HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-05-17; City Council; 5070; Palomar Airport Business Park Zone Code ViolationL. CITY 0. CARLSBAD^"W -• • -• • • ' .................——.... '*m&P • Initial :. AGENDA BILL NO. J~& 70 [ • Dept. Hd. DATE: May 17, 1977 City AttyJ\J DEPARTMENT: PLANNING City Mgr._ SUBJECT: ANTHONY POOLS PALOMAR AIRPORT,BUSINESS PARK ZONE CODE VIOLATION. STATEMENT OF THE MATTER REQUEST; As explained in the attached memo to the City Manager, there are two zone violations existing presently at the new Anthony Pools complex at Palomar Airport Business Park. Briefly they are, a wood fence instead of a solid masonry wall, and manufact- uring operations in a building not totally enclosed. The agent for Palomar Airport Business Park has requested that the Council amend the ordinance to allow for a wooden fence and outdoor operations. Staff does not recommend amending the solid masonry wall requirement, since solid masonry is durable to the heavy use of industrial areas as well as its uniform appearance. Staff agrees with the applicant that it may be beneficial to amend the ordinance to permit some-outdoor manufacturing operations. We suggest that staff be directed to include this, possible modif- ication into the zone code amendment presently, being prepared by staff on idustrial zones as previously directed by the City Council at the request of property owners that was made approximately a year ago. EXHIBITS; „,--— •"" Memorandum dated May 3, 1977. ^. Letter dated March 17, 1977 to City Council from Richard Mallory. Letter dated March 1, 1977 to Bernie Gilmore from Bud Plender. RECOMMENDATION; It is recommended that City Council direct staff to include in ZCA-77 (amendment to the P-M zone) the allowing of manufacturing operations outdoors under certain circumstances. Council action 5_17_77 The Council directed staff to include inACA-77(amendment to .the P-M zone) the allowing of manufacturing operations outdoors under certain circumstances. FORM PLANNING 73 MEMORANDUM - MAY 3, 1977 TO: PAUL BUSSEY, CITY MANAGER FROM: JAMES C. HAGAMAN, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: ANTHONY POOLS, PALOMAR AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK. As we have previously discussed there are zone violations at the new Anthony Pools operation at Palomar Airport Business Park (presently Cabot, Cabot & Forbes). The following is a discussion on these matters. Wood Fence - The zone code requires that storage in the P-M zone be enclosed by a so I id masonry waI I at least 6' in height. Anthony Pools has a great deal of outdoor storage, however, it is enclosed by a 10' high wood fence, which is therefore in conflict with the zone code. The fence was constructed without a building permit. Anthony Pools claims that since the wood fence was indicated on the approved site plan, the City is party to approval. Staff does not agree, since a 10' fence requires a building permit and the applicant did not specifically request such, or was it granted. Staff requested Anthony Pools to replace the wood fence with a solid masonry wall as required by the zone code. Also, this waI I to be situated on the property line where possible, and the height to be sufficient to totally block the view of the storage yard. The applicant has requested that the ordinance be amended to permit flexibility in fence material. Staff recommends that the ordinance not be amended amended, and that staff be directed to continue pursuing compliance with the zone code. Outdoor Manufacturing Operation - P-M Zone requires that alI man- ufacturing operations be conducted in a total enclosed building. Anthony Pools has two open roof structures, one of these structures is used for curing cement products, which staff does not consider a manufacturing process. However, the other roof structure appears to be used for grinding and finishing of cement products which staff does consider a manufacturing operation, and is therefore in violation of the zone code. The applicant has requested that the zone code be amended to provide for some f lexibi I ity in outdoor manufacturing. Staff agrees that this matter should be reviewed since it may be impracticle to house all of the various types of manufacturings that are possible in manufacturing. A possible solution to this problem is an amendment that would allow outside manufacturing by CUP if certain findings are made such as operations that do not create noise, dust or other nuisances. BP:JCH:ar '. A U R 1 C E JO YHON O. S iCNALD P. C .WICKS S T 1 C H /• R O C . O H N F. BUS AWf< F. NCE D OHO R. SM 1 C H A K O W . LFIXANDEH C Or.'ALD A. K i'M ALLEY M ES, JR. TH ARK PH E NS 11 ALLORY TTI LEWIS H ASATCR nMCGILVRAY, JR. ENTZMAN ILLER rui~ r. N E w. BE LL DOUGLAS MARTIN HR IAN G.PK ENTICE M A R T 1 N L . M A N D E L P O 13 r. R T A . K El N D A L L LAV.'R r NCE M. BERG L . KIRK \VAl. LACE JAMES FT. MC CORM ICK III M A R K SHIPLEY G- THOMAS FLEMING HI DE1NNIS A.STUDBLEFIELO STEPHENS, JONES, LA FEVER & SMITH ATTORNEYS AT 1 AW BOO WILSHIRE BOULEVARD - Cl.tlVCNTH FLOOR LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA OOO17 (213) -485-1 S S 5 NEWPORT REACH OFFICE AVCO FINANCIAL TOWER 620 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE - SUITE R14 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA ^f_f..