HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-03-01; City Council; 4091; GPA-44CITY OF CARLSBAD i ~ i I n i t i a 1 : AGENDA BILL NO. y^? y / Dept. Hd~. DATE: March JU_J2ZZ : City Atty DEPARTMENT: PLANNING City Mgr. SUBOTTCT:CASE NO." GPA-44 APPLICANT: L. BRUCE STALLARD STATEMENT OF THE MATTER The subject property is situated on the east side of Avenida de Encinas, north of Palomar Airport Road, along Freeway 1-5. The applicant requested a change of zone to C-2 for this property in March 1976. This request was denied by the City Council because the C-2 Zone was too broad to properly implement the T-S category and directed the drafting of a zone' to implement the T-S. (City Council approved the Commercial Tourist Zone on February 15, 1977.) However, the applicant does not feel the T-S land use category or the C-T Zone are broad enough to properly develop subject property. Therefore, the applicant has requested this land use change to permit a broader range of commercial uses. Staff recommended denial based on the reasons contained in the staff report of February 9, 1977. However, the Planning Commission agreed with the applicant that the site was not suited for travel service uses, and is therefore recommending that the requested amendment be approved. In addition the Planning Commission requested that the City Council direct the Staff to prepare a zone implementation program for the RRE land use category. Exhibits: Planning Resolution No. 1327 Staff Report, 2/9/77 Location Map Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Attorney be directed to prepare documents for approval of GPA-44 as per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1327. It is further recommended that the City Council direct staff to prepare a zone implementation program for the Extensive Regional Retail (RRE) land use designation. CouncilAction: 3-1-77 It was moved that the City Attorney be directed to prepare the necessary documents for approval of 'GPA-44 as per Planning Commission Resolution 1327 and futher that the staff be directed to prepare a zone implementation program for the Extensive Regional Retail (RRE)land use designation, FORM PLANNING 73 2 •3 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1327 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOM- MENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION OF GPA-44, A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT TO CHANGE THE DESIGNATION IN THE LAND USE ELEMENT FROM TS (TRAVEL SERVICES COMMERCIAL) TO RRE (EXTENSIVE REGIONAL RETAIL) ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF AVENIDA ENCINAS, NORTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND WEST OF FREEWAY 1-5. CASE NO.: GPA-44 APPLICANT: L. BRUCE STALLARD WHEREAS, a verified application for a certain property, as shown on the attached map, has been filed with the City of Carlsbad and referred to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request as provided by Title 21 of the "Carlsbad Municipal Code;" and WHEREAS, the public hearing was held at the time and in the place specified in the public notice on.February 9, 1977; and WHEREAS, the subject application has complied with the requirements of the Carlsbad Environmental Protection Act of 1972 because: a) A Negative Declaration has been issued for the following reasons: 1) The General Plan Amendment would not significantly alter the intensity of impacts resulting from development; 2) The site is graded and devoid of vegetation. Therefore, impacts to the physical environment will be minimal; and WHEREAS, the proposed General Plan Amendment is consistent with the the City of Carlsbad's policies and ordinances dealing with the public facilities because: a) Conditions of approval of GPA-44 assure the above; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering the testi- mony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desired to be heard, said Commission considered all facts relating to the General Plan Amendment and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 found the following facts and reasons to exist: 1) The subject site is not a good location for travel services type uses because of the noise created by the nearby railroad, the traffic conflicts with industrial employees in the area and the general industrial character of the area. 2) The RRE category will permit the large-scale commercial uses that would be compatible with the nearby industrialized uses and would benefit from exposure to 1-5. 