HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-02-15; City Council; 3069-1; TENTATIVE MAP AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT| CT 76-12| PUD 04| CALAVERA HILLSAGENDA BILL NO. DATE: DEPARTMENT: c CITY OF CARLSBAD February 15. 1977 PLANNING inDe City Atty City Mgr. SUBJECTp*TENTATIVE MAP AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CT 76-12, PUD-4 (CALAVERA HILLS) APPLICANT: ROBERT LADWIG - STATEMENT OF THE MATTER The request is for a 142-lot subdivision and a 138 D.U., PUD on approximately 63 acres situated approximately 4000' east of El Camino Real, in the vicinity of the proposed Tamarack extension. The site is the first phase development of the Lake Calavera Master Plan area. The proposal is for a standard Single Family Residential development, meeting all requirements of the R-l-7500 zone. A PUD is required since this is a P-C Zone with a Master Plan that is nonconforming. The Master Plan is non- conforming because it does .not contain all the information now required; i.e. an economic impact report, specific development provisions, etc. The required Tract and PUD plans meet all requirements for a PUD, Subdivision, General Plan and the existing Master Plan. The Planning Commission held five public hearings, as well as a field trip to the site. The Tract and PUD plans and conditions have been modified and refined to the satisfaction of the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission recommended approval as per staff report with the addition of a PUD condition for a 4' solid wall along properties backing onto Tamarack. Exhibits: P.C. Resolutions Nos. 1314 & 1315Staff Reports dated, January 26, 1977 and December 8, 1976. Exhibit G, dated, December 17, 1976, Tract Map. Exhibit E, dated October 15, 1976, Elevations and floor plans Location Map-' City Council Resolution No. 3407 / Planning Commission Resolution No. 1050 Master Plan, Exhibit A," dated September 3, 1976. General Plan area plan EIR supplementalinformation. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council direct the City Attorney to prepare documents approving CT 76-12 and PUD-4, as per Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 1314 and 1315. Council Action: 2-15-77 The Public Hearing remained opened and the matter was continued to a workshop session to be held February 22, 1977. 2-22-77 Council agreed to deny this application and the City Attorney is to return with the necessary document to deny the development. FORM PLANNING 73 1 2 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF , 20 22 23 24 25 26 28 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1315 THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, CON- CERNING A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR 142 RESIDENTIAL UNITS ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF EL CAMINO REAL NORTH OF THE EASTERLY EXTENSION OF TAMARACK AVENUE. CASE NO. : PUD-4 APPLICANT: ROBERT LADWIG (AGENT) WHEREAS, a verified application for a certain property, to wit: • That portion of Lot "D" of Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the County of San Diego, State of California, , according to the Partition Map thereof No. 823, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, November 16, 1896, and more particularly described in the files of the City Planning Office has been filed with the City of Carlsbad and referred to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request as provided by Title 21 of the "Carlsbad Municipal Code;" and WHEREAS, the public hearing was held at the time and in the place specified in said notice on January 26, 1977; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering the testimony and arguments, if any, of all per- sons who desired to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the Planned Unit development and found the following facts and reasons to exist: XXXXXXXXXX 1 1 2ft* 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 ) The - proposed use at the particular location is necessary and desirable to provide a service or faci we! 1 lity which will contribute to the general -being of the neighborhood and the community because: a) b) 2) The The development will allow the subject property to be developed to its allowable density; and A future school site will be gained. use will not be detrimental to the. health, safety or general welfare of the persons residing or work or i a). 3)r The and ing in the vicinity or injurious to property mprovements in the vicinity because: The proposed PUD will be developed in a manner similar to the anticipated future development in the area. design criteria set forth i.n Section 21.45.110 all minimum development standards set forth in Section 21.45.120 will be met because: a) b) c) d) e) f) 9) 4) The Envi The plot plan and additional exhibits include all development aspects. The plot plan and additional exhibits include adequate provision for open space, recreational facilities, circulation and off-street parking. The project will be developed in a manner anti- cipated to be compatible with future circulation patterns in the area. Internal circulation is acceptable to the City Engineer as shown on the plot plan and by con- ditions of approval. Private recreational facilities are linked to open space corridors and are readily accessible. Dwelling unit density does not exceed the den- sity allowed in the underlying zone (P-C, General Plan). Development standards will conform to the R-l-7500 zone. proposed project has complied with the Carlsbad ronmental Protection Ordinance because: XXXXXXXXXX -2- 1 2 5 . 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a) An Environmental.Impact Report No. 230 was prepared and certified by the City Council in 1974 in connection with Master Plan approval; b) Supplemental information to that Report was submitted and approved pertaining to the proposed project; and c) The Planning Director has therefore determined that the project has complied by Prior Compliance (Section 19.04.153). 5) The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan because: a) The Land Use Element designates the project site for residential low-medium density use (0-4 dwelling units/acre), with which the .project complies (2 dwellings/acre); b) The project includes a school site as desig- nated on the Land Use Element. 6) The proposed project complies with all applicable public facility policies and ordinances because: a) Conditions of approval will ensure the above. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. B) That in view of the findings heretofore made and con- sidering the applicable law, the decision of the Planning Commission is to approve PUD-4, subject to the following conditions: 1) The approval is granted for the land described in the application and any attachments thereto, and as shown on the Plot Plan submitted labeled Exhibit G, dated December 17, 176, Exhibit E, dated October 15, 1976 and Exhibit D, dated October 28, 1976. The location of all roadways, parking areas, landscaping and other faci- lities or features shall be located substantially as 2) shown on Exhibits G, D and E, unless otherwise pro- vided herein. Development standards of the R-l-7500 zone will be adhered to. 3) The project shall be commenced within 18 months from final City action. If the project has not commenced within 18 months, approval herein will terminate, unless -3- 1 an extension request has been filed under Section 21.45.140 of the Municfpal Code. 2 4) all public improvements shall be made in conformity with City standards to the satisfaction of the City Engineer without cost to the City of Carlsbad and 4 free of all liens and encumbrances. 5 5) A comprehensive landscape and irrigation plan will be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Director for 6 approval prior to issuance of grading permits. 7 6) The two observation points shown on the plot plan shall be constructed using either concrete or asphalt as 8 a flooring material. 