HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-03-15; City Council; 4098; Bristol Cove Storm Drain Assessment ProjectCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. 9 / _ _ Initial: Dept.Hd. DATE: March 15, 1977 DEPARTMENT: Public Works _ . c. Mgr Subject: Bristol Cove Storm Drain Assessment Project Statement of the Matter Council, on May 4, 1976 (AB3546; Supplement #1), unanimously approved a recommendation to staff to include $5,000 in the budget for the purpose of retaining an engineer to determine the chance of success of an assessment district to install a storm drain system westerly of Park Drive from north- of Adams to the end of James Drive. * Staff requested proposals to perform the work from ten firms. Proposals from five firms were received and analyzed by staff. EXHIBITS A. Staff memo B. Sample Request for proposal C. List of firms sent requests (annotated to show responses) D. Proposal from recommended firm RECOMMENDATION It is staff's recommendation that the City Council authorize staff to negotiate a contract with the firm of Bement-Dainwood-Sturgeon for preliminary engineering work on the proposed Bristol Cove Storm Drain Assessment Project. Council Action: 3-15-77 It was agreed that the staff be authorized to negotiate a contract with the firm of Bement-Dainwood-Sturqeon for pre- liminary engineering work on the proposed Bristbl Cove Storm Drain Assessment Project. A statement by the City Attorney was made that it should be understood that the City's parti- cipation in this matter in no way indicates any recognition by the City that it is responsible for the siltation problem at Bristol Cove, that the City is attempting to assist the property owners and that the Assessment District does not mean that the City is any part of the Assessment District. March 7, 1977 MEMORANDUM TO: City Manager FROM: Public Works Administrator SUBJECT: Bristol Cove Storm Drain Assessment Project The City Council on May 4, 1976 (AB 3546; Supplement #1) authorized staff to include funds in the amount of $5,000 in this year's budget for the purpose of retaining an assessment district engineer to determine if the property owners in and around Bristol Cove and it's upstream areas would be willing to proceed with an assessment district. Staff sent a request for proposal (RFP) to ten (10) firms asking for proposals to provide assessment and other engineering functions for the entire project. While the entire project was broken into three phases, it was made clear that we were assuming no obligation beyond the first phase until Council was satisfied that the project would succeed and specifically authorized continuation of the assess- ment proceedings. Proposals were submitted by the following firms: Boyle Engineering Corporation Neste, Brudin & Stone Lawrence, Fogg, Smith & Associates Allied Engineering in association with Jud Naiman Bement, Dainwood & Sturgeon Staff analyzed the proposals as well as supplemental information submitted. Direct conversations were held with other agencies who had used these firms for assessment work. On the basis of an analysis of the submitting firms understanding of the project and their dem- onstrated capability as evidenced by the recommendations received, staff recommends Bement, Dainwood & Sturgeon. Their proposed budget of $3,600 for Phase I work is within the budget allocation of $5,000. RECOMMENDATION It is staff's recommendation that the City Council authorize staff to negotiate a contract with the firm of Bement-Dainwood-Sturgeon for preliminary engineering work on the proposed Bristol Cove Storm Drain Assessment Project. Ronald A. Beckman Public Works Administrator RAB/wv December 29, 1976 The City of Carlsbad is interested in receiving proposals for a potential assessment district which will, if successful, result in the construction of 2700 feet of closed conduit storm drain in or parallel to an existing unlined channel. The total project will be broken into three phases. The first will be a prelimi- nary investigation to determine the potential for successful proceedings. The second phase, if approved by City Council, will be the design and assessment work with construction being the third phase. This request for proposal primarily concerns the first phase of the project which is anticipated to include confirmation of project scope and cost estimates, contact, as necessary, with benefiting property owners, preliminary indi- cation of benefit and cost spread and any other information which may be necessary to reasonably predict the chances of success for the proposed assessment district. While the specifics of the project will be determined ultimately by the design portion of the contract, it has been assumed that construction of 2700 lineal feet of 48" diameter R.C.P. may be involved. In submitting his proposal, the Engineer should indicate how the work will be organized and coordinated. A brief biographical sketch should be included for each person to whom major responsi- bility will be delegated. The biographical information should indicate how the experience and training of the individual will relate to the specific task assignment. Completion of the Phase I work outlined is expected within three calendar months follow- ing the date of contract execution Included for information purposes, is a recent staff report which led to council authorization to initiate Phase I work. December 29, 1976 Page 2 INFORMATION TO BE SUBMITTED 1. A narrative statement clearly explaining how the above work will be allocated, organized and coordinated. 