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1977-04-05; City Council; 5018; Adoption of 1976 Edition of Uniform Fire Code
CITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. Initia DATE: Dept.Hd. -April 5. 1977 C . Atty. . DEPARTMENT: Fire C. Mgr. Subject: ADOPTION OF THE 1976 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM FIRE UDE Statement of the Matter The City of Carlsbad is presently operating under the provisions of the 1967 edition of the Uniform Fire Code. The 1976 edition of the Uniform Fire Code has been promulgated and it is now appropriate for the City of Carlsbad to take the steps necessary to adopt it for use in our City. A series of amendments has been prepared by the Fire Code Committee of the San Diego County Fire Prevention Officers Association and has been reviewed by the Carlsbad Fire Department. A memorandum detailing all the amendments, with the reasons for the change, is attached. Exhibits Ordinance No.103,adopting the 1976 edition of the Uniform Fire Code. Analysis of local amendments. Recommendation The Fire Department recommends the adoption of the 1976 edition of the Uniform Fire Code and the proposed amendments. The City Attorney recommends that if the Council concurs, your action is to read the title of the attached ordinance and then, by motion, set a public hearing to consider its adoption. The hearing should be set at least 15 days from the date of this meeting. The City Clerk should be directed to publish the required notices containing the statement that copies of the ordinance adopting the code and the code are on file with the Clerk and available to the public, Notice should also contain a description of the purposes and subject of the ordinance and the code. Council Action: 4-5-77 The title of Ordinance flo. 2032 was read and it was moved that a Public; Hearing be set for the adoption of the 1976 Edition of the Uniform Fire Code, and that the Hearing be held on May 3, 1977, as recommended by the staff. (See Page 2 for addtional Council action i -2- AGENDA BILL NO. 5018 5-3-77 Following the close of the public hearing Ordinance #3032 was introduced for a first reading, adopting by reference the 1976 Edition of the Uniform Fire Code subject to certain changes, additions and amendments. 5-17-77 Ordinance #3032 was given a second reading and adopted. � • f ARTICLE 1 DIVISION IV DEPINITIONS, ABRMATIONS, RULES OF CONSTRUCTION & INTERPRETATIONS Delete and Add A -Section 1.403 r1SSI i�Blo sl3r:1-1-meaf3-tile-c�a��3ewing_{agetller-or`-S9-ex-riori-peg vans- d St!G'h•-13i13`17Cd9C5-&�-C1e�?'23ei=av�bll� -G'f'�HCr_i ��:Ei:l�-J.:i:?'�3:NE''�1 Ofi•T"id6wOliWy3� -enter-- 'l:i`3 _riHiEi.{ ; - c i.liSk'!8t Yl� -c'�3-Qtdf#L� rnCj-�_�iti^,OyL@LkC)S3-ni -E)f-� (i�i Off'- t10i`� -7Cx` SE3t�� iti-dr�:l�i:il:g-o�_•-dni:nc�-•es#:at•3�:is1�l�Pnte . ASSED•BLy OCCUPANCY means the occupancy or use of a buildinc; or structure or anY x,oxeion t?leyeo� r by a gathering_ of fifty (50) or more persons to �rposea of deliberation, education instruction wossl P.-- _ , entertain- ment, amusement, awaiting transportation, dr n1cinq or dining or other occupancy or ase of buildinq or structure or Lortion tliereoi used or intended to be used for thy! sho;rinrc of motian_pictures tel:en an admiasioii'fee is char-e and such building or structure is �ublzc� anl_e eo en to the _ pers. PUrv�OSE OF PROPOSED CHANGE: The recommended ASSEFBLY BUILDING definition is the definition used in Title 19 by the State Dire Marshal, and has been formally adopted in Sec. 13143, California Health & Safety Code. The Chief is directed to enforce this definition in Sec. 13145, California health & Safety Code. Art. 1.07., Title 19, Rules and Regulations of the State fire Marshal that no local ordinance may be less stringent than Title 19. The penalty for violating this Article is a misdemeanor, as stated in Sec. 3.3112 of the Califor.ni,a liealth & Safety Code. Passing an ordin- ance which in part states; "or of 100 or more persons in drinking or dining establishments" is less, stringent than the California Haalth & Safety Code Sec. 13143 and Title 19, Art. B402, both of which in definition states "50 O more p;o:sons for such purposes of drinkingor dining,�Iand therefore in violation of California statutes. NOTE: Add - Underlined Belete-Strike Out ARTICLE 1 DIVISION IV DEFINITIONS, ABBREVIATIONS, RULES OF CONSTRUCTION & INTERPRETATIONS Add: IF Section 1.406 DIP TANK shall mean a tank, vat or container of. flammable: or com- bustible liquid in which articles or materials are immersed for the purpose of coating, finishing, treating, rease removal, clean- ing, or similar processes. '- PURPOSE OF PROPOSED CHANGE: , The amended definition of a dip tank to include grease removal and cleaning will clear up a previously clouded area as to whether gaso- line service station and garage parts cleaning containers are in fact dip tanks. And to if these containers, if dip tanks, require fire protection equipment and permits. Our experience with other local jurisdictions is that some judge the Code statement "or similar purposes" to mean to include these, and others hold these containers are not dip tanks, but merely 'pai.t:, washing contai.ners', for which, of course, there is no definition, and no valid controls. '.Phis proposed change would place these devices under Article 14, Division III, DIP 'TANKS, where they properly belong. NOTE: Legend: Add -Underlined , ARTICLE 1 DIVISION IV DEFINITIONS, ABBREVIATIONS, RULES OF CONSTRUCTION & INTERPRETATIONS Add: F Section 1.408 FUEL £PXRK shall maan ,a strip or block of land on which the tYegetation lAas been permanently modified so that fires banning M PURPOSE OF PROPOSED CHANGE-, Due to the addition of the terms FUEL BREAK in Sec. 27.201, it becomes necessary to define. With the above definition, it is felt that good fuel breaks may be established and still. have allowances for green belts and low growth plants that are sometimes required for environmental reasons. NOTE: Legend: Add - Underlined ARTICLE 1,0 MAINTENANCE Or EXIT WAYS Add: Section 10.1.06 (f) Stairway Numberi at eac I . aor eve WE - 'Our O] more stories in ry2 ,-1Te'Uerm -us ot- identiiicaLn of the s mately 5 fcet a� �.,ove - TE v� as b1e w �e'n t9h dom-: system. An apprc _g in alenc-losed i.ght•. The sign s top an��_ -to`ni c e s,gn C o'or' landing in a ix the open or clo d sign shall be located taa mays of builc]'inas 1 indicate the floor the stairway and the - be loc-ated annrnmi- . 'm PURPOSE OF PROPOSED CHANGE: When conducting fire -fighting operations or when used as an exit, it is very important that the fire pui.sunnel and the building occupants 'snow cis much as possible about• the stairway system of the building, i.e., which stairway landing he is on, the upper and lower terminus of the stairway and whether that particular staingay extends through the roof. Companion changes to the Uniform building Code have been submitted to correlate the requirements. -NOTE: Add - Underlined Be-lete - Strike Out APPENDIX I Ada, STAIRWAY IDEN`!'IFICATION 1. PURPOSE The purpose of thi.. Appendix is to provide information to the occupants and fire department personnel to insure that they do not become confused during emergencies, by requiring that standardized signs be installed in staircv.ays to ' ..foz:n the user which stair land- ing he is on and the '.Ypc_ c—d ,l.0"cr :,:rmination of the stairway. 2. SCOPE The provisions of this Section shall apply to new and existing buildings four or more stories in height. 3. SIGN (a) The sign shall be a minimum 12 inches x 12 inches. (b) The stainlay location shall be placed at the top of the sign in 1-inch high block lettering with 1/4-inch stroke. (Stair #1 or west stair.) (c) The stairway's upper terminus shall be placed under the stair- way identification in 1-inch high block lettering with 1/4-inch stroke (roof access or no roof access). (d) The floor level numbef,shall be placed in the middle of the sign in 5-inch high lettering with 3/4-inch stroke. The mezzanine levels shall have the Netter 1114" preceding the floor number,. Basement levels shall have the letter "B" preceding the floor number, (e) The lower and upper terminus of the st6i3iiay shall be placed at the bottom of the sign in 1-inch high block lettering with 1/4-inch stroke. (f) These signs shall be maintained in an approved manner. RXAMPM : inch x % inch 5inchcsr'+S inch 1 inclu : inch WEST STAIR NO ROOF ACCESS — R2THRU244 inches —.