9 7) The picnic area and observation point shall incorporate benches and tables compatible with the design of the over- 10 head structure. 11 8) all existing or proposed pathways shall be concrete, and consideration shall be given to the proposed widths 12 of the paths being reduced from six feet and eight feet to four feet and six feet respectively. J-O 9) The playground and active play areas shall incorporate 14 elements for all age groups, for varied recreational activities to the satisfaction of the Parks and 15 Recreation Director. 16 10) The pathways throughout the open space shall connect with the park with access between lots 134 and 135. 1? Decomposed granite pathways, eight-foot wide through- out this area, are adequate.18 11) The tennis courts shall be constructed on concrete in- 19 stead of asphalt. 20 12) Provisions will be made for electrical service in close proximity to the tennis courts for future lighting. f£JL 13) A controlled irrigation system shall be installed within 22 the boundaries of the park site. 23 14) Water service will be supplied to points along the concrete pathways for keeping them clean.24 15) Water service shall be available at the tennis courts 25 for hosing courts and drinking fountains. 26 16) Any areas in the open space areas which have either cut or fill slopes are to be planted arid automatically 27 irrigated. 28 XXXXXXXXXX 17) Lot two shall be devoted totally to recreational vehicle storage. A landscape and irrigation plan will be sub- mitted to the Parks and Recreation Director for approval prior to grading permit issuance.3 . 18) 'Lot' two will be surfaced in a manner acceptable to the Ci ty Engi neer. 19) Lot two may be used as a buiTdable lot at such time as adequate provision for recreational vehicle storage is permanently made elsewhere to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. 20) Concurrent with final map approval, the applicant shall grant an open space easement for .maintenance and improve- ment purposes over those portions of those lots described in Condition 21, fronting on public ri ghts-of-way . * 10 11 12 13 15 16 18 25 26 27 28 /""% 21) Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the City Engineer shall approve a plan submitted by the applicant for interim erosion control on all man-made slopes in excess of five feet created by this subdivision. Prior to this issuance of grading permits, the applicant shall post bonds and agreements ensuring the installation and maintenance of the erosion control systems until permanent landscaping is installed and maintained. 14 22) Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the appli- cant shall submit a permanent landscaping and irrigation plan to the Parks and Recreation Director for his approval. The plan shall include all man-made slopes. Those slopes shal 1 17 a) Utilize f ire-retardant, drouth-resistant landscaping which includes trees and shrubs which reach a variety of sizes at maturity; and 19 b) Utilize an irrigation system appropriate for common 20 maintenance of the required landscaping in conformance with Conditions Nos. 23 and 24. 21 23) Permanent landscaping and irrigation shall be installed 22 on all lots identified in Condition No. 21 before any of those lots are occupied. If residential construction 23 occurs in units, this condition shall be on a unit-by- unitbasis 24. . . , .24) Prior to the issuance of building permits, the provision of permanent open space maintenance on those areas as indicated in Condition No. 21 shall be assured in a manner acceptable to the City Council. 25) Recreational vehicle storage is to be provided for the use of the property owners who reside within the PUD. Recreational vehicle spaces required ftir this PUD shall not be used for another purpose. The storage site shall -5- t «, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 be maintained by the applicant, or a homeowners' associ- ation, until some other system of maintenance is approved by the Ci ty Counci1. 26) C.C.&R.'s for the project will be submitted to the Planning Director for approval prior to issuance of building permits 27) A four-foot solid wall shall be constructed at the top of the slope on lots backing up to Tamarack Avenue, to the satisfaction of the Planning Director, prior to the first occupancy permit issuance for those affected sites. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at .a regular meeting of the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission held on January 26, 1977, by the.fol1 owing vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS ROMBOTIS, WATSON, FIKES AND JOSE. COMMISSIONERS LARSON AND NELSON. NONE. COMMISSIONER L'HEUREUX. ERIC LARSON, CHAIRMAN ATTEST: RALPH S. PLENDER, SECRETARY -6-7 MEMORANDUM t [ January 26, 1977 TO: ; PLANNING COMMISSION •FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT CASE NO: CT 76-12 and PUD 4 (CALAVERA HILLS) REQUEST: Approval of a Tentative Tract Map and Planned Unit Development to provide a 138 dwelling unit. 142 -lot subdivision on approximately 63 acres. . APPLICANT: ROBERT LADWIG (AGENT) SUBJECT: Revision to conditions as directed by Planning Commission. At the Planning Commission of January 5, 1977, a revised list of con- ditions were submitted by staff. The applicant indicated that the conditions as prepared by staff were acceptable. The Planning Com- mission suggested additional conditions dealing with recreational vehicle storage and open space easements over man-made slopes. Staff has revised the conditions to include the following: 1) New condition #20, dealing with open space easements. 2) New condition #24, updating the wording for this condition to the most recently accepted wording by City Council. 3) New condition #25, dealing with recreational vehicle storage. Please note that the staff report dated December 8, 1976 is the most recently submitted staff evaluation. Refer to this report for infor- mation on the project. CONDITIONS CT 76-12 1) The approval is granted for the land described in the application and any attachments thereto and as shown on the Plot Plan sub- mitted labeled Exhibit G, dated December 17, 1976. The location of all roadways, parking areas, landscaping and other facilities or features shall be located substantially as shown on the plot plan labeled Exhibit "G", except or unless indicated otherwise herein. 2) In^order to provide for reasonable fire protection during the construction period, the subdivider shall maintain passable ve- hicular access to all buildings and adequate fire hydrants with required fire flows shall be installed' as recommended by the Fi re Department. -1- 3') Ornamental street lighting shall be provided for as required by_ Municipal Ordinance. The developer shall deposit cash in the amount necessary to energize said street lights for an eighteen- month period after construction, to permit the incorporation of the subdivision into a maintenance district. 4) All land and/or easements required shall be granted to the City of Carlsbad without cost to the City, and free of all liens and encumbrances and no easements shall be recorded prior to recordation of the final map unless approved by the City Engineer. 5) The improvement and grading plans shall include a report of a geological investigation and a complete grading plan of the entire site, when required by the City Engineer. The report and plan shall be prepared by civil engineers, licensed by the State of California and experienced in erosion control, who shall be acceptable to.the City Engineer. They shall certify that they have investigated the site and prepared data with full consider- ation of the consequences to the included and neighboring prop- erties and in conformance with the Geologic and Seismic Safety Element of the General Plan. 6) Tamarack Avenue-right-of-way, including slope easements, shall be dedicated on the basis of an 84-foot street section and improved on the basis of a 42-foot half street section, accord- ing to City of Carlsbad Standards, from El Camino Real to the most northernly point of the subdivision. 