&O (714) G4O- O 112 March 17, 1977 RAYMOND W. STEPHtNS 11883- 19591 ARTHUR L. CANTY OF COUNSEL ROBERT E. WILLIAMS City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: City Clerk Re: CC&F Palomar Airport Business Park Anthony Pools Building Gentlemen: Enclosed is a copy of a letter to Bernie Gilmore of Cabot, Cabot & Forbes from Bud Plender, Acting Planning Director of the City of Carlsbad, dated March 1, 1977. The undersigned is counsel for CC&F Palomar Airport Business Park (the "Partnership") and has been asked to comply with the request by Mr. Plender that the Partnership request in a letter to the City Council code amendments or variances as set forth in said letter to Mr. Gilmore of March 1, 1977 (the "Plender letter"). In respect to Item 1 of the Plender letter, my client hereby requests1that the City Council consider an ordinance amendment permitting a community identity sign program in comprehensively planned industrial parks in the P-M Zone. With regard to Paragraph 2 of the Plender letter, you are hereby advised that the Partnership desires to amend its CC&Rs to further refine the definition of "Building" so as to allow for metal outbuildings such as those con- stituted on the Anthony Parcel. Further, the Partnership hereby advises City Council that the Partnership desires to amend the CC&Rs to provide that no variance to any provisions to CC&Rs shall be granted by the Approving Agent thereunder until such time as the City has been delivered by registered mail, return receipt requested, notice and a reasonable City Council March 17, 1977 Paae Two description of the intentions and reasons in respect of a proposed variance from the CC&Rs. Under the proposed amendment, the City would have 10 days within which to advise the Approving Agent that it disapproves such variance provided that such disapproval shall be exercised in good faith by the City. The Approving Agent shall not grant such variance until either the 10 days have passed without comment from the City in writing, or until the Approving Agent has otherwise worked out an agreement with the City in respect of the waiver or variance request. The Partnership understands that Anthony Pools is presently doing some light manufacturing in a metal "coping shed" on the property at issue in the Plender letter. Please be advised that the Partnership hereby formally requests that the City Council initiate an amendment to the City Code specifically permitting light manufacturing under a building structure such as that within which the Anthony outside manu- facturing is presently being conducted. Alternatively, the Partnership hereby requests that Anthony Pools be issued a "variance" to the Ciby Code permitting such outside manufacturing. Please forward a>l appropriate application and instruction forms with regard to both the Code Amendment procedure and the variance procedure to the undersigned for immediate preparation and filing. It is understood by the undersigned that the City will not request that the manufacturing described above cease and desist so long as the Partnership is actively attempting to amend the Ordinance or obtain a variance with respect thereto. The Partnership acknowledges that the fence described in the Plender Letter does not meet the literal requirements of concrete or masonry walls for outside storage which is presently required by the City of Carlsbad. The Partnership finds it un- fortunate that the 10 ft. cedar fence does not meet such code requirements but hereby advises the City Council that it will use its best efforts to cooperate in good faith with the City to improve the fence in order to meet whatever standards of approval the City deems appropriate for this particular fence. In regard thereto, the Partnership hereby requests that the City Council initiate variance procedures to allow the type of fence presently existing at the property for such storage, or, in the alternative, that an amendment to the City Code be enacted which would