HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-05-03; City Council; 5035-1; Street Name change Lagoon Lane to Batiquitos.mJ. . -- CITY OF CARLSBAD - 5-.a'*' ' I AGENDA BILL NO. 5035 Swplement #1 DATE: May 3, 1977 e City Atty D E PA RT M EN T : . PLANNING City Mgr.. 6 2 SUB 3 ECT : STREET NAME CHANGE LAGOON LANE .TO BATIQUITOS. /-. R ,- STATEMENT OF THE IllATTER REQUEST At the meeting of.Apri.1 19, the City Council requested more infor- mation concerning a street name change from Lagoon Lane to Batiquitos Lane. The Council questioned whether "Lane" was the proper designation according to Street Name Policy #20. The Circulation Element of the general plan indicates that this street will be a secondary arterial. Since the street travels in a north- south direction and will be generally straight in nature, the SNC Policy indicates "St-eet" or "Calle" as the proper designation. It may be that Batiquitos "Lane" designation sounds somewhat more harm- onious and is probably more in character with the area than the oth'ers. Therefore staff does not see a problem, if the City Council does not wish to follow the policy exactly. EXHIBITS: City Council Resolution No.5hy7 Planninq Resolution No. '1334 Staff .Report dated, March 9, 1977 Staff Report dated, February 23, 1977 Summary Sheets Group 1-2' RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the na~e of Lagoon Lane be changed to Batiquitos Street - . .I . .. .. .. .. w FORM PLANNING 73 '. . *I r > # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 13. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 39 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I_ t i mSOLUTION NO. 5047 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, CHANGING A CERTAIN CONFLICTING STREET NA'i'iE IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD PURSUANT TO CITY COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT NO. 20 (SNC-1) APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD WHEREAS, the Planning Commission by the adoption of Resolution No. 1334 recommended to change a certain street name, as provided by City Council Policy No. 20, and WHEREAS, public hearings to consider the subject street name change was held at the time and in the place specified in the public notice on April 19, 1977; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined it to be in the public interest to change the street name; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That approval is granted €or a street name chanye as follows: Lagoon Lane to Batiquitos Drive. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 3rd day of Ma!, 1977, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Packard, Skotnicki NOES : None and Councilwoman Casler ABSENT: None ROBERT C. FRAZEE, May ATTEST: ' c --.. 9'7s NO FEE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF SAN DlEGO ) ss. NORA K. GARDINER De ut I, ..f! ................................... *, City &erlof tlie City of Ciirlsi)ad; County of San Diego, State of California, hereby certify that I liave cumpired the foregoing copy with the original ..R. es.O.!.uti.O.n ..r~~....... passed nnd adopted 1)y said City Couiicil, ilt ........................................ reqular meeting tlicrcwf, at thr tiiiir arid by tlie votc tlicwiii stated. which original .......................................... Resolution is now on file in iiiy office: that tIiv saiiie r.ont;iins ii ftill. trw and cu)r.rect transcript tlit*rc*frorn an<l of thc whole tficwof. =I .. - (SEAL,) ... .......... Deputy %J&.L5 City Clerk . ' RESOLUTION OF TItE PLANNING COMM1SSIOI.I OF THE CITY OF CARLSDAD CALI FORiJIA, RCCOt(il'it:NDIi.IG APPROVAL FOR CHANGING A CONFLICTING STKrET NAME It4 THE CITY OF CARLSCAD PURSUANT TO CITY COUNCIL POLICY STATCMENT NO. 20. CASE NO.: . SNC-1 APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSGAD 26 . 27 WHEREAS, in accordance with subject policy, a request to .7 8 9 change a certain street name, .as follows: Lagoon Lane to Batiquitos Lane City of Car?sbad Pl::r!ning, Coriiniissior! held on.March 9, 1977,- by.the following vote, to wit: has been filed with the City of Carlsbad and referred to the JO I1 I1 22 Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said request constitutes a legal request as provided. by City Council Policy Statement No. 20; and 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 WHEREAS, tne public hearing to consider the subject street name change was held at the time and in the place specified in the public notice on March 9, 1977; and' WHEREAS, at said public hearing, the PlaRning Commission heard and considered the testimony 'and arguments, if any, of all persons who desired to be heard regarding the subject jlstreet name change request. 20 21 22 NO14 THEREFORE, BE IT RESQLVED bg tile Pl i;nRi ng Comnii ss i on of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct; 23 24 25 B) That approval is granted for street name changes described herein. . PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 28 . .