7) Work to be done on Tamarack Avenue .improvements shall include channelization, residential street modification, and full 84- foot street improvements on Tamarack from El Camino Real to the intersection of the Trieste - Sierra Morena complex, as approved by the City Engineer. 8) Slopes adjacent to public streets shall be 2:1 maximum, and the .grading plans- for- the • project, or its supplements, shall specify the type and manner of installation and irrigation of slope planting for control of erosion on these slopes, to be approved by the Parks and Recreation Director and City Engineer. 9) The offsite sewer is not approved as shown; it shall be extended within Tamarack Avenue to a point near the proposed culvert where the future sewer, serving the tributary area north of Tamarack Avenue, can be properly connected before its alignment leaves Tamarack Avenue to connect to the.existing sewer in Kelly Drive. 10) Lot 141; the future school site, if left ungraded, shall have a graded all-weather access into the lot. 11) A revised Tentative Tract Map will be submitted to the City En- gineer prior to recordation of the final map incorporating all changes•required herein. 12) The revised Tentative Tract Map will reflect the park site re- -2- quirements as specified in the approved Master Plan No. 150, Condition of approval No. 2. 13) If, however, the approved Master Plan 150 is amended to reflect a new parks requirement, the required revised Tentative Tract Map will meet the provisions stipulated in that revised parks requirement. CONDITIONS PUD-4 1) The, approval is granted for the land described in the application ,. and any attachments thereto, and as shown on the Plot Plan sub- mitted labeled Exhibit "6", dated December 17, 1976, Exhibit "E" dated October 15, 1976, Exhibit "D", dated October 28, 1976. The location of all roadways, parking areas, landscaping and other facilities or.features shall be located substantially as shown on Exhibits "G", "D", "E", unless otherwise provided herein. 2) Development Standards of the R-l-7500 zone will be adhered to. 3) The project shall be commenced within 18 months from final City action. If the project has not commenced within 18 months, approval herein wi1V terminate, unless an extension request has been filed under Section 21.45.140 of the Municipal Code. 4) All public improvements shall be made in conformity with City standards to the satisfaction of the City Engineer without cost to the City of Carlsbad and free of all liens and encumbrances. 5) A comprehensive landscape .and irrigation plan will be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Director for approval prior to issuance of grading 'permits. 6). The two observation points shown on the plot plan shall be con- structed using either concrete or asphalt as a flooring material. 7) The picnic area and observation point shall incorporate benches and tables compatible with the design of the overhead structure. 8) All existing or proposed pathways shall be concrete, and con- sideration be given to the proposed widths of the paths being re- duced from six feet and eight feet to four feet and six feet respectively. .9) The playground and active play areas shall incorporate elements for all age groups, for varied recreational activities to the satis- faction of the Parks and Recreation Director. 10) The pathways throughout the open space, shall connect with the park,-and access between lots 134 & 135. Decomposed granite path- ways eight-feet wide throughout this area are adequate. 11) The tennis courts shall be constructed on concrete instead of asphalt. -3- 12) Provisions will be made for electrical service in close proximity to the tennis courts for future lighting. 13) A controlled irrigation system shall be installed within the boundaries of the park site. 14) Water service will be supplied to points along the concrete pathways for keeping them clean. 15) Water service shall be available at the tennis courts for hosing courts and drinking fountains. 16) Any areas in the open space areas which have either cut or fill slopes are to be planted and automatically irrigated. 17) Lot two (2) shall be devoted totally to recreational vehicle storage A landscape and irrigation plan will be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Director for approval prior to grading permit issuance. 18) Lot two (2) will be surfaced in a manner acceptable to the City Engineer. 19) Lot two (2) may be 'used as a buildable lot at such time that adequate provision for recreational vehicle storage is perman- ently made elsewhere to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. 20) Concurrent with final map approval, the applicant shall grant an open space easement for maintenance and improvement purposes over those portions of those lots described in Condition 21, fronting on public rights-of-way.. 21) Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the City Engineer shall . approve a plan submitted by the applicant for interim erosion .con- trol on all man-made slopes in excess of five feet created by this subdivision. Prior to this issuance of grading permits, the applicant shall post bonds and agreements ensuring the install- ation and maintenance of the erosion control system until permanent landscaping is installed, and maintained. 22) Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the applicant shall submit a permanent landscaping and irrigation plan to the Parks and Recreation Director for his approval. The plan shall include all man-made slopes. These slopes shall: a) Utilize f i re-retardent., drouth-resistant landscaping which includes trees and shrubs which reach a variety of sizes at maturity; and b) Utilize an irrigation system.appropriate for common main- tenance of the required landscaping in conformance with conditions 23, 24. . , 23) Permanent landscaping and irrigation shall be installed on all lots identified in Condition 21 before any of those lots are • occupied. If residential construction occurs in units, this condition shall be met on a unit-by-unit basis. o 24) Prior to the issuance of -building permits, the provision of permanent open space maintenance on those areas as- indicated in Condition 21 shall be assured in amanner acceptable to the Ci ty Counci1 . 25) Recreational vehicle storage is to be provided for the use of the property owners who reside within the PUD. Recreational vehicle spaces required for this PUD shall not be used for another purpose. The storage site shall be maintained by the applicant, or a homeowner's association., until some other system of maintenance is approved by the City Council. 26) C.C.& R.'s for the project will be submitted to the Planning Director for approval prior to issuance of building permits. TH:ar (1/20/77) -5- o • o STAFF REPORT December 8, 1976 TO: ' PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT CASE NO: CT-76-12 AND PllD-4 REQUEST: APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TO PROVIDE 138 DWELLING UNIT 142 LOT SUBDIVISION ON APPROXIMATELY 63 ACRES. APPLICANT: ROBERT LADWIG (AGENT) SECTION I; RECOMMENDATION • CASE NO: CT 76-12 Staff recommends APPROVAL of Carlsbad Tract 76-12 for the following reason's and subject to the following conditions: 1) The proposed map is consistent with the General Plan because: a) The Land Use Plan Map designates the subject site for Residential low-medium density, 0-4 dwelling limits per acre. The project provides approximately two dwelling units per acre. b) The proposed map shows a school site as designated on the General Plan. 2) The design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the General Plan because: a) Public facilities will be available concurrent with need for the development. 3) The site is physically suitable for the type of development because: a) There are no unusual topographic or geologic features on the site. b) Conditions of approval will insure the above. 