HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-03-24; City Council; 5019; Anti-Recession Fiscal Assistance ProgramCITY OF CARLSII_AD "A�qTaNiil"­ BILL -I40, C / 2 Initial: NARCH 24, 1977 Dept.Hd. G: C. mty. DEPARTMENT: FINANCE C. Mgr. p- subject: ANTI -.RECESSION FISCAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM "< ?.Statement of the' .Matter i� THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT FISCAL ASSISTANCE ACT HAS APPROPRIATED 4?PROXIMATE,Y $102,455 TO THE CITY OF CARL_BAD. THESE FUNDS ,MUST,Bt: APPROPRIATED, OBLIGATED OR SPENT IN VERY SPEC,FIC TIME FRAMES. THE ATTACHED GRAPHIC PROi?OSED USES OF FUNDS OF PROPOSALS INCLJDE `CHOSE AP*ROPRIATIONS ALREADY b o APPOOVEn BY COUNC`I L. IN ADDITION TO THOSE APPROPRIATIONS ALREADY APPROVED wE ARE REQUESTING THAT COUNCIL APPROVE THE, FOLLOWING AMOUNTS FOR THE' PURPOSES ,SPEC'IFIED: TOTAL COST I ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT $ 1,606 3. 2 POLICE` COMMUNICATORS 14,272 o^^_ L:BRARY'CATALorUING 10,000 SPACi; AtIALiSIS 16, Q00 C"� I ,PK06P ED ?t' m OF FUNDS F15CAL ASSISTANCE ACT SUMMARY o RESOL,gTION No. •S"03S . 1te8ommen da _tion If Council 9,oncurs, adopt'Resolution No. S—r)3s" a C��ncillAotinn: 4-5-77;.Rtsolutio No. 50359,E appropriating Anti -Recession Fiscal Aid Funds, o : Y Wav-adopted,' K``„a4 �S �v � •` y � ' J 4I CITY: OF CAPLISBA0 ANTI-R�CE5SI0N FTSCAL'ASSIS7ANCE PRO"ItAN_ RROPO,,ED i SE'S OP FUNDS FEE 78 SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE FBI? DATA ON PRGRAM COSTS. JAN-78. DEC 77 NQV 77 OCT•1977 1,1 SIST _ A11 OCT 77 EN�AM - UPGRADE PATR0l.M4N `• SEP 77 - T ENGINEERING INSP 1 6UILDING INSP 2 POLICE CowwICATORSI AUG 77 JULY 7, 1977 SPACE A�_iALYSIS IVY 77 1 ADNIN ASSIST ' 4 FIRENi_N JUN 77 MAY 20, 1977 ._ UiPAEEPATROAN NERING INSP MAY 77 I ADMIN ASSIST 14UILDING INSr 2 POLICE CO3v��1UNICATORS 4 FIREtN UPIWE PATROLMAN SPACE ANALYSIS APRIL 1977 ,, APR 77 1 Lu1NEERING INSP I BUILDING INSP 77. 1 POLICE Ca4KNICATOR `v LIBRARY CATALOG OEB 77 SPACE ANALYSIS C ' •JAN_ 77 JAN 7, 1977 GGI; 7-6 NGV 20, 1976 x . _ 10V 76 FIRST AND SECOND THIRD QUARTER FOURTH QUARTER $29, 612 _ 4'i1ARTER PAYMENTS 1/7/77 2TO 7/7l77 4/77 TO 10/77 .a $43, 231 11/20176 TO 5120/77 JULY 1977 FIFTH gVAKItIC US Kv""L^oLc-' RNOING BASED ON ol*MIES REM4INI., AFTER FIRST :--a}R QUARTERLY PAYMN'TS 7171 TO 1/79 a 0 MOW 1) ADMINISTRATIVf- ASSISTANT EXCESS OVER CETA SALARY 2) 4 FIREMEN POSITIONS HIRE AS Or 3/17/77 FIRST AND SEC" 2UAm�z !I-20-76 TO 5-20-77 AMOJNT 6 M00146/t4o 876, 2 M005150/W 10,300 1 3) UPGRADE PATROLMAN TO SGT. 3 W101371MO 411 11 3 MOS. 1-RECESSION FISCAL :ANq.E PROGRAM COSTS or -,PROPOSALS -THIRD QUARTER FOURTH QUARTER .1-7-77 70,7-7,77 L 7. 8-77 TO I-78 AVQLNT A14OUNIT 2 M001461m 292 3 HO@$146/MO 438 2 M005150/FlO 10,300 3'MO@1$5150/MO 15,450 2 MO@$137/MO 274 3 MO@$137/M 411 FIFTH QUARTER. 777 TO 128 ji) BUILDING INSPECTOR 6 M00011601M.0 6,960 2 MD@$1160/MO 2,520 3 W01160/W 3,480 12,76Q HIRED l0/19176 "I-) ENGINEERING INSPECTOR 4 M@$1209/MO 4,836 2 V.0012091MO 2,418 3 M0001,09/t1O 3,627 10; 89i HIREO 1110/77 POLICE CQW.,tAICATOR 3 2,676 2 1Q@$892/V0 1,784 3 K $892/FlO 2,676 7,1136 HIRED'214/77 Y) -i-Ism -Ry, - - ATALPGUING lo 000" PROjECT (CONTRACT) 10,000 -CONT, :> Q SPACE- iWALYSIS FOR fiITf HALE 7,172 7,764 1,064 9) POLICE CO"VICATOR 5 P100892MO 4,460 3 M@$8921,MO 2,676 ' 74 136 (TWo TOTAL) HIRED 2/4/77 TOTAL PROGRAM COSTS 43,231 29,612 29,822 TOTAL AVAILMLE 43,231 29,612 29,600 pu pq��O Of Anti•Rt'cession fiscal Ald Program -- summvey '0 July 22s ^�mgscas overrode President Ford's veto of the Public Works Employment Act of 976. tlius.