HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-06-23; City Council; 5113-A; PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOYMENT ACT - 1977 PROJECT PRIORITIZATION& .A 'Cf e 0 , ., i.. .a i Y C,ITY OF CARLSEAD tl- - -!. .. - -, .- &- AGENDA BILL XD. ' ,J//3-& IRitial: Dept - lid c c- Atty. DATE : + - ,June 23, 1377 DEPART~~E~T: Public l?orks C, Mgr-- Sub j ect : Public Works Employment Act - 1377 Project prioritization Statement of the' Matter . See zttached staff report. Exhibit Staff report -.. Recommendation Staff recoiniiends that the City Council anprove the prc,ect priority list as shown on the st.aCf report v.;<-th the addition of the 2,iira Costa prdject and subject to thc a.jreer.-.r-nt by the School District to conditions A, B and C listed Or: the StZff report. Council Action:. 6-23-77 It wi; moved that the project priorl'ty list and condition; recommded . '! js the :!ernorandurn from the Public blorks Direc'tor, dated June 23, 1977, bi xcepted, with the exception under Condition A that the School District wocld deed Chase Field to the City of Carlsbad only if the'Schoo7 District ssccessfully receives Federal Funding. * a c e 0 :J $ u' . .- - TO : City l.!anager FRCX: Public Ts'orks Adninistr,zkor DATE : June 23, 1977 SUBJECT: Public VJorks Enployxent Tlct .- 13 7 7 Project Prioritization The Public Works Employrcent iLck 02 1.977 (Pui1l.i.c 1,a~ 95-22) and the guidslines for its adninistrlj :ion, prc*?tired hy tke Economic Development AdmLnistrakion of the Department 0: COT.- merce, ;?rovidc a to.tal- of $1,22G f OCC: ;?:; the plar.niny tsrset for the Carlsbad area. This mounk js GvailabLe for the qov-. ernment of the City ;Ind any i:pproprj i1t.e school. ciistric'is which meet the requirements e The sn,ctic;.;n :-ha.k dcflries tile eligibili- ty of a school district states, "If a proposed r;c'r,uol project will priccipally serve a city or c?ties tha?. ht-,-z kc-en zssigneci plannincj targets, the school district hac, the option to s5srn in the 2lmning targers. 'Principally serve' r.ed~?li that .. at least 58 percent of the students v;j-YLI come from tkc i:!.c~~c:.~~li- ty or co73ination of municipalities that have pl.t~~fiizq tarqets. " The stzefs of both the City an< Ca-rlsbad Gzj-ciCd Schcoi Distrir-'- (C.U.S -3. ) interpreted the above-stated rulcs 'ic xet.n that their agencies isrere the only ones involvr2:: and began discussions re- gardicq t3e formulation of a joint project priori.ty list. Kith- in the l~st ?.reek we were contacted by a representative of the Mira Costs. College District pressing their claim to 5e j.r.clud- ed in tke Flanning process. suiiptim of fact that more than 50 percent of their skudent en- rollment come from the Carlsbad-Oceanside area. This clairn may be valid if the regulations are interpreted to ir;cl.cde corZ!cnity college districts and if it ca.n be proven that r,ot iil.Or? than 50 percent of their students come from 0cca.nside. ?his l;ztter point is izportant since, if more than 50 perccn'i COiZe from Oceanside, :.lira Ccsta is linked to them and 1.2s 30 claim ::o he inclulec? in our process. A meeting vias held at Xi:a Costs. College cn 'June 3.1, Tii attenc5ance Giere Dr. John ;4cDonalci .. Superinten~ent/Prcsi~~~~t, RoSert Poolnan, College Consultdnc, an< Ronald I?t?C:kTI.?.n f l'Ub1i.C p,Torks >.czinistrator. Dr. i.icDonald expl.sinec1 the b2si.s Cor the Collecje's clzin and statee that thsy vicrc not rc:;uc?sting &ily Foney et this kirne but \\icrc j.ntcrc:.c;'ic-:d i.11 rjrotrtctin(; 'ihcj.x rj.ght to jc inaolved i~l ;iny futurc p>.unn:~l:<J I)r(;CC:;!: - 1j.C biorI<s Tlzninistrator c::plcli:ied the city ' s position ;:TIC rc- quested ",zt t;le Col!.cge verify j.ks c1.2i.n. If the Cl2i::I 2:1?ZEl valid th?:: jle v;~-1ld ccrt;!illly inclcde them i~ <li.i:/ fut.i:rc Cis- cussions. In t]le c?~j~r-it the Co1.1cgn ' 3 cI.ni~\s ~.:CI~C cc>rrg:ct f LL'C. -c Their claiin is based oil the as- 1377. '1;hC i'Ll3- 1 ',> -. ,~ b & v - A* e e Q .. '_ c -..x June 23, 1977 -2- Nemo to City Manacjer City offered to seed the project list approxred by the City and C.U.S.D. to Mira Costa for their commnnts. 'I'hc City also agreed to include the tiira Costa project on this list but vrith a zero Federal fund request. One June 22, 1577 a meeting was held between representatives of the Council (Hayor Frazee and Coxncilwonan Casler), the School Board (Presidwt Scherr and Board 1u;emher Kelly) and Staff. The projects 'proposed by the City and the School Dis- trict -,ere discussed viith regard to their cost, alternate sources of financinc;, ability to be stagecl, etc. After con- sidereSle discussion it was agreed that the project priority list ;muld be subnitted as follows: Priority Project Title Other Sources ----..- Federal Allotz?;l.r.nt ___- --_ __ -.__ 1 Laguna Riviera $1,037,009 $250,000 to School $750,000 190,000 - 0 -- 2 Ocean Avencc Sewer 3 AT&SF Storn Drain -0- $250,030 In ret7zn for this Sroject allocation, the School District Mould : A. Wed Chase Tield to the City. B. D2ed the Fa:? League Fie16 to the City if it cogl2 be sham that the propcrty were not reeiiec: for expans2on P- .;I Pine ScEiosl. Agree to construct a tennis court coinplcx at the inter- section of Valley and Konroe subject to the formaliza- tion of the joint City-School Distr:i.ct; Si-rir~~ing Pool project at Carlsbad High School. I. C. It wi?s zitgreed to that these actions VioulCi provide equity with regard to this year's program and that any future program could then be discussed on its own merits. Staff would suggest that the !.lira Costz project be added to the list in the nuder four priority position with zero Federal funding and $450,000 from other sources. This should protcct our posj.tion should Mira Costa be detcrnincd to be an elicj?'_ble participant- Reco;Dl;?ndation : Staff rceomjends titat the C?ty Ccuncil anprove the p~-c>jcc-L pri- ority I.ist: as shooj11 above with pr0-j cct cnc1 s~l~-j~:c~ to tlic a<lrc?czificn t by ti.)(: School. 1Iistr.i.ck to conditions A, I3 and C I.istcd. abovc. the ndc?<.tioii of the i.ljr-;t Costit -- r4&9--&-eLL-s ._--.-- -----. Honald 71. Br.ckman, P.E- Pub].ic I.:orj;s Adminis t.rZkOr