HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-02-07; City Council; 3625-1; REQUEST THAT CITY COUNCIL GIVE FINAL BUILDING PERMIT CLEARANCE FOR ENCINA 5 AND THE SINGLE STACK| CASE NO. SP 144B*I Initial: City Atty D LFARTMENT : PLANNING City Mgr. Dept. HX. AGENDA BILL NO. -3 I I- f d .* 4 I;A*[E : FEBRUARY 7, 1978 - SUBJECT : Request that City Council give final building permit clearance for Encina 5 and the single stack. (Case No. SP-1.44-B) --_1 ? :::I Ly's-i:T OF THE MATTER -I- In approving amended SP-144 and the 400 foot stack, the City Council placed a condition that requires the particulate "fallout" problem to be controlled to the satisfaction of the City Council and the Air Pollution Control Officer prior tc the final building permit clearance for Encina 5 and the single stack. See Ordinance 9456, Attached is a letter from Willim Simmons, Air Pollution Control Officer, indicating that he is satisfied that the- fallout problem is controlled and that SDG&E has met all the conditions of'the APCD Hearing Board Abatement OrCier, and can operate in compliance with the rules without adverse health effects. See letter from Mr. Simmons and'Dr. Goldsmith for discussion in addition to control fallout problems. EXHIBITS Resolution No. ,33 .D .Z Letter to William Simmons from Dr. Goldsmith dated January 12, 1978 Letter to City Manager from William Simmons dated January 25, 1978 Letter to City Manager from G. A. Bishop dated January 27, 1978 Memo to City Council from City Attorney dated November 29, 1977 Ordinance 9456 Letter from Building Director dated February 2, 1978 City Council Minutes dated November 22 and 29, 1978 . . Copy of Building Permit +-e&&* * York Research Report dated December 9, 1977 (On file in City [g&&sd * SRI Report on Particulate Sampling Program, revised January, 1978 (C4 *On file in Library temporarily;* then on permanent file in Planning D RECO~~,~MENDATION . If the City Council is satisfied that the fallout problem has been controlled, adopt hesolution No.s3&2. ). -- &flT2? LL--.eL& FORM PLANNING 73 W w c. AGENDA BILL NO. 3625 - Supplement #1 -2- February 7, 1978 Council action 2-7-78 Resolution #5302 was adopted, finding that the particiulate fallout problem from the Encina Plant has been controlled to the satisfaction of the City Council and of the Air Pollution Control Officer, with the addition of the following words to Line 4, Page 2, "Provided San Diego Gas & Electric continues pay damages resulting from fallout and the City Manager repor on the results of that effort prior to final building permit clearance on Encina 5. -J 5 EDMtJND G. BROWN JR., C ---l______ll_-- * ,- 0 P.ECLELEY 94704 44 Pi?/ 'p 410 PI' J - Jr; :<+&-----.E-- L - ...-___-_I__.__ ~ .-- - 6 5TA7i OF CACIFC!~:NlA-llfkLTH AND WElFAk'r AGEiiCY DEPhBTAAEb!T OF HEALTH 1 _-________._______.________. -. --.--- --._.-___.-_---. -.- .L q 2151 BERKELEY WAY bh i6 1 c o& TR 6; 'j; TI op QC,. sen ''e,:" tias; J ;' (415) 843-7900 ~ji, 535 tkb,,,? 9 ''PPet LC) .J4ri 19 1978 January $$p&j78 6ov1r d&,,,3s x. .b Mr, WiL1i.m Simzons Air Pollution Gorit rol, C) f fi c e r Cny1.nty of S~E Diego . 3j-52 C..: ssye&e Drive Sa Diego, 2-7 <fnm.ia 923.23 Dear Bill.,:: My colle~qpza nxld I: have spent nmy useful hours during recent mocths in conference with San Diego Gas aad Electric Conpay staff (Mr, Bishop md Mr, Van Mngelaed ond with their SEI Intwnztiond- contsactcr a-~~ci consnlt57n.f; (Mr, Cauatrell, 14r- Cavanagh, and Dr, Cocpr) , revieviq the possible health impact of fuel oil additives at thz Encina Power Plant, Our discussions have covered t~ general tqics, the need arad hazard of nanga;: add5tivG.s compwed to magnesium additives, and the possible health iriigac?2 of incre xsl ng sr:; issions of respirable parti clc s - It appears tha$ magnesium additives are capable of resolving the acid ~ril~t fallout witkxk~~ my risk 09 specific toxicity due to magnesium, of the low bhersnt toxicity of magnesium oxide, and the large dilution with nn'cive !nagieBiua cG2??pounds, and is believed. to groduce n catalytically active aerosol, SE&E and SKI Intema-iional of our views, As long QS the additive includes Oe2% or less of rnmga~ese, x10 metal toxLcL-L.y 5-s I-ikely, operations or that any other savings occur with hi&er mounts of mznganess, It is I~QWPI that magneshm additj.@es (and also other types) cause a larger fraction sf particulate inatter to be emitted in the respil,-able size rmge (under 3 un> and pre,mnably they imrease the pH (reduce the.acidity) of ~13 cantairhg parkienlake natter, particle 6ize9 $j9 arid biological activity of particulate natter in the 'breat: zones ,mqnwi\Ldi3 addltiveu prcduce p but ihe technical staff plan to collect relevant data on those points, We concu~ with this being a desirable ac'iivit, This is bscar Manganese does i1Ot have as lsw an innate toxicit:, We have advised As the admixture of magzaese izlcrcases: OUT Concern does &so; $ the technical staff ~e neb, with are no:; a5te to dencnstrate my advantage, to Ue do not yet know what specific &we3 i~ , ’. m 0 Mr. William Si minipnx -2- Jwuary 22, 1978 It had been thc-q$t that the first stage of testing had been done with a 2% manganese additive, facturei*, The Cech$.cab people want ‘20 we a % bln 2ddiLive for n ahod period to evaluate its effect on particle emissions, the desirability of the ctudy, but neither would \:~e advise against it 02 health grounds, I intend to report Lo the Air Quality Advisory Copsnittee on Jan~?asy 18th and would welcome your participation, I believe that the ayproach to this problem has reflected good judgment ad proper concern fcr health risks among all parties, been able to help on this issue- In fact, a 0-a Mn additive was supplied by the nimiu- E hsve no views a:: to An agenda is enclosed, X an pleased that we have Medical Epidemiologist Epidemiological Studies Laboratory Enciosure - 1 .. \ I’ v * e : I! !" IS f-\l%J /''P"o~%q- ')h DIq'PR/C]- PC~%&W I IL6 1 LUl 4 I CQUNTY QF SAN 5lEGO 9150 Chesapeake I San Dieyo, Calif. 9 WILLIAM SIMMONS Air Pollution Control Officer January 25, 1978 Paul Bussey, City- Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: Carlsbad Ordinance No. 9456 APCD Order of Abatement No. 607 Dear Mr. Bussey: As you are aware, the APCD Hearin.g Board found SDG&E in violation of Section 41700 of the Health and Safety Code and District Rude 51 (public nuisance) and as a result of that finding issued an Order of Abatement on June 10, 1976. SDG&E p,rny;osed to com.ply with the Order primarily through ' the use of a magnesium based fue; oil additive. Due to concerns on the part of the District over possible health implications of additive use, it was found necessary to extend the final compliance date of the Order and provide for extensive testing to resolve this question. requested to advise the District on this issue.. Extensive testing on "fallout" abatement has demonstrated that the use of the fuel oil additive and supplemental control efforts have been successful in substantially reducing (grester than ?O%) the incidence of acid parti- culate fallout. To provide necessary information to the Health Department, a variety of studies and analyses of collected data were conducted specific to the additive used, viz. magnesium with a maximum manganese content of 0.2 percent. While a change in particulate size was observed in the stack, the The State Department of Public Health (Cr, John Goldsmith) was . p” 0 e Paul Bussey 2 Jan. 25, 1938 & I Health 3epaitrrient has determined that there is no risk of toxicity due to the additive. This position is expressed in the attached letter from Dr. John Goldsmith and was further discussed and supported at the January 8, 1978 meeting of the State Department of Health’s Air Quality Advisory Committee. I am satisfied that the fallout problem is controlled with the additive. met all the conditions of the APCD Hearing Board Abatement Order of June 23, 1977, and can operate in compliance with our rules without adverse health effects from the additive. I hope this letter clears the way for use of the tall sta-ck. As you know I have always felt that its use could only have a beneficial effect. Sincerely, In my opinion San Diego Gas & Electric has 4&LglF>------ L WILLIAM SIIIMONS Air Pol11:tinn Control Officer WS:vch . Gc: APCD Hearing Board . Art Blshop, SDG&E 0 e e ' ChLiPorr?ia Stnte DeparZrnent of Xoalth ' AIR QUALITY ADVISORY COi4WI'TEE TlrlENTETH IEE'?!L?!G Wednesday, January .18, 1978 Envoy Room Little America Vestgate Hotel 1055 2nd Avenue San Diego % Cal.iforr;in Pickup Service at Airport (711t) 232-5011 3:m E4 tc: 6:p P;.: ------ A G E N D A Primary Pur 1, 2. Developments since last meeting: WFORMT ION Review and approval of minutes, A, .Correspondence with FA!. on aircrr?ft o:zone, b. c. APA proposed standard for lead 1.5 -q,& 3 . Follov-up report on Carlsbad power plmt fall out. d. Recent research findings: El Warino LOG Angcles Sulfur Pollutants 3- Vinyl chloride standards, mcommm'i3. . 4, Policy concemLng pollukcants standards index. RE@C!QGi.mAT: 5-. Impact and studies on children. 6. Other items. 7. Time and bocat-icn of next meeting. , .. ,// t ;' s.m CEGO GAS ts ELEC-I-R~C COMPANY f' 0 50X1831 S4N GILL0 CAL *DIINIA 92112 lil?) 232-4257 , CAB 51 FILE NO January 27, 1978 .. Mr. Paul Bussey, City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Paul : Reference is made to Mr. Bill Simmons' letter of January 25, 1978 regarding Carlsbad Ordinance #9456. Based on the findings of the Air Pollution Control Officer and the State Department of Health, we believe that conditions of Ordinance #9456, requiring that particulate fallout from our Encina Plant be co5trolled, have now been complied with. According3 yr we would appreciate your placing this matter on the City Council Agenda at your earliest convenience. San Diego Gas & Electric. Please let me know if you need anything further from Sincerely, '& G. A. Bishop Regional Affairs GAB : b j j Extension: 1993 cc: William Simmons, APCO AN INV! 5 iOli IJL%'h'r i) (.U IPU/I'A fiON , - - * -8 * !* . ImND RAN DUM 4 .. DATE : . November 29 , 197.7 . TO: Mayor and City Council . FROM: City Attorney SUBJECT: Report .Re OrdiKance No. 9456 . At the adjourned City Council meeting of Novekber 22, 1977, San Diego Gas an6 Electric Company (hereinafter SDG&E) request€ permission to use the new 400-foot stack to receive the exhzust gases from Encina Units 1 through 4. The Council referred the request to the City Attorney for a report. The request by SDGStE is controlled by Ordinance No. 9456 which amended SpecificlPlan 144 to permit the construction of the stack subject to twelve conditions. (A copy of Ordifiance 210.94 is attached for your ready reference). Condition (HI of the ordinaEc2 i., til2 only one directly irivolved with the rcq~eck 3r in particular, the third paragraph, which provides: "The particulate 'If allout" problem shall be controlled to the satisfaction of the Citv Council of the City of Carlsbad and the Air Pollution Control Officer * prior to the final buildixg permit clearance €or . Encina 5 and the single stack." The rn2aning of the term "final building permit clearance" has been reviewed in detail with the Building Director. He reports that Encina 5 and the stack are being constructed pursuant to a single building permit, (A copy is attached). The stack is considered to be a part of the Encina 5 structure. The project was assicped to Occupancy Group G which expressly includes power plants. Section 306(a) of the Uniform Building Code (19; Edition), adopted for use in the City of Carlsbad by Municipal Code Section 1S.04.005, provides in part that: "No building or structure in Groups A to H inclusive, shall be used or occupied,. . .until the Building Official has issued a Certificate of Occupancy therefor.. e I' (emphasis added). .- Section 306(c) provides that a Certificate of Qccupancy shall ' not be issued .until after final inspection when it is found thc the building or structure complies with all the provisions of the code. IssEancc of a Certificate of Occupancy is the final building pernii t clearance in the City of Carlsbad. .* I - '. t . f! . In my opinion the ternis of Condition. (8) are clear and unambigr The City Council and the T-ir Polluti.on Control Officer (herein; APCO) must be independently satisfied that the fallout problem .+ has been "controlledt1 before Encina 5 and the stack can receivc final buildinq permit clearance and under the IJnifom Building .. Code the stack cannot be used until after such clearance. The question of whether or not to condition the use of the.stac on solving the fallout problem is solely one of policy. In fa( ' . the original conditions recommended by the Planning Staff had r such requirement. A review of the record indicates that the condition grew out of concerns'expressed *at the public hearing was added at the express direction of the City Council. The .' Planning Comiiission recommended adding a condition requiring tl APCO to be satisfied that the problem was solved before the st; could be used. The City Council concurred and further modifiec the condition by adding the requirement that the City.Counci1 also be satisfied. The record of the hearing seems clear in regard to the Council - iiztent in adopting Condition (X), 'One member of the Council .Wi of the view that the problem should be solved before the stack even approved. One other member of the C0unci.l expressed the 7 that the conditj-on of approval would prevent the company from i the single st:& before it solved the particulate problem. Tht best indication of the Council's Ir.tznt can be fount! in the fib! of Ordinance No. 9456. Section 8(C) of the findings in part provides : . .. ... .. -. e .. "Unless this ordinance is amended, .the fallout . -problem will be solved prior to the use of * Encina 5 and the stack". I find no ambiguity in Condition (H) but to the degree some mi be deemed-to exist, it should be resolved by reference to the .Council's intent expressed in.,the findings. The quoted portio of which Seems to me to speak for itself. While it was the Council's policy choice to impose the req-ilire . in Condition (H), it was done by ordinance after public hearin If the Council wishes to materially change that requirement, i should be done by the same process. - . . SDG&E has suggested to me j-n writing that it .is unnecessary to 'proceed- by way of amendment, in that Condition (H) , of Ordinan No. 9'456, can-be changed by resolution, I find the authoritie .. cited in support of that.position to be without merit as a I ~. . matter of law. ,. ,. .. . 6 2. .. .. .. .* . - - * ' ; - ! !' $DG&E has also suggested that a resol-utiw' is appropriate hecau the ordinance 'is ;mbiguous, . found because Condition (H) does not mention Units 1 through 4 2nd does not distinguish between commercial use and use for testing purposes. These suggestions are also without merit. T record indicates that Condition (H) related directly to Units 1 through 4 since they were what was causing the problem the cond was intended to resolve. In addition, while Condition (€I) may mention Units 1 through 4, Ordinance No. 9456 certainly does. ' Condition (I) expressly provides that the four stacks on the ex ing plant be rempved., 'I.. .nat later than.eight months -_.__ after the Building Inspector signs the final inspection for the 4'00-foot contemplated that the four existing stacks would not be rzmovec until after the 400-foot stack and Encina were complete. If tl was in error, or'if construction plans have changed, the proble can be corrected by an amehdment. SDG&E is correct in their observation that the ordinance does not differentiate between testing and. comTercial use. ordinance simply prohibits the "use" of the stack, - I find no .. ambiguity in the word 'IuseI'. In -any case,, SDG&E. is not request ing permksion' to test the 400-fo0.t 'stack but -to place it into full comnercia.1 use for Units 1 through 4. While there may be some dcubt. ~~kether ., or not the prohibi.tion against ''use" of., t!l'd stack prescrl~zs testing, that question Is not presented hexe If the City Council is not satisfied the.fallout problem has be controlled and wishes to enforce Condition If the City Council is not satisfied the fallout problem has bt controlled, but finds merit in SDG&E's position that they shou: ';'"'.,. ... proper way to proceed is to initiate public hearings k~ consid1 and Condition (3) ti They 'GfZer that ilmbiguity may be . .' stack ...'I This condition and! the record indicate that it was The .. * where. the req.uest is for use. (X), your action is . ' . motion to deny SDGLE' s request. ,be ahlowed to use the stack for Encina Units 1 through 4, the . an arncndment to the Specific Plan, (SP-144) so provide. The Council also has the option of findinq that the fallout prc .has been controlled. The determination as to. wl>at constitutes "control" of the fallout problem is, of course, one for the Col Although SDG&E has not, requested such a finding, l .the APCO is apparently not prepared to make .it at this time, .tl a finding, if it is recognized that "controlled" is sornethinq than "solved" or "eliminated". To make the finding the Counci should satisfy itself that "controlled" is consistent with the intent in Ordinance No. 9456. . .discretion. is, in my opinion, sufficient evidence in the record to suppox' * ... < - < ,> ,...;. :;. . *'.. . ?.;','"*, . :. .":.."..'.< A:..2., .,.I, .. '.: -. ,& . ..e ., * ..* . . ._ , .: " . '. ' ' ,.. 3, '. '. ,, - - I . 1 In reviewing the Uniform Building Code ':Ji.th the Building Direct it appeared that one additional option may be available. Secti 306 (d) provides that: r "A temporary Certificate of Occupancy may he issued by 'the Building Official for the use of a portion or portions of a building or structure prior to the completion of the entire building or structure". AS previously noted, the stack is consi2ered by the Building Director to be a part of Encina 5 for building inspection purpc The Buildiny Director has indicsted if it could be found that t .stack was complete, safe for use and in full compliance with tk Code and if the Counci.1 concurred, a temporary certificate rr.igk be issued.. Such a certificate could be limited to use for Unit through 4. D There are several problems with this option. is whether or not the' use proposed .by S3G&E .can be considered temporary. the conversion from the four existing stacks to the 400-foot stack may be permanent an2 irreversible since the small stacks . ' will be removed. It is doubtful, in my opinion, that we could' successf~ill~~~ revoke a temporary occupancy should that become ' . necessary. Further, the Building Clrector indicates that ir,. most cases where temporary occu2ancy is used the City alicws occupancy pending clearance of minor technicai problems where the.City'has the ability to pull utility meters and terminate the use if the building is'not completed in full compliance with. the code. legally possible under the Building Code, the Council would ha7 to be satisfied that such action was consistent with the intent of Ordinance No. 9456, The primary probl The evidence presented to the Council indicates tha .. Such would not. be the case with the stack. . Finally, although issuance of a temporary certificate may be ........ ..... ... ....... ...... ...'?. .). . .. .... .... ...... ., ...... -... - ,. *r . -I .: .< .- .,. .;. , . ,:+, .,_ . .-. CONCLUSION Condition (11) of Ordinance.No, 9456. which pre'cludes the use of stack until the fallout problem is cDntrolled to the satisfact; of the APCO and the City Council seems to me to be clear and Unambiguous. The condition should either be enforced or changc and the proper way to change it is to amend the ordinance. SD( contention that the condition is ambiguous and can therefore bc "clarified" without the public hearimp necessary to amend the ordinance is not well taken. If the Council determines to eitI '. , .. ... ... ........ , :.. S- .>: . , :. ;, r.,.,.*, ~ 4 o" : :, 1'. I..,. : . .- * L. .j . .. .. !! a .. .. deny .the request or. in-itiate public hearings to amend the ordin that action. can be taken by motion at your Noven.er 29, 1977 meeting. If the Council wishes to elect one of the other optio discussed herein, I recommend referring the matter to the City Manager for a further report since they involve either the oper of one of his departments or that of another governmental agenc and those aspects of the problem contain certain policy element beyond the province of your attorney which nay require addition consideration. VINCENT F. BIONDO, JR. City Attorney e VFB/mla At t ac hen t s .. :. .. '..I. . ;.*.:. I. ..: .... .',..*. ..,.... ;. . , .._. - . .._ _... ' ...'. . '. , :..; '.*.'... - . .--: , .... :. .. .:, 1: .- : .I,. , I- . ,..- .I .. .. . .. tr * ,(. .,* .I-. 2:. ... ' .. * .' * *.&<. :* . . 5 * ' . /,' : . . . 8. .... -0 -*. 0. .. .# 3. 2 3 4 5 6' 8 9 10 11 12 13 n 14 mln 2 8 15 <g .a 16 6u Ius yzz 17 2EZg mi? &i .e t->iO 28 5-86 0u:g 50 Lo '5 2 19 4 20 . 21 22 Q E' N *>- 0 e .. 23 24 ' 25 26 27 28 - w V qh +-% ? c "A%Y -. 9 k %+* OR 5 4% c , QS Qig?? ORDINAPTCE NO'. -. 9456 ' AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 7!%&. OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AIENDING ORUIda) NO. 9279 BY THE AMENDPlENT OF THE SPECIFJ.6 PLPJ SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS, OF A 400 FOOT SINGLE STACK TO REPLACE FOUR EXISTING STACKS AT THE ENCINA POWER PLANT ON PROPERTY GENERAL1 LOCATED WEST OF INTERSTATE 5 AT\?D SOUTH 09 THE: ' AGUA I-IEDIONDA LAGCON (SP-144 (3) ) . APPLICANT: ADOPTED THEREBY TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION, ~AN DIEGO GAS -5r ELECTRIC CONPANY. _- 7. ' The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, ordain as follows: .. SECTION 1: 1. That it does f'ind and declare'as follows: A verified application for an amendment to SP-144 mit the constmcti-on cf a 400 fee+ cir?g.le stack to replace four exist.ing stacks at the Encina.Fower Plant has been re f Or the following described property: . Those portions of Rancho Agua Iiedionda, Map No. 823 i City of Carlsbad., County of San Diego, together with portion of Block W Palisades ??umber TWO, Map No. 1803 .the City of Carlsbad, Caunty oi San Diego. Also bein Parcel 6, Page 0'7, Book 206; Parcels 24, 25, 26, & 27 Page 01, Book 2.10; Parcel 14, Page 01, Book 212 of the Assessor's Map of San Diego County. 2. In accord with Title 21 of the Carlsbad Nunicipal the matter was referred to the Planning Commission for put hearing. ' Parcel 21, Page 21, Book'211 and 3. A duly noticed public hearing was held hefore tht Planning Commission at the time and i.n the place ,,specifiec said notice on. January 28, 1976 and continued to March 24 at which tiine all interested persons were heard. .. -. 11. 7 8 9 10 11 12 - . .. 4. 'The applicant has complied with the Public Facj Element of the General Plan and has provided the necessarl information which ensures Public .Fa;ilities will be avail; concurrent with need. ' . 5, The subject application has complied with the 1 ments of the City of Carlsbad "Environmental Pri\tection 01 of 1972" in that an Environmental Impact Report on the prc was certified in 1973 and has been fully supplemented wit1 additional current information which con.stitutes prior cor In addition, an EIR for the entire related Encina 5 projec certified by the Public Utilities .Com_z-iission acting as lei agency on the project has been considered. 13 0 . 1.4 2,' .tc fl :: r\' 15 %a o, go;$ 16 17 msjT_, u:. ,a +zWV z"X0 UJ~ ,N 2 18 ZQ v, 0 6, UJd. 2E ;g 6. The Planning Commission unanimously reconunenda I approval of the applicant's request. 7. That a duly .noticed public hearing was held be: City Council on April 20, 1976. 8. At said public hearing,.'upon hearing and consic the testimony and arguments, if any, 'of all persons who dl '' ' 19 20 21 . 22 23 24 a4 r; .- 0 to be'heard, the City Council. considered-all factors rela the Specific Plan Amendment and made the follow'ing findin fact: .* : .I .. (A) All conditions of City Council Ordinance 9273 been compl.ied with and this amendment is consi with said ordina.nce and the provisions of the The 400--foot stack is necessary to provide an method' of dispersing the emissions of the Enci (B) . 25 26' 2'7 28 Power Plant as required'by the State Air Rcsou Board and because of its relationship wi.th Enc will improve the overall quality of'air in thi 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ' 10 11 12 I3 0 14 .$ m ..g 8 15 E<, 8 16 z,fE aG J 17 L. 56 szw8d E:'< 18 50 v) 03 '5 cf 19 s 20 21 22 ?u w 5 g"02 2!-<5 UI 0 i t - 0 .. 23 * 24 ,25 26 . 27 28 - V' I ' (C) SDG&E has indicated that, sme of the corrosion "fallout", in the vicinity of the San Diego Gas Electric Company Encina Power Plant (more speci the Terramar Area) is probably started or cause particles from the Encina Plant. SDG&E has acc responsibility for such dar;.,age and further stat they will meet with individual Terramar residen resolve the damage'claims and that they are als working with the San Diego County APCD staff to County that riecessary corrective action will be by the Company. Unless this ordinance is amend the "fallout." problem will be solved prior to t use-of Encina 5 and the stack. (D) The approval of this amendment, with conditions improve air quality in the immediate vicinity o plant. (E) To.the extent there 'are adverse environmental e to the project, they will be mitigated by the c ditions of approval. develop a work program that will assure. the Cit I (F) The identical projept was ap:)roved in %.9'/3 a.nrJ conditions surrouxding that approval have not m ally changed and the applicant has relied on su j . approval. (G) The construction of the' stack will be accompani by the removal of the four existing stacks and screening of all duct work so that the aestheti of the plant with the 400-fook stack will be no than the existing four stacks. The project is a logical extension of an existi use located in an area already committed to hea public utility operations. (H) (I) This amendment is consistent with the Carlsbad Plan and all applicable specific plans. SECTION 2. That Ordinance No. 9279 is amended by thl .amendment of Section 2 of said ordinance to replace the Spi Plan Map attached thereto with a revised plan labeled SP-1 Exhibit A, dated October 10, 1975, on. file in the'Planning Department and incorporated by reEerence herein, which is : adopted. . . 3, i - 7 2 3 '4 5 6' 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 2. +a 3 g N 15 &z 01 16 du ws no3z z i$a - OC$ "U 5 17 u:. 56 wu $L8d E$"$ 1% zp y 'I- cf 19 20 . 21 22 23 24 . 25 26 27 28 l3 m 4 U +> 0 k .. - - 1 SECTI01J 3: That Ordinance 130. 9279 is amended by the ment of Section 2 of said ordinance-to add Condition No. 14 read as follows: "14. In addition to the above conditions, the revise tions of the specific plan which permit thecons of the 400-foot stack and the removal of the fa . existing stacks shall be accomplished in accord .. the revised specific plan SP-1449 and shall be to the following conditions: (A) All applicable requirements of any law, c or regul.ation of the State of California, of Carlsbad, and any other governmental e shall be complied with. I . away from adjoining properties and streel: Any mechanical and/or electrical equipraw iocated.on the roof of the structure sha3 screened in a manner acceptable to the P3 Director. Detailed plans for said screer shall be subniitted., in triplicate, to the Planning Director for approval. .(I)) Air pollution equipent capable of monitc ambient 'particulates, NO, and SO2 concent and other erriissions from the Encina Plant as air quality in the Carlsbad area shall placed in service not later than six mont lowing the effective date of this ordinar number of stations, type of equipment anc tion of stations shall be to the satisfac the APCD Control. Officer and the City or' Should the Air Pollution Control Officer San Diego County Air Pollution Control Dj require additional air quality or emissic analysis in connection with their current study of emissions from the EnciIna Power the applicant shall supply said equipmen1 funds as deemed necessary by the Air Folj Control Officer. The cost of said equip (B) Ail group6 Iig3ciny shall be Li-ran5jed tc; (C) I I . monitoring equipment and funds for air qi .. . 4. -. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ,11 12 13 n a a4 mm 15 Yg y: Q I;J 16 io OUWQ no'z z i5" !$$E u'. 0 5q -I 17 .ci wv g$22 gL 8.; 18 zo rn 55 ; 19 V 20 21 22 23 24 . . 25 26' 27 . 28 .E 6 - - '. . shall not exceed $150,000, The'requested for air qua1it.y analysis shall not exceed $50,000 per year. Any future measure required by the San Dil County Air Pollution Control District to or otherwise control emissions from the E Power Plant are hereby incorporated as a of this Specific Plan Amendment and SDG&E comply fully therewith. The costs of suc 'measures shall be borne.by SDG&L;. (E) (F) SDG&E will obtain a report of compliance City staff regarding the conditions of th ordinance and. from the San Diego County A Pollution Control Officer regarding ccmpl with the applicable conditions of the ord . and with air quality' standards, and forwa the City Council five. years from the Sate this orclinance or as otherwise required h motion of the City Council, or the Planni Commission. The Planning Commj.ssion and Council shall review the report with rea; confzrnmce 'to the conciiti0r.s of this d;:d and to regulations required.by other appl 'regulatory agencies, including, but not 1 to','the San Diego County Air Pollution Cc District, Public Utilities Commission ane . COaSta'l Commission. The City reserves tl- to amen2 this specific plan SP-144B as ne to 'add conditions to ensure such compliar After the initial report is filed the Cit may, by motion, require additional report they deem necessary.. In the event that the City of Carlsbad dc that the 400-foot stack -is no longer necc a method of air .emission dispersion, the ~ 'stack shall be removed at the applicant's The applicant. nay request an amendment tc specific plan ,to provide a reasonable ex1 the period for such removal. The applicant shall make a formal. commitr conduct the studies necessary to determii devices are capable of eliminating the pi "fallout" problem?, A schedule for the .cc of the studies shall be established whicl satisfactory to the San Diego County Air j (G) ' ' (H) operating pactices and/or emissions con1 I 5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 a . 14 d 8 15 16 i5p 2; mij L. 3cf 1 17 +% $Z8u' fJrr:s 18 ze y =-I- Ec 19 2 20 21 22 23 24 . .25 26 . 27 3.R Q .$ cb -e; g -?us . ou Q332 KJV Q c - .v .. ~ - - ! ,. a, * Control District Off-icex:, the Air Pollutic Control District Hearing Board or Court 0: SDG&E shall fully comply with the abaterne: order entered in petition No. 607. T-he applicant shall further agree to pay ( 'for property damage resulting from the "f, problem until compliance with the .abateme: is achieved. The particulate "fallout-' problem shall b' trolled to the satisfaction of the City C' of the.City of Carlsbad and of the Air Po Control Officer prior to the final huildi clearance Cor Encins 5 and the sincrle J- sta (I) Not later than eight nonths after the Sui Inspector signs the final inspection for . GOO-foot stack, the four stacks on the ex - Encina Power Plant shall be completely re (J). SDG&E shall file an annual report i.vith th Council re.gardj.T;g improvements in plant a ope rat ing pr c c edxr e s 2c:r i ~g the p r e c: e C.i I i5. which reduce the emission of air pollutan resulting from the operation of Encina Un 2, 3 and 4, SDG&E shall operate -the plant in full coni with all air quality standards as-are or established by the APCD. If themonitcrin! indicate the standprds are being exceeded time, SDG&E shall .compl,y With .all d2recti APCD to 'reduce, through any reasonable rnee pollutants from the plant. .. * (K) (L)' In the event.SDG&E files for a variance c form of administrative or legal relief fu requirements of APCD, they shall concurrc forward a copy of any such filing, or ani sequent communications in connection the1 to the City of Carlsbad.. SECTION 4. That the thirty-five foot height limit E ed by,Condition No. 5 of Section 2, of Ordinance No. 9279, not apply to the 400-foot stack or the duct work and scree . .1 6: . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 - - 11.- < be constructxd on'top of the main generation bui;l.ding in c tion with the construction of the stack and the removal of four existing stacks." EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shali be effective t days. after its adoption, 'and the City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause. it to ix publishc at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days its adoption. a.n adjourned INTRODUCED AND FIRST XEAD at / regul.ar rneeting of tlr Carlsbad City Council held on the27tWay of Apri 1 .I and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a reg-uiar meeting of said Cou! II l3 n 14 2 2g15- $s al 16 dlL w 5 2 $8 -"czlt: "zs u:. SG 4 17 wv ik8$ 18 g!jVrn v) no '2 55 2 6 19 0 2o 21 22 23 24 E .- u -. 25 26' 27 28 on the 4th day of May , 1976, by the following vote, ,%YES: Counci.lmen Packard, Skotnicki and Councilwot NOES : Counci 7 man Lewis ABSENT: None . i 1 . ' ,@2Gg* ABSTAINED: Councilman Frazee , . ROB XT C. FMZEE, !!l or ATTEST : -. a. kt' ,/. I &(.k//J.!. / Y flh,$44. $LU? FJ ARE' E. LAMS, %dty Clerk [SEAL) . .. 7. L Mayor Frazee re1 inquished the Chair 'to Vice-Mayor Lewis for the next item due to his affi-liation with the company. :tove!:iher 22, 1977 3 ----..-..-CIJ.C- -.?.-*ruu7- -..--0.cI-lrc-*.w~~ I Mr. Ted Liston of the Stanford Research Institut then addressed Council re preliminary test re- [ sul ts for determining ambient level of manganese Nr. Lacy then gave the final portion of the report with the aid of transparencies showing portions of the Ordinance and their compliance with those conditions. He then reviewed r;he necessary procedures for tie-ins to the tall . stack. He stated there was a problem in that construction requires units to be tied in prior to unit five being tied in and unit five has to be tied in prior to tests being conducted. Further, he stated it is desirable to place the tall stack in operation as soon as possible. Therefore, he requested a Resolution clarifying Council’s intention vlith regard to use of the servi ce. Council then recognized Mr. lJi1liarn Simmons, Air Pollution Control District Officer. Mr. Simmons stated his greatest concern is about the health affects. He stated the abatement order will probably expire of its own accord or will be extended a few months to enable further tests. In any event, he could not say at this time that the problem has been solved in that he would need to see the results from the Health Department. However- he indicated it would Se the tall stack. Council discussed at length the Crcli‘nance condi- tion which requires the finding from Council and the Air Pollution Control District.Officer that the fallout problem has been reduced prior to allowing use of the tall stack. Council directed staff to review the San Diego Gas & Electric Specific.Plan Ordinance and report back to Council at the next meeting as to courses of action Council could take. Vice-Mayor Lewis returned the Chair to Mayor Frazee. -- C-ITY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL BUSI’NESS: Council authorized Councilman Skotnicki to be the voting delegate to attend the National Leaguc of Cities Conferencc in San Francisco. AD J OU R NM EN T : By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 11:05 P.M. to Tuesday, Noveniber 29, 1977, at 5:OO P.M. in the Council Chambers. Respectful ly submitted, i i I ( 1 . tall stack before it is placed in commercfal I in the best interest of the ccmmunity to use i I_ yQ”y”5 2.”: dgk%-wo . rIAP,GAI?E E. ADANS, City Clerk Lee Rautenkrdnz, Recording Secretary DalcTf t4ccting: It!ovembcr 29, 1377- Pl<icr- OF Neeting: Council Chainters ..-...- --vc -.L- -..A Rol? Call: B Mayor Frazee arrived at 5':47 P.M. i SAN DIEGO GA~ 8 ELECTRIC REQUEST' TO STACK. The City Attorney referred to his blemorandum to Council dated November 29, 1977, and outlined same. Said Memo.randum detailed the conditions of the Ordinance as well as options available to Council. -- [e53 '. i Council briefly discussed the requirements as stated in the Ordinance, as well as the reasons for their inclusion originally. Also discussed was the length of time required to process a Specific Plan Amendment. It was moved that the request be fi Air Pollution Control Officer has made the determination that the fallout problem has been solved and the health of the community is not i danger. tilayor Frazee arrived at 5:47 P.M. CITY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: ' -Councilman Skotnicki stated Council should :G,I- sider taking some action on SB 346, re the peripheral canal. The City Manager stated it would be on the agenda for the ;ic?ict .meeting. A DJ 0 UR !d 11 E PIT : By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:51 P.M. Respectfully submitted, y,Td&F @&? I4A GA T E. ADAMS, City Clerk Lee Rautenkranz, Recording Secretary ( Y - *. - '., 3 -. -. J -. _--- - . , . ,' ._ .-- i'. 2-7 i7.Z , ., - ._ --, -. _. _.-- - .- - --- .. -. ,pf?'zj1rr (ti ~on.,#fete ~trirri~~rcrri si>JC<:.s ur,y. P)701pi= 729-.17 81 /,<>A $//J; 'PerlR.i 1 i! 0 . f .f.... *+.' _-_--. Jon A (-, >-$.'.I. . o I _-^-_.--.l..r-.-r. , I, .I.- ,i -.- r.', _, -;:----.-----;--; PAilCEL E ~ UT03 ----I <I:,:? r3 2. 7 7y.52 J -A;- ,.---? t;... x)r*cr ....---- q3CC ATrACwLD SMCCTt LOT I.<. I.CC.L DCICI.. -- A,--' Mh-lL hODIL33 21- PWONL * ._.. n 0h"C- ..:. ..s -7 '+ -4 5 I .L.- SlhTE LIC, HO- 2- - t=f?. .TI . (-:<q,g+ .3 r r. . . Po. t&\ 'If?-?{ S.G,PAq-< .tt? .'. .' .. MAIL hO3*ESI 6 PnD~tf , ..:: ? ,. ,\ . . .. CD?~T*AC I3H *e c PHD~~. : . LICEW>C -0- r, . ~ . MAlLA>D"C33 . .a ~ (-? .?4j fVFZ jq p,:; /C,*-fY- -c-f<!//Kec L->+52,.:co.. A 3)- ?.vr 2-5 jYe-.2?+2fi..(f/? H-,~t.+,-Z~& -F-,/J { ~~~~:.;~~~~.~~~~'.j.~~~ - .2&?Af: ffi.ph1:iaZ C~~$ZE-L*J&GC€Q -...:. '-,e (L- IT- - ;..--. 4- A.IC*~TECT on tic.sic-c '. .J.P .. - -r-- >.-e ,. UAIL hDJ*L35 P*OhE .- LICCN5L NO. S Le'rtrizn -- 3 TA~ j2.G t~ ._ . ,. ,, BRAmCU , , . .. MAIL AOD*rlS3 GO.*.= EN s ir I o li. I ti 3. c A a R I ES ._ .. ~ .. .. .. i -. 3-FL s. .. 'uIC 01 UJILC~UG . .. . . ._ -3 .\ '. HO. D t.r?ac7 p z p-s~ 0 jg IT*\. :L -> i Ai K~NO- BDRMS .ST+..- :; i -Cia= of work:;:;:: .G L$X~GTION . 0 ALTERATIO~~ D REPAIR O IAOVE . U ilE!iIOV% 3 . DascribD'w~rk:.-l~~~.. *. .. . .. 'C .. ... .._ .. .. . . :,._ .. -* .. . THIS PERM~T OECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK 08 CONST?lUC- TlON AUTHORIZE0 IS NOT CCMbIE?ICED WiTHlN 120 DAYS,OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK tSSUSPENOED OR ABANDONED FOR A APPClC,~TION AND KNOW THC SAME TO [%E TfItJE AN0 CO3RECT. .ACl.'P~~OVISIONS. OF CAWS ANI1 02DINANCC5 GOVEHNIPIC THIS HEREIN OH NOT. THE CUANTINC. OF A I'EHMIT DOeS NOT PRESUb%K. TO GIVE AUTHOHLTY TO VIOLIiTE OR CILNCEC TIiE .TYSC OF \-JOHI( wiLL I~E COMPLIED wiri-t WHSTHER ~;PSCIFIED PROVISIONS OF ANY owieu STRYE OH LOCAL LAW IIECULATING ' (>AT<& .. .. .. . - . .* . . .I .*... . . . ... ' .. . . .. . . * . .". * ... .+.-I ..' . . . ...... -.-. ." . * .. .. I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q s 10 -1 0 I c: ci 11 - :> - >- *LJ > e 0 12 ;, t: .=. 1- -0z2 r: ;: 5 13 ,- L1 3 z z r' d E., i: 2 <- ,$ 14 >. 0 t/ c 15 3 0. 16 17 18 Q @ gbzz gs : n- LJ < aP z 9, --L 2 Ll 01 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 T T I RESOLUTIO$J NO. 5302 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, FINDING THAT THE PARTICULATE FALLOUT PROBLEM FROM THE ENCINA PLANT HAS BEEN CONTROLLED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND OF THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL OFFICER, SUBJECT TO THE SATISFACTION OF CERTAIN CONDITIONS. WHEREAS, the City Council, by the adoption of Ordine No. 9456, amended Ordinance No. 9279 and the Specific P1z thereby, to permit the construction of a 400-foot single replace the four existing stacks at the Encina Power Plar to certain conditions; and WHEREAS, one of said conditions, No. 14 (H) , providec the particulate fallout problem existing at the Encini PI be controlled to the satisfaction of the City Council of of Carlsbad and of the Air Pollution Control Officer pric final building permit clearance for Encina 5 and the sin( and WHEREAS, the Air Pollution ControlOff'icerhas certij a letter dated January 25, 1978, that the fallout probler controlled to his satisfaction, utilizing an additive wh: allow the plant to operate in compliance with air qualit: and without any adverse health effects; and! WHEREAS, based on the Air Pollution Control Officer and, provided certain conditions are fulfilled by San Dit and Electric, the City Council is satisfied that the pro1 has been controlled. 6 7 8 I3 < 9 $ rc a %< 2 10 11 D Q g -I V . r-- 2' . ' L6 12 13 r c' i?, 5 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 z t- L? 5. t- -A - 0, problem from the Encina Power Plant has been controlled i satisfaction of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad the Air Pollution Control Officer and that Cond-ition No. of Ordinance No. 9456, has been satisfied provided that, final building permit clearance is obtained for Encina UI San Diego Gas and Electric continues to pay claims for p: damage resulting from the "fallout" and San Diego Gas an( I furnishes the City Manager with such information as he mz require in order to report on such damage and the paymenl claims therefor. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting oi City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held 01 7th day of February , 1978 by the following vote, 1 AYES : Councilmen Lewis and Packard, and Councilw NOES : Councilman Skotnicki ABSENT: None f?