4) The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development because: * a) Dwelling units provided per acre are consistent in num- ber with the RL-M range designated in the General Plan. b) There are no significant physical features on the site that would hinder development as planned. -1- 5) The design of the subdlvisi on -or the imposed improvements are not likely to 'cause substantially and i nvironmental damage or substantially and unavoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat because: 6) a) Adequate Stibstanti al Environmental Damage information has been supplied to insure the above. The design of the subdivision or the type of improvements are not likely to cause serious public health problems because: a) Conditions of approval will insure the above. 7) The design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements required by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision because: - a) Conditions of approval will insure the above. 8) The subdivision will not prohibit reasonable access to public waterways, rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs, coastlines, or shorelines because: a) The subdivision does not front on any of the ab^ve. .CONDITIONS CT 76-12 1) The approval is granted for the land described in the application, and any attachments thereto and as shown on the Plot Plan sub- mitted labeled Exhibit "F", dated November 18, 1976. The lo- cation of all roadways, parking areas, landscaping and other facilities or features shall be located substantially as shown on the plot plan labeled Exhibit "F", except or unless indicated otherwise herein. 2) In order to provide for reasonable fire protection during the construction period, the subdivider shall maintain passable ve- hicular access to all buildings and adequate fire hydrants .with required fire flows shall be installed as recommended by the Fire Department. 3) Ornamental street lighting shall be provided for as required by Municipal Ordinance. The developer shall deposit cash in the amount necessary to energize said street lights for an eighteen month period after construction, to permit the incorporation of the subdivision into a maintenance district. 4) All land and/or easements required shall be granted to the City of Carlsbad without cost to the City, and free of all liens and encumbrances. No easements shall be •record-jd. prior to recordation of the final map unless approved by the City Engineer. 5) The improvement and grading plans shall include a report of a geological investigation and a complete grading plan of the entire site, when required by the City Engineer. The report and plan -2- •"• shall be prepared by civil enqineers, licensed by the State of ,.' . California an ^^erienced in erosion- cor *%, who shall be ,,' acceptable to uhe City Engineer. They sh>.. ^r certify that they have investigated the site and prepared data with full consider- ation of the consequences to the included and neighboring " properties and inconformance with the Geologic and Seismic Safety Element of the General Plan. G) Tamarack Avenue right of way, including slope easements, shall be dedicated on the basis of an 84 foot street section and improved on the basis of a 42 foot half street section, accord- ing to City of Carlsbad Standards, from El Camino Real to the most northernly point of the subdivision. - 7) Work to be done on Tamarack Avenue improvements shall include channelization, residential street modification, and full 84 foot street improvements on Tamarack from El Camino Real to the intersection of the Trieste - Sierra Morena complex, as approved by the City Engineer. 8) Slopes adjacent to public streets shall be 2:1 maximum, and the grading plans for the project, or its supplements, shall specify the type and manner of installation and irrigation of slope planting for control of erosion on these slopes, to be approved by the Parks and Recreation Director and City Engineer. 9) The offsite sewer is not approved as shown; it shall be extended within Tamarack Avenue to a point near the proposed culvert where the"future sewer, serving the tributary area north of Tamarack Avenue, can be properly connected before its alignment leaves Tamarack Avenue to connect to the existing sewer in Kelly Drive. 10) The proposed median in "A" Street is not approved. 11) An emergency vehicle access road shall be provided along the. south-west portion of lot 1 to the satisfaction of the Fire Marshall and the City Engineer. 12) The street shown between lots 3 and 6 shall be cul-de-saced and not intersect Tamarack. 13) Lot 141, the future school site, if left ungraded, shall have a graded all-weather access into the lot. 14) A revised Tentative Tract Map will be submi-tted to the City Engineer prior to recordation of the final map incorporating all changes required herein. 15) The revised Tentative Tract. Map will reflect the park site re- quirements as specified in the approved Master Plan No. 150, Condition of approval No. 2. 16) If, however, the approved Master Plan 150 is amended to reflect a new parks requirement, the required revised Tentative Tract Map will meet the provisions stipulated in that revised parks requirement. FINDINGS PUD-4 1) The proposed use at the particular location is necessary and des- irable to provide a service or facility which will contribute to -3- -**% the general well-being of the neighborhood and the community because : a) The development will allow the subject property to be developed to its allowable potenti al and densi ty . b) A future school site will be gained. 2) The use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the vicinity or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity because: a) The proposed PUD will be developed in a manner similar to the anticipated futre development in the area. 3) The design criteria set forth. in Section 21.45.110 and all minimum development standards set forth in Section 21 .45 . 120 will be met because: a) The plot plan and additional exhibits include all development aspects . b) The plot plan and additional exhibits include adequate provision for open space, recreational facilities circulation and off . .street parking. c) The project will be developed in a manner anticipated to be compatible with future circulation patterns in the area. d) Internal circulation is acceptable to the City Engineer as shown on the plot plan and by conditions of approval. e) Private recreational facilities are linked to open space cor- ridors and are readily accessible. f) Dwelling unit density does not exceed the density allowed in 'inthe underlying zone (P-C, General Plan). g) Development standards will conform to the R-l-7500 zone. CONDITIONS PUD-4 1) The approval is granted for the land described in the application and any attachments thereto, and as shown on the Plot Plan sub- mitted labeled Exhibit "F", dated November 19, 1976, Exhibit '"E" , dated October 15, 1976, Exhibit "D", dated October 28, 1976. The location of all roadways, parking areas, landscaping and other facilities or features shall be located substantially as shown on Exhibits "F", "D", "E11,, unless otherwise provided herein. 2) Development Standards of the R-l-7500 zone will be adhered to. t 3) All conditions shall be appropriately completed and the project commenced within 18 months from final City action. .4. _ 4) Al-1 public improvements shall be made in conformity with City standards to the satisfaction of the City Engineer wi thout- cost - to the City of Carlsbad and free of all liens and encumbrances. 5) A comprehensive landscape and irrigation plan will be submitted- •to the Parks and Recreation Director for approval prior to issuance of grading permits. ,6) The two observation points shown on the plot plan shall be con- structed using eithe¥ concrete or asphalt as a flooring material. 7) The picnic area and observation point shall incorporate benches and'tables compatible with the design of the overhead structure. 