3) The site is of sufficient size to accommodate an RRE land use. 4) The site is readily available to a large volume of customers as required for an RRE.area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. B) That an Amendment to the Land Use Element of the General Plan be adopted changing the designation from TS (Travel Services Commercial) to RRE (Extensive Regional Retail) on property located on the east side of Avenida Encinas, north of Palomar Airport Road and West of Freeway 1-5. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, at a regular meeting held on February 9, 1977, by the following vote, to wit: ' AYES: Commissioners, Larson, Rombotis, Watson and Fikes. NOES: Commissioners L'Heureux and Jose. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Nelson. C LARSONT CHAIRMAN ATTEST: -J RALPHS. PLENDERTSECRETARY -2- CITY OF CARLSBAD Planning Department STAFF REPGRT February 9, 1977 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT CASE NUMBER: GPA-44 APPLICANT: L. BRUCE STALLARD (AGENT) REQUEST: The applicant requests a general plan land use element amendment from Travel Service (TS) to Extensive Regional Retail (RRE). SECTION I; STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the change of land use designation from TS to RRE be denied because: 1) The Travel Service designation is highway dependent., whereas Extensive Regional Retail uses are not dependent on freeway accessibility and visibility. 2) The site, because of its close proximity to' the proposed State Beach expansion and existing and planned employment centers, is better suited to Travel Service uses. 3) According to the criteria for Extensive Regional Retail (RRE) set forth is the Land Use Element, the City does not have the support population to justify adding additional RRE areas. SECTION II: STAFF BACKGROUND REPORT k°_?Allon and Descrjj3t^p_n_of_PjlP£_eJlLy_l The subject property is located on the .east side of Avenida Encinas, adjacent to Interstate 5. The property is bounded on the south by the AAA Tire Sales property and on the north by a curve in Avenida Encinas which intersects the 1-5 right-of-way. The property is slightly less than 5 acres in area with a frontage of about 700 feet along Avenida de Encinas- The subject property consists of a vacant parcel on the south, which at one time accommodated a mobile home sales facility on a portion of it. Directly to the north of the vacant parcel there is a commercial nursery (Carlsbad Nursery). Further to the north-is an office .building. -1- The parcel is of unusual shape and has approximately 1330 lineal feet of frontage on Avenida Encinas. The property includes approximately 1390 lineal feet adjacent to Interstate 5. Street improvements exist along the entire parcel frontage on Avenida Encinas. The topography is relatively flat with no outstanding landform features. E x i s t i n g Z o n i n g : Subject Property: North: South: East: West: Surrounding Land Use: Subject Property North South East West C-l & R-A-10,000 PM & R-A-10,000 C-2 Interstate 5 TM and PM-Q Vacant Carlsbad Nursery & IDMC AAA Tire Sales Interstate 5 Vacant and Burroughs Corp. Environmental Impact Information: A negative declaration has been issued for the following reasons: 1) The General Plan Amendment would not significantly alter the intensity of impacts resulting from development; 2) The site is graded and devoid of vegetation. Therefore, impacts to the physical environment will be minimal. Public Facilities: The Fire Department has indicated that water service in the area is "marginal" and that it should be upgraded. The Burroughs Corporation to the north and west of the subject property has previously suggested a traffic signal at, the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and Avenida Encinas. Past History and Related Cases: The mobile home sales facility on a portion of the subject property was allowed by a zone change from R-A-10,000 to C-l (ZC-103S C.C. Ord. 9346 dated March 20, 1973), a Specific Plan (SP-103, C.C. Reso. 3073, -2- dated March 6, 1973) and a Conditional Use Permit (CUP-75, P.-C. Reso. 871, dated February 13, 1973). The C.U.P expired on February 13, 1976. Carlsbad Nursery, located to the north of the mobile home sales, lot, is allowed by Conditional Use Permit (CUP-28, P.C. Reso. 539 dated December 12, 1967). The approval of the CUP-28 was "granted for 10 years, which would expire December 12, 1977. In March of 1976, the applicant requested a zone change from PM, R-A-10 & C-l to C-2 on the subject property. The City Council denied the request because the range of uses contained in the C-2 zone are inconsistent with the types of uses allowed by the general plan for the TS (Travel Service) land use designation (C.C. Reso. 3978, dated August 3, 1976). Major PIanni ng Con si derati on : * Is this freeway-oriented site more suitable to Travel Services or Extensive Regional Retail uses? Does the City have