&!c &G ABSTAINED: Councilman Frazee __ ROBERT C. FRAZEE, Yayoz ATTEST : 25 26 27 28 29 (SEAL) \ 2. 4.3.3&2s-+ f GI 2-7-78 To be distributed to City Council. City Manager and City Attorney have their copies. rc\ _- --__ z3-2 5 E:fiz- 0 a.8 5qa a R w: 2 .a Y 2 uu.38 zo a) g g$s2z-k-ahk 3 1 +j u- ~- Yjy ~~#~k&&& $#dpq c: Eg.og$y$ -&%5 3 qp E j ; * 3.53 2 2 aJ 3423 aI$$J &j ~ * !% &eaEq4ggs 3 8. $8 %. L%g, y,szB 2 23 %* %Ab moa CrJ q%$> $3 a$3 F4 A :E s 3.m SSdc%' .+&lzza u-5*'E 8&J:?g+yp 2-Q-=& 0) 4 2 ~ z*sg &z o> aT!3%= -?.& ?os 3.9 ~~:+$A~ 2.g g afi % ~uE~~~~~jz~~*s~&~~ hsssWH 5~3-a %-,.E32 48 a) 0 883% &a- On 4:&q$!$$ v1 7 via 0 HZ.3 M c3 e GX?% 0 E, gfi" -+2i 2d 22 3 5ssz -3 a39 2 * c.0 + y &P '5; lr +3 a3 E 82.2 m y9,: ass3g2 I$ - B ww-5 - 0% E L.Tj# .f3u 2.22 o a b e*. 2 :*.z 3 Mq 3 c. &3 a gE5$ 55 *U 3 5.2 $338 k&bu- z I ?5 g. s$ 2 g2.; (3a%, 5q E.3.5- 0 .IOU $+.98U 3.5 22~ E Ezf a E gpp.2 4 3za a)2d gzs? a.d E!.l a5 "Z Q) z.4 k*.ag p: Ncm % vl 9 0 2m-- >4 v 13: g 8 hG c)o r ;$;e 2s gpga r 1 g $j g $* &;sp. *2 a$ i? n QVI 2- a~%=j~~13~EB~%P~G.ao,~,:q~~~r:~gim1 ha2 %% 13 gprSgg ki z-5 : 2g 2: 3 %* qx%i-z ES 2s 6 If "z2-g% a B) m3 E ggg w 3.2 :: 5 hqg agzy 3zx3 CrJ 3 23 gQ9 UJ m82238 - ccag+ugEa3 -5 6. .3 - c a% Q)as & p: L 2oOU;r0*~ 3-2 .c WhQ312 * Mg 3 cv 3 Ld+~~$ P: 5 g gs$2t;~ 0 9 g f!?~ahJ E 8 -3% 3 ;;33 mw>y$QH>w (J*nM 2g$A3me2 ma0 2 WKL$Z-* 4 1.11 zc z.';; $+S U2.b.) q 33.Q ES a (J hz g3+s = b a=== a 2- mo2 .-& 3pm.@'="o &jEWbpd% w g ~BJ~Z $ "a $& Cq ul Ip Essaaf3kav,i! 9 , CJ a bE: Q) 3 M 2 3 $82g.&Q$s! .zg 8Spqy&& E" c) a8 i 8% kg+fia '8 z 2; Y "3a-"E:qgt;g&fi eka+$c!- ocsa~ Eea):2Qs3 gYnpl->zag&3p 8 ho5;t.;;prn&c sa) h% (3 mcfl hSwC h E; 5% a c, $""- g wga cs.3 Q) ay h3 E CXSE * a"0 -g$ - Q) ~ ~*iaFq2zzZ: 53 e-m g2g3 gi-~ 8s- %-as=j a-a ~au~U~+~~ .. r=Q 4 a, 6 Q) c 3 A . -rl k B a, a a h sa'i;3 vn-'Q u o-41g$ g g2; @* % E L!i$ Ei-2c G3 323 g@ 8 2 8238 z aasg - .@&$ G ~"Q~~S I g $2 @.Ga 232 p$ m .sp=: .~E&-&&€s~aQ)Egg a ." !j,j-+3 2 d5g Elgz .E3 0 G&g H "'Z-2 55- wa.s a Qy 325 h a p8gSz '0 O 33% 5": $ ;a *s eqg %3 **mi x 2 g3i $ &ijot- rO~+~Eit; 2 c.5 zu c: 9 u 3 .a% .$ %%<!:-: $2 8%- EZfi o k $5 8,- g ggg Brr c2 &We, ugV,al&~.+;Z&sc3 -aEr;uQ g -am ga,;a; 3 -Eb 42- a, 0 ~-;$&.~ Qp5*. s as$ ;;;ha* 8 ~ kjzg 5 eg g.g25 ~""*eEgs: 3 "3s."- c,,,ezg.g g E25 - 2298 -0 2 w &gs g-z win"'"" az 3." 1" 3eG a+& 0) &-.5;133 3 5- 2 5 -nz Q)a & ;&Cd UT2 ha a~,55:,-- 8 a $2 3 *a@ ii,8-$ z c Ll -&! 2 ._ a *d am u9?s%g2cz 0s ap? - =@ 0 2-@ c 9 QZ3% 14g.~%~ v;a u v1 =- 8 8.5 Q, ' W/ E' .%3*i% nEmh8 s 0 n"'"?-Q)az CJH -Cp" &*E& ~g""w~~ -- 0 h c a3.5%$ SqP3a ;;i G,S *g@a a) 3 zgz w a ggr8= a 3;dY.a a 8 ySamE3;Q 5~u,z% B 2--5~;%5=~~ -6.2 If z~Ee~~ oLdjg&s"gp& ; kz 2-z 8 z n"'".$ G.2 gd pi%G *as 8 z 3-$5 Ex23 j 2jQ v) 0 Q g-m b3 p~~~~.j,~XJ~.~ 33 mg %32a ac.- z Zd"Z.5 Ea oa H E: Q'cE%B .gz 23 8 ,'dog:% 8 "@23g."2 f @4g:; 2CrJ ag 6, 0:: E.- B.3&3S325 w .2--'03 Y hay5Z$ ;% 85% 2 Q)m La -,-"n~BYy,Xa4B~~y~~~~~~~~Rs~,a~.E a2 Ca -am Q'd Q,gs.3**;a.St! 0$~5.&y--& p 5: w4a E VI M e,* 5 5 a, myn 4 I +-%22g35-g a*-$ a :: e& ;p34 3 g'G 35gj (;x p: gu&ja .9&2?!a,- I a =:u 1'; u 3 B 255 25 3 $3 @; : wz;:&" w7J g ga-n"'" " amQ) dj; Qc -M k2-2% Z-n"'" E 18 2 g G5c$J-YJ a*.", pl 4.5 n"'"v'E: 3+j2 -73% 35 b. w2 "."&j 3-gssz 3&J g F o u F.z3Ga ~ZGA~ a~~--"oO,.c,=:o~YV!");n~!~~~~S~~-it~~n- Ear: gj-:;z &:99.3. % ;? SZd" a- d7i **-,-, $.. pd &-+5p..y?.? B kj+'W?k: 2gs& 55 E; (3Cr,-& 38sdx'E :: EG5A (a~,.~ t7a UU, .% 93 3cr s 3g.2 ws .Ei ca a2 Mi has3 60 0 a)z;fi" Q5'j 8 CW .s n :fi h.0 a y +., 5 WTSS 6% -24 2i g@ s G%S k A3E 8 3 +ha & 8 Q?J$ ziyj : u woj3 . g$j+ 5% g 3y w E 2 ea 0 0 i3 $22 3%9., diG2 gz *-3am.2 2 3- @m 2 .:@-$ a k 0-C 3 3z4A L e e '1 \ 'W /It$+ 7ht-73 I' /..4 kl3 F-a/*ii,.. iy. 59/7 c\ Qj;t.L & - ,) c (!L LL && L \I -7s & \LL*&k,~< 'Ad -ALyd4 $e- YL cy eL*w<J <<.,\ &;.L\ & ,+-+JL2 + 1U-i.' \?h& LL+\GG ;ha tk ax 1- ?bib, k-k.L. c. ?i/r<. c%t &Ld I%c.QLG-. &L.JJ 2 Lk d -1 .J&&- rl * ' '7 fwcLA.,LkLL, c' $-L- h 6x4 5 ~--g "3 &LL &LLCL~ ct SI e. & j c;, i -3 2 .c- ,I 7-j IX7&'. +3g - 354.3 j -. J. 8, &tsBetn 5262 CerlrPs~hdi blvd kpz hbF4 Pmzere Dsar %ps lsxur city 41 Qierfabad. re %,ti masalive dibcaeloratfoa oa my msiBenatb, €he, maus Of Whi& iS ?X& dSf%Zt%k@ly bW&s dth€W %n rZafUZV bJI Q2%&Jr . haM8nt19 tbm %rs a #maple af th6 mteribal Qsufng tkm 63s- 4ratien uhdergp5ng; am39.sir at a ptfrab Inbtrrwtury &um&l aeest$.ag rpa)lcbdwbd PQP this ad-, at wMeh the mb$alot ~t tb newzy emcted amohafaok mar 19y mefdsace te aro ftanar 8x1 %ha a@ndrab and Ct#lfa vi&&, 1% %er mquCr&ad tkaf f be @am a short pe&edf 4wkxtg +&e City tbC z ba aallewastx te %&om the %mnafl Qf" tMs pading am2jte:ia. fn the amnt tha% p€2 lplay %e* be prarsidilsg a* tMQ lI#&%Xl& x Srftould &pprUrf&Wk& y0W fpRaS%m %US rCequcS@% %Q Wb%Pep WlC laupaoB tIrrr oM5r, Ra~CtMljr J. 8. &ssan QQ a, I t F F- y Environmental Consultants THE EFFECT OF A MAGNESIUM FUEL OIL ADDITIVE ON PARTICULATE EMISSIONS by J York Research Corp. 990 Bay Blvd. Chula Vista, CA 92011 Prepared for Encina Power Plant San Diego Gas & Electric Co. Carlsbad, California 92088 YRC Job No. 4-9126 December 9, 1977 V L /= ~ TABLE OF CONTENTS Page List of Tables List of Figures I. Introduction 1 II. Summary and Conclusions . 2 III. Plant Description 3 A. Boiler Description B. Test Locations IV. Test Procedures 9 A. Description of Test Equipment B. Sampling Procedure C. Analysis Procedure V. Discussion 14 A. Source of Emissions B. Control of Emissions C. Effect of Magnesium Additive on Emissions D. Encina Emission Test Results References 34 APPENDIX A - Test Results Summary APPENDIX B - Example Calculations APPENDIX C - Raw Test Data APPENDIX D - Laboratory Results 11 I I I I I I I I LIST OF TABLES Table Page V-l Boiler Operating Conditions 24 V-2 Particulate Test Results 26 V-3 Average Particulate Test Results 29 V-4 Simultaneous Particulate Emission Test Results • 32 111 1 1 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page - III-l Test Location *• Units 1, 2, and 3 5 1 III-2 Traverse Points - Units 1, 2, and 3 6 * III-3 Test Location- Unit 4 7 III-4 Traverse Points - Unit 4 8 V-l Encina Fuel Facility . . 21 I 1 I 1 1 1 I II" I IV I. Introduction A magnesium fuel oil additive is presently being tested as a control for acidic particulate emissions at the San Diego Gas & Electric Company's Encina Power Plant. The plant is located adjacent to the Pacific Ocean in Carlsbad, California. A residential area to the SSE of the plant has experienced substantial paint and property damage prior to the initiation of the additive usage. York Research Corporation was requested to evaluate the effect of the magnesium additive on the particulate emissions from the plant's four oil-fired steam generation boilers. This report includes a discussion of particulate emissions from oil-fired combustion sources as well as a discussion of actual emissions tests. The test program included emissions tests on each boiler after the internal surfaces were water washed and while the boiler was operating at full load without additive. This series was followed by two more test series, one after 2-5 days of continued additive usage and one after 30-60 days of continued additive usage. The actual testing covered the period from July 26, 1977 to September 30, 1977 and included the performance of 38 individual source emission tests using EPA-Method 5 test equipment. Simultaneous tests were performed by the San )iego Air Pollution Control District during selected test periods. These test results are also presented in this report. II. Summary and Conclusions Particulate emissions from oil-fired combustion sources are conglomerates of ash, sulfates, and carbon. Substantial reductions of sulf ate- emissions have been demonstrated when k a magnesium additive was used continuously for a moderate time period. Further reductions in sulfate emissions can be attained by the reduction of boiler excess 0_ and/orrfuel sulfur content. Sulfate emissions cause a nuisance condition in the communities surrounding oil-fired power plants, but they are also harmful to the boiler internals in the form of fire-side and cold end corrosion. Magnesium emissions increase moderately after the initial tendency of the MgO to form a coating on the heat-receiving surfaces. The moderate increase is substantially less, however, than the actual decrease in emissions of sulfates. Therefore total particulate emissions are reduced with the use of the fuel additive. Provided no adverse effects of the magnesium fuel additive are found, the additive should be used along with a program to lower boiler excess air. This will result in the elimination of corrosion and a savings in fuel, as well as the elimination of a nuisance condition. 8li' r u III. Plant Description A. Boiler Description The boilers are Babcock & Wilcox Co., radiant-reheat units. Virtually all of the steam generating heating surfaces of the boilers consist of radiant heat absorbing surfaces which make up the walls of the furnace and gas passages surrounding the superheater, reheater and economizer. Each boiler unit is fitted with a stack extending to a level of 190 feet above mean sea level. Stacks for Units 1, 2 and 3 are 12 ft.'I.D., while that for Unit 4 is 14 ft. I.D. Furnaces of Units 1, 2, and 3 operate at a slightly negative pressure (-0.4 in. of water). The furnace of Unit 4 operates at a positive pressure of about 25 in. of water at full load. Encina boilers 1, 2, and 3 are sized for a capacity of 700,000 pounds of steam per hour with steam pressure and temperature at the superheater outlet of 1550 psig and 1000°F, and with reheater outlet temperature of 1000°F. Boiler 4 is sized for a capacity of 1,980,000 pounds of steam per hour with steam pressure and temperature at the superheater outlet 2000 psig and 950°F, and with a reheater outlet temperature of 955°F. All boiler units have two stage superheaters with a secondary stage located in the gas stream at the furnace gas outlet and the primary stage located in the gas stream at the secondary stage gas outlet. Superheater outlet steam tem- perature is controlled by a combination of attemperation between primary and secondary stages, and flue gas recir- culation. Reheaters of Units 1, and 2, are located in the gas stream in parallel with their primary superheaters. Reheater outlet steam temperatures of Units 1 and 2 are controlled p by flue gas distribution dampers at the reheater primary F superheater outlet and by intra-stage attemperation in *•* Unit 3. The reheater of Unit 3 is located in the gas stream at the secondary superheater gas outlet, while theIreheater of Unit 4 is located in the gas stream at the primary superheater gas outlet. §A11 boiler units are fitted with feed water economizers located in the gas stream between the primary superheater- reheater gas outlet, and the airheater gas inlet. All economizers are arranged for counter flow of flue gas and boiler feed water; (i.e. upward water flow and downward gas flow). 0 E E I r i All boiler units are fitted with Ljungstrom regenerative type air heaters arranged for counter flow of flue gas and combustion air. Airheaters for Units 1, 2, and 3 (two per unit) are oriented in parallel for flue gas and combustion air flow in vertical directions while gas and air flow through the single airheater of Unit 4 is horizontal. Air- heaters of Units 1, 2, and 3 are fitted with dampered ducts between the forced draft fan discharge and the airheater air outlet which may be used to bypass a portion of the combustion air around the airheater. In addition to the regenerative airheater described above, Unit 4 is fitted with two steam airheaters, one located in the discharge duct of each of the two forced draft fans. Each of the four boilers is fitted with two forced draft fans and one gas recirculation fan. In addition, Units 1, 2, and 3 are each fitted with two induced draft fans. B. Test Locations The test locations used to obtain particulate samples from the gas streams of Units 1, 2, and 3 are shown in Figure III-l. The test locations of these units are iden- tical. The boiler flue gas passes through twin air heaters in parallel and is moved by twin induced draft fans. The parallel gas passes join just below the stack, forming a common duct. A transition section transforms the rectan- gular duct into the circular stack. About six feet above the roof a temporary scaffold was erected. Test ports are about five feet above the scaffold and a support rail is placed about one foot above each test port. Traverse points for the Units 1, 2,and 3 are shown in Figure III-2. The test location for Unit 4 is shown in Figure III-3. The boiler gas passes through a single air heater, after which the single rectangular duct makes a 180° turn. The duct makes a 90° bend and enters a transition section prior to entering the stack. The test ports are located approximately ten feet above the roof; ports are accessible from a temporary scaffold. Sup- port rails were erected from which to hang the test equip- ment. Traverse points for Unit 4 are shown in Figure III-4. NOT 7® SCfiL£ I L - 1 resr - UMTS i, z, k I [ 0 0 E c r c 5* V ~\ / z 3 5" C 5-/.0 3C.O 12 \ Z * / - 2 SbC N3T 70 \ I [ \ f c c PASS FIG UK e -Ttf- j resr - UNIT i I r E SbG z E EVC/MA POtA/£g PLANT I I c 0 I E IV. Test Procedures A. Description of Test Equipment The equipment used to obtain the isokinetic particulate samples from the flue gas stream is composed of two basic units. The sample unit is located at the test port; this unit is connected to a control unit via an umbilical. The umbilical contains pressure lines for measuring gas velocity, a vacuum sample line for drawing gas sample, electrical signals for control of sample component temperatures, and thermocouple wire for gas and probe temperature readout. *-* The sample unit contains the sample probe, particulate filter and holder, heated filter compartment, gas condenser n apparatus, moisture removal column, and ice bath. The P probe is a conduit containing a heated liner made of either Pyrex glass or 304 stainless steel. Due to stack configu- ,-, rations the stainless steel probe liner was used on Units 3 j and 4 because the minimum necessary probe length exceeded ^ the maximum safe length for a glass probe. Glass probes were used on Units 1 and 2. The probe is heated to ensure \'\ that the sample gas does not drop below the dew point prior ;_-; to filtration. The end of the probe which is inserted into the flue gas stream is fitted with a sharp leading edge buttonhook-type nozzle pointing into the gas stream. A type-S pitot tube is attached to the outside of the probe conduit and transmitts velocity pressure differential at the sample point to the control unit, via the umbilical, n A type-K chromel-alumel thermocouple is also attached to L the outside at the sample point. The back end of the probe conduit is fitted into the heated sample compartment via a rigid mounting coupling. The sample compartment contains a thermostat and variable temperature controller since the temperature of the filter is critical for specific testing applications. The probe liner is connected to a glass filter holder via ground glass ball joints. The filter is a glass fiber matt approximately 3-1/2 inches in diameter and is capable of retaining 99.95% of all particles above .3 microns. Glass- to-glass connectors are used to transport the filtered holder to the condenser apparatus. The condenser apparatus separates moisture from the sample gas stream and is comprised of four Greenburg-Smith impingers, in series, immersed in an ice bath. The first impinger is modified by replacing the tip with a plain 10 _, I ** glass tube 1/2 inch in diameter and extending to within 1/2 inch of the bottom of the impinger. Prior to testing, this impinger is charged with 100 ml of distilled water. The second impinger is an unmodified Greenburg-Smith impinger and also contains 100 ml of distilled water. The third impinger is modified like the first but is left empty to trap any liquid carryover from the previous impinger. The fourth impinger is also modified like the first and contains 300 gms (tare-weighed) of indicating type 6-16 mesh granular silica gel. The exit of this impinger is connected to the umbilical via a stainless ff? steel fitting. The condenser collects all moisture in |j the gas sample and this is used to determine the fraction of moisture in the flue gas for gas volume standardization r~; purposes. *•* The control unit contains a sliding-vane leakless vacuum pump for drawing sample gas. Isokinetic sample rates are p controlled with a coarse (ball) valve and a fine (needle) C valve which are in the sample line on the vacuum side of the pump. A bypass loop is incorporated into the control p unit to prevent the pump from overheating when not drawing tj sample. A vacuum gauge in the sample line tells the """ operator if the filter is plugged (high vacuum, low sample rate) or if there is a leak in the sample train (high — sample rate, low vacuum). The pump exit is connected to a volumetric gas meter which 0 records the amount of gas sampled in cubic feet. Gas temperature entering and leaving the meter is recorded by the operator so that conversion of sample volume to —. standard conditions can be made. The gas meter exit trans- •" ports the gas down a straight tube, long enough to ensure » laminar flow; the end of the tube is fitted with a cali- brated orifice flow meter for determination of sample flow ft rate. G I Gas monitoring instrumentation in the form of flue gas temperature readout, flue gas velocity pressure differ- ential readout, and orifice pressure differential readout, is located at the control station so that the operator is aware of the critical parameters as the test is performed. B. Sampling Procedure Prior to initiating the test all sample-exposed surfaces are thoroughly washed with acetone. The first two impingers are charged with 100 ml each of distilled water and the fourth impinger is charged with 300 gms. of silica gel. A tare-weighed filter is placed in the filter holder and all sample train components are assembled. With the pump turned I f 11 on and air passing through the train, the nozzle is plugged. The sample line vacuum is adjusted to 15 inches of mercury and the amount of in-leakage is indicated by the movement of the gas meter readout. If the in-leakage is more than .02 CFM the sample train components are dis- assembled to find the source of the leak. When the criteria are met, the test is initiated. I The probe nozzle is placed at the first traverse point. The gas meter initial volume and inlet-outlet temperatures are recorded. The flue gas temperature and velocity pres- Q sure differential are recorded. The orifice pressure dif- ferential which will ensure an isokinetic flow rate at that point is calculated and the pump is turned on; sample flow fn rate is adjusted immediately to isokinetic conditions, j ! After five minutes the gas meter volume is recorded and the ^ probe nozzle is moved to the next traverse point. The flue gas temperature and velocity pressure differential at the f new point are recorded and the sample flow rate is adjusted immediately to isokinetic conditions. In addition, gas meter inlet-outlet temperatures, orifice pressure dif- l^j ferential, sample line vacuum, filter compartment tempera- r| ture, sample time, and clock .time are recorded. This sequence is repeated for each traverse point on each of two perpendicular stack diameters (total of twenty-four " points per test). After the final readings are taken the pump, probe heater, rr and filter compartment heater are turned off; the sample ) "; unit is removed from the stack and disassembled. Care is taken to prevent contamination of sample-exposed surfaces or loss of sample from sample-exposed surfaces. The probe Qi and filter holder are set aside to cool. The water from *-- the first three impingers is measured volumetrically and transferred to polyethylene sample bottles labeled 0 "IMP H20." The first three impingers and all glass con- nectors from the exit of the filter holder to the inlet of the fourth impinger are rinsed with acetone. The rinse is _ caught in a glass jar with Teflon-lined lid and labeled p "BHA" (back half acetone). The silica gel is removed from *•* the fourth impinger and placed in a polyethvlene bottle labeled "SG." When cool enough to handle, the filter holder is separated and the filter removed with a clean knife blade. The filter is transferred to a plastic Petri dish sealed with tape; the Petri dish is then put into a plastic ziplock bag. The back half of the filter holder is rinsed with acetone and the rinse is added to the jar labeled "BHA." The glass connector between the probe and the filter holder and the 1 I E C C E C I 12 front half of the filter holder is rinsed and brushed with acetone and the rinse is put in a glass jar with a Telfon- lined lid labeled "FHA" (front half acetone). Any glass fiber filter material remaining on the silicone gasket is scraped with a knife edge into the jar labeled "FHA." The gasket is rinsed with acetone and the rinse added to the same jar. The probe is rinsed and brushed into the jar labeled "FHA." Using a smaller brush the buttonhook-type nozzle is rinsed and brushed into the same jar. A glass sample jar is labeled "ACETONE BLANK" and is charged with an amount of acetone approximately equal to the amount used in the sample recovery (from the same wash bottle used in the sample recovery). A polyethylene sample jar is labeled "H20 BLANK" and is charged with approximately 200 ml of distilled water from the same container used to charge the impingers. C. Analysis Procedure 1. Front half acetone (FHA): A 150 ml beaker is washed and rinsed with distilled water. The beaker is placed in an oven at 105°C for at least one hour; removed and desiccated overnight; and then weighed on an analytical balance to within .01 mg. The FHA sample is measured volumetrically and trans- ferred to the tared beaker. The sample jar is rinsed three times with acetone and the rinse added to the beaker. The acetone is evaporated to dryness at room temperature. The beaker is then desiccated overnight and weighed to within .01 mg. The ACETONE BLANK sample is analyzed in a similar manner. The blank result is calculated in units of mass weight per ml of liquid. The mass weight for each FHA sample, contributed soley by the volume of acetone used, is then subtracted from the mass weight of residue of the FHA sample. 2. Back half acetone and impinger water (BHA and IMP H20): A 250 ml beaker is prepared and tared as described above. The IMP H20 sample is transferred from the sample bottle to the tared beaker. One beaker is not able to contain the total volume of water collected during one test, therefore the beaker is placed in an oven at 105°C until dry. The remaining volume of water is then added to the tared beaker; the bottle is rinsed three times with distilled water and the rinse is added to this beaker, which is returned to the oven until dry. 13 I Li 0 G I i The BHA sample is measured volumetrically and trans- ferred to the same tared beaker used for the IMP f^O. The glass jar is rinsed three times with acetone and the rinse added to the beaker. The acetone is allowed to evaporate at room temperature to dryness. The beaker is desiccated overnight and weighed to within .01 mg. The H20 BLANK sample is analyzed in a similar manner. The mass weight of residue is calculated per ml of liquid. The mass weight of residue contributed by the initial 200 ml of impinger water is then subtracted from the total residue. The mass weight of residue contributed by the acetone volume used is also sub- tracted from the total mass residue weight. 3. Filter: The filter is transferred from the plastic Petri dish to the desiccator. The Petri dish is brushed using a fine laboratory brush to ensure that all particulate matter is transferred onto the filter. The filter is allowed to desiccate overnight and then weighed to within .01 mg. 4. Silica gel (SG): The silica gel is transferred to a tared 500 ml beaker. The beaker is then weighed on a triple-beam balance to within .1 gm. b i 14 V. Discussion A. Source of Emissions Particulate emissions from oil-fired furnaces can be broken down into three classifications: ash, sulfates, and carbon (4) Each type of particulate has its own source or point of origin within the furnace, even though all three will com- prise fly ash particle conglomerates. Since each of the three characteristic emission types can be described as a discreet furnace by-product, an attempt will be made in this discussion to keep them separate. tl 1. Ash O Ash is the non-combustible, inorganic mineral matter entering the furnace with the oil. The minerals can originate from oil wells, pipelines surfaces, tank scale, and erosion P products from pumps, etc., during petroleum transportation (1). i Since residual oil is the residue of crude petroleum after the *^ lighter fractions have been driven off, the ash accumulates during the processing. The ash content of the fuel oil used (~1 at Encina is relatively low; the range is usually from .010% L* to .015%. f _ Brummer and Gallaer (4) state that the average ash content of the particulate emissions from an oil-fired combustion source contains 80% of the ash in the fuel oil. The remainder either settles to the furnace bottom or remains as deposits n on heat transfer surfaces. Some ash constituents, such as U vanadium pentoxide, have melting points below the temperature commonly found in the furnace. These deposits must be removed periodically, either by the use of soot blowers or by manually cleaning of the heat-receiving surfaces. Estimates of the average fuel ash entering the Encina boilers are 7.0 Ib/hr for each of Units 1, 2, and 3 and 21.0 Ib/hr for Unit 4, If it can be assumed that 80% of the incoming ash is emitted as fly ash, then average ash emission estimates are 33.6 Ib/hr for the entire plant. 2. Sulfates Another constituent of fuel oil is sulfur, an inorganic element which is liberated as the hydrocarbon fuel is combusted. Most of the sulfur is oxidized to form SC>2 gas, however a small portion of the S02 takes a further oxidation step and becomes 303, a gas with a dew point of about 250°F. When the gas temperature falls below the dew point, S03 readily combines with H20 to form H2SC>4. Sulfuric acid emissions are very corrosive and cause property damage in the vicinity of oil-fired power plants. The H2S04 can further [ C I I 15 react with boiler metal or ash deposits to form metallic sulfates, many of which are also very corrosive. According to Reid (1) the sulfur is liberated from the oil in the area between the fuel atomizing nozzle and the beginning of the visible flame. Immediately molecules of SO are formed and a reaction takes place with ©2 molecules to form 803. As the gas proceeds into the flame, and the temperature rises to 1800°F, the 803 molecules dissociate to form 802 molecules (with a high-temperature stability) and 0 atoms. As the gas proceeds downstream past the flame D and the temperature falls, the 802 molecules are reformed with the 0 atoms to again form 803. This latter reaction takes place only in the area equal to the distance of one ,_ flame thickness downstream of the flame.f • «J Empirical studies have shown that approximately 1-2% of the fuel sulfur is converted to 803 in this manner (1). Actual E studies have not been able to measure the quantity of oxygen atoms in a flame in order to make a correlation with 803, however Reid discusses a study whereby actual 803 measure- ,--. ments were made and correlated with theoretical oxygen atom ij concentration. The actual point at which 803 formation --^ stopped coincided with the theoretical depletion of oxygen atom concentration. The mechanism of flame-formed 803 is a — constant and finite process, and is relatively predictable. A second mechanism of 803 formation in boilers is affected G by a large number of variables. This is the catalytic oxidation of 802 to form 803, with the furnace neat-receiving surfaces behaving as catalytic agents. Barrett (2) used a stainless steel non-catalytic laboratory combustor in an experimental study designed to understand catalytic 803 formation. A known quantity of 803 was formed in the flame region of the combustor and was transported with the high temperature gas stream to a bank of steel tubes. The 803 concentration was measured before and after gas contact was made. 0 0 [ Barrett's studies included: (a) 803 formation as a function of temperature (b) 803 formation as a function of steel alloy type (c) 803 formation as a function of tube coating Using a molydenum-chromium steel alloy as the catalytic sur- face, the 863 concentration was measured at the end of six hours at each of several metal temperatures. The conclusion was drawn that below 900°F no catalytic 803 formation occurred; between 1000°F and 1200°F the 803 concentration increased linearly with temperature. Between 1200°F and the temperature at which SO3 dissociates, no data was given. K I 0 F 0 I 16 Several steel alloys commonly used in boilers were tested in the combustor at different metal temperatures. Below 1200°F the catalytic activity varied with the alloy type, but at 1200°F the catalytic activity of all alloys was comparable. About 30-40 ppm 303 was measured before contact with the steel surfaces, while 140 ppm was measured after contact. This was attributed to the fact that an oxide layer of Fe2C>3 (a very active catalytic agent) occurred rapidly at this temperature. When an oxide layer of Fe2<33 was brushed onto the metal sur- faces, 863 concentration rose to 195 ppm after five hours. O The outlet steam temperature of the superheat region in the Encina boilers is 1000°F, while gas temperature in this area is 1500°-1800°F. Tube metal temperatures are 1100°- 1200°F(11) ~ unless an insulating scale is left on the metal, in which jj case surface metal temperatures can reach 1500°F. According *"* to Barrett's studies with catalytic 863 formation (2), this is the ideal temperature range for such reactions. Therefore f if the 803, and therefore sulfate, emissions are to be reduced, then the prevention of its formation in this area is the ideal place to start. M 3. CarbonU In the earliest days of forced draft combustion soot deposits inside boilers were common. As the need for adequate time, temperature, and turbulence was addressed, soot deposits were eliminated, and metallic ash was carried to the steam tube banks to form deposits (1). With the higher temperature, carbon emissions usually are in the form of coke particles, and are contained in the fly ash particles (4), Relatively large coke particles can represent an unburned residual of the oil droplet originating from the atomizer. Volatilization of the droplet occurs first, leaving a non-volatile coke residue. If the combustion conditions include vaporized fuel co-existing with the hot coke particle, heterogeneous pyrolysis reactions may cause growth of the particle at the expense of the fuel vapor (5). Because of the large size of coke particles, the burn-out is a relatively slow process. Burn-out proceeds at a finite rate, with residence time in the high temperature region of the furnace being the important factor in reducing a given size coke particles (5). B. Control of Emissions 1. Ash Ash emissions depend upon the ash content of the oil. Since ash is non-combustible, the only way to prevent its emission I r G P! t D I 17 is to remove it from the gas stream. The ash "Collectability" may be enhanced by the use of fuel additives (5) (8), but unless a particulate separator is used, the only mechanism of removal is settlement in the furnace itself. 2. Sulfates Sulfates are formed by reaction of 803 with metallic cations and/or oxides from the fuel ash, with or without the formation of H2S04 as an intermediary step. The 863 emissions have been shown to decrease significantly when the excess oxygen levels in the boiler are decreased. Radway and Exley (3) discuss a reduction of from 55 ppm to 25 ppm in the flue gas from a 185 MW oil-fired boiler after reducing excess oxygen levels from 2.0% to 0.6%. A further reduction to 5 ppm was observed when magnesium oxide fuel additive was used. The 303 reduction observed by reducing excess 02 levels can be attributed to a reduction of both 303 formation mechanisms: flame-formed 303 by combination of 302 an<i oxygen atoms, and catalytically oxidized 302- Extensive tests performed at the South Bay plant, show an average total conversion of fuel sulfur to sulfate (measured in stack gas) to be about 5%. If this figure is applied to the maximum quantity of oil burned at the Encina plant, then sulfate emissions are estimated at 100 Ib/hr while using .20% sulfur fuel. While using .45% sulfur fuel, sulfate emissions are estimated at 226 Ib/hr. Therefore fuel sulfur content can have a significant effect on sulfate emissions. A significant reduction of sulfate emissions can be linked to a reduction of 303 formation, effected by a film of MgO on furnace heat-receiving surfaces. This will be discussed in a following section. 3. Carbon In order to completely combust a hydrocarbon fuel, a minimum amount of oxygen is necessary in order to reform the carbon and hydrogen into C02 and H20. The amount of air necessary to supply this minimum amount of oxygen is called the stoichiometric air. If the air supply at any time falls below this requirement, the carbon will not be able to reform into carbon dioxide, and carbon emissions will result. Each of the Encina boilers 1, 2, and 3 combust about 55,000 Ib oil/hr at full load, while boiler 4 combusts 170,000 Ib oil/hr at full load, Stoichiometric air requirements are about 685,000 Ib/hr for each of boilers 1, 2, and 3 and 2,300,000 Ib/hr for boiler 4 at these conditions. In order to prevent the combustion air from falling below these levels I L 0 C f 18 at any time, an oversupply is effected. However, it has been shown that the lower the excess air supply, the higher the effectiveness of reducing sulfate emissions. The follow<- ing discussion deals with the parameters involved in reducing excess air without increasing carbon emissions, Due to the response time of the many combustion controls found on any boiler, e.g. fuel valves, air damper motors, fan speed controls, fuel heaters, and fuel pumps, even very small changes of load, fuel temperature or air temperature can significantly change the stoichiometric requirements. The air is deliberately oversupplied so that minor imbalances in air-fuel ratio are compensated. The oversupply is measured continuously by an oxygen analyzer in the furnace gas stream at the last heat transfer section of the furnace. The percent oxygen in the gas stream is termed the percent excess (in addition to stoichiometric requirement). In order to reduce the air supply to minimum levels without producing excessive carbon emissions, Radway and Exley (3) have outlined the following items that must be addressed: (a) Fuel atomization (b) Balanced fuel flows through each atomizer (c) Balanced air flows through each burner, with a high enough velocity to provide adequate air-fuel mixing (d) Reliable oxygen analysis capability (e) Adequate response of combustion controls (f) Minimum air in-leakage of combustion system Items (a), (b), and (c) are of primary importance; if a single piece of furnace or control hardware causes problems in any of these three areas, isolated sub-stoichiometric conditions could exist. A high pressure pump is used on each of the Encina boilers 1, 2, and 3 to maintain a constant pressure differential of 350 psi across each atomizing nozzle. The nozzles are designed so that fuel at a constant viscosity will result in a spray pattern that does not touch the surfaces of the burner throat walls. (Each burner throat includes a single nozzle located along its axis.) The spray must be uniform so that the finely dispersed fuel droplets mix evenly with the combustion air, which flows in a concentric axial pattern around the nozzle. The atomizing nozzles in boiler 4 utilize steam as a secondary medium in atomizing the fuel. On any particular boiler the air for each burner comes from the same source, i.e. the burner windbox. Each burner throat provides a single discreet air passage between the windbox and the firebox (furnace) . The windbox is pressurized by r G C c E I 19 two forced draft fans, one at each horizontal end of the windbox. The air supply through each burner throat is maintained by controlling the resistance to the constant windbox pressure. Each burner throat is fitted with individually adjustable air doors for controlling resistance. The compound effect of controlling windbox pressure and individual air doors is to control air flow rate and air velocity through the burner throat. On each individual burner the atomizing nozzle is located at the end of a gun, which is placed along the line of the axial center of the burner throat. The fuel flow rate is controlled only by adjusting the flow rate through the main pump, supplying fuel pressure equally to all burner guns. Flow rate through individual nozzles, therefore, is con- trolled by the size of the nozzle orifice. A very small intolerance of nozzle dimensions on a set of atomizers can upset the air-fuel balance between burners. For this reason it is of primary importance to have adequate quality control when the nozzles are machined. Even a small amount of nozzle wear or coke buildup on the orifice can affect the flow rate. An additional problem caused by wear or coke buildup is the formation of an uneven spray pattern and/or large droplets. In this case the fuel droplets may not mix freely with the air and may traverse the entire length of the furnace without being completely combusted. This will usually result in large coke particle emissions. A very small amount of compensation is permitted for coping with the problems of air-fuel balance while the boiler is in operation. Limited axial movement of the nozzle with respect to the end of the burner throat can be afforded by operating personnel. Further the individual burner throats have air resistance adjustment capability. These adjustments have very limited effectiveness for improving combustion if the atomization problems are severe. Even in cases where the adjustments can be beneficial, they are made at the discretion of the operating personnel, where experience is only guide to follow. A further parameter for the effective reduction of excess oxygen levels without an increase of carbon emission is the maintenance of design fuel viscosity levels for the particular type of atomizer. Each type of oil and each blend of oil has a distinct relationship of viscosity to temperature. The fuel lines to the boilers are heated in order to maintain viscosity at an optimum level. As long as the fuel blend does not change, very little effort is required by the operations personnel, other than to monitor viscosity. If the fuel blend changes rapidly, the viscosity may immediately jump out of the optimum range. In this case the heat must be removed or added to the fuel lines, depending on the k I I 0 C C r 20 viscosity-temperature relationship of the new blend. The extreme case is where the heat must be added in order to obtain design levels; in this case the shearing action during atomization is not sufficient to effectively produce fine dropets. Large droplets are formed, resulting in incomplete combustion. Encina is the main fuel oil receiving terminal for SDG&E. Shipments are received on an average of two per month. The oil is dewatered and held in storage tanks to be either burned in the Encina boilers or transferred by barge to a holding facility in National City, From there it is trans- ferred via pipeline to the South Bay plant. The Encina terminal includes seven tanks. A very complex piping and valve system (Figure V-l) allows for the transfer and suction of any particular tank to any particular Encina boiler. As fuel shipments are received, fuel holding capacity dictates that the oil be transferred from tank to tank to make room for deliveries. This situation makes it very difficult to keep any one boiler on any one tank for an extended period of time. During transfers and tank changes it is inevitable that fuel viscosity will change, making it necessary to adjust fuel heaters in order to keep carbon emissions to minimum levels, C. Effect of Magnesium Additive on Emissions 1. Ash It has been shown by O'Neal (8) that ash collectability is enhanced when a magnesium additive is used in high sulfur, high ash fuel oil. Ash emissions decreased significantly when finely dispersed MgO was added to the fuel, even though more ash (in the form of MgO) was present (8). The reduction was attributed to an agglomeration effect, making the particles easier to collect with cyclone separators and electrostatic precipitators. The Encina boilers have no particulate collection devices and tJie___fuel_jased at the plant has a very low ash-content: "Thefe^"" "/ ffore it is noflikely that the ash emissions will be decreased / \by the addition of MgO in the fuel. XC 2. Sulf ate's Barrett's study (2) of coatings in a laboratory combustor show that an MgO coating on a bank of steel tubes in the gas path actually reduced S03 concentration in the gas stream from 38 ppm to 18 ppm shortly after the beginning of the test. This was 21 • L [ I! I C 22 attributed to a reaction of MgO with 803 to form MgSO4. After a time period of 5 hours the concentration measured downstream of the tubes increased to the same value measured upstream, effectively eliminating the tube surfaces as catalysts. Reid (1) discusses the use of both Ca(OH)2 and MgO slurries to coat the firebox and superheat tubes of actual boilers. This method eliminated fire-side corrosion, but the treatment had to be repeated once or twice a day. Reid (1) also discusses the use of metallic magnesium injected with fuel oil into a furnace as a preventive measure to reduce 803 emissions. The Mg readily formed MgO in the flame, which then deposited upon the heat^-receiving surfaces. The use of metallic magnesium 'stopped the corrosion and acid smut problem, but the mechanism was reported to be a reduction of catalytic surface area by the MgO film rather than the reduction of flame-formed 803 by tying up the available oxygen atoms. More recently the use of ultrafine MgO powders dispersed in a petroleum medium and added to fuel oil have replaced the use of metallic magnesium for elimination of corrosion and acid smut emissions (1). Both methods are extremely effective because the MgO film on the boiler tubes is continually replenished. The additive^pjresently being used at Encina has likewise showi_^~'dramatic_dej?;rease incorrosion and acid smut—ejnissions. The additive contains approximately_jfiJi~ magnesium, reported as elemental magnesium.""However~the metal Ts~~dispersed within an organic medium in two forms: (a) a colloidal dispersion of finely divided MgO particles and (b) magnesium atoms bonded to hydrocarbon molecules. The contention of the manufacturer is that the Mg atoms are liberated within the furnace flame when the hydrocarbon medium is combusted. The Mg ajboms immediately combine with the f re_e_—o*y_c[en_atoms, thereby efJLecJLlvely reducing th'e~ a va i 1 ab_le__ o xy gen__a±QJH.s w i t hjji__ t hef 1 ame . The contention is that this will_red.uce._SOj3_f^rmaj:_igji_wj^yiijL_thg__f lame , however there are no__studie^s_ayaiJ-abJ.e^tQ prpjve or dispro've this contention. The same MgO additive used at Encina is presently being tested at the South Bay Power Plant. Mass emissions tests, including total sulfate, flue gas density, flue gas flow rate, and fuel sulfur content, have shown a substantial decrease in sulfate emissions with the use of MgO additive. Results are as follows: I I C r n D C r 23 # of % of Fuel Average $03 Average S04 tests Sulfur converted emissions (ppm) emissions (mg to S03 acid/SCF) without Mgo 22 5,07 7,3 ,816 with MgO 22 2.71 3,5 .390 This results in a 45 per cent reduction of 803 on a mass emission basis and a 52 per cent reduction on a volumetric concentration basis. Since a reduction of 1 Ib of 303 can theoretically reduce up to 3.5 Ib of corrosion products (6), this indeed can significantly reduce the total particualte emissions. A study by Battelle-Columbus Laboratories (5) demonstrates that magnesium fuel additives contribute to a average 7 per cent reduction in particulate emissions from combustion sources. No explanation is given but it appears likely that the reason is a reduction of sulfates and corrosion products. 