HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-02-15; City Council; 4070; DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES SALE OF NAMES AND ADDRESSES (RESOLUTION PROTESTING AND URGING REPEAL OF LAW)* a. yy - CITY OF CARLSBRD' AGENDA BILL NO. #+d 70 1nitj.al.Z s.A- Dept . Ed. DA.TE : February .15, 1977 C. Atty. \rr& " DEPARTMENT : City Manager C, Mgr. Subj Get E DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES SALE OF NAMES AND ADDRESSES " (Resolution protesting and urging repeal of law) Skaternerrl: of the Matter Vehicle Code Section 1810 authorizes the Department of Motor Vehicles to sell information from its .records concerning the registration of any motor vehicle, including the name and address of the registrant. . ' Such.information can be used by person with criminal'intent, and by advertisers for unsolicited junk mail. Since no discernible public purpose.is served by the sale of such information, this practice results in an invasion of privacy not only of all residents in Carlsbad but all resident of the State.of California. Exhibit Resolution No.- " Recommendation If Council 'concurs, adopt Resolution No. &flpd . # I Courici 1 Action: 2-15-7!7 Resolution 0. 5094, protesting the practice of the Department of Motor Vehicles sei 1 ing the names and addresses of citizens upon request to aEy zing this practice, was adop%ed. \. individual or company so requesting and urgfng repeal of-the law authori- ' ".., .. -b, 1 II e m 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE 2 RESOLUTION NO. 4094 6 REPEAL OF THE LAW AUTHORIZING THIS 5 CITIZENS UPON REQUEST TO ANY INDIVIDUAL 4 . OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES OF 3 CITY OF CARLSBAD PROTESTING THE PRACTICE SELLING THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF OR COMPANY SO REQUESTING AND URGING PRACTICE. 7 WHEREAS, all citizens of the State of California have a ri 8 to privacy and security in their homes; and 9 WHEREAS, the Department of Motor Vehicles is authorized by 10 11 Vehicle Code Section 1810 to sell information from its records and possible threats; and 19 address of law enforcement officials, subjecting them to harass 18 WHEREAS, such information may also be used to find the horn 17 information in selecting potential victims; and 16 WHEREAS, persons with criminal intent may obtain and use s 15 information; and 14 WHEREAS, the Department of Motor Vehicles does sell such 13 name and address.of the registrant; and 12 concerning the registration of any motor vehicle #.L including the 20 . WHEREAS, such information is used by advertisers for disse 21 ination of unsolicited junk mail to all citizens; and 22 WHEREAS, no discernible public purpose is served by the sa 23 of such information; and 24 of all residents of Carlsbad and all residents of the State of 25 WHEREAS, this practice results in an invasion of the priva 26 27 California; City of Carlsbad, as follows: 28 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the :h& 1 '. e 1 1. That on behalf of the residents of the City of Carlsbai 2 resolution and requests its termination, 3 the City Council objects to the practice described in this 4 2. That the Mayor be authorized to send to Governor Edmund 5 6 G. Brown, Jr. and to the State Senators and Assemblymen represen Section 1810, attaching a copy of this resolution. 8 Motor Vehicles, a letter urging repeal of the Vehicle Code 7 ing Carlsbad, and to Herman Sillas, Director of the Department c 9 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 10 by the following vote to wit: 11 Carlsbad City Council, the 15th day of February , 197 12 13 14 15 16 AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Skotnicki 9 Packard and Councilwoman Cas1 er. NOES : None. ABSENT: None * ROBERT C. FRAZEE, Maybr ATTEST: 17 18 a!A, ~ NORA K. GARDINER, Deputy City Clerk 19 (SEAL) I 2o ll 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e- 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the Mayor a TELEPHONE: (714) 729-1 