HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-05-03; City Council; 3069-3; ECONOMIC IMPACT REPORT LAKE CALAVERA HILLS MASTER PLANTnStial: 1) e CITY Jl uAt?15t311D ____ ______ __ < AGliiOA i3ii.L NO, ___-_I_ 3) Lf I___ - w __ ---_ *3 -- May 3, 1977 - - _____---__-- I, A 1 E. : D E P :'i P,-il4 E I\! T : I_ S:1 B J E C I- : city Mgr. 7 _-_--__I_- _--I- PLANNING -_I______ ~_____l_ll ---_- -^__-- - ECONOMIC IMPACT REPORT LAKE CALAVERA HILLS MASTER PLAN ___II_ -------------- -__ _I -__ _---___I __--___- --- ?TAT1:14Ek r Ut THt IlAl TCR ___ -I__- The City Council approved a Master Plan for the Lake Calavera Hills project on March 1974 (Resolution No. 3407). The Planning Department recently received an applicatio from Lake Calavera Hills to amad the Master Plan to bring it into conformance with the recent amendments to the Planned Cmunity Zone. Also received was authorizatio to request proposals for the performance of the required Land Use and Public Facilit Economic Impact &port. Three firms responded to the Request for Proposal: - Ashley Economics, Inc. - LRvander,-Partridge and Anderson, Inc. - McDonald & Grefe, Inc. One firm, Gruen, Gruen and Associates, did not respond to the Request for Proposal. A staff screening cormittee has reviewed the three proposals and recmends the firm Levander, Partridge and Anderson. This firm's proposal provides a somewhat differen analysis of sales tax revenues and service levels than the other two proposals. Sin the other two approaches are king applied to the La Costa and Carlsbad Oaks -Master Plans, the City will have the ability to cOmpare this third analytical technique wit the previous two. EXHIBITS Resolution NO. 5~60 Resolution No. 526/ FECOMMENIlATIoN If the City Council accepts staff's reconanendation of the firm LRvander, Partridge and Anderson, it is reccarrmended that the Council approve the attached contracts with the applicant and the consultant, and authorize the Mayor to execute them by adopting Resolutions 5U L fi and s@ 6 / (See Page 2 for Council action) FORM PLANNING 73 A * -2- 0 1b I AGENDA BILL NO. 3069 - Supplement #3 May 3, 1977 Council action 5-3-77 Resolution #5060 was adopted, approving agreement between City and Lake Calavera Hills for services to provide an Economic Impact Report. Resolution 85061 was adopted, approving agreement between and Levander, Partridge and Anderson, Inc. for consulting to provide an Economic Impact Report - re: Lake Calavera Master P1 an. ,' c 1 2 3 # 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 l8 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 * 0 -- RESOLUTION NO 5060 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND LAKE CALAVERA HILLS FOR THE PROVISION AND COMPENSATION OF SERVICES TO PROVIDE AN ECONOMIC IMPACT REPORT ON THE LAKE CALAVERA HILLS MASTER PLAN. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That this certain agreeinent between the City of Carls and Lake Calavera Hills for the provision and compensation of sulting services to provide a land use and public facilities Economic Impact Report on the Lake Calavera Hills Master Plan, copy of which is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made E part hereof, is hereby approved. 2, That the Mayor of -the City of Carlsbad is hereby aut1 rized and directed to execute said agreement for and on behali c the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California held on the lrrl day of May , 1977 by the following vote, to wit: I AYES : NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Packard, Skotnicki an Councilwoman Cas1 er (SEAL) JsebuiuLLuii LYU. ---I e 0 (with applicant) 4. * AGREEMENT * THIS AGREEMENT is made this 3rd day of May I 19 I between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as CITY, and LAKE CALAVERA HILLS herein after referred to as APPLICANT, RECITALS WHEREAS, the Applicant has filed with the City a request for approval of a proposed project identified as The Lake Calavera Hills Master Development Plan; and WHEREAS, paragraph 2B of Section 21.38.060 of Chapter 21. of Title 21 requires the preparation of a Land Use and Public Facilities Economic Impact ?.eport prior to consideration of tF project; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that it must engage the c. services of a qualified consultant to perform the necessary wc in the preparation of said Land Use and Public Facilities Ecor Impact Report for the proposed project; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and con- ditions hereinafter contained, it is agreed as follows: 1. The City will engage the firm of Levander, Partridge and Anderson, Inc, hereinafter referred to as the "Consultant" to perform the necessary work in the preparation of Land Use and Public Facilities Economi Impact Report for that area more particularly depict€ upon a pla-L map attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" ar incorporated herein by reference. .1 0 a 2. It is understood-that preparation of the Land Use and Public Facilities Economic Impact Report shall conforn to the Proposal attached hereto as Exhibit I'B", and may require: (a) Collection of data; (b) Analysis of data; (c) Written reports; and (dl Such other work as may be necessary to properly evaluate the Land Use and Public Facilities Econc Impacts of the proposed project. 3. The Applicant shall pay to the City the actual cost incurred by the Consultant in preparing said report; .. that such costs shall be based on the costs set forth in Exhibit "B". 'The Applicant has advanced the sum of $18,400 as payment on account for the cost of pre- paring said report;'that in the event it appears., as the work progresses, that said sum will not be suffic the City will notify the Applicant. No further work I be performed by the Consultant incurring an obligatic beyond the amount advanced without an appropriate ame ment to this Agreement. If the actual cost of prepar the report is less than Applicant's advance, any surp will be refunded to Applicant by City. 4. It is understood that the Consultant shall be an in- dependent contractor of the City; that the Applicant agrees to permit the Consultant to enter upon his pro erty and to perform and work thereon as the Consultan deems necessary to complete the Land Use and Public .2 - e * Facilities Economic Impact Report, It; is agreed that the Applicant at no timeqill interfere with the Con- sultant in the performance of such work or attempt tc influence such Consultant during the course of his investigation and report. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the day and year first above written. CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Municipal Corporation of the State of California. ATTEST : BY k LAKE CALAVERA HILLS - *_ I BY /s,’ / 1 APPROVED AS TO FORN: J-3 p-+$+&9u/jA, IN EMT-?F. BIONDO, 4 . City Attorney 03 \dPPI./ & Agreement Exhibi.t c1 < e.,_ SAN DlEGO COUN-TY \ _.