HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-04-16; City Council; 5038; EWPCF Carlsbad CapacityCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. 3T03& Initial: Dept.Hd. DATE: April 19 . 1977 c> Atty< DEPARTMENT: Public Works C. Mgr. Subject: EWpCF _ CARLSBAD CAPACITY Statement of the Matter In response to previous Council discussion concerning consumption of Carlsbad's share of capacity at the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility, staff has been recording information on the number of building permits issued. The attached report describes the present situation regarding numbers of sewer permits and other legal obligations for which commitment to plant capacity must be reserved. Exhibit Report dated April 14, 1977 Recommendation See attached report Council Action 4_19_77 Council adopted staff's recommendations as outlined in the Public Works Administrators Memo to the City Manager dated April 14, 1977, subject to the following changes: Item C should reflect staff be instructed to accept no further applications for building permits effective immediately; further, regarding I tern D, the first sentence should reflect the staff be instructed to issue no further building permits except for those applications already on hand. MEMORANDUM TO: City Manager FROM: Public Works Administrator DATE: April 14, 1977 SUBJECT: Carlsbad Capacity Encina Water Pollution Control Facility - Supplemental Report #2 When the initial report on plant capacity was written in February of this year, the estimated Carlsbad flow through the Encina Water Pollution Con- trol Facility (EWPCF) was 2.6 million gallons per day (M6D) and our num- ber of connections to the sewer system was 10,071 equivalent dwelling units (EDU). Our surplus capacity, at that time, was an estimated 0.83 MGD. This equates to approximately 3,000 EDUs. One of the concerns expressed by Council and staff was that there would be a run on sewer permits for the remaining capacity. The run has occurred. During February and March, there were 871 sewer permits issued for a total connection count of 10,942 EDUs. The number of building permits issued, but where no sewer permit had yet been obtained, was equivalent to 361 EDUs. The number of building permits in plan check was equivalent to 287 EDUs. This gives us, either on line or in the "permit pipeline", a total of 11,590 sewer connections with a potential flow rate of 3.13 MGD. This is an increase of 1,519 EDUs since the end of January (see attached chart). If we take this potential demand of 3.13 MGD and add to it 0.2 MGD for existing commitments to commercial expansion under construction or in pro- cess, and if we reserve 0.1 MGD for across-the-counter residential devel- opment, then we are at the legal limit (3.43 MGD) of our share of present plant capacity at the EWPCF. EXTENDING CAPACITY OF PRESENT TREATMENT FACILITIES: County Sanitation District personnel are studying means of extending the capacity of the San Elijo plant either by reevaluating the rating of ex- isting facilities or by the use of chemical additives. The EWPCF Plant Manager has been instructed by the Joint Advisory Committee (JAC) to work with County personnel to determine the steps necessary to similarly ex- tend the capacity of our present Encina facilities. PHASE III PLANT EXPANSION: The EWPCF Plant Manager reports that progress is being made in resolving our problems with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It is pos- sible that we may receive concept approval for the project within the next several months. It will, however, still take approximately five years before the Phase III project is on line. City Manager -2- April 14, 1977 Despite the hope of relief presented by the actions described above, it is imperative that we take immediate steps to prevent us from violating our legal commitments to our fellow JAC members. It is therefore staff's recommendation that City Council adopt the following recommendations: RECOMMENDATIONS: A. Accept no more applications for tentative subdivision maps (excepting the tentative map for the Plaza Camino Real ex- pansion wherein the City has already assumed a legal obli- gation). This action should be effective immediately. An exception to this policy would be where a proposed develop- ment includes its own sewage treatment facilities and where those facilities conform to existing policy. B. Accept no more applications for annexation (excepting that for Palomar Airport which is receiving sewer service under an existing contract). C. Instruct staff to stop accepting applications for building permits except for those that allow for infill of present urbanized areas or where acceptable alternative systems for sewage disposal are included. D. Instruct staff to stop issuing building permits when the sewer connection (EDU) count reaches 11,900. Exceptions to this would be applications for building permits associ- ated with the Plaza Camino Real expansion, Palomar Airport expansion up to their contractual limit, for development which includes acceptable alternative systems for sewage disposal or for existing residences where existing septic systems have failed. E. Instruct staff to aggressively pursue any possible source of leased capacity. F. Instruct staff to aggressively pursue possible reduction in demand placed on treatment plant capacity by commercial and industrial users. 6. Instruct staff to report back in six months, and at six- month intervals thereafter until significant progress is made towards awarding a contract for the Encina Phase III project. Said reports are to include the following: 1. Current average dry weather flow from Carlsbad; 2. Results of efforts to lease additional treatment plant capacity and/or recover capacity in EWPCF; 3. Recommendations on modification of policies in ef- fect at time. City Manager -3-April 14, 1977 H. Instruct staff to develop a method of evaluating proposed development for the purpose of allocating recovered, leased or additional capacity which may accrue to City. Ronald A. Beckman, P.I Public Works Administrator RAB:veb Attachment Q UJ CO (f) UJ QL X UJ O </>! UJ O UJ 10 ir,900 RECOMMENDED CUT OFF 11,590 CONNECTIONS IN PIPELINE (EXISTING ft PLAN CHECK) 10,942 CONNECTIONS AS OF 4/8/77 10,071 CONNECTIONS AS OF FEB. 77 CARLSBADS LIMIT IN E.W.PC.F PRESERVED FORCOMMERCIAL, UNDER CONSTRUCTION OR LEGAL AGREEMENT CUT OFF PERMITS IN PROCESS J FMAMJJ ASONDJ FMAMJJ ASONDJ FMAMJ J ASOND 75 76 77 END OF MONTH