HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-03-01; City Council; 4084; Consultants Agreement - Canyon Park Design^-. I ;.:;& VJj ,' 1, March 1, 1977 '13 1; 11 i:., ' - -. .... .. -..- ..... _. .. . ". ....... .. .......... :- Engineering . .- ...... - . ... .- ..-- -. .... --I- __ - .... - .. __ _......I_ .... ....... ........... -.~I___.____.______I____..._.__l .-.._...- _- - ~-. .-..- ~_.__, .- . .. s ;:I 1) i,; (,:~ c . i: :, CONSULTANTS AGREEMENT - CANYON PARK . _r^ _.I- ... DESIGN , .. .1. . ....... .- ...................... I._-" ............. .... ....... ......... .... ... ................ ............. .- .-i- . .. .. L' !' -. .. The Parks and Recreation Department has budgeted funds for the improvement of Canyon Park and wishes to complete the project prior to 1978. Proposals were submitted by six landscape architects to perform the design work. The Selection Committee has recommended that the City retain the firm of Kater and Associates from Cardiff by the Sea to do the design work. EXHIBITS : 1. Memo dated February 10, 1977 from Public Works Administrator to City Manager Resolution No.$&9sauthorizing Mayor to execute agreement with Kater and Associates 2. 3. Proposal from Kater and Associates. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. Gesauthorizinq Mayor to execute agreement with Kater and Associates. - Council Action: 3-1-77 Resolution No. 5005, authorizing the Playor to execute an agreement I between the City and Kater and Associates for the design of Canyon Park, was adopted. f February 10, 1977 City Manager . f.. f.. ..* -. . . -. TO t FROM: Public Works A&ainistrator, - - -I . -. SUSJECT: At the request of the Director of Parks and Recreation, sir (6) consultant firns (see attached list) submitted proposals to provide services for the design and-construction of Canyon. Park in the La Costa Area,, -, - , - *.. - - . . - - Caryon Park La-kdscape De'sign .- -Consultant Selection A selection cornittee co2posed of EO Johnson, John Eatch and Joe Spano from City staff and.Don Egermayer and Juanita Rhodes from the Parks and 3iecreation Cormissfon, net on February 9, 1977 to review the proposals and nake recomnenbations. Pftcr reviewing t>?e written proposals, the covmitte9 unanimously zt;reeZ to recopaenci to the City Council that they enter into 213 agreerent xith ~.'at~n ar.5 Zssociates fron Car3iff Sy The Sea 5ar the Cs~nyon Tark Iroject, CANYON PARK PROJECT - LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS SUBMITTING PROPOSALS Kater & Associates P.0- Box 305 Cardiff By The Sea, Ca." 92007 ? Environmental Research Associated Box 809 Del Mar, Ca. 92014 Lawrence Bladc& Associates 226 12th Street Del Mar, Ca. 92014 William C. Tucker & Associates P.O. Box 248 Encinitas, Ca. 92024 Roqer Deweese, Inc. 11404 Sorronto Valley Road, Suite 104 San Diego, Ca. 92121 Van Dyke-Halsey Design Group, Inc. 3585 Fifth Avenue San Diego, Ca. 92103 / ? . 4' Ed;;ar Y, Jofn~coir City of Carl.sbac1 Chrlubrid Cal3 fornia 92008 . 9ii:cctor of Parlts and Kccreations . 1.200 Elm ~':,7enue Subject : 1a-d scape Architectural ConsiiI.t;'i:ion Canyon Park Development, Carlsbad, Calif or-nia Dear Mr. JohnsGn; In respmsc to your invitati-on dated January 6, 1977, the firm of IJTLR & ASSOCISiES is p7 cased to subnit its qualifj-caticns to provide cor,sul 'itirit services for the preparation of landscape development plans for the prcpossd Canyon Park. I have reviewed the. consit1ci:afions set forth in your letter aizd haxe visi';& the site wlth-lik. Joe Spano of the City Engi.ileeri.~iz Staff. have discusseti the projcct to further ascertatn your specific needs ant! oi-jec- tives with r-cspcci: to the project work schedule sild tihat qualitati.ve fxtors might be of significance In t>e development and future uti'lizati.on of the proposed park. Mr. S]~ano ai2.d 1: AI 90 To enable cff icieiit administration with a inaximum degr'ce of responsiveness, availability and Int:iniatz kno~l edge of local conditions pertinent t~ North San Piego Coiln'iy, I have informed the following consultznts for p.