-___- - ' -__------- --______ ~ ----.---- - Case ll~.,(/PAS$/])-Date Rec'd:-+,z,L zZ;'7i?CC Cate:a%U 1 PC Date-Qfi5 D c s c 1- i p 'i i o n o .F R e q L: o s t : J, 9L;,2p!kf[ - d f i;asEy~ 74~ i ~/+XCZA~B~GAJI-- r ' .JD>&k&#mr-- ild 1-c~~ or Location ot Request:&44cX-d= t',c f!!,w,-.- __ <2-, c -,-- - ~~~€--~~~~~~~~~~~.-.~~ , 5 E II il P . o 1- Rr c h - .. -j:%cfl- --L,<lG.-*- __ &-._._________._____c___~ -__- -----:--;--------- Gri cf Lc~sl : -______ ----- ~ ___-________- ___c_----------- . . . -. . ___._ - - _-. - -__------- --- ---- - Ass2l;sor Sook:1$7[-:3 208 \'age: 1 ~//JZ'/OO-S . .. - ____. .- - I'Zi-Cel :-!/42/nUJ G p 11s r 3.1 F 1 3 11 1.. Yi'd L'sc~-ll<s c r i I)-t-1 o n : -J+~~C[~[I-<- d('Esx &QL!, "d.d-0 *L--. -- J-- 3Cd i)U/Acre 3,3 __ Existing Zone: - __ . - ___ - __- .. tio. 01- Lots: LI_I?I_L( DU'S~-~.J~~> ~. , , , A c i' (2 s : - $Q o-.,--- S c 11 o o 1 D 1 s t 1- 1 c t : 141atpr sari i tat i on-I.1 s tri c C:&-;~J~D; C-JT-V Inlithin Coast Plan Area:- c.0 ii s t P e' r m i .t A 1- e a : Jz-:. - __ -_-- /. &5-CJ-&d-fgEA- :-- /%! dl-- 5PJZLQ-J.LJ~ q.--zQ---J,dLP J;f[$j:?$Jc/bfl@l--K - -2 ~. __----.- ., tipp 1 1 c A!) i: : --~,~~~~~---~~;~,~~j~~=~~---~~~~-~~~ ____ ___-- ' -- .. I* .. ... _c * . Proposcci zone: __ Tdb - __ .. C,!?,~,U&./- .IL- - -- - & AKl. ~~~~&~~~])fi~-ci-J e -_c_ . @------ ,. . .. .... .. ... I--- * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 a7 18 39 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 . 27 28 e 0 RESOLUTIOPPNO. 5061 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSETID, CALIFORNIA, APFROVING AN AGREEXENT BZTWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND LEVANDER, PARTRIDGE AND ANDERSON, INC- FOR CONSULTIIJG SERVICES TO PROVIDE AN ECONOMIC ILbIFACT REPORT ON THE LAKE CALAVERA HILLS MASTER PLAN. - The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, doe!: hereby resolve as follows: 1. That that certain agreement between the City of Carls2 and Levarider, Partridge and Andersonl Inc. for consulting serT to provide a land use and public facilities Economic Impact Rc on the Lake Calavera Hills Master Plan, a copy of which is ati hereto marked Exhibit “A” ad, made a part hereof, is hereby approved e 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authc rized and directed to execute said agreement for and on behall the City of Carlsbad. \ PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 3rd day of Ma.y , 1977 by the following vote, to wit: j - AYES : Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Packard, Skotnicki anc NOES : None ABSENT: None Councilwoman Casler / gddc 29p- ROBERT C. FRAZEW Mayor ATTEST : (with consulta v AGREEMENT - 0 -.. THIS AGREEMENT is made this 3rd day of May I 19 , between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as CITY, and LEVANDER, PARTRIDGE AND ANDERSON, INC, hereinafter referre to as CONSULTANT. RECITALS: WHEREAS, the City has entered into an agreement with LAKE CALAVERq HILLS, hereinafter called the "Applicant" , wherein th City agrees to have prepared a Land Use and Public Facility Economic Impact Report for the proposed project identified as LAKE CALP-VERA HILLS Master Development Plan, which lies east o El Camino Real between Palomar Airport Road and State Highway and more precisely shown on the plat marked Exhibit 'A", attac hereto and nade a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the Consultant- has the qualifications to prepare \ the Economic Impact Report; and WHEREAS, the Consultant represents that neither he nor an member of his staff has performed any work on the proposed pro has no understanding with the applicant or any expectation of working for the applicant in the future on said project and ha not been employed by the applicant upon any project within twc years last past; and WHEREAS, it is understood that the Consultant shall be an independent contractor of the City; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutal covenants and conditions, the parties hereto agree as follows: .1 0 e (1) DUTIES --- OF THE CONSULTANT: L- Consultant shall prepare a Land Use and Public Facility Economic Impact Report for the subject project in accord with paragraph 2B of Sectio 21.38.060 of Chapter 21.38 of Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. In carrying out this obligation the Consultant's duties shall include the following: (a) The Consultant shall (1) collect all required data; (2) Make all required analyses: (3) appear and be prepared to answer questions and present testimony on the Land Use and Public Facility Economic Impact Report at at least one public hearing each before th Planning Commission and the City Council prior to acceptance of the report; (4) make all reports nec- essary to comply with the requirements of this secti Before preparing the final report, the Consultant sh submit ten copies of a preliminary report to tee ._ - Planning Director for staff review. (b) Consultant shall prepare a final report in complianc with the Work Program marked Exhibit "Brr, attached h and made a part hereof. The Consultant shall submit to City thirty-five copies plus a reproducible nastf of the final report to the City. (2) DUTIES OF THE CITY (a) The City will make payment to the Consultant a: provided for in this agreement. The City will make available to the Consultant document, studies, or other information in its possession related to the proposed project. (b) .2 e 0 (c) The City will review all Preliminary Materials pre- sented by the consultant promptly upon receipt and make comments to the consultant thereon. (3) TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT The City may terminate this agreement at any time by giving written notice to the Consultant of such terminati and specifying the effective date thereof, at least fifteen days before the effective date of such terminatic In that event, all finished or unfinished documents and other materials prepared pursuant to this agreement shall at the option of the City, become its property. (4) RELEASE OF INFORMATION BY CONSULTANT Any reports, information or other ?ata, prepared or assembled by the Consultant under this agreemert shall not be made available to any individual or organization by the Consultant without the prior written approval of the City. i. (5) OWNERSHIP, PUBLICATION REPRODUCTION AN13 USE OF THE REPORT AND OTHER I\IA'I'ERIAL All documents and materials prepared pursuant to this agreement are the property of the City. The City shall have the unrestricted authority to publish, disclose, distribute and otherwise use, in whole or in part, any reports, data, or other materials prepared under this agreement. (6) PAYMENT The Consultant will be paid a maximum of $18,400 dollars for all work necessary to carry out the requirements of .3 0 0 this agreement. Actual payment shall be based on the cost of the