HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-02-01; City Council; 4063; Library Salary StudyJ CITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO.-Q !03 initial: Dept.Hd. DATE: February 1, 1977 C. Atty.� �0 , DEPARTMENT: City Manager C. Mgr. Sub] ct: J1 LIBRARY SALARY STUDY Statement of the Matter The City Council included money in the 1976-77 fiscal year budget for certain Library personnel salary increases. These funds were not to be expended until a salary study of Library personnel was made. The report is now completed and attached for your review. Exhibit Memo from City Manager dated 1-17=77 Memo from City Librarian dated 3-19-76 Library Salary Survey dated "-5-77 Memo from Personnel Director dated 1-5-77 Recommendation See memo from Personnel Director (Library Salary Survey) dated January 5, 1977. Council action 2-1-77 The Council accepted staff recommendation, and no changes were made to existing library salary schedules. 1 DATE: JANUARY 17, 1977 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: LIBRARY SALARY INCREASES Money was provided in the 1976-77 budget for salary increases for selected positions in the Library. At Council's instruction, these monies were not to be expended until a salary survey had been com- pleted by the Personnel Department. That survey is now complete and it recommends that no increases be granted. Several aspects of this study in particular, and this approach to salary reviews in general, might be worth discussing briefly. First, you can see that the "clerical and subprofessional" classes compare more favorably to other agencies than the "professional" classes. This has occurred in part because of the "flat dollar amount" salary increases granted last year which compressed the salary structure. It becomes evident particularly when comparisons are made with outside agencies which continue to grant "percentage" salary increases. This will be aggravated further since the employees are covered by a two year contract which applies the same approach to increases for next year. This kind of study was not conducted for all City employees but it can be assumed that the same relationship would show up City wide. The second aspect which is useful to comment on is that of making class by class comparisons. This is rarely recommended in salary studies. Apparent inequities will almost always appear in such comparisons. Regardless of how carefully the duties and quali- fications of a class are compared with those in other agencies, there are always differences of how the position is used within different agencies and in the hierarchy of organizations or agencies. A more appropriate method of salary comparison is to study only "bench mark" positions in,each class series and then make internal adjust- ments against that bench mark comparison. This is a lengthy and highly technical process but should be accomplished from time to time f City wide. Mr. Pieti is preparing a recommendation for such a study as part of this coming year's budget. In conclusion, I concur with Mr. Pieti's recommendation but call the Council's attention to the potential problem of salary compression which can occur if "flat dollar amount" salary increases are not looked at carefully. PAU' . BUSSEY City Manager PDB:ldg r t;a rch 19, 1976 i � t•iEhiORis"t(�lt�f �- TO: Paul 0. Bussey; City Manager ` FROM: Georgina D. Cole, City Librarian SUBJECT: Salary Increases - 1976-77 Budget Reference is made to Item 2 in the memorandum to you from the Library Board of Trustees, dated February 24, 1976 and your reply, dated t•iarch 4, 1976. To clarify a question which was ra*.ed, the increases are requested in addition to any salary increases granted Through negotiations with the employees a7 ssociation. Library salaries in the city structure are a constant problem, Personnel studies invariably compare frith other San Diego County library positions. These are extremely low and the comparisons not realistic. Both Orange and Los Angeles Counties would provide a better basis. The loss of a third professional libra- rian in as many years accentuates the problem. All went on to Excellent positions, leaving the library with the feeling or becoming a great training