--obablc sub- consultaticn: Brian Smith Engfnecrs Inc. , Carlsbad; E. Capra - Electrical En.giiiecr, Encinj.tas; E. R. Eichovsky, Horticuicuri.st - Eutler's Nill, Inc., San Diego; arid Larry E, Yealcel A.I.A. & Associates, Sa11 D-iego. (Nr. Peakel. donated construction plans for the Laguna Rfviera Park Cu;nfort Station. ) With respect to the accrmpanyiiig pi'oposal, 1 hc n-ai;erial has been arrangcd as . - follows: INTBODllCTION : Description of the. film of LITER 6 ASSOCIATT:!: ' LlSTING Or PROPESSICNAL SERVICES : Aspects of Consultation Services .TNjULhTION OF -PARI< PROJECTS : E:xcper-f.eiicc in park developiciit projects PROBABLE SUB- CON SULTANTS : Civil 13ngineer , El.ectricn1 Eiigiiicer, Architect and Soils Slkcialist . UNDERSTANDING OF ' ASSIGNWNT : Describes undc.rst:ani-ling of project re.quir&mt:s .I ... .......- ~.~ .._.. .- ................................. -._~_ ............ ,- .............. .. . - ‘. ! Edgar Y. Johnson January 25, 1977 .. Page Two .. \i. -* ‘ .. PROJECT APPROACII : Defines the method and contn:ins a propor;& project Wo~:lc Schedule I~ ME‘JNOD OF CO~4l?UTINI; FEES : Fee Schclules. .._I I wish to cxprc’ss ny appreciation for your invitation and 1001: forward to the opportunity of cxecutiiig this assignment. 8 Sincerely, KATER & ASSOCIATES . Dave L. Kater . (Principal) *. / . ..- . .. /. PROPOSAL: LANDSCAPE AJ?,CHITECT CONSULTA1'XON CANYON PARK, CAlXSEfI), CALIFOKNIA TABLE OF CONTEKTS INTRODUCTION LISTING OF PROFESSIOXAL SERVICES TM3ULATION OF PARK PROJECTS PROBABLE SUB-CONSULTilXTTS UNDERSTANDING 01: ASSIG?L'HENT PROJECT APPROACH METHOD OF COPPLJTING FEES .. ... .. __._. ...... ,.,, _., .I -. . .. . .. . ... .- .. ~ - .- ,. Katcr & 1issoc'inLcs has the capal>iJ.ity to perfoim a wide range of . profcssiofinl services, the extent of t:hLcli is djktatcd hy sl'eci-fic project recpircn~cnts. Landscape architcctural services usua.lly c0nr;ist of : i ! ! I i \ i I I i ! i I i I i ! I ! I I i i -. / DEFII~LTION OF PROJECT SCOYE To define the project scope, a client conference is held to familiarize the f inn wi.th the proposed developxent ; anticipated schedules and fiscal Limitations ; and clic-nt requii-emeiits arid desires. to clearly establish respective areas of respo1lsibility and provide-s the f inn with factual information to insure the cltent This initial meeting enables tile. cliciit and tlie firm . a valid proposal of service-s. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL /iND'/OP, COBTRACT The firm provides a written proposal identifying the specif?!: services to be perfornled, the. schedule of accoxiplishmen;: the fee to be charged, the mthod of paynent and a descriptioii of the items to be furnished by or at the expense of others. With i the client's written approval, the project proceeds. PRELIMINARY DRfih'INGS Ah9 ESTINATES All necessary preliminary studies, sketches, drawings and estimates to present the conceptual design solutton are prepared. Using these, client conferences are held to analyze and review the solution. When alternative solutions are feasible, these also . are provided for evaluation.. WORKING DJUIJINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS With approval of the preliminary plan, the fi.rm prepares working drawings and specifications. these might include: The Site P1.m locates all existing facilities to remain, be removed or Kg modified. establi.shcs the horizontal relationship of all facilities arid provides general construction information. . . The sI5ecifi.c type and nili&er of, --working drawings are determined by tlie client and firm. Typically It depicts all proposc;d consti~uctioi-~, I .. c . _. / . . . . . . . ,,. _.__ .. -- . .....,.. ... ..I. The Gr n d .in g, P 1 an d epic t s tli c ve r t- 3. c a 1. r cl. a t ions 1 I i p r) f p r.0 p o s cd facKLities and cstablishc~s tile grades for all Li.it,J.cliiigs, roads, tiaI.lts, stcpr:, retaining wsJ.1.s and all ground sui:fnce and water ayeas.. It also indicarcs the grades of required surface or sub- surface drainage structures, and uti1.it-i.e~ services. The Construct ion Details provjde en1 arGc:d plans, sections ant1 clevntjons of spccific. facilities such as roads, curl)^, walls steps, fencing, dcxks, arhors, paving patterns, ctc. --I.-- _____I --1J2-- Tlic 1:rrioaticm Plan illustrates .the layout of all piping, valves , control equipment , sprinkler heads en.d related equipment for irrigation of' all p~.&ted amas. . The Plant3r1p Plan locates and identifies 213- ncw plant materials as well as any to be preserved or removed. A plant list noting the quantity, size aiid varieties is included. The JAghtinp, .-- 'Plan S~GWS underground wiring control equipment, installatic:; details and circuit diagrams as required. The Specifications identify the types and qual-ity of all materials to be use6 and define the manner by which the construction is to be acconplished. light fixtures, .. The Final. Coustructi.on ---I .