8) All existing or proposed pathways shall be concrete, and con- sideration be given to the proposed wid.ths of the paths being re- duced from six feet and eight feet to four feet and six feet respectively. 9) The playground and active play areas shall incorporate elements for all age groups, for varied recreational activities to the satis- faction of. the Parks and Recreation Director. L0T* The pathways throughout the open space areas, shall connect with the park and accesses between lots 158 and 159 and also lots 72 and 73. The decomposed pathways eight feet wide throughout this area are adequate. .Q^^-I The tennis courts shall be constructed on concrete instead of ' asphalt. Provisions will be made for electrical service in close proximity to the tennis courts.for future lighting. A 'controlled irrigation system shall be installed within the boundaries of the park site. Water service will be supplied to points along the concrete pathways for keeping them clean. Water service shall be available at the tennis courts for hosing courts and drinking fountains. Any areas in the open space areas which have either cut or fill slopes are to be planted and automatically irrigated. Lot two (2) shall be devoted totally to recreational vehicle storage A landscape and irrigation plan will be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Director for approval prior to grading permit issuance. Lot two (2) will be surfaced in a manner acceptable to the City Engineer. * ' Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the City Engineer shall approve a plan submitted by t'he applicant for interim erosion con- trol on all man-made slopes in excess of five feet.created by this -5- subdivision. Prior to this issuance of grading permits, the, applicant shall post bonds and agreements ensuring the install- ation and maintenance of the erosion control system until per- - manent landscaping is installed and maintained. Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the applicant shall submit a permanent landscapinn and irrigation plan to the Parks and Recreation Director for his approval. The plan shall include all artificial slopes. These slopes shall: a) Utilize fire-retardent, drough-resistant landscaping which •includes trees and shrubs which reach a variety of sizes at maturity, Utilize an irrigation system appropriate for common maintenance lf\ of the required landscaping in conformance with conditions 21, • v ' 99 9 "3^ "' "• '• . JH"] Permanent landscaping and^irri gation sahll be installed on all lots f.y^ identified in Condition £$ before any of those lots are occupied. & If residential construction occurs in units, this condition shall be met on a unit-by-unit basis. Prior to approval of'a final subdivision map for any portion of the Plan Unit Development area, the applicant shall file with the'clerk ofthe City of Carlsbad a petition for the formation of an Open Space & Maintenance District, as provided for in Section 50590 of the California State Government Code, to provide maintenance of those ^/ areas described in Condition 20. • The applicant shall maintain these areas and all landscaping installed in conformace with Conditions 20 and 21 until such time as an Open Space Maintenance District is established and accepts maintenance responsibilities as prescribed in the'Open Space Maintenance Act, or until main- tenance responsibility is accepted by another entity acceptable to • the City. . Prior to the issuance of building permits, the provision of per- manent open space maintenance shall be assured to the satisfaction of the City Manager. The .provision of permanent open space main- tenance shall include, if possible, maintenance of man-made slopes occurring on the school site. If the City Council has not for any reason formed an Open Space Maintenance Distrct as petitioned by the applicant in conformance with Condition 22, the applicant shall form a Homeowners' Association to perform maintenance by another entity acceptable to the City Manager. CC & R'S for the project will, be submitted to the Planning Director 2X" for approval prior to issuance of building permits. SECTION II; BACKGROUND *_ocatjon and Description of Property: , . The 64 acre subject site is part o.f the approximately 800 acre Master Planned area called Lake Calavera. -6- Within the Master Plan area, the somewhat triangular shaped site is located in the southwest corner, bounded on the west by Tamarack Aven.ue (extended), the east by an open space corridor and the South by the Master Plan boundary. . Much of the site has a rolling topography sloping generally from north to south, with a pronounced drainage pattern separating the site into distinct areas. A prominant bluff runs along the north and southeast edge of the property. The bluff area remains in a natural state. The lower areas t"6""the south are in tomato fi elds. E x i s t i n g Zoning: Subject Parcel: PC North: ' PC South: A-l (8) County East: PC West: A-l (8) County Existing Land Use: Subject Parcel: Agriculture North: Vacant South: Agriculture East: Vacant West: Agriculture Past History and Related Cases: City Council Ordinance No. 3388 (1974) aporoved a change of zone on the subject prooerty from L-C and R-A-10,000 to P-C. City Council Ordinance No. 3407 (1974) approved MP-150 to allow a total of 3452 units on 808 acres. The subject narcel is a portion of this 808 acres. Ordinance 3407 incorporated Master Plan Map Exhibit C dated 1/11/74 as a part of the approval. Master Plan Map, Exhibit C includes indication of open space corridors, major road systems, school sites, park sites and commercial center area. The school sites are allotted 20 acres total and the park sites .are allotted 20 acres total. Planning areas are established and net dwelling unit densities are shown. En v i r on me n t a 1 Impact Info rma t i o n: An Environmental Impact Report #230 was certified with the approval of MP-150. Supplemental information has been requested by Staff and has been supplied by the applicant. -7- Supplemental Environmental Information . . ». In general, Staff believes that the supplemental information adequately addresses the specific impacts of the construction of Lake Calavera Hills Units I-IV. Staff would, however, like to point out the following additional considerations: Rel a ti ons h i p to E1^ Gaming Real - Present traffic volumes in the vicinity of the project on El Camino are 6200 averaqe daily trips. The project would result in a 25% increase in daily trips on El Camino Real, but would still 'be well within the safe capacity for that road. In addition, the project is outside the existing and projected 65 DB (A) Noise Contour for El Carnino Real. Agriculture - The supplemental information states that the Las Flores Complex soils which are on the site are not highly rated for agricul- tural production. This is somewhat misleading. Although the Las Flores soils are not highly rated by the Storey Index, they are capable of sustaining viable agricultural production. There are, in fact, a number of areas in Carlsbad where Las Flores soils are being activated. In realty, agricultural suitability depends less on soil ty.pe than it does on factors such as: Proximity to other cultivated areas, land costs and taxes, protection from human in- trusion, climate, and water rates. Staff has not conducted a de- tailed analysis of the agricultural capability of the subject prop- erty; however, preliminary indications are that the property has a moderate capacity for agricultural use. Redevelopment of the subject property could adversely affect adjacent agricultural properties by: increasing the potential for theft and vandalism of crops, increasing the propery taxes on adjacent prop- erties and stimulating the conversion of other agricultural lands. The interface between urban and agricultural uses should also be considered. The existing agricultural uses could be a nuisance to nearby residences because of factors such as truck