ground. Exc,ilence in library service comes only from a superior staff. The library Department Heads educational level is very high. Three of our newer members hold two masters degrees. Unless there is some incentive --- and despite the lure of lovely r:eather --- the Carlsbad City Library staff will see nothing but constant �- turnover. - Q ; The positions which would be affected by the requested increases are as follows: COLLECTIONS COORDINATOR (Lib.iii) From range 38 to range 39 .CHILDREN'S LIBRARIAN (Lib.11) From range 36 to range 37 SENIOR LIBRARIAN From range 36 to range 37 AUDIO VISUAL LIBRARIAN (Lib. II) From range 36 to range 37 HEAD OF READERS INFORMAT(1L0'tbS�►f��. From range 36 to range 37 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT From range 28 to range 29 LIBRARY CLERK. II (Hansen) From range 17 to range 18. Possibly even better than making comparisons witi, others in the library field, it would be more appropriate to make those comparisons with other City Departments. Following is a sampling from the"1975-75 budget: Serior Building Inspector 43; Assistant Building Inspector - 37; Police Captain - 47; Police Lieutenant - 44; Detective Sgt. - 42; Sgt. - 40; Battalion Chief - 47; Captain - 43; Engineer - 39; Fireman - ?5; Civil Engineer Associate - 46; Civil Engineer Assistant - 40 and Construction Inspector - 38. After looking at the salaries in these other depart- ments, the requested increases for library personnel do not appear out of line, and if anything, are nct high enough. +x CARLSBAD CMANSIDE P-q(r [)TM MmvIAM rmTra vTQmA XTATT.NMTAT nTmv "AM CITY LM9ABTAN LIBRARY DIRECIOR CITY LIBRARLM CITY IIBBRARIA11 CITY LIBRARIAN`- 1418 - 1825 1500 - 1875 1609/month 1297 - 1577 1400 - 2000 LIBRARIAN ` 1554 - 1750 * LIBRARIAN III- PRINCIPAL SUPERVISING 1160 - 1398 LIBRARIAN LIBRARIAN 1218 - 1480 1254 - 1517 ASST. CITY ASST. LIBRARY ASST. CITY LIBRARIAN DIRECIOR LIBRARIAN 1133 - 1366" 1149 - 1452 1297 - 1577 LIBRARIAN II MIIDREN' S LIBRARIAN LIB,•2ARIAN II SENIOR 1107 - 1334 LIBRARIAN 984 - 1196 998 - 1212 _ LIBRARIAN �,.. 1070 - 1352 1087.- 1315 * WIOR SENIOR '-LIBRARIAN LIBRARIAN 1107 - 1334 1052 - 1278 " AUDIO-VISUAL LIBRARIAN 1107 -- 1334 REFERENCE LIBRARIAN LIBRARIAN I LIBRARIAN LIBRARIAN LIBRARIAN LIBRARIAN 911. - 1149 904 - 7.100 932 - 1132 935 - 1137 944 - 1191 942.- 11.33 * LIBRARY ADMIN. LIBRARY ADMIN. SECRETARY II ASSISTAW ASSISTANT 767 - 932 921_- 1107, 870 - 1096 r - r__ ASST, LIBRARY ASST. LIBRARY TECH. LIBRARY TECH I;MRARY ASST.' 84x - 1009 831 - 1047 '767 - 932 774 - 942 802 - 967' LIBRARY CLERK LIBRARY LIBRARY CLERK III "IT_I 758 - 954 CLERK II 616 - 748 767 - 927_ 671 - 813 AUDIO VISUAL CLERK II. 586 - 713 701 - 841 LIBRARY CLERK TYPIST CLERK LIBRARY CLERK i LIBRARY CLERK I CLERK I LIBRARY CLERK 670 - 803 606 - 759 616 - 749 86 — 713 518 - 631 646 - 785 *LIBRARYYTT BOOKMOBIL 841 D enclosure 1 775 - 975 � 1-5-77 CFRT_SBAD LOS AINIGELES PuariNGrw BEACH MIPORT BEACH CITY LIBRARIAN DIVISION LIBRARIAN 1418 - 1825 1976 - 2456 * LIBRARIAN III PRINCIPAL, LIBRARIAN TECMICAL • SERVICE I , 1160 - 1398 1461 - 1814 LIBRARIAN 1327 - 1638 ASST. CITY LIBRARIAN 1133 - 1366 * LIBRARIAN 1I + LIBRAi2?'AN II SENIOR LIBRARIAN LIBRARIAN II •"1 107 - 1334 1172 - 1458 1130 - 1396 1172 - 1425 REFEREMM LIBRARIAN LIBRARIAN LIBRARIAN I LIBRARIAN 1049 - 1306 LIBRARY ASST. 11 1063 - 1292 942 - 1134 1019 - 1256 * LIBRARY PERSONNEL ANALYIST "LIBRARIAN ASST. I ADMINISTRA`IVE ADahl. ASST. 1310 = 1626 AUDIO-VISUAL Mal. AIDE 921 - 1107 919 - 1130 1144 - 1390 LIBRARY ASST. LIBRARY ASST. LIBRARY ASST. 8-t1 - 1009 798 - 993 918 - 1116 LIBRARY CLERK III SR. LIBRARY CLERIC LIBRARY CLERK III 767 - 927 748 - 919 756 - 918 *"—`LIBRARY CLERK II CLERK TYPIST LIBRARY CLERK II 701 - 841 659 - 819 ( 669 - 813 AUDIO-VISUAL, CLERK i^ i - 841 LIBRARY CLEW< LIBRARY CLEIJCAL LIBRARY CLERK LIBctW CLERK , 670 - 803 ASST. 678 - 827 592 - 720 624 - 776 ` Positions for which salary increases have b en requested by Library Board I ej c� os.7 2 .__._ ___ _ __ ____.. _____�._ __- __ _ ._-__ _ _.