--- E'st:irnatc - provides the cljkiii: with specific quantities and unit costs based upon the final working drawings and specifications. Additional expenses such as tontractor profj-l:, .inflati.on of labor and material costs, bonds; guarantees and project maintenance axe ccmputed to provide the client with an accurate estimate of anticipated total development cost. BIDDING AND CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT. FORMS The firm also prepares the necessary biddhg information and assists the client in drafti-ng of proposal aiid contract forms. -i ! I ADNINI STPQiTION AND SUPERVISION OF COI!STRUCTION . -.. The f inn assists the client in obtaining proposals froin contractors and in awarding construction contracts. \Aien required by t.he client, / the firm interprccs the contract documents, reviews subm:ittnls . prepares change orders aiid providcs .i.nspect.ion of the work to .. insure contractor compliance with the pl.ans and specifications. r i i __ . -. - - . . .. - . ..- . . ... -. . -- .. . . . . - . . - ~ .- . . . . . .. . . . . . . , . . -. - ,.~ I I ! I I ! ! i i i I i i 1 L. i i I i : i I I. .. I I I I CONSIJL'I'ATION *... I i ! :- I - . . . . ...- ^. . . . . ~,,. .... . . . ...-.- .. - . .- 1. i .- II ! Civil Cny,' 'J nwr 13rian Sinj rh Eii,qiiicc.rs, Tnc , (71 4 /723-8281) 2656 St ate, Carl.nl)rid, CA El.ccl;rical JCngjnccr E. Capr-n (714 /753-9103.) 1447 Suir,mit Ave. , I?ncinitas, Ch 92024 fir chi 1: ec t Larry E. Ycakcl, .AL.A. & Associates ( 7 14 / 2 3 9 - 2 3 4 4) 1302 Kcttncr I'lou~evard Sap Diego, CA 921.01. I I i. 1 ! f 1 i I ! ! i i i I 1 ! I i i I I i I 1 i Soil Test.i~ig E. R. Bicho\+~sIi>r (714/%6%-2455) But3.er's Mill, Iiic. 5180 Nnranja Street San Diego, CA 921.14 / .--. . r . .. , . , ,.. _.__. . .I ___.,_ . _.- I .~ ,....-. - .. - .. - ... T11:i.s section of the proposal dcfincs the current understai~ding of the stated project: requirements. The City of Carl.sbad is interested in obtaining tlic services of a qua 1 if 1 ecl I.and s cap e arch i 1: cc cur nP consul t in;: f i I-m 1: o prc:p;ire a Ma s f es Development Plan and Consrruction I1ocunicnl.s for Canyon Park, wit11 the requirecents as stated in chc invit;:t:i.on letter of January 6, 1977, froin the City’s Park & Recreation Department. 9: ,: Although no final date was identiflkd in the jiivitatiori letter for final sel.ection of the consultant, I. assume that consultant selection, negotiation of agl.-eenient:, and subsequmt appi-oval of the agreement by the City will he cornpletcxl prior to l.’ebruary 1.1, 1977. Sliciuld this be achieved, it is my proposal to complete. the assigrirne.nt at sucli time to allO1.7 for conc.urr:crit processing of the develcpenc plans through the various review; and hearings requii:r:d for the adoption and app1-ova1 by the Park & Recreation Committee arid your City Council. Coiiipletion wi1.1 be prior to a certain date feasible td your City Staff (allowing time for processing) within the 1976-1977 fi.sca1 year. , It &‘understood that the consultant will. be provided with various information and data by the City and that such data will form the bace from which th5.s assignment vi11 proceed. (Boundaries, contoured plot plan, existing utilities, property surveys and ‘off-site drainage) It is also unclcrstood t~ia t the landscape arciiitect ’ s conpensation for services as shoiJ11 in the fee schedules, does not -include: Reproduction of Contract Documents for department distribution . and bidding, plan checking fees, permit fees, costs of material and soil tests, geological investigation os land surveys, specialized consultants, or costs in connection with unusual problems and conditions. Idlienever such services are to be provided or expenses incurred, supple- mentary compensation should be arranged. PROJECT OBJECTIVES - 1. To design a Master Development Plnq which will enhance Canyon Park as a safe and pleasant hunian environment. To prepare consti:uctioii dociimcnts in such detail to enable sound implementation by the City’s Park and Recreation Dcpartment . 1 2. t. ~ , __ __ , __ , ~ . .. . .. - , _. ,. _.. __ .. . . . ,_ . .- , ... . . . .