—;� STAIR3 ._._._._ ROOF ACCESS I 12inchcs 1'THRU 12 RURPOSr Ur PROPOSED CHANGE: ScG Code change 10.10E (f)-76-1. The, details of Code change 10.106 (,f) are given to standardize the requirements and application by code enforce- ment personnel. Revisions have also been proposed to U.B.C. Section 3305. PraThe purpose has been editorially revised in keeping with the code -writing Practice. ARTICLE 13 DIVISION II FIRE CONTROLS Add: Access Roadways for Fire Apparatus Section 13.208 (a) Every buildi„g hereafter constructed shall be accessible to fire department apparatus by Cray of access road- ways with all weather driving surface of not .Less than 20 feet of unobstructed width, with adequatr roadway turning radius capable Of supporting the imposed loads of .fire apparatus and having mini- mum of 13 feet 6 inches of: vertical clearance. AdegLlat:e turn--aroundw shall_�e pxovidecl. EXCEPTION: C•lhen there are not more than two Group B Division 1 or M occupancies as defined in the Building Code, the requirement of the Section may be modified when, in the opinion of the Chief, fire -fighting or rescue operations would be impaired. a PURPOSE OF PROPOSED CHANGE: This section provides for access to buildings but makes no provision for fire apparatus to be able to turn. around after the emergency is over. These access roads could be in excess of l5O feet in length. NOTE: Add - Underlined Beiete - Strike Out M ARTICLE 13 DIVISION I1 FIRE CONTROLS Delete and Add: Access Roadways for. Fire Apparatus Section 13.208 (b) The required width of access roadways shall not be obstructed in any manner, including parking of vehicles, uid8-PPtItI4�cY2�;--ar,EJna-and�dr-r�tke�:-c�ppLokriate-notsce-p:�ahilJa� 4in-,r-cb- st�ttef�i©sus-r�a�=-lie-�ec�ul:x: ed-aria-sl�al;:-be-tilaa.z.ti:t33c necl Acid: Section 13.208 (b) The required width of access roadways shall not be obstructed in any manner, including parking of vehicles. Si ns prohibiting obstructions and containing the telphoiie number of the 3ocar raff-c law enforcement agency may be required by the In addition to other available means of enforcing this code, obstructions to re�,uired access road,,,ays shall be subject ti remov b_the Chief or the petscri in control of th_e_ronerty. (See Cali± FnAr, fnr 6iri-har. informal retarding removal of PURPOSE OF PROPOSED CHANGE 1 The provision for "No Parking" signs in Section 13.208 (b) is in- sufficient to comply with applicable sections of the California motor Vehicle Code. The intent of the change is to allow the Cl-i.ef the authority to have obstructions to Fire Department access roa, ays removed. This change is also intended to inform all affected people that the California Motor Vehicle Code grants property owners the authority to have vehicles removed from private property., =the -property owner has the responsibility to maintain his property in accordance with the code and he can still be cited for failura to do so. This section clarifies the authority to have the roadway cleared of obstructions. NOTP: Add - Underlined Dele{:e - Strike Out ARTICLE 13 DIVISION III INSTALLATION AND MAT.NTENANCE OF FIRS PROTECTION LIFE. SAFETY SYSTEMS AND APPLIANCES Add Installation Sec. 13.301. (a) Same ('b) In occupancies of an especially hazardous nature, or where special hazards exist in addition to the normal hazard of the occupancy, or where access for fire apparatus is unduly difficult, additional safeguards may be required consist- ing of additional fire appliance units, more than one type of appliance, or special systems suitable for the protection oi:'the hazard involved. Such devices or appliances may consist of auto- matic fire alarm systems, automatic supervised sprinkler or water spray systems, standpipe and hose, fixed or portable fire extin- guishers, suitable asbestos blankets, breathing apparatus, manual or automatic covers, or carbon dioxide, foam or other special fire - extinguishing systems. Where such systems are installed, they shall be in accordance with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Association. b) same (d) Same (e) Same PURPOSE OF PROPOSED CHANGE: This is now in our present fire code and should be retained in the adoption of the 1976 edition of the Uniform Fire Code. NOTE:: Add - Underlined Delete - Strike Out ARTICLE 13 DIVISION III INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE Or FIRE PROTECTION LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS FIND APPLIANCES Delete and Add: Section 13.315. Commercial, type cooking equipment, from which grease -laden vapors emanate in normal cooking application aid where the Chief determines that such grease -laden vapors consti- tute a fire hazard, shall be protected by an approved automatic extinruishijig system. EXCEPTION: That portion of the fire -extinguishing system required for the protection of the 40uct may be omitted when approved grease extractors are installed. The design and installation of such fire -extinguishing system shall be in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 20, Uniform Mechanical Code, or NFPA 96-1973. Extinguishing systems shall be serviced at least every IQ -months 6 months or after any acti- vation of the system. Hoods, ducts, filters, and fan housings shall be cleaned at sufficient intervals to prevent the accumu- lation of grease therein. Pur'-':5:: OF PROPOSED CHANGE: TO cos;fo-ne +-o t' - N4"nA 96-1973 standard requiring an inspection And--=Vieing eve.L-, si:: months. NOTE: Add-- Underlined Delete - Strike Out ARTICLE 14 DIVISION "I APPLICATION OF MAT 1 ABLE FINISHES Add: Scope Section 14.1.01. This Article shall apply to locations or areas where the following activities are conducted: L. Same 2. Dip tank operations in which articles or materials are passed through contents o; tanks, vats or containers of flammable or combustible liquids, including coating,' finishing, parts c_1_ea_rirg, treatment and similar processes, and 3. Same. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED CIiANGE: To clear up any ambiguity on whether a parts ::.sh. tank falls u,der the scope of Article 14 Division III. The hazards of this operation are the same as any other dip tank operation. NOTE: Add - Underlined Delete - Stri)ce Out ARTICLE 14 DIVISION I APPLICATION OF FL&MMABLE FINISHES Add: Permit Required Section 3.4.:102 A permit shall be obtained for spraying or dipping operations utilizing flammable liquids or corrbuscible powders included within the scope of this Article ai,d by SPcti,o2;' l4 .l01. PURPOSE or, PROPOSED CHANGE The application and us- of combustible powders is now in the scope of this Article and represents Just as great a hazard as the use of flammable liquids; thus the permit requirement should be made in this area also. NOTE: Add - Underlined Heiete - Strike Ou; ARTICLE 14 DIVISION II APPLICATION OF FLA1 M21BLE FINISHES Add: Spray Booths Section 14.203 (a) - (i) same (j) Each enclosed spray booth over 200 square feet shall be provided with 2 approved means of egress. One of these mad be the larger entrance doors rf these doors are easily o ened. Any latching or locking device shall be of an approved type. - - . I" PURPOSE OF PROPOSED CHANGE: No provision is made for exiting from enclosed spray booths in the .fire or building codes. The above proposed exiting sectio;; or sp_-ay booths would be consistent with exiting from an E-2 occupancy which is what spray rooms are designated as in section 14.201 (c). The use of the larger entrance doors as egress ways will be a practical and in- expensive way to comply with this section. NOTE: Add -• Underlined Delete - Strike Out ARTICLE 14 DIVISION II APPLICATION OF FLA1119ABLE FINISHES Add: Electrical and Other Soul-ces of Ignition Section 14,205. (a) There shall be no open flame or spark producing equipment in any spraying area as defined in Section 14.201 nor with- in 20 feet thereof, unless separated by a an approved partition, except as Permitted in Section 14.210, Drying Apparatus, and Sections 14.401 and 14.402, Electrostatic Apparatus. (b) saute (c) same (d) same (e) Electrical wiring, motors and other equipment outside of but within 20 feet of any spraying area and not separated therefrom by approved pdrtiti.ons, shall not produce sparks under normal oper- ating con itions. Such area shall be considered a Class I, Division 2 hazardous location in accordance with the Electrical Code. EXCEPTION: Electrical wiring, motors, and other equipment I n the xa e vicana ty o flief`ront`- open lace spray o61-fib snaLi. comUT wj. �� "S�7Pamp let No 3 Spray Application, 19731 Section 4-7.2. (f) same (g) same (h) same PURPOSE OF PROPOSED CI,ANGE: To reduce the distance for Class I, Division 2 electrical. wiring down from 20 feet to 5 feet or 10 feet in front of open face spray booths. This would bring this requirement ill line with latest nation- ally recognized requirements. Adding approved to the partitions will give the Fire Chief the necessary backing of the Code to require safe partitioning between the spray areas and any source of ignition. NOTE: Add - Underlined Delete - Strike Out ARTICLE 14 DJVTS ION 11 APPLICATION OF FLAWIABLE FINISEIES Add: Ventilation of Spray Booths and Spray Finishing Area Section 14.206 (a) same w (b) Mechanical ventilation shall be kept in operation at all. times while spraying operations are being conducted and for a sufficient time thereafter to allots vapors from drying coated articles and dry finishing material residue to be exhausted. The electrical equipment shall be so intearlocked with the ventilation of spraying area that the equipment cannot be operate^ unless the ventilation tans -"are operation. (c)-(h) same PURPOSE OF PROPOSED CHANGE:* This additional requirement is made in the National Electric (torte (1971) Sec. 51.6-5 (fj . This addition is already part of the code through Section 14.105, but by stating it directly,enforcement of it will be aided. Section 14.206 (b) states that ventilation shall be maintained at all times during spraying operations; this addition from the Electric Code states how this is to be accomplished. NOTE: Add - Underlined Be—lete •- Strike Out ARTICLE 14 DIVISION III APPLICATION Or FLAMMABLE rIN.ZSIIES Add: Ventilation of Vapor Areas Sec. 14.302. (a) All vapor ar--as shall be provided with mechanical or natural ventilation adequate to prevent the dangerous accumulation of vapors. (b) -- same. PURPOSE Or PROPOSED CIIANGE: Most dip tanks in the -field are vented by natural means. As lone, as it is sufficient. not to allow the accumulation of vapors, this appears to be a safe practice. NOTE, Add - Underlined Be e - Strike Out 7,RT TCLI: 14 DIVISION ZIT APPLICATION OF FLAMMABLE FINISIIES Add: Electrical and Other Sources of Ignition. Section 14.305 (a) - (d) same Exception: Subsection (b) (c) (d) does not apRly to a parts wash cleaning tank having both a cajaCity of less then 10 gallons and a l�qu d area of less than 4 sc(uare feet, and using a Class 11 or fil lie PURPOSE OF PROPOSED CHANGE: The enforcement of -.4.305 (d) on a small parts wash tank would net be practical or useful from a safety y or w:.nancial point: of 11 : e,•. NOTE: Add - Underlined Delete - Strike Ou:: a� ARTICLE 14 Div?SioN Ill APPLICATION OF FLAI•1I4hBLE WISHES Change and Add: DIP TANKS Section 14.308 (a) Dip tanks shall be pcovidad with a cover co_mpl in. with the specif5.cai:jons of this section unless is is provided w�.t.h ry";Y7+..Jv(-,a ; : -�--- - -: -r- -- auto c fi) re _'. ' .:n:,uizilling equipment• as specified in 1.4. 