—_- _ _ CITY OF CARLSBAD Department of Personnel MEMORANDUM DATE January 5, 1976 TO City Manager FROM Personnel Director SUBJECT: SALARY SURVEY LIBRARY CLASSIFICA'P,IONS I. Purpose. The purpose of this memorandum is to report the results of the salary survey conducted, comparing salaries Of City of Carlsbad library employees with employees of other libraries. II. Method. The method used to conduct this survey Kas to compare classifications existent in the City of Carlsbad Library with similar classification descriptions from other cities providing library service. The classifications can be divided into two categories, professionals and non- professionals. Cities surveyed also divide into two categories, those in San Diego County and others outside of San Diego County. Once the classifications and the classification descriptions were matched, then the salaries for those positions were matched. III.Background. The City previously made salary comparisons with other cities of like population and similar budget. This continued until approximately five years ago when the City began using League of California Cities' benchmark position salary surveys. This service identified specific benchmark positions in each city's organization. The City had the option of ordering data reflecting the salary surveys in as many cities as it desired throughout California. More recently, in addition to the League surveys, the City has used a total compensations survey produced by the personnel directors of the cities of San Diego County. It is anticipated that•in the coming year the City will use both of these, plus a benefit survey produced by the City of E1 Cajon. It has not been the practice of the City of Carlsbad to seek salary data from cities outside of San Diego County. IV. Salary survey. Salary surveys reflected on Enclosures 1 and 2 provide comparisons of library positions and salaries of other cities in San Diego County and three cities outside of San Diego County. - 2 - A. San Diego County cities. Enclosure 1 shows that in 19 comparisons made in the professional category only eight positions among six cities exceeded the salary ranges of the City of Carlsbad. In the non- professional category out of 16 comparisons made, no other city in the County of San Diego had salary ranges for comparable positions exceeding those within the City of Carlsbad. ,B. Other cities. Enclosure 2 shows that of nine pro- fessional made the City of Carlsbad had the lowest salary range per classification. In the, 12 non-professional comparisons made for the positions of other cities exceeded this City's salary ranges of the City of Carlsbad Library personnel. V. Conclusions. A. Labor market. Within the City of Carlsbad's labor market which is generally construed to be San Diego County as a Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area, the City of Carlsbad library salaries are competitive with those of other cities providing library service. This includes both the professional and non-professional category. Outside of the City's labor market the City is not competitive in professional categories, but is competitive with the cities outside of San Diego County in the non-professional category. B. Meet and confer. During the annual meet and confer sessions conducted in the last two years library employeea as represented by the Carlsbad City Employees' Associa-tion have been afforded the opportunity to negotiate for salary changes. Negotiations conducted during 1976 resulted in across-the-board dollar amount increases for all 'miscellaneous' employees of the City of Carlsbad. C. Dealing with a single department of the City's organiza- tion separately for salary changes provides poor 4 precedence. Given an opportunity, each department within the City's administration could provide justification of some sort, based upon performance and work load, for increasing the salary ranges for their employees. D. The classification plan currently existing in one City of Carlsbad was conducted in 1969. It is outdated and should be redone. This became apparent, not only 3 as a result of this salary survey, but as a result of the screening of the personnel procedures used -in the light of an affirmative action program adopted by the City Council. VI. Recommendation. It is recommended, based on the results of these surveys, no changes be made to existing library salary schedules. NC_jEROME N. PIETI P/vs .a