report based on the costs as set forth in Exhibit "B". Charges shall be billed on a monthly basis on or before the 15th day of each calendar month following any month in which Consultant performs services. Invoices shall contain the following: (1) Each item of direct salary costs showing the number of hours worked by each person for whom a charge is made, together with the nature of the work performed, (2) each item of direct nonsalary costs, (3) an itemization of any miscellaneous consulting services rendered containing the data set forth in (1) and (2) above. Invoices which are not disputed in writing by v the City and whom are more than 530 days past due shall be subject to interest charges at the rate of seven percent I: annum. (7) TIME OF COMPLETION \ Time is of the essence in carrying out the terms of this agreement. Tasks 1-6 as described in Exhibit "B" shall be conipleted in no more than eleven (11) weeks after writ authorization by the City to commence work. (8) LIMITS OF THE OBLIGATION The limits of the obligation of the City under this agree is in the sum of $18,400 which amount is estimated to be sufficient to compensate the Consultant for all services formed hereunder during the terms of this agreement. In event at any time it appears to the Consultant that said sum may not be sufficient, he shall immediately so notify the Planning Director. He will not perform any work or i any obligation beyond said sum of $18,400 without appropr .4 e 0 amendment to this agreement. (9) HOLD HARP4LESS - - The Consultant will idernnify the City against and hold it harmless from all and any cost, expense, or liability for damages on account of injury or death to persons or damage to property resulting from or arising out of or in any way connected with the performance by Consultant of this agreement, including the defense of any action arising therefrom. Consultant will reimburse the City for all costs, expenses and losses incurred by it in con- sequent of any claims, demands and causes of action which may be brought against it by a person arising out of the , performance by Consultant of this agreement. (10) INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR Consultant in accordance with his status as an independen contractor, covenants and agrees that he will conduct himsel€ consistent with such status, that he will neither hold hinself out as nor claim to be an officer or employe of the City by reason hereof, and that he will not by reason hereof, make any claim, demand, or application to or for any right or privilege applicable to an officer or employee of the City including, but not limited to, workm compensation coverage, unemployment insurance benefits, social security coverage, unemployment insurance benefits or retirement membership credit. \ (11) ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT - Consultant shall not assign this contract or any part the or monies due or to become due thereunder without the pri written consent of the City. .5 e - 0 (12) SUBCONTRACTING If the Consultant shall subcontract any of the work to be performed under this contract by Consultant , the Consulta shall be fully responsible to the City for the acts and omissions of its subcontractor and of the persons either directly or indirectly employed by its subcontractor, as it is for the acts and omissions of persons directly empl by it. Nothing contained in this contract shall create a contractual relationship between any subcontractor of Con sultant and the City. The Consultant shall bind every su contractor and every subcontractor of a subcontractor by the terms of this contract applicable to its work unless specifically noted to the contrary in the subcontract in question approved in vriting by the City. 45 (13) PROHIBTTED IETEREST No official of the City who is authorized in such capacit and on behalf of the City to negotiate, make, accept or approve, or to take part in negotiating, making, acceptin or approving any architectural, engineering, inspection, construction, or material supply contract or any subcontr in connection with the construction of the project, shall become directly or indirectly interested personally in th contract or in any part thereof. No officer, employee, 4 architect, attorney, engineer or inspector of or for the City who is authorized in such executive, supervisory or other similar functions in connection with the performanc - of this contrazt shall become directly or indirectly in- terested personally in this contract or any part thereof. (14) VERBAL AGREEMENT OR CONVERSATION .6 . - Description of 2equest:d g F &&7m ?&4J /$2gttm !d f%.LE:_--- A :dzlC&dLGd-L-H! Zg4( ____I___ .Ad a ress or Location 07 Rcquest:Eksi & pK~ e,,&~y,@ ~@'j!,.,&~3Z-~. &-X /&ME PJ&/EE&*.-ESZd.Z3J /-kl y 7g fLd!-.&Od~L/~4ZLlZP- l? P P 1 1 c i' 't 'i : ---~~~-~---~~~~~~~.~~.~~~~--~---- Ejw-. 01" Arcll.,sLc-.a[& -a___ CC3_L- --______ ____I- ---- L-1--..------ tjrief -Legal : -- --- A~BT~~~~~~ ;IS$ page; vdemo~ ['am1 : __--- V~~XIDUJ - . - Existing Zone: ______..-.- 1- Scllool Djstr1ct: ag'L2fid~ /JdjF,fiO - \dater- Sani tation31 stric :&~JD; r~j7-y - . ... ... . '' n/r- .. __ i 3- ,. _-- .. ..... _-- -----. ________. G e n e r a 1 F 1 a II I- a II d '&F-DTs c r i pti~GT;~?~~~~~- ~~~~~~-~g?,_&-&??~~ Acres LIqQ.0 -.-.-- No. of Lots: t?n/K; DU'~3-33-7~ ,DU/Acre .3,.4 Iiithin Coast Plan Area: 3ck. .. PToposcd Zone: ___ IC~ _.___. cl"f/J,uc&p, 1 --.-... .... , Coast Permi.t Arca:do 0 Exhibit 'B' 0 Work Program 4 1. SCOPE OF CONSULTANT SERVICES The Consultant shall provide professional services nec- essary for the completion of the Land Use and the Public Faciliti Economic Impact Analysis of the Lake Calavera Hills Master Plan a described in Tasks 1-6 of Consultant's Proposal of March 25, 1977 and more particularly as follows: TASK I - LAND USE ANALYSIS The evaluation of proposed land uses and formulation of developme forcasts will represent approximately 25% of the overall work eff and will entail the following basic steps: A) Evaluate Historical Developnent Activity To determine trends in population and development growth. Incluc o Fundamental growth. Historical rate of population and hoL hold growth within the Carlsbad/North County Area. o Development I__- characteristics. --- Housing values, unit charact istics, sales rates, resident characteristics, (origin, a< income, etc.), commercial square footage, etc. o Other new communities. Eistorical development rates and 1 use mix at selected new.communities in Southern Californiz \ E. Review Blaster Plan Proposed Uses and the Region's Land Use To evaluate Lake Calavera Hills' proposed inventory in relation t the competitive supply of developable land. Particular focus on master planned new communities active in the market area. To dei the specific land allocations, densities, housing types, and mar) programs anticipated in the