2. A reasonably detailed schedule showing target dates for completing the various items of work. 3. The total lump sum fee for the first phase of work outlined above. 4. The additional fee for carrying the project from this point to completion of construction including all assessment, engineering, inspection and administrative consultant services for planning and execution of a complete"project through to conclusion including preparation of reports, plans, specifications, contract documents, presentations to staff and council and any other work attendant to a complete assessment district proceedings. PROPOSAL EVALUATION The proposals submitted in response to this request will be evaluated by City staff. Consideration will be given to the qualifications of the project team members, the manner in which the work will be organized and coordinated, the work program and schedule and the fee for services provided. However, the fee, in itself, shall not be the determining factor. The City of Carlsbad reserves the right to reject all proposals if none meet the qualifications sought by the evaluation committee. DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTAL To be eligible for consideration, proposals must be received in the office of the Public Works Administrator, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 on or before 4:00 P.M. Friday, January 28, 1977. Sincerely, Ronald A. Beckman, P.E. Public works Administrator RAB/wv ATTACHMENTS Attached mailed to: Rick Engineering 3088 Pio Pico Dr. Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Municipal Engineers, Inc. 615 Ash San Diego, Ca. Attn: Byrl D. Phelps Proposal-Neste, Brudin & State Received 16776 Bernardo Center Dr, Rancho Bernardo, Ca. Jack Kubota P.O. Box 1095 Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Proposal-Judson Naiman — (Proposal submitted by Allied Engineers Received 2173 Tokalon St. in association with Jud Naiman). San Diego, Ca. 92110 Proposal-Bement, Dainwood & Sturgeon Received 6150 Mission Gorge Rd. San Diego, Ca. 92120 Proposal-Boyle Engineering Corporation Received 4525 Mission Gorge Pi. San Diego, Ca. Phillips, Jeffries & Assoc. 8262 University Ave. La Mesa, Ca. Roy L. Kelma Engineers, Inc. 431 No,. Hale Escondido, Ca. Proposal-Lawrence-Fogg-Smith & Assoc, Received 8580 La Mesa Blvd. La Mesa, Ca. BEMENT - DAIN WOOD - STURGEON CIVIL ENGINEERS 615O MISSION GORGE ROAD • SUITE 128 • SAN DIEGO, CALIF. 9212O • (714) 28O-4842 RECEIVED January 28, 1977 JAN 2 8 1977 CITY OF CARLSBAD . . ^ n n Engineering DepartmentMr. Ronald A. Beckman Public Works Administrator City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. Beckman: The following proposal is in response to your letter of December 29, 1976, regarding formation of an Assessment District for financing the construction of a storm drainage system in the Bristol Cove area. In our opinion, a Special Assessment District under the Improvement Act of 1911, or the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, appears to be a reasonable method to accomplish the construction and apportion the costs according to benefits received. Generally, benefits from drainage construction will vary consider- ably throughout a watershed or basin and usually fall into several categories. Those properties that recover land that is otherwise unusuable derive an easily determined benefit since market values of land are known. The benefit to properties that are protected to a greater degree from inundation, erosion or depostion is also not difficult to ascertain. There may be an area in the district that derives special benefits because of nuisance problems connected with run-off. When these zones of direct benefit have been outlined and the value of their assessment determined, remaining project costs are usually spread on the balance of the properties within the dis- trict boundaries. These properties contribute to the problem and benefit indirectly from the improvement. As you know, design and construction are the least difficult por- tions of an Assessment Act project. Defining the area of benefit, and spreading the assessment is the real problem and is usually the determing factor of a successful project. This requires a great deal of liason with owners that are to be assessed, laying it out, explaining where the costs are and justifying the assessment. Mr. Ronald A. Beckman January 28, 1977 Page Two PHASE 1; 1. Preliminary Investigation. a. Detailed study of drainage basin. b. Feasibility study to determine effectiveness-of a drainage system, alignment, location and extent of construction. c. Estimate costs of construction, acquisition and incidentals, i.e. total project costs. d. Define area of benefit and establish district boundary. e. Liason with City Staff. f. Preliminary spread using estimated- costs to obtain per- spective of assessments. g. Prepare report. h. Presentation to City Council or other officials. We will complete preliminary investigation for the lump sum price of $3,600.00. Work on this first phase will commence upon receiving Notice to Pro- ceed and will be completed within 90 calendar days. PHASE 2; Preparation of plans, diagrams, specifications and other Assessment District documents. It would be difficult to prepare a schedule of work or determine in- cidental costs, i.e. engineering, legal, right-of-way, etc., without knowing the full scope of the project. The preliminary investigation would determine this and upon completion of Phase 1 a firm cost fig- ure could be ascertained. Generally, these costs, exclusive of right- of-way negotiation