307 (b) . iau (b) written the same jb(c) writt-n the same je. (d) written the same jd� (e) written the same PURPOSE OF PROPOSED CIiANGE-, Evidentally provisions for dip tank covets wcj:e inadvertently, omitted. Dip tan,c covers are identiti:d in this section but no provisions are made for their requirement. NOTE: Add --Underlined Delete- Strike out w City Ordinance, City of Carlsbad, California is hereby amended to read as follows: Establishment of limits of districts in which storage of flanuia or combustible liquids in outside above --ground tanks is to be (a) The limits referred to in ;sec. 15.201 of the Uniform Fire Code in which storage of flammable or combustible liquids in outside above -ground tanks is prohibited are established as all areas within the city limits of Carlsbad. (b) The limits referred to in Sec. 15.601 of the Uniform fire Code in which new bulk plants for flanunable or combustible liquids are prohibited, are hereby established as all areas within the city limits of Carlsbad. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED CHANCE The zoning ordinances of thq Carlsbad Municipal Code do not make reference to this type of stor"ge or installation in any of its commercial zones. It will take a Conditional Ilse Permit to City Staff, Planni.ig and Council for approval of location, type and size. This type of installation also taxes the fire department's capa-- bilities in case of fire. NOTE: Add -- Underlined Delete - Strike Out ARTICLE 17 FUMIGATION AND THER14AL INSECTICIDAL FOGGING Add: Venting and Clean Up Sec. 17.109 (a). At the end of the exposure period, fumigators shall safely and properly ventilate the premises and contents, and Properly dispose of all fumigant containers, residues, debris, and other materials used for fumigation. (b). At the end of the exposure period, all -gas -fired aPpli<�nce vents shall be cleared of all obstructions. • 0, PURPOSE OF PROPOSED CIiANGE many deaths have resulted b ce-u6. Ew"'.iUcituls have neglected to comply With the last half of this Section. Because of this, it is felt that it should also be part of the new Code. !I: is in the present Fire Code. ,NOTE: Add - Underlined Belei:e - Strike Out ARTICLE 19 HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS Add & Delete: General Requirements Section 19.103 (a) The manufacture, storage, handling and use of hazardous chemicals shall be safeguarded with such protective facilities as-puN�s:e-s�swe�p-rec�t�23es-and equipment as required by the Chief for public safety. (b-c) same PURPOSE Or PROPOSED CHANGE This section was ambiguous as stated. The requirement for its enforcement is given to public safety. There is no recognized source of authority termed public safety. By giving the enforce- ment of this section to the Chief, it gives him or his authorized representative the opportunity to require the facilities and equip- ment necessary for the safe handling of these various hazardous chemicals. NOTE: Add - Underlined Belete - Strike Out ARTICLE 19 HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS Add: Oxidizing materials Section 19.104 (a) PatkaSed oxidizing materials shall be stored in cool, ventilated, dry location^ and separated from stored organic materials. Bulk oxidizin ., materials shall ,.. not be stored on or against wooden surfaces. (b) Same PURPOSE OF PROPOSED CHANGE: The safe storage.of oxidizing materials depends on then- being kept cool, dry and well ventilated. Requiring this for just package material would limit the ability of this section to give the type of enforcement necessary to maintain the life safety standards. Any fire involving these materials will be very disastrous and hard'to control. In the national recognized standard Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials, by N. Irving Sax, these recommendations are made on p. 209. NOTE: Add - Underlined Delete - Strike Out ARTICLE 19 HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS Add: Section 19.106. Potentially Explosive Chemicals (a) same (b) Organic Peroxides. A detached well isolated, ventilated and unheated storage building constructed with walls having a fire - resistance rating of not less than 2 hours, a non-combustible floor and a lightweight insulated roof shall b(- provided for the storage of 50 pounds or more of organic peroxides. If not adequately protected by a .fast -acting deluge type automatic sprinkler system, the storage building shall b_- located the following minimum distances from flammable or com).)ustible liquid storage, combustible materials,in the open and from any other building or highway. WEIGHT OF ORGANIC PEROXIDE DISTANCE (pounds) (feet) 50 to 100 75 100 tc 500 100 500 to 1000 125 1000 to 3000 200 3000 to 5000 300 `!.'ha organic peroxides shall be stored in the original shipping containers (I.C.C. ccntainers). Care shall be taken to avoid rough handling or contamination of these chemicals. Organic peroxides shall be stored away from all sources of heat, including the e direct rays of the sun, they shall also be the only materials stored-0--the to minimize the usu or the peroxides shall not be stor tainers of organic peroxide A spec c l 10e111 or out�e a Readily legible warning sig in the storage and processi (c) & (d) - No change. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED CHANGE: s snaii oe separatea r.rom a Deroxi e. Dillerentv ana pa areas. These additional storage and handling requirements are all recommended by the N.F.P.A, handbook (6-79) 13th edition and by the N,B.F,U. (ISO) Research Report No. 11. They are needed additions to the fire code in order to safely handle this very hazardous material. NOTE: Add - Underlined Delete - Strike Out ARTICLE 21. LUMBER YARDS AND WOODWORKING PLANTS Delete and Add: First Aid rire-extinguishing Equipment in Open Yards and Buildings Section 21.104. 31n-apprc�Yec1-ya�ei-hpc?re;zt±-sl•wteft-e�•r-r7a�tr-I3�zwe1-s azid-i�as-si;e1��-Ise--p��axdeci-sei-ul3c��s-sterscjc-bra its:- ?gad-I�ydrart spsf:cm�-sI}al.�-be-isfzst:s��led-s:z�-zreeOrc;A4-ac:e-cdi��h-4:he-pwo�isions--a•� . the-I.3FFA-8t�uflelsucl-Ir©--?4; --'Pat:side-Pi o�eE�ier�--''_-fi:H 5^30-:.er--I3a��els-j.=i �} 4hee peals-each-sha13_-be-leeaee-dir:��ai�lac? u-�aaY=el cis t�tiaee-ox-ne-f:10'tG-�I3nr -� 3-a eet-a�-c�n3-dri,Je�r,ay;�-is-�cedec�-=�-em any -Daz t-or--the-opera-yara-te-3reaeh- e-6aEE -e : --i first-asd-f-ire-•ex- 'E�Hgia�9l3ei9-3I3af�-�E-I3�=HufiC'�eC3c-3:fi-r l;•-buil_clin�s-i:ay-aeeerclar�ee-faith the-prc3v�sxOns-0i-34I AFi-Standakd-Ito SOT-'-' Pcr� ahiE-I`iye-E3.tzarc�tax3ia4 � s � -' > Add: Section 21..104. (a) Fire apparatus access roadways shall be pro- vided to within 150 feet of all portions of the yard in accordance with Section 13.20I3. EXCEPTION: The all. weather driving surface may be modified whe, n approved by the Chid. (b) Approved water supply and fire hydrants, capable of supplying the required Tare r__UW 5ha 1 l . hn nrn.:; .�" a 1_ i L _ ._ _ •-ava— v1 k-au yara in accordance with Section 1-1. 301. EXCEPTION: fire protection of existing lumber yards may continue their use tafien approved`Tythe Chief. -- (c) First aid fire -extinguishing appliances shall be provided at �1 bui xng an accordance Cgit i NV Standard Igo. 10 i v -POS OF PROPOSED CIiANGE: This code change will be adopted in the 1979 U.B.C, and U.P.C. The code as written requiring %,-iter barrels and pails for fire pro- tection went out with the horse .and buggy. This type of protection is just not adequate and is unreliable. NOTE: Add - Underlined delete - Strike Out ARTICLE 25 OVENS, 'INDUSTRIAL BAKING & MING Add: Scope Sec. 25.101. This Article shall apply to the location, con- struction and operation of industrial baking and drying ove..is which are heated with oil or gas fuels or which during operation contain flammable vapors from the products requirements for the operation of these ovens within certain limitations of control depending on oven design, paint formulation, and ventilation requirements, the d-�sregard of which may cause them to function in an unsafe manner; thereby be- coming liable to destruction by fire or explosion. In addition to the requirements of this Article, all industrial baking and drying ovens shall comply with the applicable provisions of NFPA pamphlets No. 86A "Ovens and Furnaces," No. 86-B "Industrial Furnaces", and No. 86-C ?jndustrial Furnaces, Special Processing." PURPOSE OF PROPOSED CHANGE: Editorial change to bring Code up to date with the latest N.lPA— pam- phlets on this subject. NOTE: Add -Underlined Delete - Strike Out 4 ARTICLE 26 DIVISION I PLACES OF ASSEMBLE' Add & Delete: Section 26.1.14 Standby Fireman (a) Whenever, in the opinion of the Chief., it is essential for public safety in any place of public assembly or any othe place *where People congregate, due to the number of persons, or the nature of the performance, exhibition, display, contest or activity; the owner, agent or lessee shall employ one or more experienced firemen, as re- quired and approved by the Chief to be on duty at such place. Said firemen shall be subject to the Chief's orders at all times when so employed and remain on duty during the times such places are open to the public, or when such activity is being con- ducted. Before each performance or the start of such activity, said fireman shall inspect tote-required-fare-apptiftnees-ptevided7_to_ see_ that they -•are-!n-piepe3F-pl:aee-and-in-g©ea-Ha�l�i3ic�-e�c�the occupancy for compliance with this Code, and shall keep diligent watch for fires during the time such place is open to the public or such activity is being conducted and flake prompt measures for extinguishment of fires that may occur. firemen shall not be required or permitted, while on duty, to perform any other duties than those herein specified. (b) Standhv K1�-LMLztiees naving required the services of standb firemen ass11ned pursuant to this section will be charged by the City for the cost of such services rendered. The cost of such services will be c%gym ute_ ci b� the Cites Auditor and Comptroller using acce tted cost accountin methods including but not limited to tl,e cost of salaYY,_ fringe benefits and general overiead. `1'ime car s -Eor_t_ e assigned personnel shall be sub- mitted by the Chief to tiTe Auditor and Comptroller and shall be prima facie evidence of the expended manhours In no event shall a permittee be char less than the cost of two manhours for each standby fireman assigned. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED CIIANCE Requiring the wearing of uniforms at certain events such as rock con- certs is not always the best policy. Uniforms worn in certain crowds ,can make the job of law enforcement more difficult. Requiring the fireman to make an inspection of the entire occupancy for violations of the Fire Code is a much safer practice than just inspection of the fire appliances. NOTE: Add - Underlined Delete -.Strike out ARTICLE 26 DIVISION I PLACES OP*ASSEMBLY Add: Section 26.117 Exhibits _Pair, Trade Shows, Concert, Convention or Vehicle Show; Permit Required _ - (a) No exhibit, fair, trade shows, concert ,_ convention or vehicle show shall he held, installed, maintained, operated or used as such without a permit. (b ermzt- 'e" autit�,itequzxcd Betori- e a permit reaau red under_ this section may be issued, the d licant �,ust ue posit.= �a t t'l;e .1'1? _ i permit a�+p] ication a surerbond approved by the City Manager in iavar of tho City or Carlsbad or cash, in an amount s'— �"IF1 nt to guarantee rexmburseirentbV the applicant to the City for the cost of furnishing standby firemen 141� enE?V(zr required under Section 26.114 of this Code and assi ned pursraant i:he::eto. In computing the amount of the surety bond, or cash, to be so deposited; *Tic C tcf of -his desi nated representative krill c is lmate Both the nwnber of personnel reauxred +ro be assigned as standby tir:einen ancine total manhours to be expended. -- The amou:),F!- the required bond, or cash, will be equal to the total manhourj thus estimated, times the cost per man hour of f:he 2 rscnneT to be assigned pursuant. to Section 26.114 of this Code. The City Auditor and Comptroller shall provide the Chief with the cast-per-manhour estimates based upon acre ted cost accounting metho?0--inclu xnq ut not limited a aTa—rl—e . ringge b6nefi s - cf-- and general overhead, (c) wai_ver of Security and Charges The requirements of this section for the deposit of a surety bond or cash. and t lu-- reimbursement to the Ciy shall not apt to governmental agencies or nonprofit organizations whose non- profit status is listed and declared by the State of California. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED CHANGE: This Section clarifies how the permittee shall meet the "Permit - Security Requireanent°, as required by Section 26.114 of this Code. NOTE: Add - Underlined Delete - Strike Out ARTICLE 26 DIVISION I PLACES OF ASSEMBLY Add: Section 26.118 Re uirement:s for Exhibits, Fairs, Trade Shows, or. Vehicle Displays 1711 Buildings) . a. Aisle widths o." a minimum of ten fcat (10') in width must be ma ntain� ad~`t a-I-1 tikes` Tie �iiie' z �vel tc an exit door !2 an alse_s1TAT1-Bc nod: more than one hundred fifty feet (150') . b. Exhibits, fairs, r_rzde shows, or vehicle displays shall not �e P.J.aced in lobbies, foyers or the required width of an cxitway. e. The dish i� n and public buildinn, othe 33ur than those con- structed and class�iied by the ildin5i Code for such use, of automo- i"i es, motorcycles, scooters, or other fuel uperutpd vehicles shall meet the following re uixernonts: ___. (1) The battery shall be disconnected and the battery cable placed or tied in a Posnt ion to prevents a tteacontact. T2), Fuel tanks sa key-lockin__q cap or other devices approved by the fire Marshal. Fill caps that axe inacces;4ble may 1,4improved without a key or ot.her lockinc; devices by the Fire Marshal. .11 �- - ��ue1tank: on vehicles that cannot be equipped with key locking caR or other a3 roved devices shall be emptied of all fuel before entera.ng -building. d. All flammable decorative material shall be treated and main- tained -in- a acne -retardant condition. e. Liquefie2i petroleum uas shall not � e permitted on the premises. f. '.rvoe and numbei of fire extinquishers as reauired by the Chief. PURPOSE OF THE PROPOSED CHANGE: This Section is needed to control the additional. fire hazards created by these events, in buildings. NOTE: Add - Underlined Deiet:e - Strike Out I �m ARTICLE 27 DIVISION 11 GENERP.L PRECAUTIONS AGAINST FIRE Add & Delete: Accumulation of flammable material Section 27,201 (a) Accumulations of paper, hay, gretss, st:zaw, weeds, litter ox combustible or flammable material, waste p,froleum pro- ducts, or rubbish of any kind shall not be permitted to remain upon any roof: or in a))y court, yard, vacant lot or open space. All weeds, grass, vines or other growth, when same endan-gers property, or is liable to be fired, shall be cut down and removed by the owner or occupant of the property. When total imoval of piece a:" grow�_h from a A prunerty is imprarti.ral due to size or to environmental factors ap�rvred fue) breaks may be established between the ].and and the endangered t:rol�erty. YEe width of the fuel break shall be determined by height, and amount; of gtowt-h, wind conditions, and i.ype of e :posuxes threatened. ~'� -- (b) same (c) same 7, PURPOSE OF PROPOSED CHANGE: In many areas of the city large parcels of undeveloped land abut against developed pxopert;y. This creates fire hazard conditions when this undeveloped property has heavy brush and growth on it. From an environmental or practical viewpoint clearing the whole property off would c,-lrse hardships on the owners of the land as well as the land itse!F. Requirinq a .fuel break to correct this condition rather than cc.tiipletely removing the growth is by far the best way to handle this problem. The Fira Code does not address itself to fuel breaks thus thp above addition to the Code. NOTE.: Add - Underlined Driete - Strike Out ARTICLE 27 DIVISION II COMBUSTIBLE AND FLAMMABLE 14ATERIALS Add: Flamrnable Decorative Materials Sec. 27.204 (a) General. Cotton batting,eit:hor natural, arti- ficial or dry vines, lr4vc5, trees, or other highly flammable materi.;lcr shall he. u.4t3 ioa: decorative purposes in show windodz or other part., of commercial, industrial or insti- tutional occup..ncies unlu..s flano roofed; provided, however, that nothing in this Section shall be held to prohibit. the display of saleable goods permitted and offered for sale. Electric light bulbs in such oCGLlranca ns shall rot be decorated with paper or . other combustible materials unlc s , such materials shall firot have been rendered flameproof:. (b) Gut 'frees (I) No peLr.on shall flameproof or apply fire -resistive treatment tr, anv cut tree rep;uiree, to be flaniiuproufed bL this section unless such_ person has been issued a permit. Ix) The Chief m=iy rji c, an examini�t ion t.i determine that thc� appli- cantossesses the nccesiar gual s cations required_ toPerforma satisiactcry 10_b_a1'flamcp.r_oofinq or fir-c-rosistive treatment. III) di the ilarneprrootincl Or 1. rt-'-rEsl�-stivo tz"ca',j ent�of ally cut: tree, only such chemical or cos.;lounds and -1�thods of treatment as are approved by the used. ' IV t'(-iow 11 the flamr�pxoofzrlg or -fire -resistive treatment of :.ny cut tree, there shall be firmly affixQd thereto, on the base of the tree, a tag or label, win .l contain the followininf('..ma tzon. 71 Name of the Iaexson p�riorm nq the treatment; (2) Farm or business name and —'-"_seeress chcn cal. o compound Aamc or de,.crzLion oS used far treatment; (4) Uate of Aicatzon; 5� i;2�li tad or label shall be serially numberec kept therdof. . (V) At .least once each day,eec.ci� person, firm or 4:orporation giving fla�raaf:l.ng or tire—xt,�istive treatment s).al l furnish to the Chief a complete writt o-such wort; rdrformed since the sub- m s tan of: the last re c�bt, rvailg the serial n"mbrr of the tag or label attached to the tree, and tl_e name and address of the2erson, firm or corporation for whom the work was pei'lurmed, and the date of trcat_tlent anci location were t e tree as toyc placid: �'. VI Cut trees, wreaths, straw, hay or similar combustible materials are not auproved for mar --ce decorations or di�_p,ays, even if such materials have been subjected to 1:1ame coifing or fire• -resistive Ereatment. Metal for , err oti,ex noncom: stable trees, wreaths or display decorations installed on marquees ma be used. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED CHANGE: This addition to the code is needed to control ti._ .rpe of flameproofing and fire -resistive treatment_ placed ort Christmas t. ULzs and other cut trees. NOTE: Add •- Underlined . • Aelete - Strike Out ARTICLE 27 DIVISION II GENERAL PRECAUTIONS AGAINST FIRE Add: Section 27.207 Vehicles Leaking Gasoline When any vehicle is leak.inci gasoline, and it is imoxacticable to_ stop such l.eal:i.ng, and inin the opinion of the Chiel or his author.ed rereset3tati.vG creates a fire hazard as defined in this code, she Chid or his authorized reGcntati,ie'mav order the r'e!Fzoval of the vehiclN from a highway or fromblic or pxavae E opertv.� PURPOSE OF PROPOSED CHANGE: This Section is i:ecded to control vehicles leaking gasoline when it cannot be controlled by the Fire Departmnt. NOTE: Add = Underlined Delete - Strike Out iv o'r ARTICLE 30 'TENTS AND AIR SUPPO'R`.PED STRUCTURES Add: Section 30.121 Premises Free of Debris Where .a tent is to be erected on property owned or leased by the Gi_ty, the permittttee, at the termination of occupant , shall clean and police the pxoperty of all papers, trash and other waste 'Ltter, to the .satisfaction oi' i he Cites_ A deposit of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) either in the form of cash, cas leer s cnecic or c'crLi1 i e�`c +���c ; steal 1 b� made'tn t�hn City Treasurer to cluarantee tll requi c,' cleaninci and policiaq of the pre�n�ses. becomes necessary j,,r the City to perform anv_ ` ox all of such work, the cost i l,erefore shall be deducted from the deposii: and the balance, if and , returned to the permittee; oi_her- wise the full ruin of sa5.d deposit s_}gall be refunded. The fore- goin2 deusit may be waived by tile Council upon petition for such ;c waiver an( g� 00a cause appearing iherefare. 2 "t PURPOSE OF PROPOSED CIANCE: .j This Section will protect the city :from bearing the cost of: cleanup after a tent is removed. NOTE: Add - Underlined DeItte - Strike out M ARTICLE 30 TENTS AND AIR SUPPORTED STRUCTURES Add: Section 30.122 Use Periods Tents and air supported structures shall be used for a period of time not to exceed fifteen (l5) days. The Chief of Fire Pre- vention may extend the Period of ti.rae fo_r tent or air support structures use not to exceed a totzl of :;n {90 days,_provided all provisions of these sections have ;_-en aria continue to be com- plied with. - PURPOSE OS' PROPOSED CIiANGE: This Section is in the present Tire Code. It is necessary to establish a maximum time limit on the use of tlic:sc Ahazr.ardous structures. NOTE: Add.- Underlined Delete - Strike Out ARTICLE 31 WELDING AND CUTTING, CALCIUM CARBIDE AND ACETYLENE Add: Electric Arc-Wei.di.ng and Cutting Section 31.1_3.11 (a) The frame or case of the welding machine eXcept internal combustin en ogine drive22 machines shall be grounded. Groun co e on s' na] i_-t;e Irecliaiiica y E � ronq an,3 elect cal ly aaeauate for the requires? current. (b) Welding current return Circuits from the, work to the machine shah. have proper elecL.lic.i contact at alt joints andderiodic in- spection sTiall ee madeto ascertain that p,_opei trical ctact :n is alnta� ned. ele--on_ (C) t'ihen electric aro-welding or cutti-ng t'CT11ipZl__�nt 7£ un-attended all electrodes shall be removed from the holders, the holders shall be carefully located so that accidentalon ctact cannot occur. • 0, PURPOSE OF PROPOSED CHANGE: This Section is needed to regulate this type of welding machinery and to prevent fires caused by accidental arcing. NOTE: Add = Underlined Delete - Strike Out 8 9 10 11 12 13' 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. 2032 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 17, CHAPTER 17.04, OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 17.04.010 THROUGH 17.04.130 INCLUSIVE, AND BY THE ADDITION OF SECTIONS 17.04.140 THROUGH INCLUSIVE, TO ADOPT BY REFERENCE THE 1976 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CHANGES, ADDITIONS AND AMENDMENTS. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That Title 17, Chapter 17.04, of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Sections 17.04.010 through 17.04.130, inclusive, to read as follows: "17.04.010 Adoption. The Uniform Fire Code, 1976 edition, copyrighted by the Snternational Conference of Building Officials and the Western Fire Chiefs Association is hereby adopted by reference as the City of Carlsbad Fire Code except for the following changes, additions, and amendments thereto which shall supersede the provisions of the code. 17.04.020 Section 1.403 amended -- Assembly. Section 1.403 of the Uniform Fire Code Js amended by the amendment of the definition of the word 'assembly' to read: 'ASSEMBLY occupancy means the occupancy or use of a building or structure or any portion thereof by a gathering of 50 or more persons for purposes of deliberation, education, instruction, worship, entertainment, amusement, awaiting transportation, drinking or dining or other occupancy or use of a building or structure or portion thereof used or intended to be used for the showing of motion pictures when an admission fee is charged and such building or structure is open to the public and has a capacity of 10 or more persons.' 17.04.030 Section 1.406 amended -- Dip tank. Section 1.406 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by the amendment of the } definition of the word 'dip tank' to read: 'DIP TANK shall mean a tank, vat or container of flammable or combustible liquid in which articles or materials are immersed for the purpose of coating, finishing, treating, grease removal, cleaning, or similar processes.' 17.04.040 Section 1.408 amended -- A2dition of the term 'Fuel Brea Section. 1.408 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by the addition of the'followinc: 'FUEL BREAK shall mean a strip or block of land on which the vegetation has been modified so that fires burning into it will not propagate across it.' _ �. 17.04-050 Section 10.106 amended -- Addition of Subsection (f) Stairwav Numbering Svstem. Section 10.106 of the Uniform 2 Fire Code is amended by the addition of Subsection (f) to read: '(f) Stairway Numbering System. An approved sign shall be 3 located at each floor level landing in all enclosed stairways of buildings four or more stories in height. The sign shall 4 indicate the floor level, the terminus of the top and bottom of the stairway and the identification of the stairway. The sign 5 shall be located approximately 5 feet above the floor landing in a position which is readily visible when the door is in the 6 open or closed position. Signs shall be in accord with Appendix I.' 7 17.04.060 Section 13.208, Subsections(a)and(b) amended--Acce: 8 Roadways for Fire Appara*us. Section 13.208 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by the amendment of Subsections(a) and (b) to 9 read: '(a) Every building hereafter constructed shall be accessible to fire department apparatus by way of access roadways 10 with all weather driving surface of not less than 20 feet of unobstructed width, with adequate roadway turning radius capable 11 of supporting the imposed loads of fire apparatus and having a minimum of 13 feet 6 inches of vertical clearance. Adequate turn- ;2 arounds shall be provided. EXCEPTION: When there are not more than two Group R, Division g 13 3 or M Occupancies, as defined in the Building Code, the require- aa C111 ment of the section may be :nodified when, in the opinion of the u'¢ 14 Chief, fire -fighting or rescue operations would not be impaired.' go=¢ o ;p (b) The required width of access roadways shall not be a QLL 15 obstructed in anv manner, including parking of vehicles. Signs k VW_j prohibiting obstructions and containing the telephone number of W Z 0 16 the local traffic law enforcement agency may be reauired by the z o ' N Chief. >` 17 > In addition to other available means of enforcing this code, 18 obstructions to required access roadways shall be subie,:t to removal by the Chief or the person in control of the property. 19 See California *motor Vehicle Code for further information regard- 20 inq removal of vehicles from private property).' 17.04.070 Section 13.301, Subsection(b) amended -- Instal- 21 lation. Section 13.301 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by the amendment of Subsection (b) to read: '(b) In occupancies 22 of an especially hazardous nature, or where special hazards exist in addition to the normal hazard of the occupancy, or 23 where access for fire apparatus is unduly difficult, addition,' safeguards may be required consisting of additional fire appliance 24 units, more than one type of appliance, or special systems s st- able for the protection of the hazard involved. Such devices 25 or appliances may consist of automatic fire alarm systems, automatic supervised sprinkler or water spray systems, standpipe 26 and hose, fixed or portable fire extinguishers, suitable asbestos blankets, breathing apparatus, manual or automatic covers, or 27 carbon dioxide, foam or other special fire -extinguishing systems. Where such systems are installed, they shall be in accordance I 28 with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Association.' 2. 1 17.04.080 Section 1S.315 amended -- Fire-exti. uishina equipment for protection of hood and duct ventilation systems 2 and related coo ap liances. Section 13.315 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended to read: 'Commercial type cooking equipment, from which grease -laden vapors emanate in normal cooking applica- mines that such grease -laden vapors tion and where the Chief deter 4 constitute a fire hazard, shall be protected by an approved automatic extinguishing system. 5 EXCEPTION: That portion of the fire -extinguishing system required for the protection of the duct may be omitted when 6 approved grease extractors are installed. 7 The design and installation of such fire -extinguishing system shall be in accordance with the provisions of -Chapter 20, Uniform Mechanical Code, or NFPA 96-1973. Extinguishing systems shall 8 be serviced at least every six months or after any activation of the system. Hoods, ducts, filters, and fan housings shall be 9 cleaned at sufficient intervals to prevent the accumulation of 10 grease therein.' 17.04.090 Section 14.101, Subsection (2), amended -- Scope. 11 Section 14.101 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by the amendment of Subsection (2) to read: 1(2) Dip tank operations e 12 in which articles or materials are passed through contents of a tanks, vats or containers of flammable or combustible liquids, m 13 including coating, finishing, parts cleaning, treatment and simila 14 processes; and' ak-� c0Z, Z � < o 16 17.04.100 Section 14.102 amended -- Permit Required. Section 14.102 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended to read: 'A permit z W } 0 16 shall be obtained for spraying or dipping operations utilizing � a flammable liquids or combustible powders included within the z o - in scope of this Article and by Section 14.101.' > 17 17.04.110 Section 14.203 amended -- Addition of Subsection 8 8 _(j) Spray booths. Section 14.203 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by the addition of subsection (j) to read: '(j) Each 19 enclosed spray booth over 200 square feet shall be provided with two approved means cf egress. One of these may be the larger 20 entrance doors if these doors are easily opened. Any latching 21 or locking device shall be of an approved type.' 17.04.120 Section 14.205, Subsections (a) and (e) amended - 22 Electrical and other sources of ignition. Section 14.205 of 23 the Uniform Fire Code is amended by the amendment of Subsections (a) and (e) to read: '(a) There shall be no open flame or spark producing equipment in any spraying area as defined in 24 Section 14.201 nor within 20 feet thereof, unless separated by an approved partition, except as permitted in Section 14.210, 26 Drying Apparatus, and Sections 14.401 and 14.402, Electrostatic Apparatus. 26 (e) Electrical wiring, motors and other equipment outside of but within'20 feet of any spraying area and not separated there 27 from by approved partitions, shall not produce sparks under normal 28 1 operating conditions. Such area shall be considered a Class I, Division 2 hazardous location in accordance with the Electrical Code. 3. 1 EXCEPTION: Electrical wiring, motors, and other equipment in the immediate vicinity of the front of open face spray 2 booths shall comply with NFPA Pamphlet No. 33, Spray Application, 1973, Section 4-7.2.' 3 17.04.130 Section 14.206, Subsection(b) amended -- Ventila- 4 tion of spray booths and spray finishing areas. Section 14.206 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by the amendment of 5 Subsection (b) to read: '(b) Mechanical ventilation shall be kept in operation at all times while ,praying operations are 6 being conducted and for a sufficient time thereafter to allow vapors from drying coated articles and dry finishing material 7 residue to be exhausted. The electrical equipment shall be so interlocked with the ventilation of spraying area that the 8 equipment cannot be operated unless the ventilation fans are in operation. " 9 10 SECTION 2: That Title 17, Chapter 17.04 of the Carlsbad 11 Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Sections 17.04.140 through 17.04.340 to read as follows: 12 "14.04.140 Section 14.302, Subsection(a) amended -- Ventila- g 13 tion of vapor areas. Section— 1.4.302 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by the amendment of Subsection (a) to read: '(a) All g o=z 14 vapor areas shall be provided with mechanical or natural ventila- o >o tion adequate to prevent the dangerous accumulation of vapors.' <= 15 U:°a 17.04.150 Section 14.305 amended -- Electrical and other W V z W } § d 16 sources of ignition. C Section 14.305 of the Uniform Fire Code is i CCH amended by the addition of paragraph entitled 'Exception', >` k 17 following Subsection(d) to read: 'EXCEPTION: Subsections (b), a (c) and (d) do not apply to a parts wash cleaning tank having 18 both a capacity of less than 10 gallons and a liquid surface area of less than 4 square feet, and using a Class II or higher 19 1 flammable liquid,' 20 17.04.160 Section 14.308 amended -- Dip tank covers. Sections 14.308 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended to read: 21 '(a) Dip tanks shall by provided with'a cover complying with the specifications of this section unless it is provided with an 22 approved automatic fire extinguishing equipment as specified in Section 14.307(b). 23 (b) Covers arranged to close automatically in the event of fire shall be actuated by approved automatic devices and shall 24 also be arranged for manual operation. (c) Covers shall be of substantial noncombustible material 25 or of tin -clad type with enclosing metal applied with locked joints. 26 (d) Chains or wir• rope shall be used for cover support or operating mechanism where the burning of a cord would interfere 27 with the action of a device. (e) Covers shall be kept closed when tanks are not in use.' 28 4. 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 0 12 m N J g 13 a A ¢ 14 $0Zz a0 15 m V ¢ J LLwri 12Z}$o 16 20 -V7 517 a ¢ U 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 17.04.170 Section 17.109 amended -- Venting and cleanup. Section 14.308 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended to read: '(a), At the end of the exposure period, fumigators shall safely and properly ventilate the premises and contents, and properly dispose of all fumigant containers, residues, debris, and other materials used for fumigation. (b) At the end of the exposure period, all gas -fired appliance vents shall be cleared of all obstructions.' 17.04.180 Section 19.103, Subsection(a) amended - General requirements. Section 19.103 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by the amendment of Subsection (a) to read: '(a) the manufacture storage, handling and use of hazardous chemicals shall be safe- guarded with such protective facilities and equipment as required by the Chief for public safety.' 17.04.190 Section 19.iO4, Subsection (a) amended -- Oxidizinq materials. Section 19.104 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by the amendment of S�lbsect.ion (a) to read: '(a) Oxidizing materials shall be stored in cool, ventilated, dry locations and separated from stored organic materials. Bulk oxidizing materials shall not be stored on or against wooden surfaces.' 17.04.200 Section 19.106, Subsection (b) amended -- Poten- tially explosive chemicals. Section 19.106 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by the amendment of Subsection (b) to read: '(b) Organic Perixides. A detached well isol.ate,.', ventilated and unheated storage building constructed with walla having a fire -resistance rating of not less than two hours, a noncombustibl floor and a lightweight insulated roof shall be I:rovi,.:ed for, the storage of 50 pounds or more of: organic peroxides. If not ade- quately protected by a fast -acting deluge type autom,- c sprinkler system, the storage building shall be located the following minimum distances from flammable or combustible liquid storage, combustible materials in the open and from any other building or highway. WEIGHT OF ORGANIC PEROXIDE DISTANCE (Pounds) ( feet) 50 to 100 75 100 to 500 100 500 to 1000 125 1000 to 3000 200 3090 to 5000 300 The organic peroxides shall be stored in the original shipping containers (1.C.C. containers). Care shall be taken to avoid rough handling or contamination of these chemicals. Organic peroxides shall be stored away from all sources of heat, including the direct rays of the sun; they shall also be the only materials in the building and different peroxides shall be separated from each other to minimize ,the use of the wrong peroxide. Different types of liquid peroxides shall not be stored in the same storage building. Containers of organic peroxides shall not be opened 4, i 1.0 11 0 12, a J g 13 � V ONi 80=- 14 xz cc 2�'L MU Q J 15 "•W6 �zZ8o 16 O: m z a ,n y� cd 17 U 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 in the storage area. A'13pecial room or outside area shall be designated for this purpose. Readily legible warning signs and placards shall be prominently placed in the storage and process- ing areas.' 