3. Carbon There is no substantiating documentation that states any change of carbon emissions will be effected by magnesium fuel additives. A series of tests were published by an additive manufacturer (7) that show a 50% reduction of carbon emissions when magnesium additive was used. The tests were performed in Europe on a boiler burning high sulfur, low ash fuel oil, but no explanation of the mechanism is given. D. Encina Emission Test Results 1, EPA-5 Test Results Table V-l lists boiler operating conditions and test conditions for each of the individual tests. Fuel oil flow and fuel sulfur content are listed along with generator output in megawatts and boiler excess 02 (measured prior to the air heaters). Table V-2 lists the individual test results, and includes a breakdown of particulate results into filterable particulate and condensible particulate. Sulfate analysis of each set of filterable particulate was performed using a turbidimetric procedure. The Condensible particulate is assumed to be condensed H2SC>4(12); the total sulfate emission for each test was determined by summing the sulfate fraction of the filterable catch and the complete condensible catch. In order to determine the contribution of MgO in the additive on total emissions the filterable catch was analyzed for magnesium using atomic absorption. An additional analysis was performed on the last series of samples (30-60 day additive). This was an ash analysis, accomplished by heating 24 CN O 0) 1/1—I (/I * H O 0\° O O- x00 t^ r^** (***• t^*» fM fN f-H i-H ^O ^O ^O CN CN CN CN CN CN fN -H 30) U-l 3 —H o\°U, 3C/3 O LO CN tO *3- "3- O O CTl 00 tO tO CN CM to tO CTl tO OOLO <g- -a- T CTI o CM tO O 0) O 3 OU. O O O LO LO CN fN LO LO O O ^H i-H LO LO LO LO 00 00 LO LO f to o I—HHs oo O t—« H mQ.O eiu !H O 4->•P 3ca &.; c o0) ,_, I CD3 > _« • H •a o o CTi CTlo o LO LO ^D ^Ooooo to to too o o tO tO ^O v^oooo o oo oo o oooooooooooo\^ \Q \Q •%^ oooooooooooo\Q \^ v^ vO o oo oo o o o oo0) <Dr~ ~z> c3 T3 i "5o t/i H •a•a 3 3o o •a TJ*O ^3cS C3 X XC3 CB•O T3 LO LO I I CN CN •O -3 T3 T3TJ -a -3 -acti cs cti cd X X X Xce ca ca ce•a id -o T) oooo i i i iooooto to to to •a TJ -aTJ -o 13rt rt ctJ 333O O O •a -o TJ -a•O T3 -O T3ce co ce ce •a•oca ca XceXXXce ce ceT3 -a -o LO LO LO LO till CN CN CN fN X Xce ca"O T3 O O I i O Oto to /5ce4) O LO CN LO o o LO to O LO LO o o o•*r to o <* CTi to CTl fN O r-t O i-H o o o fM O LO CTl CTl CN O O i-H vO LO i—I LOo to o T CTl fN CTl CN O i-H O i-H LO O i-H tO •3- CTi rH O rtO i i_ CTlo oI > 00 00 I I LO LO rH i-H 00 00 I I ICTi CTl O O CN CN to tOI I I I CTi CTi CTl CTi I I I <* LO LOO O O1 I I 00 00 00 1111 00 00 O O O O i-H i-H 1 1 00 00 00 OO t LO I ICTi CTi •s>o c <. 03 LO LO CTl CTifM CN < 23 < CO LO LO \Q ^ CN CN CN CM tO tO tO to OO OO 00CN CN fM CN fN CN O O CN fM CTl CTi CTi CTi fM fM CN fN CN fM CN CN LO \O to to 25 CNt-> O<u rH !fi Oca o o\°oxu CN O Oi O O O O oo 00 Cl 00 OO -H 3 CD tH3 -H 0\° U. 3 00 Cl LO LO oo P^ r°*~ CN CN CN LO 00 O rH tO O LO LO LO LO Cl Cl O OCN CN CN tO ti, ,3 O O3 OU. O CN vO LO LO LO LO CN CN fN•_o ^O • \O sO vO OO OO \O r Cou CS U o o o 00 tO to CN CN o o o000to to to Cl Cl Cl Cl CN CN CN CN O O O Oo o o oto to to to oo o > Q s i 02 .„ Z 2 CD 3 — O CD -H > *-> •H C3•p es•H -3 O O OO O OO O O \^ \^ \^ oooooooooooo^O ^>O ^O *•£ oooooooooooo \O ^O VO **& OOOOo o o o 0000 OO 00 ^O ^O UJ o es Oca o •H •rH•a oCJ •a -a -a•a -a -aci crS crj 333 O O O •a -a T3•a -3 -acC cc 03 xxx cS cS cS•a -a -a LO LO LO t I I CN CN CN •3 T3 T3 T3^3 "X? *^3 *Oc3 ci TO c3 X X X XCS 50 cS CS•a -a -o -a oooo i i i i 0000to to to to -o -a -a•a -a -acS cS cS 3O 3 O -a -a -a -a•a -a -a -art cd cc CTS x x x xcS cS cO cS -O-O-3-3 LO LO LO LO till CN CN CN CN -a -a -a -3-a -a -a -acS cS CS CO X X X X cS cS cS cS-a -a -a -a oooo \^ ^O sO ^3 I I I Iooooto to to to o o LOto CN —i•q- en to rH O rH LO LO P— tO LO CN Cl to CNO f-H rH LO LO LO LOo ^r o LOo to ci CN rH rH O rH to o LOO O T O Cl CN f-H O rH to ^ 'S' tO*3- LO tO too to ci to f-H rH O rH O LO O LOto o to —io LO ci to r^ —I O rH P- P-- P^ P** P"~ P"~ I I I I I I OO OO OO 1oo rH 1 OO P*~ P** P"* P"~ lilt CN CN tO tO CN CN (N CN [III Cl Cl Cl Ci P-- P-- P--1 1 1\O P^ P^CN CN CN1 1 1 P~ P- P-- P^ P-- P- P^ p*» p^ P^« P^*tillCN CN tO toOOOO1 1 I 1 00 SO CO OO C"^ P"* P*- P"^ tillp- p- 00 00oooo1 1 1 1 Cl Cl Ci Cl tr>O aa < ccto *g- rf Ci Ci cSCN CN CN *^O P^* oo CN CN CN O O r- —I CN CN CN CNto to to to < eap^ oc oot**- r*^ r^* CN CN CN < tt < ec•^r ^ LO LO OO X OO CC CN CN CN CN O O -H rH -H f—H i—I r-•ro to to to •P 'c to to to to 26 0 G ^ c . CB O 24-> -Q CT^ H ca ^u ^ i— i JHCB .£ .c 4-i VI "^.O < ,Ot- -1 .-H !H £ M~ 0 2>H -i CD i— 1 4-> J-)ca ca j=^J ^4_j "^^^ O *~^ i-QH— i __i^ j ^*^ C.O ca CO -H —I ^ —3 1— ' O=1 O -H ">CO E- 4-> 5m ?H ^ CM ^ W [ C- :> E~•^ co w £ ™ tu -2 £2 f- 3 ca <C *H ^-t *,-J (/) 3 _£ u 5 -H ^~i~i -o +-> iiH C f-ta o ca•< u a-Cu o S S3 n £ 3X ^•^^ii 5 5 £ ^^ 0. co • H 4-* •iH•oco C_} 4-> t/1o E- 4-> t/) O as £- 3 ~" CM II II tO 11 II O •-H II 1 ! (71II It 0 i-H to r-- t~- i— i I-H CM vO to •— 1 i— 1 O O -H rH CM CT> CTl CM LO r** CM \D i— 1 t — CM • • • «* * tO 00 sO ^f ^T tO i-H tO »"H rr O 1^.0% O VO LO 00 i-H LO tO 1— 1 00 ^T i-H LO •<* t^ vO CM OO i— ( T tO Tf-H r^ co o rr LO r^ cr^ r^> ^H CM CM \O O"i ^O **O ^O•^r r~ o i— i o co to cjt r^ o CM to T LO CM •a• • -a•a -o ca• • -a -o*O "3 ca c3 X-o-o caca ca xx -aca ca 4-1 4-> -3 T3 O33 so O O LO LO I ^ \ It O 23 CM CM tO <; ca < ca < —1 —I LO LO LO CM CM CM CM tO i-H • vO vO OO. CTi LO CM CM ,_*r-» f CO sOr~- CM 00o vO 00 00 f-H *o ca Xca•o ooioto „, LO CMto CTl • LO CM V \o CM CM O 00. \o sO •^ t—4 ^H --H to LOO o^ ^•aca X -3 O ^Oi Oto <i) CMto s• sO ^f^• CO t^- ,_, sOc^. •* ^H vO O CM p-H Oi CM Or~- t^ ^ -^T3ca Xca-3 oo1oto ea vOCMto , 1 1 1 ^to 0 0 sO *. LO 00 f-H 0 0 0 vO OO f-H ^. to • -3-3ca 4_) 3O 5 < 00rsi CM 1 1 I I ^--< O LO , 00 sO OO LOto 1—*o 0 r-H LO 00 LO CM • "3 •3ca 4J 3O 3 < CO CM CM t 1 1 1 r-H CM O ovO. to CN CO to CM O O —H \0 to CM » -3-3ca +j 3 O 3 cat^. CO CM CM 1 I | 1 1 I 1 I to 00 •-H "* CM O ^ t-H CM >.to • -3"3ca Xca-3 LOl CM < Oc** CM CM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 *-H *3" t^ t*^ 0 O 00 O !>• CM. 0* i — i O CO CMto r- 00 CTi CM CM \o o •^r rr CM CM\c to tO LO CM CM • ••o -a*^3 ^3CB c3 X Xca ca'O "O LO LO 1 1 CM CM ca < O CM CJ} C^ CM CM CM CM 1 1 1 1 r- 00 O f^ CTi t ~* LO CO f-Hto CM t~- LO to ^ \o CM • -313ca Xca-3 LO 1 CM ca CM O CM OO O 11 CM LOCM 1 • 1 00 -H LO CM tO i— i r^to -H. . CM r- «3- CM \O -"H CM 00to to f-H r-- r-H CO CT> tO f-H tO LO LO CM to TJ- CM CM if' , •O -3-o -aca CB X Xca ca•o -s 0 0 i i0 0to to ^LO O r— t f— 1to to CM CM 27 I i 0 nU I CM 1 -* m -J 03 H *~^ •3 COU * ' l/> E~? 3j to S Hco LU tU-p—i ^U r_ c; C- ! CS O i-H CS O H ca o f-Hca 4-*o H ,_( ca 4-* O CD • H 0>-3C Ou CD r*i CB CD f-H •H U, co•H •H •3 o 4J VI H +Jul OE- (H : .Q "^ -Q ' i '"^ -M » t/1 "*->, < .0 f-|an »•"2.^^^-Ct-H O 4-> !H cB J= — i .O 3 -Hto <U cS--H (H 3 -C H ^a 4-> -H caCu 0) CB 3 .£ O ^-^ •fH .O !H c3Cu <D^j cB f-H f-j 5 ^ •H .O caa. at I l It ( t l l 1l l l LO 00 -H CM LO r-H 000 OO ^° vO CM O O1 O1 CM OO f-H •*}• -t LO f-H tO O to ^t oto to to ' o \o r*-CM t-~ to LO CM CM Tf OO 0001 LO \o f^ i-H (*•- CM tO CM I • . . •3-3-3-3-3-3ca ra cs 4-1 +•* 4-1 333O 0 0 S 2 2 =2 < aato r? rr O1 C1 C1CM CM CM 11 1 1 CM O> 0 01 CM ,-j. r-H \Q 00 toto to•V 01 IO"S1 ,-). CM • "3-3cS Xca "3 LO 1 CM < 0 CM 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 O —lo o -H f-H 00 Tt C1 00 0 t^CM f^» C1CTI r-~ r^ rrto CM LO 000 0 vO toi-H CM i-H O1 .-H rH I-H CM CM • •-a -o cs cS X XcS cs-3 -3 LO LO1 1 CM CM r- ooC1 CiCM CM i 1 1 1 to LO CM [ r-nH O1 00CM r~-r— i r^ rj- r~ r-H CM f T5 n3 X cS •3 O ^O1oto <o CMto 00 00•* o - •r-H C1 1—1 oo rr01 LO. . C1 CM O LO vC LO CM CM o •^r v£! O to r^ \Q \£ CS **O LO 00 CM CM tO 0o r- CM tO IO vOO C1 to n- CM CM f f -3 T3 -3 "3CB CB X Xtfl ca •3 -3 O O O O1 lO Oto to £ < CM CM (0 tO LO LO• f^ f-H vO.en 0 CM LO 00 vO i-H O ,_ CM ^.00 n- f^srt C1 rH B T3 T3cS XcS -3 ^O1 Oto aa f-H CMto 1 1 11 O \£> 0 C1O vO LO LO •—" O1 — 1 000 ,_,to f^ 0 LO 00 -3 as 4J 3O 2 r-^ r —CM i ii i i ii i to i-~ •«• rr 0 0 to 0 TT tO CM LOt-- •fl- C1 C1O CM t~~ 0vO i-H 0 O01 CT. r- f-H LO tO 01 01o to O 00 -H* ^ • . •3 T3•3 "3* ca 4-* 4-*3 3O 0 2 2 < 0300 00 CM CM 1 1 1 1 O1 O CM r^o [•», F-- OO f^ CMto Oto o\o 00•f ^5 vC • T)•ocS X CS -3 LO 1 CM ... ^3- 00CM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 'S' CM LO tO CM CM LO CM P-- r-H LO xO LO O O 00r-H CM O LO O to O -H *3* *— 1 tO TTTJ- LO o r> f^ l-H CM I-H vO 00 • • T3 "3-3 T3cs cS X XCS cS-3 "3 LO LO 1 CM CM ea < •5T LO 00 00CM CM 11 1 1 O CM C1 C1 0 00 C1 —* ^00 •0 00 i-H*o toto CM CM • •3-3cB XcS•3 LOI CM CC LO 00 CM fv. O1 *f-H CM 0t-- t^ i-H OO tO 00 to CM ,_ to o C1 to f~ toto oo f^ LO LO 0 f -3•3CB Xca -3 o vO1oto < ^r-Hto 0 01 'S- O 00 vO • • • i-H LO O CM — 1 CM i-H i-H \D l— 1 LO 00. • • O i-H CM r-H i-H f-H LO \o \o C1 C1 LO O1 ^S" LO 0 TJ- 1^- 00 O O O OO LO O r-H CM *-H ^ ^C1 T LO to LO ooo **• LO ^ i-H i-H ^ C1 \D CM 00 CO O tO CM o to toO OO to LO \O OOo to to f ~ • T3-3-3•3-3-3ca ca ca XXX« cs ca•3-3-3 O O OvC 0 0i l t O O Oto to to =2 < =3 0 -1 rH r-* f-H l-Hto to to to to to to to to to to to I I 28 a known amount of filterable particulate at 550°C. The particulate residue was weighed and the ash fraction determined, Carbon was then calculated as the difference between the total particulate and the sum of ash and total sulfate. Table V-O lists the average test results for each unit at each of three conditions. Several tests are not included in these averages, due to missing or uncertain data, The test results not used in the averages are as follows: Test 291A - Anomalous condensible results probably caused by contamination of impinger water fj Test 295A - Anomalous condensible result probably caused by contamination of impinger water Test 310B - Anomalous condensible result probably caused by contamination of impinger water p Test 290A - Missing sulfate analysis due to laboratory error Test 316A - Missing ash analysis due to laboratory error % Test 320A - Missing sulfate analysis due to laboratory error The ten particulate tests performed under baseline conditions (no additive) show a range of sulfate concentration from 28% to 60% of total particulate emissions, with a mean of 43%. The magnitude of sulfate emissions averaged 106.03 Ib/hr for the entire plant. Average total plant emissions were 244.00 Ib/hr while average total magnesium emissions (contributed by oil ash) were 1.51 Ib/hr. r c f E Eleven valid tests performed after 2-5 days additive usage show a range of sulfate fraction from 23% to 58% of total particulate, with a mean of 43%. The magnitude of sulfate emissions for the entire plant averaged 110.20 Ib/hr while total particulate emissions for the entire plant averaged 265.95 Ib/hr. Magnesium fraction of particulate increased-to 5.57 Ib/hr. Obviously this short time span of additive usage had a negligible effect on emissions. Magnesium did increase slightly by 4 Ib/hr, however this cannot be the contributing factor to the 22 Ib/hr increase in total particulate emissions, The increased emissions are probably caused by carbon, however no ash or carbon analyses were performed on these samples. Sulfate emissions did not change substantially. However experience has shown that, when tests are performed immedi- ately after the additive startup, the character of emissions go from strong acid to near neutral. This indicates a change from the formation of H2S04 to a reaction of 303 and MgO to form MgSC>4, a neutral salt. 29 TABLE V-3 AVERAGE PARTICULATE TEST RESULTS I I £ 6 C I Unit Unit 3 4 Without Additive Total Emissions Ib/hr 41,50 38.51 32.51 131.48 Sulfate Emissions Ib/hr 18.69 19.31 10.09 57.94 Mg Emissions Ib/hr 0.45 0.25 0.31 0.50 After 2-5 Days Additive Total Emissions Ib/hr 64,19 29.98 32.20 139.59 Sulfate Emissions Ib/hr 14,75 11.32 14.37 69.76 Mg Emissions Ib/hr 1.24 0,77 0.98 2.58 After 30-60 Days Additive Total Emissions Ib/hr 21,51 32.64 25.91 59.30 Sulfate Emissions Ib/hr 6.19 12,31 5.83 25.78 Ash Emissions* Ib/hr 8.98 8.25 10.71 14.00 Carbon Emissions Ib/hr 6.35 12.08 9.37 19.50 Mg Emissions Ib/hr 2.12 2.61 2.44 6.30 *Includes Mg I! 30 Eleven tests performed after 30-60 days of additive usage show a dramatic decrease of sulfate and total emissions. The sulfate fraction of total particulate emissions ranged from 14% to 46% with a mean of 32%, The magnitude of sulfate emissions averaged 50.11 Ib/hr for the entire plant while total particulate emissions averaged 136.36 Ib/hr. Magnesium emissions increased to 13.47 Ib/hr, Ash emissions averaged 41.94 Ib/hr and carbon emissions averaged 47.30 Ib/hr. Unfortunately there is no previous data with which to compare the carbon and ash values. m These tests indicate several items worthy of notation: ** (1) Magnesium emissions do not significantly increase immediately after initiation of additive usage.O This is probably caused by the tendency of the finely divided MgO powder to coat the heat- receiving surfaces in the furnace with an even tf» film. (2) Sulfate emissions do not decrease immediately after initiation of additive usage. However the R neutralization effect occurs after a very short L£ period of time and acid emissions are reduced. This is probably caused by the formation of f .— MgS04 within the furnace. (3) After a moderate time period of additive usage, _ sulfate emissions decrease significantly. This • is probably caused by a coating of MgO on heat- receiving surfaces which reduces or eliminates the catalytic formation of 803. 0 e r (4) Magnesium emissions increase after a moderate time period of additive usage. This can be attributed to the coating of powder on the heat- receiving surfaces reaching equilibrium with the furnace gas velocity and turbulence. This results in more magnesium to be emitted after the surfaces are coated. It is also worthy to note that the fuel sulfur content de- creased from about .45% during the baseline and 2-5 day additive tests to ,30% during the 30-60 day additive tests. Actually the lower sulfur content in the fuel results in a higher conversion rate to SO-j in the flame (3) . In effect the lower sulfur fuel in this case probably has a contributory effect with the magnesium additive on lower sulfate emissions. One more item of note is that in the case of each furnace, the excess oxygen levels in the gas leaving the furnace were t i I c E I I I 31 reduced in varying degrees. There is no substantiating documentation that the reduction is caused by the magnesium additive, however one additive manufacturer has also reported this observation (7) . 2. Simultaneous Particulate Test Results During selected test periods throughout this program, the San Diego Air Pollution Control District elected to run simultaneous tests as a check. The tests performed by the SDAPCD utilized a slightly different sample collection medium. Before filtration of the sample gas, particulate collection was accomplished by bubbling the gas through two water impingers in series. This medium collects all but the very small particles in an aqueous solution. The very small particles are collected downstream of the impingers on a 47 mm filter with a 5 micron pore size. This method is specified by the SDAPCD control regulations and therefore is mandatory for determination of compliance x^ith the regulations. , EPA- 5 test method was selected for this test _s_eries becauserit lends itself well to research projects; the filterable particulate can easily be separated from condensible particu- late. It was initially thought that the sum total of filter- able and condensible particulate would be comparable to the collection-condensation method used by the SPAPCD. The results of the selected tests run by the SDAPCD, compared to the simultaneous EPA-5 results determined by this project, are presented on Table V-4. A dramatic difference is shown between the total particulate determined by the two methods, with the SDAPCD results being considerably higher. The percent difference between the two sets of results ranges from 43% to 78% with a mean of 63%. A possible explanation lies in the mechanism of catalytic oxidation of SC>2 in the impingers. The EPA-5 equipment filters any catalysts from the gas stream prior to condensa- tion, however the SDAPCD equipment collects metals and S02 gas in an oxygenated solution. Freiberg (9) has outlined a possible mechanism of this type of catalytic activity with iron named as the primary active agent. Iron has been measured in the filterable particulate emissions from the South Bay boilers in concentrations from 1%-12% (without additive) The sulfate concentration of 5 samples from the SDAPCD probe washes and impinger residues was analyzed. The sulfate concentration was higher than the EPA-5 results, with 59% of total particulate as compared to 43% of total measured by the EPA-5 equipment. 32 i I L Hli TABLE V-4 SIMULTANEOUS PARTICULATE EMISSION TEST RESULTS Total Particulate Unit # 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 Date 8-09-77 8-15-77 9-29^77 8-04-77 8-08-77 9-15-77 8-11-77 8^16-77 9-22-77 EPA-5 Ib/hr 42 64 22 40 28 33 33 34 25 SDAPCD Ib/hr 75 112 70 111 125 101 95 78 94 Per cent Difference 44 43 69 64 78 67 65 56 73 EPA-5 Ib/hr 19 15 4 16 12 12 9 14 4 Sulfate SDAPCD Ib/hr -- -- 61 90 55 56 42 -,. Per cent Difference „_ ,- -- 74 87 78 84 67 „- 9-08-77 45 160 72 18 E ff I I fc I Q t nx,. t Q I 33 The additional sulfate accounts for an average of 73% of the difference between the total particulate results of the two methods. The remaining 28% of the difference not attributed to additional sulfate is probably due to H20 molecules bonded to H2S04 molecules, which are not liberated during the drying process. A paper written by Lusis and Phillips (10) describes measure- ments made in the atmosphere near an industrial pollution source of SO2 and catalytic metals. Their findings show that the oxidation of S02 to sulfates indeed does take place under conditions of elapsed time and high humidity. Therefore it is reasonable to conclude that the SDAPCD method of determining compliance for particulate emission regulation is appropriate, as it measures the constituents of stack gas which eventually become particulate in the atmosphere. Preport Prepared by: Karl R. Boldt, Resident Program Manager 34 References (1) Reid, William T., "External Corrosion and Deposits- Boilers and Gas Turbines," American Elsevier j| Publishing Co. , 1971. I (2) Barrett, Richard E,, "High Temperature Corrosion Studies in an Oil-Fired Laboratory Combustor," ASME Paper No. 66-WA/CD-2, July, 1966. §(3) Radway, J. E., and Exley, L. M., "A Practical Review of the Cause and Control of Cold End Corrosion and Acidic Stack Emissions in Oil-Fired Boilers," ASME ^ Paper No. 75-WA/CD-8, July, 1975. M^ (4) Brummer, J. H., and Gallaer, C. A., "Controlling Pollution From Oil-Fired Boilers," Power, September, 0 1976. (5) Krause, H. H., Hillenbrand, L. J., Weller, A. E., and p, Locklin, D, W., Battell-Columbus Laboratories, I'M "Combustion Additives for Pollution Control-A State- ""* of-the-Art Review," NTIS, Industrial Environmental Research Lab, EPA, January, 1977. (6) Basic Chemicals, Inc., "Chemical Levers," Electric Utility Briefs, July, 1977. Hr- (7) Basic Chemicals, Inc., "Are The Experts Wrong?", Electric Utility Briefs, June, 1977.r G 0 (8) O'Neal, A. J., Jr., "Vanadium Recovery From The Combustion of Venezuelan Fuel Oil," Combustion, November, 1974 (9) Freiberg, Johnny, "The Mechanism of Iron Catalyzed Oxidation of SO2 in Oxygenated Solutions," Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 9, pp. 671-672. (10) Luis, M. A., and Phillips, C. R., "The Oxidation of SO2 to Sulfates in Dispersing Plumes," Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 11, pp. 239-241. (11) Verbal communication from William McMillan, Combustion Consultant, York Research Corporation, November, 1977. (12) Verbal communication from John S. Nader, ESRL, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, September, 1977 1 I / ; APPENDIX ALJ B I Test Results Summary In Chronological Order I £ t:.)rii\ rtcScAriCri CORHOri A f 100 One ricScArtGr! lA-flrfe, SfAi.ir'v)^ U, CO^MbCTICoT Oo90o GLlcOi's SA^ uleGO GAS .-> cLcCfi-Ji'J Oi-Ui fcSfeJs 2 29 2 A JOd .-;j.13=^5 4-9126 A \/~ f]fi rr fam £D / • /" F"! V. § Ey nb r i Jn i C. Or d Ji-i JArtJ.-.-ierH 1C H.-te 3S Jrte Li..iG oi'nO;\ P'/cSoUrie , AJi. I.'J.rlG ji'AGix Arie'A SO. hi' .»ci n .lc Or 'A'jii ..11 r^ PeriGeia' ISuXI.icflC G/o O.A i A A nG Si'AO.s. GAS *cLOGli'Y rPS Avw; oi".\G.C i'£..iHcHAi'oKL: ^i£G.F AGi'uAL Sl'ACA r'LO.vKAfc ACF..'i Si'iN. ruOn.-iA i c , O.-^Y , o i'L) JSCF.-i .-•u;LcGoLAk ..T-OHi' 3fi\ GAS "^ :.iOi_cGuLrt^ ,tf-ii\\ GAS . iOi_c rKACriOi* J:-i/ GAS GrtO n.'ly'ALi'i I S ( iJj-i / Hifr^G.^iM'" L>A: GA.-<bOrJ L/IOXlJc uX f G£i'j GAkuOrj .-'.Oi^JXiiJc ..|-J IS i' -JriZ ^> / *GL OA,.iPLc GOLL^Gfl .JH JAi'A lOiAL .uO GOLLcGi'cJ viL V..;L ii40 ^APOh-SfJ GOi-i'J SCr vOi_ 'u.-<'( GAS-,,ii:Tc:.;-J GOi4J OCF V'.>j_ O.-i i GAO-— oi'j Gvh<ij LjSOr .•\Vw- vjA.S 'icic-^ i'£ -IP OcJ.r AVvj O^Ir Ht'nS u.-<OH in.H2.) Part i'l CJLAfc nclGrif UA fA i^£l' i^ei'GriT HArti'lAL AG PAr. i ir._ G,^'! nS Pci ScK ^i^-iCO^ Gr-inl.JO P =;':-{ AGr \JG 1 0, / 29. /o <i9. /3 113.10 120.0 J09.0 64. o\ 5 j 1 3 . / 424226. 2o,'3 /9. 49 .9o ^d./3 0. -2^ / ilS) 1 0. / o.O 0. i 0.3 I 3 / . 9 O .34 •J9 .06 3 /.J6 ;J4 . 4 0. M9 42 . 3 2 ^v . 9 ! o!"o2s7 0. 0 Jo> o "'AJ-5 1 w, / 29. /6 2^.73 1 13.10 I2«). n 1 10.4 63. / '-4 343 . 0 43 034 --5 . 26;-}yQI . 2y .93 4o. I'j 0.39 / 10.5 o.2 0. /0*3 141. 5 0 . / 1 oO./7 3 i . 1 6 ) 1 . 7 0 . c. ) 1 '14.47 j. ;l j -i.ii U. 'V)/Oo 1 39. / 1 64. ? /9 3<i 1 .-y 4*2/377. 2531 '+J. 1 O.o 6. 1 1 ^ « -53.2 43 .49 •32 .Jo no!.'?" ). v .' 7 ").< i J i Ai_ G:<Al.iO y-.-i SJr'.J G.-C/SiUO He."!' Ojr_J ;jr</».I.-iO i^ ^ j . ! 3 ' •. )l .-;•- / • :. ii --• 33 0. 01 3-.J4 j. ;l o 1-1 .-iwP j ' ~'-0 0. 0 i j / ii 3 "). / =- t'o j. S^ KWrC ri.£ocAr<Jri COi-ipOi-iA TIO^ ,v -Jn= ricJcArfU-i LHlVz, oTA^n'O^, 00;UeC JO, -3 N'J Ul-'-is 4--? 120 00906 JLicJis bAH jIcGO 'J/"O ti. ifLcOT^rj PLn.-iT L-JCAi' l'.):'<s cnJiiiAu.u i TdJ'i'tijs 4 I Tu: SJ-.^A^Y I .•< c.ioLIort J..JITS J.-ilTS ocuc.-JAL iOA'iA JA 1 " -)r r< Jij f OiA^;\ Pii'CDOiJHC» A JO, oi'AvJ.\ A.^h'A .<cl" Tl.-.'ic Or riuin JAI'A /. ri A IN A Vvj Oi'iN cOPcrMTukd uzJ.r is. rLO.<r(Afc ACl~;.'i >; , JK / , o i'io UD Cr ..'i r I iOiA n.-iAL/oIb CiO-}/ Pt.-<uciU" uA.^Dv).-J JiOAlOt OX i om VOL vJ vJULLcJi'c /JL tfJL I I .IL 0 3Cr 3-|.iCi'i£:i COJU OCH JAb—STJ JO^O J3CF A "O -JA3 .-iciCH i ± -IP unG.r AVO Ori i r P.-JC5 U:-iOP Ii4.i140 PAtn'iooLAi't: ntlorif JAi'A ^ci' •iciUdf PARTIAL Mu iJci" .icionT TOTAL i.iU PArt T i GoLA T= cr'.I o3 I J.iS u^Aho Ptiri oOrJ o.-i -v 1. 13 r> =.;< 3Jrj Jl<iiJO<i •J:<ALo Pbr( AGr Pc'-i 30-JX JJii i J i i r AJr "i )jt <:'//2 MA •JL 1 26, / / <iy . /6 49. /2 33.94 I 2^.0 10o.9 1 O 4 . 4 o i y-«j 5/ 0. ' J. j. 0 . O. ) . -•J • 1 J 1 0 . / 4999. 03^4. 30.^3 <ib . / 1 J . 3 / 4 13.4 3.3 0. 6.5.3 1 ^ . o i 43. 1 b.d3 -*3 . 1 4 40.31 1 ' ) 1 . '6 0. 442 43. /& o2 . 46 •01 /-.O •ol 3D i wi 031 :i6 . J / 023/u .J^L i 3y -J 1 40 / 1 0 . 1 O JJL27, 77 £ 9 . / 6 29. /2 1 3 .i . V 4 120.0 1 1 1 .9 103. /3/ 313.3 9331 0 0 . 3 / 2 3 :? b . 30.23 23.31 0. -.34 \ J . 0 3. / 0. •3J.3 1 1 .6 II 1 . 3 3.57 44.60 42 . 6 9 y 1 . 3 0.443 o2.00 94 . 0 1 J.'1>212 0. 040oP 0. Oi 34-.) 1 i 0. Oy 0. 0. )34^i V. '; i 1 J "> •j. ^ >!3 1 o / . v y ,Uj)^5 di J UL^ / , / / (. ^ 2 y . / 6 > ; . I f>_ 1 53 . 94 120.0 113.3 HO./ 104. 1 30 1 0 .1.043 J2 1 . y 3 ly . 0 y-ol /9 j. y j V33. 3631 63 . bo -Ho / . 30.30 4^.70 0.3/0 13.0 13.2 3 . j 3.6 0. 0. •J 3 . 0 33.2 13.0 l^.-4 134. 1 6.3o 4-3.23 ^2 . 4o 1 )4. / •). ."-i^ 44. '// '50.84 o2 . 99 /3 . 3o 0. 01 62 -l 0. •)) -;6 i 0. 01 .-1 '..t j. Ji -!v3 0. -1 '93 1 0.011 -)/ / i . 3 y y 1 . 1 i 0. 0. J.O^-i-j ,;..;2o^: j. !i03! -.0> ' V •J. "il 33d ;. •>! 5-> / 1 1 i . .- y i j 1 . -'- 3 iilT r I YUHfC RcScARCH CORPORATION One RcSEARCri DRI^E, STAMFORD, CONNECTICUT Oo906 CLicNi's SAN UlEUO JAS .3. PLA^T LOCATION: cNOiNA J.iiT TESTED* 4 CM 1C JOa NJ^BER: 4-9126 PARTICIPATE SJ-MARY IN ENGLISH ui)ITS DESCRIPTION UNITS 28 4A 234B AVERAGE I GENERAL DATA ' D/\Tc OF RUN JHHDMcTRlC PRESSURE !:• STACK PRESSJRt, AdS. I: STACK AREA SO. NcT TIME Oh RJN r Ori TA A vG STACK GAS VELOCITY t .*vvG oiACK TEMPERATURE D£<. ACTUAL STACK FLOr^RATE Ai STK FLO.(R-ATE,ORY,STD DSi .nOLECuLAR HT-DRY STK GAS ..lOLcCuLAR iii'-STK GAS i«lOLE FRACTION DRY GAS GAO ni^ALYSIS (DRY CARciON DIOXIDE OX YUEN CARbON MONO MO IS 1"U HE dY vOL • Ai.-.PLc COLLcCTION unTA TOTAL H20 COLLECTED nJL H20 VAPOR-STD COND "OL DRY GAS-MtTER COND vuL DRY GAS-STD COND A vo UAS MtTER TEMP [ PARTICuLATt NET .vEIGHT NnT ^ciUiii' Part TICuLA'Tc PARTIAL r;r URAINS GRAINS HOUNDS TOTAL GRAINS GRAINS PvJ oNDS H.JUNUS HEIGHT DATA PARTIAL TOTAL EMISSIONS PER SCFD PcR SCFD *s HER ACF HER HOUR PER PROCESS UN IT PER SCFD PER SCFD £\* PER ACF PER HOUR PcK PROCESS HG HG FT • r >. F :FM :FM bASI ML iCF iCF iCF i.F MG MG X)2 IT :o2 iIT AUG 02, / 29. /9 29. 16 Ii3.94 120.0 10/. 9 10*. 20 7 33D.O 944023. 55 44 do . 30.23 . *d .33 O.dd6 S) 13.0 3.7 0. Bj.3 1 1.4 i 7 l . 1 8.11 67.66 O3.03 1 0 / . / 1 .029 57.2i> 1 14.35 0.01 3v9 0.01291 0.00322 66 . 43 0. O.'j2 /V4 0.025/9 0.01641 132.78 0. A Ltt 02 , / 29.79 2V.76 153.94 120.0 1 Go . 6 1:13.307 335.0 954182. o61365. 30.30 2d.92 0.337 13.5 3.5 0. d3.0 1 1.3 16d.6 7 . 19 67. 76 63.03 103.6 1 .026 53.33 90.24 0.01303 0.01 158 0.00/07 62.70 0. U. 022 05 0.01 960 0.01297 1 06 . 1 0 0. 107.2 102. tot 335.0 9491 Oo. 55/925. 13.2 3.6 0. 33.2 1 1 .3 33.29 1 02.30 0.01351 0.01 22 D 0.00791 64.59 0. 0.02499 0.0226V 0.01 469 1 1 9 . 44 0. c r I I r 1 D I r vt:t S TAi/iF 's bA;M UIcuO GAb A c LOCATION: i'cbfi£L)s 4 , 0 OrJiiiiGT 1C liT 06906 JOii tic^* 4-9126 PArtflGuLATE SJ;.UAriY In" " h-^GLIbri lii'i I UwITS f. >ci-<r:.-jAL DAl'A JA!C OF rtUi^l JAHO,.i£ i rilG F."i ebb Uric Ii-I.KG 3iAGr\ FHcboUrtc, Aiib. iiJ.HG bl'ACiS, ArtcA bU. Fi' uc'i i'L.it OF rtJ;J M.i ^crtCcHi ibG.U^cflG A»G bi'ACii GAb vt£LOCl t'Y Fi->b .-vVG bi'ACi'x i ii »irltrJAi"uric OcG.F A^iuAL if A Civ FLO.<HAFc ACF'M bi'jx FLOnriA i'c » Jri/ , b'i'D OSGFM ,/iJLtGJLArit tt F-Ori Y -D TK GAb i'lGLcCJLAH v< i'-b 1\< GAb i-iOLc FRACTION' U-T/ GAb GAo A.^ALl^iib (Ort^ KEi'iGhii r 3AoI GAi-id'Obi DlOXIJii OA {(jc.it GnKDOH ivtOi^OXIJC J i i'rtOodn ./u)Ibi'urtt JY (/OL iAi-iFLn Gv; LLcGTI Oil LJATA i'ji'AL d<iO GOLLtCi'cu ML vOL ri<iO VAHOrt-sTD CONU bCF VOL u)Hf' GAb-.-icTci-J GOJJ OOF »GL u.-('/ GAO— oi'u GOi^L) obCF A'O Grtb j/ici'cri ft£ <iH JtG.F AVG Oi< I F Fritb UhJvJr' In.H2G ^Arfl'IC'jLATc ricIGHf DAfA ii c i" / « c 1 Gri'i" F Ai< f I AL ',.\ G »<ci (iciGni iOiAL MG '.'Xrt i i 'JvJLA i C C'iibbiO.ilb FArs i I AL. GHAl.'ib PC;-; bJFsJ G.-<Al.Jb iji£r^ bJFj -3/1^^002 Grinl.ib Hirrt AJr H-OOiljb Fcr! H )u;< FJ-jiOo H£H P-t'OChoo J.ili" 1Ji^xAl:,o Kc.< oJrj u.-i A I ro 1J £ ^ 3 G r J 3\ e. "'-, CO <i •j.</-\ I.-iO FdH AJF r'JJ.ijb r'C.-( -1 )Jr; r'.JoliiJo r'Zri r'^JJcbo J 4ii AJG 03, / 29 . /9 *iV. /6 I 33 . y4 I 2 0.0 I 06. / I 03. 3/d 33 /.'J y a 94 56 . D62030. 30.23 ^d.34 0. ^80 b) 13. 2 2. / 0. rt 4 . 0 1 1 .4 1 /O.I -i . 00 66 . 9 b o2 . 3o 1 03 . 4 1 . 003 68. /7 1 1 4 . o 1 0. Ml 683 0. ) i j2o 0. -O93 / 0 1 . 1 / 1. O.O^vH 0. j^34j 0.01 04D 1 JO ,il •> 3. A JG ',)3 , 7 29. 79 29. / 6 1 53.94 120.0 1 04 . 6 1 00.444 3^.9 983 161. 3 / 3 / O 0 . 30.29 2-J.96 0.392 13.5 3.2 0. 33.3 10.8 161.1 /.o4 6 7 . D 0 63. 12 1 O'J. 6 1 . 04 3 101 .60 1 o2 . 9 8 J. 02470 ••'). "32^ 0 3 0. )l ^52 1 2/ . 33 / i j.-'.j/:^ 0. 33 jl / O.Oi i ^6 1 -4 . ! y J • I05./ 1 OT. 1-51 34 n. 2 9/1303. 363395. 13.4 3.0 0. 33. / 11.1 35 . 1 9 1 33. 80 0. 02032 0. 01 36o O.Oi 21 •) \ 3i . /o 0. J.032 7 •) 0. 0293 i J.OI 01 -;, 1 -j9 . /o j . ' r OrtK HcocAKCrl O^ Af ION JO.3 NuJbEri: 4-0126 [ 1 [ § nFJm f i. e r 1 rI CLic^fs bA.i ulcGO GAb d cLtiCf.-<IC Jiili fcbTELJ: 2 HAHi'lGuLAl't SJ'.t.iAHY " I.M ^^IHI-U,,, U.IK 286A Jci»hriAL DATA JA i'c Or riUi'N AJG 04,7 i ~ ^ LJ T i * LJ : j * ~ '*'_/• i —i' jo y ol'AGi\ r'HcbbuHii, AiJb. L^.HG <i9 . 72 oiACr\ ArttA bu. Ff 113.10 .<ri' n.-ifc Or t^J.^ Mli-l 120.0 i-'cr-cGcN i I3ui\Iut:fIG 109.5 JAO JAlA A»G bi'AC.x ^Ao v£LOGliV r.J3 O<i.3o6 A i/O Ol'AC\ I'tMHtriAi'UMC OtG.F 340.0 AGUAi_ SiACK rLO.irtAlt ACrM 4<i32l/. Di'iC HLOi^ATz, Jri/,bTiJ UbGr.Vt 2b33l3. ^^ ,.iOL-:C jLA.-^ .<f-L)HY 3 Ti\ uAo 30.06 1'iUi.d r'rcACTION U.-it' GA3 O.HVD JAO A^AL/SiS (j-iY HtriCc^ f oASIS) CA^oOi'i OiOXlOE 11.5 OA/uEii 3.3 CArf dOi'< ,-iOnOX I Ot 0 . H i i KvJuci'i 83 . 0 .'UibTurtt D^ v'OL 1 0.3 bA.-tr'Lc JOLLcCriO.-i JAi'A i'OiAL H<iO GOLLtGltL) ML )4i.2 JOL d<iO vAHO^-bfj GO^D 5Gr" 6.6V vOL JriY GAb-McTtr^ COrtU OGr" 39.84 v\JL OKI GA^~bi'lJ GOiiO 03Gr 30. y4 A i/o GA3 .-LC i'tiri Ih..!^ L/cG.r 95.0 A »o OH i r HHcb U:-Jv)H Ii-<.d2\) 0.31 3 :<cf H-iGHT HAHTIAL .-TO D/./l . <c i ..c I Gii i i\J i AL >'.G o / . 83 r rt.< i I G jLAi'c c..ii bSi'O^S r'A.-i I'i ^L G •< .A i . < ^ Hr-^ 3Jr"u O.Olsoi G.<Ainb Hc.-i bGru jfi^'sGO^ O.Olo«i9 GriA I/O Hc.-< AGr 0.0')94^ f' Jji-ijs r-'c^t r'-'iOGcob o.iil ).C '•"•\:,il.0 ,c, ijrij ,.„_ G;iAi.o H=i-« bCr'ij 'Jl^^GO<i O.JI914 <JJ ji.Jb tjc.-i H)j;-< -+0.18 r ooyoo E.^IGLIbri lU I i"5 2d63^ AvhMG-- A'jG 04,7 2^ . ('d 2y. /2 113.10 120.0 IOV.4 1 J9.3 o4. 1 36 64.231 318.3 319.2 4^1654. 422-135. 254148. 25-H20. 29.94 2d.o4 0.891 10.7 11.1 3.1 5 . O 0. 0. 8J.6 83.3 10.9 10.7 1 43 . 5 6 . 9 0 39. /7 56 . 5 9 y /.8 O.d05 44.23- 33.97 144.0V* 108.90 U. "il 20 4 o.J13^2 0.01 330 0. 01 4-$^ — . ''''"'-'^ 0'"-^- [ <-.«n/- o. j. / /i ,11 fr£i f^i t)f-T/'F'/\1 CC A/ / /?/'/' • "' i t—U J. D43v-i 0.03130 0/ se^ii/>£r'"*• •* \ ••'• ^ 'i ) i / \ -^ (yfLs/i\j^ M////X Cr..y « .'t_ J .> O xJ • • J ( / J -; V *^ * f V/*' r'-.JJi.iJi J.iii' 1 I I I ' YORK RESEARCH CORPORA : O.xE RcScARCh DRIVE, STAMFORD, C - CLIENT: SAN DIcGO GAS <i cLECTRI . PLAIN!" LOCATIONS ENCINA UNii TcSTcOs 2 PART I Cu LATE SlU DcbCRIP'HON UNITS .- GENERAL DATA DA'TC Or RUN BAROMETRIC PRESSURE IN.HG STACK PRESSURE, AriS. IN.HG "STACK AREA " " " ' SQ.""FT" ' NET TL.lE OF RUN MIN PERCtNT ISOKL^ETIC. GAS DATA - • AVG STACK GAS VELOCITY FPS A vG STACK TEMPERATURE DEG.F AGTJAL STACK FLO, (RATE ACFM C MOLcCuLAR ,«T-OKY STK GAS .••lULEOjLAR .<T-bTK GAS^ MOLE FRACTION DRY GAS G^S ANALYSIS (DRY PERCENT bASICARBON DIOXIDEOXYGEN MOISTURE oY VOL SAMPLc COLLECTION DATA TOTAL n20 COLLECTED ML vOL ri20 VAfOR-STD COnD SCF VOL DrtJ' GAS-METER CO^'D DCF VOL DK/ GAS-STD COi^D DSCF AVG GAS METER TEMP UEG.F : AVG OH IF PRES DROP IN.H20 PARTICULATE HEIGHT DATA NcT r<clGriT PARTIAL MG ,MET HEIGHT TOTAL MG P ARTICULATE EMISSIONS HAHTIAL GRAINS PER SCFO GRAliJb' PcR SCrD <^12,"-SC02 GRAINS PER ACF HO UN OS. PER HOuRpojitus PER PROCE'SS Ui:fi T f~> TOTAL ^ G.-iAliO PcR SCFu GhAlN'S PER SCFD .^i 2/iC02 G.-iAli'lS PcR ACr p.OvJiiOS' PEH riOuR PJunuS PcR HRJCESS UNIT TION OiMcCTICUT .-% ,-iARiC IN 237S AUG 05,7 29.76 ^9.73 ,113.10 120.0 IO/. / 61.119 31 7. 7 4 T475 1 . 250736. 30.03 ^8. 74 O.d93 S) 11.2 0. d3.0 10.7 139.6 6.62 58.1 / DD.22 9o.3 0. 767 43.12 0.01203 " 0.0 U33 " 0.00/2 7 25. do 0. 0.01 06 o 0.01 7dO 0.01 009 JO .36 069 06 ENGLISH ~287B AUG Oo,7 29.76 29. 73 113.10 120.0 1 OS . 3 60.530 31 5.0 410753. 249212. 30.06 28.77 0.893 M .5 5.5 0. 83.0 10.7 139.5 o.61 53.05 5o.22 95. 1 0.754 39.38 66.27 O.OIOy'S 0.01 1 46 0. 00666 23.. .4 6 0. 0.01o4^ 0.01928 0 . J 1 1 2 1 39.43 0. JOB NUMBER: 4-9126 UNITS AVERAGE I 08 . 0 60.824 316.4 412755. 249974. 1 1 .4 5.6 0. 33 . 0 10. / 41 .25 _ - .63.05 _ .. . ...... _ .. ._. _ 0.01 1-jJ 0.0121 4 0.00697 24.65 0. 0.01 164 0.01 B54 0.01 06o 37.67 0. r i L YORK RESEARCH •Out RESEARCH DRIvE, STAMFORD, CONNECTICUT 06906 JOB NUMBER: 4-9126 CLIENT: SAN' DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC PLANT LOCATION: ENCI^A JdlT TESTED: 2 "" " " PARTICULATE SUMMARY IN ENGLISH UNITS DESCRIPTIW GENERAL DATA UN ITS"29 OA 290B AVERAGE r T I r r DATE Oh RLM BAROMETRIC' PRESSURE IN.HG STACK PRESSURE, AdS. IN.HG STACK AREA SO. FT NcT TIME OF RUN MIN PcRCnNT ISOKI^ETIC GAo DATA AvG STACK GAS VELOCITY FPS AvG STACK TEMPERATURE DEG.F ACTUAL STACK FLO,<RATE ' ""ACFM STK h"LOHRATE,L)RY,STD D5CFM MOLcCoLAR HT-DkY STK GAS ' MOLcCJLAR i<T-STK GAS MOLE FRACTION DRY GAS GAS ANALYSIS (DRY PERCENT dASI CARbON DIOXIJE OXYGEiM CARbON MONOXIDE NITROGEN MOISTURE ciY i/OL SA-viPLc COLLECTION DATA TOTAL H20 COLLECTED '" ML A)L H^O v'APOR-STJ COi-lD SCF ^)L DRY GAS-METER COND DCF vOL Drt/ GAS-STD COnD DSCF A^u GAS ,.iET£R TEMP UEG.F AVG OR IF PHES DROP IN.H20 H ARTICULATE HEIGHT DATA NcT HEIGHT PARTIAL MG »icT .JciGHT TOTAL MG PAi<iICjLATc E..U Soloes PArtTlAL GRAINS PER SCFJ GRAINS PER SCFD .^!2;iC02 GRAINS PER ACF PO-JriDS PER HOUR pJjuDS PER PROCESS UNIT" L\) TAL GHAl^S PcR SCFJ GRAINS PER SCFJ iSJl2;iCO<i GRAINS PER ACF P-JJNJS _PcR Hv)JH PJurJ^/i PcR PROCESS UNIT AUG 03,7 29. 76 29.73 113.10 120.0 104.9 62.bB7 319.0 " "426751"." 2oR84D. 29.91 2d./0 0.893 5) 10.5 0.7 0. 33. / 10.2 ~~ ~i iZ.T 6.27 53. 0/ 55.23 95.2 0. 793 60.1 5 67.61 0.016.77 "0.0191 / 0.0101 7 37.21o: 0.01 ^85 0. J^I54" 0.01 143 41 ,o3 J. AUG 03,7 29.76 29. 73 113.10 120.0 106.3 62. dl 7 320.0 4262 /4". 253051 . 29 . 99 23.75 0.397 1 1 .0 3.7 0. 33.2 10.3 f36.Y"~ 6.45 59.39 DO . 03 99.2 0.792 3d. 88 46.72 0.01063 0.01 165 0. 00646 2 3.. 6 2 u • •j.3l 2-s3 " 0.01 400" O.O.)/ 77 23.33 • >^/« 105.3 ii 62.352 319.3 "426512. 253-! 43. 10.7 5.7 0. 33.5 10.3 49.52 57.16 0.01 3/2 0.01541 0.00332 30.41 ".). 0.01 534 0.01777" 0. 009oO 3.5. .1.0 j. r YORK HeatARCH CORPORATION ONc RESEARCH DRItfE, STAMFORD, CONNECTICUT 06906 JOB NUM3ER: 4-9126 = CLIENT: SAiM DIEGO GAS d ELECTRI PLANT LOCATION? cwCIwA -'UNIT TESTED* 1 P ARTICULATE SUM DESCRIPTION WITS GENERAL DATA DATs Or RUN ' dAHOMtTRIC PRESSURE IN.HG STACK PRESSURE, AdS. I.M.HG STACK AREA 5Q. FT Nci' TIME OF RUN MIN PERCENT ISOKINETIC GAS DATA A*G STACK GAS VELOCITY FPS AVG STACK TEMPERATURE DEG.F ACTUAL STACK FLONRATE ACF,.l STK FLO.«RATE,DRY,STD DSCFM ^ MOLECuLAR .4'T-ORY STK oAS ( ,.U>LECuLAR HT-STK GAS ..VOLE FRACTION DRY GAS GAS ANALYSIS (DRY PERCENT dASI CAR DON DIOXIDE OX /GEiM CARbON ,.IOi>iOXIDE inTROGcN - i.iOISTuRE bV ^OL SAMPLE COLLECTION DATATOTAL H2o COLLECTED ML vOL H^'J VAPOR-STD CO^D SCF vOL DRY GAS-METER CO.^D DCF i/OL DRY GAS-STu CUND DSCF A*« GAS MtTEH TE.-IP DEG.F : AvG OR IF" PrtES DROP Ii^.H20 PARTICoLATE .VEIGHT DATA NET HEIGHT PARTIAL MG i^ET .iEIGrii TOTAL MG PAR TIC JLATc EMI bSI Jio PARTIAL GriAlNo PEK SCFD GnAliO PER 5CFD .s!2;oC02 GRAINS PER ACF PJjiiDS _PER HOJR BOUNDS Pert PROCESS UNIT s-^ TOTAL \ GRAliJS PER SCFj GRAINS PCK SCFD '3l^/iCO<i GRAINS PER ACF POjnDS PER riJJK r'vJJiJDS HER p,-iOijESS uNIT C r.URY IN 291 A AUG 09, 7 29. Yb 29.72 113.10 120.0 iu3.0 62.212 331 .2 422173. 250755. 30. 1 } 2d.3! 0.8V3 S) 11. / 5.7 0. 82.5 10.7 140.4 6.65 D3.23 bb.4l 94.7 0.773 47.64 89. /9 0.01324 O.JI 352 0. 00/66 ^8.46 0. 0.024?b 0.02^49 0.01 4B2 33.64 0. ENGLISH 29 IB AUG 09,7 29.72 29.69 113.10 120.0 IO/.4 62.926 334.6 427014. 252693. 29.93 26.71 0.894 11.0 5.5 0. 63.5 1 0.6 138.7 6.57 59 . 04 5s. 52 I 00.8 0..778 56.24 69.07 0.01 560 0.01 /02 0.^0923 33.79 0. 0.01916 0. J20VO 0.01134 41 .50 J. UIM I TS AVERAGE 137.7 62.56V 332.9 424594. 251724. 1 1 .4 5.6 0. 83.0 10.7 51 .94 79.43 0.31 442 0.015^7 J. 008 5 5 31 .12 0. J.. 3 22 06 0.0231 9 J.. OI30o 47.57 0. V YORK RESEARCH CORPORATION One RcSeARCri DR I VE, S TAMFORD, __CjONJEC_rjCjJT__0690o_ JOS NUMBER: 4-9126 CLIENT: SAN DIEGO GAS d cLECTRlG PLANT LOCATION: "Ui<if TcSTED: 3 " I r r i i PARTICJLATE SUi-iARY IN ENGLISH UNITS DESCRIPTION Un I T3 2933 294A 2943 AVERAGE r GEntRAL DATA UAi'E OF RUH LSAROMETHIC PRESSURE IN.HG STACK PRESSURE, AaS. IN.HG STACK AREA SU. FT iicT TIME OF RUN MIii PErtCEiVT ISOKlHcTIC GAa J.A'TA A»G STACK GAS VELOCITY FPS A*u Si'ACi< TE.'.iPE^Af u-it DEG.F ACTUAL STACK FLO^HATE ACFM STK FLOv.^ATE,L)RytSTD DSCFM ..iOLECuLAri! W'T-iJriY STK GAS ..iOLECoLAH t<T-STK GAS ..1JLE FriACTION DRY GAS GAS ANALYSIS (L)RY PERCENT dAS CARtiOiJ OIOXIi3E OXYGEiM CARBOiM MONOXIJE HlTrtOGtN ciOiSTuHc iiY \/OL SAMPLE COLLECTION LI AT A TOTAL rUO COLLECTED ML »OL ri^sJ vAPOR-STD COiJD SCF vOL JRi' GAS-McTER CO^D DCF ^;L JKf GAo-STU COnD DSCF AvG GAS MtTER TE./iH DEG.F AVG OR IF PRES DROP Irt.ri2l) PARTI CULATE HtlGHT DATA iicT .iiilGHT PARTIAL MG HcT McIGri'T TOTAL MG PAHiTCjLATc EMISSIONS PARTIAL. GrtAliO PER SCFj GRAINS PER SCFD -J 1 2^002 GRAlnS PER ACF POUNDS PER HOJR HOjiMLO PER PROCESS J.UT , iOTAL GRAINS PER SCFJ GRAINS PER SCFD J?12/$C02 GRAINS PER ACF POonDS HER HOuR PO-ji^Ds i-'ER PROCESS Ji-<IT AJG I!,/ 29. / 4 29. /I .113.10 120.0 109. 1 64.257 335.6 436043. 25359/. 30 . 00 28.76 0.397 IS) 1 1 .0 5.9 0. 33.1 10.3 140. 1 6.64 60.50 57.70 93.4 0.314 47.23 D6 . 0 1 0.01261 0.01 3/D 0.00/43 2/.94 0." O.Ol 495 0.01631 0.00 do/ 33. 1 4 " ' "0 . A "JG 12, 7 29. 74 29.70 113.10 120.0 109.7 63. 132 32 7 . 9 423411 . 256159. 30 . 00 28.75 0.396 li.O 6.0 0. 33.0 10.4 141 .4 6.70 59.35 57.46 35. 1 0. 793 53.66 53.35 0.01 433 0.01 569 0. 00360 31 .53 0. 0.01 DO 4 0.01 /06 0.' 109 3 5 .3.4.34 J. AUG 12,7 29.66 29.63 113.10 120.0 1 1 0.6 61 . 163 330.3 41 5049. 24745! . 30.04 2d.32 0.893 1 1.2 6.0 0. 32. 7 1 0.2 1 33.4 6.32 53.46 55.57 39.6 0.736 47.44 51 .50 O.OI3')b 0.01392 0. T)774 2 /.6o 0. J . 0 1 4 1 7 "J.01 51 1 0.00^45 30. -ID 0. 109.3. 62.850 33 1 . i 426503. 254069. 11.1 6.0 0. 32. y 10.3 49.44 55.29 O.'Jl 33o 0 . 0 1 44 5 0. 7)795 29. O/ 0. :).ni4y.i o.Ololo J.OOrfrty 32.5! 0. r YORK RESEARCH CORPORATION i I ONC RESEARCH DRIvE, STAMFORD, CONNECTICUT 06906 CLIcNTs SAN DIEGO GAS d ELECTRIC PLANT cOCATION: ENClNA _ __ UNIT TESTED: I JOd NUMBER: 4-9126 ?r r B P ARTICULATE 3J..-1 DESCRIPTION UNITS GENERAL DATA . DA It Or RUN OrtROMtTRIC PRESSURt IN.HG STACK PRESSURE, AaS. IN.HG STACK AREA SQ. FT NET TIME OF WJw -UN GAD DATA AVU a TACK GAS VELOCITY FPS AvG STACK TE.vtPERATuRc DEG. F ACiJAL STACK FLO, iR ATE ACF,.'i MOLECuLAK «T-DRY STK GAS .'rOLcCuLAR fiT-STK GAS MOLE FRACTION DRY GAS GAS ANAL /3 IS (DRY PERCENT bASI CARbON DIOXIDE OX /GcN CARbON MONOXIDE ...DISTuRE oY VOL SAMPLE COLLcCTION DaTATOTAL H2o COLLECTCD ML vOL i-UO vAPOR-STD COND SCF vOL DRY GAS-McTER COND DCF VOL DrtY GAo-STD COnD DSCF AfG GAS r/.cTER" TE.'iP DEG.F AVG OR IF PrtES DROP IN.H20 PA.-iTICuLATE HEIGHT DATA NcT HElGiiT PARTIAL MG NcT .<EIGHT TOTAL MG P AR T I C oLA Tt c,vi I i S I OiJ S PARTIAL GiVAliJS PcR SCFJ GRAINS PErf SCFD ^l^^C^)2 GRAINS PER ACF POurljS PcR PROCESb UiilT TO TAL "^ oRAl-o PcR SCFD • GRAINS PbR SCrD ^i^"bC02 G.-tAlNo PER ACF PvJoiiDo PcR PROCcSS UNIT MARY IN 29 6A AJG 1 D, / 29.30 113.10 120.0 107.2 oy.274 470Q90. 26y'4o7. 29 . 99-^a. /i 0.893 3) 11.0 5.7 0. Bj.3 1 0. / 149. I 7.07 o2.66 96.4 O.yOd di .45 131 .02 0.0212J 0.0231 o 0.0121 7 49 . 03 0. . 0.034! 6 0.03 72 D 0.019D/ / d . 3 7 0. ENGLISH u 2958 AoG 15,7 29.56 29.53 113.10 120.0 106.3 70.495 357.9 4733/9. 2 73 1 64 . 30.02 23. /3 0.393 ' 11.2 5.7 0. 33. I 10.7 150.3 /.12 62.93 59.41 95. 7 0. 390 94.18 105.76 0. 02 &£\ O.O^ol 6 0.01394 5/. 16 0. 0 . 02 / '• \ U. 02937 0.01 DO 5 64. 1 9 0. N I T3 AVERAGE 106.6 69. 334 356.5 474235. 271316. 11.1 5.7 0. ^3.2 1 0. 7 37.32 1 13.39 0.0^232 0.02^-66 0.01305 . 53.0^ .. 0. 0. 