traffic, pesti- cide drift, noise and dust. E x ten si on of S en/' i c e s The supplemental information discusses the availability of services for the property. It does not, however, discuss the economy and logic of extending those services. The subject property is surrounded by un- developed land, most of which is currently being cultivated. Roads, sewer, water, gas and electric service must be extended across this vacant land to serve Lake Calavera Hills I-IV. Thus, the costs of extending those services will be considerably higher for the subject property than if it were adjacent to a developed area with available services. This added cost for extending seryices must be borne by either future residents of the Lake Calaveras Hills development or by assessment of the vacant properties which will be traversed by the services. In addition, costs for pol-'ce and fire protection and transport of children to schools will be greater because the property is removed from existing urbanized portions of the City. Energy Conservation The fact that additional fuel wi11 be consumed for service vehicles serving the project has already been noted. Fuel consumption could .also be greater for residents of the project because of greater dis- tance to shopping facilities, schools and employment centers. The supplemental information recommends that the public bus system be extended to serve the property in.order to mitigate the impacts of the increased traffic and fuel consumption. Because the property is some- what isolated from other residential areas, the cost and logic of ex- tending service should be weighed against the potential benefits. General Plan Info r mat i o n The Land Use Plan Map of the General Plan designates the subject location as RL-M (Residential Low-Medium Density, 4-10 dwelling units per acre) acommodating single family and planned residential development. The General Plan also designates the subject site to contain a school site and open space corridors. The General Plan states the following in regard to schools, as designated on the Land Use Plan Map. S c h oo1s : This land use classification represents both existing and proposed school sites necessary to serve the ultimate planning area. The sites are designated as elementary, junror high, high school, con- tinuation school or private school facilities. Sites delineated with precise boundaries represent existing sites and sites shown with a circular symbol represent proposed sites to be confirmed by the respective school districts at time of development. Publi c Faci1i ties : Staff has received a letter from the Carlsbad Unified School District • indicating the availability of school facilities for the project and in- - (Heating a willingness to accent the proposed•school site. A letter has been received from Carlsbad Municipal Water District indi- cating availability of service to the subject property. At this time, CMWD is developing a Master Plan for the Calavera Hills area and much of the surrounding area (see attached letter). The City Engineering Department has indicated an availability of sewer service concurrent with need for the subject subdivision. An updated evaluation of sewer facilities is being studied for the City by Brown and Caldwell Engineering Consultants. The study is preliminary in nature at this time and has not been reviewed by the City Council. The pre- -9- ^-^ . -> V ..„/ -'• ***' liminary study indicates a number of means to provide increased sewer capacity for the subject area in the future. Currently, the subject property, as well as the entire BOOJl acres within the Master Plan, is removed from any existinq Citv Roadway. The applicant proposes to extend Tamarack Avenue across orooerty within San Diego County, to connect the subject project with El Camino Real. The roadway will have to be extended, to standards as directed by the City Engineer for approximately 4000' to pro- vide a connection for the subdivision. Major PIanni ng Cons iderati ons: Do the requests conform to the General Plan? Do the requests con- form to the exis-ting Master Plan? How will the proposed project relate to surrounding land uses now and in the future? SECTION III. DISCUSSION The General Plan Land Use Plan Man, and Master Plan 150 show a school site within the area designated by the applicant for CT 76-12 and PUD-4. The applicant has submitted a revised plot plan showing an approx- imately 10 acre school site in the south-east corner of the requested subdivision. Staff has received a letter from the school district indicating that the school district now supports the Calavera .Hill project. s i t-e sThe General Plan and adopted Master Plan also designates nark within the Calavera Hills Master Plan acreage. A- condition of the Master Plan stipulates that these park sites must be inclined within the boundaries of the first subdivision i.e., "No tentative map shall be considered on any portion of the subject property unless the boundaries of said map include the approved park sites indicated to be dedicated to the City of Carlsbad. Each sub- sequent subdivision shall receive credits from said park sites to meet its requirement to the Parks Ord- inance. Said sites shall be dedicated to this City as a part of .the approval of the final map of the f i r s t s u b d i v i s i o n ." The applicant feels as though the above condition is unreasonable. Staff has included, in the conditions 'of approval, provision for a .solution -to the parks condition prior to recordation of the final map. These conditions have been reviewed by the City Attorney and he has indicated that they do not create a Master Plan conflict. The conditions basically require that the Master Plan parks condition be. adhered to, or that an amendment to the Master Plan be accomplished to otherwise provide for parks dedication. -10- • The foil owl nq projects have been appro.ved east of El Camino Real, in the proximity of the subject request: Carlsbad Tract Name of Project Developer Housing Type No. Units 73-36 74-4 74-5 74-14 74-25 75-2 CUP 48 A Woodbi ne Quail Ridge Royal Homes Tempi in Hei ahts Ti buron Carlsbad Mea- dows . Rancho Carlsbad Standard Paci f i c Leadership . SL ft B Investors Devel opers Larwi n Sommars Western Land Dev. Single Family Single Family Single Family Single Family Condomi ni urns Single Family Mobile Homes 146 234 30 270 494 110 . 500± Of the above projects two abut the Calavera Master Planned area, they are: Ouail Ridge and Templin Heights. The Ouail Ridge approval has been extended to January 20, 1977 and no further progress toward con- struction has been made. The Templin Heights project is in the grading permit process through the City Engineering Department. The Ouail Ridge project and the Templin Heights proiect would extend Elm Avenue to the Calavera Hills Master Plan area, but not to inter- sect the currently requested subdivision boundaries. None of the above subdivisions abut the subject subdivision. The subject site is not adjacent to any currently approved or proposed subdivision. , The closest project (4000^ feet away) to the subject site is the Carlsbad Meadows project north of Tamarack Avenue. The project site has been nraded and building permits applied for. Because of the status of the adjoing property to the south and west of the subject site (not a part of the incorporated Citv) it is difficult to predict when further development will occur in this area. The development timing of the Ouail Ridge project, which would supply the Elm Avenue link to Temolin Heights and thereby provide connection to the Calavera Master Plan area, is also unknown at this time. At this point a consideration as to the timelyness of the subject pro- ject should be considered. (See Supplemental Environmental Information" -11- and Public Facilities Section). . Staff feels that interpretations of this nature should be left to the descretion of the Planninq Commission and City Council- Attachments: City Council Resolution 3407 Planninq Commission Resolution 1050 Exhibit E, (10/15/76) Exhibit F, (11/18/76) Copy applicant's Master Plan revision Cooy General Plan Map Copy EIR Supplemental Information Copy letters from school district Letter from CMWD, 11/15/76 Location Map (surrounding CT'S) TH/AR " . " - -12- 2 " 3 4 6 •7 '8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NOV 3407 • .; A RESOLUTION OF THK CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A MASTER PLAN (MP~150)FOE A 3452-UNIT DEVELOPMENT ON 808 ACRES TO BE KNOWN AS CALAVERA HILLS, GENERALLY LOCATED WESTERLY OF LAKE CALAVERA AND SOUTHERLY OF COLLEGE BOULEVARD. .