< . -I 3. '2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I?: 18 19 20 21 22 - 23 24 -2 5 26 27 . '28 .' . I .. -- -- AYES: Commissioners I-arson, L'.H'eurcux, Jose, Nelson, Ronibot.i.s, Fi kcs and Watson NOES: None .. ABSTAIN : Nohe ABSENT : None .. .. ATTEST: .. .. .. -. . .. .- .. .. .. MEMORANDUM March 9, 1977 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT RE: CONTINUED ITEM SNC-I (#2) LAGOON LANE At the meeting of February 23, 1977, the Planning Commission voted to con- tinue the Lagoon Lane name change. There was some concern that nearby prop- erty owners with access roads on Lagoon had not been notified. mission also questioned the applicability of the recommended name "Bracken." (Please see SNC-I staff report for further background). The Com- Staff has subsequently made a property owner check on Lagoon and found one access road where the owner had not been notified. to that address on February 25, 1977. A legal notice was sent The name "Bracken" was chosen because it is a type of fern and this area is designated for streets named after plants and flowers. According to an old county map however, the street was originally called "Batiquitos Lane." Since this street is the only access to the northern side of Batiquitos Lagoon it would be beneficial to name the street for the area it serves. (If the commission finds this name unacceptable because it is not a plant or flower, other possible names are attached). RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the name of Lagoon Lane be changed to "Batiquitos Lane" because it better reflects the character of the street and eliminates any name conflicts. CDG: ar Attachments: Name List Staff Report, SNC-I ? NAME LIST - PLANTS & FLOWERS 01 eander Lane Yerba Santa Lane Pepper Lane Heliotrope Lane Toyon Lane Sage Lane Sunf 1 ower Lane Bramble Lane Buckwheat Lane Carnation Lane G1 adi ol a Lane Ranunculus Lane (Native to the area) (Native to the area) (Native to the area) (Native to the area) (Native to the area) (Grown in the area) (Grown in the area) . .. STAFF REPORT February 23, 1977 TO : PLANN I NG COMMISSION FROM : PLANNING DEPARTMENT CASE NO: SNC-I REQUEST: To consider recommending to City Council the changing of certain conflicting street names. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends that the proposed street name changes be APPROVED for the following reasons: 1) Streets with the same names and with similar sounding names make it difficult for emergency vehicles to respond to correct locations. 2) Approving the name changes for the conflicting streets will relieve this situation. 3) The name changes will help promote the intent of the City‘s street name change policy. BACKGROUND : The City Council street name change policy provides for the Planning Commission to initiate changes where there is a conflicting situation among street names. A number of these situations have been identified by staff. The Planning Commission approved a work program and adopted a Resolution of Intention (#130, July 14, 1976), to conduct a public hearing on SNC Group I. Before the public hearing for Group-1 took place the streets involved were revised, as staff deleted the least important conflicts. The result was a Revised Work Program, which meant Group-I was now comprised of a new set of streets. On January 26, 1977, Resolution of Intention 136, was adopted, along with the Revised Work Program, to provide for a public hearing on revised SNC Group-I. DISCUSSION: The SNC Group-T contains five separate street conflicts involving streets from a number of areas in Carlsbad. The streets in this group have little or no development and should be relatively easy to process. (Please see attached summary sheets for further discussion). ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: No Environmental Assessment is required. GENERAL PLAN INFORMATION: The proposed street name changes are not in conflict with the General P1 an. CG:ar Attachments: Summary Sheets -2- A) STREETS INVOLVED: B) PROBLEM: The Streets C) MAP RELATIONSHIP: I I D) LAND USES: SUMMARY SHEET 0 PRIORITY GROUP-1-2 LAGOON LANE LAGUNA DRIVE have similar sounding names Lagoon Lane Laguna Drive Vacant-5 S-F-R Equipment Rentals Vacant 2-F-R 3-F-R E) TENTATIVE RECOMMENDATIONS : 45 Parking Lot -3 -1 4-F-R -5 -7 Civil Defense -1 - 1 Library Supplemental -1 -2 Residential Use -1 Change LAGOON LANE TO KTIQUITOS LANE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING STREET NAME CHANGE (SNC-1) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 7:OO P.M. on Tuesday, April 19, 1977, to consider changing a certain street name which is in conflict with another street having similar or the same name. IT IS RECOMMENDED THE STREET NAME BE CHANGED TO: Lagoon Lane Batiquitos Lane PUBLISH: April 6, 1977 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL