HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-06-07; City Council; 5091; Ayres/Occidental sewer reimbrusement agreementCJTY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. 5&f/ , DATE : June 7, 1977 DEPARTMENT: Pub1 ic Works Deparment ? C. Mgr. 5 .J Suhj ect : AYRES/OCCIDENTAL SEWER REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENTS Statement of the Matter Annexation and development of a Master Plan for property developed by Occidental Land Company has, over a period of years, included a number of complex agree- ments and events, making it difficult to easily determine the proper form of agreement for reimbursement to Occidental Land Company of costs associated with extending a sewer trunk line from the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility southerly to the vicinity of Poinsettia Lane and the subsequent construction of a trunk line and interim pump station by the Ayres' interests along the north shore of Batiquitos Lagoon crossing under the 1-5 Freeway and tying into the previously constructed trunk line. . The Ayres' trunk line is almost completed, and prior to granting occupancy of the nearly completed Seaport and Spinnaker Hills Subdivisions homes, the City should resolve the problems of reimbursement to Occidental Land Company and to Ayres and/or development of a capital construction fund for pump station replace- ment on the Ayres' trunk line. work, and it appears that we will have-neither the time, nor do we have the expertise, to establish the type of reimbursement districts requested by the Ayres' attorney in the near future. of Bement - Dainwood - Sturgeon be retained to perform the necessary engineer- ing work. City staff has been unable to devote the. time necessary to do the preliminary J We are therefore proposing that the firm Exhibits 1. Staff report 2. Letter from John F. Dainwood dated May 25, 1977 Recommendation That City Council adopt a motion to authorize staff to retain the firm of Bement - Dainwood - Sturgeon to perform the necessary engineering work on the Ayres/Occidental Sewer Reimbursement Agreements; that City Council authorize an expenditure in an amount not to exceed $3,000 for payment to the firm of Bement - Dainwood - Sturgeon. Council action 6-7-77 Staff was authorized to retain the firm of Bement-Dainwood-Sturgeon to perform the necessary engineering work, and authorization was given for the expenditure of funds in an amount not to exceed $3,000. . TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM City Manager Public Works Administrator May 27, 1977 Ayres/Occidental Sewer Reimbursement Agreements The annexation and subsequent development of a Master Plan for that property devel- oped by Occidental Land Company has, over a period of years, included a number of agreements , proposed agreements, requested reimbursement agreements , etc. , invol v- ing sewers, water improvements, railroad grade separations and other pub1 ic facil i- ties. The proceedings have been made very complex by a series of events which include transfers of ownership, imposition of Proposition 20 requirements, litigation and development of adjoining properties. The problem at hand is to determine the proper form of agreement for reimbursement to Occidental Land Company of those appropriate costs associated with extending a sewer trunk line from the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility southerly to the vicinity of Poinsettia Lane and the subsequent construction of a trunk line and interim pump station by the Ayres' interests along the north shore of Batiquitos Lagoon crossing under the 1-5 Freeway and tying into the previously constructed trunk line. The Ayres' trunk line and the development and construction of houses in the Seaport and Spinnaker Hills Subdivisions is almost completed. pancy of these facilities can be granted, the City should resolve the problems of reimbursement to Occidental Land Company as well as the problems of reimbursement to Ayres from lands outside of his holdings and/or development of a capital con- struction fund for pump station replacement on the Ayres' trunk line. The immediate problem we face is that with an extremely high workload, City staff has not been able to devote the time necessary to do the preliminary work to pro- cess the new ordinances required if we were to establish the type of reimbursement districts requested by the Ayres' attorney, and because of the complexity of the issues it is doubtful that we have either the time or the expertise to do it in the forseeable future. We therefore propose to retain a consultant who has demonstrated experience and is highly regarded in the field of assessment spreading and cost dis- tribution. Before occu- Attached is a copy of a letter from Mr. John F. Dainwood, partner in the firm of Bement - Dainwood - Sturgeon, proposing to perform the necessary engineering work. He has outlined the hourly cost and the anticipated budget that would be necessary to solve the problems as he understands them at this time. to retain the firm of Bement - Dainwood - Sturgeon on an hourly basis for an amount not to exceed $3,000. vices Budgets of the City Engineer and/or Public Works Administrator. It is our recommendation Funds for this purpose are available in the Professional Ser- c Ronald A. Beckman, P.E. Pub1 ic Works Administrator RAB: veb BEMENT - DAINWOOD - STURGEON CIVIL ENGINEERS 6150 MISSION GORGE ROAD SUITE 128 SAN DIEGO, CALIF. 92120 (714) 280-4842 May 25, 1977 RECEIVED MAY 2 6 1977 Mr. Ronald A. Beckman Public Works Administrator City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 Dear Mr. Beckman: This letter is in response to our meeting of May 10, 1977, regarding Occidental-Ayres ek a1 sewerage reimbursement agreements. As you know, I am not familiar with many aspects of the situation, but I understand the immediate problems are (1) to allow Ayres to sewer through the line that Occidental (or former owners) built and by agreement with the City, should be reimbursed for, and (2) Occidental has asked that such agreements become effective prior to allowing Ayres to use this line. Other aspects are that Ayres expects reimbursement for over-sizing lines serving their property and force main construction. The ulti- mate cost of pump station must also be a consideration. With the following information available 1 feel that an equitable assessment of benefits could be determined and agreements prepared within 2 or 3 weeks. 1. Topographic map of watershed or area contributing to reimburs- able portions of the system. 2. Superimposed ownership lines, existing and proposed land use, and reimbursable elements of the system. 3. Actual or estimated costs of reimbursable components of the system. 4. All resolutions, ordinances, agreements, and other documents per- tinent to the problem. Preparation of the above items by City Staff would of course expedite the work because of familiarity with record keeping systems. I under- stand that this is now in progress. ? c Mr. Ronald A. Beckman City of Carlsbad May 25, 1977 Page Two At this time it is difficult to accurately determine what our costs will be. If the information above is adequate the below estimate of time and costs should not be exceeded. Principal Engineer 32 hours @ $35.00/hr. Assistant Engineer 30 hours @ $25.00/hr. Engineering Technician 24 hours @ $20.00/hr. Secretarial Services 16 hours (3 $12.00/hr. $1,120.00 750.00 480.00 192.00 Estimated Total: Accurate accounting of time spent on the project for actual billing. $2,542.00 will be maintained The above estimated costs should cover preliminary conferences with Staff or participating agents to the agreements necessary to prepare the documents. Very truly yours,