-APPUCANT: FARROW REALTORS BY R. L. FARROW WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad did on the 12th day of March, 1974, .hold a duly advertised public hearing as prescribed by law to.consider a request by Farrow Realtors for approval of a Master Plan (MP-150)to allow, the devel- opment of 3452 residential units on property generally located westerly of Lake Calavera and southerly of College Boulevard, and more particularly described as: All those portions of Lots D, E, J and L of Rancho Aqua Hedionda, according to the Partition Map thereof No. 823, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County November 16, 1896, a portion of said property being in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, California and being .more particularly described on file in the Planning Department of the City of Carlsbad. WHEREAS, at the conclusion of sard hearing, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 1050 ^recommending approval of said Master Plan (MP-150) which is incorporated by reference herein; and WHEREAS, an Environmental Impact Report was prepared and discussed at a duly noticed public hearing before the Planning Commission and the City Council and was certified as complete in X"compliance with City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordi- nance of 1972; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the proposed development with regard to the Interim Open Space Zoning Ordinance and does grant a Resource Management Permit subject to the condi- tion that any development- shall conform to the requirements of the RM-2, RM-3 and EM-4 districts; and WHEREAS, on the 7th day of May , 1974, a o< 3 4 _Cv? 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 duly advertised public hearing was held before the City Council to consider the proposed Master Plan (MP-150), and after hearing and considering the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Council did find the following. facts d u. H^ - n 5 D O -} £ -UU 17 sii§ isy n "*ra ^5 i 19 5 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 out the general purpose of Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code 1. The proposed application is consistent with the General Plan as it applies to contiguous properties within the City of Carlsbad. 2. The proposed zone is consistent with the Housing Element of -the General Plan. 3. The proposed development satisfies the intent of the Planned Community (P-C) Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: "L, That the above recitations are true and correct, 2. That the findings of the Planning Commission contained in the Resolution No. 1050 constitute the findings of the Carlsbad City Council. 3. That the approval of the proposed Master Plan (MP-150) is necessary to carry out the general purpose of Title 21 of the Municipal Code. 4. That the Master Plan (MP-150) detailed in Planning Commission Resolution No. 1050 is hereby approved subject to all the conditions set out in said resolution and to the following conditions : . s- (a) Approval of this Master Plan indicates acceptance by the City Council of a general scheme of development for the property. It is part of an on-going planning process and,is subject to amendment in the future. * (b) Approval of the Plan does not' constitute any v guarantee that individual Specific Plans will be subse- quently approved nor that the availability of public facilities and services will necessarily coincide with the developer's time table for construction. Availability of public services will be evaluated in the context of Specific Plan approvals. (c) Specific Plans will be evaluated in accord with Municipal Ordinances in force at the time when said Plans 2. o CO o tc - „z p 5 t- o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 O u. f — 1 f. O O z •- ±V 2 . LU ^r: — t < ih -i r? ° ° 2- < -1' H > "°2 ^ 8 o iR*C (X ^3- -L. W 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 are before the Cit}' Council for approval.. Approval and construction of a Specific Plan pursuant to this Master Plan shall not vest any rights in the balance of the Master Plan nor create, any vested rights to the approval of any subsequent Specific Plans. (d) Condition No. 19 of Resolution P.C, No, 1050 . is revised to read as follows; "P.A.A. No. 1 will read P.A.A, No, 10 whenever it appears and P.A.A. No. 10 will read P.A.A. No. 1 whenever it appears," (e) Condition No. 16 of Resolution P.C. No, 1050 •is revised to read as follows: "(1) As part of the first phase of construction the developer shall construct at his expense the extension of Kelly Drive or Tamarack Avenue from El Camino Real to the subject property in a, man- ner acceptable to the City Engineer." "(2) As part of the second phase of construction the. developer shall construct at his expense the extension of Elm Avenue from El Camino Real to the subject property in a manner acceptable to the City Engineer." 5. Master Plan (MP-150) as conditionally approved by this Resolution consists of certain documents on file in the Planning Department and incorporated by reference herein as fol- lows : (a) A Master Plan map marked "Exhibit C (MP-150)". (b) A document entitled "Addendum to Lake Calaveras Hills Master Plan Report" dated January 11, 1974 and marked "Exhibit D (MP-150)". (c) A document entitled "Survey and Analysis" dated January 11, 1974 and marked "Exhibit E (MP-150)". PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular of the City Council on the Zth following vote: meeting day of Hay , 1974, by the AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Chase,"McComas and Lewis. NOES: None. ' ' • . ABSENT: None. v ,/? ATTEST:ROBERT C. FRAZEE, Mayor MARGARET E. ADAMS, City Clerk By: " NORA K. GARDINER, Deputy City Clerk 3. (SEAL) 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 li 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2"5 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOt^ON NO. 1050 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, SfcTTING FORTH ITS FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY; COUNCIL, APPROVAL OF A. MASTER PLAN (MP-15.0) FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED EASTERLY OF EL CAMINO REAl, ON THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION OF COLLEGE BOULEVARD, WESTERLY OF CALAVERA LAKE. APPLICANT: R. L. FARROW- for FARROW REALTORS WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad did receive a verified application from R. L. FARROW for FARROW REALTORS, requesting approval of a Master Plan (MP-150) to allow the development of 3452 residential V1 ~ units, on property generally located easterly of El Camino Real on the southerly extension of College Boulevard, westerly of Calavera Lake, and more particularly described as: All those portions of Lots D, E, J, and L of Rancho Agua Hedionda, according to the Partition Map thereof No. 823, filed in the office/of the County Recorder of San Diego County, November 16, 1896, a portion of said property being in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, California and being more particularly described on file in the Planning Department of the City of Carlsbad. WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, the Planning Commission was, on March 12, 1974, presented with the Final Environmental Impact Report, and recommends to the City Council the certification of same: and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the proposed development with regard to the Interim Open Space Zoning Ordinance and does grant a Resource Management Permit, subject to the condition that any development shall conform to the requirements of the RM-2, RM-3 and RM-4 districts; and,' •• WHEREAS, at the public hearing of March 12, 1974, the Planning Commissior did consider all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desired to be heard, and did find the following facts and reasons to exist which make the recommendation for approval of this Master Plan (MP-150) necessary to carry out the provisions and general purpose of Ordinance No. 9060: 1 Confo! .nance of the Master Plan to all the requirements of the P-C Zone District. 