Development and as shown on the map below. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the Public Hearing. If you have any questions, please call 729-1181 and ask for the Planning Department. APPLICANT: PUBLISH: PEGGY R. HADLEY December 29, 1976 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT -J PALOMAR AIRPORT RD \ f : Encina Water Pollution Control Facility6200 Avenida Encinas '-• Carlsbad, CA 92008 • V ir' ' "Games & Alice Winslow 6100 Avenida Encinas • Carlsbad, CA 92008 Marshall F. Lamore _ 1504 la Coronilla Drive Santa Barbara, CA 93109 James and Dorothy Gaiser 3784 Skyline Rd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 • GPA.-40 & Madalena Ecke P.O. Box 488 ' Encinitas, CA 92024 Peggy Hadley . . :6115 Paseo del Norte Carlsbad, CA 92008 .'Nicholas C. Banche 'Attorney at Law .-Post Off-ice Box 390 'Oceanside, CA 92054 Calif. St. Rd. Maintenance .Station6050 Lowder Lane ~ - Carlsbad, CA 92008 Cal-Mil Plastic Products •6100"Lower Lane Carload, CA 9£008 Andrew McReynolds 2316 Calle Chiquita La Jolla, CA 92037 Takashima USA, Inc. c/o ShermarrA. Itlaner 3435 Wilshire Blvd, #1428 Los Angeles, California • M : i f. '- \ *i -,b Financial Scene Inc. p-0: Box 6474 San Diego, CA 92112