030/3 0.01331 0.01 761 o~ " " r u y I I I YORK RESEARCH CORPORATION RESEARCH DRIVE, SiAMFORD, CONNECTICUT 06906 JO 5 1NLM3ER: 4-91 26 CLlnNi: SAiM DIcGO GAS cs. ELECTRI PLANT LOCATION: EnCINA uiU i iESTEDs 3 P ARTICULATE SU -i DESCRIPTION UNITS GENERAL DATA UATE OF RUN oARO.<icTRIC PRESSJRt IN.HG Si*ACi< PRESSURE, A3S. IN.HG oiACi< AREA SO. FT NCI TLHt OF RUN MlN GAO DATA A*G STACK GAS VELOCITY FPS A*G 3 TACiC Tc:'/iPt,-?A TURE DEG.F ACTUAL STACK FLO, <RAT£ ACFM oi'K rLO?»RATE,DRY,8TD DSCFrA MOLECoLAR »»T-URV STK GAS MOLE FRACTION DRY GAS GAO ANALYSIS (DRY PERCENT tiASI CARaON DIOXIDE OAY'GEtM N i TROO£N MOISTURE oi vOL SAMPLE OOLLcOTION J*TA TOTAL rkO COLLECTED ML" ^OL rl-iO vAPOR-STD COi^D SCF vOL DRY GAS-METER COND DCF vOL iJRK1 GAs-STD COND DSCF A ^G GAS ;.'icTER TE,/iP DEG.F HvG OR1F PRES DROP IN.H20 P ARTICULATE n EIGHT DATA NET ncI(3HT PARTIAL MG iic'T .<c!GriT TOTAL MG P ARTICULATE c./iISSIOixS PARTIAL uRAli<(S PcR SCFj GRAINS P=R SCFD J12%CO^ GRAINb PER ACF POUNDS" PER HOUR PJjiiDo PER PROC-SS oi^Ii' 1 TOiAL GRAli-iS PtR SCrU GRAl.xS PER SCFD *1^;;G)^ GRAINS PER ACF POUNDS' PER nOUK POUi4DS PcR PROCcSS UNIT - ,-lARlC IN 296A A UG 1 (5, / 113.10 120.0 106.7 o^ . 1 33 421634. 243975. 30.06 0. 388 S) 1 1 .5 0. 83.0 1 1.2 F90V2 9 . 02 7 1 . 48 9V. 9 1 .4DO 64.22 /D.I 6 0.01 168 0.01219 0.006/0 ".}•;-"" 0 . J 1 o 1 9 "0.01 690 _3_3. 86 ENGLISH UH 297 AUG 1 7,7 2^.77 29. 74 113. 10 120.0 101 .0 0/.205 3 44 . 3 436052. 266133. 30. 1 4 23.32 0.892 12.0 5.4 0. 32.6 10.8 ~ "246.~9 ~ 1 1 .70 1 02 . 44 96.45 103.5 2.531 60.1 3 104.23 0.00961 0.00961 *21 .92 oV 0 . 0 1 66 4 0.01664"" 0 . "09 7 1 37.97 0. urs 298 ^ vER AGE AUG 13,7 29. 70 29.67 113.10 120.0 100.4 102./ 64.962 64. 7*6 344.2 3^.4.7 440329. 439505. 256607. 255573. 30 . 1 4 23.31 O.S91 12.0 11.3 5.5 5.5 0. 0. 32.5 32. / 10.9 11.0 "~~ 239.3 "" " 1 1 . 34 99 . 1 5 92. 4o 107. 1 2.327 57.64 37.35 67.69 3^.3o 0.00960 0.^1030 0.00960 0.0104/ O.OJ559 0.0059^ 21.11 22.49 0. 0. 0.01127 0,-114/J 0.01 12 7 0.0 U94 0.00656 0.003-i^) 2--1. /p _ 32.^1 J. -J. C yjrtK KcScAROri CORPORATION JOB NJlriER: 4-9126 R EoEA rtCrt DRIVE, STAMFORD, CONNECTi C UT 06906 I r i i i CLitiiTJ SAti DIEGO GAS <i ELECTRI PLANT LOCATIOm ENCliMA UNIT TcoTED: UNIT 4 P ARTICULATE SUM DeSCRIPTIOw UNITS Gci<cRAL DATA uATE OF HuN JAROMcTRlC PRcSSUrtE IN.HG a TACK PRESSURE, AJb. iiM.riG STACK AREA SO. FT i<icT TIME Or RUN MIN PERCENT ISuKh-JETIC GA3 Jni'A AVG bTACK oAS VELOCITY FPS AVG STACK TEMP ERA TuRc DEG.F ACTUAL. STACK FLO, <R ATE ACFM STi< FLOnRATE ,DrtY, Si'D DSCFM MOLcCuLArt ,<T-DRY STK GAS .•viGLcCuLAR r»T-STK GAS ,'iGLE FRACTION URY GAS uAo AiMLYoiS ( DR i PERCEi>(T dASI CA.-^DO^ D I OX I DC OAYuEis CARbO^ MONOXIDE ftL TrtJGEi^ ..\OlSTuKE cY VJL SAMHLfc COLLECTION DATA TOTAL .-uo COLLECTCD ML fOL n<dJ VAPOR-ST D C0i>iu SCF vOL DKiT GAS-METER COND DCF vJL uH't GAo-STu CJHL) OSCF A^G GAS METtR TEMP DEG.F AVJ ORiF PrtES DROP lN.rl20 PARTICuLATc hEIGHT DATA NcT ,«EiGi-iT PARTIAL MG »^cT ^ciGHT TOTAL MG P AX T I C ui_ A Tn n ;A I SS I 'J.< S r'rvrti'I Al- GrfAliO PcR SCFD Gri^I.js pE'-< SCFD ^i^CO^ GrirtliO PcR ACF POuiiOS PEri 40JR PJunOb PcR P -i-OCESS uNIT \i J lAL G.-iALo PnR SCFu GrtAlnS PER SCFu 2i ^-iC)2 or<Al.<d PcR ACF PJunJD HcK 4'OJR ,-. ,1AR/ i;< 3IOA SEP /, // ^9. /8 ^9. /D 1 53.94 120.0 1 00. / i 02.630 33'J.O 94/933. 551 704. 30.16 iib.o 1 O.d/3 S) 1^.3 2. / 0. « -;. 5 1 ^. / 130.3 8. 5o 62.44 oH . D 3 i 04.0 0. yo3 o2. /O o9 .3y 0.01 J.T/ O.ui 300 ij. ;O--cJ / 0 D . 0 1 0. 0 . ' 1 1 oo 3 0 . 'J 1 4o 5 0. ''Oy')y / j . 9 0 ENGLISH 3103 SEP /'77 29. 78 29. /5 1 53.94 120.0 101.3 103. /2d 329.6 9330V/. 564197. 30.21 2^. / 7 0.382 13.2 ^. 4 0. d4.4 1 1 .6 169.2 d. 02 62.31 60.20 y I . 6 0.9-31 52.o4 -33.99 0.01 3-- 4 O.Oi 222 J. 00/92 oo. 00 0. 0. )^ 1 ''-9 0.01 90 3 J. 01265 1 -03. .91. u^ I TS AVERAGE 101. 0 1 .03 . 1 / 9 329. S 953005. 03/950. 13.0 2.0 0. -J4.4 12.2 o2.6<d /J....69 ... J.Oi 3oo 0.0126! O.OT/9P 65.29 0. i.OI -ioo 0.01 70 y J . 0 1 0 3 / 'i'j . y ) Jc'jV P fJCESS u.U T 0. I I YO*K HrocAriCri DrtlVc, STAMFORD, CUN^eCTICoT 06906 JOi «4U •<«=.<: 4-? I 26 LOCATION* c,iC In A H i i TcbTED:"" unlf ~4 P ARTICULATE SJM.v ENGLISH U'uITS 1 i.r G r ii I r DESCRIPTION UNITS GENERAL DATA ' JA TE OF RUN JArtOrieTR 1C PRESSURE IrJ.HG oi'ACA PRESSURE, AtiS. IN ..4G STACrfC Ak hA SO. FT NET TIME OF RJN MlN HER CENI" IbOixIriETIO AvG STACK GAS VELOCITY FPS AvG biACx TEMPERATURE DEG.F ACTUAL STACK FLO,<RAT£ ACFM S.TK FLOturtATE, DRY"TSTD DSCFM MOLECULAR /n'T-DRY" STK GAS MOLECULAR iU'-STi< GAS MOLE FK ACT I Oii JR/ GAS GAo ANALYSIS (DRY HER CcNT dASI CARbON DlOxlJt OX YGci'i CAK oOi-i MOi^OX I Jt 1^1 1 i HOG tii i-iOISlUrtc tsY vOL bAiviHLE COLLECTION DATA TOTAL r!20 COLLhCThD ML »OL H<iO vAHOR-STJ CO^D SCF *OL DRif JAS-McTsR COiiD OCF VOL DRY GAS-STD COnD DSCF A *o GAS .-lE'TER TE./ir1 DhG. F AvG ORIF Ft-itES DROH In.H20 PArfTICvJLATt ft EIGHT DATA NET ,-ltIGHT PARTIAL MGNCI HEIGHT TOTAL MG HArtTiCoLA'Tt E,:ii SSIOiO HAR i I AL. GRAIN'S Pc'H SCFD • GHAlnS PtR SCFD ^l2:-iC-Oi GRAINS Pb'R ACF POUi^DS PER HOJR P-OoiijS PER PROCESS J^IT iJTAL GKAlNo P£r< SCFD vjrfAlNb PER SCr'J -jl^^CO/i oi-tAlNb PER ACr PO'Ji'iJb PtR H.)Jri r'Oo.i.jS HErf PROCcDD J.Jlf 31 1A 3EP?3, // 29. /2 <;9.69 1 33.94 120.0 1 rvj.9 101,. 721 33-4.2 939533. 54ci63l . 30.20 ^3. /6 0. 332 S) 1 3.2 <d.2 0. 34.6 11.8 104. / 7.31 ol .49 33.30 96.4 O.V32 29.65 36. od 0.00/33 0.00/12 0.0043 / 36 .33 0. 0. MO 9 36 O.OOo'/a "0.00304 45. -'4 ;. 31 13 SEP 3,77 29.72 29.69 1 53.94 120.0 103.3 1 02.043 J3 / . / 942506. 539993. 30.16 23.5? 0.369 12.9 4. 5 0. 34.6 13.1 186.3 b.35 60 . 9 7 53 . / 3 3/.2 O.V25 31 .61 43.30 3. 00323 0.00//0 0. 004/4 33.33 0. O.OI^r>5 0 . 0 i 1 / 7 0. 00/25 53.57 0. A vEiMGE k02. I 101 . 632 i35.9 941020. 5-14324. 13. 1 2.3 0. 34.0 12.3 30.63 42.44 0. '0306 0. 0)/4l 0. 'i")4-'io 3 / . 5 3 }. J . 0 1 1 1 6 0.01 02-5 .3. 006 -1 3 32.01 J. •r" i i !" i E e i R fUrfi\ rfcoc/vfvJrt CLM.-'U.-iAriUiJ - One rJcocAkCil DHlvE, Si'Ar.'.FvHTJ, CO -hJcCTlCu - CLlhiiTi SAn DiEGC) 'GAS" ~& "ELECTS! C "' : PLANT LOCATION: E.JC1NA UitiT TcSTEu: on IT 2 : PAkTICULATE 3J,.UAkY uESCrt IPTIOH uNITS • GwUCkAL UAi'A JAl'c OF rfUi'J SEP LiAHjficl rs'IC PkcSSJkE IN .HG jiAC/v PkcSoukct AoS. In.HG STACK AH£A SO. FT 1 : Jell l..ic Or SJ.i .iin GAO JAi'A AVG STACK GAS VELOCITY FPb """ "6 nVG STACK rEi'vit^cSATuRE uEG.F ^ ACTuAL STACK r LOCATE ACFM 42 \ OIK FL J.tKA la ijd i , olD UDCh/.i 23 i.i-JLECuLAd i«T-ST\ GAS ..iOui: rkACTIO:4 DR/ GAo GAO A^ALYblS (DkY PEkCc.Mi" dASIS) CA H D OH 01 0 X I DC OX * GEii CrtrfoOi'i ..lOn'OX lijt nil rfO'GcM SAj»iHLE COLLcCTiUiJ JnTA TOTAL :i<iO COLLnCTcD ML : VvJi. Ok { GA^~Si'iJ C'OijD OSCF A vvj GAS Mclek Icj/lH UcG.F A\/G OiilF FkES LJriOH IN.H20 r* Arf TI CJ LATE ,tE I Gri T iJA I A .«cT .i-lGiiT TOTAL ..'iG Iu 31 5 l3t / Iw 7 • / <_ > O O ^ 13! 10 l<^0.0 1 ->0.3 32v. 4 3b38. 30 . 0 1 28.73 .11.1 •3.9 ro. 7 134.3 o .3 7 DO .36 3J.34 0. 753 52.00 JOd ;•-< u'lSiik : 4-9125 T 06906 E.JGLISrt UU TS 316A 3163 \ vE'-^AGE SEP lo, 7' SEP 16,7 2y./2 29.7<i 29.63 29.68 113.10 113.10 12-j.O 1^0.0 1 -0. 7 95.9 9V.2 62.271 62.033 62.352 323.1 324.6 325.7 422D74. 420954. 423122. ^3/9/0. ^5291^1. ^54/30. 2v.99 2?.9v 28.91 23.76 11.0 i 1 . 0 11.0 0. 0. 0. 83.2 33.2 83.1 9.0 ro.3 10.0 113.3 211.2 *ffiKT OF 56 .95 y2 . 60 . ... >-> 54 .29 87. Oo ^Vw't-'v 0. 763 2.208 J *3d. 06 39.49 n 38. ^j 60. 73 4:1.43 • 53. /o r'.'i.i i i CoLATc e.-i JiiAL-iS KifiJ SCFJ o.-iAl.o Piii SCr^ J Uri'A li<5"'?Er< A3F r 0.01084 u.01097 3.01 i 71 0.01 196 0. '0645 J.OOOoP 23.DJ ^4 .25 0. j. TOTAL ij£.-! SCFu Kdri SCrL/ •'.). 01 503 0. J i ">."•' 0.01 724 j.Ol HJIj. • n w j^ j i. i *">. • '51 :) J. '~ '• • 2 r " " ""lUrfK riEbEArfOH CO-^O^AflO:^ J03 uj-IBER: 4-y|26 _OdjC_ ^cb.cAri.Cri_JJtlI_VE » arA/»iFv)rfL)t CO:J.Jg'C'f I CUF 0690-3 y• 'i § i R r i . I B 1 E [ - Cj_ic;U's bAiJ'OlnGO JAb £ cLcCTrM un i T TcbTElJ! 3 ; PArtTICuLATE bU uEbCrilKTIOH uNITb - GiLHC^AL LJAiA '- .bi'AO.A .r'kcbsuHE ».. A_t>b «___L:<l.riG ofACA ArtcA bQ. FT .itl II.-.1C OF KCM ..illH HErtCEnf liOiCInt-riO oAo OA i A A^o bi'AUK. oAb VELOvJlfY FVb '-' AJi'JAL biACK FLO.WATE ACFM Di.\ FLO»vHAft,L)rtYf b'TiO DbCFM r ( T i is. ^. ;vu)LcCoLAH va-bik GAb ,-iOLc rk ACT I OH Ur^Y GAb UAribOn UiOXlOE i.'iOlbTorth a Y ^OL " JajA-Af'i t CO [ L^OTIO^^- LJ'i.TA ivJiAL ;i<^0 COLLcCTEU .;>1,L vOi. il^-J VAHOH—bfJ CO^O bCF VOL \Jirti GAj-bTJ COriD DbCF AVU oAb ,4cTErt i'E:-^ DEG. r A ''G OK IF HHcb DrfOr3 li'J.r^O HA^TICoLATE rt EIGHT OATA ncT .JciGrir PARTIAL MG .Jni "CiG.ii TOTAL ;*!G r1 /\ i i i 1 /M_ ...G.--; Al^Jb Hurt oCrU — 'u^AliJb HhH bCrU j/1^4C02 ^..L^'0" Hc" ^""^^ OHl1 • ' . T ! ' tj " _j - » - - - l^Ar^Y h-i E^GLIbii JMITb 320A 320B AVERAGE SEP 2^, / bEP 22,7 ^V.od 29.63 .113.10 113.10 1^0.0 120.0 6^.3/d 62.474 62.526 3^ 4 . B J2 o . ^ 32 -j . -j 424055. 423950. 42^303. 232715. 251/16. 252215. IK.'IO 23.73 0.339 0. *39 S) _..._... 11.4 11.6 1 1 .'-J> J.I 5.3 5.2o. o. o. 33. D 33.1 33.3 11.1 1 1 . 1 i 1 . i 142.5 <i33.6 6. to 11. O/ -j7 . 1 y J4. 03 34.^9 -33.65 94. / 1 OQ. / U» /68 2.246 JJ.j^S 01. -f 4 4 *? . ^ I 4 / .05 60 .37 5 o . y ';> — O^ul J04- — ;.). Ol-Jo 7— - 0. 01 O3-J ._ 0.01030 0.01104 J.OKHi 0. K)39/ 0. )0o34 -J.-'^ol 3 0. .J. ..). - O.JiJjj 0.0llo2.-. 0.-.1124.J . 0. 01 ^05 0. 3i^'~>2 J.O! 3 J3 JHAho KC^ ACr 0.00/y4 0. 0069 1 ).-M74<i r'Ooiijb Fc.^-nJoK _.-.—^.-U.yi__ 2-5.'"^6 J6.99- r".Joii.Jj pEK P.-<.)CEbo o..ii' 0. J. ). r~"'~ """"~rORK RE3EAHCH CORPORATION J03 N'UlBc-is 4-9126 M I I CLIt.Ji"! DAH UlcoO uA3 ci ELECTRIC UiUT i'E3Ti=D: 3 PAHTIOoLATE SJ.UAR/ 1,4 t^iii'Ji^HAL UA TA JAi'E Or Ron 3Er> 23, / oAHOmcTHlC HHhSoJHc I^.HG 29. ov .5iAiJi\ HH jzii J JH c » A35. I/-1 .H>j 29.OO of AON AHcA Su. FT 113.10 ^cT Tl.nb OF HLM ;.ilN I 20.0 r'r-K^F^f I^OKlNFTIO 1 OO. l JAO OrvfA Avo 3i'Ad\ 'JA3 VELOCITY FH3 61.136 ACTUAL STACK FLO.^HATh ACFM 414832. o Ti\ FLO ri HA Tb , OH { , 3 TU US CF:4 24/13^. ^ ,.-Lj( r-'C-iLA--^ "T-OHY 5> TK- GA-^ 30. 0/ ..'lOL^CoLAK nT—6'TX 'JAS 28.76 ;-uJLc FHACi'iOi'J OR K' CA3 O.d92 CAHoOi'i DIOXluc 11.6 OX'/Gci-i D.3 .n i'kOGcN ^3.1 ..lOibTuHc L»Y /OL 1 O.d HNoLI 3d JiJ I T3 32 ID AVERAGE 3EH 23, / 29.69 29 66 1 13.1 0 120.0 69,2 -*1-' 6 62.005 61.871 323. 1 32 /.3 424335. 4l9-i5-3. 251 /94. 249460. 30.07 23. /3 11.6 ll.o 5.4 5.4 0. 0. 33.0 33.1 I i.l 10.9 TOTAL .120 coLLtcTtu ML 22/.o 233.5 V0i_ d^O vAHOH-STO CONU SCF IO./6 11.16 *OL JK t' GAo-3i"J COifO J3CF ^H./3 -J9.63 AVO JA3 i.iETcH Tc/'iH JhG.F 91.9 102.1 ;-.OH I F^- VH£S- JHOK Iii.-d2u ^.1-^4———.2.-269 CuLATt «»£IGHT DATA ^ci" KciGrtT PARTIAL MG 67.90 61.69 .jc. i <ic.i uriT-. TO t AL ilC—_-__— AHiiCoLAi'c c,.-ilo3i0^3 HArii'l AL b HtR 3CFJ- - .. :j.01l/rf O.-OO^^a -0.01033 3 r>L:H oCFo Wl^;iC02 O.JJ219 O.OOyl9 0.1106V b HcH ACF 0.00/0^ 0.00626 0. 0^614 . .. iJJJ^Ji Pci-i HOJH ...-..._ ^4.96 1-V-...1./.. 22-.O/- f'Oji-Uo HErt HHOCE3o J.ilf 0. 0. 0. UiAL j HnH 3CFJ . ..- 0.01333 - 0.01-113 --0.01233 3 HCK 3CFD )/i^7oC02 0.01400 O..')lt3l 0.012/3 o FtR ACF O..if>30o 0.'10669 0.00/33 HEH r>HOCt3o J.JIT 0. 0. 0. r- g i r YGrtK rtSScArtCH CORPORATION JOB iiU'.U3i£k» 4-9126 05 U's 5An DIcuO JA5 LOCATION: •t-Ncltf Tci'fcLis i PAHi'IOuLATc SUUAHY IH ENGLISH J.IIfS i Hb» ri •1* mPf*~* 0 r !."' I 1, i ' .=.-;, i^,.., u,.,i . Gb.'-ib^AL UAiA OAib OF kui>i oAkJMcrKiL1 PkbSSJHb I.J.HG ' oiACK PkbSS'JHb, AdS. iN.HU " SiACA AHbA Su. FT .id TIME OF RUN 7iIN PrKwbiii I S0:\ Ii'ic i I w GAo OAi'A AVU oi'AC.< uAS vt-LOCIfY FPS AvU SlACR fbMPbkAi'UHi£ UbG.r ACfJAL STACK FLOrikATc ACFM bi"K FLO»'<kATc .DRY.STD DSCF.i .''uJLcovJ i_A i-T nii~i)rJY b I is. iJt*,3 ..iOLcCuLAk HT-3Ti< GAS ..lOLt: FriACI'ION ORY GAS OA3 ANALYSIS" (DRY PbkCifNT 5ASTS CaribOiJ DlOAlOn OXYGEN^ukoobirJ"loxlJh ..'lOISfukb oY VOL SAi.iHLh' COLLcCTION DATA TOTAL ii20 COLLtCfcJ MLV..JL ii^o VAHOk-sFJ C0i4ij sen VOL JH/ GA6'-MbTEk CCMJ UCF i^v)L J.R/ GAS-S'i'O COi'iJ JSCF AVu GAS .Aci'Erf i'c/.'iP Ub'G.F AVu OrtIF PkbS UHOP iri.H20 i . c I' i ic i Gri i' PA K"f I AL M G ,-iCi .-icl^lil iOTAu .'-'Isj GK A i i J S Pbr? 5CFD " " GkAlHo Pc-< SCrO jl2>oCO<i G.-<AI;O Pbk ACl- P.J^iiJS Per? AJ Jrt pJu"dJ'o PC-' P-i'JC'-Si "u > I i"r -••"•*. ' " O < .A I .O H cr< S Cr J .•? i 2"4Cv)^ G'<Al.o Pc:-i AJF POo.-iOS Peri :iO'Jr( 32 D A SEP 29, 7 29. 6d ^ y .04 113.10 120.0 9 / .0 60.46o 34-y.O 410326. 2396^R . 30.03 2H. /y 0 . 89 1 ) \ 1 .3 j.5 dd!^ 10.3 206.1 V. /2 89 . 76 O4.o9 i GO. 6 2.U./7 ^3.52 oT.^T -0700576 0.01 037 0.005/0 2 j . 06 •)a 0701 046' 0. )l i ! i 0 . ^ 5o 1 1 "21 .30 0. 3253 Sb'P 2yt 7 29.03 29.64 113.10 120.0 98.4 o 1 . 00 / -' 330.4 41 3996. 239280. 30.06 28. 76 O.d92 1 1 .5 5.4 0. -33. 1 1 0.3 <£ 1 7.0 10.29 91.68 33. 1 9 IOd.0 "' 2.077 00.33 ••So . .i77 0. 00 vl ! 0. 00950 0.0)526 F 3 . 6 3 j. - '0.01207 O. 01 2 liO 0. 0")6y .'-5 - - 2-1.7--3 V • A*H«* ^8.O 60. 73 7 343.2 41 2160. 239 i. -34. 1 1.4 5.4 U. -i3.2 1 O.b 52 . 00 "~ 52.12 - - - " •• 0.00943 " 0. '1000.3 O.OOD48 "" "1 5.37 " 0. "0.01 127 " J . 0 ! 1 8 5 0. O0oj4 "25.13i r Y0r?i\ lie OH JOo I'JJMBirk: 4-yl26 I J : CLit^FJ JiU'f Fh UciO : O^iifML bAJ1)' UlbuO JAo si eL£OfHlC JCAi'iOHS cNvJl^A a feu: 1 HAHTICuLAfH z'J.!,;\ .-^iHi'IOiJ U<IfS JA i"A S JAic Or rturi a i r t 0 1 * •j 4' r I,. f - OArfO:<iC Oi'AvJi'C bl'AC.\ i*cF Fi JA^> JAI A'G if AC i u AL bi'rv FLr:.u)LcCJ ..iJL-:vJ J :'iOi_c F : GAa .A. < JA -: OA CA mi ,.;u 3A.-lHLcIOI'AL VOL H<: vOL Urt A V O 'JA LriiC J-'H£:6S'ur<C IN.HG FrtciioHc, A^D. IrJ.riJ AricA SU. Ff ..•1C OF riu.i i,\lii i I OvjK Ii^C F I C A Ac!( fb.^HrtAf^c:yjshJ^ b'iAOK FLO. <H Alb ACFM Ort.^Art,L)KY,orO OSCFM LAH (/F-OHY b'TK JA5 LArf .ir-oi'iC JAb rfACi'lOlJ LJ.^Y uA3 ALYblo (O.^Y KhriCti^r tiAolo :-idO.( ulOAlOc YGci<* Jtt'M ,4Oi-JOXIO£ FriOGo^i i 5 i 'J rv C Of •J ' 0 L OOLLcCi'lO.-i OAi'A .i2u COLLtCi'fcU ML 0 VAFOri-oFO C(h-4U bCF / JAo-MuT£H CO^D OCF 3 ..'ni'cH i'c 4H JcJ.F ••: Avu UrilF HktS J.^OP Irl.H20 Ai-?/ !.-< c. 326A 5bP 30, / 29 . /2 29.69 113.10 (2o.Oyy . 0 o y . /' / 1 236 7 DO ." 30.06 ^H. /o O.M92 ) 1 1 .5 3.4 '). d3. 1 1 0.8 2lo.3 i 0.^5 90 . 44 J4. /3 I 04 . 3 2.024 .^.GLIbH U^IiS 3263 AvhiUGS SE.J 30, 7 ^y.72 ^9 .69 113.10 120.0 1 00 . 6 ?9 . 8 60.549 o 0.2 iO 41 I5o/. 40ci5S/. 239311. 233281. 30.04 28. 73 0.39 1 11.4 1 1 . -j 6.3 5.4 0. 0. dj.3 33.^ 10.9 10. -i 224. 1 i O.o2 91 .24 3/.2Y 93.2 2.079 r1 AH il CoLA i'c rtnl GH f DA f A .-ICi' .1C H.-ui Tl Jj r* /\ rt i in V-'K Or< r*J FJ X^. i'Oi'Ai. V J.~{ >J.i! Or( FO r'J iGi-lf PARTIAL MG 1GHF FO'fAL MG LAi'n c.-il boIO.-iS j. Al:^b Hc:< S-JFO 'j( 1 <i;iOO2 A 1.0 Pc'ri AJF OiOb Pert ,-iJJ:^ o.'Ui H-ri p.'iOOioD J.'il F Ai.o r'Ci< SOrJ .il.-0 Hcri 3JFu Jl<i.-iC'0^ ni/0 r^^'.-i A-Jr Ji<0o Fifri dOori j.<;ji t^rzit H:-i-JC£.JD u.-ili 43.04 0.00/91 0.00^3 0.0046^ i O.JO 0. J . ;0 y ' i 0. -")09.}3 0. JO-3-jl 19.10 'J . 48. 19 46.10 56.31 04.39 0. 0"j3o 1_ _0. ''})3^o 0. •''0906 0. " '8'A6 J. :)0o02 0.104:-^ . 1 /. /O J5.--W -•; « ' ) • :.i. j 1 .103 '. n )y /3 O.-ii K5 J. :)1 02 ) 0. )0o ^4 0. ojoo •; .. 20. .31 _. 1 P. =!?. J. '). r I I i '-C I I APPENDIX B Example Calculations PARTICULATE CALCULATIONS I I The following are the basic equations used in calculating final data as found in the final summary. 1. Volume of dry gas sampled at standard conditions - 70°F, 29.92" Hg, ft.3 m'.7 x V /&b + Pm[ H (Tm + 460) . 2. Volume of water vapor at 70°F and 29.92" Hg, Ft x Vw = Ft. L, G to 3. % Moisture in stack gas 100 x Vw Vwgas 4. Mole fraction of dry gas Md » 100 - %M 100 5. Average molecular weight of dry stack gas °/0 C0 xMM 100 100 6. Molecular weight of stack gas M W = M Wd x Md + 18 (1 - Md) 7. Stack velocity at stack conditions, fpm t Vs = 4350 x APS x (Tg + 460) / 1 ^ \ ^ m fpm rI.: 8. Stack gas volume at standard conditions, SCFM f Q = °'123 x Vs x AS x Md x Ps = SCEM $ s (Ts + 460) ^(jj 9. Percent isokinetic r a _ 1032 x (Ts + 460) x Vmstd U- Vs x Tt x Ps x Md x (Dn)^ ^ 10. Particulate - probe, cyclone and filter, gr/SCF Can = 0.0154 x Mf_ vm std ^ 11. Particulate total, gr/SCF C -C "ao " Vm std 12. Particulate - probe, cyclone and filter, gr/CF at stack conditions G cat = 13. Particulate - total, gr/CF at stack conditions 17.7 x Cao x Ps x Ca" = - (Ts + c I 14. Particulate - probe, cyclone and filter, Ib/hr. Caw = 0.00857 x Can x Qs = Ib/hr. I 15. Particulate - total, Ib/hr. f Cax = 0.00857 x Cao x Qg = Ib/hr. (ftOflT t/ALF §5? 16. % Excess air at sampling point % EA = 100 x % 02 p 0.264 x % N2 - % 02 t I r r e r APPENDIX C Raw Test Data E In Chronological Orderf H YOriX HEScAP.CH CORPORATION RcSnARCn JRlVc, STAMFORD, CO.WECTICUT 06906 JOd AtiER: 4-9126 M' p u r-j )*.. Us! Fi rs ' (,.:• V. . r: f-L . fL. r OLicM PLArU Lui T J JCT JJC'T juCT FlLTE SAi.iPL POhxT — ~~ OlArt Al 2 J 4 3 O S TArt Dl 2 3 — 4 3 O STAR Oi ^ 3 4 3 O STrtR Jl <L j 4 3 6 T: SAiN DIcoO GAS d. tLECTRIC LOCATION: EiiGIrJA TcoTEu: HJ..-I Cirri : ARc'A: LOCATIO R ,1 Ui.ioi: c ELAP Tl/.it (.41^) 0. 3.0 i 0.0 1 3 . 0 • ^0.0 ^3.0 JU.O 30.0 J 3 . 0 40.0 43. 0 30.0 33.0 OO . 0 oj . 0 O3 . 0 /o.o /3.0 30.0 CS3 . 0 9 J . 0 yJ.O 93.0 00.0 03.0 1 J.O 13.0 <£J . 0 4 STACK i 53. 9450. FT. , IN: OUTLET RS: FL3-424b SAMPLE PITOT vOLu.'/Ih ROG (JCF) (I^ri20 1 5 . 46 3 1 /.^80 3.400 19.340 3.4MO 21 .330 3.400 ^3.660 3.200 23.560 2.000 ^ / * *J J^ ^ • 1 vJL/ 2 /.360 29.<i/0 2.oOO 31.^10 2.600 33.050 2.300 34. 740 2.000 36.360 1 . /OO 37.870 1 .400 38 . ^35 40.040 3.400 4^.^40 3.400 44.430 3.300 46.6/0 3.3 00 43. /2 J 2.VOO 30.340 2.^00 50.330 3^.^/0 2.000 53.dOO 1 .300 33.330 1 .300 36.340 1 . 300 58.^9'J 1.400 59.033 1 .200 TEST >A JMich1 DA TE :JuL2o TEST CJiMO: 8 AS. -PRE5S- I4X-0" OIA P CTOT TIME ORIFICE RJG )(h.H20) 0.610 0.61 0 0.61 0 0.330 0. 4/0 0.330 0.4/0 0.4/0 0.420 0.360 0.31 0 0.2/0 0.620 0.620 0.640 0.600 0.530 0.400 0.3/0 0.2/0 0.2/0 0.2/0 0.250 0.210 ,/cTERTt-MF (DEG.F) IN OUT 90. 90. 90. 90. 98. 96. 100. 98. 10<i. v8. 10^. 98. 100. 96. 104. 1 04. 1 04 .- 104. 102. 1 02. 04. U3. Oo . 10. 10. Oo. Oo. 04. 04. 04. 0 ' - . 30. 02. 02. 02. 02. 02. 02. 04. 04. 04. 04. 04. 04. 04. 04. 04. 04. rt\.)Z DIA (Ii 0. 0 . 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 . 0. •J . 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 4) 23 2b 28 25 23 23 25 23 25 25 23 23 25 25 23 23 23 23 25 25 23 ^3 23 23 TU3E : 2 11 t ' ' T )P L )AO I J HG: 29 FACTOR: 0 v/0 AO . 76 .830 TEST STARTEO: 1 003 STACK TEMP (OF) 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 31 0. 320. 320. 320. 320. 31 0. 31 0. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 32 '). 3^0. 31 0. 31 0. 31 0. 300. STACK VEL (FP5) 123.071 123.071 125.071 121 .337 1 09.3/2 9 / . 662 ! 09.372 1 09.372 1 02.363 95.925 87.370 79. 741 123.^71 25.071 26.397 23.213 13.509 OO.oO/ 95.923 83.074 82.340 82.540 79. /41 73 . 345 %l —— — 92. i 1 04 . 3 1 Oy.V 1 09.3 1 08 . 3 1)1.9 1 ")V .4 J 1 0 . 4 M 1 .2 1 09 . 6 1 1 J. 1 1 16.3 5/.3 1 09.4 109.2 1 10. 0 1 09 . 6 111./ 1 1 i . 1 114.1 113.3 1 1 2 . .) 111.3 112.3 OiM^E, STAMFORD, GOrUECTICuT 06906 JOo AJ -iBEr -9126 to>1 FT" p- L. 1 •i f'-,; ^ p r la 1Li J.I I f OuGi' OUGio o j r 3A,4P POlis O Frt rt Al ^3 4 3 O 3 i'rt rt 0 1 iL 3 - 4 3 O O i Art Gl 2 3 4 3 O Dinrt J! <L j 4 3 0 •Jl"s 3 AH ulnGO GAS d. E i" LOCATIONS EiJGIrJA .' ' •• p . -. , ,ii c o i i- L; * *-f LEGl'rtlG Ariz A: 1 33.943O.FT. , 14'-0" crt i-j J,.iijEriS! FL3-4 i 33 _n cLAP SAMPLE prror i" riME VOLUME HDG (..ILO (OGF) (1 1.11-120 0. 93.420 3.0 9 / . o 00 1 O.-J 99.300 1 3.0 lOl .9dO £-J . 0 ^3.0 30.0 30.0 J3. 0 4U.O 43.0 30.0 33.0 oO.O 60.0 03.0 •/o.o V3.0 JO.O 33.0 90.0 90.0 93.0 1 JU.O IJ3.0 110. 0 1 f3.0 uo.o 04.06 J 06.030 0/.30J 0 / . b 3 J 09 . o9 0 1 .600 3.41 0 5.093 0.743 ci.320 d . 3<^0 ^0.41 0 2^. 330 24. /60 ^6 . do 3 26. doO 30.000 30.300 32.32 J 34.050 33.330 3/.030 36.330 3y .y20 3.<iOO 3.300 3.300 3. 1 GO 2.600 2 . 1 00 2 . 300 2 . 3 00 ^ * 3 OvJ 2 . 000 1 . 9 00 1 .600 3 . 000 3.300 3.300 3 . I 'JO 2.o 00 2 . 400 2. 000 .300 . 300 .300 . 300 .200 OrtiFIG P.DG )( 1^-120 0.390 0.610 0.610 0.530 0.520 0.390 0.46 J 0.460 0.420 0.3/0 0.330 0 . 3 30 0 . 56 0 0.61 0 0.610 0.520 0.490 0.3/0 0.230 0.230 0.2 -3D 0.230 0.220 TESr DATE TcSf DIA ""(DEJ. ) IIM a/. 94. 93. VO. 94. 90. 93. 94. 94. 93. 92. 90. 93. 93. yo. 9o. 9o. 92. 9^. 92. 92. 93. 94. : JUL27 CO.O: : 2/o A , n T)P L-)AO .•</•') AO iiA.-K ' PKtSS-I.-J HG: 29. /6 PITOr TU3E FACTOR: 0.330 TIME TEST STArfTcO: 0900 i'E F) OU d4 do do ^8 -3 H9 33 89 90 90 9 0 db 33 90 90 90 91 y2 yQ 92 92 92 y^ 92 v'P NOZ 01 A T ( l-A) . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. , •». 'J . . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 3. . 0. . 0. • J • . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. 125 125 123 125 \<LO 125 125 123 123 123 123 126 123 125 123 123 1 25 126 123 123 12-i 123 125 125 __ STACK (OF) 3^. J. 320. 320. 320. 320. 300. 323. 323. 325. 320. 320. 300. 320. 320. 320. 320. 32 ). 315. 320. 320. 320. 323. 320. 316. STACK VEL (FPS) 21 .123 23.001 23.001 19.213 13.3 ^' • 90.355 1 0 / . 40 1 1 07.401 103.315 95. /56 93. ^32 64.542 1 7.2 If 23.001 23.101 19.215 13.3 ->! i 04. -559 95. ^65 32.92/ B2.92/ S2.92/ 32.927 73.934 ----- i 14.') 112.0 M 1 . i 1 09 . 4 11 0. i 1 10.4 111.5 1 12.3 1 1 0.3 109.V 1 10.3 1 U.4 1 12.2 1 09 . 1 1 12.3 1 1 0.^ 1 1 0 . J 11 3 . i 1 12. / 115.0 1 1 j . 3 1 1 3.3 1 13.2 1 1 5. 1I rC nfdDcA.-iJH COPPOLA 1'IOJ JrilVc, SfAiviFOriO, CJ;I.JcCT ICuf 06906 JOO iV'vJ.'oErt': 4-> i 20 I c I U.lii f: SAJ I'cSftL JIcGO iOHJ c.J : 4 JA3 -N nLnCfrtIC L) JiJ i' r< J,.itscK s STACK LJuCl ArtcAs 1 33 .9 4SQ. FT. t OuCi LOCATION: JHIf 4 FiLic Voi.Mi Di Art Al £ 3.1-f 3 O S i~Art bi 2 3 4 3 0 0 i AH Ci 2 J 4 3 O ii Art ul 2 J 4 3 6 rt .Ju..iocP'SJ FL3-43 1 y c ELAP 5A..1KLE _.PIK)T riMn vOLuME "rtDG J. 3.0 I 0.0 1 3.0 £ J . 0 23.0 JO. 0 30.0 J3.0 40.0 43.0 3O.O 33.0 oO. 0 oO.O 03.0 /o.o /3.0 o J . 0 d3.0 yO . J y o . o 93.0 1 '/'O. 0 1 03.0 1 I J . 0 113.0 120.0 4 1 . 3 1 0 42. •/ /O 44.340 45,940 4/.4oO 43.930 30.40) 3 1 . 4 7 J 53.560 55. .//O 57, doO 00.060 o^.2 TJ 64.090 04. 1 1 0 60. ^90 od.^30 / 0 . ! 7 J / 1 .92.J /3. 33 J /3. 130 7 3. 1 30 7 / . J 1 0 / 9 . 3 00 d 1 . o9 0 dJ.830 d5.o30 d 7.0 30 «i . 000 .300 .300 .600 .500 .^00 3. 1 00 3 . 1 00 3 . 3 (X) 3.3CO 2 . d 00 2.300 2 . 6 00 2 . 300 2.300 2 . 000 i . 300 i . 3 00 3. JOO 3 . 3 00 3 . 2 00 3. I 00 2.600 2 . 2 00 1 4'-0" D OrtlFICE RDG 0.3/0 0.230 0.230 0.230 0.230 0.220 0.5/0 0.5/0 0.610 0.61 0 0.520 0.4oO 0.430 0.46 ) 0 . 42 0 0.3/0 0.33J 0.2dO 0.61 0 0.610 0.600 0. 590 0.430 0.410 IA TcSf .JuY.Dcrt • 2 7d3 JAf£: JoL2/, // TcSf CO.Mj: TOP LOAO r, PliOT TUBc F \CTOrt: 0. TIM£ TnST 3TAHIEO: 12 TDbG.F7 IN OUT ( 90. HS y4 . J,8 94. 89 94. 90 94. 90 9 d . y 4 99. 96 100. 9d 1 04. 1 00 100. 102 1 Od . 1 02 110. 1 03 1 Go. 1 0. 1 1 . 1 i . 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 0. 1 0.1 1 . 111. 1 1 0. 02 05 06 06 O/ O/ 06 Od 03 07 07 107. 100 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . J . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 .•10Z 01 A . 1 23 . 123 . 123 .125 .125 . 123 . 123 . 125 .125 . 125 . 123 . 123 .125 .125 . 123 . 1 23 . 123 . 123 .123 .125 . 123 . 123 . 123 . 126 " TEMP (DF) 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 31 5. 325. 320. 320. 320. 320. 315. 1 325. 1 3^3. 1 323. 1 32b. 325. 320. 320. 1 323. 1 3^5. 1 323. 1 325. 1 323. 1 STACK \/tiL (FP5) 93. ,33. 33. 33. 83. 7 4 . 19. 1 9. 23. 23. 13. 05. 09. 07. 03. 96. yl . «3. 23. 23. 21 . 1 9. 09. 00. 95D 093 095 095 093 034 339 457 250 250 330 931 750 619 224 25 / 31 7 093 250 644 /5 / 33^ 75") 9 55 /O V3 76 330 "I ... 97.1 120.2 122.4 116.2 M 2 . 4 124.4 111. o 1 15. / 106. 1 111.3 11 7.4 1 09 . 1 124. / M2.3 117.1 11 .3.3 1 13.2 M o . 9 1 13.0 1 i 0.3 112. ) M3.o M i .9 1 1 3.3 I I G C 0 c c r YORK RESEARCH CORPORATION JOd Nu4dER: 4-9126 .= t.....5. f AM t-OR J i. _ CON Aid CI1 C.U.LJD o_9 06 - CLIcNT: SAi^ DlnGO GAS d ELECTRIC PLAnT LOCATION: ENdNA JNiT TESTED: 4 uoCT nuMbcR : 5TACX J uC T AR c A« I 53 .9 4SO.FT. , 14^-Q" PI A "D uC T LOG A TI ON :" uN IT 4 FILTER ixui.loERS: FL3-4220 TcST NUMoER: 234A DATE: AUG 02,7/ TEST COND:""TOP "LOAD ','i "ADD BAR. PRESS-IN HG: 2v.79 _«?IJ:'-lL_ry3c_F ACTO.Kr_0.330_ TIME TEST STARTED: 1 O43 SAMPLE ELAP SAMPLE PITOT ORIFICE METnRTEMP NOZ PDinT TlMh VOLUME RDG RDG . (DE3.F) DIA (.AIN) (DCF) CINH20)(lNd20) IN OUT (IN) STACK TEMP (Or) STACK VEL (FPS) %I 0. 3.0 " 10.0 lD.0 ^0.0 23.0 J J.O jJ.O 33.0 40.0 43.0 30.0 33.0 oO.O oO . 0 33. 0 70.0 /3.0 JJ.O d3.0 90.0 9J. 0 ^3 .0 10 J.O 1 03.0 110.0 1 13.0 1^0.0 dd.345 9 1 .850 93.230" 9d. /IO 1 (32 . 000 1.03. 1 00 10d. 1 J3 d . 1 03 1 0.640 1 2 . 3 00 i 4.V60 17.110 19. 160 <L\ .040 21 .040 24.010 26.VIO 29.030" 3^.230 34.070 . 36.9 i 3 36.91 3 40.220 43.31 0 4o. /90 49.990 " D3.040" 00. 003 3.^00 3 . 2 00 3 . d 00 3.200 2.dOO 2.300 l.dOO ( 1 . 3 00 ( 1.300 C 1 .300 L 1 .200 l O.voO ' 2 . o 00 2.400 ^ . 2 00 ( 1 .600 v 1 . 700 i. i.400 ( 3 . 3 00 3 . 2 00 3 . 2 00 3 . 000 2 . 7 00" 2. 1 00 .500 .500 . 530 .400 .^50 . 000 3.790 3.570 3.570 3.370 3.32 3 3.420 . 150 .050 379o 0 3. 790 3. 740 3.610 .450 .400 .400 . 3 00 .200 .000 yd Od 14 1 4 U 1 ^ 0^ 04 08 Oo 10 10 Od 0 2 -i 4 4 0 4 4 4 0 Id . 96. . 1 02 . . 102. . 104. . 1 04 . . 1 04 . . 1 02 . . 1 02 . . 1 02. . 1 02. . i 04. . 104. . 104. . 1 06 . . 1 00 . . 1 06 . .. 1.06. . 1 03 . . 1 06. . 1 Od . . 1 03. . 1 10. . 1 Od . . 1 08 . O.I 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0.1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 3. 1 0.1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 '0. 1 0.1 57 3 7 61 5 / 57 61 3 7 5 7 57 57 57 61 57 57 57 57 61 ..... 57 61 61 57 57 b"/~ 57 340. 340. 340. 343. 330. 330. 330. 330. 330. 330. 330. 3^0. 330. 340. 340. 340. 340. 330. 340. 340. 340. 340. "340. 330. 22. ~ 22. 24. 22. 13. 03. ~~9 1 . 7 7 . 77. 77. 74. 66. 1 09. 106. 101 . 91 . 89 . 80. 1 24. 1 22. 1 22. 1 13. 1 12. 93. 346 546 -Mo 546 913 £A,<L 333 ~ 613 61 3 613 673 2 7 7_ 169 128 610 910 320 549 4 4-5 546 546 655 566 651 114.6 1 1 0.3 103.0 1 Ob .6 103.3"' 1 1 3.2 1 08 . 7 1 Od . 9 103.6 IOd.0 1 06 . 9 1 08 . 9 105. D 1 0 7 . 3 107.1 IOd.3 107.1 107.7 1 04 . o 1 05. j 1 04 . y 103.3 1 05. d 1 1 5.P JORAi l')rt ic ritDEArJCn LWIvE, S TAMFOrJO, CONNECTICUT 06906 JOd NiHiiE;?: 4-9126 I r I E D I 3 AH DIEuD JAS 6. cLEC FLA Hi' uOCAT IOH':_EnCl_HA:" 4 "" ' " "" : STACK JJCT ArtEAJ 1 53.9450.FT. , 14^-0" DIA OJC i' LOCAi'JOHS U.II i' 4 FlLl'Eri iJUj^DcrfSs FLi3-4230 Tcol rtJ'.toc'}! 2843 DA En: AUo 02, 77 "TEST COHD: T')P LOAD Vl AOQ . PRESS- h-i rlo: 29.79 TupE_ FACrO^: _Q.330__ E}: 1354fl"'/Sc TcST SAMPLE PITOT OH1FICE MtTErfTEM? ;K)Z FOliMf TIME VOLUME riuu HOG (DEJ.F) DIA (:;I!H) (OCF) ( I^'il^0)( INH20) IIM OUT (LJ) STACK STACK F£M? v£L (i)F) (FPS) S A 2 3 4 3 O S d <i 3 '4 3 O S c ^"3 4 3 O S p J 4 3 6 i An 0 • i 3.0 1 0.0 1 3.0 ^0.0 ^0.3 30.0 1 A rt J> 0 • i J I 33.0 40.0 43.0 3O.O 33.0 oO.O iAH OJ.O 1 03.0 /O._0_ 7 3 . 0 80.0 c>5. 0 90.0 fAH 90.0 i__ 93.0 103..0 1 10. 0 " M3.0 1^:0.0 36. 166 b9 . o 00 63.030 66 . ^ 1 0 69.440 /2.430 /b. 103 16. 103 76.250 81.110 d^VljJ do. 36 0 d9.090 91 .405 91 .405 94.040 v / . y 1 0 1 0 1 . d 1 J 104. 550 1 0 / . / 1 0 1 0.965 0.963 3.060 5.360 /.390 9. /40 21 .880 23.925 3.3'>0 3.300 3.300 3.000 2 . 3 00 2. 000 "2.bOO" 2.4QO 2 . 2 00 " 2 7 000 1 .800 _ 1.'3.QO_. . 3.200 J . 3 00 " j','300 " 3.^00 2 . 8 00 2.300 i . / CO 1 . 300 1 .400 1 .300 " 1 .300"" 1 .200 • • • • • 0. r."i . 0. 0. 0. o. * • • • • • 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 430 94. 430 no. 450 II <i. 3 00 1 U . 1 ')0 114. 380 114. "250' 1 I'4T 050 1 1 4. 9o 0 116. 380 1 lo. /90 Mo. 660 Jlo. 400 1 0. 430 450 . 4'10 230 000 520 660 620 570 5/0 320 4. 4. d. 8. o. 08. 08. 10. i^. 10". ~ 10. 96 9d 98 1 00 1 02 1 04 1 06 106 1 06 1 08 1 08 1 08 1 Oo 106 1 06 106 1 08 1 08 1 08 1 06 106 1 06 1 06 1 06 . 0. l3/ . "0. 157 . 0. 1 5/ . 0.157 . 0.15/ . 0. 1 3 / ." "O."l37" " • '<J • * J •.""or • o • •.. .0- . 0. • '\J • . 0. . 0. ._ 0. . 0. . 0 . n. w . . 0. . 0.TO; 5/ 57 57 of >/...._. 57 57 37 'of o/61" ' 57 57 57 of61" ~" . 0. 157 340 340 340 340 340 330 330 330 340 340 340 ..330 330 330 330 340 340 330 340 340 330 330 330 330 . 124 . 124 . 124 . 1 18 . 1 08 . 96 . 113 . 1 05 . i 01 . 96 . 91 .._.3.3 . 21 . 23 . 23 . 22 . U . 03 . 89 . 83 . 80 . 77 . 77 74 .272 .272 .272 .483 . 1 65 . 139 .753 .315 . 467 . 745 . 731 :^9___ .607 .492 .492 .374 . 4 7 1 .097"" 10.3 09.2 01.1 07. D ^8 . 6 07.7 07.0" 05.0 07.9 06.9 07.6 ..r|7 • 1 . 03.3 02.5 03 . 4 Oo . 6 0 / . 7 21. / .195 9<i.2 . /84 107.9 .435 107.5 .3)0 107.3 .51.0 TO 7.0 .469 106.4 RESEARCH(Me RcSEARCH DRIVc, STAMFORD,. CONNECTICUT 06906 JOB HO-ABert* 4-9126 I r tea- E CLItN'T: SAN DIEGO GAS d. ELECTRIC PLANT LOCATION: ENCINA _ JNli TESTED: 4 DUCT nu>v\oER: STACK DuCT AHEA: 153.94SQ.FT.,14'-0" DIA TEST NUMBER: 235 A DA ft: A'JG 03, 77 "TESTVCOi'JOr TOP 'LOAD" ,i ADO BAR.' PRESS-I.J HG: 29. 19 PITOT TJ3E FACTOR: 0.830u uc r L F 1 L TER SAMPLc POINT — Si'AR Al £ 3 4 3 0 SfAH dl 2 3 4 o o STAR Cl 2 3 4 3 6 STAR DJ 2 1 3 1 4 1 3 1 0 1 0 CAT 10N : UN I T4 TIMc TEST STA RTEO: 0934 NUMBERS: FL3-4^4<i tLAP TIME UlN) 0. 3.0 10.0 i 3.0 <iO.O £3.0 JO.O 30.0 J3.0 40.0 43.0 30.0 33.0 00.0 oo.o 03. 0 70.0 73.0 dO.O 33.0 90.0 , 90.0 93.0 00.0 03.0 1 0.0 1 3.0 •iO.O SAMPLE VOLUME CDCF) 24.300 27.260 29.530 31 .690 33 . 800 35.920 37.J60 37.00J 41 .010 44.31 0 •47.o70 50.960 54. 130 57.1 00 57. 100 39.940 02.760 03.470 08. 1 20 70.320 72.850 72.860 76.1 00 79.330 32.b70 83.080 33. 7-20 91 .460 P I TOT RDG (INH20) 2.000 .300 .300 .300 .300 . 1 00 3.1 00 3.^00 3.300 3.300 3 . 000 2.000 2.DOO 2.400 <L . <>. 00 2 . 1 00 1 . 700 1 .500 3.200 3.^.00 3 . 2 no 3. \ 00 2.800 2.000 ORIFICE METER RDG (DEG. (INri20) IN 0.900 94. 0.680 97. 0. 550 0. 550 0. 530 0.4oO 1 .300 1 .350 1 .400 1 .400 1.230 1 . 100 1 . 050 1 . 000 0.920 0.330 0. 710 0.630 OJ. 02 . 04. 04. 04. 08. 10. U. 10. 12. 1 02. 04. 1 03. 1 12. 1 \d. \ 12. 1 1.350 98. 1 1 . 330 G-i . 1 . 3oO Oo . 1.300 10. I.I 30 10. 0.340 10. \ TEMP F) OUT 90. 92. 94. 96. 93. 99. 00. 00. 02. 03. 02. 03. 02. 02. 02. 04. 04. 04. 02. 02. 02. 02. 04. 04. NOZ DIA (IN) 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. w • 0 • 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 57 of 5 t 57 37 57 57 57 57 3 7 57 57 0. 157 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 57 37 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 0. 157 STACK TEMP (DF) 325. 330. 330. 330. 330. 330. 340. 1 340. 1 340. 1 340. 1 34D. 1 330. 1 340. 1 345. 1 345. i 340. 340. 340. 340. 1 340. 1 345. 1 340. 1 340. I 340. STACK VEL (FPS) 95.955 33.364 77.607 77.607 77.607 71.3 «3 20.599 22.523 24.423 24. i28 1 3.633 09 . 7 53 03.301 06. 444 01 .912 9^ . 2 59 89 . 3 07 33.390 22.523 22.528 22.911 20.509 14.615 96.367 !- — 1 4.5 III. 0 07. 7 1 07 . 6 07.3 63.0 30.9 07.3 107.3 1 04 . 3 07.3 04. I 04.8 06.3 06.4 05.6 06.3 10.3 06.0 06.0 04.9 12.4 05.2 11.7 t i L L E C I YORK Ki£ SEARCH CORPORATION RESEARCH OKlVt, SfAMt-'ORO, CONNECTICUT 06906 JOB 4-9126 CLIENT: SAN OIEJO GAS & ELECTRIC PLAnf LOCATION: c^CInA _ __ OiMil TESTED: 4 OuCT NUMBER: STACK 0 J C i" AR E A s 1 53 . 9 43 u . FT . , 1 4'_^01^_ "OUvJ I' LJCAf ION : \JN I i ' 4 I A TEST NJV.3ERS 2^53 OATt: AJG 03,7/ TEST COrtO: DP LO/>D ,/ A00 BAR." PRESS-IN HG: 29.79 PirOT TUDh FACTOR: O.H30 FILTER FL3-42 /8 flMt SAMPLE VOLUME < OCF) RUG HOG (DEG.F) IN OUT Si' Art1 Al 3 4 o 0 STAR ol 2 34 3 O STAR 01 2 J 4 O o S i'nrt L) 1 ^J 4 5 o 0. 3.0 "10.0 1 3.0 20.0 ^3.0 30.0 30.0 33.0 40.0 43.0 30.0 33.0 o 0 . 0 oO .0 O3.0/o.o 73.0 dO.O 83.0 90.0 yo.O y3.0 1 00.0 1 03.0 1 1 0.0 1 1 3.0 1^0.0 9 1 . 450 94.320 "97. 150 9v . 9 00 102.330 103. 160 1 0 / . o 10 7.000 " 1 0.840 1 4. 1 1 0 17. 400 20.ol 0 23.050 20.350 2o.J30 2o.B60 31 . 120 337330 33.420 37.^80 39.41 0 39.41 0 42.o20 43.900 4d. 440 52 .490 "' '55. 790 58.930 2 " ' 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 3"~3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 . 5 00 .300 . 4^0 .200 ..'500 .800 .200 . 3 00 .300." i no . 700 .200 .000 .300 . 300 .300 .300 . i >jO . 2 00 .300 .400 .400 .300 .000 1 . i . i . 0. 0. 0. '" f. 1 .1 .1 .1 . 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. . * , . . , 050 V2. 92 030 90. 92 000 100. 94 920 104. 96 340 106. 97 760 100. 98 330" 400 400 300 " 160 S80 -340 630 630 " 54 ) 540 460 330 400 430 450 400 250 Oo. 1 10 11. 1 02 13. 102 13. 1 4. 1 4. 03. 10. 1 ^. . 10.u.11. 1 0._. 1 ^ . 1 4. 1 4. 13. 04 04 04 04 04 03 05 Oo 06 06 06 06 06 Oo 1 3 . 1 06 . 0. • O • . 0. . 0. . 0 . . 0. o. . 0. . p_._ • '•-' * . 0. . 0. . 0. . _lj_. * vj • . 0.. p. . 0. • ^ •. 0. . 0. . 0 > of 51 ol ol ol 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 37 37 57 57 57 57 37 57 57 57 ,~0. T57 . 0.157 340. 340. 350. 345. 343. 343. 340. 345. 3^5. 330. 330. 345. 340. 333. 333. 333. ... 335. 335. 350. 343. 345. 345. 345. 345. I E Oi<c YORK RGocArtCri U CONNECTICUT 06906 JOB 3ER: 4-? 125 CLI EN PLANT T: SAJM OIEGO GAS ei cLECTRIC LOCATION: ENClNA UN! T i'cSTEOs 2 JuCT NU./IDCK: STACK OuCT ARcA: 1 1 3 . i OSu. FT. , i 2'-0" DIA UJCT LOCATION: uNIT 2 F I LTE R N Ur.lD cR S : FL3-4 3 1 3 SA.nPLc ELAP SA./.PLE POINT TI.Ac vOL'JME (:,'JN) (JCF) SI'Art Ai ^3 4 3 0 3 TAR a 1 ^3 4 3 O S TAK Cl 2 3 4 O O STAR L)l ^3 4 3 O 0. 3.0 10. 0 1 3.0 ^ J . 0 ^o.O 3 J.O 3J.O 33.0 40.0 43.0 30.0 33.0 oO.O oO.O O 3 . 0 70.0 /3.0 6 J.O 63.0 90.0 9O.O 93.0 1 JJ.O 1 03.0 1 1 0.0 1 13.0 i^o. o 60.023 62.860 65.660 03.4/0 7 1 .330 74. 1 30 76.620 76. 632 73.980 81 .2/0 83.470 35.490 37.4/0 39.236 89.243 91.7 00 93.930 96.300 98.390 1 O0.o30 102.702 2.723 3. 740 d. 7/0 1 1 . 7 .1 0 1 4.360 1 7.400 19.906 TEST DATE: NUv'iiER: 2 36 A. VUG 04,77 TEST COND: TOP LOAD NO ADO BAR/ PRESS- IN HG: 29. 76 PITOT TUBE FACTOR: 0.^30 TIME PI TOT ORIFICE McTERTEMP NOZ ROG ROG (DEG.F) 01 A (INrkOK Inn20) IN OUT (IN) . 1 00 . I 00 . 1 00 . £ 00 . 1 00 0.8<iO 0 0. 7oO 0 0 . 7 00 0 0.030 0 0.530 0 0.320 0 0.400 0 0.820 '0 0.030 0 0. 700 0 0.700 0 0.380 0 0.3^0 0 .300 1 . 3 00 1 .200 .100 1 . 1 00 1 0.800 0 .030 .030 .030 . 100 . 030 . 760 . 710 . 6oO .610 .510 .490 .370 . 770 .640.no . 60 0 . 340 .490 .200 .200 . 1 00 . 050 . 050 .740 9J. 9^. 96. 98. 9-8. 1 00. 9o. 96. 96. 90. 90. 90. 94. 90. 98. 98. 98. 93. 92. 96. 1 00. 1 00. 100. 102. 90 92 92 92 yz 92 92 92 92 92 92 94 94 94 94 94 96 94 92 94 94 94 94 96 . 0. 1 38 . 0 . 1 33 . 0. 1 33 . 0. 1 33 . 0. M8 . 0.133 . 0.133 . 0.138 . 0.1 ^3 . 0. 1 33 . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. • 0 • . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. 38 33 33 38 ^8 33 33 33 33 ^3 33 38 . 0.188 . 0. i 38 TEST S- STACK (DF) 320. 320. 320. 3^0. 3^0. 3^0. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. " 320. 320. "VRTED: 0?20 STACK VEL (FPS) 71 .04? 7 1 . 04? 71 .04? 74.203 71 .04? 61.3 44 59.057 56.673 54.516 50.23v 43.350 42.344 61.3 -14 55.362 59.057 56.673 51 .591 43. 350 77.239 77.239 74.203 71 .049 7 1 . 049 60.591 fi 1 1 0.3 108.6 108.0 1 05. 7 1 1 0. .) 1 O'T.3 1 09 . 1 1 10.3 1 10.3 110.3 1 11.2 112.8 109. 7 1 19.3 109.7 110.5 110. 6 113.1 1 0 7 . 6 1 07. 4 103.3 1 0? . 6 1 09 . 2 112.0 YORK HcSEARCri CORPORATION KtoEARCri ORI vE, SfAMhORO, CONNECTICUT Oo906 J03 NUMBER: 4-9126 E I n [• c E r ^'f: SAN'DItGO GAS & ELECTRO i' LOCATION: ENCL|A UN If TESTED: 4 ' " uuCf HuMBEri: STACK L>JCi AREA: I 1 3. i 030. .FT., 1 2'-0" DIA TEST NUy.Jt.-i: 2-Bo3 DATE: AUG 04,77 "TEST CONDi" TOP L'JAD"M "ADD BAR. PRESS-IN rlG: 29.76 PirOT TUBE FACTOR: 0.330jucr L FiLfER SAMPLE Poi^T — SfAK 01 <L J 4 3 0 OiAK Cl 2 J 4 3 O STAR dl ^J 4 3 O S f AR Al <± J 4 O 6 OCATUJN : Ui^i' I r 2 TIMt TEST STA REED: 1230 NUMdcRS: FLo-4Jld tLAP flMh (Ala) 0. 3.0 I 0.0 i o , 0 <iO.O ^o.O JO.O JO.O 33.0 40.0 43.0 30.0 33 .0 oO .0 oO.O 03. (J /O.O /3.0 dO.O CJ 3 . 0 vO.O VJ.O V3.0 •JO.O 03.0 10.0 1 3.0 ^0.0 SAMPLE VOLUME (DCF) 20. 1 42 23.^/0 2o.^30 29.^90 32. 130 34.840 3 / . 43 3 3/. 440 39.V40 4^.^90 44.340 46. 660 4d. /SO 30. 72J 50. /32 33. 130 33,2/0 3 / . 3 / 0 39.360 o 1 .360 63.213 63.^25 66 .030 od.doO / 1 . 720 /4.040 /7.4IO 79.940 PI TOT RUU ( LiH^O . 3 no . 3 00 .300 . 100 .000 0 . y 00 0.340 0.740 0.6oO O.oOO O.oOO 0.340 0.7bO 0.6(JO 0. 360 0.3^:0 0.3^0 0.430 1 . I 00 . 1 00 1 . 1 00 i .^00 .000 O.b30 ORIFICE ROG )(Ii>iH20) 1 .200 1 .200 1 .200 1 .050 • 0.930 0.840 0.760 0.690 0.620 0 . 56 0 0.560 0.500 0. /30 0.5oO 0.540 0.4130 0.480 0.420 1 .030 1 .050 1 . 030 1 . 1 00 0.960 0. 7/0 MhTER ( D6G. IN 90. 92. 98. 100. 1 3*. . \d<>. 1 00, i no. 102. 102. 102. 10^. 1 00. 1 00. 1 00. 1 00. i 00. 1 00. 98. 100. 1 00 . 1 00. 102. 102. TEMP F) 0 UT 38. 90. 90. 92. 94. 94. 96. 96. 96. 96. 98. 98. 98. 93. 9d. 98. 98. 98. 96. v5. V8. 98. 98. 93. NOZ DIA (IN) 0. 188 0. 1 88 0. 1 88 0. 1 8ci 0. 0. W « 0. 0. ' J • 0. 0. 0. w • 0. 0. 0. 0. w • o » 0. 0. 0. 0. 88 •38 88 88 ^8 88 88 88 88 88 ^8 88 88 86 88 86 83 66 86 88 STACK TEMP (DF) 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 31 0. 310. 310. 320. 320. 31 0. 320. 3^0. 320. 320. 320. 320. STACK %I VEL (FPS) — 77.43? 1^.2 77.439 Oo.o 77 . 439 08 . 2 71.233 09.5 67.913 09.2 64.433 10.2 62.248 09.9 58.426 10.0 55.177 11.3 52.609 1 1 0.0 52.609 109.8 4y.9I.O 106.1 59.598 52.271 51 .3v2 48. ?7/ 46. 97/ 45.268 7! .233 71 .233 71 .233 74.401 6/.916 61.877 09.4 09.3 1 0. 1 1 0 . y 11.5 1 0.4 08. / 0 7 . 6 09 . 7 07.3 1 1 .3 1 1 .3 r k I I YOriK PEdcA DrilVc, SfA.-lrOrJO, GOiSi-icGTICuT 06906 JOB 4-91 26 JLltJf! bAn DInGO GAS & -LEGTklG PLA;U~ LOCATION: E.JGIiJA _ _ JjGl i'luMocri. SIACiC uuvJf AHcA: J_ 1 3._! J)bu._rj_._,_ 1 2y-Q'' DIA "O j'Ji LOGAriO^ : "u^'IT 4 rILTcri ^ UMbiEriSs hL3-4300 TEST iM:J.,!:iiHi 2d/A DATE: A'JG 05,77 TEST COrQ: TOP LOAD -iO AOO PiroT ruoE FAcro3j_o.d3o_ TUE TEST' STA^TtD : DTr) 5AMPLt~ 'PITOT 03TFrCE"M"ETESTEM"P"'i^)Z" "STACK" "STACK" POinf I'lMt vOLuM£ HOG rtOG (OEG.r) DIA TEMP y/EL (-'ilJ} .(OCF) (Uti40) C Ii^ri20) LM' OJ f ( LO (OF) (FPS) r I c I Oi'Art Jl 4 j 4 3 O 3 x'Ari Cl 4 J i" A H J 4 A I "2 J 4 D O •J. -J.O 1 J.O 13.0 40.0 43. 0 J 0 . 0 J 0 . 0 JD .0 40.0 43.0 30.0 33 . 0 o 0 . 0 o 0 . 0 O3 .0 /O.O /3. 0 dO.O CS3.0 ^0.0 90.0 V3.0 JO. 0 03.0 1 0 . 0 ) 3.0 40.0 dO. 190 d2.o30 i . dD.330 1. Hd.d'JO 1 . 9 1 .OoO 1 . 9d.odO 0. Vo.OdO 0. Vo.OdO 98.370 0. lOO.o 00 G. i 02 . / 00 0 . 104. /I 0 0. 100.630 0. .iOd.J90 0. d . 39 0 O.d90 0. 3.160 0 . 3.J90 0. /.3/0 0. 9. /dO 0. 21. MO 0. 21 . /dO 24.0dO 1 . 47. 360 1 . 3 0.3 JO 1. 3J.-J40 1 . 30.040 1 . 3d. 360 0. 000 1 00 1 00 i no 930 /dO /DO 030 620 340 bOO 400 ddO toQ 030 6 DO oOO 340 400 40O 2 00 1 00 000 /DO . 0.930 I . 000 1 . 000 i . 000 0. ddO 0. /20 0. 700 0.600 0.3/0 0.300 0.4oO 0.370 0.310 0.690 O.o 00 0 . 6 00 0. 30 0 0.300 I . 100 1 . 1 00 i . 1 00 1 . 000 0.930 0.690 dO. 90. 9o. 94. I 00. 1 00. 9o. 9d. 100. 1 00. 1 00. 1 00. 1 00. 101 . 1 04 . 101. 1 ')0. 100. 9o. 101 . 1 03. 104. 1 Oo. 103. 79 b2 d 4 tiO dd 90 92 92 - 93 94 V4 96 96 97 97 9d vd yd 96 96 9d yy 1 00 1 00 . 0. :^\ • O . . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . ^. o. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. 1 dd 1 3d 1 dd Idd 1 33 1 vd 1 dd 1 dd i dd 1 38 1 dd 1 '-?8 1 dd 1 dd Idd 1 -d 1 ^d I8d I dd i dd Idd 1 dd 1 S8 1 R3 320 320 320 3*0 340 31 -3 320 320 320 31 3 31 3 300 320 320 340 320 3^0 310 320 320 320 320 320 310 . 61 . 71 . 71 71 66 59 . 53 . 54 . 53 49 . .17 42 . 63 . 3d . 54 54 . 52 . 49 . 74 74 . 74 . 71 . 67 . 53 . /S5 .094 .094 . 194 .069 .074 . 704 .650 .374 .652 . 77d .313 .5dd . 704 .650 .6 50 .0^6 . 49 1 .255 .255 .255 .094 . 785 .325 1 09 . 0 105.4 1 0 / . 2 Ijo. 3 1 03.4 109. ) 1 06 . 0 111.3 1 0 f . i 1 39.3 1 03.3 109.9 1 06. d 1 04. 3 1 10.3 IQd.O 114.1 lOd. 1 106. 3 1 05. I 107.2 1 0 / . 9 107.3 105.d YORK HEStAROH CORPORATION C RcocAHCri ORiVE, STAMFORO, CONNECT1C Jl 06906 J03 I r G 0 I CLieNT: 5 AN DIcuO JAS A eLECTRlC PLAniT LOCATION: _ENCInA __ "UiU 1' TcoTcu: 2 " JuCT NuMiiErt: STACK '_ AR£A: I I 3 ._ 1 OSo.FT. , 12y-0" DIA TEST HUM Lit,-}: 28/D DATE: AuG 05,II TEST COmjV" TOP "LOAD A'0'~AOO SAR. PRESS-1.\ HG: 2v. 76 PI TOT TUBE FACTOR: 0.830 LJJCl F i L I LOCATI EH nUr/ib SAMPLE ELAH POii-U" TI.-Ac Si'nR 01 "2 3 4 5 ' o STAR Ci 2 3 4 o s TAR 2 4 3 o Al 3 4 3 O 0. 3.0 "10.0 13.0 ^0.0 JO.O 30.0 33.0 40.0 43.0 3 0 . 0 33.0 o J.O oO.O O3 .0 /J.O 73.0 d-J. J ib 3 . 0 90.0 90.0 V3.0 1 00 . 0 1 03.0 1 1 0.0 1 1 3.0 " 120.0 ON : UNIT 2 cRS: FL3-4299 SAMPLE VOLUME (UCF) 38.630 4l.olO "44.600 4/.330 50. 140 53 . 1 oO 3D. 160 57.o50 59.920 02. 120 64.^ /O 66.340 08.330 03.350 71 . 160 74.810 7O.V3 J 7cs.o90 dO.ooO 80.660 80 .040 9 1 . o i 0 ' 94.270 90.030 PI TOT RUG (INH20 .^00 ."200 . 1 00 . 1 00 . 000 0.760 "0'. ddO 0 . 7 00 O.O50 0.030 0.6(JO 0.340 0. /30 0 . o 00 "O.o 00" 0.340 0.5GO "" 0 . 4 00 1 . 000r . ooo 1 . 1 00 . 100 0".950 O.bOO nME TEST 5 ORIFICE McTtHTE.A? NOZ S ROJ (DEG.F) OLA )(Ind20) IN OUT (IN) 1 . 1 no 1 ."1 00 1 . 000 1 . 000 0.930 0 . 69 0 0.310 0.640 0 . o DO 0.600 0.340 0.500 0. 700 0.340 ~d~."5~4G" 0 . 3 00 0.460 "0.370 0.930 0.930 1 . 000 1 .000 0.330 0. 740 83. ""'92.'" 96. 99. 100. 94. 96. 9o. 96 . 96. 93. 93. 93. 98. 96. ~9 3 7 " 94. 1 00. 1 00. 100. 1 00. 86* 90 ! 90. 92. 92. 94. 94. 94. 9'3. 94. 96. 90. V3 . 93. 94. 93. 9D. 96. 96. 96. 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 O.I 0.1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 O.I 0. 1 "0.1 0. 1 0. 1 "0.1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 33 3d 33 S 38 33 33 38 38 38 33 38 38 33 33 33 38 33 38 38 TACK TEMP (OF) 31 5. 320. 320. 320. 320. 3 00 . 31 5. 31 5. 315. 31 3. 310. 310. 31 6. 320. 3207 315. 315. 3 i' 0 . 315. 3 I 37 31 5. 3 ID. 316. 315. TAR TED: 1250 STACK %l V£L — (FPS) 73. 74. 71 . 71 . 67. 67. 63. 56. 54. 54. 52. 49. 53. 52. """52. 49. " "42! ~67 '. 70. 70. 65. 60. 981 219 060 060 753 918 354"""" 5^4 •"49 149 1 43 437 43| "481 623 753 375 533 533 331 331 325 " 405 11.1 11.1 07.3 06.2 08. 3 06.3 06.9 03. 7 09.3 07.0 06.6 39.1 30.4 91-7 1 6. / 09.^ 1 1 .J 09 . 0 07.0 06. 1 06.3 09.1 07.7 YORK RcSt'ARCri RESEARCH CORPORATION c, STA/nFORO, CONNECT 1C UT 06906 J03 NUMBER* 4-91 26 1 fi F nL f: LJ \ P[-'•; n1: e CLIENT: SAN DIEoO JAS & cLECTRICPLANT LOCATION: ENCIHA "UNIT TcSTEu: 2 " "" JJCT NUMBER: STACK JUCT AREA* 1 13. 1 OSU.FT. , 12'-0"DIA TEST NUMBER: 290A DATE: AUG 03, 77 """TEST CDiVD: TOP LOAD rt ADD' " '"'" BAR- PRESS-IN HG> 29.76 PITOT TUBE FACTOR: 0.830 JJCT LOCATION: UNIT 2 FILTER iiUMoe'RS* FLs-4363 SAMPLE ELAP PJIolT — STAR Al 2 3 4 3 O STAR Bl 2 „ 3 4 i 6 STAk ^* i 2 3 4 5 0 STAR 01 ^3 4 5 6 TIME UIN) 0. 5.0 10.0 1 5.0 20.0 ^3.0 30.0 30.0 3o . 0 40.0 4D.O 50.0 5o.O oO.O 60.0 .