- ... . I._ ..... ". .. .. - . . . . . ~ , A _- _-_._ _. ~ ^..... . ,. PI.tOJRCT API?ROhCJI A time frame of car1.y Sp1:iiig 1377, tr?s Llentificd j.n tbe :invitation tiic time necd(:d for processing of tlic pro j cct doouiiicilts th'rough the various .,City departments, coniniittees apd the Council, rn%glit reconsider its sc1icduI.e. Af ter discussion and tentative schcduli.ng with Elr . Joe Spano (City 's Engineering Department) , the foll.owing Project Vork Schedul-e seems I .. letter for commc+ncc-.incnt of construction of Canyon Park. Coiisi.dci-ing City Staff , realistically feasible to the City and the Consultant: -_.I January 25, 1977 Final date for Consultant's proposal. February 11, 1377. Final agre.en-ient with Consultaiit sel c.cted by the City. March 3, 1977 Preliminary Master Ylan and Prel iminary Cost: Estinates completed for review. March 15, 1977 Approval by City Steff and the Pal-k and . pecreation Coinrnit.tee of the preliminary design and estimate. .. April 1.5, 1977 Plan chnck completed construction dr.-aeings , Spc:ci€ica:ions and Final- Cost Estimate. Play 2, 1977 Final approval oi corrected Plans and Specifi- cations by City Staff. Nay 16, 1977 Advertise for Bids. . June 30, 1977 Award of Contract. July 11, 1977 Commence construction of the project. I November 22, 1977' February l.G, 1978 Completion of construction based on - + 90 workin$ days. Completion I4aintenance Period based on & GO working clays. i ! ' The above i.s a tentative schedule and should processing of the construction . . documents by City Staff be shortened, the Consultant would be abh to complete the project at an earlier date. / .- ..., ~ .. ,., ._. - . ... . ..... . . I .. ... ... . ~ ....,.... ..... .. . .. ,. . . . . . i I I ; i i i 1 t 1. i ! j i. j i I i 1 I i I I c. .. / _. . 11. The compensation fcc consist of a flat liourly rate for the landscape Architect and technical personnel engaged in the work, times a niultipl.ier to cover overliead, clerixal and incidental. costs. Landscape Archi tcct Princi.pnl's Time Draft I'erson - $6.00 X 2.5 (rnultiplter) C1 e rd c a 1 - $4.00 X 2.5 (multiplier) T r a11 s p o r t a t ion (mi 1 e a ,g c ) Reproduction $30.OO/hr . 15.OO/hr. 1.0. OO/hr . .15/rniI.(< At Cost Sub-Consul-tant s At Cost f 1-52 (Nancging Fee) Conpei;-;qn based on percentage of tot21 corstruction cc ;t . -- -- Construction cost % Construction Fee Cost' x Fee '. i .. $ 80,000 9.0 ' $160,000 7.4. 85,000 8.8 170,000 , 7.3 90,000 8.6 180,000 7.2 ' 95,000 8.4 190, @00 7.1 ! . ..100,000 w- 8 00 200,000 7.0 I 110,000 7.9 250,000 6.8 120,000 7.8 300,000 6.6 1 14'0,000 7.6 400,000 6.2 150,000 7.5. '500,000 6.0 130,000 7.7 350,000 6.4 1 I I - I. , .I i NOTE: If construction cost falls above or below hal-f-way Ijetxcen figure& listed, apply nearest percentage figu1.c shown. _. Fee Schedule #I1 is subject to change and ncgotiablc after the. selection of the Consultant and reevauation of all aspects of the prolj ect . .. . PAYPIEN T S Payinelits for services to be due and payable upon completion of cach stage of the planning scrvicc or on a month to inonth brisis. In lieu of Fcc Schedulcs I or 11, the iol.lowing Schedule of Payments is t proposed Eo be util.izcd: I. On comp1ctj.on of the Prel.i.m-irllary Mact.er Plan 45x II. OAI compl etion of the Norking I)rai~in;.,s & Specificat3 ons 3OX 111. On conp:I etion oE the Administration and Suyeirvi sion 100% ! -.. , t 1- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ' 10 11. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ' 19 20 21 22 2: 24 25 26 27 2e RESOLUTION NO. 5005 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND KATE2 AND ASSOCIATES FOR DESIGN GF CANYON PARK AND AUTHOR- IZING THE YLAYOR To EXECUTE SAID AGKEENINT. The City Coimci.1 of the City of Carlsbad, California, does .Aereby resolve as follows : 1) That that certain agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Kater and Associates for the landscape design of Canyon Park, a copy of which is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by re€erence is hereby approved; 2) That the Mayor of the City of Carl-sbad is hereby au.thorized and directed. to execute said agreement €or and on behalf of thc City of Carlsbad-. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 1977 Carlsbad City Council' held on the 1st day of March - by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Counciimen Fr%zee, Lewis, .Skotnicki Packarci and Councilwornat- Casler. NOES : None. ABSENT: I\jOne. ATTEST : NilRA K. GARDiNER, Depuiy City C (SEAL) erk . 