HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-03-01; City Council; 4088; La Costa Community Antenna System IncCITY OF CARLSBAD
AGENDA BILL NO. __ ____ Initial:
DATE: --- Marchi_19l7 --- c>
DEPARTMENT: ____ City Manager _______ C. Mgr. "f\
Subject! ~
Statement . of the Ma tter
In a letter dated February 7, 1977, La Costa Community Antenna
System, Inc. stated that the development known as Ponderosa
does not have cable television service. With the exception of
the original developments in La Costa annexed in 1972, no other
area of the City has cable television service. Ponderosa *s
location makes it unique but still a vital area in consideration
of the granting of a cable franchise for the City.
In that the City has undertaken the process which will lead to
a decision as to how a franchise will be granted, any action
on Ponderosa at this time is inappropriate.
Memo to City Manager dated 2-22-77
3-15-77 _ Letter from Pala Mesa Cablevision dated March 2, 1977.
That action concerning Ponderosa be reserved until the City's
CATV.consultant makes his final recommendation to the Council,
Council Action:
3-1-77 The staff requested, with the concurrence of the applicant, that
this matter be continued to the next regular meeting.
3-15-77 It was agreed that the staff recommendation to reserve action
until such time as the CATV Consultant makes his final re-
commendation to the Council, be accepted.
DATE: February 22, 1977
FROM: Assistant to City Manager
The City received the attached letter from La Costa Community
Antenna System, Inc., dated February 7, 1977. The letter purports
to describe a situation of urgency, identify issues and provide
possible courses of action open to the City for resolution of these
issues. The data of April 1, 1977, referred to in the letter has
no urgency ascribed to it by the City. That date appears to have
urgency only to the La Costa Community Antenna System, Inc. As
stated in the letter, it is true the residents of Ponderosa
Development do not have cable television service, with the exception
of the original La Costa Development as annexed in 1972. There are
no other developments within the City that have cable television
The City Council's recent action in adopting a Cable Television
Enabling Ordinance, inviting franchise applications and authorizing
a contract for consultant services to review, evaluate and recommend
action on the proposals, is the action which has been taken to remedy
the existing situation. In a continuance of action to provide cable
television service to the total community the first important date
is May 14, 1977. That date as prescribed in the City's cable television
enabling ordinance is the date by which recommendations concerning
franchise applications will be made to the City Council. These
recommendations will come from the City's consultant and be presented
to the City Council by the City Manager.
Presently La Costa Community Antenna System, Inc., under the
provisions of Federal Communication Commission rules and the agreement
between the La Costa Community Antenna System, Inc. and the City
of Carlsbad, dated July 25, 1972, do not permit the collection of
fees for the delivery of cable television service by any date to
areas outside the legally prescribed limits of the La Costa annexation.
Until such time as the City of Carlsbad grants a franchise to La
Costa Community Antenna System, Inc. to serve an area other than
that originally annexed to the City of Carlsbad, subscriber fees
cannot be collected. Any capital outlay expenditures which have
been made by La Costa Community Antenna System, Inc. in the
Ponderosa Development were done without the permission, approval,
concurrence or request of the City. There is no commitment by the
City to insure, cause, initiate or condone reimbursement for those
specific expenditures of La Costa Community Antenna System, Inc.
February 22, 1977
Page 2
Previous correspondence from La Costa Community Antenna System,
Inc., dated September 28, 1976, and a response from the City Manager,
dated October 14, 1976, have made this clear to the La Costa Community
Antenna System, Inc. and their representatives. Therefore, it is
the staff recommendation that the City Council note, receive and
file the letter from La Costa Community Antenna System, Inc. and
take no further action until such time as the City's consultants
make recommendations to the City Council concerning the evaluation
of franchise proposals received.
i Assistant to City Manager
la costa community antenna system, inc.
February 7, 1977
City Council
City of Carlsbad
1200 Elm Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Attention: Mr. Paul D. Bussey,
City Manager
As you are aware, the Ponderosa Company is developing a 420 unit sub-
division in the southwest corner of the City of Carlsbad. The area is not
within the original 4,090 acres for which the La Costa Cable Company has
an agreement, but it is in an area surrounded by our Cable service area.
It appears most logical that a franchise for this area should eventually
be awarded to our company. However, we realize that a decision on this
matter must be made in relationship and in consideration of other persons
applying for a franchise in the City of Carlsbad. Certainly, we understand
that if it becomes economically important to the bidders for the entire
City of Carlsbad to provide service to the Ponderosa project, we would
expect that they would have that area in their franchise. We doubt, of
course, that this will be the case, since an extension line from the northern
part of the City to Rancho Ponderosa, through our area, would be expensive.
Because it appeared to us that it would be most logical for us to provide
service to Ponderosa, we have made extensive expenditures in the Ponderosa
project over and above that which developers provide in other developments
in the City of Carlsbad. Whereas most of the developers in the City of
Carlsbad simply provide street crossings, we have provided the extensive
conduit system so as to be ready to provide service to the residents in an
expeditious manner. In addition to that, we are prepared to install the
pedestals, amplifiers, etc., necessary to provide service.
7628 El Camino Real Carlsbad, California 92008 Phone (714)436-3401
CITY COUNCIL February J, 1977
Attention: Paul D. Bussey Page 2
Specifically, we will be in a position to provide service to all resi-
dents in the Ponderosa project on or about April 1, 1977. While we would
prefer to have the franchise for the area made to us by April 1, 1977, so
that we can charge for the service, we are willing to provide the service
without charge, pending the assignment of a franchise to us or other persons.
We do want to make it clear that if some other company is awarded the fran-
chise for the Ponderosa project, we would expect to be reimbursed for our
capital outlay expenditures in the area. Please do not confuse this with
the lesser expenditures which have been made by other developers in the City.
The issues before you are fairly clear:
1) Is the fact that the LA COSTA COMMUNITY ANTENNA SYSTEM, INC. service
area surrounds the Ponderosa project sufficient to justify the pronouncement
of the award of the franchise for this area without reference to other fran-
chise bidders. If so, that decision should be made clear by April 1, 1977.
If not, then
2) Should LA COSTA COMMUNITY ANTENNA SYSTEM, INC. be allowed to provide
service to Ponderosa without charge until a franchise is awarded. If so,
3) If an organization other than LA COSTA COMMUNITY ANTENNA SYSTEM, INC.
receives a franchise for this area, is it clearly understood that LA COSTA
COMMUNITY ANTENNA SYSTEM, INC. will be reimbursed for its capital outlay exr
There are a number of people moving into the Ponderosa project who want
to receive service and want to know the availability of service. We want to
be able to tell them that they can receive service on or about April 1, 1977.
However, if we do not have a resolution of the matters outlined above by that
time, we will have to refuse service — a situation which can cause a public
relation problem, both for our company and for the City of Carlsbad.
Thank you for your attention to this,
Fred J. M^r^y A
General Manager *J
March 2, 1977
Mr. Paul Bussey, City Manager
City of Carlsbad
1200 Elm Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Dear Mr. Bussey:
I am writing in regards to the request by La Costa Community
Antenna Systems Inc., to extend their service into the Ponderosa
With the city currently in the process of evaluating cable
television applicants, I would hope that the question of service
to Ponderosa would be postponed until the City has awarded the
cable television franchise.
As one of the cable television franchise applicants (Cablevision
Projects Inc.) we are especially concerned with any exceptions
to the original definition of the Franchise Territory as described
in section 1-A of the information provided to us by the city.
Sincerely Yours,
Duane A. Linholm
230 W. Aviation, Fallbrook, California 92028 - Phone (714) 728 - 1911