HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-06-21; City Council; 5098; SPHERE OF INFLUENCE SCHEDULE@ CITY OF CARLSBAD 0- Initial: Dept . Hd. - AGENDA BILL NO. 54 9’;P DATE : June 21, 1977 C. Atty. - DEPARTMENT: City Manager C. Mgr. 3 Subject : L- SPHERE OF INFLUENCE SCHEDULE Statement of the Matter The Local Agency Formation Commission has requested the opportuni to address the Council‘concerning a proposed schedule for determi Spheres of Influence for the cities of Carlsbad, Vista and Oceans Mr. Jay Stewart of LAFCO will be present. Council Action: ’ 6-21-77 Following a presentation by Jay Stewart, a representative from LAFCO a motion was made to adopt the time table as set up by LAFCO for the Sphere of Influence Program for the cities of Carlsbad, Vista and Occ c J> (714) 236-2015 p chairman June 9, 1977 executive officer secretary Mr. Paul D. Bussey counsel Gregory C. M. Garratt members: 1200 Elm Avenue Ralph W. Chapman Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dr. Rex Gorton Dear Paul; Fallbrook Public This is to confirm a telephone conversation yesterdz between Bill Baldwin and Jay Stewart of my Staff. 1 Councilwoman, Chey discussed, our Commission has requested that LAFCO Staff address your City Council concerning County Board a proposed s'chedule for determining Spheres of Influence fclr the Cities of Carlsbad, Vista, Mayor, City of Oceanside. Mr. Baldwin indicated that rhe LAFCO presentation would be scheduled for your Council alternate members: meeting on Tuesday, June 21, 1977. Water District Lee R. Taylor County Soard of Supervisors Michael J. Gotch L- Porter D. Cremans City Manager City of Carlsbad Otay Municipal Water District Public Member William J. Karn Utility District Orbee V. Mihalek City of Vista Lucille V. Moore of Supervisors Kile Morgan National City Alex L. Adams Padre Dam Municipal Tom Hamilton County Board of Supervisors Stanley A. Mahr San Marcos County Water District Alan B. Skuba Mayor, City of Thank: you far your assistance. Escondido MICHAEL J. GOTCH Executive Officer MJG : JRS : rm cc : James Hagaman, Planning Director 7" e e LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION SPHERES OF INFLUENCE PROGUM Planning Mandate Amendments in 1971 to the Knox-Nisbet Act (1963) directed tl- Local Agency Formation Commission "shall develop and determ: the sphere of influence of each local governmental agency w: the county. 'I (While there is no express legislative deadline for adoptin) spheres of influence, the State Attorney General has determ: that LAFCOs must adopt Spheres "within a reasonable period ( time. 'I) Legal Definition As defined in the California Statutes, "Sphere of Influence means a plan for the probable ultimate physical boundaries service area of a local governmental agency. Factors To Be Considered I1 ... in determining the sphere of influence of each local g I1 mental agency, the commission shall consider: a. The maximum possible service area of the agency ba upon present and possible service capabilities of agency. b. The range of services the agency is providing or c provide. The projected future population growth of the are< The type of development occurring or planned for 1 area, including, but not limited to, residential, commercial, and industrial development. c. d. e. The present and probable future service needs of area. 0 e f. Local governmental agencies presently providing services to such area and the present level, range adequacy of services provided by such existing loc: governmenta.1 agencies. The existence of social and economic interdependen and interac:tion between the area within the bounda of a local governmental agency and the area which surrounds Ft and which could be considered within agency's sphere of influence. The existence of agricultxral preserves in the are which could be considered within an agency's spher of influence and the effect on maintaining the phy and economic integrity of such preserves in the ev that such preserves are wichin a sphere of influer of a local governmental agency." g. h. Use of Adopted Spheres - "The sphere of influence, after adoption, shall be used by commission as a factor in making regular decisions on propc over which it has jurisdiction. The commission may recommc governmental reorganizations to particular agencies in the county, using the spheres of influence as the basis for SUI recommendations .... Revisions While the statute establishes no time deadlines, the Local Agency Formation Colmmission is directed "to periodically r and update the spheres of influence (which are) determined by them." 