master plan. C. Forecast Regional and Lake Calavera Hills Population o Establish regional market area population forecasts based projections by the CPO, San Diego County Planning Departmc and any City projections, adjusted as appropriate to refh most recent historical experience. o Estimate attainable penetration rates of this market area growth potential by Lake Calavera Hills, given anticipate( promotion and development strategy. p Forecast the rste of dwelling unit development and househc and population growth at Lake Calavera Hills. D. Forecasts Other Uses Demand for commercial development will accrue largely from p' .1 0 e ulation growth within the community and will be forecast as rates for all non-residential uses will be forecast based on appropriate support ratios. such. Possibl;3 secondary support from surrounding developrner E. Forecast Specific Development Factors The overall growth forecasts will be refined to express specific categories of development. Forecasts will, as a minimum, define following level of detail for each year: o Total permanent and second home population. o Nurnber and average value of single family homes, townhousc condominiums, and apartments. o Acres utilized for basic housing types. o School enrollment for K-6, 7-9, and 10-12 grades. o Total retail sales generated by residents. o Acres, building square feet, and valuation of commercial retail, office, hotel/resort/commercial recreation, and public open space, and other uses of significance. F. ELtahlish Ranges of Absorption and Value Confidence intervals will be established in terms of at least twc basic variables-- a maximum and minimum absorption rate anticipa and a maximum and minimum rate of commercial development. The m< imum estimate will be such that, in the Consultant's judgment, t will be a 20% chance that the actual development rate will exceec this estimate. Similarly, the minimum estimate will be such tha in the Consultant's judgement there is a 20% probability that ac development will fall below the estimate. TASK 2 - ANALYSIS OF COST REVENUE FACTORS These factors will cover the principal operating costs, capital 1 and revenues of the agencies under consideration, which include Cj.ty, the Carlsbad Unified School District, and the Carlsbad Mun Water District. Other agencies or subdivisions of functions may evaluated if found to be advisable once the research is underway All'alysis of service costs will be based on a dual approach-first from direct estimation through analysis of City of Carlsbad depa mental budgets, operating data, interviews with department heads and engineering estimates. Secondly, a comparable approach will applied, drawing on factors developed in the Consultant's work f other cities, and from comparing typical services costs for othe cities throughout California. A) Operating Costs A first element of this analysis will be to analyze the structur each governmental jurisdiction and identify and define the basic .2 0 0 categories of services and costs to be examined. For the City, t Consultant will cover its major service functions, including: PC protection, fire protection, library, parks and recreation, strec and administration. Within each of these service departments, tf Consultant will determine specifically how internal operations ar affected by new growth (either residential or commercial). Basec his own experience and also from discussions from management per. the Consultant will carefully identify those service functions ar thus service costs which are most closely related to new resident and commercial development. In the area of school analysis, the Consultant will evaluate principally the teaching vs. administrat funtions. It will not be within scope of this analysis to reviev school budgets from a detailed grade by grade or funtion by funcl basis. Cost analysis will consider service levels--current service leve: will be evaluated and required minimum service levels will be deJ The Consultant will evaluate data for other cities as prepared bl the state controller, correlating budget data with size, density, age, residential income, and population, to determine the most ay ble ranges of value for Carlsbad. Also, he will review data fror national governmental census for average costs, and current budgc of ten to twenty "comparable" cities will he studitzd in greater ( to gain services. After analysis from both the departmental ana: and comparable city approach, the Consultant will then make compz isons of result and make final judgement regarding proper servicc levels and cost factors. If discrepancies are significant betwee the two approaches, the Consultant will then undertake additiona: research to reconcile these variations. At the conclusion of th. work element, the Consultant will prepare definitive estimates oj these cost factors, apply each departmental cost to appropriate development units or combination of units. E) Capital Costs These costs will apply to the jurisdictions under study, but gre; importance and emphasis will be given to city streets, school fa( and utility facilities. While capital cost data for other citie! be reviewed, the greatest emphasis will be placed on preparing spt budgets for various capital items, working closely with departmei heads. Capital costs will be estimated in a two-staged process. the need for specific capital facilities will be related to popu and/or development growth, and the required major facilities schc over time. Then, the cost of the specific facilities will be esi mated, drawing upon city departments expertise, or estimation fa( prepared by other governmental agencies. In this analysis the Cc sultant will clearly identify those capital costs which are assuI directly by the developers as opposed to the City. Thus, develo] supplied capital facilities will not be "double counted'' in the ( budget. C) Revenues For analysis of city revenues, the Consultant will review all so1 with emphasis on major items: .3 0 e, o Property Taxes o Sales Taxes o State Subventions (gas taxes, cigarette taxes, etc.) o Use Charges o Development related fees -* o Other Fees and Licenses o Revenue Sharing o CD Block Grants - Each revenue item will be expressed in terms of appropriate deve ment units. For property taxes, values will be based on current (and possible prospective) property tax rates, applied to estima of new development values from Task 1. An important factor to bc evaluated will be the extent to which assessor practice conforms the statutory 25 percent assessed valuation factor. To this end the Consultant will obtain data on 40 to 50 properties in the Grc Carlsbad area, and compare recent sales prices with "then curren assessment values- From this, a judgment regarding the practica of the 25 percent factor will be made. For school finances, the impact of the SB 90 State Aid formula w be