allow for this fence, or a modification thereof, to which modification the Partnership hereby commits to immediately conform. c City Counci1 March 17, 1977 Page Three It is the intention of the Partnership to advise the City Counsel that it intends to use its best good faith efforts to bring the Anthony Pools Building and any other improvements to the standards required by the City Code and any amendments or variances thereto which the City Council deems to specifically approve. Please contact me or Bcrnie Gilmore at your convenience in regard to any of the above matters. I await appropriate forms of application and instructions so that I might expedite such code amendment and variance request procedures. Riahar RCM:df Encl. cc: Mr. Bernard Gilmore Laurence Preble, Esq, Mr. Akio Katoh Mr. Yuzo Hayashi Citp of Cartebab March 1, 1977 Berm'eGilmore CABOT CABOT & FORBES 8136 Miramar Road San Diego, California 92126 Dear Bernie: At the recent meeting you and I attended with City Manager Paul Bussey, certain development problems were discussed. Mr. Bussey indicated that staff would be getting back with you to give and explain the City's positions in this matter. I have discussed this fully with Mr. Bussey and our understanding is as follows: 1) Community indentitv signs: You indicated a desire to instruct more community indentity signs and change the message on the presently existing illegal community indentity signs. We had in- dicated an amendment to the specific plan to provide a sign program in the proper process. However, upon review of the specific plan file, we found that it was withdrawn (SP-145). Apparently, a specific plan was not considered necessary since the City was to be part of the CC&R's. The problem is that neither the zone nor the sign regulations permit a freestanding community indentity sign at Cabot, Cabot & Forbes. Staff believes that such a sign program can be effective, and possibly an ordinance amendment should be considered. If you are interested in pursuing this, please address a letter to our City Council re- questing that they consider an ordinance amendment permitting a community indentity sign program in the comprehensively planned in- dustrial parks in the P-M Zone. 2) Metal Building - Anthony Pools: The City will accept your determination that accessory buildings may be metal. However, to clarify for future requests, please amend the CC&R's to include the definitions for "building" and "metal buildings". These changes should be done when amendments are made to include the City of Carlsbad as a party to the CC&R's. This should be done soon, since the City will not issue further building permits until the City is made part of the CC&R's. 3) Manufacturing in an unenclosed building: The P-M Zone clearly does not permit the manufacturing operation now being conducted in the unenclosed building at Anthony Pools. There appears to be only two -1- March 1, 1977 Bern i e Gil more Page Two (2) alternatives to continue this operation. One is to amend the code to specifically permit it. If you wish to pursue such an amendment, please address a letter to the City Council requesting that such amendment be initiated. The other method is by Variance to the code. If you wish to pursue this, please contact the planning office for an application and instructions. The open manufacturing is a violation, of the code and should be stopped. The City will not request stopping at this time provided there is an active attempt to amend the ordinance or a Variance is requested. Therefore, please make a request by March 18, 1977, or stop all manufacturing operations outside a totally enclosed building. 4) Fence enclosing storage: The ordinance clearly requires "a solid concrete or masonry wall not less than 6 feet in height". The 10' high wood fence does not meet this requirement. It's unfortunate that the City sent a letter indicating that a wood fence was acceptable. This was an error and later correspondence by Mr. Agatep indicated a masonry wall is required. Again, you may wish to consider an ordinance amendment or a variance. You will need to take action on this matter also prior to March 18, 1977. We know you are interested in solving these problems, but there may be some administrative problems with the change in ownership of the industrial park. We understand, and will work with you within reason. I put a cutoff date of March 18, 1977 for the next step as a means to keep the solution moving, and so we all know what is expected of us. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Si ncerely , Bud Plender ACTING PLANNING DIRECTOR BP :ar cc: City Manager City Attorney -2-