-v :-. •">v ' — ' * 70.0 30.0 85-0 90.0 90.0 9D.O 1 30.0 105.0 1 1 0.0 1 1 5.0 1 <iO.O SAMPLE" VOLUME (DCF) 0. 2.660 5 . D 00 8.360 1 I .090 13. 730 16.131 1 6. 1 45 18.620 20.850 22.930 24.870 26.900 28.658 28.658 T "• » 33.5/0 30.820 3/.870 39.8/0 41 .o08 41 .822 44.820 47. 790 49.8/0 52.650 55.420 58 . 1 00 ~ PITOT RDG (INH20 . 000 . .200 .200 . 100 .000 0.. 880 0.380 0.720 0.620 0.560 0.560 0.420 .'. •••^ _ ? — 0.800 0.720 0.600 0.560 0.5^0 .300 .300 .200 1 . 100 ""1 .100 0.360 TIME "OR I F I CE" "McTERTEMP "NOZ ROo ) ( INH20 0.900 1 . 100 1 . 100 1 . 000 0.900 0.790 0.790 0.640 0.560 0.500 0.500 0.380 3 0.720 """"0.'640 0.540 0.500 0.470 1 .160 1 . 150 1 . 1 00 1 . 000 1 .000 0.770 (DEG. ) IN 90. 94. 98. 1 00. 100. 93. 90. 92. 96. 9o. 96. 96. ' — . 96. 1 00. 100. 1 00. 98. 96. 02. 04. -1 04. 1 "" 00. ~" 02. F) OUT 84. 86. 38. 90. 90. 90. 90. 90. 92. 92. 94. 94. 92. 93. 96. 96. 96. 96. 98. 00. 00. 94. 94. DIA (IN) 0. 1 38 0. 138 0 . 1 38 0. 188 0. 138 0. 138 0. 138 0. 138 0. 1 38 0. 138 0. 183 0. 1 3d i .-, „,• 0. 1 33 O.l"33 0. 1 33 0.133 0. 1 83 0. 1 38 0. 133 0. 1 38 0. 188 ""0. 1 38 0. 183 TEST STARTED: 0906 """STACK " TEMP (OF.) 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 310. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. "320." 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. '"STACK "" "" VEL (FPS) 67.340 74.315 74.315 71 .1 51 67.340 63.230 63.639 57.564 53 . 4 1 7 50.767 50. 767 43.965 .. -' • ~ 60.673 57.564 52.549 50. /67 43.920 77.349 77.349 74.315 71.151 "71. 151 62.912 % I —— 08.4 05.2 05.4 04. 7 08.2 1 00.3 107.0 106.3 106.4 104.4 1 '09 . 0 1 09 . 0 \y 1 • W 04.9 05.9 05.9 06.9 07.7 05. / 04.0 75.6 05.5 105.9 11 5. 7 YORK RcSEARCH CORPORATION One: RESEARCH DRI^E, STAMFORD, CONNECTICUT 06906 JOB NUMBER: 4-9126 i "k I i pu r ftL r 0 Li Ei UNIT . OUCT OJCT JT: SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC " LOCATION: EnCINA TESTtD: 2 " "" " " '~ ~ NUMBER: STACKAREA: i i 3. IOSO.FT., 12^-0" DIA DuvJT LOCATION: UNIT 2 FILTER NUMoERS: FL5-4326 SAMPLE ELAP SAMPLc P"IT()T~M1 FICE POINT TIME VOLUME HDG RDG . — (MlN) (DQF) (INH20HINH20) STAR - 01 2 3 4 o 6 STAR "Cl 2 3- 4 3 O STAR di 2 3 4 o 6 STAR Al 2 3 4 3 6 0. 3.0 1 0.0 1 3.0 20.0 23.0 30.0 30.0 "35.0 40.0 43.0 30.0 55.0 oO.O oO.O 03.0 70.0 /3.0 30.0 33.0 90.0 yO.O 93.0 ] 00.0 1 03.0 1 10.0 .1 13.0 1*0.0 58.050 6 1 . 9 00 64.8/0 0/.640 /0.4 10 /3.200 75.61 5 75.630 78.070 ~ 80.440 82.6/0 34. /40 86.8/0 38.800 83.813 91.1/0 93.440 93.0/0 9/. /30 99 . / 1 0 1 01 .430 1 .490 4.260 /.040 1 0. 000 12.910 1 D.530 18.030 .300 .300 . 100 . 100 . i 00 0.340 "07840" 0.800 0. 700 O.oOO 0.640 0.520 0.300 0.700 0.680 O.oOO 0.340 0.400 1 . 1 00 1 . 1 00 1 .300 .200 1 .000 0.360 1 . 150 1 . 150 1 . 000 1 1 . 000 1 1 . 000 1 0. 750 1 "07750" 0.720 1 0.630 0.540 1 0.580 1 0.470 0.720 0.630 0.61 0 0.540 0.480 0.360 1 . 000 1 .000 1 1 . 150 1 1 . 1 00 1 0.900 1 0. 770 1 (0EG. IN 92. 96. 02. 04. 04. 04. 98^ 00. 02. 04. 00. 02. 98. 00. 00. 1 02. 1 00. 00. 98. 02. 02. 02. 04. 1 02. TEST NUM3ER: 2903 DATE: AUG 03,77 TEST CON'Di TOP LOAD rt ADD BAR. "PRESS-IN HG: 29.76 PITOT TUdE FACTOR: 0.330 TIME TEST STARTED: 1235 fTE"MP~ NOZ SfA'CiC~~STACK %I F) DIA TEMP VEL OUT (IN) (DF) (FP5) 94 96 98 98 98 98 "96 93 93 98 98 98 96 93 00 00 98 98 96 98 98 98 00 98 . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. 7" or . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. 33 38 38 33 83 33 38 38 33 33 33 33 33 38 33 83 . 0. 1 83 . 0. 1 33 . 0. 1 38 . 0. 1 88 . 0.138 . O.I 38 . 0. 1 33 . 0.133 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 3^0 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 . 77.273 1 . 77.273 1 . 7 1 . 08 1 1 . 71 .081 1 . 71.. 081 1 . 62.115 1 . 62.115 . 60.613 . 56.703 . 52 . 49 7 . 54.213 . 43.372 . 60.613 . 56.703 55.^87 . 52.497 . 49 . 303 1 . 42.363 1 . 7 1 . 03 1 1 . 7 1 . 08 1 1 . 77.273 1 . 74.242 1 . 67.773 1 . 62.350 1 15.3 04.3 05.6 05.4. 06 . 2 05. 1 06.9 06.0 06.5 06 . 6 06.5 06.9 05. 7 03.6 03.0 06 . 0 07.3 1 1 .9 06. 1 06.') 03.3 06.2 06.4 07. 7 YORK Re3cARCH CORPORATION RcScARCn URlv'E, STAFFORD, CO: [.HECTIC UT 06906 JOS 4-9126 I I f G E E 0 r nfj SAn OIEoO JAS ci ELcOTRIC f LOCATION: Ei-iCIiM 'jiiif TESTtJ: 1 " JJCf NuMbEn: STACK DUCT AREA: 11 3 . i OSO. FT., 1 2/-q^_DIA_ JoCT"LOCATION: uNIf 1 FiLTER nuMbcRS: FLo-4212 PuinT TIME (MIN) TEST NoMdER: 291\ _DA.f£: AUG 09, 77 " TEST COhO: TOP LOAO'm) ADO BAR. PRESS-IN ,-iJ: 29.75 PITOT_TJb£ FACTOR: 0.330 ~ TlMc TE5T"3TARr£Or0920 Di Art SI 3 4 3 O S i'Ak E! 3 4 6 Si AH 3 4 3 O STAR •» L. 3 4 5 6 0. 3.0 I 0.0 1 3.0 JO.O 30.0 33.. 0 40.0 43.0 30.0 33.0 oO.O oO.O 63.0 70.0 80.0 33.0 90.0 90.0 93.0 1 00.0 1 03.0 1 10.0 1 lo.O 120.0 SAMPLE PI TOT VOLUME RDu (OCF) (INH20 18.330 20.820 0.920 23.^50 0.880 ^3.330 0.600 ^7.600 0.700 ^9.860 C.oOO 31.890 0.330 31.89 0 34.300 37. 730 4 1 .230 43.970 40.730 49.390 49.390 .300 .300 .400 .400 . 1 00 .000 51.V20 0.920 54.340 0.920 5/.030 0.9*0 39.bbO 0.830 01.930 0.780 '63.970 0.330 63.970 66.250 0.700 68.430 0.700 70.700 0.6bO 72.830 0.600 74.760 O.bOO 76.560 0.430 ORIFICE ROG 0.330 0.300 0. 720 O.obO 0. 560 0.510 1 .130 i . 150 1 .250 1 .250 1 . 000 0.900 0.330 .0.330 0.830 0. 770 0.700 0.500 0.650 0.650 0.590 0.560 0.450 0.410 MtTt'S (DEU. 75. 80. 38. 91 . 93. 94. 94. 99. 102. 1 04. 1 03 . 104. 99. 104. 106. 108. lOcs. 104. 102. 104. lOo. 106. 106. 104. TEMP F) 0 UT 73. 74. 76. 77. 60. 82. 86. 88. 89. 90. 91 . 92. 92. 95. 96. 96. 98. 97. 96. yd. 98. 99. 99. 99. NOZ DIA 0. 1 33 U • 1 So 0 . 1 33 0. 1 83 0. 138 0. 1 38 0. 188 0. I 33 0. 1 38 0. 133 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 . 0. 0. 0. 0. 33 3d 38 38 38 83 38 83 33 38 38 33 38 0. 1 33 STACK TEMP (OF) 330. 330. 330. 330. 3^5. 320. 330. 300. 335. 335. 330. 330. 330. 340. 335. 345. 345. 320. 330. 340. 340. 335. 335. 330. STA (FP 03. 63. 60. 57. 52. 50. 77. 76. 80. 80. 71 . 63. 65. 65. 65. 63. 60. 50. 57. 57. 55. 52. 43. 45. CK S) 360 923 9 43 012 o!6 215 694 205 332 382 463 142 360 772 566 413 750 215 012 372 235 950 336 711 — 09. 103. 107. 109. 1 09. Ml. 104. 102. 122. 92. 07. 106. 106. .110. 106. 03. 103. 1 09. 109. 07. 1 1 . 10. 09. 07. 0 2 9 6 0 5 5 o 1 3 1 6 9 / 8 5 9 9 3 3 1 5 7 7 YORK RESEARCH CORPORATION JOB N = ri* 4-9126 I I D I £ I [ L I i: - : fAir uicOO GAS & ELECTRIC PLArtT JNIT DJCTDJCTDJCT LOCATION: ENCINA TESTED* 1 ill OntdER : STACK AREA: i i3.ioso.FT., i LOCATION": UN If 1 2'-0" DIA TEST DATE : TEST. BAR. PI TOT TIME NUM3ER: 2913 AuG 09, 77 CONDi PRESS- TUBE TEST S TOP LOAD IN HG: 2 FACTOR : FARTED: .K) A 9.72 0.330 1255 DD FILTER NUMcJERS: FL5-43O4 SAMPLE "ELAP SAMPLE ~PITOT" POINT — STAR 01 2 3 4 0 o STAR Cl <> 3 4 o 6 Di'AR dl 2 J 4 o 6 Sl'AH Al 2 3 4 0 o TIME VOLUME RDG (Mlw) (DCF) (IdH<dO) 0. /6.8IO 5.0 79.460 0.950 10.0 31.960 0.380 lo.O .34.3/0 0.840 20.0 80.610 0. 100 <io.O 88.730 O.ooO 30.0 90.640 0.500 30.0 90.640 3 o.O 93.750 .400 40.0 96. /80 .300 4o.O 99.880 .300 o!0.0 102.800 .300 5o.O 105.860 ,<iOO oO.O 108.030 .000 oO.O 8.030 oo.O 11.410 1 . 000 /O.O 1 3.330 1 .000 /o.O 16.430 O.^oO 80.0 18.9/0 0.8oO oo.O 20.9/0 O.oOO 90.0 23. i /O 0.600 90.0 23. 1 /O 9 o.O ^0.490 0.750 100.0 2/./30 0.7oO lOo.O 30.000 O./OO NO.O 32.030 0.000 II 3.0 34.040 0.500 1^0.0 35.850 0.450 ORIFICE" METER RDG (DEG. (INH20) IN O.360 90. 0.300 98. 0./60 102. 0.630 104. 0.530 104. 0.4aO 100. .250 . 1 50 . 150 . 1 50 . 100 0.900 0.900 0 . 9 00 0.860 0. 770 0.540 0.540 0.600 0.660 0.630 0.560 0.450 0.410 00. 06. O/. 08. 1 03. 08. 1 04. 06. 06. 03. 08. 08. 02. 03. 1 03. 1 0<i. 02. 02. TEMP F) OUT 38. 90. 92. 94. 95. 96. 96. 98. 98. 00. 99. 00. 99. 00. 00. 00. 00. 02. 99. 00. 00. 93. 98. 98. — ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 NOZ"' DIA IN) , . . . . . » 9 9 . m • 9 ^ • , • . • • 0. 0 0 0 • • • 38 38 ^8 33 38 33 38 33 38 38 38 38 38 38 33 38 33 33 88 33 33 33 33 88 'STACK TEMP (DF) 335. 335. 335. 330. 330. 290. 335. 335. 335. 330. 330. 320. 345. 345. 345. 345. 340. 340. 340.- 340. 3^0. 340. 340. 330. "STACK VEL CFP5) 66 . 776 64.269 62.791 57. 140 55.061 4/.054 81 .063 73. 1 15 73. 1 15 77.369 74.314 67.362 63.941 63.941 67. 1 95 63.560 53.235 53.235 59 . 5 1 9 59 . 5 1 9 57.500 53.235 43.597 45.814 ~'~%l — — ! 1 08 06 07 05 05 106 06 1 03 102 1 1 1 105 16 3>9 107 1 08 103 113 137 1 06 106 108 1 1 1 103 .2 . 1 .2 . ^T .4 .2 . 1 . o .9 .0 .3 .0 .2 .4 .2 . 5 .4 .5 .9 .3 . 7 .2 .6 . 0 J03 N O.vc RcSEARCn OKlv'f, STAmFORD, CONNECTICUT 06906 r o n 0 c r c N'T: SAi* JIEGO GA3 6. ELECTRIC f LOCATION: tNCLM JNlT TESTED: 2 ~ L)J C I* N J../1 DEK : 5 f AC.C OoC£ ArtEA^ _ 1 I3.J JovJ._FJ_. , I2X-Q" QIA UuCl LOCAi IOi>T: "UN I i 2" FIi_i"cri NLUioERS: FL3-434y TEST riu'MaER: 2-;2 A DATE: AUG I 1, 77 TEST. CC);JD:~ TOP LOAD -i AOD 3AR.'PRESS-IN HG: 29.76 _PITOT TU3£ F-\CT:)j?i J. 830 TIME" TEST" STARTED: ~G90 1 'SAMPLc'ELAP'SAMPLE PITOTl)RrFrCE~METERTEMP~NOZSTACK""STACK PJirif TIME VOLUME *Do RDG (DEo.F) OIA TE.4P vEL — (,/iIiO (uCF) ( lNn20) (INH20) 1^ OUT (IrJ) (OF) (FPS) 6 f A.-^ Al 2 J 4 D O 01 Art bl 2 J ^ D 6 Oi'Arf 01 £ J 4 o 0 o f An! Jl <L J 4 D O J. 3.0 TJ.O 1 3.0 4.J.-J ^3.0 JJ.O J.J.O 3 o.O 4J.O 43.0 3 J . 0 33.0 o 0 . 0 00. 0 03.0 /J.J /3.0 JJ . 0 33.0 yO.O yO.O V3.0 1 OiJ.O 103.0 1 1 0 . 0 113.0 i^O.O J2. i 03 34.V.30 3/. 730 40.330 43. 4')0 43.9 /O 4d.^9^ 48.^9^ 50.730 33.010 33.230 3 7. JO J 59.350 o! .031 61 .031 63.300 60.020 od.3l 0 / O.o 10 7^. /6J 74. /33 74. 733 //. 7/0 30. 3 10 33. 740 36. 3dO 89.290 9 1 . / d / ! . 1 00 ""1 ."100" " 1 . 1 00 1 .^00 O.v^O 0.740 " 0 . 860 " O.ooO 0.6oO 0 . o 00 0.520 0.3oO O.o60 O.b^O 0. <\'jQ 0. /GO 0.620 0.32!) 1 . 400 1 .400 1 .^00 1 . i 00 ! .000 O.d 00 1 1 1 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 1 11 0 0 .030 ."ODO I . 010 t . 1 00 1 .3<iJ .6oO 1 .760 1 . 59 0 1 .590 1 .340 1 .4/0 1 .340 1 .760 . 730 .620 1 .620 1 . 33 0 I .4/0 1 .250 .230 . 1 10 . 000 .900 . /20 90 00 06 Ob U 12 02 04 04 04 0^ 00 90 93 00 00 0^ (U 9d 0^ Oo Oo 06 08 . 12. .' 74." . /6 . 78. 8 0 . 80. . 3^. . 32. . 34. . 3^. 84. . 34. 32. -</!. *~>^ . . 34. ci2 . . 34. . 34. d2. b4. 84. 84. . 86. . 36. 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 0 0 o'\j 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 1 -53 . 1 -53 " . 133 . 1 -33 . i 33 . 1 38 . 1 =»3 " " " . =i3 . 3d . S3 . 33 . 33 . 1 13 . 1 --vS . 1 3d . 1 3d . 1 33 . 1 38 . 1 33 . 1 38 . 1 33 . 1 38 . 1 88 . 1 88 320. 3^0. 320. 320. 320. 31 0. 320." 320. 320. 320. 320. 3 1 0. 320. 3^0. 320. 320. 320. 310. 320. 820. 320. 320. 320. 320. 71 . 71 . 71 . 74. 63 . 61. 62. 55. 55. 52. 43. 41 . 62. 61 . 30. 56 . 53. 43. 30. 30. 7i. 71 . 6/. 60. I 12 1 02 102 264 1^5 94j 369 075 076 51 3 337 522 369 .390 /20 720 381 572 214 2 14 264 1 02 793 636 13.2 07.9 OR. 3 15.3 1 7 . 3 07.9 03.6 10. - 1 0. 7 1 0.9 11 .3 12.9 03.3 10.2 1 0.3 1 ! 1 .0 1 1 O.d 0 -9 . d 04 . 4 03.6 08.2 09 . 2 09. i 1^. 1 1 r o c Drt_I v £, STAi''iF_0_r<0, 0 lizoO JA3 <s CUT Oo90o JOd ^4-9126 EP, : 29^3 DATE: AyJ_JO,77 TESTTCONorTOP LOAO ,i A'biJ" tiAJ. P.'-?E55- 11<! HG: 29. ft)^ljyL-Idi3£j=ACTOj?_i__o. 330 il^E TEST STATED* 1243 ELAP SAMPLE' PITOT O^IFICE~METEPTEMP NOZ" STACK STACKn,.\F VOLUME POU RDG (DEJ.F) DIA TEMP VEL .5^*iL i Ii-<ri20)( I.-M20) j.^ OUT ( IrO (_QFJ (F^5_L ii' LOCATIO^ UnIT TESTED' 2 JjCf ^ u.'luCH ! i: 0 oC i AiiE A' 1 i 3.i 030.FT.* OuCf LOCATIONS UH I f 2 FL5-433/ OIA S i'Art 01 £ 3 4 3 O 5 I'AK Cl 2 j 4 3 O of AH al ^j 4 3 O O j. /\rt Al £ J 4 3 O J. 3.0 1 0.0 1 3.0 20.0 23.0 30.0 30.0 33.0 40.0 43.0 30.0 33 . 0 oO. 0 oO.O 03.0 /O.O /3.0 do . 0 C33.0 90.0 90.0 93.0 1 'JJ.O 103.0 1 I 0.0 1 13.0 1 <dO. 0 92.000 9D. 1 30 98.300 101.190 104. 130 1 00.950 1 09.393 9.393 1 1 .950 14.360 1 0.740 I v. 130 2 1 . -3 70 23.400 23.400 25. 930 28.300 30. 480 3^.oOO 34. /20 36.433 30.433 •39.^60 4^:. 030 44.0/0 47. 700 30.330 52. /o/ 1 . 400 1 .400 I .200 1 .^00 1 . 1 00 0 . o 00 0.8oO O.VoO 0. /^O 0.7^0 0. o^O 0.340 0.900 0. 700 0. o20 0.3dO 0. 560 0.330 1 . 1 00 1 . 1 00 1 . 1 00 1 .^<:0 0.900 0.820 ' .230 .230 . 1 00 1 . 1 00 1 .000 1 0.710 1 0. 730 0.630 1 0.640 1 0.640 1 0.530 1 0.430 1 0.300 0.620 0. 550 O.b20 1 0.520 0. 340 1 .000 1 . 000 i 1 . 000 1 1 . 1 00 1 0.300 1 0. 730 1 90. 93. 0^. 04. 04. 04. 96. 00. 02. 00 . 00. 00. 93. . 9d. 93. 00. 90. 93. 94. 00. 0<i. Q£ . 0^. 02. 62. 84. 34. 64. ^4. 84. 34. 34. 34. 64. 34. 34. 84. 84. 34. 84. 34. 84. 32. 64. 64. 64. 64. 64. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. • 1-< » 0. 0. 0. 0. 1 ^8 1 88 1 -"8 1 33 1 63 i -!8 1 83 1 -,3 186 i 66 1 66 1 68 1 38 1 68 1 63 1 88 1 36 166 1 R8 188 1 63 1 66 183 1 36 320. 330. 330. 330. 330. 3 1 0. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 320. 330. 3.30. 330. .330. 320. 330. 330. 330. 330. 330. 320. 30.267 R0.780 74./S3 74.786 71 .504 60.286 63.633 59 . 1 40 57.563 57.563 53.416 49.851 64.357 57.120 53. 13 J 51 .994 51 .99-4 41.313 71 .604 7 1 . 604 71 .804 74. 733 66.392 61 .430 109.0 106.3 107.4 109.1 1 ^9 . J 1 00 . .j 1 O.o 1 2.0 i 3.4 1 4 . 1 1 3.* 1 1 . j 110.3 1 3.2 1 3. J 1 3.4 1 3.6 1 ^ . 8 110.6 1 09. / 1 08 . 3 1 06.2 109.3 10,5.8 YORK HESeARCH CORPORATION RcocArtCri JRHc, STAMFORD, CO.^ECTICuT 06906 J03 HlMBcR: 4-91 26 ft I c H E G C CLIENT: SAH OIcGO GAS & cLECTRIC PLAi-Ji" LOCATION: E.^CIwA _ UiMir TcSTEj: 3 " ~" OuCT HJMtiER: UUCT JJCT AREA: I 1 3 . 1 OSu. F T. , 1 2^-0'^ DIA DUCT LOCATION: UNI T 3 FILTER ^UMoERS: FLD-4340 TEST NUMBER: 2933JATE: AUG I I ,7/ 'TEST COiOi TOP LOAO '/,'0 A00 BAR. •p.RESS-I-'l HG: 29.74 _PITOJ TUBE FACTOR: 0.32p_ TIME TEST STARTEDYT430~ SAMPLE POluT— SiAR Al 2 3 4 D 0 / d 9 1 0 1 1 1 ^ S TAR dl ^3 4 5 O / d 1 9 1 1 0 1 11 * \<L 1 "ELAP TlMc ( A I N ) 0. D.O 10.0 ID.O ^0. 0 2 D.O JO.O 3D.O 40.0 43.0 DO.O DD.O 00. 0 00.0 OD.O /o.o /D.O .>• . dD . 0 90.0 9 D.O •)0.0 OD.O 10. 0 '1.5.0 <iO.O SAMPLE VOLUME (i)CF ) 63. 1 00 65.4/0 6/.930 70. 520 /2. /OO /4.830 //.^/O /9.d20 32 . DOO 85.200 d/. 760 90. iDO 92.410 92.410 9b. 160 9d. IdO 101 .320 .j. . <. - ; 107. 1 40 1 0.000 1 2.D90 1 5.0/0 1 /.370 1 9.650 121.6/0 123.600 "PITOT ROG (-INH20 0.730 0.900 0.850 0 . 7 00 "O.o 50 0 . 7 50 1 . 1 00 1 . 000 1 .000 0.900 " ~0.dOO 0. /OO " 1 . 2 00 1 .DOO 1 .DOO . — 1 . 1 f JO .1 .200 0.900 0.830 0. /OO "0". /OO 0.550 0.450 "ORIFICE RDG )( LNH20) 0.630 " 0.320 0. /DO 0.620 "O.b/0" 0.030 0.960 '0.330 0.330 0.300 0. /OO 0.620 ~~1 .050 1 .300 ._.!.• 3 oo. 0.9oO 1 .030 0.300 0. /50 0.620 0.620 0.4/0 0.400 METhR (DEG. IN 84. 92. " 00. 02. 02. 02. 03. 04. 04. Oo. Oo. 04. 96.~" 02. 0 /_ . _ 1 10. 1 1 0. 108. 108. 10/. I0o. Oo. Oo. TEMP F) OUT 75. 76. 77. 78. IV. ' 30. 30. 82. 32. 84. 84. 84. 84. 85. d5._ ~c 86. 86. 87. 87. 87. 38. 83. '^8._. N D (I 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. o. 0. oz IA i^O 1 33 1 33 1 33 133 1 33 1 38 1 33 183 1 88 1 33 1 3d 133 133 138 1 33 1 33 1 33 133 1 33 133 1 38 1 38 1 33 STACK TEMP (DF) 350. 350. 350. 350. 340. 340. 335. 330. 330. 330. 325. 32D. 330. 330. 33.0. __ 335. 33D. 335. 335. 335. 335. 335. 330. STACK VEL (FPS) 59 . 1 06 64. /4/ 62.923 5/.1 01 54.684 53.740 70.915 67.401 6/.40I 63.943 60.095 56.213 73.335 32 . -550 .82 .550 _ 73.915 /4 . )6-3 64. 1 45 62 . 33 1 56.570 56.570 50 . 1 44 45.214 Jol — — 16. 1 09.2 1 1.4 03.6 1 1 .9 14.2 00.2 09.9 10. / 10.2 Od.d 10. 1 03.5 0 1 . 1 04. / 08. D '"1 6 .D 11.4 09.3 12.3 1 1 .3 1 1 .2 1 7. 1 g L i 1 YOrtK RESEARCH CORPORA IfON RESEARCH DRIte, STAMFORD, CONNECTICUT 06906 JOd NU46ER: 4-9126 CLiENfi SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC PLAiif LOCATION: HNCINA UNIT IcSftJ: 3 JJCT NuMBEh: 00 CT JuCT AREA : I I 3 . I 030. . FT . , !_2 '_-0^ UuCT LOCATION: UNIT 3"""" ..... ' FiLi'ER NUMonRS: FL5-433 I OJA TEST NUMBER: 294\ DUE: AUG 12,77 "TEST CO:MD: TOP LOAD V) AID BAR. PRE53-I;Nl riJ: 29.74 PI TOT TUBE FACTOR:,0.320 TIME TEST STARTED: 0920 i rL f~ L.. ' f"* fc. rp _ f>r ik. i SAMPLc ELAP SAMPLE PITOT POIiMf TIME VOLUME RDG UIix) (DCr) (INri^O Si'Art Li! 2 3 4 3 O / 8 9 - 10 1 1 \t Si'AK Al ^j 4 D O / d 9 1 0 1 1 i <L 0. D.O 10.0 1 3.0 20.0 ^D.O JO.O JD .0 40.0 4-J. 0 30.0 33. 0 00. 0 oO.O O3.0 /o.o /D.O dO.O C53.0 90.0 9:3.0 100.0 IOD.O 1 1 0 . 0 1 1 D.O uo.o 23.580 26.470 29.440 32.400 33.410 3d.3dO 41.1/0 43.6/0 46.360 0. 48.6/0 0. 50. /20 0. 5<^.cJoO 0. 24. /30 0. 64. 730 36. 730 0. 58.930 0. 61.230 0. 63.D90 0. ob.diO 0. 68.120 0. 70. /20 1. /3.330 0. 73.890 0. 78.230 0. 80.o30 0. 32.^30_ 0. 200 400 400 400 200 300 000 830 /50 650 3DO 4tx> 000 /oo d 00 750 /OO 750 000 9DO 900 800 8 00 700 ORIFICE METER RDG (DEG. MINH20) IN 1 .030 1.250 '1.230 1 .250 1 . 050 1 .150 0.900 0.750 0.660 0.5/0 0.300 0.400 0. 540 0.620 0. 700 0.660 0.620 0.660 0.900 0.350 0.800 0. /OO 0. /OO 0 . 62 0 /8. 84. 90. 96. 98. 00. 00. 00. 00. 00. - 98. 98. 33. 33. 90. 93. 94. 95. 97. 00. 0^. 02. 02. _. 02. _ TEMP NOZ F) DIA OUT (IN) 66 67 68 09 7 i /3 /4 75 76 76 78 /3 74 75 75 75 /5 /6 77 78 19 80 31 32 . 0. 1 . 0. 1 . 0. 1 . 0. i . 0.1 . 0. I . 0. I . 0. 1 . 0. i . 0. 1 . 0. 1 . 0. 1 . 0. 1 . 0. 1 . 0. ! . 0. 1 . 0. 1 . 0. 1 . 0. 1 . 0. 1 . 0. i . 0. 1 . 0. 1 . 0. 1 38 38 -V3 38 33 83 3d 33 33 38 38 38 33 '33 33 33 33 38 38 33 38 38 33 33 STACK TEMP (OF) 31 5. 313. 320. 320. 330. 330. 330. 330. 330. 330. 330. 320. 340. 340. 340. 340. 340. 336. 330. 330. 320. 320. 320. ..._ .3 !..?.•_ , -• STACK % I </EL (FP3) /3.1 50 79.011 79.266 79.266 73.355 76.370 6 /.420 62. 153 53.387 54.356 50. 000 -i4.;>39 52.553 56. /63 60.633 55. 7 56 56.763 . 53.572 67.420 65. /13 63. 554 59..; 19 .59.^19 1 1 .3 05.3 04. / 03.3 13.1 01 . / 12.1 12.0 10.3 05.3 19.3 14. 7 09 . 3 11.1 0.3 i .v 1 .2 1 .3 07.9 0.3 0. 7 09.3 09. 3 _35.:^69 09.6 YOR.< RESEAHCri CORPORATION RcSEARCn DRIVE, STAFFORD, CONNECTICUT 36906 JOn NU43ER: 4-9! 25 I CLItNf: SAN OltGO GAS & ELECTRIC PLANT LOCATION: ENClN'A __ UNIT TESTED: 3 DUCT NjMdER: DUCT DuCT ARcA: I I 3 . 1 OSU. FT.., I2'-_01_QI_A "0 uC T "LOCAi" i ON :"" UJ'I T 3 " FILTER NU.AdERSJ FL5-434/ TEST iMU.MSER: 2^43 DATE: AUG 12, 77 TEST CO-JO: TOP LOAD~M BAR. PRESS-U rIG: 29.66 _PITOT TUBE FACTOR :_C. 320 TIME TE5T"3T\RTED: 1315 rL. r:L t"~F V ! Pru _ nL ru SAMPLt POINT — Oi'Art Al 2 3 4 3 0 / 8 9 1 01 i '"" " 12 Si Art dl 2 3 4 3 O / d 1 9 1 1 0" 1 I \£ 1 : "ELAP TIME ( i.l I iO 0. 3.0 1 0.0 1 3.0 20.0 £'j . 0 3J.O 33 . 0 40.0 43.0 30.0 33.0 OJ . 0 oO. 0 03.0 /O.O /3.0 dO.O 33.0 90.0 93.0 00 . 0 03.0 1 0.0 1 3.0 20.0 "SAMPLE""' VOLUME <DCF) 82.930 83.030 8/.420 39.830 92. 130 94.330 9 o.o 50 99.320 101 .960 104.320 I0o.v30 109.300" 1 1 1 .480 1 1 . 430 1 4. 120 1 / . 100 1 9.950 "22.800 23.420 26.240 30.800 33. 1 /O 33 .460 •37.000 39.000 41 .J90 PITOT RDG ( lNrt20 0.600 " 0.300" 0.800 0. 7sO 0.030 0. /bO 1 .050 0.950 0.900 0.8CJO 0. /DO O.obO "i". loo I .200 1 .200 1 .200 0. y30 1 .200 0.850 0.750 0.700 O.o 00 0.500 0.400 ORIFICE" RDG )( INH^O) 0.530 "o. TTo " 0.710 0.660 0.5/0 0. 660 0.920 "0.840 0. /90 0 . 7 00 0.660 0.5/0 ~" 0.9 60" 1 .030 1 . 050 1 . 030 0.340 1 . 050 0. /30 0. 60 0 0.620 .ToV'iJb " 0.^-40 0.330 "McTER (DEG. IN 84. 88. """ 92. 9i . 9 / . 96. 00. 01 . 00. 00. 00. 00. ~89~. 9o. 99. 01 . 03. 04. 03. 04. 04. 04. 04. 04. TEMP "NOZ~ F) DIA OUT ( IN) 74. 0. /4. 0. / 5 . 0 . 77. 0. /8 . 0. /9. 0. 80. 0. 30. "0. 30. 0. 31 . 0. 32. 0. 82. 0. 79 ."O. 80 . 0 . 30. .0. 80. 0. 82. 0. 32. 0. 33. 0. 84. 0. 84. 0. 83. 0. 36. 0. 87. 0. 88 33 83 83 3d 33 33 83 83 83 3d 3d °-3 33 -58 3d 83 33 33 33 33 33 .33 ""STACK TEMP (DF) 340. 340. 340. 340. 340. 335. 330. 330. 325. 320. 320. 31 5. 330. 330. 330. 330. 330. 330. 335. 335. 335. 330. 33D. 320. ""STACK" *I " V£L (FP5) — 52.553 60.633 60.633 53. /DO 34.699 53.572 69.035 65. 713 63.753 59.920 53.01 / 53. 337 70". 711"" 73.355 73.353 73.355 63. /I 3 /3. 3->5 62 . 3 55 53.572 56.586 52.22-1 47.673 42.370 14.2 12.2 15.0 11.0 1 0 . d 10.3 0/.2 1 1 .3 10.6 1 0. ) 1 1 .6 09.9 14.6 12.3 O/.l 0 / . 0 10. 1 05.4 3.3 2. 1 2. 1 2. / 3.3 4. o 4-9126 Jo I i E OLlc.-U": SAn DIcUO UA5 & nLcCT.^IC PLAnf LOCAi'IOH: HrJCIiJA _ JrTI i f£5ThU: I" JoCf ,>ij,,idtri: SfACX OuCT AHcA: I I 3.103U.FT.,I 2'-0" DIA DU'E: AUu 1 3, 77 "TEST CO;<JD~:' FOP LOAD .v ADD BAR. Pric 55-1.'! HO: 29.56 PIFOT T:J5c F \cr03: 0.830 r L)uCf LOO ATI FlLi'cP rj'u.-.io SAMPLE cLAP POiiU i'L.lt 5 i'Ard 51 2 j 4 3 O olnri cl <L 3 4 3 0 0 i'AK rt 1 2 3 ,1 3 0 Si'rtr^ n 1 ^3 4 3 o J. 3.0 i 0.0 1 3.0 ZO. 0 <13 . 0 J J.O 30.0 33.0 40.0 43.0 3 J . 0 3 3 . 0 o 0 . L) o 0 . 0 O3. 0 70. u / 3 .0 dJ. 0 83. 0 90.0 9 0 . 0 93.0 JJ.O 03.0 10.0 13.0 20.0 OiK Ulf 1 cH5* FL3-42od "5A,.lPLt ~~ P ITOf "OriTFrCE VOLUME rfDU RDG (JCF) (LxlH20)(IiJH20) 41 .390 44.220 46.81 0 49 . 330 61 .dIO 34.090 30.J90 3O.090 39.240 01 .9/0 63. 400 i ' 1 "\O d. O 1 0 /2.0dO /3. 130 /6.000 / d . 60 0 dl .29 J 33.890 80.540 88.O30 90.820 90.820 93.400 93. 820 9 6 . ^ 40 1 00. /20 102.390 1 04.900 1 . i 00 1 . 000 O.yOO 0 . 8 bO 0. 700 0. 330 .000 .800 . d 00 .600 . 6 00 . 4QO .000 .000 0 . 9 00 0. 850 0. 7 oO 0.030 0.900 O.dOO 0 . 8 00 0. 750 0.030 0.600 0.9/0 0 . 33 0 0.300 J. 760 O.o20 0.480 .400 .600 .600 . 600 .400 .230 0. 330 0.830 0.300 0. /DO 0.660 0.3/0 0.300 0. 710 0 . 7 1 0 0.6oO 0.570 0.440 ( Dt'J . F ) IN OuT 39. 94. 100. 102. 1 03. 103. 101 . 109. 1 14. 1 1 4. 1 1 4. 1 1 4. 94. 101 . 1 Oo. 1 1 0. Ml. 1 \<L. lOo. 1 0. 1 3. 1 3. 1 6. 1 4. 79 . 79. 60. 30. 82. 32. 84. 87. 38 . 33 . 89. 90. 82 . 82. 34. 35. d6. 87. 38. 90. 91 . 92. 93. 93. i ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :) 0 0 0 0 TI -id T JOZ 01 A .133 . 1 36 --s . 1 33 . I 33 . 1 -vj . i ^3 . 1 33 . i 33 . 1 86 . 1 38 . 1 38 . 1 33 . 1 dd . i 33 . 1 36 . 1 33 . 1 -33 . 1 38 . 33 . '3d . 3d . 33 . 33 . 33 £5l' STAriTcO: 1030 5TX"c:<~ STACK %i (DF) (FP5) 335. 355. 355. 350. 330. 300. 360. 3 55. 3 55. 350. 330. 345. 3/0. 3 /O. 3 /O. 3/0. 3/0. 350. 3oO. 360. 350. 360. 3oO. 340. 72. 69. 03. 63. 33. 49. S8. 93. 93. 93. 37 . 31 . 70. 70. 60. 64. 60. 55. 66. 62. 62. 6'3. 56. 43. ^55 112.6 560 107.o 991 119.3 93-1 100.8 020 Mi./ 316 1 0 / . 1 257 102.9 325 33.1 325 103.V 033 103.0 717 104. 7 793 104.5 1 93 111.3 1 98 395 719 793 9^9 19.3 407 407 425 253 732 09.4 13.3 09.4 1 i . 1 07 . o 11.4 10.3 09 . 9 16.1 03.9 1 3. 3 YOPK HE3EAr<Gri CORPOPAfl O.J UrflVE, S f A^'.FOPO, OOoUtJTI G Uf Oo906 J 03 4-31 26 CLIc.-if: 3Ai< DIcJO UAb d tLcCTPIO E I frS1' A'J:.{'jdtl : 2v53 _OATE: AUO 1 5, 77 c I e D i J oC f L) uC i 1_J U^* 1 F I L f c fEbfcO LOCAf iv oAMPLn ELAP POUf TIME if An! .41 ^. 3 •4 3 O 3i" Art iMl <S _5 4 3 O bfnrt E i £ j 4 3 O bf Art b 1 <L 3 4 D O 0. 3.0 1 0.0 1 3.0 ^0.0 ^3 . 0 30.0 30.0 J3.0 • 40.0 43.0 30.0 33 . 0 oO.O oO.O 03.0 70.0 /3.0 oO . 0 33.0 y 0 . 0 y o . 0 93.0 1 Ou . 0 103.0 1 10.0 113.0 1^0.0 ; 1 t bfACiC 113.10;iu.rT., I2'-0" DIA Ji'i • UJ I T i :rt3: FL3-393! SAMPLE VOLUME < jCF) 4.930 /.490 9.9/0 12.3 00 1 4 . o3 0 1 o . d 00 1 8. MO Id. MO 21 .420 ^4.020 26.890 29.240 31 .030 33. /60 33. /60 3o.920 40.360 43. //O 46.960 50.030 52.930 33.^00 53.9oO 3d. o^O ol .^90 03. /90 O3.L/40 6d . J30 PI ror rtOu 0.900 0.830 0. /DO 0. /30 0.030 0.300 1 .000 1 . 000 0.9DO 0.830 0 . d 00 0 . 6 00 .000 .800 . dOO .01)0 . 4'M0 1 .300 1 . 100 1 . 000 0 . y 00 0.030 0 . 7 00 0. 330 OrilFICE HDJ )( LH20) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0• o 1 i 1 1 1 i 0 (J 0 0 0 0 .300 .750 . 6oO . 860 .3/0 .440 .330 . '3d 0 .340 . /50 . no .530 . 4 '?<} . 6 00 . f) "'0 . 400 .230 . 130 .960 . -?30 .300 . 730 . 620 .430 TEST COriO: rJAS. PR ESS- PI f Of fUdE T McTEPTEMP il XDEG.F) 0 I.J OUT (I 94. 99. 103. 103. lOo. 1 Oo . 103. 1 Oo . 1 10. 1 10. 103. 1 Ott . 97. Oo. Od. 10. 1 ^ . 1 1 . 99. i 03. 104. Oo. 1 03. 104. 31 d2 83 84 80 36 37 ol 88 -8 -3 83 8O 36 86 d7 87 8b d/ o/ "'3 wd 87 a/ . 0. . 0. . ). . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. fOP IN H F\Cf I.Mc TEST SfARf OZ STACK I A TE.'.IP rO (OF) 1 38 138 1 33 3d 3d 36 4=3 33 38 33 3d 33 1 :;!8 13d 1 3-i 1 38 1 83 133 1 33 1 33 1 3d 1 33 1 38 1 38 3o5. 365. 3oO. 360. 360. 355. 365. 370. 3/0. 3/0. 3/0. 335. 360. 360. 360. 350. 350. 343. 353. 36,5. 3 6 0 . 355. 355. 335. LOAO .V AID 3: 29.56 JP : 0.850 EO: 153 1 STACK %l (FPS) 67 66 61 61 57 50 71 71 70 68 64 54 90 95 93 39 33 31 74 71 6/ 65 59 52 .^64 1 .049 1 . 354 1 .354 1 .383 1 .349 1 .640 1 .657 1 .033 .249 1 .271 1 .474 1 .343 1 . 324 1 . 3^4 1 . / 9 j i .992 1 . 0 36 1 .680 1 .423 1 . /33 1 .643 1 .574 .1 55 1 1 0. I 09.2 03 . 4 03 . i 0 / . 9 O9.o 03.0 29.0 93.5 02.3 •18 . 3 17.2 01.1 13 . J 01 .9 M0 . 3 12 . 9 12 . 3 03.3 16.9 12.9 18.^ 59. 7 '51.9 i..Mc Hcoc YORK x£3cAr?CH CORPORATION Cn OR 1 Viz, bTA.'irORO, CON.-ItCT I CUT JOd 4-9126 06900 I 1 CLlcNf: b'AN DltOO * RLAnf LOCATION: c'N 0;x if LroTtJJ J - Jj'Jf NOi.lsEh. IJuCf J JOT ARcA: .113.1 0- -iJJC'f- LOCAfiON i-UN I Fii_TrR nu,.iDcRb': FLi POlnf fl.vit vOL'uMd (..ilN) (OOF) f b TAR 0 . f Ss; I . PL Al ^3 * o o 7 d 9 1 J "11 1 <L bi'AR Dl 2 3 4 3 0 / d 9 1 O - 1 1 1^ 3.0 i 0.0 1 3.0 2 J . 0 ^3.0 - 30.0 33 .0 4u. 0 43.0 30.0 33.0 oO.O o J . 0 O3 . 0 / 0 ..0 / 3 . 0 - dO.O d3.0 9U . 0 y-j.O l 00.0 1 'J3 . 0 i 1 0.0 1 1 3 . 'J 120.0 72. 104 74.330 /o.ol 0 / d . o i 0 dO.Vi 0 ~d2 .9 40 d5.2<5 ) d /. 790 9O.<idO 9 2 . o 00 94.d90 - y 7 . 06 o w . ooo 0.30J 5.430 1 1 ,3'iO 1 3. /30^0 . 330 ^3. 1 40 ^9. 'OO 34. 19O 37.0/0 4'J.vOO 44.02O 46.V30 <w.ol2 JA5 i cLcCTRlC JiNA b'J.FT. , 12'-0" DIA i 3 3-43ol - FITOf -OrtiFICc- ROO ROu ( iNri^OM IHH2:)) 0. /OOo. /oo- 0.760 0.0 dO - tho-vO- O.dOO 1 . 000 O.V40 0. /dO O.o 00 -•0.-700-- 0.340 - 1.3 00- 1 .400 1 .500 -- 1 .-400 0 . 9 oO i . ^ 00 i . 000 0 . / 00 0 . 0 00 0.-380- 0. 4-30 0.300 0.340 0.390- 0.390 0.520 --0.-49-0— 0.620 0. 7/0 --0. /20 0.600 0.620 0.340- 0.420 -3.2OO- 3.400 3. 700 -3v4OO - 2.330 2 . 9 '10 ^ .4oO 1 . / 00 1 .430 •l-r400- 1 . I OU 0. -idO fcST NJ.vidcR: OA'fcs AJ'3 \6-- Tr-S'f- COivJ: T1 3AR. RRtSo-I: PIT OT rUBt F il'lC I^Oi 01. - McTtfR TEMP -NOZ- 5TAC.< — (Dfc'J.F) DIA TE.-.V IN OUT (IN) (OF) 94 - 93 04 03 03 0 ^4 O n -) 1 4 100 1 0 1 0 t G 1 0 1 4 1 O 1 0 i 0 f o 1 0 1 6 . 32. .-- 64. 34 . do. . 3 6". 33 . . 90. . 92. . 92. . 92..... ^^^ . 94. . — 90. . 90. VO. .- — 36 . 36. do . 66 . 36 . 33 . .— 33. 90. yO . 0. 1 3d - 0. t 33 --- 0.1 '33 0. 1 '^3 -Or- h3-3 — 0. 1 33 0. 1 33 --0. l 3d- - 0. 1 33 0.1 ^6 0. 1 ^d — 0. 133 0.24y - 0.24V 0.249 -0.249 •).249 0.24v 0. 24v 0.24V 0.249 -0.249--- 0.249 0.249 350. 330. - 3jO. 330. -330 — 530. 340. 340. - 340. 340. -340.- 330. 340. 340. 340. -340.-- 330. 350. 360. 350. 350. 330. - 330. 340. 296-\ 77)P LOAU - -I HO: 29. \CTOR: 0. i.'RTnO:-'^ -blACS-— (FHS) 57.236 39.639 59.639 56 .-'113 ~54i /2-3— - 61.1 33 0/.937 03.916 60. V.4 60.509 -56 . °32 4?. 54 / •77.51 7 - 30. -^.43 33.267 HO; /43 -- 67.023 74 . ^4'3 03.41 1 67.235 32. 391 52 . 1 oo 45. 39 1 40. 792 AUO 65 320 35 1 3d. ^ 1 09 . 3 103.2 1 05.6 105.2- 1 06 . 3 1 04. i 104.V 1 07 . 1 104.2 103.5 1 06.9 1 02 . 3 120. 7 31 . 7 i 00. 7 103.3 i 01.7 1 02 . <t 93.0 93.0 9o.5 131.7 1 0-1 . 1 I F HeocAnlOn CO-^OrJA f I O.M MJ iri£-?: 4-? Oo906 OLic.>if.OltUO JAS & tLcCTrfIC TtSf i-J u'.'i'cr? J 29 / i J^i 1 TcSTcUi OoCl Ai-icAs "uo FI SA PO — Cl LOCAi'i, Llcrf ^u.toc mPLcT cLAr1 irir fL-ic -_. - <Aiii.>. j 6i Art 0. L. f,- • r~sUUS f r& nLi Al ^j 4 3 O / d y - i ol i l ^sr Dl^j <+D o / d y 1 0 1 i 1 ^ 3.0 1 J.O 1 3.0 ^o . 0 <i3.0 '"" JO. 0 33.0 40.0 43.0 30. 0 33.0 oO. 0 Art OO. 0 03.0 /•J.O /3.0 d J.O 03.0 yj. o 93.0 i 00 . 0 1 03 . 0 i i 0.0 113.0 1 J20.0 1 (jtii r-ICiJA 3 SfACx 1 1 3 . 1 OSu. Ff . , i ' x • ^ I I Hoi rL'J SA.nPLc: vOLu.An .. C.JCF1 2. 1 /O 3 . 920 y. /30 i 3. /I 0 1 /.300 21.410 2 5.4yo 30.23 J 34.boO 39.^20 43. 770 4 / . 32 0 bO. 880 5 1 . 62 0 33. /20 oO.ydO 60. 3 40 / 1 . / 40 / /.080 8 <L . <^ 9 0 do. 340 91 .030 94.ydO yd. /30 02. O')0 05.2-jO 3 -4<d/4 piror ; HiJO y r , (.« \ \ 0. /bO "O.doO"" 0. d30 0 . d 00 O.dOO 0.9^0 1 .200 1 . 000 0.930 _0.ypp_.._ O.dOO 0. /bO . 400~ " .bOO • o 00 _ .000 . 3 00 .400 . 0' '0 0.900 0. d20 ""O. /30^ 0.3DO 0.300 i-0" OIA )P,IFICE M^T£rt RO«J (DtJ. I^'i2PJ__IN__ J....y.o/)_ l.oo. ...._. 2 . 1 30 2. 150 ^. 000 ^ . 000 2.300 3 . 0 00 ^.530 2 . 400 2.3'T) 2.000 1 .900 "JTifoo 3. dOO 4 . 000 4. 000 3.800 3.500 2.330 ^.300 2. 10J l .900 1 . 400 1 .250 03. 10. 13. Id. 13. lo. 20. 20. 1 9. Id. lo. 00. lo. 24 . ^/ . 30. 3o. 30. 23! 20. Id. lo. OATc : A U J 1 7 , 7 / "n-s'r on' o« DP LMO BA^. PRtSS-I.^ ,HGs 29piroT rud£ FACTO:-?: o IcM F)POT 3£i . 82 . a2 . 84. 06 . 66 . •d/. •dd. 90. 90. 90. 91 . 'd d . 3d. 90.. 92. 93. 94. 93. y4 . y6 . 94. 92. riMt P~NOZ DIA ._l.I,j}_ 0.249 0.249 0.24y 0.24-9 0.249 1.249 0.249 0.2*9 0.249 0.249 0.24y 0.24y "0.249 0.249 0..249 •J.24y 0.24-9 0.249 0.249 0.249 0.249 0.249 0.249 0. 249 TEST 5TA "~SfAC.<" Tif./iP _..(i3£)___. 360. 360. 360. 360. 350. 351. 340. 340. 340. 335. 330. 330. 341. "" 340. 340. " 340."" 340. 3*3. 350. 3j>0. 343. 343. 345. 3*0. rtfnO: 1 STACK \l « I (^.PS )__. 59. .375 63.209 63.209 61 .3^:2 0 1 . 9 4 / 65 . 3 5'' 74.182 67.719 no . 004 64.142 60. 1 90 38.278 30^ 1 25 12.938 *~t O O *D *i *"D • O "3 '"^ 82.938 80.3/6 68.1 40 64 . 6 44 61 .513 58. -329 50. 3 /d 4 / . ^84 ,T ADO . // .d20 3 ^5 %I —— 1 04 . 3 99.2 1 0.3 . ^. J 0^.4 101.0 1 11.3' 111.4 1 Id. 0 104. I 111.4 91.9 96.2 84. J 1 10.8 98. / >9 . 2 1 '10.9 1 02. 1 1 03.3 1 12.3 . 10.1 .2 1 "O.o I02.o 1 06. P I J03 nidvlsE^: 4-9126 i r UrU^c,, COi^ECT iCo'f 06906 CLic.u": b'An QlnUO UA3 d ELECTS 10 HLAni LOUA1 I OH« b^CUA uHii fcj'TcJJ 3 JJvJf i>ld..ib^rts STACiC 1 1 3. I OoU.r'f., I2'-0" DIA •uoof LOCAflOn J -u^IT—3 j,"lDEH5: FL5-" TEST .Ju'.'.Dc.-i: 29d DATn: AUJ IS.7/ BAR. P3E53-IN' HU: 29.70 PITOT TU3E FACTOR: 0.320 -T-Uti—TEST—5 i'-ARTtfr):—1-22-7 £ cLAr- SAMPLE --HI-TO'i--0^iF-ICfc- d fl.vtt v'OLiUi£ 400 RDu (OtG.F) DIA (,AliO (DCF) ( I^ri20) ( h-iH20) hM OUT ( I.O 31 rt'^lV — TEMP ^EL (OF) (FP5) nb ! L* i Li 1-I- f-r C r Di'A Al <L 3 4 3 O / d 9 Io 1 1 1 <L 151 £ 3 4- 3 O / d 9 -10 1 1 i ^ H 'J. 3.0 1 0 . 0 13.0 ^0.0 - ^3.0 30. 'J 33 . 0 40.0 43.0 30.0 33. O- oO. 0 rl O'O. 0 O 3 . 0 /o.o /3. 0 -- do . O - d3.0 y J . 0 V 3 . 0 1 00 . 0 1 J3.0 1 i 0.0- 1 1 3.0 1 ^'0 . 0 3 . 43 4 9.0/0 12.730 16.480 2 0 . <^2 0 23 . /dO- 2/. /oO 32.oOO do. o30 4 1 . 0 30 43.U30 ' 4 d. -7 3-0- i-N V ^ yl ^ ^•A V ^ A J o/. IdO o <L . 4 1 0 6/.b30 -72.940- /7.230 d2 . 1 1 0 do. /IO 90.990 9 4 . d 3 0 -98.40O- 101 .020 I04.3d0 O.odG -0. /<iO- O.d^O 0. /oO — O-. od-<3- 0 . 9 00 1 . 1 00 0.960 0.960 0.900 -0. /oO- 0.6^0 -I .300 .300 . o 00 K 4-00- . 000 . 3.00 . 1 00 0.940 0.600 0.-79O- 0 . 30 0 0. 420 1 . / 00 --I .-dOO 2 . 050 1 .900 — 1-.-/OO 2 . 2 00 ^ . / 00 2.400 ^ . 4 00 ^.200 — I i90O 1 .330 -0.200 3 . / 00 4. 000 —3-4-500 2 . 500 3.200 2 . / 00 2.330 ^ . 000 — 1 -.-/-3t> 1 .400 1 .030 Vd. -l io.— 1 16. 1 Id. r i - d «' 118. 120. 122. - 126. 124. • -12-4 i— 124. -I0o.-- 124. 12s. -4 3^:-.- 1 32. 1 30. I2o. 128. 120. -1-26. — 120. 120. Q8 ^d 90 90 ~9O 90 90 9£ 92 v2 94 v4 v2 V2 92 94 96 94 94 96 96 J90 96 96 . 0.^49 .- 0.-249 --- . 0.24V . 0.249 -.--0.-249 . 0.24V . 0.249 . 0.249 . 0.249 . 0.249 .--0.-249 — . 0.249 i— O.24v . 0.24V . :).24v .- 0.249 . 0.24V . 0.24V . 0.24V . 0.249 . 0.249 -.— O.-2 49 — . 0.249 . 0.249 350. 350. 350. 330. -350. 350. 340. 340. 340. 340. -340; 330. 340.- 3-0. 340. 340. 340. 340. 330. 350. 330. -330.- 350. 340. 55.259 3/.S90 61 . /79 39.476 5 6-. 259- - 64. 723 /I . 1 1 1 oo . 432 66.432 64.322 - 59 . 1 OS 53 . 052 -77.306 33.039 S3. /63 SO .-224 - 6/. SOI 7/.306 71 .354 66 . 1 46 6f .021 - 3/.ORO — 51 .054 43 . 9 40 105.-) i 0 1 . d 97. 1 1 ^0.4 lOi .0 98.3 1 10 . / 1 02 . 5 103. 1 98.3 9d. 5 101 ./ 101.8 '•39. 1 09 . 2 - - 99 . 4 98.4 9 T . o 1 0 i . / 1 02 . ^ 99.4 -9-3.3 1 00 . 0 1 >J . 4 C G YOrtrC HcocA.^Jn CORPORA f I O.^i vJri OPIvE, bfAi'.irORO, OO^cOT ICuT Oov jo OLic.Jf; bAii OlbUO .JAS i .iLeOfRlO Pi_n»<r LOCAiiOu: c.'fCI^A _ Owii i'cbl'cu: JiUT" 4 """ "" OuOf iio/idcrt! 4 OoOT _Ar<cA* 1 b3 . 94b0. FT. < 1 4 x 10 UuCi LOCAflOn! 5FAOK F HL^ddR: 310i jJAft: SEP /, 77 f£5f C0>!0: 3'J OA/ A 00 TcSi BAR." PRcS3-U dJ: 29. 7d PHOT TudE FACTOR: 0. d20 3 4 3 O I O "I I 3 4 d 9 i' LOCAil PLtTcLAF <*f fUk ( M J ,1 J K 0. 3.0 1 0 . 0 1 3.0 ^0.0 ^3.0 J j.O J3.0 40.0 43.0 30.0 33.0 u 0 . 0 R o o . 0 O3 .0 /O.O / 3 . 0 d 0 . 0 d3. 0 90.0 93 .0 1 U . 0 1 03 . 0 1 1 0.0 1 1 3 . 0 1^0.0 cRbJ FL SAMPLE VOLtJ'4c: (JCF) ^3.d04 2d.^90 30.690 33.^30 33.930 3d.oOO 40.990 43 . 1 40 43. <ibO 47. 1 40 49.01 0 31 .02 J 32. d /3 33. 1 00 bo.^30 b9 . 300 6<£ . 3bO 05.390 6d.3/ ) / 1 . 36 ) /4.340 7/.330 d0.3IO d3 .^dO do. 090 3.4:?<{3 D-3-M3 "" PTIoT ROo ( L'lri^O) 2.0')0 2 . Of)0 2 .^00 2.300 2 . 3 00 2 . 000 1 . /OO 1 .400 1 . <L OO 1 . <iOO 1 . 400 1 .^00 3 . ^ no 3.2-xj 3 . 3 00 3.^00 3. 100 3 . 000 3 . 000 3 . i 00 3. 000 2.900 2.000 _ 2.00p_ "ORIFlOh" RDO ( I.-JH20) 0.300 O.dOO O.ddO 1 . 000 1 . 0'>3 0. dOO O.ocsO O.boO 0.430 0.4dO O.boO tJ.4-30 1 1 . 3 30 1 . 3 JO 1 .300 1 . 300 1 .230 1 ,2')0 1 . 2 00 1 .230 1 .230 1 1 . 130 1 .030 O.dOO 1 Mcf£, ( Jt J i.'t 00. 1 0. 12. 20. ^0. 20. lo. 14. 12. 10. On. Oci . 90. yb. o^. . 04. Od. 10. Od. Od. Oo . Oo. 06. Op . li'Etir . F) 0 UT 9d. 02. 02. 04. 06 . 08. 06. 06 . Oo. Oo . 06 . 04. 92. 92. 94 . 94. 9^. 94. 96. 96. 96. 9o. 96. _*6 •_ THt "•Toz" 01 A ( I .•! ) 0. lb/ 0 . 1 b 7 0. 0. J * 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 3/ D/ 3/ 3/ 37 37 b/ b/ b/ b/ 3/ if b7 b/ b7 3/ b/ 3 / 3/ b7 b/ . • -/' ' Tcbf SI-A "~sr.vc.< " TEMP COF) 330. 330. 33'). 1 33'\ ] 330. 1 330. .3 3 0 . 330. 330. 330. 330. 330. 330. 330. 330. 330. 330. 330. 330. 330. .330. 330. 1 330. 1 _.: .,_. __ xr,--D» STACK" vr.L (FP5) 93. 5n'i 95. 500 00.16^ 06.7/3 00. / 73 93.300 •-H. J4/ 7 9 . P o 1 73.974 73.974 7^.^01 73.9/4 20.3QO 2 3. -3 00 22.673 20.^-0 d. -J9/ 6.964 6. ^64 •3. 397 0.964 4 . '?98 Od. JS7 _- ._ i J30 ""•%! —— — i 01 99 1 00 99 9>3 6 / 93 103 1 00 99 9y "}O 1 O ^ 1 0^ 99 i "n 1 10 1 01 1 01 1 ^0 101 1 03 103 . . 7 .3 . 3 .2 . ~) .9 . y . y . o . /,1. -^ ,1 , \ . 3 • J .d .3 .9 .6 .3 . / . 1 . J r YOflK P.E3EA.^Cri OR WE, bfA;OuT 06906 JOo iJLMDE.4: 4-91 26 I I E C t r [ I CLIt.fi": 3AIM DIEGO uAS 6, ELECTRIC PLAnT uOCAi'lOrt: ExiCLM u.-uT TESTEDs u.Uf 4 J ad" ^ uMotR : 4 JoCi' ARcA: I 33.943u.FT., I 4' 10 TEST iMJV^ER: 3108 TEST COUO: "30 "DAY ~ADO TEST BAR. PRESS-I.-i HG: 29. /d 'I TOT TU3E FACTOR: 0.820 OJCi rlLi b'AMP POiH — Si'Art il-l Z d 4 3 O / d 9 1 0 1 1 1 £ OiAR E-l 2 3 4 3 O / 3 9 1 0. 1 1 1^: LOCATI CR ,iuMD Lc ELAP T i'lMt ( :AI.J ) 0. 3.0 1 O.O 13.0 ^ J.O ^3.0 JO.O J3.0 40.0 43.0 3 O . 0 33 .0 oO.O o 0 . 0 03.0 /O.O /3.0 J 0 . 0 d3.0 y o . o V3.0 1 JO.O 1 03.0 1 1 0.0 1 1 3 . J l^J.O O.i : if AC nRS: FL3 SAMPLE vOLuME (JCF) 3d .0 /3 9 1 .dOO 94.820 9 / . o / 0 1 ')0.d90 i 03 . 9 1 0 1 Oo ,o60 1 09.0/0 i 12. /3 ) I 1 o. /20 1 Id. /20 1 2 1 . 44 ) 123. y09 23. y D9 2 0.3 20 2d.d /O 31 .460 d4. 1 / ) 30.940 J9.330 4 1 .960 44.0/0 43.d90 4 / . o 1 0 49.080 51 . 433 ,\ -4d^9 PI TOT Of- ROU ( I,iHA))( 3 . 2 (JO 3.200 3.300 3 . 2 00 3 . 2 00 3. 000 2 . d 00 3.^00 3.<iOO 3 . i 00 2. /OO 2 . 1 00 C 2 . 000 i 2 . ^ 00 < 2.300 f <i. oOO 2. / 10 2.^'V) ( 2 . 000 ( . bOO ( . ^ 00 .300 ( • £ OO (. . i :)0 f iiFICE RO'J '. i^H20) .300 . 3 ' K) .300 .300 1 .300 1 .2JO 1 .1 00 1 .300 1 .300 ! .250 1 . I JO 1 J.340 J.'3"!0 J. 330 J.920 .030 . 1 00 J. 3^0 JJ.300 J.OOO J . 43 0 J.520 j.^80 J.440 ME ( D i 84 90 9^ 00 0^ '10 ' >« ) 00 00 00 00 y« do db 9<i 9^ 9-j 9u 9d 9o 9o 9o 9o V9_ TcrfTt cy . F ) ••J 00 . ;34 . 86 . do v6 dd 3d . 3d . yO . 90 . 90 '-*d . dd . 06 . do 86 . 86 do 16 do 36 . dd 90 . 90 . 90 1 4P i^t [) T (I. . 0. • 'O • . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . D. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. .--( • .J m . D. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. . 0. [v!E )Z ; A j) of 3/ 3/ Of ol Of Of •ol 61 of of 61 of ol of of of 61 61 57 61 3 / 61 ?< TEST 5 STACK TE'AP - OF) 330. 330. 330. 33:). 330. 330. 330. 330. 330. 330. 330. 323. 330. 330. 330. 330. 33 ). 330. 330. 330. 330. 330. 330. 326. T \RTEO: STACK V/EL (FPS) 120.452 120.452 1 22 . 3 1 y 1 20. .152 12"!. ",52 i la. 52/ 1 12.0 7^ 1 20.462 1 2.). 452 1 1 3.553 1 10.542 9/.263 96.225 09.873 1 0^ .118 103.5/4 113. -i ^2 99 . -5 73 98. 525 82 .163 73. /6I 7o. 7/3 /J. /5l 1 > • 3 97 1505 %\ — — 1 O5.o 101.4 1 '10.3 1 no . o 1 0 ) . x! 1 ') 1 . 3yv. -s lOl.o 09.2 101.^ 93.4 1 0 i . I 102.5 1 03 . 3 ._ 102.5 .. 1 00 . / 104.^ 102. 4 1 02 . o 93.3 1 ^*0. 1 i 0 1 .3 1 '^« '-\.. J03 Si'A.AhO-f0, CO.NUirCTIOuT I I C li C r PLAi^l LOCATIONS tNCIi'JA "j:Ml f' TE3TED* " Ui-ll T~4 JJiJi ii •J.AUC.rt * 4 _J u J i'_A ri c A J I 33 .9 4_3J.jfJ_._i Hi 10 iJuJf LOCATiOiM: SfAC^ FIL'lErt iJUi.iuEriS* FL3-33oo HJJ cLAH* SAMPLE" .fUt VOLUME . MliO (UCF) 'IJ •ilFICE .4 DO TEST 3A-J. ' PITO I TIME METErtrEMP :iOZ (JtvJ.F) OIA I.M OUT (1,-J) .•j'JMoER : 3EPd, 7 PRESS-I TU3E F TEST Sf STACK TEMP (DF) 31 1 A 7 rf HG: 29. 72~ ACT03I 0.320 \.4TEO« 0930 STACK %l (FP5) if An! E-l 3 4 o d 1 U 1 1 3 4 o d V 1 •} \ 1 0. "J . 0 1 0.0 I 3.0 30.0 J 3 . 0 4'J.O 43.0 3O.O 33 . 0 oO. 0 00.0 03.0 70.0 dO . U 33. 0 ^o.O 1 MO.O 1 I J . 0 1 13.0 31.711 34. 1 30 30.040 61 .950 o 4 . 7 d J 07.1/0 6V.D90 71 .320 73.390 75.330 7 7 . ^2 J 79.022 79.063 0^. . CO 0 dd . 02 0 90.970 9d . 833 yo.OdO 02.31 0 05.250 1 O.d30 j 3. .24,3 2 . 000 , 2.^00 • 2.400 ' 2.000 2 . 7 (JO 2.100 ( 2 . 'VJO C " ~l . 3 00 1 1.2CO < 1 .300 ; 1 . ^ 00 1 . 1 00 ( 3 . 1 00 3 . 1 00 3.000 3 . OUO 3.0 'JO 2 . 7 00 2. 9 CO 2. 700 2 . 7 00 2 . / 00 2 . oOO 2.000 ( J.dOO J.^30 J.9oO . 030 . 100 ).340 J.dOO J.520~ 3.430 J.520 J. 430 ).440 .250 .250 .200 .200 .200 . 1 33 "~. i o o ~ . 1 00 .1 00 . 1 00 . 030 ).300 32. 90. 94. 00. Go • 10. 10. 10. Oo. 04. O/. 00. 93. 02. 04 . Oo. 02. 02. 02. 02. 02. 30. dO. 62. 84. do. 90. v2. ~" V4. v6. 96. 90. 96. 94. V4. 94. 94. 94. 94. 94. 92. 92. 94. 92. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. . o . o . 0. 0. 0. 0. 57 57 37 57 37 57 37 37 37 57 57 37 3 i 57 57 57 57 37 .2_7_ 330. 335. 335. 340. 340. 340. 330. 330. 330. 330. 330. 325. 340. 340. 335. 335. 335. 333. 333. 333. 335. 335. - 335. 95.344 no. 31 3 04. 774 09.394 1 1 . 47-i 93.315 95.314 76.369 73.353 76.369 73. ^53 70.435 19.. 151 19.451 1 7. 141 17.141 17.141 1 i . 12? 15.172 .! i . 1 29 1 1 . 1 29 1 i . 1 2y 09.052 103.0 1 02 . 2 101.2 1 ^0.3 1 02 . j 97.3 1 00 . -i 9y.l oy . 9 101.4 1 00 . d 101.3 1 01 . 1 101.5 1 '^0.0 09 . .5 1 TJ.D 93. / 100.4 1 06. ) 1 02.4 1 00. -j [?c5cA3Cri CORPORA I ION LMI i/Ef 5 f A.-'ir -)ri 0, CONNECTICUT Oo90o JOo N'J-lriE-?: 4-9126 I r r—s c I CLIt Pl_A^ UNl'I J J Of JvJCl JoCi N f J SOur LOCAT i'c3TEU 11 Ui.ldcHAH£AI LOCAfl ci£ lOi^i: ENC : UNIT 4 : 4 1 53.943 Oi\: if AC INA u . FT . , i< 4' 10 TcoT DATE: TEST 3Ar?.~ PIFOT THE NUMJE.^ 5£P d CON Os P^E33- TJ3Erssr s : 3113 , 77 33 OAY A. 00 TnSF U HG: 29.72 FACTORS 0.323 lA.-irEO: 13 5 FiLTcH .^LMoErtSs FL'j-390d bAMP POliJ — 3 i'AH i<i-l 2 d 4 O o 7 d 9 10 i 1 12 d f AH c-i 2 d 4 3 O 7 3 y i 0 1 1 1 <; L = cLAPr riME i ,.\li* ) 0. 3.0 1 0.0 1 3.0 £J . 0 2-J. 0 OJ.O 33.0 40.0 43.0 30. 0 33 . 0 o 0 . 0 oO. 0 0 3 . 0 70.0 73.0 00.3 33.0 y J . 0 V3 . 0 1 0 0 . 0 1 O3.0 1 1 0 . 0 1 1 3.0 120.0 ^ A A L> f r—.J ,T\ i*l r i_ I— vOLuME 4JCF) 13.d03 1 0. ddO 19. 740 22 . o 7 0 2 3 . o 7 0 2d. 430 31 .030 33 .yoO 3o. 720 39.370 42.420 4 3 . 1 3 3 4 7.933 4 7.933 50.240 32. 700 33.21 0 3 7.830 00.490 ' 02.923 03. d40 o 7 . 4 30 09.220 7 i . 1 2 0 72.950 74. 7 6 3 P i ru r r?U*J ( I:^rl20 > 3 . 2 00 2.900 3 . 000 3.000 3.000 2.400 3. 000 2.700 3 . OvjO 3.000 2.300 2. 300 2 . 000 2 . 1 00 2.200 2 .t JO 2.400 2.0 'JO 2 . 000 . 400 .200 .200 .^00 . i 00 OrJIFICt kOG ( I N :-U 0 ) 1 .300 1 . 1 50 1 . 2 00 1 . 2 30 1 .200 0.960 1 .200 I . 100 1 . 2 00 1 . 2 00 i . 000 1 . 030 0.300 0.340 0. 833 0.960 0.960 0.33J 0.303 0.300 1 0.430 1 0. 430 1 0.430 1 0.440 1 Me (D I 34 do 3o do 3o 3o 3o 36 do 30 3d do 30 34 3d yo 9o yo 98 00 00 00 00 02 TEHTEMP EU.F)IN OUT 36. do. d4. . 32. . 12. . dO. dO. . 30. . 30. dO. dO. 30. . dO. . dO. . 30. . SO. . 82. 34. 88 . yO.y2. . 92. . 94. . 96. L'JOZ DIA ( I.M) u • 0. • ) • 0. 0. 0. 3. 0. 0. 0. J • W • '•J • 0. 0. J • 0. 3. 3. 3 . 0 . 0. 0. 0 . 57 57 5 7 3 7 37 3 7 67 5 7 57 57 37 37 57 57 57 3 7 3 7 3/ 37 57 5 7 37 3/ 3/ 5TACi< Ft .IP (OF) 330. 330. 335. 33 5 . 340. 340. 340. 340. 340. 340. 340. 340. 340. 343. 340. 343. 340. ._34-). 340. 34 D. 3J3. 333. .135. 330. STACK %I vEL (FP5) 20.->?^ 133.1 1 5. 133 1 7.322 1 7.522 1 7.391 03. -'46 1 A. 391 11.341 17.391 1 7.391 3 7.61 9 07.619 96 . 2 53 93.636 1 30.930 1 05.440 1 33. M3 96.2o8 96.253 32.3 33 . o 32. 7 32. J 34. 3 32.4 03.3 31.4 31 .4 37.3 •1/.3 30.d 34. 7 3 4.0 Hi. 6 ")3 . ^ 34. D 03. 7 33.335 133.1 74.323 99.3 74.323 104.2 74.323 I'-}. 2 /3.V39 103.1 I'OK.x l-iCOilARJ,! COrMO.-UiT0.4 JO-; :i- ).<IC H CDcArt*J;1 Orilvct 5iV.r',FOrt 0, CO J.>i ;£Cf I 0 JT 05*06 -912-:, t r L C L, Ol_ic.<l»' b/\ii OlnOO 'JAb o cLcCT-fl PL/w^l" LOCA'i'iOiV s i.iOi.-iA U.-ill TcdTirOs JNir^ JjUi i'JU..'iDCK! 2 Do 01' Anl^A: I I J. I 03'J.r'T. , 12' IJ inSr i-i u .' 3 = •? : 31 -j OAfc: 3E.J I 3, /7 TEST "CCy.4^*~3-y"DAr~ 3Ax. PSc'^J-I.j .fj:Piror TJJ;£ FACTOR: "t£5I "OjJT 0 i Art Al 2 J 4 5 o 0 iA.-t 3i tL 3 4 3 0 0 i Art 01 ^ J -f 0 O 3 i'Art Jl 2 J 4 3 O LO^Ai I> Ln CLAP"' 0 . 3.0 1 0.0 ! 3.0 <iO.O £. 3 . U J J . 0 J J.O 33.0 40.0 •i3.0 "30.0" 33 . 0 00 .0 o 0 . 0 03.0 /o.o 1 5 . 0 i -d J.O 1 03.0 y 0 . 0 i yO.O y 3. o " "1 ~;0."0~ 1 03.0 i 1 0.0 1 15.0 " " 1 <L O . 0 U: olAOu :rfD': FL-4233 SA.MPL:: P rTOT"0 3 • i • \ r ' t ' ' i ! • •v JL U ;1Z -iiJu o /.GOO o9. / OO /2.620 /3.400 /d. 1 1 J 50.76") OJ . ij43 03. U43 85.430 6 / . 6 1 0 8y.o9G 9 T . 6 5 3 yj.3d J 93. 30/ 93.3 07 9/. /30 yy.y20 02. n j 04. 1 /O 06. 020 O7.d35 / .d3o 10.390 T3.330 1 o . 02 J 1 9.o9 J 21 .140 'eL J.380 1 .2 JO i " "1 7400 ~T 1 . ^ 00 1 1 . <L CO I""""r. rjj~o 0.340 0 "OV9"50 " 0 0.8 '10 0 O./jO 0 0 . oo J 0 O.ooO 0 0.4oO 0 0.9dO 0 0.780 0 O.7iO 0 O./OO 0 0.3oO 0 ~G.5ZO~~"0 .300 I ."500 ""i . ^ GO i . <L 00 1 . 000 0 O.o40 0 40G (^Hu H20) L. .000 9*. ~23"J ""95 .""" . O'JO 1 0^ . . 'J'.VJ 10^. .9~30""l~j2.""" . / 1 3 1 0^ . ."300 ~ 9o." .630 9v. .010 93. . 30 0 93. .510 1 Go . . 400 y o . .d23 94. . 60 0 9H. . 65 ;.) FOj . .390 1 Oj. .4/0 i JO . .440 " 9d'."" .100 92. ."TOO "9o. . n. )Q 1 0^ . .000 104. rB"40"104.~" .710 iO^i. •? Tri^'iP .F) 0 UT 9^:. 96".""" yo. y 3 . 96 . 96. "94'." 9o. yo. yo . 96. 96. 94. 96. 9o. 90. 5>6 . "96 . 94. ""y'oT" yo. 93. "9 3 . 98. i i ~?n 01 0. 1on 0. 1 0. !O:T 0. 1 O.'T 0. 1 J. 1 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1 ). 1 0.1 O.I 0. 1'"/. r 0. 1 0. 