17_04.210 Section 21.104 amended -- First uish unirorm Fire Code is amended to read:-y`I.1U4 or the roadways shall be provided to within 150(feet FofeallPportioto access the yard in accordance with Section 13.208. Porns of EXCEPTION: The all weather driving surface may be modified when approved by the Chief. (b) Approved water supply and fire hydrants, capable of supplying the required fire flow shall be provided to within 150 feetof all portions of the yard in accordance with Section 13.301. EXCEPTION: Fire protection of existing lumber yards may continue their use when approved by the Chief. (c) First aid fire -extinguishing appliances shall be provided at each building in accordance with NFPA Standard No. 10. 17.04.220 Section 25.101 amended -- Scope. Section 25.101 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended to read: 'This Article shall apply to the location, construction and operation of industrial baking and drying ovens which are heated with oil or gas fuels or which during operation contain flammable vapors from the products requirements for the operation of these ovens within certain limitations of control depending on oven design, paint formulation, and ventilation requirements, the disregard of which may cause them to function in an unsafe manner; thereby becoming liable to destruction by fire or explosion. In addition to the requirements of this Article, all industrial baking and drying ovens shall comply with the applicab..e provisions of NFPA Pamphlets No. 86A - Ovens and Furnaces, No. 86-8 - Industrial Furnaces, and No. 86-C - Industrial Furnaces, Spacial Processing.' 17.04.230 Section 26.114 amended -- Standby to Section 26.114 of the Uniform Fire Code is amen tc�`o read: '(a) Whenever, in the opinion of the Chief, it is essential for public safety in any place of public assembly or any other place where people congregate, due to the number of persons, or the nature of the performance, exhibition, display, contest or activity; the owner, agent or lessee shall employ one or more experienced firemen, as required and approved by the Chief to be on duty at such place. Said firemen shall be subject to the Chief's orders at all times when so employed and shall remain on duty during the times such places are open to the public, or when such activity is being conducted. Before each performance or the start of such activity, said firemen shall inspect the occupancy for compliance with this Code, and shall keep diligent watch for fires during the time such place is open to the public or such activity is being conducted and take prompt measures For extinguishment of fires that may occur. Firemen shall not be required or permitted, while on duty, to perform any other duties than those herein specified. (b) The cost of the services of.standby firemen assigned 6. 1 pursuant to this section will be charged by the City to and shall be paid by the owner, agent or lessee requiring the services. 2 The cost of such services will be computed by the City Finance Director using accepted cost accounting methods including but 3 not limited to the cost of salary, fringe benefits and general overhead. Time cards for the assigned personnel shall be sub- 4 mitted by the Chief to the Finance Director and shall be prima facie evidence of the expended manhours. In no event shall a 5 permittee be charged less than the cost of two manhours for each 6 standby fireman assigned. 17.04.240 SecI'lltion 26.117 added -- Exhibits, fairs, trade 7 shows, concerts, conventions or ve icle s ows; ermit re uired. Article 26, Division I, of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by 8 the addition of Section 26.117 to read: 'EXHIBITS FAIRS, TRADE SHOWS, CONCERTS, CONVENTIONS OR VEHICLE SHOWS. Sec. 26.117. (a) g Permit required. No exhibit, fair, trade shows, concert, convention or vehicle show shall be held, installed, maintained, 10 operated or used as such without a permit. (b) Permit -Security required. Before a permit required 11 under this section may be issued, the applicant must deposit with the permit application a surety bond approved by the City Attorney 0 12 in favor of the City of Carlsbad or cash, in an amount sufficient to guarantee reimbursement by the applicant to the City for the 2 g 13 cost of furnishing standby firemen whenever required under C, Section 26.114 of this code and assigned pursuant thereto. So;Z 14 In computing the amount of the surety bond, or cash, to be o >o so deposited, the Chief or his designated representative will IM 2 15 estimate both the number of personnel required to be assigned as UW < LLW standby firemen and the total manhours to be expended, zz s 16 The amount of the required bond, or cash, will be equal to o the total manhours thus estimated, times the cost per manhour of a ¢ 17 the personnel to be assigned pursuant to Section 26.114 of this Code. 18 The City Finance Director shall provide the Chief with the cost-per-manhour estimates based upon accepted cost accounting 19 methods including,but not limited to salaries, fringe benefits and general overhead. 20 (c) Waiver of security and charges. The requirement of this section for the deposit of a surety bond or cash and the 21 reimbursement to the City shall not apply to governmental agencies or nonprofit organizations whose nonprofit status is 22 listed and declared by the State of California.' 23 17.04.250 Section 26.118 added -- Re uirements for exhibits, fairs, trade shows, or vehicle dis lays in buildings). 24 Article 26, Division I, of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by the addition of Section 26.118 to read: REQUIREMENTS FOR EXHIBIT 25 FAIRS, TRADE SHOWS, OR VEHICLE DISPLAYS (IN BUILDINGS). Sec. 26.118. (a) Aisle widths of a minimum of 10 feet must be 26 maintained at all times. The line ui travel to an exit door by an aisle shall be not more than 150feet. 27 (b) Exhibits, fairs, trade shows, or vehicle displays shall not be placed in lobbies, foyers or the required width of 28 an exitway. 7. I (c) The display in any public building, other than those constructed and'classified by the Building Code for such use, of 2 automobiles, motorcycles, scooters, or other fuel operated vehicles shall meet the following requirements: 3 1. The battery shall be disconnected and the battery placed or tied in a position to prevent battery 4 cable t. 2. Fuel tanks shall be equipped with a key -locking cap 5 or other devices approved by the Fire Marshal. Fill caps that are inaccessible may be approved without a 6 key or other locking devices by the Fire Marshal. 3. Fuel tanks on vehicles that cannot be equipped with 7 key -locking cap or other approved devices shall be emptied of all fuel before entering a building. 8 (d) All flammable decorative material shall be treated and maintained in a flame-retardant condition. 9 (e) Liquefied petroleum gas shall not be permitted on the premises. 10 (f) The type and number of fire extinguishers shall be provided as required by the Chief.' Z1 17.04.260 Section 27.201, Subsection(a) amended ••- Accumu- 0 12 lation of flammable material. Section 27.201 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by the amendment of Subsection (a) to read: 5 13 '(e.) Accumulations of paper, hay, grass, straw, weeds, litter, CE CC or combustible or flammable material, waste petroleum proaucts, g o;Z 14 or rubbiss, of any kind shall not be permitted to remain upon any o >o roof or in any court, yard, vacant lot or open space. All weeds, <j 15 grass, vine a or other growth, when sane endangers property, or is }3- liable to be fired, shall be cut down and removed by the owner z c 16 or occupant of the property. When the Chief determines that the m total removal of growth from a piece of property p z o 9 p` pro rt is impractical > 17 due to size or to environmental factors approved fuel breaks may be established between the land and the endangered property. The 18 width of the fuel break shall be determined by height, type, and amount of growth, wind conditions, and type of exposures threatene 19 17.04.270 Section 27.204 amended -- Flammable decorative 20 materials. Section 27.204 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended Un read: '(a) General. Cotton batting, either natural, artifici 21 or manufactured, straw, dry vines, leaves, trees, or other highly flammable materials shall not be used for decorative purposes in 22 ahow windows or other parts of commercial, industrial o- .institutional occupancies unless flameproofed; provided, however, 23 ti-t nothing in this section shall be held to prohibit the display of salable goods permitted and offered for sale. Electric light 24 bulbs in such occupancies shall not be decorated with paper or other combustible materials unless such materials shall first have 25 been -endered flameproof. Cut trees, wreaths. straw hay or similar combustible materials are not approved for marquee 26 decorations or display, even if such materials have been subjected to flameproofing or fire -resistive treatment. Metal foil, or 27 other noncombustible trees, wreaths or display decorations installed on marquees may be used. 28 (b) Cut trees. No person shall flameproof or apply 8. 