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 3.8 19 20 2 1" 22 23 24 , 25 26 27 28 AGIIXEMENT FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR THE LANDSCAPE DESIGN OF CANYON PARK IN THE CITY OF CRRLSBAD, CALIFORNIA THIS AGRL2EfiENT made and entered into as of the 1st day of , 1977 by and between Kater and Associates, I Marc h -- Landscape Architect, hereinafter referred to as "Architect" and the City of Carlsbad, hereinafter referred to as "City. " WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City owns a parcel of land designated for park purposes; and . WHEREAS, the City is desirous of improving this parcel of ' land with recreational equipment, restroom facilities, landscaping, and parking; arid WIIEREAS, the firm of Kater and Associates has provided satis- factory services for the City in the past and has submitted a proposal in writing to perform the design services; and WHEREAS, it is advantageous for the City to retain the services of Kater and Associates as landscape designers to perform the services in the manner, at the time, and for the compensation set forth herein; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereunto agree as follows: ARTICLE I. Scope of architectural services The Architect will provide professional services for the 3esign and construction of Canyon Park as follows: 1. A grading plan depicting vertical relationship of all Iroposed facilities and establishing grades for buildings, walkways EXHIBIT "A" ’1 ‘2 3 4 5 6 ‘7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 parktrig arcas, retaining walls, landscaped areas , and drainage faci ’I-ities. 2, A plot plan showing the horizontal relationship of all proposed facilities including walkways, parking areas, buildings, recreational areas, landscaped areas, and utility services. 3. An irrigation plan providing a layout of all piping, valves, control equipment, sprinkler heads, and related equipment for irrigation of all planted areas. 4. A planting plan locating and identifying all new plant materials as well as any to be preserved or removed. The plan shall include a plant list noting the quantity, size, and variety of all plantings. ’ 5. A lighting plan shqwing underground conduit and wiring, pu1.l boxes, light standards, control equipment, construction detail and circuit diagrams. 6. Construction details showing elevations, cross sections and details necessary for construction of the facilities in the park including the restroom facility. 7. The specifications will delineate the type and quality of 311 materials and items to be installed as well as a list of bid items and the estimated costs. 8. Contract administration to be provided will consist of issistance to the City in obtaining bids from contractors, in- ;erpreting plans and specifications, evaluating bids, preparing Aiange orders, and providing inspection work to ensure compliance tit11 the plans and -pecifications. 9. The landscape architect, upon City approval, may provide )r cause to be provided, any soil investigations required for the -2- .1 '2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 LO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 t'icsign of the project. Allowance for soil investigations shall be set forth in Article IV. 10, Project (locumentation (Allowance shall he as set forth in Article IV) .) The Architect shall furnish the City with the following as a reimbursable printing expense: 1. Five sets of Schematic Design Phase Documents 2. Five sets of Dcsiyn Development Phase Documents (for plan check and approval) 3. Twenty-five sets of Construction Documents and Specifi- cations 4. After City's final approval, tracings of construction drawings and master copies of specifications typewritten on bond paper in a form acceptable to the City. ARTICLE XI. City's responsibilities ~.___ and scope of City Staff 1. The City shall provide information as to the requirements and. program of the project, includLng budget limitations and s ch e du 1 i n g . 2. The City shall provide, or cause to be provided, site inforration including grades and lines of streets, pavements and adjoining properties; rights of way, restrictions, easements I boundaries, and contours of the projection site; locations, dimensions of other improvements, if any, and information as to the available servj-ce and utility lines, both public and private; all the above to the extent that they are shown in the City's records. . 3. The City shall provide or cause to be provided, any testing required for construction.of the project. 4. The City shall notify the Architect of administrative procedures required and name representatives authorized to act in 3, i3, 3 4 5 6 '7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 LE3 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ART3 CLE 111. The archi Lectural services specified herein shall begin FII__I_____-I_ Prorrress and cornnletion promptly following written authorization by the City. Completion of Preliminary Master Plan shall be completed within 30 calendar days. Completion of working drawings specifications, a~d cost estimates shall he completed within 60 calendar days. Completion of construction supervision shall be completed within 300 calendar days. ARTICLE IV. Compensation Fees for architectural services prov ded in Article I of thks agreement will be determined on the basis of construction costs. The following scheaule shall be' used for computing the fee: Construction Cost $ 80,000 85,000 90,000 95,000 100,000 110,000 120,000 130,000 140,000 150,000 % Fee 9.0 8.8 8.6 8.4 8.0 7.9 7.8 7.7 7.6 7.5 (b) If the City requires any additional services due to changes in the scope of the project from Architect, Architect will be paid an additional sum of 2.5 times Architect's direct personnel expense. Direct expense as used h?rein shall include Architect's time at.Twe1ve Dollars ($12.) per hour, a drafting person at Six Dollars ($6.00) per hour and clerical at Four Dollars (4.00) per 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ,. 36 1 7 18 19 20 ' 21. 22 .23 24 25 26 27 .2 8 hour. Said payment sha1.S. not cxcccd One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.). (c) FOG soil. test and analysis, if required, a maximum fce of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.) will be paid by the City (a) For reimbursable expenses, a maximum fee of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.) will be paid by the City. ARTICLE V. Guaranteed maximum fee The guarantezd maximum fee for professional services described in Arti.cle I shall be $9,000.00. ARTlCLE VI. Payment of fees - Charges determined on the basis set forth in Article IV shall be billed as follows: Approval of Preliminary Master Plan $3,500 Approval of working plans arid specifications 3,500 Completion of construction Balance ARTICLE VII. Responsibility of the Architect The Architect is hired -Lo render a professional service only, and any payments made to him are compensation solely for such services as he may render and recormendations he may make in the course of the project. The Architect makes no warranty, either expressed or impl.icd, as to his findings , recommendations or pro- fessional advice other than they were promulgated after following a practice usual to the landscape architect profession. ARTICLE VIII. Suspension or termination of services The City shall have the right to terminate this agreement and the work done under it at any time without cause by giving the Architect notice in writing.. In the event of'termination, the Architect shall be paid for t 1- 2 3 4 8 9 10 3.1 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 %X 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .- -. I t.he work accornp1.ir;hed to the da.te of termination in accordance wi.th Article VII. [Jpon request of the City, the Architect shall asscmnb1 the work product and put same 5.n order for proper filing and closing and deliver said product to the City. Architect shall be paid for Said final work, hut in no event shall the fee for said final work exceed ten percent (10%) of the guaran- teed maximum fee, nor shall the total fee excced the guaranteed maximum. In su& event, the ARTICLE IX. Status of the Architect The Architect shall perform the services provided for herei.11 in his own way as an independent contractor and in pursuit of his independent calling, and not as an employee of the City; and he shall h& under control of the City only as to the result to be accomplished and personnel or construction firms to be assigned to the project, The professional firms to be assigned to the project shall be subject to approval of City Engineer. AIiTLCLE X. Confoimifiy I ..