HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-02-15; City Council; 3242-3; TENTATIVE MAP EXTENSION QUAIL RIDGE EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL AND SOUTH OF HIGHWAY 78 - STANDARD PACIFIC OF SAN DIEGO INCL i a * I 3242 - Supplement No. 3 February 15, 1977 Engineering 6 - _- I- - - _- e - --- _- -- -- TENTATIVE- MAP EXTENSION -^-CT 7444 i QUAIL RIDGE EAST OF EL CAMIPJO REAL AND SOUTH OF HIGHWAY 78 - _- - APPLICANT-: - Standard- Pacific _of San D-ieqo, Inc. - - On December 17, 1974 the City Council approved the telltative ma of Carlsbad Tract 74-4 by Resolution No. 3556, which was grante a year's extension by action of the City Council on January 20, 1976 by Resolution No. 3828. The subdivider has requested that the subject tentative map be extended for a period of one year, to December 17, 1977. The City Enqineer advises that the Engineering, Planning, Build and Fire Departments have reviewed the request. Having receive no objection, it is recommended that the City Council approve t extension of the tentative map subject to the execution and/or fulfillment of all the conditions of Resolution No. 3556 and Resolution No. LfD. EXHIBITS: 1. Letter requesting extension 2. Resolution No. 3556 3. Resolution No. 3828 4. Resolution No. 5. Location Map Wb RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No.&$@ approving with conditions an extensic of the tentative map. Council Act ion: 2-15-77 Resolution i{O. 4096, approving with conditions an extension of CT 74-4, v!as adopted a I, :'. r a . - - , c STANDARD PACIFIC OF SAN DIEGO November 9, 1976 I Mr. Tim Flanagan City Engineer City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Celifornia 92008 Re: Gentlemen : Standard Facific of San Diego has entered illto an agreement to puchase the above referenced property from Dr. and Mrs. Beckstrand. The projec has been delayed due to internal problems of the previous buyers and other factors. We have obtained a soils report an6 are actively working on tne development. We respectfully request a one year ex- tel?tlor_ of the ten;ative map and enclose our check in the amount of $170.50 herewith. It may be more logical to develop the project with Unit #3 going first and Unit #2 or #l second, versus the traditional method. This is because Templin Heights will bring the sewer close to Uzit #3, leaving only an extention up the valley next to the SDG&E lines. the coneitions of extention include a paragraph worded as follows: Quail Ridge - CTM 74-4 - Extention We request Upon the request of the developer, and at the discretion of the City Englneer, alternate phasing of the development may be as follows: A. Units 3, 2, 1; B. Units 3, 1, 2. Sincerely , STANDARD PACIFIC OF SAK DIEGO Robert M. Allan President NOV 1 0 1976 RMA: pr 6s~~ OF CARLSZAD Engi:,neering EePadment m closure cc: Dr. Grant 3eckstrand Mr. Jerry Elder, Kc3ride Eiedty 7670 clatiemont mesa blvd san diego, calrfornia 92fll ( . - t/ -1 U L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 n 2 8 13 $s m ell ~5 14' OO'Z z>zs ~+ZL. mi3 1 15 L; I34 +hU" z w 8 6 16 17 zp y 2 uz-a On-m >+ n aa u u E 18 19 20 21 22 23 24'1 25 26 27 28 I/ e 8 RESOLU'l'ION NO. 4090 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING (WITH CONDITIONS) AN EXTENSION OF TENTATIVE MAP (CT 74-4). APPLICAFJT: STANDARD PACIFIC OF SAN DIEGO, INC. WHEFEAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, on th 17th day of December, 1974 adopted Resolution No. 3556, appr with conditions tentative map CT 74-4; and WXEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, on tl 20th day of January, 1976 granted a tentative map tine exter for a period of one year; and WHEREAS, the subdivider has requested a one-year extens of such map from December 17, 1976 to December 17, 1977; an WHEREAS, the City Council has determined to extend such subject to an additional condition; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of t City of Carlsbad as follows: A. That the above recitations are true and correct. B. That tentative map CY 74-4 is hereby extended, subj to the execution and/or fulfillment of all the conditions c I 1 ~ 1 Resolution No. 3556 and the following conditions: 1. Units shall be developed in numerical order as 1 shown on Exhibit A dated October 22, 1974 except that an a: 1 order of unit phasing may be approved or conditionally app- the City EnTineer upon receipt of a request by the subdivil ' stating the reasons for alternate phasing. 2. Prior to or concurrent with the final map reco for the first unit, Elm Avenue right-of-way, together with construction slope easements, shall be offered for dedicat I ' +) .. .c - 1- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 L% Y g 13 5s o) dLLw5 14' no '2 z>zg 2~5~ 15 mG -I L;, fa $286 16 E$'$ 17 zp I1: a4: >" 0 t 18 19 n .n: N wo >I- 11: e i from the westerly boundry of the first unit to the southeast corner of the subdivision. Configuration of the easements c be based on plans approved by the City Engineer. C. That said tentative map extension, together with thc provisions for its design and improvement and subject to thc above conditions, is consistent with all applicable general c specific plans of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of t'I Carlsbad City Council held on the 15th day of February by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Cuuncilinen irazee, Packard and Councilwoman Cas NOES: Couriciimen Lewis and Skotnicki. ABSENT: No 1-1 e . Wed,, ROBERT C. FRAZEE, Mayor ATTEST: 1 0 ~ j m%.,L&$y Clerk /I NORA K. GARDINEZ, Deputy City Clerk 201 21 22 23 I 24 25 (SEAL) 27 28 ' 2. 3 2l A RESOT,UTION OF TEE CITY COGXCIL OF THE CITY OF CA2LSBAKD, CZiLIFOXXIA, APPROVING Wj-Tl1' CO;<T)I'i'~ONS yfENTL&TIVE &$pip (CY 74-4) I TO ALLOW COSSTRUCTION OF 234 SINGLE- 6 7 WHEREAS, on November 12, 1974, the Carl-shad City P1' 8' 9! 10 11 I-z 14 Zcu -l 8 15 czz g 16 7u,s g;;.z Z>EE >o 17 G'<E mCir;t u ,io 18 $Lgo- yjzzs zp y >t- a: 191 a4 D l3 4 to t- 0 20 - 1 Commission adopted Resolution No. 1112 recornanding to the t 1 Council that Tentative Map (CT 74-4) be conditional1.y appro. and 'WKERZAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, the 3rd day of December, 1974, considered the recomxendatio the Planning Cominission; and WHEREAS, an Environmental Impact Report has been pr 1 and discussed at ciuly noticed public hearings before the P1 Commission and the City Council, and the final repor-t has b certified as complete in compl-iance with the requirements o City of Carisbad Envirormental Protection Ordinance of 1972 I I 1 i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Ciky Council 1 the City of Carlsbad as follows: i A. That the above recitations a.re -true and corrcct .j I' 21 ' 22 23 24 25 B. That Ten-tative Map (CT 74-41 is hereby approved ject to all applicable requirements of the Carlsba2 Municis Code and to the satisfaction of the following conditions: 1. The final naps shall be submitted for apprc within one year from the f-nal acti-on hy the City C on the Tentative Subdivis:Lon Map. The final map SI- 25 27 28 29 3c) 31 32 .. - .,. be in substantial conformance on the T2ntative SuSd Map known as Exhibi-t A, dated October 22, 1374. I j I 2. The developmene of the property described k I shall be subject to the restrictions and limitatior forth herein which a.re in c?ddi.-ii.on to all the recj1J.j limitations and restricti-ons 02 all IriunicIpai ordir and state ani: federr.1 statutes now in ~G~CZ, or 5.rt hereafter may he in force fcr the purpose of pres?; I the residen ti.a:l characteris tics of a6jacen-t propert i 3. All public improvements shall bz made in c( 1 i'cy with the City of Carlsbad Engineering Design CI and Standard Plan, the Subdivision Ordka?.ze aild oi j 1 1 I . .. I/ ! I! 1 j 1 I City Standard:;, -to the satisfaction of the Ci-ty En9 wi’chout cos’c to the City of Carl-s’oad, ar.6 free of a 1 lier,s and encumbrances - Improvement plans fox wa-te 5 6 7 9 Io ‘i 12 13 14 ’X n Ln 2 8 15 ciz 2 &. 1:s no=($ “>YO 17 Ob<% mCj’=.+ 111, 20 18 ‘;&En ZZ,< UE m 52 13 ’t- c= 19 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 27 < > 0 t 29 33 32 s1 I cost to City and free of all liens and encumbrance No easements shall be recorded prior -to recordation the final nap unless approved by the City Engineer. 5 e All utilities p including provisions for cab shall be placed underground and/or shall be corcplet concealed fro3 view. I/ 11 II 6. Ornanenlal street lighting shall be providn as reqiiired by Nunicipal Code. The developer shall a bond and/or cash in ti?? amount necessary to energ said street lights for an 18-month period after con tion to permit the incorporation of the sub-divisic a maintenance district. This shall be done prior -t approval of final map, I i I 7. The improvement plans shall include a repor a geological investigation and a complete grading F of the entire site when required by the City Engine The report arid plan shall be prepared by civil eng?: licensed by the Sta-te of California and experienced erosion control. Said engineers shall certify tha have investigated the site and prepared da-ta with f consideration of the consequences to the included a nzighboring properties and conform to the standards the Geological Safety Element of the General Plan, I , 8. A11 slopes created as a result of this devc nzent shall not exceed a 2:l slope or as approved by City Engineer. 1 9. If requested by the City Engineer an amende I I Ten-tative Map shall be subni-tted for approval bjj tk I I City Engineer prior -to preparation of the final ina~ j assure compliance with all conditions of approval. 