1 fire -resistive treatment to any cut tree required to be flame - proofed by this•section unless such person has been issued a 2 permit. 1. The Chief may give an examination to determine that the 3 applicant possesses the necessary qualifications required to perform a satisfactory job of flameproofing or fire- 4 resistive treatment. 2. In the flameproofing or fire -resistive treatment of any 5 cut tree, only such chemicals or compounds and methods of treatment as are approved by the Chief shall be used. 6 3. Following the flameproofing or fire -resistive treatment of any cut tree, there shall be firmly affixed thereto, 7 on the base of the tree, a tag or label, which shall contain the name of the person performing toe treatment; 8 firm or business name and address; name or description of chemical or compound used for treatment and date of 9 application. Each tag or label shall be serially numbered and a record kept thereof. 10 4. At least once each day, each person, firm or corporation giving flameproofing or Eire -resistive treatment shall 11 furnish to the Chief a complete written list of all such work performed since the submission of the last report, 12 giving the serial number of the tag or label attached << to the tree, and the name and address of the person, 13 firm or corporation for whom the work was performed, and Ci u the date of treatment and location where the tree is'to 5 14 be placed.' 8LL Ow �x U° <° l; 17.04.280 Section 27.207 added -- Vehicles leaking gasoline. ,C`.'3 u Article 27, Division II, of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by zW § d 16 the addition of Section 27.207 to read: 'When any vehicle is leaking gasoline, and it is impracticable to stop such leaking, K' 17 the Chief or his authorized representative may order the removal < of the vehicle, from a highway or from public or private property, 18 if in his opinion such vehicle creates a fire hazard as defined in this code.' 19 17.04.290 Section 30.121 added -- Premises free of debris. 20 Article 30 of the Uniform Fire Cde is amended by the addition of Section 30.121 to read: 'PREMISES FREE OF DEBRIS. Sec. 30.121. 21 Where a tent is to be erected on property owned or leased by the City, the permittee, at the termination of occupancy, shall clean 22 and police the property of all papers, trash and other waste matter, to the satisfaction of the City. 23 A deposit of $500.00, --ither in the form of cash, *•=shier's check ctr certified check, shall be made to the City Finan e Directo 24 to guarantee the required cleaning and policing of the pr;.i.Ases. Tf it becomes necessary for the City to perform any or all of such 25 work, the cost therefore shall be deducted from the deposit and the balance, if any, returned to the permittee; otherwise the full 26 sum of said deposit shall be refunded. The foregoing deposit may be waived by the City Council upon petition for such waiver 27 and good cause appearing therefore.' 28 17.04.300 Section 30.122 added -- Use periods. Article 30 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by the addition of Section 9. 1 30.122 to read: 'USE PERIODS. Sec. 30.122. Tents and air supported structures shall be used for a period of time not to 2 exceed 15 days. The Chief may extend the period of time for tent or air support structures use not to exceed a total of 90-days, 3 provided all provisions of these sections have been and continue to be complied with.' 4 17.04.310 Section 31.114 added -- Electric arc-weldin 5 and cutting. Article 31 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by the addition of Section 31.114 to read: 'ELECTRIC ARC -WELDING AND 6 CUTTING. Sec. 31.114. (a) The frame or case of the welding machine, except internal combustion engine driven machines, shall 7 be grounded. Ground connections shall be mechanically strong and electrically adequate for the required current. 8 (b) Welding current return circuits from the work to the machine shall have proper electrical contac- at all joints and 9 periodic inspection shall be made to ascertain that proper electrical contact is maintained. 10 (c) When electric arc -welding or cutting equipment is unattended, all electrodes shall be removed from the holders; 11 Lhe holders shall be carefully located so that accidental contact cannot occur.' 12 a 17.04.320 Appendix I added -- Stairway identification. g 13 Appendix section of the Una.form Fire Code zs amended by the s < addition of Appendix I to read: 'Q 14 W g o 'APPENDIX I m�<j 15 • STAIRWAY IDENTIFICATION Zw W=p< � s GENERAL 17 All signs required by Section 10.106 of this code shall conform to the provisions of this appendix. 18 2. PURPOSE 19 The purpose of this appendix is to provide information to the occupants and fire department personnel to insure that 20 they do not'become confused during emergencies, by requiring that standardized signs be installed in stairways to inform 21 the user which stair landing he is on and the upper and lower 22 termination of the stairway. �J 3. SCOPE 23 The provisions of this section shall apply to new and existi, buildings four or more stories in height. 4. SIGN 24 25 (a) The sign shall be a minimum 12 inches x 12 inches. (b) The stairway location shall be placed at the top of 26 the sign in 1-inch high block lettering with 1/4-inch stroke. (Stair #1 or west stair.) 27 (c) The stairway's upper terminus shall be placed under the stairway identification in 1-inch high block lettering 28 with 1/4--inch stroke (roof access or no roof access). (d) The floor level number shall be placed in the middle 10. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27-I 281 of the sign in 5-inch high lettering with 3/4-inch stroke. The mezzanine levels shall have the letter "M" preceding the floor number. Basement levels shall have the letter "B" preceding the floor number. (e) The lower and upper terminus of the stairway shall be placed at the bottom of the sign in 1-inch high block letter- ing with 1/4-inch stroke. (f) These signs shall be maintained in an approved manner. EXAMPLE: 1 inch x 1/4 inch 5 inches x 3/4 inch- 1 inch x 1/4 inch— . SHIEST STAIR NO ROOF ACCESS -.. M 1 .;o. B2 THRU 24 -6--12 inches-.:,. STAIR 3 ROOF ACCESS 6 12 1 THRU 12 17.04.330 Bulk plants and above -ground bulk storage prohibited. (a) The limits referred to in Sec. 15.201 of the. Uniform Fire Code within which the storage of flammable liquids in outside above -ground tanks is prohibited are established as all areas within the city limits of the City of Carlsbad. (b) The limits referred to in Sec. 15.601 of the Uniform Fire Code within which new bulk plants for flammable or combustib liquids are prohibited are hereby established as all areas within the city limits of the City of Carlsbad. 17.04.340 Violation --Penalties. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this chapter or of the code adopted by this chapter or who fails to comply therewith, or who violates or fails to comply caith any order made thereunder, or who builds in violation of any detailed statement of specifications or plans submitted and approved thereunder, or any certificate or permit issued thereunder, and from which no appeal has been taken, or who fails to comply with such an order as affirmed or modified by the City Council or by a court of competent jurisdiction, within the time fixed herein, is severally for each and every such violation and noncompliance respectively, quilty of a misdemeanor punish- able as provided in Section 1.08.010. The imposition of one penalty for any violation shall not excuse the violation or permit it to continue; and all such persons shall be required to correct or remedy such violation or defects within a reasonable time; and. when not otherwise specified, each day that prohibited conditions are maintained constitutes a separate offense. The application of the above penalty shall not be held to prevent the enforced removal of prohibited conditions. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty 11. U "M i■ 1 days after its adoption,.and the City Clerk shall certify to the 2 adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least 3 once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its 4 adoption. 5 INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the 6 Carlsbad City Council held an the 3rd day of May 1977 , .7I and thereafter 8 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City 9 Council held on the 17th day of May , 1977 by the t 10 following vote, to Grit: 11 AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Packard and Councilwoman Casler °a 12 NOES: None li m g 13 ABSENT: Councilman SkotniCki $o�z 14 t�f c .7-? o ; o ROBERT C. FRAZEE, Ma r ma<� 15 LL �wU ATTEST: <' zWc 16 Jc� WZ Q m ^Q >0 17 V 18 MAi G T E. ADAMS, City C 19 s (SEAL) 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 12.