2. Conformance of the proposed density of 5.69 dwelling units per net acre to the General Plan commitment. XX XX -c 1 3. Compatibility of the proposed development to existing and proposed development in the area. & 4. The applicant has agreed, in writing, that any development3 would conform to the Municipal Code and arty applicable .policies. 4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby recommend to the City Council, adoption of Master Plan No. 150, subject to the fulfillment of the following conditions: ^ 1. Prior to the issuance of any permits for any development, a Specific Plan and Tentative Map (if applicable) shall be 8 considered and approved by the City Council for any portion of the property proposed for development. •9 2. No tentative map shall be considered on any portion of the •^ subject property unless the boundaries of said map include the approved park sites indicated to be dedicated to the City of Carlsbad. Each subsequent subdivision shall receive credits from said park sites to meet its requirement of the Parks ^ Ordinance. 'Said sites shall be dedicated to this City as a - part of the approval of the final map of the first subdivision,lo . , 3. The construction of the public improvement of the first subdivision adjacent to any approved park site and/or school site shall include the dedication and improvement of the proposed . public streets for the full street frontage of said park sites and/or school sites. .. „ 4. Any proposed subdivision shall include any needed off-site public improvements that are necessary to provide adequate public services to the property within the subdivision. Public services shall be considered to mean adequate circulation and sewer, water ~. g and drainage systems. ?0 5. Any development shall conform to any Open Space Ordinances in effect at the time of development. 21 6. Density allocations shall conform to areas specified on the 22 Master Plan labeled Exhibit C. Density transfers shall only occur if specifically approved by the City Council as a part of 23 their consideration of a specific plan for that area. In no event shall the overall density of the total property exceed 5.69 dwelling 24 units per net acre. 2^ 7. Any development easterly of the creekbed extending southerly from the dam of Lake Calavera shall not exceed the General Plan 2§ designation of 0-3 families per net acre. 27 8. All precise street widths and alignments shall conform with any adopted circulation element of the General Plan in effect 2Q at the time of development. 2Q 9. As a part of any development, 'the dev.rlo.per shall participate in the construction of that portion of the future Tri-Agencies 2Q pipeline. The applicant shall enter into a financial agreement for said participation in a manner acceptable to the Carlsbad 32. Municipal Water District. •zp . XX XX -2- 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 .31 32 10. Prior to any development, a Master Plan for the water system for the total development shall'be submitted to Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the City of Carlsbad for review arid approval. 11. Prior to development of the area of the subject property that must be sewered from the City of Oceanside, a mutual agreement between the Cities of Oceanside and Carlsbad regarding an exchange of service boundaries shall be completed. 12. Prior to the development of the area of the subject property that must be sewered from the Vista outfall line, a mutual agreement regarding the capacity rights of said line shall be completed between the Cities of Carlsbad arid Vista. 13. As a part of any development, the developer shall participate in the installation of traffic signals for the area to be developed as determined by any established City Council policy. 14. Any development proposed to be located adjacent to existing single-family areas shall be designed in such a manner as to be adequately.buffered to mitigate the impact of such development from the existing -single-family areas. / 15. As a part of each phase of development, any of the areas indicated on the Master Plan labeled Exhibit C, as open space corridors whi_ch are within the area to be developed and which the Dire.ctor of Parks and Recreation does determine to be necessary for public use shall have established upon said area an open space easement for public use. 16. Asa part of the first phase of construction, any one of the following shall occur in a manner acceptable to the City Engineer: '&. Extend Elm Avenue from the subject oropertv to connect with El Cam'no Real, b. Extend Kelly Drive from the subject oroperty to El Camino Real. 17. Drior to any development, the applicant shall submit a revised Master Plan to the Planning Department for consideration and approval. Said revised Map shall reflect the school sites as approved by the Carlsbad Unified School District and the re- sulting reduction of the net acreage of the property, 18. As a part of any development, the Developer shall be responsible to extend sewer service to each phase of development, at the owner's expense. 19. Unless any deviation is approved as a Dart of the specific plan process, by the Planning Commission, development of the subject property shall occur in the following manner, with each phase beino completed prior to the issuance of building permits for the next ohase: XX XX XX t *• . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 * Ik' PHASES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. PASSED, APP of Carlsbad, at t following vote, t AYES: Commi NOES: Commi ABSTAIN: Co ABSENT: No ATTEST: ' s^^- Wlo^V^iDONALD A. AGA7EP, Secretary. PLANNING ANALYSIS AREA NUMBERS (Exhibit "C") P.A.A. #1 or #9 and all park sites P.A.A. #4 or //6 P.A.A. j?6 or. #4 P.A.A. #9 or #1 P.A.A. #10 P.A.A. n P.A.A. #5' P..A.A. #7 P.A.A. #3 P.A.A. #8 P.A.A. #11 YEAR OF DEVELOPMENT 1974-76 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981-82 1983 1984 1985 1986-87 1988 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, at their regularly scheduled meeting of March 12, 1974, by the ving vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioner Casler, Wrench, Forman'& Jose.. MARY CASLER, Chairman -4- c BEST OtOJi tCHOOlKt) IOC At rAftKl(» MAJOI IOAD! COUtCIOR BOAbl COMMdCIAL MASTER PLAN LAKE CALAVERA HILLS C A RLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PLAN MAP CALAVERA PROPERTIES INC. 65SO GARDEN GROVE BOULEVARD <SARDtN OROVE. CALIFORNIA 92044 7ELEPKONE'7M-534 7490 •I ANtJINGfNVIIIOwnRICS Or.VCLOPMCNT ftANNIf4C INC. '.IVH. r tJ»',tM E HlNTj hTCAHC. .INUNCtlllNC INC. GOT M.llWVCH HOAD EL CAJON CAI.irailNIA 9POJO til 71.1 -M;J Ibttt HWY 78 OCEANSIDE CARLSBAD LAKE CALAVERA SUBJECT •PROPERTY I / &CARLSB AD'"' COUNTY J NORTH Case No.£,t.7fc^£Pate Rec'd: ^ fe/?/> &CC Date: /£)/<T PC Date /ty Description of Request: Agp/ /iJTD -^ ?(/£> 4> cWirJ <=L lh~~) lAYi'if (=>~S Address or ^Location of Request: •-p . _ Appli-..- _z«aci^_l. Engr. or Arch._g;ccjf Brief Legal: Assessor l ng General Plan Land Use Description: ^M - r>> - Existing Zone: ^-6- ^Proposed Zone:_ Acres: ' /"S • No. of.. Lots: n / \ s DU's .-S/fa./V>A ___ School District: Water Sanitation District:_ Within Coast Plan Area: J£SE "DDT/Vcre" ' .Coast Permit Area: