HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-03-15; City Council; 4097; STREET NAME CHANGES CANDIL WY TO BOLERO ST, ARPA CT TO BOTELLA PL, CACATUA PL TO CACATUA ST, CACATUA CT TO CAPAZO CT, AZAHAR CT TO ALCINO CT, AZAHAR ST TO AZAHAR PL SNC IThe City Council St.re'et Name Change policy provid.es for the Planning Coimissiori to injtiate. r;hanges where there is a con6l.icting sitiiatfon among street names. A number of ttjese street names have been idcntified by Planri-inq. staff, Police arid Fire Departments. P'lanning s-taff has listed the mcst important conflicts, which number approximztely '23. The streets to be changed meet the Street Name Change policy. Street Name Change Group-1 was the first group of names that the Planning Commission took u-nder consideration. These. are relative.ly easy changes, since they are new streets with no present I-esidents. - cj?/~'~-~...'*rt k.*,..-z.::- I) . ?'. Group 1 originally also contilined th? request for a name chsngc of Lagoon Lane, which runs from PoinsettSa to Eatiquitos Lagoon and Ss pzrallel to 1-5. The Plaiininq Commission deleted this change and will rehear- thic; street iiair,e change to make sure that a7 1 property 0btnei-s have been noti-F.ied, and for further study on the new name. ,-- -, 4 .' '1 The Planning Corilrilission did however; approve the other names as suggestiJd by staff. Exhibits: . Planning Commission Resolution No. 1332 . Staff Report dated February 23, 1977 Summary Sheets __-I_ Re c omme 11 d a t i on : --~ It 7's reco1rinleridcd that the City Council direct City Attorney to prepare the documents approving SNC-I .as per Planning Commission Resolution No, 1332. Counci 1 Action: 3-15-77. The Council instructed the City Attorney to prepare the documents necessary for approval of Priority Group 1-1, Priority Group 113 and Priority Group 1-4, as set out in Resolution No. 1332. Furtner, the staff was instructed to ?eview Priority Group 1,-5 'of Resolution No. 1332 .and ,set .it for Public Hearing before the Planning Comnission and insuring that all property owners are notified. .. ,. ! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 '10 11 1% 1- 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .. -- I blllE:T!CfS, in accordance vci th subject pol-icy, A request to change certain street names, as follop!s: Priority Group 1-1 : Change _---_____I Candi 1 !day to ___-- Bo1 ero Street Pviority Group 1-3: Change -. Arja -- Court tc Botella Plzce ____ Priority Group 1-4: Change Cacatiia Place to -_~ Cacatua-S'crec~(a-cont'i ____ nuati 011 of Cacatua Street) Change Cacstua Court to ---_------I Capazo Court -- Priority Group 1-5: Change Azaliar Court -- to A1 c.i no Court I_- - has been filed with the City of Carlsbaci and referred to tile 'I ' i Pl anni ng Coiwii ss .i on; and WHEREAS, said request constitutes a legal request as cr provided by City Council Policy Statement No, 20; a.nd c NHEREAS, the pub1 ic hear-ing to consider thc subject street name change was held at the time a.nd in the place specified ' ir; the public notice on February 23, 1977; and WHEREAS, at sa-id public hearing, the Planning Cotmission heard and cons.idci-ed the testimony aH'd argun.>nj;s, if any, of all persons \ill0 des; red to be heard regarding thc' subject street nanie change request. xxxxxxxxxx - -- I 2 'I L. 4 t c E r E E IC 11 1.2 1: 14 1: 16 17 1E 12 2C 21 - . 22 23 .24 25 26 27 28 B) That approvit1 is granted for street name changcs i ti . Pr-iority ,Groups Nos. 1-1, 1-3, 1-4 and I--5, descr.ihctd here-i n. City of Cai-1sI)aci Planning Corririi'ission held on February 23, 1977, by the fol lo\,i.itig vote, to wit: * 5 AYES : Commissioners Ldr~on, L' Heur-eux, {lose, Ne1 son and Roi-iiboti s. NOES : None. ABSTAIII: None e AGSENT: Cominissioiiers Fi kes and Vatson. ATTEST: c. , *' STAFF REPORT .--__- February 23, 1977 TO: P LAN N I r\I G C 0 I4 M I S S I 0 N FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT CASE NO: SNC-I REQUEST: To consider recommending to City Council the changing of certain conflicting street names. *% R E C 0 M M E I! D AT I 0 N S : Staff recomm.ends that the proposed street name change.s be -- APPP.CVED for the following reasons: 1) Streets with the same names and with similar sounding names make 2) Approving the name changes for the conflicting streets .will relieve it diff-icult for emergency vehicles to respond to correct locations. this situation. 3) The name changes will help promo'te the intent of the City's street name change pol icy. BACKGROUND - : The City Council street name change policy provides for the Planning Commission to initiate changes where there is a conflicting situation among street names. A number of these situations have been identified by staff. The Planning Commission approved a work program and adopted a Resolution of Intention (.#130, July 14, 1976), to conduct a public hearing on SNC Group I. Before the public hearing for Group-1 took place the streets involved were revised, as staff deleted the least important conflicts. The result was a Revised Work Program, which meant Croup-I was now comprised of a new set of streets. On January 26, 1977, Resolution of Intention 136, was adopted, along with the Revised Work Progranu, to provide for a public hearing on revised SNC Group-I. DISCUSSION: The SNC Group-I contains five separate street conflicts involving streets from a number of areas in Carlsbad. The streets in this group have little or no development and should be relativelv,easy to process. (Please see attached sunimary sheets for further discussion). ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: No Environmental Assessment is require.d. -____-___~ GENERAL PLAN INFORMATION: - . The proposed street name changes are not in conflict with the General Plan. CG:ar At t a c hinen t s : Summary Sheets -2- .. . .. - r ., - . A) STREETS INVOLVED: --I_-- CAND,IL WAY CANTIL STREET B) PROBLEM: - TILIO STREETS HAVE SIMILAR NAMES . C) MAP RELATIONSHIP: -...--___ \ D) LAND USES: - CANTIL STREET: VACANT CANDIL WAY: VACANT S-F PARCE E) TFNTATTU F€EUUfIIITInN: CHANGE CANDIL WAY TO BOLERO STREET -I A) - STREETS INVOLVED: ARPA COURT AURA CIRCLE B) --_- PROBLEM: The two streets names sound similar. C) ---- MAP RELATIONSHIP: - D) LAND USES: ARPA COURT: VACANT-6 AURA CIRCLE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE-4. E) TENTATIVE RECOMMENDATIONS: CHANGE ARPA COURT TO BOTELLA PLACE - A) STREETS INVOLVED: ___ CACATUA PLACE, CACATUA STREET, CACATUA COURT. B) PROBLEM: - The three streets have the same name. C) MAP RELATIONSHIP: i I \ D) LAND USES: - CACATUA PLACE Vacant 15 CACATUA STREET CACATUA COURT Vacant 15. Vacant 5 S-F-R 3 E ) T E N T AT I V E R E C 0 MM E N D AT I 0 N S : CHANGE CACATUA PLACE TO CACATUA STREET (MAKING CACATUA STREET CONTINUE) AND CHANGE CACATUA COURT TO CAPAZO COURT.. .L 4. A) -- STREETS IN 0 - B) PROBLEM: The -.____ SUMMARY SI1 FET P R I GmYTm-F-7- I 5 ~ ED: AZAHAR CO! RT, ZAH three streets have the same name AZAtiAR STREET. C) MAP RELATIONSHJP: R PLACE, ID D) LAND USES: AZAHAR COURT Vacant 16- AZAHAR- PLACE AZAHAR STREET Vacant ZT- Vacant 28 E). TENTATIVE RECOMMENDATIONS: CHANGE AZAHA-R-C~~TTOALCINO COURT AND CHANGE AZAHAR STREET 'TO AZAHAR PLACE (WHICH CONTINUES AZAHAR PLACE). CITY- OF CARLSBAD- March 15. 1977 6. AGENDA BILL #4097 - STREET NAME CHANGES - SNC-1. The Acting Planning Director, Bud Plender, gave a staff report on the matter. He indicated these streets were being recommended first for name changes as they were unoccupied and would be easier to change. Council questioned the reasons for changing the names and the method used for selecting new names. Councilman Packard requested a list of the proposed street name changes. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to be heard and declared the public hearing open. Norman Goldfarb, 3019 Azahar Court, Carlsbad, Joan tioodward and Michael \.Joodward, 3021 Azahar Court, Carlsbad addressed Council stating the area is inhabited. They read and then present .ed to the Clerk a petition signed by 25 resi- dents of Azahar Court, which protested changinq the name of Azahar Court and suggested alterna- tives to that particular change. No one else wished to be heard, so the Mayor closed the public hearing at 7':44 P.M. Following a brief discussion, Council instruct- ed the City Attorney to prepare the documents ~~~~~~'~~1, lf3 and 1-4, 'and referred Group 1-5 back to the Planning Commission. to pprove 8he name changes in ~__ COUNCILMEN lo ,i on iyes 3 D ? 9* W3, the undersigned of Azahar Court, request that the City of Carlsbad not change our street name to AlcinoCourt for the following reasons: 1. Inconvenience and time involved on the homeowners* part in being forced to have new checks produced, re-registering to vote, changing legal documents such as deed to house, driver's license and auto registration} to say nothing of notifying places of employment, insurance companies, tax assessor and collector, credit card companies, magazine and newspaper publishers, changing school records, club organization rosters, and hundreds of friends and relatives. 2. Ixpenses incurred for paper, postcards, dbamps, toll call charges where applicable, fees to handle paper work where applicable,such as auto registration, etc., reprinting charges for stationery and checks. In view of the above, if our request is denied, we are asking that the City reimburse each homeowner a minimum of ten ($10.00) dollars to partially cover our expenses, and allow us to have a voice in choosing a new name. NAM5 NUMBER / ?.•/^ATny /TluAyL ^ *ftf*>1»y jfii^as/ •n^ **