evaluated. Sales Taxes estimates will include two components: the taxable : generated by new population at Lake Calavera Hills, and the-perct of this total to be realized at retail stores within retail stort within the City limits. In addition, the effects of new corrmerc uses within the community which may draw a percentage of their si from outside the city will be taken into account. Development-related fees will be related directly to new construc while revenue sharing, block grants, and certain other items wil approximated as being proportional to population. TASK 3 - ASSUMPTIONS AND ISSUEG This work task is the definition and evaluation of issues and a1 native assumptions underlying the cost revenue analysis, and wil accomplished jointly with city staff. This task will be underta' in two stages: first, the basic issues will be identified prior undertaking the evaluation of individual departmental cost and r( factors. Subsequently, some alternative assumptions will be tes and finalized for the final cost revenue conclusions. These ass' tions will include the following: A) Allocation of Indirect Costs B) Governmental Organization and Tax Structure C) Inflation D) Plan Alternatives E) Quality of Services F) Rate of Development .4 0 e TASK 4 - COST REVENUE COMPUTATION '.- - Based on inputs from Tasks 1 and 2 and reflecting the appropriatc assumptions as outlined in Task 3, @z Consultant will prepare a 25-year forecasts of annual service costs, capital costs, and re. venues accruing to each governmental jurisdiction. Separate fort casts will be prepared reflecting maximum, expected, and minimum development rates. TASK 5 - REFINEMENT OF FACTORS AND CONCLUSIONS After an initial set of projections has been prepared, the Consu' results will be reviewed and evaluated with city staff. Additioi research tasks and refinements to assumptions and methodology, a! appropriate, will be defined and undertaken. The final series o projections will then be prepared. TASK 6 - DOCUMENTATION The final documentation will include the following: 1. The data base, assumptions, and methodology fully documented, both to enable City staff to fully evaluate the results of the study, and also to enable maximum application of this work to future cost-revenue studies of other areas. .. 2. A technical appendix with computational work- sheets, factor tables, and full instructions to enable city staff to prepare additional iterations with very limited consultant assistance. L 3. A full bibliography. 4. A clear summary of the broad economic base of the North County, the limitations of the methodologies employed, the key issues to be resolved by the Planning Commission/City Council, and the basic conclusions and/or recommendations of the study. REVIEW Formal review meetings between the Consultant and the City shall occur following completion of Tasks 1,2,4 and 5. 2 . COMPENSATION : Fees for consulting services provided in paragraph 1 above shall determined on the basis of the professional service rates listed below, and by the direzt nonsalary costs as hereinafter defined, except that the total fee for consulting services shall not excec $18,400. a. Professional services shall be compensated at applicable hou~ professional rates according to the following schedule: .5 .1 - c e * Principals $40.00 Associates $20.00 b. Direct nonsalary costs shal.1 include the following: Services d%rectly applicable to the work such as computer rental and programming costs associated with analysis for the project; printing and other reproducing costs associated with the final report; miscellaneous photocopying; the use of any subcontractor; identifiable communication expense such as long distance telephone, telegraph, cable, express charges and postage other' than for general correspondence: living and traveling expenses of employees when away from home offices on business connected with the work, except for automobile travel- which shall be at the rate of 15 cents per mile. ACM: ar 4/26/77 I_ c .6 i* I t 1 2 i 3 1 4 5 6 7 i 8 I 9 1 I 3.0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I 8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 - 27 1 -. a or c RESOLUTIOIPNO. 5061 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIIE CJTY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AGREE:-IENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND LEVIiNDER, PARTRIDGE AND ANDERSON, INC- , mLLs HAST~ER PLAN. FOR COY'SULTING SERVICES TO E'ROVIDE AN ECONOI4IC I:,IPACT REPORT ON TIIE LAKE CALAVERA The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, dc hereby resolve as follows: 1. That that certain ayreernent between the City of Carl and Lcvander, Partridcje and Anderson, Inc. for consulting se to provide a land use and public facilities Economic Impact on the Lake Caiavera Hills Master Plan, a copy of which is a hereto marked Exhibit "A" Lnd made a part hereof, is hereby approved. 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbaci is hereby aut rized and directed to execute said agreement for and on beha the City of Carlsbad. \ PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on th 3rd day of May , 1977 by the following vote, to wit AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Packard, Skotnicki a NOES : None None ABSENT: Counci lwornan Cas? er ATTEST: (with consult2 0 -- 7% G RE CI.1 EN T e* -- TIJIS AC;I~EEIJEIJ~~' is made t-his 3rd day of May I 19 , bet;.:cen thcl CITY OF CARLtSBAD, a municipal corporation - of the State of C;djfol-nia, krcinafter referred to ns CITY, alld J2EVfiNDr$R, ppA~~fJ'I:IDGE AND ASDERSON, INC I hereinafter ref erre to as CONSULTANT. RECITALS : \;IIER!':AS, the City has entered into an agreement with LAKE CALAVERA 1-11~~s I I~crcinafter called the "Applicant", wherein th City agrees to hdvr? prepared a Land Use and Public Facility Economic Impact Rel'ort for the proposed project identified as LAKE CPLAVERA HJLL!; Master Development Plan, which lies east o El Carnino l?eal heCween Palomar Airport Road and State Highway and more precisely shown on the plat marked Exhibit "A", attacl hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the Consultant has the qualifizations to prepare \ the Economic Impact Report; and WHEREAS, the Consultant represents that neither he nor an] member of his staff has performed any work on the proposed pro has no understanding with the applicant or any expectation of working for the applicant in the fu-zure on said project and ha: not been employed by the applicant upon any project within two years last past; and WHEREAS, it is understood that the Consultant shall be an independent contractor of the City; NOW, THEREF@=, in consideration of their mutal covenants and conditions, the parties hereto agree as follows: .1 e '. .__.._ e (1) DUTIES 01.' 