�riacting as part of the jaw-a`new pcogran0. of;ecsssiun•fighting aid to an estimated '25,000 sttt r--`hd°local governments• This new program, often called counte:-cyclical revenue sharing 0 6 "or ir{tergovernmental anti -recession assistance} ;a many ways will parallel and complement general �i� �s' tt venc sharing, Congress gad:lcd the Ant -Recession Fiscal Assistance program to help states and local v, > ghigh _uuem to ment and recession Cont-ess ovrt6ti mainDublic services tuing periods of en k t a4nined,thai�natioral efforts to revive the ec4nomY .vexe b g undercut as state and local x ra gacess'tan by ntiamg taxes or cutting bask an employees. kdra�aetzts tried to cope,)vitlt the CopsequcO-ly,'the prograrnis intended, -to focus addad federal assis,. ce on st,ie and local goysrnments`with the highest unemployment rates. potential eligibles nclude all state governments and ail general purpose local governmeuts which perform "substantial governmental functions " 'From the pbientjally cligib% governments, only those with unemployment above 4 5 percent are `eligible 4 receive Cunds., r Unfortimately, unemployment data is not availal,le, for most local governments In fact, the Deparimen4 of Labor has`unemployment figures for only the 1200 argent units of local V o 91*rmment; As &•result,• estimates will be needed for the remaining 37,000 potentally eligible local o X 'goveiriraeg43.:Luckily, tlxe federal government has unemployment data for entire state areas Under ailable for large local ,the anti -recession aid program, employment and unemployment statistics av J' gtavenirnents (trnown as "identifiable local.governmenta") will be subtracted from the statewide 'q)riployment and aneniploymen,fgures to yield a single figure for tLe "§alancc of the slate." This 1,'t384rle� of.t3t= stag"-dnemployment rate will be used for every uvidenrtrable local government- in the-state,,retardlrss o any actual variations between local unemployment rates The Treasury , Department wi!►%use the eXcess unemployment fi;ure obtained from the Labor Bepartment or from ,`'the balance of the state Wcu ittions in combination with each recipient's revenue sharing payment to 'r, „ ' °8etermiriti the.dis,Ulbutian pflunds. Irizacidition;r-atph state government may Submit a Plan for distributing funds to the balance of :.. z 'ihc starexlc?calrgovenmegu"tYithin,its boiders. Becasse the law allows only a short time (30 days o _ 1976) for tCe states to prepare and fill from publication of the intettim regulations, November 12, plans, aid becausa the state plans must parallel the national allocation of funds, few states sra ' v ` y' expected to eXenise•the,Aption. fir, 3 0 9 'Copyright apt' enue'Sharing Adrismy �ervico October 197a AntFP.ocoasbn Program Guido Congress i ttend4i_that the arti-recession funds be used to maintain the level of public services, and there ate strong indicatiotts that the principal purpose was to help governments meet payrplts to avoid recession. -related layoffs. Funds may not be spent to purchase heavy equipment, "and .the,use oranti-recession funds for construction is discouraged. Funds may be spent for supplies • ', or rrraterials,oniyif necessary to maintain basic public services. J 49he anti-rccession grant formula targets aid on governments with high unemployment An - £,timated 9 'percent of the money will go to governments in areas where the unemployment rate is above'six-.Wren. . Vic,anti-recession fund allocations are based on a two part formula for each recipient. e the recipient's general revenue sharing sixth entitlement period allocation (as a measure of its s zi -and responsi!?ilaies); e ,,an unemployment facto; (as a measure of the economy's impact on government) One -third -of the money is reserved for .he state governments and two-thirds is given to local y governments.' Unlike the general rev, nue sharing program, however, funds are not allocated to state areas before being divided into state and local pots. Instead, all of the states compete among themselves for a share of the one-third pot, and all local governments cumpete among themselves for a,s8are of