1 O.T 0. i .'1C 1 A 90 90" " 90 9 J "70 yO 90 " 90 90 9J yO yj 90 90 90 90 yo 90 90 90 90 90 90"" yO no I 3 i 'i -i' t STAO'C" "ST TEMP ; (OF) (F 33J "330 530 35 0 ~33 J 325 "330 550 350 530 550 325 5 JO 330 330 d50 33 ) 530 333 3'3"j 333 .350 ""330 32 -j 12 ."" '"77 72 . 72 . ' 69" . 63 . ""64 • D^ 56 • -J-J 50 . 45 65 • 3 ? * b'^ • '"^*5 • *"* ^ .""47 . 75 ." 75 . 72 . 72 ." " 03 . 60 c ): i cL 1 0 ^1 rj . 5^3." . 1 06 . 1 06 .035 . 1 31 Tl 56' . -^ 7 d .239 .47o . 9 86 .459 . 1 62 . 1 33 .1 33 "" . J/2 .25:; . 4 06 .050 ."050 ' . 1 05 . 1 Oo .'323" . 1 37 __ lOl . "131". 1 05 . 1 -0. 1 03 . 1 "1 . 1 00. 9y. 9y. '^ 0 . ^0.HI . -' 0 . 1! . <3 1 . /-% .->' • 01 . 03 . 99. 9 o . 100. 136. 59 .•^•-^^ V . _ . . .. — . 5 -r / 9 s 3 O ^ / i 5 / 5 6 . ^ / J 0 / 5 5 i ) j L C G r CO-^ORATI O.i •O^c r<noEA:i! Oil Drt I vc , 5fA..ir vHD, C );-MC -Ji'ICJl" 0690D JO ulcu.) JAo r^oTEu: "<J:HT 2 ~ '. i ;-4 vji.'tocrt « Z OuOi' AHEA: 1 1 3 . i OdJ.rf. , 12' 10 T3uC"i i-OCATTTL-i« o rA-31-.. i"li_iE.-? .^u,.iDc^3J rLb-435b TcSi 'j j-.'jE.-i: 31 6'•> DAFcS 3 EH 16,71 "TEST "COiOr 30~'DAT~AJD TEST 3Atf. P.-?eS5-I -i rij: 29. 12. i i ..c ic "3 1 A'K i r /: 0-7-y. SAMHLii "hLAF "3 A.MHL~£ ~FITUT"07M FITJh^rcTEHTE:.!?"~"TOZ~ STACK" PJiiu" n..-,c vOL'u.AE HOG rVOU (OtJ.r) 014 TE .ip UlH) (OCr) (Lin^OK h,H20) I* OoT (I.-J) (Or~) 3 i.nrf 0 . 32 . / j / Jl 3.0 33.530 I. <ioO 1.000 •*£. "2 10.0 —38.230 17200 —17~33D—yd". j 13.0 41.030 1.200 i.OOO 100. 4 ^u.O 43. //O Jj^OO |^-_W° '^- 5 <£ 570 4~o~. 25 0 TVOC/0" 37^530 TT3"27 937 T7T y 0 o j 0. 0 4 d. " 43 0. / oO 0. 6 4 ) 1 00. 3 i An J O . o 4 o. 443 "Cl " J3.0 '"50.390' "O.yo0"~ 07300" "yZ." <i 40.0 53.110 O.bOO O.ooO y4. 90. 0.190 3 4D. 0 55.320 O.bOO 0.5oO 94. yO. 0. ~4 30."0 " 5T74"TO 07720 OT.3"yJ "y^r. ^QT 07 3 J3.0 39.430 O.OdO 0.300 9o. yO. 0.190 o u J. 0 o i . I / 0 0.4 oO 0. 3 •) 0 b'i'Art oO.O 617'1 TO D! 03. j 63.'b/0 O.y30 0. 770 9-0. ^.3. O.lvO £ /J.O O3.d40 0.-d40 o. 690 94, 90. 0.190 "3 " ~ /3.0 ~ "o"/'7yT3~''~~~"~' 'r^ 4 d-J.O oy. yd '30 '^.leL') J.jyj 9(j. 9'J . ^dO O.ooO 0.330 9o. yO. 0. I "PO 3 -J3.J /i.o30 O.oOO 0.490 94. vO. 0. 6 PO.O /3.595" 0.430 ~ 0.370 "P47 "907'0.' Si'Ai* yj.O /3.3?3 A i yj.J /o.330 1 .zuO 1 .-"100 90. do. 0.190 2 "T3G70 7971""50 r.3^\5 17 TOO yTjT Ty"7TT j iO-j.0 bl.ydO 1.^-0 I . 00 J 9n. 90. 4 I I 0.0 04.0ZJ 1.2:iO 1.000 10^. 92. "b 115.0 "3 / 72 F U"~~I 7 TOO"~~079 T 01 007 yZ7~ 0. I1? 0 O 1^0.J 39.062 0.9oO O.dlO 100. 90. 0.190 i 90 190 190 190 TyO 1 90 "IPO IvO 1 90 ~F5D 190 190 lyO 1 90 "T9 0 1 "PO 1 yo T90 190 T7D 1 90 190 325. ~ 3257 3<i3. 3^3. 3257" 3^3. -' """325. 323. 3^:5. 3257 J>^ "3. 3^0. 3^3. j25. 32 o . 3^5. ^ <— J • "" 320. 32-}. j^ ). j^O. 3<i D. /I "" 71 /I 71 65 57 64 5S 53 'T5 53 45 63 5y 33 53 5 ") -- 5 71_ T4 /I /I . 55 / 7"557~"" .057 .65/ 7"i 1 3""~ . //I .052 " . 5'"1/ .507 • .j ' • O . /69 . 1 75 . J 32 .952 . 3°3 . 1 42 . 5 '" 7 .175 " . -U i ^ ^ _ .--23 .423 1 0 - .i or. i 0 I . 1 V). r"O7 99. i •"> i ". ! 10. 1 1 ). ~~7. 99. 1 00. 1-1. 1 0 ^ . 1 : J. ni . 9y . r>--. i 01 . 1 ' ^' • 1 "3. 96. 1 3 4 y 3 o 5~ 1 3 9 -P ) 3 3 / <£ ^ \ / 3 ~ y .-i 320. 64.549 100.5 0rt:\ KdocArtC.-. 0 il iJriiV'c, 5 i*Ai.',r ;i!H.h<A.f I .-).•! ):-Jj, w'J.-iYicCTU Ji" 06906 -9120 I I c f c I c 0 I r'L.A.x i LOCAi'iJ^s J J u r 3 A 2 j -T 3 O O 5 2 J 4 3 0 D w 2 o 4 -j O 3 J 2 J 4 3 O iUi icoic. VA^ i Ai"^ c A * LiO"! i_0o A i . LLL'dri ^Ji/ii 0 i i, i' i" I Mr— (...iii-i: l"Ari J. 1 3. 1 0. 1 3. £J. 23 . JO. i'.r.rf J-J. i " 3 3 . 4J. 43 . 3 0 . 33 . oO. i A r< 60. 1 -J 3 . lu. 75 . j J. 30 . " " "90. i'Art y 0 . i yo. 1 j07 IJ3 . I 1 0. ~ " i i 3 . 1^0. 0 0 0 0 0 ) 0 kj 0 0 ,— \'J 0 0 0o 0 ^ 0 0 0 0 0T) 0 0 0 0 j: LM < • 2 1 13 00 J/o -\ cLc F-J'Ji iiA i i 2 . 1 03U.FT., 12 [OLJ: blAJiv JEHCDJ Fi_3— 4jdu J SAMFLc" TTTUTTJ 1 VOL J.Vic r{j<J ) (OUF) (I. .ri^O )( 3. /. 1 3. !o. 2 1 . 25. 29 . 2y . ' 33. 31 . 40. • -.1-4. 4/. 3O. 50. 34. 3 /. "6 1 . o4. OS . 71 . / 1 . /3. — t7 -"*i 'CO. 5-^. oh. 92'. 9o. 400 d30 310" 730 2 40 600" 340 34 J 520 130 oo 0 050 */J !2/ 12 7 120 920 3 JO y /O ^ 3 123 331 630 •373 390 /20 200 263 1 1 1 i... p 0 ~"0 0 0 ~"0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 ' ~"0 1_ .-.J. i1 ~T 0 .200 .200-" .^00 . ^uO 7T ^0~ . 9 ' V0 .900 "" . /bO . /OO . 5"oO . 30 0 . 4/0 . y40 . 3oO . / 0 J . ooO .oCi'O .450 . 3oO . 3UO~~ . 1 00 . 000 . 1 00" . 9 00 OT s 'rf I C 10 rTI~FT C™ HOG IifH20) 2. 2. ^ . 2. z;z . 2. 1 . 1 . "17 1 . ! . <s , 2. 1 . 1 . i .r. 3. j ." w- • 2. 2~. ^, 900 9.0J 9')0y-jo-r~n~ 2 )0 2 :")0 " 9 =• v) 700 500" 400 1 00 3 10 1 00yjo o JO 430 150 I 03 FTT 730 400 "6T30" 200 (DEJ. 1 04. II 2. "~" 1 1^. 114. "T PJ. — 1 1 • j . 1 102. " 110. 1 114. 1 ri27"i 1 1 ^ . llu. 1 ?o. 1 Oo. IT j. 1 1 3. 1 0-; . 1 0-1.'"' 1 00 .~ro57" 1 10. 1 1 0. "1T07~ 1 1^. j— r*r *- F) Oo y4 96 96 96 "9 T AJ '96 •••o•-•o 'i; yiJ 00 y4 95 93 y--S •yd 98 94 ~9o" 96 96 9 3 yd r c . 0 . " 0 . ') . 0 \. v_> • J r '3. •) . 0 7"0 . 0 ^• .J . J . 0 . -J . ••J ,^. _* ."'0 . 0 7 0 . 0 \• ^ ."0 . 0 mi i b'ST Pli'O'I i'l.-.c 01 A LO .249 .249 ,24-y . 24 y ."24 y .2-iy .249 .24y . ^4v \ 249" .24y .249 .24v .24y . ^4y .24y .249 . 2 49 .249 ."Z4"y~ .24y ,2-^y .249 .249 Hu.;D-ri: 31 o 3c.J 15, tl -J C0:.:0: 30 TAf A •' fu5- F\Cr.H: 3TACIC ( OF') 3<i3. " ""325 7 325. 323. 325". 5^ J. - 32"57 32 5. ^25. 32 3. 323. 523. 523 . 325. 323. 323. j23. " 323. 323. '32 57' 325. 525. ""325. 323. O i ft^Iv VHL (Fi-3) 71 . "71. 71 . /I . '" -53". 62. ' "62. 5 / . 54. " 53 . 49. 41. 63. 51 . 37. 33 . 33. "45. 74. ""74"." 05. 63 . " 63. 62. •i 4 / 347 347 547 "7 C' ~>1 * ' .' )2 j 221 925 374 2-3 950 -;21 339 526 ^23 2H3 --i"1 1 '40 7 si "7 = 1 7-iS 55 7 7^3 221 DO i r5 y. U "J . S '^0 1 J53 yo .ri7. 7 •: . 95. " 97. "* • J • •^ "^ • 97. 97. "97. y y . y 7 . 9S. 95. •y i « 9 7 . -y . " 97. 9-1. "93". 94. 9 7 . 7 3 . 1 00. i . . j 2 5 o j> 3 3 1 1_. _ j 2 2 J J y -T 5 5 7 5 ^^ - - ~^ o <\)k.< kcocA Drfi. /ii,_. A fl).>l I I .Hi-AHi' LOCATIONS . EJJiJA OiU L icbTEDJ 3 _J.ovJ.£.._Ari£As. I.I 3 ..I JJQ...TX.., 1.2:1. HJMucrib: rLj-43oG Tt-bi" N'JVocR: 320', . JATii: bcr>-22, 77. _ - T53f C0,-;0: 33 OA/ A00 TirSi' \-:3f s r VJ 3A..lPi_c cLAP SAi-'i r .A-l 3 .A.._ 3 O D C c 4 3 -9- _ l 0 I I 0. . J.-G. 1 J.O I 3.0 £ o . 0 JO . 0 Jj. J 40.0 43.0 .30.0 oo . 0 oo.O . J J. O O 3 . 0 / 0. 0 o 0.0 0-3.3 y J . 0 1 'JO.O I I J.O 1 13.0 3 /.UJJ 41.4/0 43.940 48. /30 3l .I 30 3-i. / OO DO.t DO D d . 4 3 0 -oO.o /.'J. 04. /33 04../.JJ . 0/.300 /0.090 (d. 4o 0 dl . 12J- b3.3.3J 9^.333 0. 7UO.- 0. /dO 0. y GO ...a.-yQJ- 0. 3-4 0 0.&40 0.900 O.VdO -0..-/-JO- 0. / 00 0. 3OO ,630 , 79 0 , /40 , /40 , doJ 0. 0..a. o.o. -j. 0. /yO o.od) 94. 9 d. Go. 0.020 0.430 0.3/0 i . 05 3 0. 0. .0.. 0. 0. 9 40 «40 1 00. I 00. 90. 93. ,030 104. .yoa_i.J4.. ,320 104. , /40 104. ^04;X-U)Z.»- ,630 \J^. ,33 0 1 00. -.36 3d yO 90 90 yO vO 90 90 90 3d 90 oOy w 90 92 9^ 90 92j j y^ 90 — 94) ^ . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 3 . 0 . 0 . 0 c\• - ^ o• ^J . 3 . •) . 0 . 0 .— 0 . U90-..- . 190 . 1 PO . 1 ^0 . 1 yO . 190 . 190 ^_j. y j. J-. . 1 90 . 1 90 . 190 . 190 . 190 . 1 90 . 1 yj- -. . i 90 . 1 yO 1 T> O• ~f-y *7r . 1 PO . lyj 5?.433 102. 63.309 104. _i,>0 04 _J_/2-_.-1.D2 , 33'). ^30. 3.iJ.- 333. 323. 01 Oi 072 104. 3 103. / 1 33. / i 33.0 320. 320. 5o . 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I e i E iJ uvJ i i " * • - > r . . • \ • •« O.-Yii OiCUO oAO LOCAiiO.j: t.jCLi 'no feu* 1 ii*;: AS 1 i 3. 1 OOU. Li 'J>^ i LOCA i j O Ai'ih'L.^ HO i H f 0 iA K 01 4 J — r 0 0 0 i A r< vj 1 4 J 4 3 0 0 f Af< ol 4 J 4 3 O OiAri A 1 4 i J I $ \ 0 \ O 1 L U,* : A c r f . ,14' 10 — •- o f ACK ;-[_3-dy /3 cLAH o'AMHLn flj'.id vOLJvtc UiLi) (jJr) 0 . 3.0 1 0 . 0 1 3.0 4J.O 4 3 . J JO.O JO.O J 3 . 0 4<j. 0 43.0 3J .0 33 . 0 oO.O o J . 0 03.0 / J . O /3.0 o j . 0 do . 0 y-j.o yO. 0 93.0 -J. J 03.0 J . 0 1 3.0 4 J . >'J 41 . 44. 2d. 31 . 33. 33. 40. 40. 44. ' 43. 34. 3O. OO. O J . 63. od. /^. //. 04 . do. 90. 90. y4. y d . i 04 . t 1.13 . 1 09. .1 14. 000 /20 d30 <d 1 0 u/o 420 9 /2 y /4 yOO /40 30 0 34 J 4dO j/0 J /O o30 d/0 -o/O *J f 0 430 4d/ 43 / 3OO 3l 0 430 /3J 420 443 ( I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 i ! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I f 0 f . /r,0 . /oO .OoO . o GO .300 .4l. 0 . 9 00 .doO . doO . y'-jj . d^O . D40 . J UO . 400 .t-jO . 4 UJ . 1 GO .y40 . 9 40 .9^0 .040 . o ciO . odO . 460 Orii FlCc M-rT-.^ft rtOG ( LJCU. r ) ) ( I;Jfi40) IN -Jj . y,'O .830 .030 . 430 .330 . OJO 2 .20 3 2 . ! ;0 4. 1 ->0 4.2 60 1 . 9 30 i .30J J .400 3.400 3.400 2. 9 00 4. 703 4.300 2.3.30 4 . 2 ")0 4 . 0' )0 1 .033 1 . O30 1 . 130 Sd. 94. yd. 1 00. 1 G-J. 1 GO. 90. 9.-i .i ^; 1 'JO . i 34. 1 04 . i 04 . 94. 1 04 . 1 'JO . 1 Oo. 1 Oo. 1 Oo . 90. 9d. 1 00. i 04. I 00 . 100. ^d 33 d6 ". O -^o -6 d6 do do --6 ^d -6 do ao ^a -"-3 '-8 '••d 34 00 do GO d6 bo :V f c . •"> . 0 . 0 . (} . 0 • ' J . 0 . ") . '3 . 0 "l. ^ . 0 . -J . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0. o -\ • l. y . 0 . 0 . 0 f^of : 0_Af£: ri,;£ J 10 Z 01 A I.M) .230 .260 .230 .430 .230 .23') .250 . 43') .230 .430 .230 . 230 .250 .230 .25J .430 .430 .430 .250 .230 .230 .230 .230 . 2sO » o . • i O Z. :-i^y 3 ~£oi' o of ACK (Or) 343. 340. 340. 340. 34-3. 333. 340. 343. 3 3 0 . 350. 3 -50. 340. 330. 330. 330. 350. 330. 340. 343. J43. 346. 346. 345. 34). : 3403 0, 'II 30 OAf \00 T^oi" I.J HO: 2y. /2 iA'^ir:J!2 40 STACK J<! v'EL 6-i. 5 / . 54. ol . 49. ' 42. 62. 6! . 61 . 63. 5y. 4d. 75. 76. 76. 73. 69. 64. 64. 63. 60. 34. 54. 43. 493 73-3 6 I 3 302 302 •L 75 S31 61 I 312 223 •3 0 7 OOP 964 663 353 3TJ •393 212 41 3 04 / 1 ol M3 735 d65 1 02.3 100. / 1 0 i . I 101 .2 i n l . 4 ! O^ . y 1 0 3 . / I3'\3 1 ^0. 3 I 01 . l l n. y Vy . y yy . J 9t, . J -9.2 1 '"O.j 1 0 J . 3 1 32.0 i J'i.9 "V .9 1 ' )2 . l 1 0 1 . / 1 03 . 0 I I c y r i APPENDIX D Laboratory Results In Chronological Order e 03HCO tJ UH W Q O b O W O 05 rf£ ?1-3 CM o Nft 0/70-0'-*c Vl <f c <N Q Or. 1 1 0 ,O N C Ci o O Sv 0 -o C, .•n \ o O ,3 C -v. .v TO O O O C cS Xor \ O As cs •c Q' - X \\ 3s w EH Ofa W I PuH | $ w fao w 0O xr g CL, o CO o (0 o c o C5 Q)'55 to CO (0 rHo C >.o 0? •r' enO ^o en0) rO V. -PitsQ o 53 o.S o -ov-i CO £ X X C V S r o -.0 CR V Q' ON § S o \ X -"N x o "C < o c V' X C c^s o x'APPROV COH CO aM § S H EH 3 £ HiCM co faO w ^"^ 0 <C .o 13P CD C5 '.S; 0 Cc C o a r* > O •"o Oo 0 o V r* no \ ps. O o Oo ri V V N* S In r* V 'O fe5'N" tv CO o v, Oo A CC 0 '3-, vO Q m0 \ 0O \ - x H EH I E 0 C [ CO H CO w D U H | a. \ H CO WO. I L ^•i (0 <o !2 01 C N<>^ cs V C N0 X C; r-l tv r\ •o V .s, r-j id tH & O N O ri a C; \ \ w EH COHw W puH .V w1J w o w £ o g CQ <o 3cu 3 CQ 0) tf ^O i CQ -p0) CQ fC CO cu H CO COouo .yCQ 0) •5 Q O CM ^Onj to N CD-P O 0 C - 3 0.cD CO O •T- N V; Vl o 1 rw •s. -a GO tcoO O "53s c -; X- Ovt Q vr Icu \- 'v W EH w H w uH an< X N w wd. N3 i CQO a. CD 0} QJ CD InJ rH ffi CD •P0)'S to CO CD CD 0) M (D EH CD CO CO 0 _CD +J CQ0) EH o (1) -P rtJQ O2 A X Vcr 3 fo <^. o 06 C; X So CJ X 00 V Artr<r.oO O o rv \/v 00 to to X r : w £ COM CO rw &H o w CO fao w& o 1-D w CD •pfHpto0)tf o. O idiHpa iH g 4J<D• ^ (0to O E 0)Vlid CD totoo o .p (Q •sm CO 4JidQ PO lO cc S« S o Oo •DC a Ov ft a rs r\ \ O d CO 1 "S \ M 1, fro ooor\ o O N ^ N 1 cu CO i L W fr! [ E [ C i I CO H CO &H3 uH g <& H CO fao wdl i CD <o aCn wcu \ C tor ^ z H •S (0 i-He A.X 0:c >u •p 0) w COidiH O c A (1)S-iid EH '.->'< 3 CO oS-l JsL jj CO 0) u<04J CO V-' p o o tpo c- o v°c CV' xi, Cl C N, O '-.f- N••>. fr. 1 c <-. d 6 (V-. S vy C c 0? O CD c A V c c. c e m en JOB NO. PLANT NO . i >C i,Jf) PARTICULATE iALYSIS FORM TYPE OF SAMPLE: >. t>/.! /'. Locr No Date Stack Test Gross (Gr.)Tare (Gr.)Glass (Gr.)Net (GE)Vol (ml)Blank (Gr.)Result (GE 09,. it -77 H.I ')- '-/<:).•/•/ /tf. '">/.<?/ 3 o. 3. •-•^..lin, o D'/y* 0 £» /? ' / 9 /.J 0. ^0 / 0.n J ) o . <oo (&I/I) n ••> 1 •/ •-o o*/ot. ><V</ '/*»(&!&). ', fk( /i A (0 70V 4. £ 31 1 2 -So ,vO ANALYST APPROVAL JOB NO.<-/ - cl PLANT NO. ;-"*(.: PARTICIPATE IALYSIS FORM TYPE OF SAMPLE: f, PA - DATE : t H A\B Loq No Date Stack Test Gross (Gr.)Tare (Gr.)Glass (Gr.)Net Vol (ml)Blank(Gr.)Result (GE O.O300J //v ?tf O.Of) )"// Ifa.O 3S-3 2% , ./;. --".. - no nn n o. ANALYST APPROVAL COMw U D U Hs Cu CiV W I WJ&l fao M Cu 3 CQ cdo 31-3 CK O i(0 CQ •P 0) 'S o 0) U (0 EH w O -P(dQ C^ X O (X f: tv, -v. o CO crcr I Q cr c. 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KJ VJs. oo M Uj OJ OJ K) i V Ni i UJ V is XI J. r. s, CO JO H c> S si M CN -v \ Sj avrt « to fl>(0ft OHOCO CD a (D o l-< 0» 01u I oft o F o pi X <nc ow % W O•fl en M vj ^S J ' w ••3 d I •SO s VXJ JO U) x- O * JJ I 04 •O N tto o9 oO 00 Oj U) 1 , zo srtA Wrt I (D U -x.r\ Qno(n(fl S C. tV OR (Uh(0 o (0CO . ft ft o M 3* 03I-1 (U a. 0)c f O> DB n tt o*1 w M CO H3 I sj 1 UJ -.1 0. Ki 1 CM o ^>x> o 1 Us f V-f TO Oftli to Nl P b fM CM -K OJ p v» oo §! fiji I tXl w * IV tt Uj Nj '•** V^ 1 H Si o 0)ft(D Ul COrt I (D0) rt Gi H O CO CO "•3 (V H (D o 0 01 CO (0I ft o o (ii £ »(D CO CM ft "o V 3 13 M O CO 33 Hn G M CO H CO 1 M i 5 r •; KJ >* A 0* '•0 \ ^^ B CB CM 0^|io bo 00 c? s 5s*b Cy 8 .a? I £b o? 0? < O1 «\ •v p •o tsJ c- 3 8 o (Urt (D COft (DCOft Cfi, o 0)UI*-KQ frt tfl P) (O »ACO C 1 v>k i tjn o CO M 3? IMOC I COHCO n r{ ] A I 0 ' ll (xsKJs-•0 o b 00 Jw'd. Kl V-j _ KJ •«4-. is KJ * So Ki . -' 0 - H us •v- *V oUj B 06JdCO 0 Xi N. e DvJau> 9 ft(6 Stacku fth00101 (VnID c% en»-•f»m (0 a.(0n- CO (Dwc ow §' CN I !i I I •TJn *Q £PART 1Cts wH W 3s. f J n ] i 1 1 1 ;* Supplementary Report A STUDY OF SULFATE AEROSOL IN THE ENCl POWER PLANT PLUME By B K CANTRELL R E RUFF L A CAVANAGH L. W. RICHARDS J STEINER ? I Prepared for: SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY P. 0 BOX 1831 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 921 12 Attention: MR. ROBERT LACY, MANAGER GENERATION ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CONTRACT J7-28056 i 333 Ravenswood Avenue Menlo Park, California 94025 U.S.A. (41 5) 326-6200 Cable: STANRES, Menlo Park r ? 'I TWX: 910-373-1246 14 w, e 4 A Study of Sulfate Aerosol in the Encina Power Plant Plume - Supplementary Report ERRATA SHEET Page So./Line No. Corrected Text 2/ 23 the power plant plume by catalytic or other \ 6/16,17 were 4 + 2ug/m3 in the first week, 5 + ldm3 during the second week, and 8 - f 2vg/m3 the last week. ._ *$ A , Supplementary Report Ma! 'a A STUDY OF SULFATE AEROSOL IN THE ENCIN POWER PLANT PLUME By: 6. K. CANTRELL R. E. RUFF L. A. CAVANAGH L. W. RICHARDS J. STEINER b Prepared for: SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY P. 0. BOX 1831 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92112 Attention: MR. ROBERT LACY, MANAGER GENERATION ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CONTRACT J7-28056 SRI Project 6747 Approved by: R.T.H. COLLIS, Director Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory EARLE D. JONES, Executive Director Advanced Development Division Copy No. .. 333 Ravenswood Avenue - Menlo Park, California 94025 - U.S.A. CONTENTS 4 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ........................ v LISTOFTABLES .......................... . vii I BACKGROUND ........................ 1 I1 CONCLUSIONS. RECOMMENDATION. AND PROGRAM SUMMARY ..... 5 A . Conclusions ..................... 5 B . Recommendation .................... 6 C . Programstudy .................... 6 1 . Respirable Particulate Emissions ........ 7 2 . Primary Acid Sulfate Emissions ......... 8 3 . Ambient Sulfate Aerosol ............. 9 4 . Lidar Verification of SRI Plume Modeling .... 10 I11 EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM DESCRIPTION ............. 11 A . Experimental Philosophy ............... 11 1 . Primary Sulfate Emissions ............ 11 2 . Secondary Atmospheric Sulfates ......... 13 B . Experimental Methods ................. 17 1 . Source Measurements ............... 18 2 . Ambient Measurements .............. 19 3 . Fixed-Site Operations .............. 21 4 . Mobile Operations ................ 21 5 . Lidar Operations ................ 25 IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .................. 29 A . Source Emissions ................... 29 B . Ambient Concentrations and Comparisons ........ 33 1 . Ammonia ..................... 33 2 . Sulfuric Acid .................. 34 3 . Water Extractable Sulfate ............ 36 C . Sulfation Plate Results ............... 41 .I . .......... 6 Other Subsidiary Measurements 26 iii D . Lidar Plume Analysis ................. 45 2 . Analysis 46 3 . Model Verification ............... 46 ................... .................... 1 . Discussion 45 UPENDICES A SOURCE SAMPLING SUMMARY ................. 55 B AMBIENT SAMPLING ANALYTICAL METHODS AND DATA ....... 63 ............................. REFERENCES 83 iv ILLUSTRATIONS * 1 SO Concentration Downstream of Bare and Coated 3 Multi-Steel Specimens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2 Experiment Schedule for Each Task Group . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 3 Location of Sampling Sites Near the Encina Power Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4 Mobile Sampling Van at Beach Site, Rockwell International . . . 24 5 The SRI Mark IX Lidar System. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 6 Block Diagram of the SRI Mobile Mark IX Lidar System. . . . . . 27 7 Power Plant Contributed Sulfate vs Fuel Sulfur Expressed as Sulfate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Y 8 Sulfation Plate Locations . . . . . . . . . , , . . . , , . . . 42 * 9 Map of Encina Power Plant and Vicinity Showing Lidar Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 10 Lidar Sequence of 1430 PST, 18 January 1978 . . . . . . . . . . 48 11 Lidar Sequence of 1500 PST, 18 January 1978 . . . . . . . . . . 48 12 Modeled vs Lidar-Derived Plume Height--1430 PST . . . . . . . . 53 13 Modeled vs Lidar-Derived Plume Height--1500 PST . . . . . . . . 53 B-1 Typical Calibration Curve for the Sulfuric Acid Monitor with Aerosols During a Three-Day Period . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Response of the SAM as a Function of the Aerosol Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2 68 L v TABLES 0 1 Levels of Respirable Plume Sulfate Aerosol ........... 10 2 Mechanisms by which Sulfur Dioxide is Converted to Sulfates .......................... 15 3 Known Atmospheric Sulfates ................... 16 4 Key to the Sampling Sites in Figure 3 ............. 23 5 Mark IX Lidar Specifications .................. 27 6 Emission Parameters ...................... 30 7 York Emission Parameters .................... 31 8 Comparison of Ambient Concentrations of Respirable Aerosol ....................... 38 9 Sulfation Plate Analysis No . 1 ................. 43 10 Sulfation Plate Analysis No . 2 ................. 44 11 Lidar-Derived Plume Height vs Distance Downwind-- 1430 PST ... 49 12 Lidar-Derived Plume Height vs Distance Downwind-- 1500 PST ... 49 13 Modeled Plume Height vs Distance-- 1430 PST ........... 52 14 Modeled Flume Height vs Distance-- 1500 PST ........... 52 A-1 Summary of Stack Test Schedule ................. 60 A-2 Summary of Stack Test Parameters and Results .......... 61 B-1 Encina Power Plant Plume-- Rolfite 900-SD Additive ....... 72 B-2 Encina Power Plant Plume-- Rolfite 900-2.0 Additive ....... 74 B-3 Encina Power Plant Plume-- No Additive ............. 75 78 B-4 Large Particle Sulfate Concentrations ............. Deposits with Sulfuric Acid Aerosol .............. . B-5 Results of Spiking Filters Containing Ambient Aerosol 80 vii B-6 Data from Volatilizations at 18OoC to Test for the Presence of Ammonium Sulfate or Ammonium Bisulfate . . . . . . . . . . . 82 viii I BACKGROUND a The Encina Power Plant of San Diego Gas and Electric Company (SDGSIE) was identified as a source of the corrosive particulate material that has been observed as fallout in the city of Carlsbad, California. York Researc Corporation was contracted by SDG&E to evaluate combustion processes at the Encina 'Power Plant and to recommend such changes as necessary to alle- viate fallout of corrosive particulate material. The York Research Corporation study (1977) recommended that a fuel additive be used to reduce the acidity of the particulate emissions. The additive tested was Rolfite 900, containing the equivalent of 21.5% of magnesium and about 0.2% by weight of manganese compounds. The function of the magnesium compound in the additive, primarily in the form of mag- nesium oxide, is to reduce the acidity by neutralization and by inhibiting the formation of SO during combustion. The manganese in the additive is 3 J claimed by the manufacturer to serve as a combustion improver. The amount of Rolfite 900 used is dependent on the sulfur content of the fuel; with 0.5% sulfur fuel (the legal maximum), one gallon of Rolfite 900 is added to each 6000 gallons of fuel. Two formulations of Rolfite 900 have been evaluated by SDG&E at the Encina Power Plant--Rolfite 900, containing approximately 0.2% manganese, and a similar formulation, Rolfite 900-SD, without manganese. Since con- tinued use of one of these formulations of magnesium-based additive is anticipated, the California Department of Health and the San Diego Air Pollution Control District (SDAPCD) voiced the following concerns: (1) What portion of the particulate emission from the Encina (2) Can data be provided about the chemical composition of the plant is respirable? Mg and Mn compounds in the particuaate emissions so that some evaluation of toxicity can be made? (3) Do the magnesium and manganese compounds, added to the plant particulate emission by the additive, increase the 24-hour and annual-average background of these elements in the vicinity of the plant? 1 (4) What is the population exposure to these particulate emissions downwind of the power plant? SRI International was asked to design and implement a measurement program specifically to address these questions. In addition? the SRI field measurements were designed to generate a data base that could be used to evaluate an existing dispersion model developed under contract by Bechtel Corporation. was to be modeled using either the Bechtel model or other established models to provide annual average concentration isopleth maps of the area impacted by the plume. The dispersion of the plume from the Encina plant The sampling program undertaken by SRI and the results obtained are reported in the January 1978 SRI report on Phase 1 of the project, Cavanagh et. a1 (1978). During execution of the program it was reviewed periodically by staff of the California State Department of Health. In the course of the review, additional concerns were voiced by this agency, These were: (1) What is the effect of the additive on the fraction of primary (2) Does the fuel additive control primary acid sulfate emissions particulate mass emitted in the respirable size range? from the plant? (3) Is there evidence of increased concentrations of sulfate or sulfuric acid aerosol due to secondary conversion of SO2 in the power plant plume at catalytic or other process? plant plume? (4) What are the levels of sulfate aerosol measured in the power Since these questions are beyond the scope of the measurement program as originally designed? SRI was asked to conduct a supplementary study to address these points specifically. In addition, SRI was asked to further validate the dispersion modeling efforts presented in the first report and create a data base that could be used in further studies to generate plume dispersion parameters. This report descirbes results obtained in the intensive supplementary study. The study was designed to furnish specific measurements of the 2 parameters of interest rather than a broad data base. For this reason, generalizations apply only to the period of measurement and should be considered in light of the limitations of the measurement techniques q employed. 3 I1 CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONy AND PROGRAM SUMMARY i A three-week field sampling program was performed at the Encina Power Plant in Carlsbad, California to determine the effect of two differ- ent additive formulations on the sulfur chemistry of the primary emissions and subsequent atmospheric plume from the plant. The additive formulations used by the plant during the program were Rolfite 900-SD containing 21.5% Mg and no Mn, in the first week, and Rolfite 900-2.0'' containing 21.5% Mg and 2.0% Mn, in the second week. No additive was used during the third week. During the program, sampling was done for analysis of sulfate com- pounds and SO in the plant flue gas, in the plume, and at nearby back- ground locations. 2 . A. Conclusions From the results of measurements taken during the intensive sampling program the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) Evaluation of all particulate emissions data available for the Encina power plant reveals two characteristics of the particulate emissions with use of a fuel additive. First, total nonvolatile particulate mass emissions remain constant for a short period after the start of additive use in the fuel and then decrease of particulates in the respirable size range increases from 40% to 60% with use of the additive. The net effect is an initial transient increase in nonvolatile respirable emissions with introduction of the additive to the fuel, and a subsequent reduc- tion in these emissions toward pre-additive levels. For the data considered in this report, the nonvolatile respirable par- ticulate emissions after 60 days of additive use were the same as pre-additive levels. by 30% after 30 to 60 days of additive use. Second, the fraction '; The regular commercial additive available from Rolfite--Rolfite goo-- contains only 0.2% Mn. It was felt that the Mn added to the emissions by this formulation would not be sufficiently different from the levels measured for Rolfite 900-SD to provide a significantly different level of exposure to Mn for the SO2 in the power plant plume. special formulation with 2.0% Mn--Rolfite 900-2.0--was obtained from Rolfite for the sampling program. Because of this, a < 5 (2) Acid aerosol was not found in the power plant plume when either of the additives was used. Acid aerosol was detected in the plume when the additive was not used. (3) Evidence suggests that secondary conversion of sulfur dioxide is enhanced in the power plant plume when Mn is present in the additive. No difference was observed in the total amount of fuel sulfur converted to sulfate between periods when no addi- tive was used and periods when additive with Mg only was used. Because of this, no enhancement can be inferred for the additive with Mg only. with or without the additive formulations was 1.0 2 0.3 pg/d. This represents 13% to 25% of the sulfate levels in the plume. Average sulfate levels measured in the power plant plume for sampling sites situated between 2.5 and 5 km from the plant were 3.3 ug/m3 in the first week, 4.6 lig/m3 during the second week, and 7.6 pg/m3 the last week. during successive weeks was steadily increasing levels of sul- fate in the background air. (5) Comparison of lidar observations with predictions of plume heighl based on the Briggs plume rise model shows that for low wind speeds <4 mps, the true stack height of 59 m (195 ft) gives better results in estimating plume height than the nominal 7.6-m (25 ft) height used by Bechtel Corporation (1977). This result validates the use of 59 m for effective stack height in the SRI model calculations reported for the Phase 1 study. (4) Average contribution of the power plant to plume sulfate 1evel.s The reason for the increase B . Recommendat ion This study has determined that a fuel additive using Mg only as the active agent is effective in controlling acid particulate emissions in the respirable size range from the power plant. Since enhancement of SO= 4 conversion was noticed when Mn was used at the 2.0% level, SRI recommends that a fuel additive employing Mg only be used for the Encina Power Plant. C. Program Summary During the course of the sampling program several factors had the potential to affect the type of sulfur compounds detectable in the power plant plume. For example, the active component of the fuel additive used during the first two weeks is a magnesium compound, which can neutralize sulfuric acid formed during combustion. The resulting magnesium sulfate is emitted as a particulate in the flue gas of the plant. Ambient ammonia can neutralize residual sulfuric acid present in the plume. Offsetting 6 this during the second week of the study was the presence in the additive of manganese (Mn), which has the potential to catalyze conversion of sul- fur dioxide to sulfuric acid in the plume. To assess the relative impor- 4 tance of these chemical processes, the three-week sampling program was designed to include measurements of sulfur and sulfur compounds in both the emission source and ambient air downwind of the Encina plant. Measure- ments made at the plant were of fuel sulfur, and of respirable particulate, SO2, and SO sulfuric acid, and water extractable sulfate (SO=) concentrations in the power plant plume and nearby background air. Sulfur dioxide was also measured to determine plume dilution at the sampling sites. in the flue gases. Ambient Measurements were of ammonia, 3 4 The following is a summary of the results of the measurement program and some generalizations that can be drawn from them. They are offered in response to the additional concerns expressed by the California State Department of Health. 1. Respirable Particulate Emissions Because of the sequence in which particulate emission measure- ments were taken, results from both the York Research Corporation (1977) and the present study must be considered to assess the effect of the additive on respirable nonvolatile particulate emissions from the Encina plant. From these results it can be seen that total nonvolatile particu- late emissions from the plant may actually decrease with long-term use of an additive in the fuel. In addition, size distribution measurements of the emitted nonvolatile particulate indicate that the fraction of parti- culate in the respirable range increases from 40% to 60% with use of a fuel additive. The net result of these two effects for the York measure- ments was that the nonvolatile particulate mass in the respirable range emitted by the power plant remained the same with use of the additive. It should be noted that there was a transient increase in the respirable particulate emissions during the York Measurements shortly after the initiation of additive use, but this disappeared with continued use of the additive. Even with the short-term increase, particulate concentra- tions emitted from the Encina plant remained at very low levels. With * . 7 long-term use of the additive, maxium annual average contribution by the plant to ambient respirable aerosol concentrations is expected to be approximately 0.5 pg/m . 3 of respirable aerosol of approximately 26 ug/m measured in Carlsbad during the Phase 1 study. This can be compared to typical concentrations 3 2. Primary Acid Sulfate Emissions Because of continuing analytical problems, sulfuric acid measure ments in the flue gas are not available for this report. In lieu of these data an effective total fuel sulfur to SO conversion factor for the plant was derived using regression analysis of the ambient plume sulfate, fuel sulfur, and sulfur dioxide data. This conversion factor incorporates both the primary sulfate emission and any secondary SO to SO conversion in the plume. The result of the analysis was the same for both the first week, when Rolfite 900-SD was used, and the third week, when no additive 4 2 4 was in use. During these periods, the average fuel sulfur to SO, conver- sion factor for the plant was 1.1 i 0.5%. From this it would seem that the additive containing Mg only has little or no effect on the levels of SO in the plume contributed by the plant. Measurement of the relative acidity of particulate in the flue gas, however, does show a reduction of particle acidity with use of the additive. Given this, it would seem that the primary effect of the additive is to neutralize the SO formed in the combustion process. Ambient measurements of sulfuric acid in the plume substantiate this conclusion, since no indication of sulfuric acid was found in the plume during the first two weeks, when the magnssium base fuel additive was used, but a small amount of sulfuric acid was detected in nearly every plume sample in the third week, when fuel additive was 4 3 not used. Two interferences in the ambient sampling techniques used could affect the validity of this conclusion. The emitted sulfuric acid can be neutralized by ambient ammonia as well as ambient particulates during filter collection. In the first week, when background aerosol levels were low and the Mg-only fuel additive was used, it was possible to show that the plume contained little or no ammonium sulfate or ammonium bisul- fate. Hence, if sulfuric acid was present, ammonia was not active in 8 neutralizing it. This seems unlikely, since the measured ammonia concen- trations were more than adequate to neutralize acid emission from the plant . and this reaction usually proceeds very quickly in the atmosphere. Ana- lytical error, encompassing neutralization of the acid aerosol during fil- ter sample collection, and interference effects during sample analysis, remains a possibility. However, the consistency of negative results from the first two weeks of additive use and the slight but positive indication of acid aerosol in most of the samples analyzed for the third non-additive week indicate that at the very least, the effect of the additive is a substantial reduction in ambient acid aerosol. 9 3. Ambient Sulfate Aerosol 4 As mentioned above, there is no evidence for an increase of SO levels in the plume with use of Rolfite 900-SD with Mg alone. There is, however, some evidence for an increase in the total conversion of fuel sulfur to SO4 with the use of Rolfite 900-2.0 with 2.0% Mn. The value determined for the conversion factor, 1.8 f 0.3%, is consistent with an enhancement in the rate for SO to SO conversion in the power plant plume for an average 0.2-hr plume age, of approximately 3.5% per hour. This is in the range of values expected for heterogeneous conversion processes in an oil fired power plant plume (Newman et al., (1975)), of which catalytic conversion due to the presence of Mn is one possibility. i 2 4 1* Average in-plume levels of sulfate aerosol contributed by the power plant are summarized in Table 1. The values given are for surface sample sites between 2.5 and 5 km from the power plant. These sites were used to ensure a relatively constant plume age for the samples taken and because they are the points downwind of the power plant where fumigation of the plume to the surface first occurs. Since errors quoted for the average plant-contributed sulfate levels do not permit distinctions to be made between the three measurements weeks, an average value of 1.0 5 0.3 pg/m was used for all three weeks. In the first week, plant- contributed sulfate was 25% of the sulfate measured in the plume. the last week it had fallen to about 13%. The reason for the decrease was a steady rise in the average background sulfate concentration during the three-week period from approximately 3 pg/m 3 By 3 3 to 6 pg/m . This increase 9 Additive Average Used Plant Contributed Sulfate (pg/m3) Rolfite-900 SD 0.9 f 0.3 Rolf it e - 9 00- 2.0 1.6 f 1.0 None 1.5 * 1.1 Average Plume Sulfate (ps/m3> 422 5f'l 8f2 4 I11 EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM DESCRIPTION * A. Experimental Philosophy Sulfate aerosols in the atmosphere that are traceable to oil-fired combustion sources such as the Encina Power Plant fall into two categories. These are: (1) sulfate containing particulates emitted directly from the power plant stack, and (2) secondary sulfate aerosol formed in the power plant plume. A brief review of the formation mechanisms and characteris- tics of these aerosols will be useful before proceeding to a description of the experimental program and a discussion of results. 1. Primary Sulfate Emissions There are two primary sources of SO in a boiler furnace. The 4 2 first is flame-produced SO This is the result of the reaction of SO derived from sulfur containing fuel with atomic oxygen in the flame and immediate post-flame region. Although significant, the SO thus formed 3 is usually not the major source of sulfate in the flue gas. 3' - The second and probably primary source of sulfate in the flue gas is catalytically produced SO This is the result of the reaction of SO with molecular oxygen downstream of the flame in the presence of 3' 2 a catalytic surface. This process, reviewed by Barrett (19661, takes place on boiler surfaces exposed to the flue gas. Both bare steel and rusty mild steel will act as catalytic surfaces and can enhance SO con- centrations in the flue gas by as much as a factor of 4. These surfaces also act as a site for reaction between the SO and nonvolatile particu- lates in the boiler. 3 3 Sulfur emerges from the combustion process as SO2, SO3, and particulate sulfates. As the flue gas cools, SO3 combines with water to form sulfuric acid aerosol and also condenses on flue particulates. The result is usually an acid aerosol emission from the combustor that can . occasionally, in the form of large particles ("acid smut"), cause corro- sion problems near the source. 1 11 200 160 g 120- n a 80- 0 L 1-1 I - Fez% coating e- 1 -- 1 &re steel 1 - - -- 1 - - - MgO cooting - \-e-+-- 119OF I I I I I I 4oa - gas. This can be done either by direct measurement or estimation using e auxiliary measurements such as fuel sulfur. It is desirable, however, to make measurements in the power plant stack, of SO and SO in the flue * gas and also sulfate in the nonvolatile particulates. Measuring these 2 3 when an additive is being used as well as during a period when additive is not in use will provide the basic data necessary for flue gas evalua- tion. Also, these results can be used to characterize the source when evaluating ambient measurement of sulfates. A subsidiary requirement of the measurements arises out of the effect the additive has on emission particulate size. The net effect observed has been a reduction in the particulate size, resulting in a greater portion of the total particulates being in the respirable size range. Because this may increase the ambient burden of respirable parti- cles, the measurements of nonvolatile particulate was done on a size- segregated basis. I The assumption is made throughout the following sections that respirable particles emitted by the plant will remain in the respirable range. Also, sulfate aerosol resulting from the interaction of SO and 3 ambient water will be in the respirable size range. Definitions of res- pirable size and measurement techniques used for nonvolatile particulates have been reported by Cavanagh et al. (1978). 2. Secondary Atmospheric Sulfates A variety of mechanisms operate in the atmosphere to convert SO to SO4. These are summarized in Table 1. Taken together, the second- ary conversion processes operating on SO emissions are responsible for up to 10 times more respirable sulfate aerosol in the atmosphere than can be accounted for by primary emissions above; Cass (1978). Two general types of process seem to account for most of this conversion; photo- oxidation of SO and inhomogeneous catalytic processes. The photo-oxidatior 2 2 2 of SO, takes place relatively slowly in the atmosphere. Values measured in power plant plumes range from 0.5 to 2% per hour, Cantrell and Whitby . (1978). Catalytic processes, on the other hand, take place relatively quickly. Measurements by Newman et al., (1975) indicate that the 2-t0-6% * 13 conversion of SO that takes place in a power plant plume occurs within an hour of emission. 2 If the mechanisms mentioned above are operational in the power plant plume and if approximately 1X to 3% of the fuel sulfur is converted to sulfate in the combustion process, an enhancement of approximately a factor of two in plume sulfate aerosol concentrations contributed by the plant can be expected within one hour of plume travel time over that from the primary emissions. Use of the additive in the plant fuel can havea further effect on these conversion processes. Because Mn is used as an incidental in- gredient in the additive, concentrations of this metal in the particulate emissions can be increased by as much as a factor of 10. Measurements at the Encina power plant show increases of Mn concentrations in stack parti- culates from 300 ppm to 0.3%. As noted in Table 2, Mn is one of the cat- alytic agents active in the conversion of SO to SO in wet aerosol. By adding to the amount of Mn in the particulate emitted by the plant, an additional increase might occur in sulfate aerosol concentrations in the power plant plume. 2 4 2 Sulfates that can result from the secondary oxidation of SO to SO are listed in Table 3. As can be noted in the table, these are sulfuric acid and its products of neutralization by NH3. of sulfuric acid by atmospheric ammonia takes place primarily in wet aerosol into which it has been abosrbed. Other neutralization reactions can also occur in the aerosol. reaction is particularly important in the Encina plume because of the increased MgO content of the primary particulate emissions due to the add it ive . 4 Neutralization One such is MgO+H2S04+MgS04+H20. This The resulting sulfate containing aerosol is submicron in size and hence well within the respirable size range. Making the assumption that the SO in the plume disperses with the same characteristic as the submicron sulfate-bearing aerosol, SO mation of the plant contribution of primary sulfate emission to ambient levels. 2 can be used as a tracer for esti- 2 14 L Ir Cn w H 3 eJ @ E3 g rn 0 H- E-i 3 U cn H w n u G I fiao arb GO * u c hrn Gn ue, fik e, ad ox *rl o(6 n u oz (d wd e, u uo k e,u u vi G bo *rl u e, -4 afi - ad 5(dd 03 ad k *4 bo 0 o G *d u3 x Li -d u- krn GO om 004J 0 aa, a- u Oh 31 -4 h .d a hb4 rl a nc, a "&I GO cd 4-J- Cn bl .A d -4 fi LiuLi kom bod .rl urd .nu cu Lia a$4 (d3k 3bG 3kO krnpc W4J.d m4J u I I(d x G e, e, -4 z $2 E OX !