the market population to support additional ExtensiveRegional Retail uses? General Plan .Information: The subject property is designated Travel Service (TS) on the Land Use Map of the General Plan. The applicant proposes to change this designation to Extensive Regional Retails. The Land Use Element defines these Land Uses as follows: Travel Services: 1) Travel Service areas, including motels, highway-oriented service stations, and restaurants, serve business and industrial areas as well as the traveling public. These establishments should be accessible to interregional traffic, but they need not have direct roadway access as long as their location is easily ident- ifiable. While many patrons pass through the City and stop only overnight, while establishments also serve as the residence of people visit- ing the area for business or pleasure. Their space requirements relate to the needs of the entire northern San Diego County, area. The space requirement for a specific location is depend- ent on the amount and type of transient traffic and the needs and extensiveness of nearby business and industrial areas. A site of five or more acres is required to provide a full range of travel services and facilities. Two important factors in developing travel service areas are: (1) maintaining a func- tional street system through access control; and, (2) prevent- ing detrimental effects on or by adjacent lard uses. -3- Possibly the most unobtrusive .locations for traffic depen- dent business are along major streets and adjacent to exten- sive business or recreational areas. Traffic dependent bus- iness establishments should be separated from residential areas. Ext e n s i v e R e g i o n a 1 R e tai1 These commercial areas include a wide range of establishments deal- ing in large, low volume, high cost items such as furniture, auto- mobiles (new and used), lumber and building materials, boats, mobile homes, farm machinery and garden supplies. Extensive shop- ping establishments are similar in market and population require- ments to intensive shopping establishments, but, because 'of the cost of the items sold and the infrequency of purchase, customers are willing to travel greater distances to compare price and-quality In response to the wide range of items sold and the varied physical and transportation requirements involved, these establishments are rarely suited to planned shopping centers (except for household furnishings such as furniture and appliances) and seek locations accessible to a large population because they have a relatively low patron frequency. Intersections of primary streets, or near these intersections along a major arterial, meet their access needs. Their location should be near developments with similar physical characteristics, suitably separated from residential areas. Because of wide variety in their development, extensive storage and display needs, and need to associate with other business, wholesale and distribution activities, these establishments cannot be organized into independent functional shopping centers. The general space requirements for extensive shopping needs is one acre per 1000 fam- ilies. Incidental Informat ion: The previous application for C-2 zoning was initiated for two reasons. First, the applicant wished to construct a 1. i n c o 1 n - Mer- cury dealership on the 3.2 acre site north of the AAA Tire Sales. Second, the owner of the office building north of the nursery found that the P-M zone limited the types of uses for that facility and felt that the commercial designation was better suited to rental demand. -4- SECTION III. DISCUSSION: A major issue raised with respect.to the project in whether the local market has the capacity for more Regional Retail areas. The Land Use Element suggests that there should be 1 acre of R R il areas for every 1000 fannj_j_es_. Since the existing RRE areas con- stitute approximately 69 acres, it would appear that the need for additional RRE areas has not been justified. A second consideration is the fact that the site has excellent accessibility and visibility from 1-5. Extensive Regional Retail uses deal in large, low volume, high cost items such as furniture, automobile, lumber and building materials, boats, mobile homes, etc. These types of retail facilities do not generally attract the impulse buyer (i.e., the motorist traveling down 1-5). The Travel Service uses, however, serve the motoring public. The TS areas must be easily identifiable and accessible to high volumes of transient traffic. No marketing data is available concerning the need for additional Travel Service facilities. Judging from recent construction activity, the number of TS uses is being slowly increased