and acquisition, are as follows: Construction Costs 100,000 - 200,000 20% - 18% 200,000 - 300,000 18% - 16% Mr. Ronald A. Beckman January 28, 1977 Page Three PHASE 3; Construction. Also inspection and testing costs would depend upon the scope of the project which could be determined at completion of Phase 1 of the project. Based upon 2,700" of 48" R.C.P., compaction testing should not exceed $1,500.00 and inspection will run approximately 3% to 5% of construction costs. Some agencies contribute construction inspec- tion costs to an Assessment District. This relieves the burden some- what on property owners and occasionally has a promotional effect. Personnel of Bement-Dainwood-Sturgeon consists of 3 principals, all registered civil engineers in the State of California, 7 full time employees and 2 part time employees. Major responsibility for the project will be delegated to the three principal members of our firm whose resumes are attached. Very truly yours, John F. Dainwood JFD/vp John F. Dainwood Registered Civil Engineer - California R.C.E. 15879 B.S.C.E. San Diego State College Experience 4 years - principal in firm of Bement-Dainwood-Sturgeon, Civil Engi- neers, actively engaged in Assessment Act projects and all phases of Municipal Engineering. 13 years - City of El Cajon, California, Engineering Department. As Assistant City Engineer, responsibilities included: 1. Supervision of Municipal Improvement projects consisting of design and construction of major drainage and sewage facili- ties, water systems, streets and highways, traffic signal systems and lighting systems, 1911 and 1913 Act Improvement Districts (assessments). 2. Preparation of contract documents, contractual negotiations, construction supervisions and materials testing. 3. Review of all subdivision plans and maps. Approval of street improvement projects submitted by private developers and sub- sequent control of construction. 4. Liaison with City's Planning Staff in alignment studies, site plans and specific plans, zoning studies, environmental im- pact and land development studies. 5. Preparation of reports for acquisition of State and Federal subsidies. 6. Deed preparation, negotiation and acquisition of Rights-of Way. 7. Conduct public hearings involved with annexation, assessments, etc. James D. Bement Registered Civil Engineer - California R.C.E. 16099 B.S.C.E. San Diego State College with Distinction in Engineering Graduate classes in Soils Engineering and Structural Design Experience 4 years - principal in firm of Bement-Dainwood-Sturgeon/ Civil Engi- neers, actively engaged in Assessment Act projects and all phases of Municipal Engineering. 4% years - Testing Engineers, Inc. Manager and Vice-President for 2% years. Supervision, training, trouble shooting and review of all testing and inspection services performed by 30 to 35 men. 2 years - Portland Cement Association Field Engineer for San Diego and Imperial Counties. 1 year - Tucker, Sadler and Bennett Structural design - wood, concrete, masonry and steel buildings. 2% hears - Rohr Corporation, Antenna Division Structural design - concrete, aluminum and steel: antennas, radio towers, radomes, gantry cranes, buildings. 2h years - California Division of Highways, Bridge Department Field Engineering and concrete and steel bridge design. Kent L. Sturgeon Registered Civil Engineer - California R.C.E. 22449 Registered Quality Engineer - California B.S.C.E. Heald Engineering College Teacher's Credential, Junior College Level - Engineering Experience 4 years - principal in firm of Bement-Dainwood-Sturgeon, Civil Engi- neers, actively engaged in Assessment Act projects and all phases of Municipal Engineering. 3 years - Testing Engineers, Inc. Assistant Manager and Materials Engineer - Responsible for laboratory operation, supervision of lab and field technicians, special engineering studies, 6 years - Monterey County Road Department Materials Engineer - Responsible for preliminary soils investiga- tions, operation of materials laboratory, supervision of techni- cians for field construction projects. Resident Engineer - Responsible for administration and inspection of road and bridge construction contracts. 2 years - Illinois Division of Highways Preliminary and construction surveying for bridges, highways and interchanges. Roadway and drainage design. MEMORANDUM DATE: March 16, 1977 TO: Bristol Cove Siltation Problem File FROM: City Attorney SUBJECT: Advice to City Council - March 15, 1977 Meeting As part of the City Council's approval at their meeting of March 15, 1977 I was asked to advise them on the situation and the Mayor requested that said advice jae included in My advice, based on my review of the Bristol Cove siltation problem, was that the City did not have any legal responsi- bility for the situation; that the problem was a private one to be resolved between the residents, the homeowners' association and the deve^er; that in processing this matter the Council was simply assisting a group of property owners to investigate the feasibility of using an assessment district to take care of a neighborhood problem; that it is a normal procedure for the City to assist property owners in their efforts to pay for their own public improvements; that the City's participation does not obligate the City to the district in anyway and that any citizen potentially affected by the proposed district will be afforded an opportunity to fully air their views and protest as they wish before the district can 'be formed. \ V VFB/mla cc: City Clerk VINCENT F. BIONDO, JR. City Attorney •