HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-04-05; City Council; 5022; ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUMMIT CONFERENCE0 CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 Initial Dept. HE DATE : April 5, 1977 C. Atti DEPARTMENT : City Manager C. Mgr. Sub j ect : AGENDA BILL NO. SOJZ \ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUMMIT CONFERENCE Statement of the Matter A letter has been received from Supervisor Jim Bates invitin( a representative of the City Council to attend a joint sessic of the Board of Supervisors and the City of San Diego on economic development. The conference will be held April 13, 1977 at 7:OO PM at the Community Concourse. The prime purpose of the conference for the County is to coordinate its Economic Development Program with those being conducted throughout the region. Exhibit Letter from Supervisor Jim Bates Recommendation Mayor Frazee recommends that Councilman Skotnicki be appoint( as the City of Carlsbad representative. - Council Action: 4-5-77 It was agreed by the Council that Councilman Skotnicki appointed as the City of Carisbad's representative at I Economic Development Summit Conference. e 0 0 J?z SUPERVISO - ._ p ;-? March 3, 1977 The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Carlsbad City Hall, 1200 Elm Avenue Carl shad , California 92 0 0 8 I am pleased to invite a representative from your Council 1 attend a joint session of the Board of Supervisors and the of San Diego on Economic nevelopment. ahis Economic Develc Sumit Conference will be held on the eveninq of April 13tl 7:OO. A detailed agenda, including the location, will be : as soon as plans are finalized. In addition to the points below, it is our intention to have testimony from organiza. in the reqion involved in the region's economic developmen. The prime purpose of this Conference for the County is to I nate its economic devel-opment programs with those being COI throughout the region. Our tentative topic agenda is as fi a. A presentation of the past and present economic situa in the San Diego Region - stressing latent problem art in unemployment, housing, manufacturing, industrial development and tourism; b. A review of specific City and County programs such as Capital Improvement projects and job programs which i economic growth; A presentation by the Centre City Development Corpora on the status of downtown redevelopment, emphasizing projects needing joint City-County support; planning study being done with GPO and the Chamber's Research Bureau; Discussion by the Boar<? and Council relative to estak of an Intergovernmental Economic Development Planninc Force, and the identification of potential areas of C County cooperation. c. d. A presentation of the joint City-County economic deve e. In the inkerest of the improved well being of our resident the financial health of our conununities I hope you will jc in the Conference. 4 0 e &r. c City of Carlsbad -2- March 3, In order that your participation is properly included in ox agenda, please advise the County's Office of Management anc 3udget of your representation. Should 17013 have any questic on this matter Mr. Clifford W. Graves, Assistant Chief Adm: trative Officer for OM3 or his Chief of Economic Planning i Analysis, Michael Shontz, are available for your inquiries (236-2001) . JB : MS :be BOAI Ti LI 0 0 Y F N BIEGa R' CLERK OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS a 1600 PACIFIC HWY. 0 ROOM 306 J" SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 0 (714) 236-2321 LI - MRS. PORTER D. CREMANS CLERK OF THE ADh BOARD OF SUPERVISORS I March 15, 1977 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Margaret E. Adams, City Clerk Gentlemen: The resolution adopted by the City of Carlsbad requesting the County Board of Supervisors to support a County-wide training program by the District Attorney's office for individual police departments has been referred to the Fiscal Year 1977-78 Budget process. Yours truly, PORTER D. CREMANS Clerk of the Board of Supervisors BY cc: om Budget PDC :LP : nt - -- 0 NOTICE OF PUSLIC HEARING 0 - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Supervisors will bolt public hearing on February 24, 1977, at 3:45 p.m., in Room 351 County Administration Center, 7600 Pacific Highway, San Diego California to consider the comrnunity development application the third program year of the federal block grant program. T is the final hearing to be held pursuant to Federal Regulatio Volume 40 No. 117, June 9, 1975 Section 570.303(e)(2)(ii): Department of Housing and Urban Development, which requires t two public hearings be held on the application. The County E to receive approximately $5.7 million as its entit7ement amot from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development unc the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. The public hearing will focus on community development needs objectives and activities and on the Housing Assistance Plan the entire urban county area. The urban county area include: unincorporated county area, and the Cities of Carlsbad, Coro Del Mar, Escondido, La Mesa, San Marcos and Vista. Although of these cities have already held public hearingsin their co citizens from these areas are invited to attend and comment the hearing to be held by the Board of Supervisors as well. At the January 25 hearing, the Board of Supervisors will dis the community development application and a strategy for uti of the third year block grant funds. Federal legislation re that the communi ty devel opment program be directed toward me the needs of 'lower income households. Programs currently UI consideration center around four functjunal areas. These atl * 0 - -2- 0 1) residential rehabilitation loans and/or grants; 2) site sition and land banking for new residential construction; 3 ' facilities and public improvements, and 4) program planning development. A copy of the draft application and Housing Assistance Plan file wfth the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, located at County Administration Center, 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 35 Di ego. PORTER D. CREMANS, Clerk Board of Supervisors