-icd g G- ow ?d !2 .2 z; uo 2 :2 sa .rid om(d wua, wuu uwE o d *d d(dU rlac dm ..c om ad u e, kcR x3 3 *rl r: 3 *rl a, d ad 3 4 -3 -3 -3 crl N c.l N 0 0 0 0 m cn rn z z z 4 A Az II -3 m 0 N cn z II -3 0 m n 0 A *w 1 m w H I4 2- z a,z %E 5 mu dW Bm -4 g i?i ~ a, Nul -4 v1 a m man 0 0 0 0 d h.4 k PPU an a kuE ri 4 d d a,V n amma,fL ; I I I 0 mb 5- d d d :: -4 0 0 0 0 un u C a, I/ a,=r 1 $3 :.?E ' Io) iY c) Ma 1 2 4 m Sgs a, u .rl rn -3 - -4 34 mr;lc)o -0 dbq ais .rl .rl rl .rl .I+ a, m na 0 cu Ub ua ua a- a co a, mou mo z .rl .. a,a um un ua)u 40 Mro Mrn uu mdcd Pb GOU GO *dm P mpl OkC Oh a &3u u NMQ) hM -An ladG z $: 0 &2? &2 & 3rnC-l aloa, G A rn 0 U 3 rn .rl d 3 a cdk aw 64 64 64 ;E 3 a 4 rn .rl 0 0 0 a, xu m m m u ou a, WG W w Uk 00 0 0 .ri .4 .rl 0 C 0 .rl .rl ua u u (d 5 m ka *; du c a, 0; 0 g."N $ ad a0 I @a 2 om 2 a a Ew 0 *ggm zgm o~ *z x- 40 uo I d w a, 5 0 u rn m .rl rl w a -4 4 A 0 3 aa, a, rn -4 u u a, 0 .rl m mu w a E m 3 u m C z 0 .rl n $474 30 wk a ma, Om riu .rl 3 *rl c) m> 4 Hw 4- rn W dn mu *rl u .rl ca, - .VI s.2 3aJ m 2: .dm GO W ; E *rl r. r. cn -I iz 0 m ri .r( a *C% g2 N z n m d 4 0 rn W .. aJ U m hl 3 n 0 m 2 %.4 v3 0 0" X Fro n E* !id 2 mi * E m z v W m hl In light of the conversion and neutralization processes occurrinf L in the plume aerosol, four ambient measurements are critical in character- izing the effect of the use of additive on plume aerosol. These are (1) sulfuric acid concentration determination for plume aerosol, (2) total sulfate measurement in both background and plume, (3) measurement of ambien ammonia concentrations, and (4) sulfur dioxide for use as a plume tracer. B. Experimental Methods Because of time constraints, the study is based on a series of intensive measurements performed over a three-week period from 17 January to 3 February 1978. The study was designed around four task groups, each responsible for specific measurements to characterize the source and recep- tor sulfate aerosol. At the source a subcontractor task group from Accurex (a division of Aerotherm Corporation) was responsible for sampling nonvola- tile stack particulates, volatile stack particulates, SO2, and SOj in the flue gas. For ambient aerosol, a task group from the Rockwell Internationa: c Air Monitoring Center was responsible for collecting filter samples for sulfuric acid aerosol, sulfate aerosol, and ambient ammonia gas analysis. This was done with a mobile research vehicle. Rockwell was also respon- sible for performing analysis on the samples collected. A third task group, from SRI International, was responsible for lidar measurements on the plume of the Encina Power Plant. The fourth task group, from SRI, provided fixed site ambient aerosol sample collection for sulfates and ammonia together with ambient aerosol size distribution and meteorological measurements. This group was also responsible for coordination of the field activities during the measurement period, 1 In order to determine the effect of the fuel additive, the measure- 6 ment period was divided into three parts, each of one week duration. During the first week, Rolfite 900-SD additive was used in the plant. During the second week, Rolfite 900 with 2% Mn was added to the fuel. And, during the last week, no additive was used in the plant. The non- additive period was the last week of the study because the power plant emissions equilibrate faster when a component is taken away from the fuel. With each change in additive, both source and ambient measurements were suspended for a period of at least 48 hours to permit the plant emissions 17 c 8 TASK GROUP R OCKW ELL SRI -LIDAR SRI - MONITORING ADDITIVE USED Rockwell measurement van converted for mobile operation. ?With 2% Mn. FIGURE 2 EXPERIMENT SCHEDULE FOR EACH TASK GROUP to stabilize. The schedule followed by the various task groups is given in Figure 2. In the following sections the specific methods employed by each group are discussed briefly. 1. Source Measurements Source sampling during the intensive measurement period was conducted on the four units of the Encina plant in rotation. Samples were collected once for each unit during each of the different additive- use periods presented in Figure 2. The sampling schedule and a summary of analysis results are presented in Appendix A. During a sampling period on a given unit, samples were taken of the fuel being burned, and of non- volatile particulates, volatile trace material, SO2, and SO in the flue gas, Collection techniques used are listed below. A more detailed des- cription of some of these can be found in Appendix A of this report or Appendix A of the final report on Phase 1. Analysis techniques are des- cribed in Appendix B of the final report. The collection techniques used were as follows: 3 18 e Fuel samples were taken directly from the feed line of i the unit being tested. The sample was then transmitted to SRI for trace-metals analysis using x-ray fluorescence (XRF), atomic absorbance (AA), and total sulfur analysis. function of size using the Accurex Source Assessment Sampling System (SASS) described in Appendix A of the final report. Stack particulate was segregated into four ranges using cascaded cyclones. The size ranges used are nominally >10 urn, 10 to 3 pm, 3 to 1 urn, and <1 urn. The last size range is collected on a glass fiber filter. After gravimetric analysis, selected samples were than analyzed for trace metals using XRF and AA. Analysis was also done to determine total sulfur and sulfate for these same samples. llore details for both the sampling techni- que and the analysis procedures are given in the Append- ices of the Phase 1 report. the power plant flue gas by passing the sample gas from the SASS train through three impingers. The first impinger contained hydrogen peroxide to oxidize the trace materials. The second and third contained a solution of silver iodide and sodium persulfate to retain the trace material as sulfates. The material contained in selected impinger samples was also analyzed for trace metals using indication of volatile trace elements, such as arsenic in the flue gas, and also ultra-fine particulate that escapes the filter of the SASS train. SO2 and SO using the Environmental Protection Agency approved method and sampling train. Analysis of the samples generated is done using the barium-Thorin titration. * 0 Nonvolatile particulate samples were collected as a 0 Samples were collected for volatile trace constituents in 4 the XRF and AA techniques. This yields a qualitative e were measured for the flue gas in each unit 3 Unlike the test schedule used during the Phase 1 study of Mg and Mn in the plant emissions, the tests during the intensive period were designed to provide a representative sample of each unit's daily emission cycle. Since each unit undergoes soot blow for approximately four hours each day during peak load hours, each sample was taken so that one-sixth of the sample collection time was during soot blow of the unit involved. In this way, each sample should be characteristic of average unit opera- tion during a daily cycle. - 2. Ambient Measurements During the study periods, ambient sampling was conducted of I 19 atmospheric aerosol and sulfur dioxide gas concentrations at the surface in both the power plant plume and background air. Analysis of these samples permitted the following measurements to be made: 0 Sulfur dioxide (SO2) gas concentrations. Measurement of the SO2 gas concentration was used as a tracer technique for the power plant plume. In addition to its use as an indication of plume presence, the level of SO2 in the with source SO2 levels, permitted an estimate of expected plume SO3 levels. Details of the calibration for the instruments used are given in Appendix B. plume provided a measure of plume dilution and, together 0 Aerosol sulfate (SO4) concentrations. A measurement of water extractable aerosol SO4 concentration was obtained from analysis of filter samples collected during the study period. The samples were collected on PTFE Teflon 1-pm nominal pore size membrane filters with a polypropy- lene backing. A dichotomous sampling device with a sepa- ration point of 3 pm was used in collecting the samples. This segregated the sampled aerosol into two fractions according to size--respirable (<3 pm), and nonrespirable (>3 pm). These fractions are collected on separate fil- ters. Of these, all the respirable samples and selected non respirable samples were analyzed for sulfate. The samples were extracted with water and the extract analyzed using an ion chromatograph. e H2SO4 aerosol concentrations. These were determined from analysis of unbacked PTFE Teflon membrane filters. Dicho- tomous samplers with a 3-pm respirable size cut were also used to collect these samples. Analysis was performed only on the respirable fraction samples. This was done using the low-temperature volatilization technique des- cribed by Mudgett (1973). 0 Ambient ammonia measurements. At the same time that SO4 and H2SO4 aerosol samples were being collected, a filter pack was used to sample for ambient ammonia (NH3). The filter pack is a three-stage device with a 1-pm pore size Fluoropore filter in the first stage to remove all ambient particles from the air sample. The second and third stager are two oxalic acid impregnated filters that react with ammonia in the filtered air sample to form ammonium oxa- late. After exposure, an extract of the acid filters is analyzed spectrophotometrically by the Berthelot reaction. A more detailed description of each of the analysis techniques mentioned above is presented together with a discussion of analytical sensitivity and accuracy in Appendix B. Also included in Appendix B 20 is a summary of results for each of the measurements during the study e- period. Sampling for the measurements mentioned above was done using 4 three sets of samplers. Two were used at fixed sampling sites--at Encina Vista, and on the plant grounds. The third was used in a mobile sampling configuration by the Rockwell task group. of two dichotomous samplers for the SO and H SO aerosol samples and a :Eilter pack for the NH measurement. intensive period are shown as circled letters on the map of Figure 3. Table 4 names the sites indicated on the map and gives direction and distance from the Encina Power Plant 3. Fixed-Site Operations Each sampling set consisted 4 24 The sampling sites used during the 3 The sampling set at the plant was operated manually. Presence of the plume at this site was determined by nitrogen oxide (NO) readings from a chemiluminescent monitor supplied by Rockwell. not reduced, because significant plume concentrations were not seen. Filter samples were collected at the plant site only on 17 and 21 January. The NO data were .. These are treated as background samples. Operation of the equipment set at Encina Vista was also manual. Plume presence was indicated by a pulsed fluorescence SO automatic switch, described in the report on Phase 1, was not used because it was not sensitive enough to switch the samplers on at the SO (-5 ppb) when sampling was initiated. In addition to the sampling set used for SO2, H2S04, and NH3, samples were collected for size distribution analysis using the sampling array described in the Phase 1 report. the fixed sites were in background air a portion of each day, it was possible to collect some simultaneous in-plume and out-of-plume measure- ments using the mobile sampling set to take the necessary complementary samples. monitor. The 2 levels 2 Since 4. Mobile Operations The mobile sampler set was operated from a van furnished by 6 Rockwell International (Figure 4). the van was used to move the sampling set from fixed site to fixed site During the first week of the study r 21 . . -. . ,_ CT w z a m w - LL 22 Symbol in Figure 3 P T E R A S 0 G C Z H L B - ! Direct ion from Site Name ' I Distance from Encina Plant Enc ina P 1 ant (km) (0' = N) Plant 0.5 98' Reservoir 1.1 83' Encina Vista 2.4 89 o Langford Residence 2.2 70° Ranch 3.2 68' San Francisco Peak 7.5 63O Oak Creek Camp 9.8 75O Carillo Ranch Park 9.0 102O Greenwood Hills 10.2 88O Zodiac 8.1 113' Hidden Valley 3.8 128' La Costa 4.8 118' Beach 1.7 328' in an attempt to provide in-plume measurements complementary to those taken at Encina Vista. The typical sampling routine was to be in the field, collecting a two-hour background sample by about 0800 PST. this time, the Meloy sulfur gas analyzer was warmed up, and the zero and span were determined. After the background sample was collected, the sulfur dioxide readings were watched to determine when a plume sample should be collected. the chosen site, the equipment was moved to a more promising site. During If it appeared that the plume would not arrive at FIGURE 4 MOBILE SAMPLING VAN AT BEACH SITE, ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL During the second and third weeks the process of changing the sampling location was greatly facilitated by modifying the van to include a sampling manifold, and installing all sampling equipment in the van. The sulfur dioxide monitor was installed in such a way that it could be operating while driving, which permitted warmup of the instrument while driving to the background site at the start of the day, and also mobile monitoring to search for the plume. This greatly facilitated the over- all sampling strategy for the last two weeks of the study. During the first period, when Rolfite 900-SD was used, sampling 24 was to be near the plant within 4 km. In this way the plume could be sampled when it first fumigated to the ground where the primary H SO c 24 aerosol concentration was high and presumably had not had sufficient time to react with either other aerosol or atmospheric ammonia. This proce- * dure was also followed during the last period of the study, when no addi- tive was used. In the second measurement period, when Rolfite 900-20 was used, sampling with the mobile van was conducted at approximately 10 km from the plant as well as at the 4 km sites. This was done so as to maximize travel time for the plume and still avoid downwind population concentrations. In this way any catalytic conversion processes for SO in the plume would have approximately 3/4 of an hour to go to completion. A majority of the plume fumigation episodes, however, were within 5 km of the plant, providing average plume ages of only 0.2 hours. 2 5. Lidar Operations The SRI Mark IX lidar system van was used to map concentrations in the plume during the first two measurement periods, when additive was in use. This was done as a subsidiary measurement to validate conclusions arrived at in the Phase 1 report concerning aerodynamics downwash in the plume and effective stack height. The lidar system has been used exten- sively in the past for the observation of atmospheric aerosol, cloud, and precipitation distributions over remote areas with high spatial and temporal resolution. The Mark IX is operated from a 6-m van provided with power-generating facilities to allow completely mobile operation or operation at remote locations. A digital data processing and display system provides real-time viewing of gray-scale TV-type displays of atmospheric structure generated from backscatter data obtained from multiple laser firings while the lidar is being scanned in elevation or aximuth or repetitively pulsed with time or distance. In addition, the * minicomputer-based system permits the determination of quantitative estimates of aerosol densities (Uthe and Allen, 1975). The lidar is shown in Figure 5 and its specifications are given in Table 5. A system block diagram is presented in Figure 6. Further information on the analog and digital display systems has been reported by Uthe and Allen (1975) and Allen and Evans (1972). r rn 25 6. Other Subsidiary Measurements As part of the plume characterization effort, SRI maintained an array of sulfation plates in the vicinity of the Encina plant through mid-January. These were to provide further information on aerodynamic downwash of the plume. The array was described in the January 1978 report on Phase 1. For reference, array locations are indicated in Section IV-C (Figure 8). 26 =E .- 03 as >7 a, .E c; =El cm;.?, * U 2 .E P gzE E: "d 7J f. Sgg .-3E r% Fi 0 z y5 g? Q'; X mo.;s z uaa~~$i~ 3.e E > 0 9 .9 d> 2 k E'Z,&E3Z;o 2 ;Q VI 2 >??x2 E e- 2 .o p 'rn L 0 >I ,NFZZ + Gm.5.? - a gz8-e='- o.?,Qzt$[ 2 3 Em?= cy6 22 2: a E$ Y:gzg e., 0 5zP8 io% na-Nnm-au0 5 aczz $ 0 am Fz v) 0 .- >m &+Z c z v) U + 0 W sc my) z 3% 7Jcr.E.o z o zN: E3ZZ .- IJ -c+- - , a~~~x7J 0 F- 0 .- g.Z 0a - -I E - 0 B 5 1 X .- a, &TI Y 5 L O~~JZZ a - LL [r 2,;:s.: ,-ELLO N + c CT r,?? zc I m2 c .E g'.G!5 .a, -7 f >WG A0 t ~rn~g~ u Sn~Lmr',~ aF:m*- I g4FLDE zu=5= LLl 1 z E%Wg,ig{ CT a *E722 0 z~L~%E,+ :g Qo - E $SZZ~ u co.-muhazn og -1 TI x a2 Y $J CT 0: 2 az v) = f &:;:.E m3g'E mw L5 !zl ?; w ~UJZP-~E$E w -*-'~oQE~~ W 00 ou - Ji- LT E- P OY i gs t 06, zz- I skZ w z-4 J !!$(a - I- PO- m 0 --B v) -E 2 :z LLI a om 3 LL - -0 -0 $E !JJ - P - 4- - _Y U v) w >I ELL 0 3 LT 0 2 z; I- a a z a n > a Y - 0 0 s x m a a - 2 - U -I Y U I (D w 3 - m .I LL 2 a a 27 .- IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION . Specific results for both the source and ambient measurements made during the three week intensive study are summarized in the appendices. For purposes of discussion the data will be reviewed in terms of: source emissions, (2) ambient concentrations and comparisons, (3) sulfa- tion plate results, and (4) lidar plume analysis. A. Source Emissions (1) Emission parameters measured during each of the different additive- use periods are summarized in Table 6. Included are values for respirable particulate fraction, average SO and SO concentrations. As noted, the 2 3 SO concentrations quoted were calculated from measured fuel sulfur. Because of continuing analysis problems, the SO measurements in the flue gas were not available for use in this report. The value chosen for the fraction of fuel sulfur converted to SO in the boilers of the Encina Power Plant is 1.1 j: 0.5%. The reason for the specific value chosen will 3 3 3 e be discussed later in this section. As can be seen in Table 6, there is no significant difference between additive and non-additive periods in the fraction of particulate emitted in the respirable range. Total nonvolatile particulate mass emissions, however, were found during additive use to be twice the level measured when no additive was used. These results are not in agreement with results obtained by York Research Corporation (1977) in an earlier study of particulate emissions from the Encina plant. The York results are summarized in Table 7. As can be seen, the York study was much more extensive than that conducted by SRI, extending as it did for periods of up to 60 days after the start of additive use in each unit of the plant. The particulate data taken when additive was not used were also more extensive, consisting of at least twice the number of measurements used - in the SRI study. The results are quoted for non-additive periods, 2 to 5 days after additive use was started, and 30 to 60 days after additive use was started. 29 t zx %*- gm3 4- mm rnNE kO\ ? 4 ~01~ G 0 Cl v-4 n 4uu PUG rnrna, kk0 .dhM aaJ mrna urn- &rn 2 G a,m 4rJY 2 W E-i 0 Q Fj *.d 22 .d .d 2 5 Zmn uE earn cn 3 u\ rn cab0 Od-rv P 2 z: 4 .d mu Uh ord HQ.4 a, 3 -rl a uaJ .d v1 a=, a -4 u 8 rnaJ'd E-a- aoco k.db 1 kcn @PI 2 I I $( -H mi $I m m b b -1 I I mmco ~noOol 0 0 0, -1 4 -H 4 b0N dm* 000 I cn - b k 3 w rl u +I $I $I 4 0 0 3 rn a \o b rn 4 aJ M 5 G w I 2 '2 a; bq 4 rn? rn .d r-l rnu rn u au OG -4 a, krn a,a, 0.M a CaJ rJY 0r-l rnrn 3 M .d rn bo bo *d 5 Gu Gg .3 .El a,> $2 534 *d G & 2 .d mu 4v)N sf $I $I orn c) v) b co 4 rl awl u1 rJY u 0 a ua, Crn .rl 00 rn urn 00 u * ca, cncn h Pa, a, P Ou Ew ala, (6 00 uu -a alM k .d .d a,k 54-l wwaJ u a,c rnC 44 .c M "2 ;g EE g ma, 33 *d m rn Ok g 222 3 c)W doc) (0 kc am Ncvm -4 00 uaJ t I I Wc) WE r-ll4N a, bo rnm WaJ 0 0 0 rn 00 04 u u u k 5m b) 41 E? co v) 4' ? rno 3.d 4Nm -4 3u cnwl 444 ++I- + I I I Additive Used Elapsed Timet None Rolfite-900 2-5 Days Rolf ite -900 30-60 Days - Total Nonvolatile Respirable Particulate Emissions+ Mass % Fraction (ds) 23 i 2 41 f 10 24 i 4 60 & 10 154 2 624 4 1 - noted may be found in the experimental design and plant operation during the period of the measurements being compared. In York's experiment, particulate measurements were taken in the Encina stack after a consider- able period of operation on oil fuel without additive. Additive was then used over a period of at least 60 days, during which several additional measurements were made. The Accurex measurements for the non-additive period, in contrast, were made at the end of the study after periods when the Rolfite additives had been in use. Also, in the week prior to the hccurex measurements without additive, there were several periods when natural gas was burned in Units 1, 2, and 3. Gas was burned in Unit 1 to within a day of the Accurex particulate measurement on that unit. Use of gas in this way removes particulates from the boiler walls, depleting the wall coatings. If, as was the case for Units 1, 2, and 3, the unit is then returned to oil fuel, the result could be a general decrease in the particulate emissions as the particle coating is reestablished on the boiler surfaces, This would continue until an equilibrium was reached in which as much particulate mass is added to the boiler surfaces as is removed by the flue gas in the combustion process. This effect could be further enchanced by a change in the character of the particulate such as has been observed for oil fired power plants when a Mg-based fuel additive is removed from the fuel. Reid (1971) has commented on the dif- ference in particle character when an additive is used, compared to sit- uations when it is not used. During additive use, the particulate general has a high melting point (1000 to 1200'F) and is less likely to adhere strongly to the boiler walls--i.e., it can be removed fairly easily by such processes as soot-blow or gas burning. When the additive is not used, the particulate may have a much lower melting point (400 to 500°F), and subsequently adhere more readily to the boiler walls. In a situation such as the Accurex test, when additive is removed after a gas burn in a given boiler, the change in particle character could account for reduced total emissions in the unit. Also, because particle deposition in the boiler would be preferentially by particles larger than 3 pm, the resulting size distribution in the flue gas would have an enhanced respirable fraction. This could explain why no reductio 32 was noted in the fraction of respirable particulate for the Accurex measurements during the period when the plant was not using additive. If the gas burn and additive had the effect described above, the v. e Accurex particulate measurements for the third week must be invalidated. Subsequently, to describe the effect of the additive on particulate emissions from the plant we must rely on the results of the previous York study. Given these results, the following can be stated: (1) The total nonvolatile particulate (TNP) emissions from the power plant do not increase with the use of the Magnesium- based additive. In fact, the York measurements suggest that there may be as much as a 30% decrease in total particulate emissions from the plant with long-term (30 to 90-day) use of the additive. (2) The size distribution of the nonvolatile particulate changes with use of the additive in that the respirable size fraction increases from 40% to 60%. Since York measurements for the 2- to-5-day period after change to additive indicate no change in of respirable particulate results. The measured decrease in TNP after long-term use of the additive eventually offsets this increase to the extent that nonvolatile respirable parti- culate emissions actually remain at the same level. For the York measurements, the level of nonvolatile respirable parti- culate emissions before use of the additive was 9 & 1 g/s; after long-term use it was 9 ~f 0.5 g/s. The increase in this level of almost 50% in the 2-to-5-day period can be considered a transient, worst-case condition. The maximum down-wind aver- age plant-contributed respirable particulate concentration levels obtained using the above results and the CDM modelf: were This with a concentration for respirable particles of 26 pg/m3 measured at a sampling site in Carlsbad during the Phase 1 stu.dy - total particulate loading, an immediate increase in the level .. approximately 0.5 pg/m 3 . is relatively low when compared B. Ambient Concentrations and Comparisons 1, Ammonia Except for the data taken at the beach, the great majority of the ammonia measurements, summarized in Section IV-B-3 (Table 6), gave * For a description of the use of this model for respirable particulates in the vicinity of the Encina Power Plant, see the Phase 1 report, Cavanagh et al. (1978). Meteorological conditions are assumed to be similar to those used during the Phase 1 study. 33 concentrations high enough to completely neutralize the emitted sulfuric acid in the plume at the location where the plume was sampled. The source of this ammonia is not known, but it is reasonable to assume that the fer- tilized agricultural fields that surround the power plant may contribute. During the period of the study, liquid fertilizer was applied with irri- gation water to fields between the plant and the sampling sites on an irregular schedule for approximately 2 hours each day. account for the occasional high ammonia concentrations in the data. This would also Another feature of the data is that ammonia concentrations measured in the plume are often below values measured in the background. On the average, plume ammonia levels are 70% of comparable background levels. Because of the erratic nature of ammonia sources in the vicinity of the Encina plant, no other observations were made using the ammonia measurements. Replicate readings show that the ammonia measurement method has good precision. pairs is 0.6 pm/m ; hence, the standard deviation for a single reading is estimated from these data to be 0.4 pg/m . the standard deviation is probably between this number and 1 pg/m . Therefore, the ammonia readings below the background concentration often observed in the plume are probably real. The root mean square difference between the 3 3 Other data indicate that 3 2. Sulfuric Acid No detectable indication of sulfuric acid was found in the plume aerosol during the first two weeks when the additives were in use, and a small amount of sulfuric acid was detected in most plume samples during the third week when no additive was in use. These measurements are summarized in Section IV-B-3 (Table 8). Analytical methods used are discussed in Appendix B. The amount of sulfuric acid detected in the third week was always much smaller than the amount-that would be present (based on fuel sulfur measurements) in the power plant were neutralized. The order of magnitude of the obser- ved sulfuric acid concentrations is estimated to be approximately 10% of the concentrations expected with no neutralization of the emitted acid. if none of the sulfuric acid produced Two possible mechanisms for the neutralization of sulfuric acid from the power plant plume have been experimentally verified in the course 34 of the program. One is the neutralization of the acid aerosol by ambient - ammonia. Concentrations of thia gas observed in the vicinity of the Encina plant are usually high enough to support this neutralization. The other is that special experiments reported in Appendix B have shown that ambient particulates either have the ability to neutralize sulfuric acid during collection of the filter samples or interfere with the analysi: technique. These experiments were done only with samples taken during the first two weeks, when an additive was in use. L? During analysis of samples taken in the first two weeks of the study, attempts were made to detect ammonium sulfate or ammonium bisulfate in the samples. The techniques used are described in Appendix B. No evidence for the presence of the ammonium salts was found before 22 January. containing ammonium salts, were high enough to obscure the results of these measurements because of the insensitivity of the analysis methods used. After that date, background aerosol concentrations, presumably Evaluation of the analytical uncertainty due to neutralization of acid aerosol on the filter or interference with the analysis by other chemical species in the collected aerosol can only be done if duplicates are taken for every sample. H SO tion 2-b. Since this was not done in this study, no quantitative estimate of this error can be assigned. As a result, only qualitative conclusions can be advanced concerning the sulfuric acid measurements made in the plume. consistency of the results presented for H2S04 in Table 8. - One sample would be directly analyzed for and the other spiked and analyzed as described in Appendix B, Sec- 24 These, however, can be stated with some confidence because of the Neutralization of sulfuric acid aerosol in the atmosphere, due to the presence of ammonia, is expected to proceed fairly rapidly. Sub- sequently, since there is no evidence for ammonium sulfate salts in the samples of the first two weeks, we can conclude that the failure to see sulfuric acid on the filter samples during this period was not due to the . neutralization by ambient ammonia of the emitted sulfuric acid. Either sulfuric acid was not emitted in quantities sufficient to be detected by . 35 the analytical methods employed, because it was partially neutralized by the additive, or it was neutralized by other aerosols in the plume or during collection on the filter. the non-additive period would seem to indicate that the analytical pro- blems are not sufficient to entirely obscure detection of acid in the plume unless concentrations are substantially reduced. A reduction of at least 50% would be required to lower most of the measured concentra- tions below the limit of detectability. Because of the interferences mentioned above, actual levels of sulfuric acid in the plume probably lie between the measured volatile sulfate concentration as a minimum and the estimate in Table 8 for sulfate in the plume contributed by the power plant. The presence of acid in the aerosol of The additional volatile sulfur compound, discussed in Appendix B, which appeared in the plume and background samples in the third week of the program, is frequently seen in Southern California (Richards, Johnson, and Shepard, 1978). It has been shown in these studies that something other than sulfuric acid is at least partly responsible for the observed results, but the nature of the material has not been identi- fied. During this program, the concentration of this material was always low enough that it did not significantly interfere with measurements on the sulfuric acid content of the plume. Values for plume sulfuric acid concentrations have been corrected for the additional sulfur compound, assuming the same calibration as that for sulfuric acid. 3. Water Extractable Sulfate Because measurement of SO in the flue gas of the power plant 3 is not available for this report, no direct estimate of plant-contributed respirable sulfate in the power plant plume is possible. However, ambient sulfate measurements, both in plume and background, can be used for an indirect estimate of the total fraction of fuel sulfur converted to sul- fate in the combined combustion and secondary plume processes. During periods when no additive is used, the difference between in-plume and background sulfate levels is assumed to be just that contributed by the power plant fuel sulfur via the normal combustion/secondary formation processes. In periods when an additive is used, the plume sulfate 36 difference is presumably due to the sum of the normal processes plus the ” additive-enhanced sulfate formation processes. In this case, the differ- ence between the total fraction of fuel sulfur converted and that obtained for the period when no additive was used can be used as a measure of the effect of the additive on the net sulfate formation. The plume sulfate difference for both cases can be expressed as: 1 (SOZ) - (so;) = cx (1) plume background where C is the total fraction of fuel sulfur converted to sulfate, and X is fuel sulfur expressed in terms of sulfate emission concentration. X is expressed as: 3F (2) X=-D G so2 where F is fuel sulfur feed rate for the plant in g/s, G is stack gas flow in m /s, and D is the dilution of SO emitted by the plant as measured at the sulfate aerosol sampling site. It is assumed that sulfur dioxide can be used as a tracer for respirable particulates in the plume. This assumption was verified for particulate data collected at Encina Vista during the second week of the program. Average plume dilution from SO measurements, (SO2) 170 f 60 x 10 . Average plume dilution from x-ray flourescence analysis of stack and ambient plume particulate samples for nickel, (Ni)stack’ 3 so2 2 9 for the period was ’ (”2) stack 2 -6 plume / (Ni ) p 1 ume was 150 f 70 x 1O-6 in the same period. A regression analysis using Eq. (1) was performed to estimate the total sulfur conversion fraction for each additive use period of the study. Ambient sulfate data used in the analysis are summarized in Table 8, together with associated SO concentrations. Only data from sampling sites between 2.5 and 5 km from the plant were used in the analysis. This ensured a relatively constant plume age for the analysis. Also, these sites were usually the points downwind of the plant where the plume first reached the surface and hence where aerosol concentrations were highest. Fuel sulfur data used are summarized in Table A-2 of Appendix A. 2 . 37 Sample in Use (1978) Additive Date 1-17 Rolfite 1-20 900-SD 1-22 1-26 Rolfite 1-27 900-2.0 1-28 1-31 2-1 None 2-2 2-3 Calculated Increment Stack Plume so2 so2 Plume Bkgnd Plumee Plumeg Plume Bkgnd H2SO NH3 NH3 Concentrationf Concentration so4 SO^ so4 Siteb (PPd (ppb) (Lg/m3) (ug/m3) (vg/m3) (ug/m$) (ug/m3) (vg/m3) E 165 25 2.2 1.3 1.2 <0.2 3.9 2.1 T 165 21 2.6 1.3 1.0 C1.0 - 2.1 C 165 15 2.9 2.0 0.7 <0.6 - - G 165 6 2.6 2.0 0.3 <0.3 - - E loa= 8 6.9 3.5 0.6 CO.1 1.2 0.9 S 108C 4 2.4 - 0.3 <0.1 0.2 0.9 E 175 38 4.3 2.0d 2.9 co.1 0.4 - 0 175 9 3.4 2.5d 0.7 50.1 1.1 - E 175 33 5.4 2.5d 2.5 co.2 1.0 - E 153c 6 5.7 5.0d 0.6 50.2 0.8 - Z 124' 12 2.3 - 1.2 50.2 1.4 - E 175 18 7.5 5.0d 1.4 co.2 0.8 - 0.7 50.1 1.1 2.5 E 117' 6 3.8 0.7 C 146 16 2.9 3.3 0.8 0.2 1.9 0.8 E 146 8 9.7 5.0d 0.4 0.0 1.1 - H 146 37 7.3 4.8d 1.7 0.1 0.5 - E 146 9 7.4 6.ad 0.4 0.2 4.5 - c-z 146 19 6.5 6Jd 0.9 0.1 0.3 1.0 E 146 15 7.1 5.5d 0.7 0.0 0.4 0.3 H 146 43 11.6 7.0d 2.0 50.1 0.3 1.1 C 146 16 8.5 7.5d 0.8 <0.2 0.5 1.1 H-L 146 60 6.8 6.0d 2.8 0.2 1.0 2.9 L 146 60 7.6 10.0d 2.8 0.6 4.1 3.2 Data analyzed for fuel sulfur conversion to sulfate in the first 1 two weeks of the study are presented in Figure 7. Plotted are the plume sulfate increment vs X for each of the two additive periods. The conver- sion fraction result, Cy is noted by each regression line. During the first week, when the additive Rolfite 900-SD without Mn was used, the estimate for the total conversion of fuel sulfur to sulfate was 1.0 & 0.2% Using 7 data points, the regression estimate for the conversion fraction * in the final week of the study when no additive was used was 1.1 5 0.5%. From this, it would seem that there is no difference in the conversion of fuel sulfur to sulfate between the Rolfite 900-SD additive and no additive. sulfate measurements were incomplete during the last two weeks. This conclusion must be qualified by the fact that background Because of high background variability due to the intrusion of polluted air from offshore during the measurements, simultaneous values for background sulfate could not be determined in many cases. The values quoted in Table 6 for the background sulfate in these cases are linear extrapolations from background measurements made near the sampling site before and after the associated plume measurement on the same day. Regression analysis results for the second week, when the fuel additive containing 2.0% Mn was used, indicate a higher total conversion fraction of 1.8 f 0.3%. This is just significantly larger than the con- version rate measured when no additive was used, Manganese levels in the plume at Encina Vista during this period were Assuming from the results for weeks one and three, when in-plume Mn levels were less than 0.002 pg/m , that sulfur-to-sulfate conversion in the plant remains, at an average, 1.1 f 0.5%, the increased conversion of fuel sulfur in the second week is consistent with enhancement of approxi- mately 3.5% per hour in the secondary SO to SO conversion rate in the first hour of plume age. This is in line with secondary conversion rates for SO determined by Cass (1978) for the Los Angeles Basin. The rate is also in the range of values quoted for many of the heterogeneous con- version processes summarized in Table 2. Given this, it would seem that the 2.0%Mn additive does enhance conversion of SO to SO in the plume of the power plant even though there is no indication from the acidity 39 3 0.01 k 0.003 pg/m . 3 2 4 4 . 2 4 - d ROLFITE - 900-2.0 810 1. Go of the plume that catalytic oxidation was occurring. Again, this con- clusion must be qualified by the fact that si.multaneous background measurc ments could not always be taken during the second week. Extrapolated values for background sulfate were used in the regression analysis. d C. Sulfation Plate Results Two arrays of sulfation plates were deployed at locations shown in Figure 8. The two arrays were operated at the same locations, but coverec different time periods. The first array* was exposed to ambient air from late October to early December 1977; the second array was exposed from late October 1977 to early January 1978. The objectives of the sulfation plate analyses were described in the Phase 1 report. In general, the primary objective was the verification of the Bechtel Modeling results, which forecast the location where the maximum annual concentration would occur. Their results showed that this location would be 0.25 km ESE of the plant. Unfortunately, a sulfation plate could not be located there because of construction activity. How- ever, the results reported previously indicated that the maximum concen- tration would occur further downwind. - In Tables 9 and 10, the results of the most recent sulfation plate analyses are presented. December (Table 9), the highest reading was recorded for Site 2, about 0.4 km ESE of the plant. (This corresponds to the general location of the maximum predicted in SRI's application of the Climatological Disper- sion Model, CDM. See Figure 27, page 28 of SRI's final report for Phase 1. The second highest reading was recorded for Encina Vista 2.5 km due east. Over the period of late October to early Table 10 displays the results from the longer-term sulfation plate array--72 to 78 days. The maximum concentration for this time period was observed at San Francisco Peak, about 7.7 km ENE of the plant. How- 9~ For this array, a sulfaticn plate was installed at Site 13, which was not used in the second array. 41 \.' KILOPETER FIGURE 8 SULFATION PLATE LOCATIONS 42 - 502 2 Number of Days Calibration per Day Concentration* Sulfate from SO3 per cm Location Date On Date Off Exposed Curve - __ - (pd (pg) (PPd 1 10/31/77 12/7/77 37 <35 <1.1 <0.004? 2 10/31/77 12/7/77 37 138 4.3 0.015 5 10131177 12/7/77 37 <3 5 <1.1 <O. 004 I 6 7 8 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 EV San Fran- cisco Peak 10/31/77 12/7/77 37 <35 <1.1 <O .004 10/31/77 12/7/77 37 <35 a.1 eo. 004 10/31/77 12/7/77 37 <35 4.1 eo. 004 10/31/77 12/7/77 37 t35 <1.1 <O. 004 10/31/77 12/7/77 37 <35 4.1 <O. 004 10126177 12/7/77 42 63 1.7 <O. 006 10/31/77 12/7/77 37 <3 5 <1.1 <O .004 10131177 12/7/77 37 <35 <1.1 <O. 004 12/26/77 12/7/77 42 <35 <1 .o <O .004 10126177 12/7/77 42 87 2.4 0. ooa 10126177 12/7/77 42 <3 5 <1 .o <Of 004 Number :Sulfate from i Location Date On Date Off Exposed I (Pg) of Days Calibration Curve I 1 10/31/77 1/11/78 72 85 2 10/31/77 1/11/78 72 ' 115 5 10/31/77 1/11/78 72 85 6 10/31/77 1/11/78 72 109 7 10/31/77 1/11/78 72 80 8 10/31/77 1/11/78 72 46 10 10/31/77 1/11/78 72 67 11 10/31/77 1/12/78 73 1 61 12 10126177 1/11/78 77 109 I 14 10/31/77 1/11/78 72 <3 5 46 80 15 10126177 1/11/78 77 i 75 I 78 1 148 EV 10/26/77 1/9/78 San Fran- cisco 10126177 1/12/78 i , Peak so3 per cm C oncent ra t i onyc ___ (P&) ,'=' (PPd per Day 0.005 1.4 1.8 0.006 1.4 0.005 1.8 0.006 1.3 0.005 0.7 0.002 1.1 0.004 1.0 0.004 1.6 0.006 <0.6 <0.002j. 0.7 0.002 1.2 0.004 I 2.2 0.008 ever, this maximum was only slightly greater than readings observed at other locations. c In general, results from the most recent sulfation plate analyses are somewhat contradictory and inconclusive. This may be due in part to the physical constraint of not being able to locate a sulfation plate within 0.25 km to the ESE of the plant. Also, during late December 1977 and early January 1978 a series of storms moved through the vicinity of the Encina plant, causing estreme rainfall and atypical high wind condi- tions. The Huey sulfation plates are adversely affected by extreme weather--e.g., in wet conditions with high winds, some of the PbSO can 4 be lost from the plate. This may explain some of the anomalous results obtained in the analysis of the plates. Despite these limitations, the sulfation plate array results do not change any of the conclusions stated in the Phase 1 report. D. Lidar Plume Analysis 1. Discussion I SRI's mobile lidar van acquired data at the Encina Power Plant site on selected days between January 16 and 26. The objective of this field study was to track the plume under varying meteorological conditions. In particular, we were interested in tracking the plume under conditions conducive to aerodynamic downwash. Unfortunately, over the test period, meteorological conditions were not favorable (i.e., high and persistent winds from the west). Instead, there were periods of rain and variable winds. When winds were persistent from the west, they were generally light to moderate. Tracking a power plant plume with lidar relies on the ability to differentiate the increased backscatter of the lidar beam due to the aerosol in the plume from that in clean air. Consequently, the presence of marine aerosol posed a problem at Encina, because the return of the lidar beam from the plume was not significantly greater than that from the natural background in the vicinity of the power plant. In some of the lidar sequences it was difficult to distinguish between the two types of return. - - 45 In spite of the limitations discussed above, there were lidar sequences that could be analyzed. However, they were for times when the winds were light to moderate from the west. Two of these sequences are presented in the next subsection. 