throughout the City. Traffic volumes on 1-5 have been fairly stable at around 60,000 ADT since the time of the Arab oil embargo. Caltrans pre- dicts that this volume will rise to 90,000 by 1995. It appears that in order for the City to adequately judge the suit- ability of a TS use versus an RRE use, a marketing/economic analysis would be necessary. The Commission may wish to recommend that the applicant be responsible for justifying the need for a given use. The question of need aside, staff believes that the site is better suited to TS uses. The area is within walking distance to.the planned State Beach expansion. Alsos the area is proximate to employment centers along the Palomar Airport Road corredor. Because of these factors, TS facilities such as restaurants and motels which would serve transient business persons and tourists seem appropriate. The City Council has in the past, expressed concerns about the pro- liferation of commercial uses along 1-5. Staff shares this concern and believes that commercial development along 1-5 should be oriented to traffic dependent uses. Because the freeway has--for better or worse—-become the "window to the City", "design will be a particularly critical issue for future developments. DHW:ar (2/17/77) ATTACHMENT: Map of Commercial Land Uses designations along 1-5: -5- •<> tS \VYCV_ . • rX l;—,,,~ 1 \ .:t:\jvui ^-- -s 5-^);:" Si *•••--— -X '•-^••;,-\ • x, x-, Services \eighbo r h o o cf C o rn iii e r c i a A1A\Vi"-v\\v Travel Services. »>*Xi^'.^v-:,, .,,^' X ravel Serv ,^prNel9hbo7hoCa?F-' /^ R^--1' / t_>"; Ur5'' ••"i'-r—Recro-, ^ • "X^.. / •- I'=-t'A"" ' /^C%7 % AX°"^re^'< v^-^A • «- 7 / -•y.p., ^v-y^, m I^&Z'-A '••• /0\_® v..^. •\ A i •'••^^U^^-e' - xyX i :x /. r"- •iriS=iyrAiV3f^ \Y^v;a.;E•^"^cc^ '-V\AH\V-^>-..- AUbi?$ \\ \\ \v\; t - OS PC DB! Address or Location of Rtcu^st: : ;r~.-s"7~ • /-.pp i -i CB rii.: Enor. or Arc Critf L?csl: Assessor Hook: _ ?V/9 _ _ P^os: j'/G G'?;;.c-ral F"U-:n Land Use Description: •—-<: :.">:isting /.cme: ^--"2- •• _P: Acres: ,-^? Sc!:ool District: Wot.tr Soi'ii \a t ion District: ("-, «'.of ots :Oil/Ac, re Wilhin r.r.':-;:~t. 'J-lon Area:Permit Art-a: HO ?;,'•',52 R RE OS' R M PALO MAR AIRPORT' ROAD L. BRUCE STALLARD REALTOR' REALTOR TELEPHONE 234-4139 1222 INDIA STREET SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 March 1, 1977 City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: General Plan Amendment (GPA-44) 147' Northerly of Palomar Airport Road Between Avenida Encinas North and 1-5 Gentlemen: This is the third time this matter has come before you. The owner of this property seeks relief from the hardship which the present travel service designation imposes upon him because of the very restricted use limitations inherent in that designation. It is considered that the R. R. E. (extensive regional commercial) designation would not preclude the land's use for hotel, motel, restaurant and other travel service oriented uses but would also expand its potential utilization to uses for which there exists an effective demand. I am sympathetic with and understand the logic of the Citizens Advisory Planning Group and certain members of your body who consider- ed travel service to be a desirable use for this property. For many years, I also considered travel service type of business to be a highly desirable use for this property and I stubbornly stuck to that concept beginning in the fall of 1966 at about the same time I was negotiat- ing the Denny's Restaurant lease for the southeast quadrant of 1-5 and Palomar Airport Road. In 1966, we placed appropriate signs on the property offering to lease or build-to-suit for restaurants, motel and similar uses. We sent direct mail solicitations to the various motel and restaurant chains includ- ing Howard Johnson, Motel 6, Travelodge, Royal Inns and many others. ME:MQERCAI COTATP AOPBAIRERB . AMERICAN SOCIETY OF REAL ESTATE GDUNfffil,On0 « SOCIETY rp ffjn<.OTf*1*;1 ™ <i City Council March 1, 1977 Page 2 At that time, we were offering both the subject site and the vacant site on the east side of 1-5 adjacent to Denny's to the south. We followed up our many direct mailings by personal telephone calls and held discussions with those in charge of making site selection decisions. Our only reward as far as motels were concerned was that after we could not sell Motel 6 on the concept of this subject location, we were successful in placing Motel 6 at the southeast quadrant of 1-5 and Mission Avenue in Oceanside. Motel 6 expressed a very decided preference for that location. For ten long years, we have personally pursued travel service oriented businesses. We have also solicited the cooperation of active commercial real estate