'l'JI1~ COYSUL~I'Al4T: Consultant shall prepare a _..._ -. -- Land Use ;~~id Public Facility Economic Impact Report for the subject project in accord with paragraph 2B of Sect: 21.38.060 of Chapter 21.38 of Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. In carrying out this obligation the Consultant's duties shall include the following: (a) The Consultant shall (1) collect all required data; (2) >lake a1'1 required analyses; (3) appear and be preylared to answer questions and present testimony on tlie Land Use and Public Facility Economic Impact Report at at least one public hearing each before t planning Conmission and the City Council prior to acceptance of the report; (4) make all reports nec- essary to comply with the requirements of this sect Before preparing the final report, the Consultant 5 submit ten copies-of a preliminary report to tGe Planning Director for staff review. ._ (b) Consultant shall prepare a final report in compliar with the Work Program marked Exhibit "B", attached and made a part hereof. The Consultant shall submi to City thirty-five copies plus a reproducible mast of the final report to the City. (2) DUTIES OF THE CITY - (a) The City will make payment to the Consultant a provided for in this agreement. The City will make available to the Consultant document, studies, or.other information in its possession related to the proposed project. (13) .2 (c) T&ity will review all Prel a inary Platcrials prc scnted by the ionsultant promptly upon receipt and make comments to the consultant thereon, (3) TERMINATION OF AGREElvIENT The City rray tcrrninate this agreement at any time by giving written notice to the Consultant of such termina and specifying the effective date thereof, at least fifteen days before the effective date of such terminat In that event, all finished or unfinished documents and other materials prepared pursuant to this agreement sha at the option of the City, become its property. (4) RELEASE OF 1K;FOX.LGTICN BY COSSULTA?<T Any reports, infornztion or other Zata, prepared or assembled by the Consultant under this agreemefit shall not be made available to any individual or organization by the Consultant without the prior written approval of the City. *. \ (5) O\~’ERSHIP, PUBLICATION REPRODUCTION AWD USE OF THE REPORT AND OTHER i*LTZi?IAL All documents and materials prepared pursuant to this agreement are the property of the City. The City shall have the unrestricted authority to publish, disclose, distribute and otherwise use, in whole or in part, any reports, data, or other materials prepared under this agreement. (6) PAYMENT The Consultant will be paid a maximum of $18,400 dollar: for all work necessary to carry, out the requirements of .3 thi-s agreement. e Actual payment sh 9 1 be based on the cost of the report hsed on the costs as set forth in Exhibit "B". Charcjes shall be hilled on a inonthly hasi on or before the 15th day of ccich calendar month follow any month in which Consultant performs services. Invoi shall contain the following: (1) Each i.tcm of direct salary costs sliowiny the number of hours worked by each person for whom a charge is made, together with the nat of the work performed, (2) each item of direct nonsalar costs, (3) an itemization of any miscellaneous consulti services rendered containing the data set forth in (1) (2) above. Invoices which are not disputed in writing the City and whom are more than 90 days past due shall subject to interest charges at the rate of seven percen annum. (7.) TIME OF COMPLETION - \ Time is of the essence in carrying out the terms of thi agreement. Tasks 1-6 as described in Exhibit "B" shall be completed in no more than eleven (11) weeks after wr authorization by the City to commence work. (8) LIMITS OF THE OBLIGATION The limits of the obligation of the City under this agr, is in the sum of $18,400 which amount is estimated to b sufficient to compensate the Consultant for all service formed hereunder during the terms of this agreement. I event at any time it appears to the Consultant that sai sum may not be sufficient, he shall immediately so noti the Planning Director. He will not perform any work or any obligation beyond said sum of $18,400 without appro .4 0 a zlnendmcnt to this agreement. (9) .. HOLD _____ II&R!4LL!SS The Consul-tant will idepnify the City against and hold it harmless from all and any cost, expense, or liability for damyes on account of injury or death to persons or damage to property resulting from or arising out of or in any way connected with the performance by Consultant of this agreement, including the defense of any action arising therefrom. Consultant will re imhurse the City for all costs, expenses and losses incurred by it in con- sequent of any claims, demands and causes of action whicr may be brought against it by a person arising out of the . perrormance by Consultant of this agreement. (10) INDEPENDENT COI<TX4CTOF: - Consultant in accor2mce with his status as an indepen2er contractor, covenants and agrees that he will conduct L himself consistent with such status, that he will neithe: hold himself out as nor claim to be an officer or employe of the City by reason hereof, and that he will not by reason hereof, make any claim, denand, or application to or for any right or privilege applicable to an officer or employee of the City including, but not limited to, workn compensation coverage, unemployment insurance benefits, social security coverage, unemployment insurance benefit5 or retirement membership credit. (11) ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT Consultant shall not assign this contract or any part the or monies due or to become due thereunder without the pr: written consent of the City. .5 (1%) Si':iCO?Z'TRii em e ___ _.._____ ~ ....-- . xf the Consultant sliciI$ subcontract any of khe viol-k to lx performed under this contract by Consultant, the consul 1:; shall be fully respoiir;ible to the City for the acts and omissions of its subc:oiitractor and of the persons either directly or indirect.1.y employed by its subcontractor, as it is for the acts and omissions of persons directly ernp1 by it. Nothing contained in this contract shall create i contractual relationship between any subcontractor of Cor sultant and the city. The Consultant shall bind every SL contractor and every subcontractor of a subcontractor by the terms of this contract applicable to its work unless s.pecificaliy noted to the contrary in the subcontract in question approved in writing by the City. +$j (13) PROHIBITED INTESST No official of the City_ 1t7ho is authorized- in such capacit '-. and on behalf of the City to negotiate, make, zccept or approve, or to take part in negotiating, riaking, acceptir or approving any architectural, engineering, inspection, construction, or xatcrial supply contract or any subcontr in connection with the construction of the project, shall become directly or indirectly interested pers-onally in tY contract or in any part thereof. No officer, employee, architect, attorney, engineer or inspector of or for the City who is authorized in such executive, supervisory or other similar functions in connection with the performanc - of this contract :;hall become directly or indirectly in- terested personal lY ill this contract or any part thereof * (14) VERBAL AGREEMENT ~~~C~3NVERSATION -6 l<o verba~grccrcent or convpr-sationath any offj ccr, agent or employee of the City, either 3efGrC, c7,uring or after the executj.cn of this contract, shall affect or modify any of the tcrins or ohligations herein con- tained, nor such verbal agrcercnt or conversation cntitlc the Consultant to clny additional p~zymciit whatsoever undei the terms of this contract, IN FJITNESS WIIEREOF, the parties hereto have executed thi: agreement on the day and year first above written. CITY OF CARLS3AD, a Municipal Corporation oE the State of Cali fornia YAdC Jj%B!