'I (Excerpted from Government Code Section 54774; Knox-Nisbet Act (1963) ; as amended) -2- 0 0 , P. June 6, 1977 TO: Local Agency Formation Commission FROM: Executive Officer Staff Analyst Status Report on Spheres of Influence SUBJECT : Background - As agreed by your Commission, the Spheres of Infl program will be based on information now being pr as part of CPO's 208 Areawide Waste Management P1 Program. Accordingly, Spheres of Influence bounc will reflect local general plans and policies anc be based on projected new population growth throL 1995, the required urban services to meet additic service dlemands , and the financial capabilities c agencies to provide those essential services. Yc Commission has also recognized that spheres bounc should be drawn for incorporated areas generally those for special districts, and that spheres bo1 should be compatible with the timing and locatio1 new public facilities which will sene anticipatt population growth. Current 208 Program Schedule CPO and LAFCO staffs have agreed that the 208 Prc provide d.ata to address seven of the eight facto. your Commission must consider in adopting a Sphe Influence boundary (maintenance of agricultural is not adldressed). The draft 208 analysis addre these factors will be completed for the total Sa Region by January 1978 on the following schedule A. * 0 -2- ' 't Task/Product Milest 7 1. Inventory of ExFsting Agencies and Authorities (CPO, RWQCB, a.nd LAFCO staff; 208 consultants) 7/1/i 2. Fiscal Impact Study facility inventory, service levels provided, and cost standards; (CPO, LAFCO, 208 consultants) 7/31 3. Attitude and Opinion Survey on Existing Institutional Arrangements (208 Management Consultant) 8/16 4. Description of Present Institutional Arrangements to solve Water Quality Problems (CPO and 208 Management Consultant) 9/16 5. Projected Service Areas to 1985 and 1995 (208 consultants) 10/1 (CPO and 208 consultants) 10/3 (CPO staff and Advisory Committees) 6, Analysis of Costs to Provide Wastewater Services to Projected Service Areas 7. Alternative Development and Comparison 11/1 8. Recommended Draft 208 Plan 12/! The Environmental , Social, and Economic Analysis (ESEA) T be performed throughout the seven-month draft plan devell period and should summarize the EIR issues which LAFCO m consider pursuant: to CEQAe Items 2, 3, 4, and 6 will be produced as issue papers or reports for advisory committ and public review. when CPO requests local agencies to review and endorse the information contained in these re it will be explained that this information will also be by LAFCO to develop Spheres of Influence boundaries. Th water resource arid management consultants will focus on water and water supply, while CPO staff will concentrate circulation, fire, police, and schools, Information cov these sewices will be analyzed for all geographic areas simultaneously, * ..- - 0 -3- e *. Initial Spheres of Influence Your Staff would like to propose initial Spheres of Infli by early fall of this year, rather than await completion the draft 208 Plan in January, 1978. We recommend the f spheres boundaries be determined for the Cities of Carls Vista, and Oceanside. This would allow your Commission Staff to assess whether the 208 information. provided by for Spheres purposes can be readily utilized in determin actual spheres boundary, and whether the process and the to draw the firsit Spheres of Influence are realistic. 'I end, LAFCO and C]?O staffs have agreed that the 208 Progr will provide the necessary Spheres information for all n urban services in the Carlsbad-Vista-Oceanside area on 6 priority basis. CPO staff has also agreed thac the 208 resource and management consultants will provide cost ar information, and the proposed management arrangements ai service areas for those cities prior to other geographic The agreed schedule for completing this information is i follows : M Task/Product - - 1. Population Projections through 1995 J-1 Boundaries 7 (capacities and service levels) 7 Population Growth through 1995 7 2. Identification of Existing Service Area 3. Inventory of Facilities 4. Additional Facilities Need to Serve 5. Fiscal Impact Analysis (Costs ta serve projected population growth under existing local policies to 1995) E 6. Environmental, Social, Economic Analysis ( (ETR Procedure ac comp 1 is hed 1 LAFCO Staff wil'l work with CPO Staff to accomplish an i on the effects of maintaining Agricultural Preserves w: proposed municipal spheres tri-city area, the adequacy capabilities of affected agencies, and the social and interdependence between service areas and affected age 4*(% .? . * -4- a *" Additional tasks for LAFCO Staff to complete will be: 1. Review of Proposed Spheres Boundaries by LAFCO Advisory Committees and Spheres Subcommittee Concurrent Review of Proposed Spheres by Affected Jurisdictions LAFCO Public Hearing in Locale of Proposed Spheres of Influence, and Adoption of Spheres of Influence for Incorporated Limits of Vista, Oceanside, Carlsbad 2. 3. If this schedule is maintained and the Commission adopts spheres boundaries for these incorporated areas, LAFCO Si will examine whether spheres boundaries should then be d mined for the siagle-purpose agencies serving the rri-ci