10. In order to provide for reasonable fire pr tion during the construction period, the subdivi-der maintain passable vehicular access to ail building: adequate fire hydrants with required fire flows, ani staEd pipes shall be hstalled prior to frzming cor tiojx. ~ I 11. ?ark land dedica-tion of Lot 72 shall be gr to the City concurren-t with City Council approval c final- map. I I i 12. Street trees, pihen required by the Ci.tyr c be installed by the applicant at his expens2 . Tree shall be of a type approved by the Parks Department shall be ins-talled to their specifications, If rcn !I of any existing trees is requi.red by the cl.ty, saii a1 shall be at the applicant’s expense- It shall k responsibility of the applicant to make all arrange with the Parks Department concerning the requirener j j 2. I 11 i .. M .I s .' - I! ,/ :I I i 1 ,( 1 !I this condition. These arrangements are to be made a 3 !j :I 4 j( 5 map. 6 7 ;i !j !i I! to Zpproval of the final nap, 13. Street names shail. be subject to approval shall be designated in accordance with the s-tar,darc?. and policies adopted b~( the Planning Corrmission on in the Planning D?par-trnen-t, Said naxes shall be ap by the Planning Director prior to approval of the f 14. The CCGR's for this development sha-1 be SI !i mitted to the Planning Director for review and apprc /I prior to the approval of final map. 15. With construction of the first unit, the df er shall install an off-site sewer line to serve th: ject property which shall be compatible with the Ci-t .Master Sewer study for the area and conform to City 8 I1 9 30 Stand-ards. I1 16. . Elm Avenue from El Cainino Xeal to the west^ boundary of the subdivision shall be dedicated with 12 ij necessary slo9e easements and shall be improved to C Standards with a minimun 28-foot wide paved roadway section. Elm Avenue within the lirni-ts of the subdivi boundaries as shown on the Tentative :lap {CT 74-4) s be offered for dedication with all necessary slope easements (I Elm Avenue from the westerly boundary of th * division to the easterly boundary shall be irnproved City Standards with an gil-foot right-of-way. Elm Avenue along the easterly boundary of 5 subdivision from the terminus of the 84-i'oOk right-o to the southerly boundary of the subdivision shall b U' improved to City Standards with a 42-foot right of w All improvements of Elm Avenue shall be bon~ !i prior'to recordation of the final map for the first !i 17. The developer shall enter in-to an agreement the City providing for contribution by the developr ward the cost of a fully actuated traffic signal at intersection of Elm Avenue and El Camino Real, in an amount to be determined by the City Engineer pursuan.1 such a traffic signal policy as the city Council may 19 !j 20 !j 21 j' ;I f il 22 i/ 24 ;j 23 jl /j adopt. 18- All-weather a-ccess shall be provided to all manholes and cleanouts. Any Wate:r, sewer or storm di lines installed rin slopes shall be placed normil to I i! 27 '! 19. Im-9rovenen.t plans for the water system shall I! // meet the requirements of the Carlsbacl Kunicipal r'?ater 28 ij 29 i; 20. Access rights shall be relinquished &long El 11 sl.ope * , District and City Fire Chief. // 30 :' :I :i .I avenue except a-t pub]-ic street intersections. 21. As a part of the development, the developer /I 31 /I participate in the construction of that portion of t? :j future Tri-Agencies Pipeline. The applicant shall en 32 /, into a financial agreement for said participation in :I manner acceptable to the Carlsbad Xunicipal VTa ter Dis !I 1, :j ;I ! ! 3. !! /I . . . .__ .. . iI .-..-. -.-. ____ -...... sjak---.-- .,"..,-~-.~~~~~~:-~.~~~"--' . - Q %m 2 8 IS! .cc N sg cn C- ?'hat said Tentati.ve Map, together ~7ith the provi oil L!JQ ie z ~O~Z zE<g ; 4 1 for its design and inproverr.ent and subject to the above cone 21- 22 23 1 by the following vote, to wit: ,I I NOES : None. AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Chase, Lewis, McCon~as and 5 I 26 ., . , ., , L I, :, ,. .. .. i ROBERT C. FX!ZEE7 Mayor' j GRGAeZ'T E'. ADLMS, City Clerk :i & 1' 2 3 RESOLUTION NO. 3828 I_- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA., APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS AN EXTENSION OF TENTATIVE MAP (CT 74-4) 11 12 addi-ti onal conditions; , MOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Ca 23 14 15 16 17 18 19 as follows: 1 A, That the above recitations are true and correct. That Tentative Map (CT 74-4) is hereby extended, subject to the execution and/or fulfillment of all the conditions of Resolution No. 3556 B, C. That said tentative map extension together with the provisions design and improvement and subject to the above conditions, is consistent all applicable general and spec-ific plans of the City of Carlsbad. 21 2o 22 23 24 25 27 26 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Car'isbad Ci Council held on the 20th - day of January j* 1975, by the follc vote, to wit: I AYES: Counci lmen Frazee, Chase, Cewi s 3 Skotnicki and Cou woman C NOES: None. ARSENT: None. I 23 jrj 3:1 32 - --"- - I 1 .;% 2: fif// .,,tI$ 4 j I c I' r 77 //[ 3' //;L/ " LJ---- NARGfiRET ,E;, FA3Al'iS, Ci ty C1 (rk ( sea 1,) I - H- NO SCALE \ ff/OGE Exhibit "D" BEST COPY