brokers from Santa Barbara on the north to Chula Vista on the south, including realtors specializing in motel and restaurant leasing and developing. The conclusion is self-evident. Experience has proven my use concept could not be substantiated in the market place as the land is still not utilized and year by year becomes a greater burden on its owner. Mr. Dealy and the Ecke family are very desirous of developing this land in such a manner as will compliment and upgrade the neighborhood. They have a tremendous stake in the adjacent lands. Therefore, their own welfare would be more acutely and adversely effected than anyone else if this were not done. You will find attached hereto, as Exhibit "A", a list of various reasons,expressed to me by prospects to whom we have submitted the property, for rejecting this site for their use. We respectfully request that you concur with the Planning Com- mission and grant the R. R. E. designation to this property. Thank you for your kind cooperation. Sincerely yours, L. BRUCE LBSrjlc Enc. - Exhibit "A" EXHIBIT "A1 I. INCOMPATIBILITY A. The noises from early morning auto traffic to and from Burroughs parking lot west across Avenida Encinas and the traffic noise from 1-5 freeway on the east side of this site. B. The adjacent site to the south, that is, the tire sale--service and dies el oil facility. C. The potential industrial uses between Avenida Encinas and the railroad westerly of the site which may include rail traffic and truck dock activity, etc. II. VISIBILITY fa EXPOSURE A. The two-story office building adjacent to the site to the north partially blocks the view to the southbound traffic on 1-5. B. The growth of the State Division of Highways landscaping coupled with the 30 ft. height sign limitation in Carlsbad limits the effective visibility and exposure to southbound traffic. C. Distant visibility to northbound traffic is impaired by the fact that 1-5 is going through a cut as it approaches and continues through under Palomar Airport Road overpass. The off-ramp from 1-5 to Palomar Airport Road on the west side effectively separates the southerly 730 ft. of this site, so that traffic 6n 1-5, particularly the northbound, is not in close proximity to the site. III. ACCESSIBILITY A. To southbound traffic, this site has good access from 1-5 via the Palomar Airport Road off ramp. Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" B. Northbound traffic - The site is not "effectively visible" to the travelling public northbound as it comes into view only when a vehicle is approximately opposite the site. Then, if the traveller is sufficiently interested and wishes to return to the site, he must go one mile north to Cannon Road off ramp to Paseo Del Norte, then right and south one mile to Palomar Airport Road, then westerly along Palomar Airport Road back to and across the freeway to Avenida Encinas then north to the site. The fact that Avenida Encinas North does not extend all the way from Palomar Airport Road to Cannon Road, is considered a detriment to the possibility of north- bound traffic returning to the site. IV. GEOGRAPHIC & NEIGHBORHOOD LOCATION CONSIDERATIONS A. The distance between Los Angeles/Orange County metropolitan area and the metropolitan area of San Diego is a relatively short freeway drive, generally referred to as two hours. The great majority of the travelling public between these points drives directly to their destination without a. nightly stop over. B. Population - The subject site has a limited population within one mile. In addition, there are no magnet-type activities in the general area such as colleges or universities, military installations or other activity which would attract an unusual number of visitors. (For example, Motel 6 was prompted to choose Oceanside because of its proximity to the Camp Pendleton Marine Base and the higher population in the close proximity to the site afforded by Oceanside. It has been the consensus of opinion of the motel people to whom we have presented this property that it is limited in its potential to the budget type motel such as Motel 6, Easy 8, etc. and in recent years we have concentrated on this type of motel and find that even they are not interested. We have primarily sought family-type dinner restaurants with cocktail lounge as Denny's provides the coffee shop type facility in this vicinity. Some of the objections listed above were offered by the dinner-type restaurant organizations. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (GPA-44) NOT Carlsbad 1200 Elm .March 1, Amendmen Commerci or such the East Encinas Carlsbad ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City will hold a public hearing at the Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 1977, to consider an application t (Land Use Element) for a change a!) designation to R.R.E. (Extensi other designation. The property i side of Avenida Encinas between I North and 147 feet northerly of Pa California, and as shown on the APPLICANT: PUBLISH: L. BRUCE STALLARD February 18, 1977 Council of the City of City Council Chambers, 7:30 P.M., on Tuesday, for a General Plan from T.S. (Travel Services ve Regional Commercial) s generally located on nterstate 5 and Avenida lomar Airport Road, map below. CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL R RE R M Q-S- • -. VA• '•• \AJ\ PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD RMH TS PI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (GPA-44) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, 'California, at 7:00 P.M., on Wednesday, February 9, 1977, to consider an application for a General Plan Amendment (Land Use Element) for a change from T.S. (Travel Services Commercial) designation to R.R.E. (Extensive Regional Commercial) or such other designation. The property is generally located on the East side of Avenida Encinas between Interstate 5 and Avenida Encinas North and 147 feet northerly of Palomar Airport Road, Carlsbad, California, and as shown on the map below. Those persons wishing to .-speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing,. If you have any questions, please call 729-1181 and ask for the Planning Department. APPLICANT: L. BRUCE STALLARD PUBLISH: January 29, 1977 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Paul and Magdalena Ecke P.O. Box 488, Encinitas, CA 92024 2. Burroughs Corp. 5600 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad, CA 92008 3. Paul and Magdalena Ecke P.O. Box 488, Encinitas, CA 92024 4. Paul and Magdalena Ecke P.O. Box 488, Encinitas, CA 92024 5. Paul and Magdalena Ecke c/o Exxon Corporation, P.O. Box 53, Houston, TX 77001 6. Paul and Magdalena Ecke P.O. Box 488 Encinitas, CA 92024 *#<* - -u-/• t•.] - '' ravel Services^ Nei'9hborhood" Commercial Travel Servi c -•.V. / \ i;^^-u:/mu^jM^^ V k Neighborhood ComUlc 1 a 1 Travel Service ve Regional Ret' ' " —-<^ *\ ' ?"' ' IfC-^^-^V-,5 .v, . '1X"::.\>..V'V'".". ?-**•:,'.. ;'";. ^;"7:yY'^7"?;^--'"-v-;-^;?;>-;% '•"" ™;--—^-«•--.=•• VvV-v;\V:=\ • . -:---;-?-:-^-./v\! ;..- -.v.v-/.' j^^tr-;,--'- -•--;*-•->t---;r- ' f -.- • - -' \" , V"" ' ••-..' •"-".-: V- - -I . _•••.•"-*•. • ' ' : j^T.--'-, I' '-*! "•'• , !"' 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STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of San Diego: I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above- entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the -ribune a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published daily p xcerf ^.a|_. c.___--oli^a;:^ . ,, r., f Oceavisidein the City of County of San Diego, and which newspaper tiSs been adjudged a newspaper of general circulatlc," t>y the Superior Court of the County of San Diego, S'ate o-' '" ~> f P h i ' i c'pCalifornia, under the date of i.:.'±.....r.i:. ...:..., '9..-!.'-'., Case Number .LZ1.-.1.L'. ; that th? notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (se> in tyo« not smaller ihan nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper anc not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: F-bruary 1P, n<~j all in the year 19!...' I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Hieanside California, this L'.~l... day of....?.19 77 Signature Free cooies of this blank form may be secured from: CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER SERVICE BUREAU. INC.Since 1934 Legal Advertising Clearing House 2IO South Spring St., Los Angeles, Calif. 90012 Telephone: 625-214I Please request GENERAL Proof of Publication when orderingthis form. l*s S .,,...<.I i. This space is for the County Cleric's Filing Stamp Proof of Publication of Public GENERAL PLAN AHENDMENT (6H-4.1) "OTICE is HEREBY 6IVEN that the City Council of the City of • r™lsS? I111 Ilo1d • Pub1tl: hearing at the City Council Chambers,i! !k I" ?.?!ue' c»rlsbaa- California, at 7:30 P.H.. on Tuesday,narch 1, 1977, to consider an application' for a General PlanA«endnent Land Use Elenent) for a change fro* T.S. (Travel ServicesComercial) designation to R.R.E. (Extensive regional Connerdal)or such other designation. The property Is generally located onthe East side of Avenid* Encinas between Interstate 5 and AvenidaEncnas North and H7 feet northerly of Talonar Airport Road,Carlsbad, California, and as shown on the nap belo*. APPLICANT:L. BRUCE STALLARD RRE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL RM OS £*LOMAR AIRPORT ROAL. TS \~G PI PI Legal 2841 Feb. 18,1977,