HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-02-15; City Council; 4078; Additional Police SergeantCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. DATE: February-3-4, 1977 DEPARTMENT: POLICE DEPT. Subject: POLICE SERGEANT (ADDITIONAL) Initial: Dept.Hd.� C. Atty. C. Mgr. Statement of the Matter One additional Police Sergeant item is needed in order to keep pace with community growth, the sfund transfer has been ltant increase of crime, and proper span of control. Appropriate prepared transferring funds from reserve fund balance to the Police salary account. No additional Sergeant position will be requested in the 1977-78 budget. Exhibit 4 Resolution No. Memo to City Manager dated February 4, 1977 Recommendation ' If Council concurs, adopt Resolution No.� t Council Action: 2-15-77 Resolution No. 4097, authorizing the transfer of funds from the reserve account to the Police Department salary account, was adopted. f CARLSBAD POLICE DEPARTMENT TO: Paul D. Bussey February 4, 1977 City Manager FROM: Roy J. Kundtz Chief of Police SUBJECT: Additional Item - Police Sergeant The present Police Department budget was planned approximately one year ago even though it did not take effect until July 1976. Using City growth statistics and Police Department crime statis- tics over the past few years, we effectively predicted the need for increased Patrolmen and/or Detectives although training requirements and injuries have left the Department slightly deficient of total authorized strength. What was not adequately predicted by the Police Department staff was the fantastic growth during the calendar year of 1976. While the issuance of building permits and an increase in assesed valuation do not in themselves create an additional burden on the Police Department, it is obvious that the annual growth rate of the City estimated at 26%, and completed construction especially during 1976 has added a tremendous burden on the staff of the Police Department. As an example, Carlsbad's City Planning Department estimates that during this last year there have been approximately 800 completed single family residences, 14 apartment complexes equaling 70 units, 43 condominiums totaling 176 un4 s, and an additional 29 commercial or industrial facilities. Some of these can be recognized by their business names, such as McMahans, Anthony Pools, Lockheed, Hughes Aircraft, Winslow Pacific, Hadleys, Weseloh, Von's Market, Fountainhead Carlsbad Palisades, A1taMira, Laguna Riviera, Ponderosa, Fire Station #3. One problem has persisted in the Department which has reached serious proportions during this time. It has been the lack of Sergeants to direct, assign, train, and supervise the Patrolmen who are responsible for criminal activity on their beats. In addition, the Department must now, more than ever before, plan for accelerated problems at Plaza Camino Real for a month and a half during the Christmas holidays, plus special promotions throughout the rest of the year, special events problems in Carlsbad Village for sales promotion and Spring Holiday Parade, the Tennis and MONY Tournaments at La Costa, the Motocross, and an ever increasing number of events at the Motocross area, as well as other normal increases caused by a swelling of recreation participants on the beaches and elsewhere during the summer. As 0. W. Wilson and Roy 0. McLaren state in theeir book on Police Administration: Sergeants play a more important role as department disci- plinarians than any other rank. Wisely selected superior officers need correctional action less frequently than do patrolmen and others at the level of execution. Sergeants supervise the greatest number of subordinates, including officers who are inexperienced and who Aave not been com- pletely trained on the job, and those who have lost promo- tional opportunities because of weaknesses that need correction. Successful control of subordinates by the Sergeants is reflected in an improved quality of work and in public relations; when the sergeants maintain a close and firm supervision, the likelihood of citizen complaints is lessened considerably. In addition to these immediate advantages, subordinates under wise supervision are thus schooled to become more effective superior officers, an important long-range advantage. The Police Department at the present time has six Sergeants. They are assigned specifically as: One who is a Commander of the Detective Bureau, and five who operate as shift Sergeants. Under normal conditions it takes five people to operate one post position 24 hours a day 7 days a week. It cannot be done adequately with four. Since nothing is ever exactly normal, one Sergeant in the Department will earn approximately thirty days of vacation time each ,year. Since there are five Sergeants, then we are short one of the five for five months. However, one Sergeant relieves the Lieutenant for his vacation time. Total time then is six months. (The Captain and Chief relieve each other and the Detective Bureau Sergeant relief comes from within the Bureau itself.) Further, on an average, each Sergeant and the Lieutenant will spend a week on a training program which adds another month and a.half; and finally, sickness, family, or injury will add more days. Below please note the most optimum operation for the Sergeants and their deployment which is estimated can be accomplished four months only throughout the year. Note that we have no Sergeant on duty during the day watch on Thursday, but rather elect to schedule that relief as an extra evening Sergeant who performs the duties of Watch Commander, assuming responsibility for over- all direction of the Department. Also note that during the pre- viously mentioned vacation, training, or: sick timeone evening watch is struck from deployment. Mon. Tues. Wed. Phur. Fri. Sat. Sun. Day Day Day Day O/Off D/Off Day Day Relief Early'Mn Ery/Mn Eve j;ve Day D/Off D/Off Evening Eve D/Off D/Off Eve Eve Eve Eve Evening Eve Eve D/Off D/Off Eve Eve Eve Early Morning D/Off D/Off EryMn EV!rMn EryMn EryMn EryMn The one single addition and alteration to the Department's supervisory staff which I believe to be imperative, and which will make the greatest impact in improving problems and challenges outlined is the immediate creation of an additional position of Sergeant in the Police Department. Vaile this position was planned for next fiscal year, inauguration with four months left in this fiscal year, is most appropriate. The additional position is in- tended to remove from general rotation one Sergeant who will operate as Day Watch Commander one day each week, and the rest of the time, four days, he will be assigned to a myriad of important administrative tasks such as: care, custody, and control of Department equipment, vehicles, and supplies, the processing and storage and retrieval of evidence, and the sale of surplus Department property, special scheduling for special events as previously stated, handling the Department Pistol Range, and implementing training programs of firearms, gas, baton, and special tactics. The assignment of Sergeants then will be as shown below. Note that we will not be short a Sergeant during any of the day watches and for four nivhts each week there would be two Sergeants assigned to the evening watch, one who would operate as the Watch Commander and one as Field Sergeant, remembering, however, that this is optimum and can only be deployed approximately four months through- out the year, and the rest of the time a slightly different deploy- ment would be necessary. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun. Day Day Day Day Day Day D/Off D/Off Day Day Day D/Off D/Off Day Day Day Relief EryMn EryMn Day Eve. Eve. D/Off D/Off Evening Eve. D/Off D/Off Eve. Eve. Eve. Eve. Evening (W/C) Eve. Eve. Eve. D/Off D/O£f Eve. Eve. Early Morning D/Off D/Off EryMn EryMn EryMn EryMn EryMn �-i RJ j 0 r^ 1 RESOLUTION NO. 4097 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING 3 THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM THE RESERVE ACCOUNT TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT SALARY 4 ACCOUNT. 5 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad 6 as follows: 7 1. That the transfer of five thousand and one hundred 8 dollars ($5,10o.00) from the Reserve Account to the Police 9 Department Salary Account to hire one additional Police Sergeant. 10 2. That the Department of Finance Request for Transfer of 11 Appropriation No. 23 is on file in said department and incorporated 12 by reference herein is approved. 13 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City 14 Council on the 15th day of _ February , 1977, by `the 15 following vote, to wit: 16 AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Skotnicki, Packard and Councilwoman ,Caster. 17 NOES: None. 18 ABSENT: None. 19 20 21 n 22 2�( !, 3 ROBERT C. FRAZEE, Mayor 24 25ATTEST: 26 27 MAKA E. ADAMS, Clt C C 28 NORA K. GARDINER, Deputy City (SEAL)