2. Analysis The two lidar sequences in question were taken on 18 January 1978 at 1430 and 1500 PST, respectively. The orientation of the lidar with respect to the power plant is illustrated in Figure 9. Each sequence consists of four photographs, each showing returns from different cross- sections of the plume, denoted by different angles for 8. The photographs for the 1430 and 1500 PST sequences are shown in Figures 10 and 11. The intensity of white on the photographs is rep- resentative of the strength of the lidar return. The y-axis is the height above ground as defined by the lidar elevation; the scale is about 150 m per division. The x-axis is the (azimuth) distance; the scale is also about 150 m per division. The dashed lines at the tops of the photographs indicate the distances for which an intensity-of-return profile was anal- yzed using the lidar's computer system. The dotted vertical profiles (usually on the left of the photograph) are for distances represented by the dashed-line indicators above. The superimposed dotted profiles show the relative strength of the lidar returns, at the corresponding distances; the amplitude of the signal increases from left to right. Using the results in each of the photographic sequences and the known geometry, the average height of the plume above ground was analyzed for each sequence. The results are presented in Tables 11 and 12. Note that in Figure 10(a) the plume is rather easy to identify and only one profile is given. The height of the plume was scaled from the y-axis of the photograph and measures about 113 m. Further downwind, the plume be- comes harder to identify [see Figures 3(c) and d(d)j. sequence, the returns are a little better than they were for the 1430 sequence (see Figure 11). For the 1500 PST 3. Model Verification Results in the subsection above can be used to test the plume 46 I z 0 I- z w - 5 - a 0 a 6 n - -I (3 z 0 I v) > z 5 k 5 a - > z 6 I- z L 5 s 2 a Q z 0 z w U - C a Q 5 0 LL Lz cz - U 2 LL 0 2 - 47 RANGE - m 0 300 600 900 1200 1500 0 300 600 900 1200 1500 600 300 E Io (a) BLOCK 0, 8=2' (b) BLOCK 76, 8=7O w ca 3 w i2 2 600 300 0 FIGURE 10 LIDAR SEQUENCE OF 1430 PST, 18 JANUARY 1978. wind speed, 4.2 m s-l. imposed on the oblique scan. bar just below the time scale across the top of the photograph. Wind direction is 250'; The position of each cross section is marked by a Vertical cross sections of relative concentration are super- RANGE - m 00 00 600 300 0 E 1 (b) BLOCK 76, 8=7' w E E 600 2 300 0 (c) BLOCK 196, e=1S0 (d) BLOCK 348, @=28O FIGURE 11 LIDAR SEQUENCE OF 1500 PST, 18 JANUARY 1978. wind speed, 3.1 m s-'. imposed on the oblique scan. bar just below the time scale across the top of the photograph. Wind direction is 250'; The position of each cross section is marked by a Vertical cross sections of relative concentration are super- 48 , Table 11 LIDAR-DERIVED PLUME HEIGHT f vs DISTANCE DOWNWIND--1430 PST Distance (m) Height (m) 65 110 150 120 350 135 530 380 Table 12 LIDAR-DERIVED PLUME HETGRT vs DISTANCE DOWNWIND--1500 PST Distance (m) Height (m) 65 125 150 165 350 260 530 360 ., 49 height assumptions in the Bechtel model. The actual stack height is 59.5 m (195 ft). However, Bechtel assumed a 7.6 m (25 ft) height for all meteorological conditions, to compensate for the effects of aerodynamic downash (see the Phase 1 report). In order to test this assumption, for the occasions in which lidar data were available, we calculated effective plume height for the conditions prevailing, on the basis of plume rise and the true 59.4 m stack height value. The results were compared with the actual plume heights as observed by lidar. We also considered the effect of substituting the 7.6 m nominal Bechtel stack height for the actual value of 59.4 m. For the neutral to unstable atmospheric conditions that pre- vailed during the lidar tests, the plume rise (Ah), as given by Briggs (1969, 1971, and 1972), is:?: Ah = 1.6F 'I3 u-'x2I3, for x'd where F = Buoyant flux u = Wind speed x = Downwind distance d = Distance at which plume reaches maximum height. The buoyant flux is a function of the stack gas exit velocity (w ), exit temperature (T >, ambient temperature (T ), and stack radius (r ). The formula for &he bouyant flux (F) is: S S a S 2 T -T sa F=g,Ty )w ss r X where g is gravitational acceleration. The above formulas were used to compute the plume rise and the effective plume heights for Stacks 1, 2, 3, and 4, given the following stack parameters: A The formula for plume rise holds for the downwind distances considered here. The plume reaches maximum height at "d". 50 Stack h(m) ws(mps) Ts(K) rs(m> 1 59.4 17.4 430 1.83 2 59.4 17.4 430 1.83 + 3 59.4 17.4 430 1.83 4 59.4 33.8 440 2.14 (Parameters for Stacks 1, 2, and 3 were approximated as the same. The was interpolated to 294'K at the stack exit). ambient temperature, Plume rise and height as a function of distance downwind from the plant are given in Tables 13 and 14 for 1430 and 1500 PST, respectively. Ta3 Results of the calculated plume heights based on the Briggs plume rise formalism and a 59 m stack height versus those derived form the lidar data are illustrated in Figures 12 and 13. Note that for both curves there is fair agreement between the lidar-derived heights and the modeled plume height close to the power plant. The disagreement becomes more pronounced at distances further downwind (500 m). This is especially true for the 1430 PST case as shown in Figure 12. The model overpredicts - at 350 m and underpredicts at 530 m. Therefore, the use of the 1430 PST results in testing the Bechtel 7.6 m stack height assumption cannot be justified. In Figure 13, however, the agreement between the model and lidar observations is much better. The lidar-derived values are only slightly higher than the average of the plume height predictions (visually, the center of the shaded area in Figure 13). case, that the Bechtel 7.6 m assumption would not compare as favorably (the shaded area would be lowered about 50 m on the Figure 13 plot). It can be stated, in this Wind speeds for the 1500 PST case above were light (3.1 m/s). The comparison stated above would suggest that the Bechtel assumption should not be used for low wind speeds. However, more extensive and definitive lidar tests would be required to verify this conclusion. ., 51 Distance Stacks 1-3 (m> Ah h 65 34.8 94.2 150 60.7 120.1 350 106.8 166.2 530 140.8 200.2 Stack 4 Ah h 49.0 108.4 145.0 85.6 150.5 209.9 198.5 257.9 Distance (m> 65 150 350 530 Stacks 1-3 Stack 4 Ah h Ah h 47.1 106.5 66.3 125.8 82.2 141.6 116.0 175.4 144.7 204.1 204.1 263.5 190.8 250.2 269.3 328.7 480 400 E I I E A 300 d i u !2 200 8 E w X g 100 OO I I I I ‘A A Lidar-derived top Lidar-derived centroid - - - - - - - - I I I I I 100 200 300 400 500 600 480 400 E I 2 d 300 & U i E 200 s !2 e 100 E 0 I i A Lidar-derived top Lidar-derived centroid - A - - - - - - - I I I I I (. Appendix A SOURCE SAMPLING SUMMARY J. Steiner Accurex Corporation 55 Appendix A SOURCE SAMPLING SUMMARY 1 1. Sampling Techniques a. S03/S02 Stack Tests Accurex employed a modified EPA Method 8 sampling train to measure the emission rates of SO /H SO 3 2 4’ EPA Method 8 was intended for use on sulfuric acid plants, so modifica- tions to the method were required before it could be applied to a source emitting particulates, such as an oil fired boiler. The following is a brief summary of the modified method as employed during the tests at the Encina power plant. and SO2 (Federal Register, 1977). The first modification to the sampling train involved mounting a 47 mm in-stack filter on the end of the sampling probe to remove the particulates from the gases. This was done because particulates in the impinger train would interfere with the chemical analyses of the solutions. The second modification involved the incorporation of a second impinger containing 80% isopropanol (IPA) (normally just one is used). Hot stack gases tend to evaporate the IPA; hence, a second impinger ensures that sufficient IPA will be available during the test to capture the SO3. A third modification involved the substitution of a 50 mm filter (glass fibre) for the pyrex glass wool plug that is positioned between the IPA impingers and the H 0 impingers to removed entrained H SO mist. 22 24 The final modification involved the addition of a third impinger containing H 0 (3%) to ensure that all the SO was captured during a test. 22 2 A basic sampling test involved extracting a sample of the - particulates and gases from a point of average velocity in the stack. 57 The particulates ( and any aerosol) were removed by the 47 mm glass fiber filter in the stack. The cleaned gases were transported through a heated (25O0F) glass lined sampling probe and an unheated teflon tube to the impinger train. The gases were bubbled through 80% IPA to remove SO / H SO mist, and filtered through a glass fiber filter to remove any en- 3 24 trained mist, The gases were then bubbled through 3% H,O, to remove SO2. With the sulfer oxides removed, the remaining gases were passed through silica gel to remove any remaining moisture. The gases were pumped to a control module containing a gas meter to measure the volume of gas sampled, and an orifice meter to measure the sampling rate. After a test was completed, the sample was recovered in the laboratory at the site. The sampling probe, teflon line, and first two IPA impingers were rinsed with 80% IPA. The 50 mm filter was put in the sample container along with the impinger contents and rinsings. The three H 0 impingers were rinsed with distilled water. The sample bottles were then shipped to Aerotherm for chemical analysis. 22 Analysis of the field samples for SO, and SO, was done using thorinbarium titration. Before this analysis was performed, all samples were preconditioned by passing through a hydrogen form cation exchange column. This should prevent interference from materials passing through the probe filter. for SO2 and 0.5 g/s for SO3. 'Limits of detection for this analysis are 0.32 g/s Precision and accuracy were also determined in the course of the analyses. Precision was determined using duplicate samples. This was found to be 2% for SO2 and 10% for SO standard Na SO solutions and determining the recovery fraction in the analysis. Using this result, the analysis procedures were found to be accurate within 8 ? 7%. Using worst-case error we can set the following limits on the accuracy of the quoted emission rates for SO and SO Accuracy was determined using 3' 24 3: 2 SO2: ? (10% + 0.3 g/s) SO3: f (18% + 0.5 g/s>. 58 b. Trace Element Vapor and Ultra-Fine Particulate There are no regulated methods for sampling volatile trace elements in general. The method used by Accurex was developed by EPA for , the SASS train. Trace element vapors and ultra fine aerosol (<0.1 vm) that escaped collection in the cyclones and on the filter were bubbled through over-sized impingers. These impingers contained special oxidizing solu- tions to capture trace element vapors such as mercury, arsenic, etc. The first impinger contains 750 ml of 30% H 0 to remove SO /SO which would consume the trace element oxidizing solutions. The next two impingers contain a solution of 0.2 M (NH ) S 0 and 0.02 M AgNO The silver ion is added to catalyze the oxidative dissolution of the trace metals. Each impinger contains 750 ml of the special oxidizing solution. The last impinger contained silica gel to dry the gases before metering, as previ- ously described. 22 2 3’ 4228 3. Sample recovery involved rinsing each impinger with a 1:l IPA/ - distilled water colution. Impinger 1 was put in a separate sample con- tainer and Impingers 2 and 3 were combined. Samples were then returned to SRI for trace metals analysis using X-ray fluorescence. 2. Summary of Stack Test Shcedule and Results This section consists of two tables. Table A-1 summarizes the stack test shcedule followed, and the conditions under which each unit operated during the test. Table A-2 summarizes the monitoring parameters in effect during the test, some of the results of preliminary fuel analysis, and the gravimetric analysis of the particulate emitted. The last is summari- zed by emission fraction in the respirable and non respirable size ranges. * 59 ax4 > x .n 0 UEC .P 3 .d vriu mom <>% ’ dm aa, -4a am .ri Y t3 4w Lum- ari- 33M .-- - w ;I 5 n W m --- 0 0; m LCG 3 .r! u m xa *)a v) mI-r 0 a,u um N ma I 0 0 ua .d aa m aaa s3 E$ .ri -----I - --- __- --j. a 0 . a 0 . aA:;-;*i 0 . 0 0000000 --+ ? ; ; q; ; ; q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M -It -t 000 IIIIIII vl nL?L?L?c4Ac4 m m m mlm m o\ 2 w IU w 00000000 00000000 aaaJa ml 0Ig g g g 0 0 o~222p:zzzz uu .: .: : : 1: g g z la .d 6 $ -e w 2 -4 .rl -.c mu r( rid p: % p: uu-3 vu ; 0 *d p 2 U 3 s.2 m I I I a 7 o,H Hhd- $3 H[li Fr( 0 ulm TI cI rrI -IN fl e4 I I c. hl N N mo HZ _-- - 0 ‘E- E- E- $1;: s =;> 2 2 m1i: ! 3: 3: z 1 -- +--- . -_ mu 0 0 812 E 2 8 8 s 2 2 2.222 7-4 ri 4 m ri 4 4 m m 7-4 4 4 uum- ____-_.~-__ -- if”&, WIU 00 7-4 u c40 w -4 . a oc us u p:m ow ri mv) w mdT a 2% : B2 gms .^ .rl c ?la !+ c vu * vo vv w UP .; Yd 2 a ac ”& u Iu wc *rl on C+M ad d > .rl *ri hm uu 3 L43 .d c -0 .4 a& a u IU so eo p: a +a z; 40 m-ti 5 E iy wY 3 c as I-ru .:a s s c 04 ad )i m a3 3 c h .rl mo a Ha n -rl (I] cw mu a 0 I .ri ov Ei S , I rn i; i? w e: - 8 44. v) e: w or" 4 e cw H k4 0 a$ m2 4 b h 0 !4 P n a,? '''do mo4m a.3" m-zm &Z uQJ+P, m>>r 4.dUh u mv '4 ri .d (0 ua,uu Waaa aama mMmm ii e? 4.d mc ............ 'a, m2hY: 44 mom it* -+* LlrJu dm OON.3 -mom mmmm viri.rla,o-. u r. u a u m a d I. CI m m CLOUU.dE ............ 017L4mm00 0000 0004 0000 % ,222 Pi - 2 g22.2- z YE mw C 0% h dorm mu-. muaa hmu~ ~mmu OmmE ............ mdgz 0004 0004 4000 8 .:: 0%. d NVICI-. h~uh mmdu N~ON omms mmm~ maam mmuu m4d M d rid E- W a, e a,- 4 um enman mE4 m $2 =a c-. a, .d UOE mmam mu00 mwdo m aa.rl.,+m ............ LL. m-uw- 4N4N dNNU NO44 ri OJM ii v1 a- ri1.d u 3 m a, 4 .i u m 0 ""6 a, mau dum ri rl.d ad- au4 01 uazc\ m~mo r-oma mdum c O4"OE ............ CO.rl.db0 mumu muma u444 8 .$ 2c:- 0 m ?I -2 0% E $2 N w a, u de- umrir. NawN UWOLn v1 0 4m ............ 9 !==a& wmow r-mou mmmm m E mNu4 mmum mmmm d (114 mm H a 4 m 9 .d 9 Eim LI 0 "I 0 .d rl iar 44 U 01-l rnLDD.SN boo0 or1rim 15 . 2 E2 u 32s d&dG &&d& i&GK U G U rid d OiiW um- rl 4ri uv4 u4 .!= 9 uw 1k4 m .d 1J 0 m VIM omY m3 .rl w m L2 42- mm mu r-umr. aamm ~dum u or e I!uo mmma mmaa ammW m ffi 2 uor- 44d4 444- 4d44 ma "E oiim ma, uou c PC awm 3 9- 3ma uwffim ~r.am omhi mmw- v1 u a, dm -. rio4m rlN4r- adrid UU30 4ridN 44riN Nrid4 4 or m OE 4- d SAW e U -00 4 $2 c$2 h w 4 .d $ .4 2 x ;gy .......... u-2 am .rl U k u- u m u-. mm0E hawm aww~ 4mhm a, m d u04- rirlrlm ririrlm nririi w u 3 ma, wmm !== ea k-u muY owe .ri w I! 'dm u.yom wua4 uomrl CI 4 Cha, 4u mN4u mN4u uplmrl 00 a w Appendix B AMBIENT SAMPLING . ANALYTICAL METHODS AND DATA L. W. Richard Rockwell International Air Monitoring Center - 63 Appendix B AMBIENT SAMPLING ANALYTICAL METHODS AND DATA 1. Analytical Methods The methods used to determine the concentrations of the measured ambient species are described in this appendix. a. Water Extractable Sulfate Filter samples were collected on PTFE Teflon 1 wm nominal pore size membrane filters for the sulfate and for the sulfuric acid measure- ments. The filter material was Millipore Fluoropore FA, or an equivalent material from other suppliers, Filters with the usual polypropylene backing were used for the sulfate sampling, and unbacked filters were used when the filters were to be analyzed for sulfuric acid. The Rockwell International Air Monitoring Center (AMC) supplied * two Sierra Instruments virtual dichotomous samplers, Model No. 243, which sampled at a total flow rate of 14 lpm, and had a nominal particle size cut at 3.5 um. The filters with the fine particle deposit were analyzed, and all but six of the filters with the coarse particle deposit were placed in separate containers and delivered to SRI. The six remaining coarse particle filters were analyzed for sulfate. Samples were also collected on two Meteorology Research, Inc. greased stage, cascade impactors with an after-filter. These were assem- bled to have two impaction stages, both with a cut size of 3.5 pm, and only the after-filter was analyzed. The use of two stages and frequent cleaning of the stages prevented the buildup of particle deposits and particle bounce. The impactors were operated at a flow rate of 32 lpm. The samples to be analyzed for water extractable sulfate were ultrasonically extracted for 20 min in 10 ml of water. A Dionex Model 10 Ion Chromatograph bras used for the analyses. Work at the AMC has shown that the instrument and procedures used give a constant calibration of ., “I 65 the chromatograph for solute concentrations greater than 0.1 ug/ml, and a relative standard deviation less than 4% for solute concentrations greater than 0.2 ug/ml. can be expressed as: For this study, measurement error from all sources * (0.2 ug/m3 + 15%). The minimum level of detectability for a sample containing more than 0.1 pg/ml would be approximately 0.2 pg/m . 3 b. Sulfuric Acid The amount of sulfuric acid collected on the Teflon filters was determined by the low-temperature volatilization technique (Richards, 1973; Mudgett, Richards, and Roehrig, 1974a, 1974b; Richards and Mudgett, 1974). Particulates were collected on a Teflon membrane filter, and the sulfuric. acid was selectively volatilized in a stream of dry air heated to 130OC. The amount of sulfur containing compound volatilized was then determined by passing the air flow through a flame photometric detector (FPD), which is highly sensitive and specific to sulfur. To record the progress of the volatilization, the linear output voltage was displayed on a strip-chart recorder. The integrated linear output voltage was taken as the instru- ment response. Figure B-1 gives calibration data for the equipment and proce- dures used in this program. The points are the average of several cali- brations, and the error bars give the standard deviation. Figure B-2 gives data showing that the method is specific to sulfuric acid in the presence of pure ammonium bisulfate. generated from a solution mixed from equimolar sulfuric acid and ammonium sulfate solutions in the proportions given along the absicssa. As a re- sult, all aerosol particles have the same composition. The data show that the instrument is insensitive to ammonium sulfate, ammonium bisulfate, or mixtures of the two, but gives a response to mixtures of sulfuric acid and ammonium bisulfate in proportion to the amount of sulfuric acid present. Aerosols were 66 d 4 0 LTV; oE 4 k2 z .E OK E c-l oh; GP 42 a3 Zri LLG y 3w C v) 0 - Ju -c ma 0 q ;$ KIA L OLU u3 $ L= - OT; $ LL y. t UU? z+ SUI g *L 153" c3 v, <a6 ox z 0 gk5 Lno '-0 0 'r- Q " E5 aE - re 7 sgg * -7 " - a12 03 3 Jw I-37 N 0 I F m W [I: 4 3 U L 0 - 0 000 000 0 00 000 NCC LD*N 0 cor0 UN Add 4 NN4 ALU - asuodsad pa7e~6a3u1 7aN 1 67 110' 100' 90 ' I 80- $ 70. z 60. E 50. 5 40. Q, v) a ul Q, Q CJ c, 0, CU c, 30. 20. 10, . 0 b It is possible with the present apparatus to use volatilization temperatures of 18OoC, and under these conditions ammonium sulfate and ammonium bisulfate give large volatilization signals, so a qualitative determination of their presence or absence can be reliably obtained. It is known that sulfuric acid on filters can react in a few hours with the ambient ammonia and become neutralized. A filter storage procedure that prevents this (Richards, Johnson, and Shepard, 1978) was used in the present program. The filters to be analyzed for sulfuric acid were placed in petri dishes containing oxalic acid impregnated paper immediately after removal from the sampling device. the amount of sulfuric acid on a filter in such an environment will not change when stored for weeks. It has been shown that Ten three-point calibration curves were run on the sulfuric acid analyzer during the four weeks in which filters were analyzed for this program. The points chosen were 0.27 pg, 0.63 pg, and 1.17 ug sulfuric acid. The standard filters were spiked with aerosol from a ThermoSystems, Inc. Model 3075 aerosol generator using bottled compressed air at 35 psig, 0.002 N sulfuric acid solution, and a liquid f'low rate of 0.59 ml/min. e The average instrumental response was 188 mV/ug sulfuric acid. A linear regression analysis of the quantity of sulfuric acid versus the instrumental response gave an average slope of 190 mV/ug and an average intercept of -3.0 mV. Correlation coefficients were on the order of 0.99. Based on calibrations of the integrator electronics performed during these analyses, the average deviation in the determination of the background was on the order of 1.2 mV integrated response. The limit of detection was 0.05 vg sulfuric acid with an estimhtec standard deviation of f 60% at 0.10 pg sulfuric acid. For the levels measured in the Encina study, accuracy can be placed at ? 0.1 ug/m3 for those cases where sulfuric acid was found. This does not include analy- tical uncertainty discussed above. - c. Ammonia Gelman 47-mm-diameter glass fiber filters impregnated with 35 mg 69 oxalic acid were used to collect ammonia gas in the form of ammoniuin oxalate. The collection apparatus consists of a three-stage filter holder connected to a pump system to produce a constant sample flow. The sample collector contains two acid-impregnated filters in series preceded by a 1 pm Fluoropore filter to remove all ambient particulates, which may contain ammonium ions. The Fluoropore filter has a collection efficiency of better than 99.99% (Liu and Lee, 1976). The efficiency with which ammonia gas is collected on the acid treated filters can be determined by the relative amounts collected on the two filters. Corrections to the data for incomplete removal of the ammonia by the acid filters are not required at the usual flow rates (up to 10 l/min), but such corrections can be made on the basis of data if they should be required. The ammonium is extracted into a 0.0056 M acetate buffer (pH = 4.5) and analyzed spectrophotometrically by the Berthelot reaction. The buffer is used to prevent oxalic acid from interfering by reacting with sodium nitroprusside in the Berthelot reagent. This analytical method is sensitive and precise enough that, in typical operation, the accuracy and precision of the data are determined by the ammonium content of the blank filters. For this study, accuracy was estimated at approxi- 3 mately i 1 ug/m , and precision as determined from duplicate samples was i 0.6 ug/m . 3 Background interference from ambient ammonia during impregnation and shipment has been reduced to a negligible level by taking careful precautions during filter preparation, and sealing each filter individu- ally in petri dishes. Impregnating the filter with 35 mg of oxalic acid ensures that enough acid will be present to allow for sampling times of up to 25 hours at ammonia concentrations of 10 Pg/m . This calculation includes losses of oxalic acid vapor during the sampling period. 3 d. Sulfur Dioxide Sulfur dioxide was measured by the AMC with a Meloy SA 185 sulfur gas analyzer. Hydrogen was obtained from a cylinder. At the start of the program, a five-point calibration was performed in the Quality Assurance (OA) Laboratory at the AMC to provide 70 assurance that the instrument was in proper operating condition. In the field, the instrument zero was frequently determined with a Meloy Model No. SO -4 sulfur oxides scrubber. This has the advantage of not altering the humidity and carbon dioxide content of the air, which have a signifi- cant effect on the response of the sulfur gas analyzer output. The instru- ment was spanned at least daily with a Tracor Xodel No. 410 calibrator, which contains a temperature-controlled permeation tube. The concentra- tion of the sulfur dioxide produced by this calibrator was verified in the AMC Quality Assurance Laboratory at the start of the program. Comparison in the field with San Diego APCD yielded a discrepancy of ? 6% at 180 ppb. For lower levels the comparison was within 50%. X e. Nitrogen Oxides The concentrations of NO and NO at the plant site were measured X with a Monitor Laboratories Model 8440 chemiluminescent monitor. The performance of the instrument was checked and the efficiency of the cata- lytic converter was measured at the start of the program by the AMC QA Laboratory. Because the use of the NO-NO instrument was added to the program only a few days before the start of field operations, a bottle of NO in nitrogen was prepared in the QA Laboratory, mixed, and its con- centration determined. This was used to span the chemiluminescent instru- ment in the field. 2. Ambient Data X a. Summary of Measurements The field data obtained by the AMC in the program are reported in Tables B-1 through B-3. For convenience, the sulfur dioxide concen- trations recorded by the San Diego APCD at the Encina Vista site and read by SRI are included in these tables. The sulfate values reported here are water extractable sulfate on filter samples of particles smaller than 3.5 um. There are two cases in which replicate samples were collected, both on 22 January 1978, Sulfuric acid was not seen on any of the samples during the first two weeks of the program, and the upper limit to the sulfuric acid concen- tration is reported. As described in Section IV-B-2, a volatile, sulfur- - 71 __ .__ __..~- lndl0 30 010 I ILnOU) r &4i NN I I I I+ cnw e .. 0 \ N \I I\ r. U d -3 N 0 - m ?IN mm e40 cor. m .I *. .. ... m& OINd e< 404 NWI I I m\ zw I W I. * aJv Orldr. r.co r.r.r. r.r.m m .... .. ... ...I. '3 Ea- h C grim d0Nrl rrri ddri rlrl010 zi 04 a& U*d 0 EU mu>rd !4cd rn ON w 2 a *d H $2 - c13162 NOdd 44 rlrld dda m .... .. ... ... I. HUUm I (do& orloo 00 000 00010 3 d cn\ vvvv vv vvv vvv v 0 0 NM H 4 G: I 0 oca mr. Wd - W hlamo aLn ?-lm\oo Nomos E II d-. ow NNriN mrl NO0 ridNNN .... .. ... ..... in sn hN m.5 44-l 101 @&r. Id @I $- $- 01 aJuc C. C.. dWh a-0 C -I$- %5(d Ecdzi pIp1mm !am mmm mmp1mp1 3; d E-< g 3 1F9 0 P4w (d Hb z &I- ffi 0 PI 0 ri (d m (d ma (d (d -4 aJ U u U 4Ju u U m m m mm m *d -rl h *d $4 .d .d 0 .d .rl *?I -d cn 3-rl P .dP E---> >-d PO 0 0 .d !4 0 a> (d >rd mdm (do rd3 uCn(dc) mu UCU uccua, GaJdC aJc GcdC CcdcdG$- W&&W ffiw WrnW Wd&WU := .rl dhU.5 a, c $5 .4".5 .::%.5$ I2 2 E H W 6- rldE nu- Ea, mch10 00 OOd oomulm ad aJ r.dmm ~m NNN ~mrlmm cnd E 44 -d ddd dd d c1 2 .5 0 ad WE+ co d cn 4 r. d C 0 N a d > m !4 C b (d a, (door.0 mm ?=NO Cornmom +ICOdO --3m 0-0 (d0OUFld i -pI UH em - -000~0 I???? cdoomc 1:: ulmm a,Ud I??? voNc mow0 +??? moomum 0mou)o mNNeaJ cr.m kNmw vcxomeU) a, *ri UH aJd4dri '000 30dd *dOrlddd (d c H 2 m h 4 *rl m $ e s: hl m !4 0 w a al 4 m m a, E $ d g 2 * A hlP 0,E W m r\ - mE E--. ZM 1 v 1 2. 2 ai Im a, 5 pm a *d , g2 EA U *z ;1>zz Li C Edn U-dd E E rd+J 0 a- I cdOE 3dm\ ' Or 0 0 01do 03 nr. A 5m m ad E 1 /I -;r --. C- OM .r. N m2 UN v grL u4 W Li h 0 dLi 1'0 Ird aJ3 c m3 F: air2 4iF4 k 49 am a- b 5:2 n we ai U CA *ri c- oc ai -4 .d 44JE mu- m-l E 0 'rl UH $2 ai ri cd > Li aJ Hei clE+ cm B a, .rl clw (d a 00 d0lC -3 d dOco-3 I rim ** 11.1 m r. . N .-~_-i Om" _____. _- mm I101 e d modo r.r. b1ml r. m r-dhlb rid 7- ri d d dNNrl .... .. -1 *I - __ ri 4 Ad4d 4d didi .. *I -1 00 0 c 0 0 0000 vv v v1 v v vvvv .... io-3F3dOOb GWhlriOu3nG "Nd.3rl.3 NrlrlddrnioN --. -3 CY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ma mmmm a ~9 mmeiei 0 rn d 4 d ri rdrd *drd rd cd m -drdcd clcl .ti *ti a .d .d 5 ad .ri Y 0 ma ?a cd mm s6", cl m 4J mrn 4J muU rnrn 2 2 3Fdcdpl 55 $525 .ti .ri $33. 2; NF:dF: 2 2 Licc. 33 03 3 2 2 ;>>; a,umu a, 0 CJh ww cweiw w w owwm -3cA omcnm 0 .3 c.Ico-3hl Nri Nrimo hl m m*mN 44 dNdd 4 4 rid4d d 01 01 rd -00 @loo0 GO In 0000 .;. ;x$ jf 2 I ps IIII 5CG mONC 0 u700\0 horn mo~m (do o dm00 'NcO mmmm -0-4 co c4em 000 Odd4 co 0 4ri44 m . - kgL W a n m WE X1 ZbD 7 W x -d aJ ara, Q G &An 301am U.44 & E cdu 0 cdv Ql N. a *d w $4 (d3m b+ H z R p u.47 I rd0E 9 0 d>ZZ E: 3dLn.. 0 0 NbO N I 0 C mco m r. & wm 11-3 1 E44 om m.3 H NL - IJcn mcN 4IN WD$4 J(d - $4 0 1-0 as G a,?& %gh €4% 3- F!i g 2 5:: PI9 rims. %M 4 PI a, U *d VI PI H U z w Gn OF: aJ -4 -4 +WE auv a+ al EaJ UH Ln $ .5 4 m > $4 HC& Ob+ Grn 2 aJ .rl UW m 1 - - - ___ - - __- -- mrn .. com m 4iNlcONco 004NdcO 0 m m I 44 vvv c t Cf CC -3d d emr.coeco or.mrnhl4 m Od 0 OcOcOOdO rnDNNd4 r. .. ...... ...... 4 mr. N r.cor.dr.co r. rncnN-3 co dd d ri4ddOO dl4044 4 .. ...... .I .... U dd N dr-irlNNN d r-ihlrirl d (d *. s 00 0 000000 0 0000 0 u ...... ..... v v1 v VVVV1VV~ v vvvv2 0 (0 c aJ 4 cornr.mrn hlomr\lr.co \o cd I ..... ...... U m.3 -3 -3m rn IdOrnNr. OcOOOm hl [o w ws ,. .. hl A oa OK (dL 3u Ua d> PI& PI mmm PIP, mmmmm4pi ~4 1 -7 [oc a, -7 QU F m m [o -la -la 4 4 cdu cdcd*rl(d (d (drd-rlcd cd (d *4 u UY umuu UUXU u UWXU u U [o VI mm m VI vlm [I] VI m ha .r( a 3 *d *rl -4 a *A *rl vi .rl a .rl .A .rl 4- 0 0 CK cd3QRi cdcd3cdua cdcd3Ld (d cd *(d *rl uaJ4:u uua,uau VUaJUCdV WC3OW WWC3WNW WWC3Wp9W W. 7 4 d U cdz E cd +E;+ 33OP 3 P303 3 3 (d rZ 5 u 3 CkcdC GGkCOC CGkGa)C 2 .s .z 5 .s .4 .a .z .5 $ .y 2 .: .z .A mE 4 c G! a 4ua 663 cd *rl 4 (d -3aJ G DO N ONOONO emmrn-~co rn N$4 CnN co NmNcornro N-3oDwm N XUa, d 444 Ad4 4 mu LIS cd OUd w mm -0a)cd Q)U 3 \D co dcd N N aou cn E -4 U cd ax _/L cdI i ')*04rn\Do 7;w:y; -IIIIII 1:::::: mlIIIII --3c4-3\-r. -I\- :i dMaJ E3al 30 morn 00Nln.30 aoor.oiNrn 0 0 &S mme LdomeNdln Ll0-3.3ohle (do Pdu 144 ri .rlOOOdd4 UOOOdd4 GO >A + c rd .rl N g5 (d C 21 N ma (d (IJ .: :: Q+N m -0~com-3-3ln g~commm-3 am I+ bl VI Vl Nn oe lrlao oo1cobmmo omma ma Irl lmrl dGrl a V W tC n oomm aObrlLnLnm0 mGNm m .... ........ .... NN4O rlbLnrl0GOrl 0000 \\ mb v 00 -E z\ ZM 1 .. 7% a Ql an Ob b \omoGNm bbam aI o..,.. .... II '0 Il04 rll4rl40ri4 4400 $ G Erlrn 2.22@ E2 M 4-l 47 zm r3 b ;I>zz cduo(6 b nl3m a)N a *rl mrl rl NNmGmN 4dNm 11.. 1100 0 000000 OOOCJ I VI v ....... .... w I (6OE 3dm\ 0 0 NM Hm rl m n amam OaGbmGLnm LnrlaLn .... ......... .... m 3- 0 Zh lie E NmNm mmNmbbwb Lnr.4m II-I o\ rl nl v3M 7 1 v I a $4 0 0 4: FQaa PIk la ;su a24 G ampim mmmwpIpIpIm mhpI& MI44 PI m 5;: (d (d i=E $%E! uu~u,ru,au UUdC "$ 2- uc v3 00 0 0 g.az,a G Grl G a,zs G G G ad E 4F9 I-I rn rl U dC Fhrd gFhM rd rd u (d al Rl-d (d aJ rn(6rn (I]rncdrnFIrnorn rnrndcd u a -I-! & *rl .rl .rl & .I-! rd *rl N .rl .rl *rl nl d 3a34rd nl(6rlnlGd (6 cd(6Gri .rl .I-! .rl .rl -0 u -4 .rl .rl a *rl auFIu UuI-Iu-OoGu uuab LlGcdG GC(6G.rlG(6G CG.4cd uwvw wwuwzw!=4w wwmu He -rl OP P PP PP3.aP 33P g,2 $2 a, Cn 2 .5 a, -4 .rl au- new< GmNmmmmo lnoorz ONmN NNrlmaNma NNem duE rl rl rlrirlrl rlrl ur3 rl 4 rl N rd m e a e a, 4-lM dm ~0000 h oooLnoooo FroLnoLn a z '-1mGNln nCNLnGNmGm OOOG nrlrll-trl Cdorl4rlrlrlrlrl orlrlrl I& a .ornGGrn (60000 lodab IIII a1 j...Gaa rnOCOOOOOO aJoNmrnoomo IIIIIII aoLnLnln fLn WOrndU nll Ill [Ooomm dhlcOcOrlN44.m Llhlhlm4. E aJ004d aooo-l-l4,rd S04Fid M cud (d n +-E- 4-l (6 5 0 rn a 4 (6 u (I] w w. oa rl n cdu cord 7! .?I 3m ua rnu a *rl brn G rla (6rn U hai rld (6 Grd .cd rnc *rl rl 0 rn(6 h.4 a rlua GGh (6 -4 rl (6 Gal G I?l: (6 *rl N z5 (6 Q E I-IS (6 ourl w rnrn aa(6 a4-l 3 rla auu E -4 o (6-0 cd a 30 ".RE E3$ rlNa $45 *+ c-4- os ma a v n W mE x\ ZM 2 v * a a, CJa, h c Ed- 703am u .d rl b cd3m a)N a *rl E4 CJ *rl n Hu dm I cd0E 34m\ co 0 0 NM O rl cdu ow r. d3mb - -m n a m CJh E 3u 11.2 \ ccd ow m2 -4 7 u!4 Ce om ut% W h 0 0 mu la I a24 G md EO3 m 7cdo a, rim $4 rlh CUM Ph cdcd b3 c cd c, W a, n P *d u W m - en 06 a, *rl ?I rlUE au- ECJ cdrl a, m+ E 0 .d VB n d (d ? $4 a, cm H& u- B a, .rl UH 1: 01 000 ooom I a ad rio NaQ OrlNO .. . . . . . . . 40 duo memm \ \ e a 0 d r. co r.mma I . .... dl I 0 4000 *I 4 u (ucomm -I I. .... I 0 0000 01 Wco Gbco NDOco mr. corlw or.4P-l .. . . . . . . . rid h mm @!a& @&ma, a, h h g La h cd cdcdaJ cd cd u uud u u v) mmd v) (li -4 3.- 0 *4 >>Qd3h .d cd .d *rl arl mcdcucdumm cw cC~mCmG3 .rl .d *d a 0 *d 0 ad a, u UWVUU u a, wm WWZdW4IWp4 gg cc-dcdccdGh OG erlco 4440 Nri “a NNaG ndd rid rl u c 0 V N e m W p4ON PO00 0000 WG a,orlm c-400W --r. bed4 ear.- Odrl rlrlrlrl mmG cdo40 Nmoe !-lam mNmW maaa ldrl ‘do04 ridrid worn 1-m j 000 Ill oooa IIII /F * L containing compound that is probably not sulfuric acid is frequently observed in Sourthern California, and measurable concentrations of the material were present during the last week of the program. Therefore, readings were obtained as if sulfuric acid were present in the background and in the plume, and the apparent sulfuric acid concentrations are reported in Table B-3. The observed concentrations of this unknown sub- stance in the background air are all quite small, so these readings can be subtracted from the readings in the plume reported in Table B-3 to obtain the concentration of sulfuric acid in the plume. It should be noted that sulfuric acid gives a characteristic rapid rise in the signal level at the start of the volatilization, and that this a better indicator of the presence or absence of small amounts of sulfuric acid than is the integrated output shown in the tables. Nearly all plume samples during m the last week of the program showed this characteristic initial rise in the output signal. Replicate determinations of the ammonia concentration were made in six cases, and in those cases both values are reported in the tables. Average sulfur dioxide concentrations at the sampling location during the time period in which the filter samples were collected were determined by hand integration of the strip-chart records of the output of the sulfur dioxide detectors. Ten filters containing the large particle deposits from the Sierra virtual dichotomous samplers were analyzed for sulfate, and the data are presented in Table B-4. Because the small particles follow the gas flow in the virtual impactor, they are deposited on both the large and small particle filters in proportion to the gas flow rate through each filter. Therefore, the large particle filter also contains small particle sulfate concentration is known. The values used in making these corrections are given in the next-to-last column, and the corrected large particle sulfate concentrations appear in the last column of Table B-4. b. Special Experiments 5 Several special experiments were performed during the course of this project. In the first of these, the ability to collect sulfuric 77 I c 110 kd ua- m3c m hmOCE u o\ 5aJ *dm mri UU a i uu cdv ri- (d b ;uwu n W E I\ cbn ILA a1c $2 &VI 0 c vo ri ar -d E-d (d b mLIIcIu In 71 a, dm ari a, E u u u\ 0.d c M m a,uoZL b hu- z 0 bld H opi a, c u uo H I-iri ld ldlh 0 z 0 a, U Uh id$% 2 S%LU"';: z; dmu U (d h an IW WaJUOo WB r- ari 1 1 *d v 4r-l e E+ ad Lnb ldz h 0 w G 1 aj! L4 B -f & W 17 a: G 41: v) -- __ Cn a, .2 2 ZS.5 z: CJ md E 0 .d I "B m ri > 1: i I HP- CJB cm - Q) !E ci .d +JB I3 I 1 21 I Fi macm mri WN d ANN4 04 00 0 .... .. .. Ni I I m mmbm br. mm co u3 WWWh 00 bb I\ .... .. .. zi w u3WNu3 4 riNN4 dri 00 0 .... N r. dCnUW riu mu u3 N drihld rid 00 ri W .... .. .. l I I ml 1 u uu ir- I >+ :=: I *d c .r- ld(dc.2 .A .rl 22 2: Frll si h elpimpi ma &PI I hh ld ldld aJaJ m mm rid 1 -4 -4 .ri ldm 01 > >> ld LIuldld cc ri 1 u QQOO ldld -071 c oocc ala, .rl.ri cr: NNWW am zz VI , ~--- .._I l I I I u "00 uu mm 4 ri m mmcou3 coco mu3 2 1 co 4 Nb N P N! Nhl C a, n ld b QJ ?a 1 j:::: baamu3 *I Ill _ii all -.ju 7111 1% ;; eeao a" moo a,: a0 n34dcULc umc\I a00 1 VI 71.j 71uuum 3mm CNhl hm cri *d4ririd U4d Qrid 34 acid on filters in Carlsbad and to return the filter to the AMC for analysis was confirmed. On 19 January 1978, three blank Teflon filters were spiked with 0.78 f 0.12 pg each of sulfuric acid aerosol with the * air of a Thermo Systems, Inc. Model 3075 aerosol generator. The filters were shipped by Greyhound bus on 20 January, and were analyzed on 25 January 1978. The mean amount of sulfuric acid found was 0.75 vg, and the standard deviation is larger than is normally observed. In a second special experiment, sulfuric acid was added in the laboratory to filter samples of aerosol collected at background sites during the field program. The purpose of these experiments was to deter- mine the extent to which sulfuric acid in the plume might be neutralized during collection by other particulates on the filter. The amount of sulfuric acid neutralized in these experiments was larger than was expected. The data from these experiments are presented in Table B-5. In three out of four cases, the sulfuric neutralized by the particulates already on the filter. the reasonableness of these results, the fraction of the filter covered by ambient particulates was estimated. It was assumed that most of the filter coverage was due to the accumulation mode aerosol, and that this aerosol could be fitted by a log-normal distribution with a geometric mean diameter on a volume basis D of 0.24 pm, a geometric standard gv deviation 0 of 1.9, and a mass concentration ten times the observed sul- fate concentration. acid added to the filter was To determine For a log-normal distribution of particles, the projected area divided by the volume of particles is given by Projected area - 3 exp((1nal2/2). Volume 2D gv The last column of Table B-5 gives the calculated projected area of the ambient particulates divided by the filter face area. Densities of 1 g/cm3 and 2 g/cm seen that large losses can be expected for the first two samples, but 3 were used to obtain the reported values. It can be 79 0 Ln 4+Ll du4uk mk w rd 2 2 P4h oakcd h rl rl m ala, I I I I a3 < cn ul 44 m u2 rl *d I a, a an ad > bo 001 a 2 V 2 1- a H k El J 4 L)- % E m I3 H m -;2 F 0 g Ez $1 d A I $24 oal ad 4 a4J4 U cd rd ikn aw rlcFIaa\ cdik$4aJm WurdriE Ebo 42 PW d om- OLl u1H A2 2," 3 5 3 Gm2 I a z H C 0 *d z 0 W u cd m 0 !% 0 w 4 &- cri u s E E' G+ ' 4~a~n a Ln cdErlW ii3aE b O+EW 0 HOcd >m VI 4 w p: ii 2 -4 0 ~ cd 4: 4: + q cd OOdO -1 .d l u mmmm a bo C oomo vv VI 3 .rl rl ik E 3 cd m 5 ... lm a hhrlr. 12 0 P h 0 0 4 AI a, k cd hlr-hrl 3 ... u w U 0 G g 4 cd w k 52 s I boa a, Gar G -d u 0 $4 a 9-l * * 0 mu ma3 hlri 0 w 01 +h kal a al k 'Ha 0 rd3 4J m hrn 4E a\ ubD a7 10 ad am ri 7-i -rl rd cd z4Ju a a. 0 mm a .d .d 033 *d .d 41 0 am 0 $ .rl ad L) *dcd N 0 aluocd ad h *d Llcca, mcd 4 u uwwm rdcd alo C a, um --- 5 5 5; E 32 z c Llik 5 :: 32 : : ma 3 g 0U)ti aJcd .d 2 32cd cs aa, Ll meea e m a3 rn am Ll 0 ha3COd u *d a, . . . . dL) u al 044n *dcd 4 u w *d a mrl 01 a -ri the losses observed for the last sample are unexplained. These data show that it is desirable to use short sampling times when the filters are to be analyzed for sulfuric acid. % In the third special experiment, a number of filters collected during the first week and analyzed for sulfuric acid were heated to about 18OoC in the volatilization apparatus. was to see if the filters contained either ammonium sulfate or ammonium bisulfate, which volatilize at this temperature. It is believed that the conditions used do not quantitatively volatilize these compounds, so this experiment is qualitative rather than quantitative. The results are presented in Table B-6. Only the filters collected in the afternoon of 22 January at Encina Vista and San Francisco Peak showed significant amounts of either of these compounds. small volatilization signals to show that the filters did not contain more than a fraction of a microgram of ammonium sulfate or ammonium bi- sulfate. The week during which these filter samples were collected was stormy, and visibility was very good when not obscured by clouds. fore, very low levels of ammonium sulfate and ammonium bisulfate in the background air are not surprising. possible to show that these compounds were not present in the plume either, with the exception of the plume samples collected on 22 January. The purpose of this experiment All other filters gave sufficiently There- The clean background air made it - 81 Time Plume or P ST ground Date Interval Site Back- 1/17 1200-1700 Encina Vista P 1/18 800-1000 Encina Vista B 1/19 200- 400 Encina Vista B 1/19 1600-1800 Encina Vista B 1/20 800-1000 Encina Vista B 1/21 800-1000 Encina Vista B 1/22 1200-1400 Encina VIsta B 1/17 1800-2000 Encina Vista B 1/22 1400-1700 Encina Vista P 1/17 1200-1600 Reservoir P 1/18 800-1000 Reservoir B 1/17 1500-1700 Plant B 1/19 1600-1800 San Elijo B 1/20 1000-1200 Langford B 1/20 1600-1700 Greenwood Hills P 1/21 1000-1200 Greenwood Hills B 1/22 1500-1700 San Francisco P Peak Sulfate Volatile Sulfate Volatilized Concentration (1.18) (dm3 1 <0.19 <0.19 0.23 0.14 0.18 0.11 0.20 0.11 0.18 0.11 0.15 0.09 0.26 0.16 0.28 0.22 2.13 1.05 <o. 19 <1.37 <0.19 <0.12 0.23 0.11 0.18 0.11 0.20 0.12 10.16 10.36 0.28 0.17 2.67 1.61 * REFERENCES \ Allen, R. J. and W. E. 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