181 Qcitp of Csrla'bab .. February 17, 1977 The Honorable John Stull The State Senate of California State Capitol Sacramento, California 95814 1 Dear Senator Stull: At the February 15, 1977 meeting of the Carlsbad City Council, the Council adopted the enclosed resolution objecting to the practice of selling information from Department of Motor Vehicle.records concerning the . registration of any motor vehicle, .including the\name and address .of the registrant. For the reasons set forth in the resolution, Carlsbad City Couricil opposes this practice and seeks its early termination- Sincerely, ;; /g2L#cZ7. ROBERT C. FRAZEE ', Mayor . RCF : vm Enc . The above *letter with an enclosed Resolution' No. 4094 protesting the i practice of'the Department of Motor Vehicles selling.the names and addres etc. was mailed to: . . ,The Honorable John Stull The ponorable William Craven The State Senate of California Stabe Assembly State Capitol State Capitol The Honorable Edmund G. Brown, Jr. Mr. Herman Sillas Governor of the State of Calif. Director of Department of Motor Vehic State Capitol P. 0. BOX- 1828 Sacramento, CA 95814 cSacramento, CA 95809 Sacramento, CA 95814 Sacramento, CA 95814 l 3 e 0 CITV OF OCEANSIDE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY CLERK IRENE D. DUEHREN, C.M.C. January 7, 1977 \*r I.', I. YYt . /"/o 477 9) E(* d-4k.d Margaret E, Adams, City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 The Oceanside City Council, at its meeting on December 22, 1976, adopted the following resolution: Resolution No. 76-235, 'I- . - Protesting the Practice of the Department of Motor Vehicles of Selling the Names and Addresses of Citizens Upon Request to any Individual or Company so Requesting and Urging Repeal of the Law Authorizing this Practice." We are enclosing a copy of this resolution and urging your City's adoption of a similar resolution. LPU (Mrs. ) Irene D. Duehren, CMC City Clerk Enclosure (1) rs CIVIC CENTER 704 THIRD STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 TELEPHONE 714 -433-9OC c -3 a ,I/ e a 6 I 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 'I ! I ~ I RFSOLUTION NO. 76-235 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF'THE CITY OF OCEANSIDE PROTESTING THE PRAC- TICE: OF'THE DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES OF SELLING .THE NAMES ,AND ADDRESSES OF CITIZENS. UPON REQUEST TO ANY INDLVIQWAL .. OR COMPANY SO REQUESTING AND URGING RE- PEAL OF THE LAW AUTHORIZING THIS PRACTICE. .. 1 . WHEREAS, all .citizens of the'.State 'of California have a 8 right to privacy and security in their homes; and .. .9 WHEREAS, the Department of Motor Vehicles is authorized by 10 'concerning the registration of any motor vehicle; including the 11 Vehicle Code Section 1810 to sell information from its records attached hereto, incorporated by reference and made a part I 13 name and address of the registrant, as indicated in Exhibit A, 12 /I 34 hereof; and .. I IS II WHEREAS, the Department of Motor Vehicles does sell such . .I6 // information; and ,. . . 17 WHEREAS, criminals use such information in' selecting victims l8 for rape and robbery; and ... 19 WHEREAS, such information may also be used to find the home 2o possible threats; and . ' 21 " address of police officers, subjecting then. to harassment and 22 WHEREAS, no discernible public .purpose is served by the sale 24 WHEMAS, such information is used. by advertisers for dissem- . . 23 ination of unsolicited junk mail to all eitizen,s; and ' . ' 25 .of such information; and 26 .WHETCEAS, this practice results in an invasion of the privacy 27 of the citizehs of Oceanside and al'l citizens of' the State of 28 California. 3NALD E. NULL :!TY ATTORNEY 321 N. NEVADA OC€A,NSIDF. CALIf. ILUPHONE 433-9000 he I.. I 1 .* e 0 24 ATTEST : .. 22 _.. , _. ." 23 ,.- 24 25 26 27 ._ za taNALD E. NULL CITY ATTORNEY 321 N. NEVADA 2 : OCIANSlOf. CALIf. TELEPHONE 433.- ...... ., - -.a ... ........ . 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