- to legal requirerients _-- The Architect shall. cause a1.l drawings and specifications to conform to all applicable requirements of law, federal, state, and local. He shall cause the.necessary copies of such drawings and specifications , together with all necessary supporting documents, to be filed with any agencies whose approval is necessary, ARTICLE XI. 0wnershj.p - of documents All plans, studies, sketches, drawings, and specifications as herein required are the property of the City whether the work for which they are made be executed or not. is terminated, all documents, plans, specifications, and drawings of the facility shall be delivered forthwith to the City. In the event this contract -6- - I 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 37 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ARTICLE XII. Hold Ii;;xml.exs Asrccmcnt The City, its agents, officers, and employees shall not he liable for any cI.aims, liabilities, pcnalities , fines, or for any darnage to goods, properties, or effects of any person whatever, nor for personal injuries to or death of t.hern caused by or resulting from or claimed to have been caused by or resulting from any act cr omission of Architect or his agents, employees I or representatives; Architect further agrees to indemnify and save free and harmless the City and its authorized agents, officers, and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities and claims therefor, and any cost and expense that is incurred by the City on account of any claim therefor, including claims by reason of alleged defects in the plans and specifications. ARTICLE XIII. Assignment of contract The Architect shall not assign'this contract or any part thereof or any monies due or to become due thereunder without the prior written consent of the City. ARTICLE XIV, Subcontractin4 If the Architect shall subcontract any of the work to be performed under this contract by the Architect, he shall be fully responsible to the City for the acts and omissions of his sub- contractor and of the persons either directly or indirectly employed by the subcontractor, as he is for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by him. Nothing contained in this contract shall create any contractural relationship between any subcontractor of tk? Architect and the City. The Architect shall Dind every subcontractor and every subcontractor of a subcontractor f the terms of this contract applicable to his work unless speci- 1 I2 3 4 5 G 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 f.ica1I.y noted to the contrary in khc .subcontract in question approved in writing by the City. ARTICLE X.V. Prohibited interest No official. of the City who i.s authorized in such capacity --_--- I._ and on behalf of the Ctty to negotiate, make, accept, or appyove, or to take part in neTotiating, making, accepting, or approving of. any architectural, engineering inspection, construction, or material supply cc.ntract, or any subcontract in connection with the construction of the project shall become directly or indirectly interested personally in this contract or in any part thereof. No officer, employee, architect, attorney, engineer, or inspector of or for the City who is authorized in such. capacity and on behalf of the City to exercise any executive, supervisory, or other similar functions in connection with the performance of this contract shall become directly or indirectly interestect personally in this contrac or any part thereof. ARTICLE XVI. Verbal aqreement - or conversation - No verbal agreement or conversation with any off iter , agent, or employee of. the City, either before, during, or after the exe- cution of this contract, shall affect or modify any of the terns or obligations herein contained, nos such verbal. agreement GT conver- sati.on entitle the Architect to any additional payment whatsoever under the terms of this contract. ARTICLE XVII. Successors or assigns Subject to the provisions of Article XIII, all terms, con- ditions, and provisions hereof shall inure to and shall bind each o the parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. ’* -8- I. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 318 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 ART~ICI,): >:VIII. This coiltract shal% be effective on and from the day and ycar ~,j I'ective _- --- date first above written. IN WITI\IESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals. ATTEST CITY OF CARLSBAD Deputy City Clerk Approved as to form: KATER AND ASSOCIATES City Attorne-7 V . Title -9-