the two -thirds -pot. ,; Each state goverpment share is determined by multiplying the state government's revenue. Sharing, payment byjti "excess" unemployment rate (the statewide unemployment rate minus 4 5 ' percent), The resulting products for each state are then ranked and each sta.c government gets its proportionAte, share of the one-third pot. �< govcrnmaI allocations Rre ectermmed the same way. The product of the revenue t,Local sharing allocation and the excess unemployment rate for each locality is compared to the total products for every local government, and each is given a proportionate share of the available funds - AlWations,must be recomputed with new unemployment data each calendar quarter and payments tfierefor4 rosy, vary widely from quarter to quarter. The Minimum anti -recession aid payment is $100 a calendar quarter Governments entitled to less money wil! get noth�g. This is a relatively high minimum and will disqualify a number of smallq revenue sharing recipients, _. Payments must be made within five days of the beginning of a calendar quarter (revenue , °sharing payments are made within five days of the close of a quarter), The law specifically includes a nondiscrimination clause (t330) and a requirement that Davis- 'o,l 'Pacon,Aet wage rates be paid in construction Q311). In addition receipients are required to report Cl Copyryht ORgve+W Mar" A&*M Sor*o Ocrabor W6 Anti-Roeo3sim Program Guido i= `bn; any increase or, decrease in taxes, any decrease in employment or services; and, for state :r g�vecniiicnts dnly, any„decrease.in financial.aid to•localities. �. The new law autho_:izes 5125 million for each calendar quarter in which tht national < unemployment -rate is above six percent, An additional $62,5 million is authorized for each one half perctntapt point'that the nali anal unemployment rate exceeds six percent. Thus, at 7 5 percent untrnployment, a total of $312.5 would be authorized for each quarter No funds are authorized for w any'quarter.in which the national unemployment rate is beloly_ six percent The new anti -recession program is authorized for five quarters, from July 1, 1476 to `-5epiembei,30, 1971, The law also provides that payments ovor these five quarters may not exceed Whether the program will be continued past the'Ntpiration date probably will depend on the state of the national. economy. ' The Treasury Department is responsible for the program, and the Office of Revenue Sharing aY,. Will'administer it. Although the taw sets a somewhat tight timetable for implementing the program, there probably will be some unavoidable delays in tooling up for the program s s 1) w d r Anu•Posesaion Rogran Guido C,)PAhi eR6vera,o Stiarin9 p.NspWOW( SoMce OW( 1976 RESOLUTION NO. _ 5035 o �2 ; A RESOLUTION Ot THE CITY COUNCAPPRUPTHE RIA7ING CITY OF CARLSOAD, CALIFORNIA, 3 ANTI -RECESSION FISCAL AID FUNDS, 4 Council of the BE- IT RESOLVED by t}le City City of Carlsbad i 4 5 ma's follows: .4` o -,That those funds known as the Anti -Recession fiscal t, 'j tlid •fund be appropriated in tito folloi�ing amounts and periods g for purposes specified in accordance with Exhibit "A" attached �g 'hereto and made a part here -of. ~ 10 4 2• That $72,843 of Anti -Recession Fiscal Aid funds have, -been: received for the first three quarters and that it is „t2 ant.1cipate"d that $29,600 w111 be received from approved allotments 1u _for the fourth quarter. PASSED, APPROVED At1D ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the j5 G1•t GouncI] on the 5th day of Apr�i1 , 1977, by the „ y x,C . , "'16 following vote,''to wit- . 17 AYES; Councilmen Fraxeea Lea+is, Skotnicki, Packard and Councilwoman ` ,NOES : None. pg ABSENT: None. 20 ROBERT C. FRAZEE, May 21', c ' 22 ATTEST: 'en o 2� `MAPGA�RET E. ADA , City Clerk NORA� K,, GARDIRER, Deputy City Clerk 2i3 (seal} 26 • Otis �,- ' 27 4 ' :28