+G?? d ByP ROBER? %. FXAZEE, Ma&r ATTEST: f .<??.!&P4~Y I. AFGAB-~T E. ADXG &LdLL ,( City Clerk < NO& 4 GARDINER, Deputy City Clerk LEVANDER, PARTRID’G ti. ANDERSON, CJiLAydh*L Y I i” 7 (ec &+ APPROVED AS TO FORM: - _---- c // ’ 7*L B10ND6iR- 9s VINCENT F. 44 City Attorney .7 e Exhibit 'B' e- !4ork Program - 4 _I__ J . !;COPE OF CONSULTANT SZRVICES -__ ___- The Consultant shall provj de professional servj-ces nec ( :;r3,1f y for the completion of the LGnd Use and the Public Facilitj j;f ~J~C,I~I~ c Jmpact Analysis of the Lake Calavera Hills Master Plan 2 [lr.;;(;r.ibed in Tasks 1-6 of Cc2sultant's Proposal of March 25, 197; a,i'l Illore particularly as follows: rp/qfiK I - LAND USE ANALYSIS - TI,(: cvaluation of proposed land uses and formulation of developmt fc,j ~:asts will represent approximately 25% of the overall work efj aI,tl will entail the following basic steps: A) Evaluate Historical Development Activity rro r!ctermine trends in population and development growth. Incluc o Fundamental growth. Historical rate of population and hoi hold growth within the Carlsbad/North County Area. ._ o Development characteristics. _____ Housing values, unit characl istics, sales rates, resident characteristics, (origin, ac income, etc.), cor:xrcial square footage, etc. o Other new communities. Historical development rates and 1 use mix at selected ncw corrminities in Southern Californit \ B. Review Master Plan Proposed Uses and the Region's Lznd Use To $valuate Lake Calavera Hills' proposed inventory in relation 1 the competitive supply of developable land. Particular focus on master planned new communities active in the market area. To de: the specific land allocations, densities, housing types, and marl programs anticipated in tne master plan. c. Forecast Regional and Lake Calavera Hills Population o Establish regional market area population forecasts based projections by the CPO, San Diego County Planning Departmi and any City projections, adjusted as appropriate to refli most recent historical. experience. o Estimate attainable penetration rates of this market area growth potential by Lake Calavera Hills, given anticipate1 promotion and development strategy. o Forecast the rFte of dwelling unit development and househi and population growth at Lake Calavera Hills. I). Forecasts Other Uses Demand for comtercial development will accrue largely from pi 1 ulation cjzrowt 9 I within the corrxiunity an de ill he forecast as :;IiCh. Possi.li1.e secondary s\:Llport fizorn surrounding devel op,n:c rates for a3.1 non-rcciiecntia1 uses will be forecast based on appropriate su'pport ratios. E. Forecast ______ Specific Developincnt Factors .~ rrht! ovcrall growth forecasts will be refined to express specific C;II ccjories of development. Forecasts will, as a minimum, define fol.lowiny level of detail for each year: o Total permanent and second home population. o Number and average value of single family homes, townhous condominiums, and apartments. o Acres utilized for basic housing types. o School enrollment for K-6, 7-9, and 10-12 grades. o Total retail sales generated by residents. o Acres, building square feet, and valuation of commercial retail, office, hotel/resort/commercial recreation, and public open space, and other uses of significance. F. Establish Ranges of A5sorpticn and Value Confidence intervals will be established in terms of at least t\\ basic variables-- a maximum and minimum absorption xate anticip; imum estimate will be such that, in the Consultant's judgmept, 1 will be a 20% chance that the actEal development rate will excec this estimate. Similarly, the minimum estimate will be such thi in the Consultant's judgement there is a 20% probability that a( development will fall below the estimate. and a maximum and mininum ra.te of commercial development. The I TASK 2 - ANALYSIS OF COST REVENUE FACTORS _. These factors will cover the principal operating costs, capital and revenues of the agencies under consideration, which include City, the Carlsbad Unified School District, and the Carlsbad Mu: Water District. Other agencies or subdivisions of functions ma: evaluated if found to be advisable once the research is underwa: Analysis of service costs will be based on a dual approach-firs from direct estimation through analysis of City of Carlsbad dep mental budgets,'operating data, interviews with department head and engineering estimates. Secondly, a comparable approach wil applied, drawing on factors developed in the Consultant's work other cities, and from comparing typical services costs for 0th cities throughout California. . .A) Operating Costs A first element of this analysis will be to analyze the structu each governmental jurisdiction and identify and define the basi 0 0. c,;? cqories of servicps and cos1 *: to be examined. For the City, ~or-1~;111 tant will cover it-s ;-c~j~)~ c ti?-vi ce functions, incliiding: i 1,roi ection, fire protcction, 111Jrdry, parks and recreation, si rc iil1d ,dminj stration. I.Jithin C:~I(,I~ of these service departments, i C(,nsuItant will determine spr-ci f ically hox internal operations c affected by new grot.;th (eitI1c-r residential or co~nercial) . Ea:;< his ovln experience and also f r (1111 discussions from management per {he Consultant tiill carefully i ticntify those service functions c and commercial developnent. 111 the area of school analysis, thc Consultant will evaluate prill/* i i7ally the teaching VS. administr; funtions. It will not be p~i~11in scope of this analysis to revic school budgets from a detailcf! grade by grade or funtion by func basis. Cost analysis will consider 52i-rvice levels--current service levc will be evaluated and r-quir,ptI minimum service levels will be de The Consultant will evaluate ,!,ita for other cities as prepared E: the state controller, correln'ing budget data with size, densit1 age, residential income, and ;,lipulation, to determine the most z ble ranges of value for carls;,,td. Also, he vi11 review data frc national governmental census :or average costs, and current bud? of ten to twenty *'co~parablc" c:ities will be studied in greater to gain services. After ana]jl:;is from both the departmental an2 and comparable city ap_nro,l.ch, rhe Consultant will then nake corn1 isons of result and na:;e ~ir.~.J judgement regairding proper servic levels and cost factors. if ~3lscrepancies are significant becwc the two approaches, the cc:-:;l::i-ant will then undertake addition2 research to reconcile c:-.~:;~\ -:kriations. At the conclusion of tY work element, the Copsu?:.,::: ;:5 11 prepare definitive estimates c these cost factors, appl;: l.L.c::-- de2artmental cost to approprlate development units or CG; :-::I. '-Lon of units. B) Capital Costs These costs will apply t;, f!-.t: jurisdictions under study, but grc importance and emphasis :<!I? 23 given to city streets, school fz and utility facilities. t..i~'!2 capital cost data for other citie be reviewed, the greatest t.: :,!-.zsis will be placed on preparing SF budgets for various capit11 't:erns, working closely with departme heads. Capital costs wi!l I ii estimated in a two-staged process. the need for specific cn:%i'-\il Eacilities will be related to pop^ and/or development growth, *tl:L: the required major facilities scb over time. Then, the ccl-f i': the specific facilities will be en mated, drawing upon tit). *!'! .i:-tments expertise, or estimation fa prepared by other goveri; *I)' :& agencies. In this analysis the C sultant will clearly idc:l* rf5' those capital costs which are assL directly by the develop'; *"' apposed to the City. Thus, develc supplied capital facilit:l'' '* 111 not be "double counted" in the budget. C) Revenues For analysis of city rev with emphasis on major ii'' 1-hiis service costs :,;hich jrc jiliilit ClOSCfY related to new residei .. .* . - the Consultant will review all sc ,.I L \I<+ I I t ,3 0' -.. 0 o Property Taxes o S;ilcs Taxs o State Subventions (gas taxes , cigarette taxes, etc. ) o Use Charges o Dcvelopmcnt related fees o Other Fees and Licenses o Revenue Sharing o CD Block Grants 1Gich revenue item will be expressed in terms of appropriate devc mcnt units. For property taxes, values will be based on currenl (and possible prospective) property tax rates, applied to estinc of new development values from Task 1. An important factor to k cvaluated will be the extent to which assessor practice conforms the statutory 25 percent assessed valuation factor. To this end the Consultant will obtain data on 40 to 50 properties in the GI c'irlshad-area, and compare recent sales prices with "then currer a:;sessment values. From this, a judgrnent regarding the practica of the 25 percent factor icill be made. F'or school finances, the impact of the SB 90 State Aid formula h he evaluated. Sales Taxes estimates will Inciude two components: the taxable generated by new population at Lake Calavera Hills, and the'perc of this total to be realized at retail stores within retail stor v.ithin the City limits. In addition, the effects of new commerc uses within the conmunity which may draw a percentage of their c from outside the city will be taken into account. Development-related fees will be related directly to new constrL while revenue sharing, block grants, and certain other items wi3 approximated as being proportional to population. TASK 3 - ASSUMPTIONS AND ISSUES This work task is the definition and evaluation of issues and a1 native assumptions underlying the cost revenue analysis, and wil accomplished jointly with city staff. This task will be underta in two stages: first, the basic issues will be identified prior cndertaking the evaluation of individual departmental cost and r factors. Subsequently, some alternative assumptions will be tes 2nd finalized for the final cost revenue conclusions. These ass tions will include the following: A) Allocation of Indirect Costs C) Inflation D) Plan Alternatives E;) Quality of Services F) Rate of Development I3) Governmental Organization and Tax Structure d -____-- TASK 4 _______ - COST Xi3 dm UE COIIPUTATTON -- 0 RCic;cd Oil illputs from 'Tasks 1 and 2 (2nd reflecting the appropriate .ir;su:nptions as outlined in Task 3, -c>:z Consultant will prepare a 25-year forecasts of annual service costs, capital costs, and re- venues accruing to each governmental jurisdiction. Separate for< casts will be prepared ref lcctj ng n~xirnmi, expected , and minimum dcvclopinent rates. -r TASK 5 - REFINEI4ENT OF FACTORS AND CONCLUSIONS After an initial set of projections has been prepared, the Consu: results will be reviewed and evaluated with city staff. Additior research tasks and refinements to assumptions and methodology, a! projections will then be prepared. TASK 6 - DOCUMENTATION appropriate, will be defined and undertaken, The final series oj The final documentation will include the following: 1. The data base, assumptions, and methodology fully documented, both to enable City staff to fully evaluate the results of the study, and also to enable maximum application of this work to future cost-revenue studies of other areas. ._ 2. A technical a??enCix with computational work- sheets, factor tables, and full instructions to enable city staff to prepare additional assistance. iterations with very limited consultant < 3. A full bibliography. 4. A clear sun-mary of the broad economic base of the North Coanty, the limitations of the methodologies employed, the key issues to be resolved by the Planning Commission/City Council, and the basic conclusions and/or recommendations of the study. c REVIEW Formal review meetings between the Consultant and the City shall occur following completion of Tasks 1,2,4 and 5. 2. COMPENSATION: Fees for consulting services provided in paragraph 1 above shall determined on the basis of the professional service rates listed below, and by the direst nonsalary costs as hereinafter defined, except that the total fee for consulting services shall not excee $18,400. a. Professional services shall be compensated at applicable how professional rates according to the following schedule: .5 0 Principals $40.00 e Associal cs $20.00 h. Direct nonsalary costs shall include the following: Services directly applicable to the work such as computer rental and programming costs tissoci ated with analysis for the project; printing and other reproducing costs associated with the final report; miscellaneous photocopying; the use such as long distance telephone, teleyraph, cable, express charges and postage other than for general correspondence; living and traveling expenses of employees when away from home offices on business connected with the work, except for automobile travel which shall be at the rate of 15 cents per mile. of any subcontractor; identifiable coxminication expense ACM:ar 4/26/77 .- -, c. .6